Test Report DTS


Test Report

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                    Engineering Solutions & Electromagnetic Compatibility Services
                                    Certification Application Report
                                    FCC Part 15.247 & ISED RSS-247

Test Lab:                                               Applicant:

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc. Phone: 703-689 0368       Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway           www.rheintech.com         221 Jefferson Ridge Parkway
Suite 1400                                              Lynchburg, VA 24501 USA
Herndon, VA 20170
E-Mail: atcbinfo@rheintech.com
FCC ID/                 OWDTR-0160-E/
                                                        Test Report Date                September 21, 2018
IC                      3636B-0160
Platform                  N/A                           RTL Work Order #                2018025
Model /                   XL-185M /
                                                        RTL Quote Number                QRTL18-025B
Model #/HVIN              XT-MPS1M

American National         ANSI C63.10-2013 American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance
Standard Institute        Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices
FCC Classification        DTS – Part 15 Digital Transmission System (Wi-Fi)
                          FCC Rules Part 15.247: Operation within the bands 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5
FCC Rule Part(s)
                          MHz and 5725-5850 MHz (10-01-17)
                          RSS-247 Issue 2: Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping
ISED Standards            Systems (FHSs) and Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices
                          RSS-Gen Issue 5: General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus
Digital Interface
                          Digital Interface was found to be compliant

 Frequency Range            Output Power (mW)
                                                          Frequency Tolerance            Emission Designator
       (MHz)                 Peak Conducted
    2412 – 2462                     5.0                              N/A                       16M4FXD

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment tested and referenced in this report conforms to the
identified standard(s) as described in this test report. No modifications were made to the equipment during
testing in order to achieve compliance with these standards. Furthermore, there was no deviation from,
additions to, or exclusions from, the applicable parts of FCC Part 2, FCC Part 15, ANSI C63.10, and ISED
RSS-247 and RSS-Gen.

Signature:                                                                   Date:       September 21, 2018

Typed/Printed Name: Desmond A. Fraser                                        Position: President

      These tests are accredited and meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 as verified by ANAB.
                         Refer to certificate and scope of accreditation AT-1445.

       This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Rhein Tech
        Laboratories, Inc. and Harris Corporation. The test results relate only to the item(s) tested.

                            360 Herndon Pkwy | Suite 1400 | Herndon | Virginia 20170
                          Phone: 703.689.0368 | Fax: 703.689.2056 | www.rheintech.com

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

                                                                Table of Contents

1      General Information ............................................................................................................................5
     1.1     Scope ........................................................................................................................................5
     1.2     Description of EUT .....................................................................................................................5
     1.3     Test Facility ................................................................................................................................5
     1.4     Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s) .....................................................................................................5
     1.5     Modifications ..............................................................................................................................5
2      Test Information .................................................................................................................................6
     2.1     Description of Test Modes ..........................................................................................................6
     2.2     Exercising the EUT.....................................................................................................................6
     2.3     Test Result Summary .................................................................................................................6
     2.4     Tested System Details................................................................................................................7
     2.5     Configuration of Tested System..................................................................................................9
3      Peak Output Power – FCC 15.247(b)(1); RSS-247 5.4(b), RSS-Gen 6.12 ......................................... 10
     3.1     Power Output Test Procedure ..................................................................................................10
     3.2     Power Output Test Results .......................................................................................................10
4      Compliance with the Band Edge – FCC 15.247(d); RSS-247 5.5 ...................................................... 11
     4.1     Band Edge Test Procedure ......................................................................................................11
     4.2     Restricted Band Edge Test Results ..........................................................................................11
     4.3     Band Edge Plots ......................................................................................................................12
5      Antenna Conducted Spurious Emissions – FCC 15.247(d); RSS-247 5.5, RSS-Gen 6.13 ................. 16
     5.1     Antenna Conducted Spurious Emissions Test Procedures ........................................................16
     5.2     Antenna Conducted Spurious Emissions Test Results ..............................................................16
6      Bandwidths – FCC 15.247(a)(1); RSS-247 5.1(a); RSS-Gen 6.7 ....................................................... 17
     6.1     Bandwidth Test Procedure .......................................................................................................17
     6.2     Modulated Bandwidth Test Results...........................................................................................17
     6.3     Bandwidth Plots .......................................................................................................................18
7      Power Spectral Density – FCC 15.247(e); RSS-247 5.2(b)................................................................ 24
     7.1     Power Spectral Density Test Procedure....................................................................................24
     7.2     Power Spectral Density Test Results ........................................................................................24
     7.3     Power Spectral Density Plots....................................................................................................25
8      AC Conducted Emissions – FCC 15.207; RSS-Gen 8.8 .................................................................... 28
9      Radiated Emissions – FCC 15.209; RSS-247 5.5; RSS-Gen 8.9, 8.10 .............................................. 29
     9.1     Limits of Radiated Emissions Measurement..............................................................................29
     9.2     Radiated Emissions Measurement Test Procedure ...................................................................29
     9.3     Radiated Emissions Test Results .............................................................................................30
10     Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 32

