Antenna 3


Parts List/Tune Up Info

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                                                                  1/2 wave Device Antennas
                                                                    90o Adjustable Knuckle Antennas

                                                                 ■ Up to 2.3 dBi gain styles with semi-flexible
                                                                   radome and adjustable knuckle

                                                                 ■ Halfwave design requires no groundplane

                                                                 ■ Models for popular bands including
     PSKN Adjustable Series                                        Cellular, Mobitex, ISM, GSM, 802.11
                                      SMA (L) & TNC (R)
                                          versions               ■ Sleek molded profile, with a choice of SMA
                                                                   or TNC connectors

                                                               Model Numbers - TNC Male Connectors
These antennas require no ground plane for operation.
                                                               Model            Typical Use      Frequency
This makes them ideal for use with portable devices or
                                                               PSKN3-900T       US Cellular/CDPD 824-894 MHz
products with no substantial groundplane. They can even
                                                               PSKN3-925T       EU GSM/Mobitex 870-960 MHz
be used with products that consist of all plastic chassis or
                                                               PSKN3-1800T      EU DCS-1800      1710-1880 MHz
                                                               PSKN3-1900T      US PCS/GPRS      1850-1990 MHz
                                                               PSKN3-2400T      802.11 WiFi      2400-2485 MHz
The PSKN Series antennas use a full length center fed
dipole configuration. A knuckle feature allows the antenna
                                                               Model Numbers - SMA Male Connectors
to be adjusted between a straight position, to a 90o right
                                                               PSKN3-900S       US Cellular/CDPD 824-894 MHz
angle position. This is useful for products that may need
                                                               PSKN3-925S       EU GSM/Mobitex 870-960 MHz
to be placed both horizontal and vertical, or where the
                                                               PSKN3-1800S      EU DCS-1800      1710-1880 MHz
connector is placed on the side of a radio device.
                                                               PSKN3-1900S      US PCS/GPRS      1850-1990 MHz
                                                               PSKN3-2400S      802.11 WiFi      2400-2485 MHz
Maximum radiation is achieved along the horizon, and
bandwidth provided is substantial. VSWR is typically 2:1
                                                               Model Numbers - Rev SMA Plug Connectors
or better over the desired frequency range. The antennas
                                                               PSKN3-925RS      US PCS/GPRS     870-960 MHz
are available in many popular frequency bands.
                                                               PSKN3-2400RS     802.11 WiFi     2400-2485 MHz
The radome is made of flexible Polyurethane. Standard
                                                               Model Numbers - Rev TNC Plug Connectors
connector styles available include TNC or SMA. For FCC
                                                               PSKN3-925RT      US PCS/GPRS      870-960 MHz
part 15 compliance, select models offer reverse polarity
                                                               PSKN3-2400RT     802.11 WiFi      2400-2485 MHz
                                                               Models with "-925" also operate on ISM 902-928.

 Frequency:                See above                           Whip Length 90o :
 Gain:                     2.3 dBi max                           900 & 925 Series        7.9" in right angle position
 VSWR:                     2:1 over band                         1800 & 1900 Series:     6.5" in right angle position
 Impedance:                50 Ohm nominal                        2400 Series:            5.75" in right angle position
 Maximum Power:            10 Watts                            Right Angle Standoff:     1.25" inside clearance, 1.75"
 Connector:                See models above                                              outside clearance
 Whip Length Straight:                                         Case Material:            Polyurethane
   900 & 925 Series        9" in straight position
   1800 & 1900 Series:     7.75" in straight position          Please consult factory for special configurations &
   2400 Series:            7" in straight position             frequency bands.

  US Office & Headquarters: 3900-B River Road, Schiller Park, IL 60176 Tel: 800-648-2800 or 847-671-6690 Fax: 847-671-6715
  UK Office: 106 Anglesey Business Park, Hednesford, Staffs. WS12 1NR UK Tel: (+44) 1543-878343 Fax: (+44) 1543-871714
              Visit our web page at Specifications subject to change without notice (6/2004).

                                                                 1/4 wave Device Antennas
                                                              Dual Band for Cellular & PCS/DCS-1800
                                                              Single Band for Cellular, ISM or Mobitex

                                                              ■ Sleek profile with small SMA connectors

                                                              ■ Compact helical design with high

                                                              ■ Perfect for wireless handsets, data
                                                                modems, and RFID scanners
              PSTG Series Antennas
              for single & dual band
                                                              ■ Tough polyurethane radome resists
                                                                impact damage

These quarterwave stubby antennas offer high perfor-          antennas. The specific radiation characteristics de-
mance with the minimum of size. The helical design of         pends on the total configuration of the unit when inter-
the antennas results in a compact length that is only         faced with the antenna. How the wireless device is
1 3/4" in length. The sleek profile pairs well with a wide    mounted or handled can also influence the radiation
variety of devices.                                           characteristics.