                                                                                                                                           Page 2 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                                    Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                            Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                                               Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                                       ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                                           Report #: 2018025DTS

                                                             Figure Index

Figure 2-1:   Configuration of System Under Test ...................................................................................9

                                                              Table Index

Table 2-1:    Channels Tested for Wi-Fi – 802.11b (11 Mbps); 802.11g (54 Mbps); 802.11n (6.5 Mbps) ..6
Table 2-2:    Test Result Summary – FCC Part 15, Subpart C (Section 15.247); ISED RSS-247, RSS-
              Gen ....................................................................................................................................6
Table 2-3:    Equipment Under Test (EUT)..............................................................................................7
Table 2-4:    Support Equipment .............................................................................................................7
Table 2-5:    Auxiliary Equipment ............................................................................................................7
Table 3-1:    Power Output Test Equipment ..........................................................................................10
Table 3-2:    Power Output Test Data – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) .................................................................10
Table 4-1:    Band Edge Test Equipment ..............................................................................................11
Table 4-2:    Lower Band Edge - Average – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ...........................................................12
Table 4-3:    Lower Band Edge - Peak – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ................................................................13
Table 4-4:    Upper Band Edge - Average – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ...........................................................14
Table 4-5:    Upper Band Edge - Peak – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ................................................................15
Table 5-1:    Antenna Conducted Spurious Emissions Test Equipment .................................................16
Table 6-1:    Bandwidth Test Equipment ...............................................................................................17
Table 6-2:    Modulated Bandwidth Test Data – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) .....................................................17
Table 7-1:    Power Spectral Density Test Data – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)...................................................24
Table 9-1:    Radiated Emissions Test Equipment.................................................................................30
Table 9-2:    Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2412 MHz, Peak Detector ..............................30
Table 9-3:    Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2412 MHz, Average Detector .........................31
Table 9-4:    Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2437 MHz, Peak Detector ..............................31
Table 9-5:    Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2437 MHz, Average Detector .........................31
Table 9-6:    Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2462 MHz, Peak Detector ..............................31
Table 9-7:    Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2462 MHz, Average Detector .........................32
Table 9-8:    Unintentional Emissions Test Data....................................................................................32

                                                               Plot Index

Plot 4-1:     Lower Band Edge – Average – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ..........................................................12
Plot 4-2:     Lower Band Edge – Peak – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ...............................................................13
Plot 4-3:     Upper Band Edge – Average – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ..........................................................14
Plot 4-4:     Upper Band Edge – Peak – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ...............................................................15
Plot 6-1:     6 dB Bandwidth – 2412 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)...........................................................18
Plot 6-2:     6 dB Bandwidth – 2437 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)...........................................................19
Plot 6-3:     6 dB Bandwidth – 2462 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)...........................................................20
Plot 6-4:     99% Bandwidth – 2412 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ...........................................................21
Plot 6-5:     99% Bandwidth – 2437 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ...........................................................22
Plot 6-6:     99% Bandwidth – 2462 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ...........................................................23
Plot 7-1:     Power Spectral Density – 2412 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ...............................................25
Plot 7-2:     Power Spectral Density – 2437 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ...............................................26
Plot 7-3:     Power Spectral Density – 2462 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps) ...............................................27

                                                                                                                                     Page 3 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                                  Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                          Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                                             Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                                     ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                                         Report #: 2018025DTS

                                                         Appendix Index

Appendix A:     Test Photographs .............................................................................................................33

                                                        Photograph Index

Photograph 1:   Radiated Emissions Testing – Front View (Above 1 GHz) .................................................33
Photograph 2:   Radiated Emissions Testing – Back View (Above 1 GHz)..................................................34
Photograph 3:   Radiated Emissions Testing – Front View (Below 1 GHz)..................................................35
Photograph 4:   Radiated Emissions Testing – Back View (Below 1 GHz) ..................................................36

                                                                                                                                Page 4 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                    Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                            Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                               Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                       ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                           Report #: 2018025DTS

1     General Information

1.1       Scope

Applicable Standards

      •    FCC P art 15.247: F requency Hoppi ng, Dir ect S pread S pectrum and Hy brid S ystems t hat ar e in
           operation within the bands of 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz and 5725-5850 MHz

      •    ISED RSS-247: Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping Systems (FHSs) and
           Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices

      •    ISED RSS-Gen Issue 5: General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus

1.2       Description of EUT

    Equipment Under Test                    Mobile Radio
    Model / Model #                         XL-185M / XT-MPS1M
    Power Supply                            13.6 VDC
    Modulation Type                         CCK, DSSS, OFDM (802.11b/g/n)
    Frequency Range                         2412–2462 MHz

1.3       Test Facility

The open area test site and conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated data is located at
360 Herndon Parkway, Suite 1400, Herndon, Virginia 20170. This site has been fully described in a report
and approved by the Federal Communications Commission to perform AC line conducted and radiated
emissions testing (ANSI C63.10-2013).

1.4       Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)

This is an original certification application for Harris Corporation Model XL-185M, Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M,
FCC ID: OWDTR-0160-E, IC: 3636B-0160.

1.5       Modifications

No modifications were required for compliance.

                                                                                                  Page 5 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                  Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                          Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                             Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                     ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                         Report #: 2018025DTS

2     Test Information

2.1     Description of Test Modes

In accordance with FCC 15.31(m), and because the EUT utilizes an operating band greater than 10 MHz,
the following frequencies were tested.

Table 2-1:       Channels Tested for Wi-Fi – 802.11b (11 Mbps); 802.11g (54 Mbps); 802.11n (6.5 Mbps)
                    Channel (#)                                    Frequency (MHz)
                         1                                               2412
                         6                                               2437
                        11                                               2462

2.2     Exercising the EUT

The EUT was tested in all three orthogonal planes in order to determine worst-case emissions. The EUT
was provided with software to continuously transmit during testing. The carrier was also checked to verify
that information was being transmitted, and all modes were investigated and the worst-case mode was
used for final testing. There were no deviations from the test standard(s) and/or methods. The test results
reported relate only to the item tested.

2.3     Test Result Summary

Table 2-2:    Test Result Summary – FCC Part 15, Subpart C (Section 15.247); ISED RSS-247, RSS-Gen
         FCC                       ISED                           Test                Result
 FCC 15.207          RSS-Gen 8.8                      AC Conducted Emissions           N/A
 FCC 15.209          RSS-247 5.5; RSS-Gen 8.9, 8.10   Radiated Emissions               Pass
 FCC 15.247(a)(2)    RSS-247 5.2(a)                   6 dB Bandwidth                   Pass
 FCC 15.247(b)(1)    RSS-247 5.4(b); RSS-Gen 6.12     Maximum Peak Power Output        Pass
                                                      Antenna Conducted Spurious
 FCC 15.247(d)       RSS-247 5.5; RSS-Gen 6.13                                         Pass
 FCC 15.247(d)       RSS-247 5.5                      Band Edge Measurement            Pass
 FCC 15.247(e)       RSS-247 5.2(b)                   Power Spectral Density           Pass
 N/A                 RSS-Gen 6.7                      99% Bandwidth                    Pass

                                                                                               Page 6 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                 Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                         Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                            Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                    ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                        Report #: 2018025DTS

2.4     Tested System Details

The test samples were received on September 4, 2018. The FCC identifiers for all applicable equipment,
plus descriptions of all cables used in the tested system, are identified in the following tables.