Different single and dual band combinations are offered,
providing maximum of flexibility. Typical popular dual       Model Numbers - Dual Band Antennas
band combinations include US AMPS Cellular with PCS          Model              Frequency Band
(GPRS), or International GSM with DCS-1800. Other            PSTG0-900/1900HKS 824-894 MHz & 1850-1990 MHz
cross continent combinations are available, please           PSTG0-925/1800HKS 890-960 MHz & 1710-1880 MHz
consult factory for details. Single band models are          PSTG0-925/1900HKS 890-960 MHz & 1850-1990 MHz
offered for US Cellular/CDPD, or 902-928 ISM/Mobitex         PSTG0-1950/2140HKS 1920-1980 MHz & 2110-2170 MHz
(also usable for EU 900 Band GSM).
                                                          Model Numbers - Single Band Antennas
The antennas are available with an SMA Male connector. Model                  Frequency Band
The connector is lightly knurled for easy tightening.     PSTG0-900HKS        824-894 MHz
                                                          PSTG0-925HKS        870-960 MHz
The antenna radomes are made from polyurethane,
which provided a protective, waterproof covering. It is a Frequency Guide
solid material, which provides some flexibility. This     -900 Models   For US Cellular (Analog& Digital), CDPD
makes these antennas suitable for devices such as         -925 Models   For EU Cellular, ISM, Mobitex & RAM
access points, or hand-held portable units.               /1800         For DCS-1800
                                                          /1900         For US PCS (& GPRS)
As helical antennas, the ground plane in the device       -1950/2140    For 3G applications
influences the performance of these quarterwave

  Frequency:               See above                          Connector:             SMA Male (plug)
  Gain:                    0 dBi max
  Bandwidth@3:1SWR:        See freq range above               Whip Length:           1 3/4" inches (4.5 cm)
  Impedance:               50 Ohm nominal
  Maximum Power:           5 Watts                            Radome Material:       Polyurethane, with black matt
  Operating Temp:          -22oF to 140oF                                            finish, and knurled connector

 US Office & Headquarters: 3900-B River Road, Schiller Park, IL 60176 Tel: 800-648-2800 or 847-671-6690 Fax: 847-671-6715
  UK Office: 106 Anglesey Business Park, Hednesford, Staffs. WS12 1NR UK Tel: (+44) 1543-878343 Fax: (+44) 1543-871714
               Visit our web page at Specifications subject to change without notice (10/2004).

                                                                   Covert Cellular Antenna
                                                             For Cellular/CDPD, 900 GSM, ISM & PCS

                                                              ■ Halfwave 2 dBi gain styles with flexible

                                                              ■ Low profile; perfect for covert use

                                                              ■ Fully waterproof & durable radome

                                                              ■ Models for popular frequency bands from
                                                                800 MHz to 1.9 GHz
        CVT Series Covert Antennas

These antennas have been designed for covert use in a         The CVT series is covered with a black flexible Santo-
vehicle. The CVT Series consists of a rubber duck style       prene radome. This model is normally provided with 8 ft
antenna with a pencil thin slim-line radome and a cable       of RG-174 cable. Most popular connectors are avail-
pigtail for easy connection. The antenna provides 2 dBi       able.
gain performance.
                                                               Model Numbers
The antennas are ground plane independent and can be           Model         Band(s)                          Connector
mounted in a variety of locations; both inside and outside     CVT-900S      US Cellular/CDPD                    SMA
a vehicle. They can be installed behind a rearview             CVT-900T      US Cellular/CDPD                    TNC
mirror, under a dashboard or rear window deck/shelf.
For external applications, appropriate locations might         CVT-925S            900 GSM/ISM/Mobitex            SMA
include under rubber bumper strips, or inside side             CVT-925T            900 GSM/ISM/Mobitex            TNC
mirrors. The antennas are fully waterproof.
                                                               CVT-1800S           1800 Band EU GSM               SMA
                                                               CVT-1800T           1800 Band EU GSM               TNC
When mounting the antenna, care should be taken to
ensure the antenna is positioned so that no metal or           CVT-1900S           1900 Band PCS/GPRS             SMA
metalized finish obstructs the radiation pattern of the        CVT-1900T           1900 Band PCS/GPRS             TNC
                                                               Special configurations available upon request. Please
                                                               consult factory for details/availability.

  Frequency:                                                  CVT Series Whip Length:
    Cellular/CDPD              824-894 MHz                     CVT-925           7 inches      (177mm)
    GSM (& ISM/Mobitex)        870-960 MHz                     CVT-900           8 inches      (205mm)
    1800 Band/EU GSM           1710-1850 MHz                   CVT-1800          6 inches      (152 mm)
    1900 Band/US PCS           1850-1990 MHz                   CVT-1900          6 inches      (152 mm)
  Gain:                        2.3 dBi max
  Bandwidth@2:1 VSWR:          See freq range above           Material:              Santoprene radome
  Impedance:                   50 Ohm nominal
  Maximum Power:               10 Watts                       Other:                 Special cable lengths or connec-
  Cable:                       8 ft, RG-174                                          tor configurations available,
  Connectors:                  TNC or SMA Male                                       please inquire for details
                               based on model

 US Office & Headquarters: 3900-B River Road, Schiller Park, IL 60176 Tel: 800-648-2800 or 847-671-6690 Fax: 847-671-6715
 UK Office: 106 Anglesey Business Park, Hednesford, Staffs. WS12 1NR UK Tel: (+44) 1543-878343 Fax: (+44) 1543-871714
              Visit our web page at Specifications subject to change without notice (10/2004).

Document Created: 2006-04-07 13:57:54
Document Modified: 2006-04-07 13:57:54

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