Table 2-3:       Equipment Under Test (EUT)
                                             Model/           Serial
          Part         Manufacturer                                            FCC ID          Bar
                                             HVIN            Number
                          Harris            XL-185M/
  Communication                                                048        OWDTR-0160-E        23081
                        Corporation        XT-MPS1M
    Hub (VCH)
                                          XL-CH Mobile
      Control Head                        Control Head/        085        OWDTR-0160-E        23080

Table 2-4:       Support Equipment
         Part        Manufacturer          Model                PN/SN             FCC ID       Bar
        Laptop          ASUS               N550J          F2N0CY33003067G           N/A        N/A

Table 2-5:       Auxiliary Equipment
         Part        Manufacturer          Model                PN/SN             FCC ID       Bar
 USB Mobile Mic          N/A           USB Mobile Mic     14050-6010-01/V22e        N/A       22756
     Remote                               Remote
                         N/A                                14050-6100-01           N/A        N/A
     Speaker                              Speaker
 Analog Deskmic          N/A           Analog Deskmic       MC-014121-003           N/A        N/A
        CH                                   CH
                         N/A                                14050-6210-01           N/A        N/A
   Mounting Kit                         Mounting Kit
       VCH                                  VCH
                         N/A                                14050-6200-01           N/A        N/A
   Mounting Kit                         Mounting Kit
  Antenna, Flex,
   Heavy-Duty,           N/A             XM-AN7G            12099-0300-01           N/A        N/A
  136-870 MHz
    Multiband,           N/A             XMAN6H             12099-0310-01           N/A        N/A
  136-870 MHz,
       0 dB
 Antenna, Base,
  Standard Roof          N/A           AN-125001-002        AN-125001-002           N/A        N/A
 Mount Low Loss
 Antenna, Base,
    Thick Roof           N/A           AN-125001-004        AN-125001-004           N/A        N/A
 Mount Low Loss

                                                                                            Page 7 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

 Antenna, Base,
  Standard Roof
                         N/A    AN-125001-006         AN-125001-006           N/A        N/A
 Mount Low Loss
 Antenna, Base,
 Magnetic Mount          N/A    AN-125001-008         AN-125001-008           N/A        N/A
    Low Loss
   Mount, NMO
                         N/A      XM-AN7H             12099-0370-01           N/A        N/A
     Element,            N/A    AN-225001-001         AN-225001-001           N/A        N/A
   700/800 3db
     Element,            N/A    AN-225005-001         AN-225005-001           N/A        N/A
     900, 3db
 Antenna, GPS,
                         N/A    AN-025187-001         AN-025187-001           N/A        N/A
   Roof Mount
 Antenna, GPS,
                         N/A    AN-025187-003         AN-025187-003           N/A        N/A
  Magnet Mount
 Antenna Base,
    Stnd Roof
                         N/A    AN-125001-006         AN-125001-006           N/A        N/A
 Low Loss GPS
  Antenna 3dB
                         N/A    12099-0380-01         12099-0380-01           N/A        N/A
   Squid Cable
                         N/A        N/A               14002-0174-50           N/A        N/A
 Ethernet Cable,
                         N/A        N/A               14050-6300-01           N/A        N/A
 overmold, 45cm
 Ethernet Cable,
                         N/A        N/A               14050-6300-02           N/A        N/A
  overmold, 9m
    DC power
                         N/A        N/A               CA-012616-001           N/A        N/A
   cables (CH)
    DC power
                         N/A        N/A               CA-012365-001           N/A        N/A
  cables (VCH)

                                                                                      Page 8 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                             Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                     Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                        Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                    Report #: 2018025DTS

2.5    Configuration of Tested System

                                                                Power Supply
                                                                13.6 VDC




              To Laptop Serial / Control

Figure 2-1:      Configuration of System Under Test

                                                                                        Page 9 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                  Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                          Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                             Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                     ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                         Report #: 2018025DTS

3     Peak Output Power – FCC 15.247(b)(1); RSS-247 5.4(b), RSS-Gen 6.12

3.1     Power Output Test Procedure

A conducted power measurement of the EUT was taken using an Agilent Analyzer. The following settings
were used:

1)   Span: Approximately five times the 20 dB bandwidth, centered on a hopping channel (5 MHz used)
2)   RBW >20 dB bandwidth of the emission being measured (2 MHz used)
3)   VBW ≥RBW (3 MHz used)
4)   Sweep: Auto
5)   Detector function: Peak
6)   Trace: Max hold. The trace was allowed to stabilize, and the marker-to-peak function was used to set
     the marker to the peak of the emission.

Table 3-1:       Power Output Test Equipment
     RTL                                                                         Serial     Calibration
                    Manufacturer        Model            Part Type
   Asset #                                                                      Number       Due Date
                       Agilent                     EXA Signal Analyzer
      901583                           N9010A                              MY51250846          2/6/20
                    Technologies                    (10 Hz-26.5 GHz)

3.2     Power Output Test Results

Table 3-2:      Power Output Test Data – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)
        Channel         Frequency                                       Limit               Margin
                                           Peak Power
          (#)             (MHz)                                        (dBm)                 (dB)
           1               2412                 6.9                      30.0                -23.1
           6               2437                 7.1                      30.0                -22.9
          11               2462                 7.2                      30.0                -22.8

Note:    EUT was programmed to TX with 11.0 Mbps rate, 20 MHz bandwidth and 10 dBm power level for
         all three test frequencies.

Highest conducted peak power measured:           7.2 dBm ≈ 5.0 mW

P(Watts) = 10(dBm / 10) / 1000

Measurement uncertainty: ±0.5 dB. This measurement uncertainty is an expanded uncertainty for 95%
confidence level received with a coverage factor k=2.

Results: Pass

Test Personnel:

              Khue Do                                                            September 7, 2018
            Test Engineer                        Signature                          Date of Test

                                                                                              Page 10 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                        Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                           Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                   ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                       Report #: 2018025DTS

4     Compliance with the Band Edge – FCC 15.247(d); RSS-247 5.5

4.1     Band Edge Test Procedure

The transmitter output was connected to its appropriate antenna. 1 MHz integrated peak (100 kHz
RBW/300 kHz VBW) and 1 MHz integrated average (100 MHz RBW/300 kHz VBW) corrected
measurements were taken within the restricted band to show compliance.

Table 4-1:      Band Edge Test Equipment
   RTL                                                                       Serial      Calibration
              Manufacturer         Model              Part Type
  Asset #                                                                   Number        Due Date
                  Agilent                        EXA Signal Analyzer
    901583                       N9010A                                   MY51250846        2/6/20
               Technologies                       (10 Hz-26.5 GHz)

4.2     Restricted Band Edge Test Results

Note:    EUT was programmed to TX with 11.0 Mbps rate, 20 MHz bandwidth and 10 dBm power level for
         all three test frequencies.

Conversion of dBm to dBµV/m at 3 m.

dBµV/m = dBm + 104.7 – (20 * LOG(3m)) = dBm + 95.2

                                                                                          Page 11 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

4.3    Band Edge Plots

Plot 4-1:      Lower Band Edge – Average – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

Table 4-2:     Lower Band Edge - Average – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)
                        Measured        Field Strength
      Frequency                                            Average Limit           Margin
                      Average Level      Conversion
        (MHz)                                                 (dBµV/m)              (dB)
                         (dBm)            (dBµV/m)
        2385.0            -63.9              31.3               54.0                 -22.7

                                                                                     Page 12 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

Plot 4-2:      Lower Band Edge – Peak – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

Table 4-3:    Lower Band Edge - Peak – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)
                                        Field Strength
     Frequency      Measured Peak                            Peak Limit            Margin
       (MHz)         Level (dBm)                             (dBµV/m)               (dB)
       2484.0            -65.3               29.9               74.0                 -44.1

                                                                                     Page 13 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

Plot 4-3:      Upper Band Edge – Average – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

Table 4-4:    Upper Band Edge - Average – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)
                       Measured        Field Strength
     Frequency                                            Average Limit            Margin
                     Average Level      Conversion
       (MHz)                                                 (dBµV/m)               (dB)
                        (dBm)             (dBµV/m)
       2484.0            -55.8              39.4               54.0                  -14.6

                                                                                     Page 14 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                              Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                      Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                         Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                 ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                     Report #: 2018025DTS

Plot 4-4:        Upper Band Edge – Peak – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

Table 4-5:    Upper Band Edge - Peak – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)
                                        Field Strength
     Frequency      Measured Peak                               Peak Limit            Margin
       (MHz)         Level (dBm)                                (dBµV/m)               (dB)
       2484.0            -41.5               53.7                   74.0                -20.3

Measurement uncertainty: ±0.5 dB. This measurement uncertainty is an expanded uncertainty for 95%
confidence level received with a coverage factor k=2.

Results: Pass

Test Personnel:

              Khue Do                                                      September 13, 2018
            Test Engineer                    Signature                        Date of Test

                                                                                        Page 15 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                 Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                         Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                            Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                    ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                        Report #: 2018025DTS

5     Antenna Conducted Spurious Emissions – FCC 15.247(d); RSS-247 5.5, RSS-Gen 6.13

5.1     Antenna Conducted Spurious Emissions Test Procedures

Antenna spurious emissions per FCC 15.247(d) were measured from the EUT antenna port using a
50-ohm spectrum analyzer with the resolution bandwidth set at 100 kHz, and the video bandwidth set at
100 kHz. The modulated carrier was identified at the following frequencies: 2412 MHz, 2437 MHz and
2462 MHz.

5.2     Antenna Conducted Spurious Emissions Test Results

Note:    EUT was programmed to TX with 11.0 Mbps rate, 20 MHz bandwidth and 10 dBm power level for
         all three test frequencies.

No harmonics or spurs were found within 20 dB (note that we are reporting power as peak) of the carrier
level from the carrier to the 10th harmonic of the carrier frequency.

Table 5-1:      Antenna Conducted Spurious Emissions Test Equipment
    RTL                                                                         Serial      Calibration
                Manufacturer        Model              Part Type
  Asset #                                                                      Number        Due Date
                   Agilent                        EXA Signal Analyzer
    901583                         N9010A                                   MY51250846         2/6/20
                Technologies                       (10 Hz-26.5 GHz)

Measurement uncertainty: ±0.5 dB. This measurement uncertainty is an expanded uncertainty for 95%
confidence level received with a coverage factor k=2.

Results: Pass

Test Personnel:

             Khue Do                                                          September 12, 2018
           Test Engineer                        Signature                        Date of Test

                                                                                             Page 16 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                               Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                       Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                          Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                  ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                      Report #: 2018025DTS

6     Bandwidths – FCC 15.247(a)(1); RSS-247 5.1(a); RSS-Gen 6.7

6.1     Bandwidth Test Procedure

The minimum 6 dB and 99% bandwidths per FCC 15.247(a)(1), RSS-247 5.1(a) and RSS-Gen 6.7 were
measured using a 50-ohm spectrum analyzer with the resolution bandwidth set at 100 kHz, and the video
bandwidth set at ≥ 3 x RBW. The device was modulated, (VBW) shall not be smaller than three times the
RBW value. Video averaging is not permitted.

The maximum 6 dB bandwidth shall be 500 kHz.

Table 6-1:      Bandwidth Test Equipment
   RTL                                                                       Serial      Calibration
               Manufacturer        Model              Part Type
 Asset #                                                                    Number        Due Date
                   Agilent                       EXA Signal Analyzer
    901583                         N9010A                                 MY51250846        2/6/20
                Technologies                      (10 Hz-26.5 GHz)

6.2     Modulated Bandwidth Test Results

Table 6-2:       Modulated Bandwidth Test Data – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)
             Frequency                   6 dB Bandwidth                      99% Bandwidth
               (MHz)                          (MHz)                              (MHz)
                2412                          15.14                              16.249
                2437                          15.13                              16.412
                2462                          15.14                              16.250

                                                                                          Page 17 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

6.3   Bandwidth Plots

Plot 6-1:      6 dB Bandwidth – 2412 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

                                                                                     Page 18 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

Plot 6-2:      6 dB Bandwidth – 2437 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

                                                                                     Page 19 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

Plot 6-3:      6 dB Bandwidth – 2462 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

                                                                                     Page 20 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

Plot 6-4:      99% Bandwidth – 2412 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

                                                                                     Page 21 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

Plot 6-5:      99% Bandwidth – 2437 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

                                                                                     Page 22 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                               Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                       Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                          Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                  ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                      Report #: 2018025DTS

Plot 6-6:        99% Bandwidth – 2462 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

Measurement uncertainty: ±1 x 10-6 Hz. This measurement uncertainty is an expanded uncertainty for
95% confidence level received with a coverage factor k=2.

Test Personnel:

              Khue Do                                                      September 12, 2018
            Test Engineer                     Signature                       Date of Test

                                                                                         Page 23 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                        Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                           Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                   ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                       Report #: 2018025DTS

7     Power Spectral Density – FCC 15.247(e); RSS-247 5.2(b)

7.1     Power Spectral Density Test Procedure

The power spectral density per FCC 15.247(e) was measured using a 50-ohm spectrum analyzer with the
resolution bandwidth set at 3 kHz, the video bandwidth set at 30 kHz, and the auto sweep time. The
spectral lines were resolved for the modulated carriers at 2412 MHz, 2437 MHz, and 2462 MHz for Wi-Fi.
These levels are below the +8 dBm limit.

7.2     Power Spectral Density Test Results

Note:    EUT was programmed to TX with 11.0 Mbps rate, 20 MHz bandwidth and 10 dBm power level for
         all three test frequencies.

Table 7-1:   Power Spectral Density Test Data – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)
    Frequency           PSD                 Limit              Margin                   Result
       (MHz)           (dBm)               (dBm)                (dB)                  (Pass / Fail)
        2412            -15.9                8.0                -23.9                    Pass
        2437            -14.9                8.0                -22.9                    Pass
        2462            -15.9                8.0                -23.9                    Pass

                                                                                          Page 24 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                            Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                    Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                       Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                               ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                   Report #: 2018025DTS

7.3   Power Spectral Density Plots

Plot 7-1:      Power Spectral Density – 2412 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

                                                                                      Page 25 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                            Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                    Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                       Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                               ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                   Report #: 2018025DTS

Plot 7-2:      Power Spectral Density – 2437 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

                                                                                      Page 26 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                              Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                      Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                         Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                 ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                     Report #: 2018025DTS

Plot 7-3:        Power Spectral Density – 2462 MHz – 802.11 (11.0 Mbps)

Measurement uncertainty: ±0.5 dB. This measurement uncertainty is an expanded uncertainty for 95%
confidence level received with a coverage factor k=2.

Results: Pass

Test Personnel:

              Khue Do                                                     September 12, 2018
            Test Engineer                    Signature                       Date of Test

                                                                                        Page 27 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                              Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                      Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                         Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                 ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                     Report #: 2018025DTS

8   AC Conducted Emissions – FCC 15.207; RSS-Gen 8.8

Device is a mobile 13.6 VDC equipment. AC line conducted emissions measurements are not required.

                                                                                        Page 28 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                  Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                          Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                             Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                     ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                         Report #: 2018025DTS

9     Radiated Emissions – FCC 15.209; RSS-247 5.5; RSS-Gen 8.9, 8.10

9.1     Limits of Radiated Emissions Measurement

            Frequency                        Field Strength                 Measurement Distance
               (MHz)                             (µV/m)                             (m)
            0.009-0.490                       2400/f (kHz)                          300
            0.490-1.705                       2400/f (kHz)                           30
             1.705-30.0                             30                               30
                30-88                              100                                3
               88-216                              150                                3
              216-960                              200                                3
             Above 960                             500                                3

As shown in 15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000 MHz, the field strength limits are based on average
detector, however, the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted
average limits, specified above by more than 20 dB under any circumstances of modulation.

9.2     Radiated Emissions Measurement Test Procedure

Before final measurements of radiated emissions were made on the open-field three/ten meter range, the
EUT was scanned indoors at one and three meter distances. This was done in order to determine its
emissions spectrum signature. The physical arrangement of the test system and associated cabling was
varied in order to determine the effect on the EUT's emissions in amplitude, direction and frequency. This
process was repeated during final radiated emissions measurements on the open-field range, at each
frequency, in order to ensure that maximum emission amplitudes were attained.

Final radiated emissions measurements were made on the three/ten-meter, open-field test site. The EUT
was placed on a nonconductive turntable 0.8 meters above the ground plane. The spectrum was
examined from 9 kHz to the 10th harmonic of the highest fundamental transmitter frequency (24.8 GHz).

At each frequency, the EUT was rotated 360°, and the antenna was raised and lowered from 1 to 4 meters in
order to determine the emission’s maximum level. Measurements were taken using both horizontal and
vertical antenna polarizations. For frequencies between 30 and 1000 MHz, the spectrum analyzer’s 6 dB
bandwidth was set to 120 kHz, and the analyzer was operated in the CISPR quasi-peak detection mode.
For emissions above 1000 MHz, emissions are measured using the average detector function with a
minimum resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz. No video filter less than 10 times the resolution bandwidth was
used. The highest emission amplitudes relative to the appropriate limit were measured and recorded in this

                                                                                              Page 29 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                               Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                       Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                          Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                  ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                      Report #: 2018025DTS

Table 9-1:      Radiated Emissions Test Equipment
   RTL                                                                       Serial     Calibration
              Manufacturer         Model              Part Type
 Asset #                                                                    Number       Due Date
                                                     Horn Antenna
  900772         EMCO             3161-02                                   9804-1044      4/9/19
                                                     (2.0–4.0 GHz)
                                                    Horn Antennas
  900321         EMCO             3161-03                                   9508-1020      4/9/19
                                                     (4.0–8.2 GHz)
                                                    Horn Antennas
  900323         EMCO              3160-7                                   9605-1054      4/9/19
                                                    (8.2–12.4 GHz)
                                                     Horn Antenna
  900356         EMCO             3160-08                                   9607-1044      4/9/19
                                                   (12.4–18.0 GHz)
                                                     Horn Antenna
  901218         EMCO             3160-09                                  960281-003      4/14/19
                                                   (18.0–26.5 GHz)
                                                     Bilog Antenna
  900791         Chase           CBL6111B                                     N/A          10/4/20
                                                    (30–2000 MHz)
               Rhein Tech
  900905      Laboratories,       PR-1040                                     1006         8/20/19
                                                   (10–2000 MHz)
                Hewlett                               Preamplifier
  901723                           8449B                                   3008A00762      5/22/19
                Packard                              (1–26.5 GHz)
                 Agilent                         EXA Signal Analyzer
  901583                          N9010A                                   MY51250846      2/6/20
              Technologies                        (10 Hz–26.5 GHz)
                                                   EMI Receiver RF
  900913                          85462A                Section            3325A00159      4/4/19
                                                   (9 kHz–6.5 GHz)
                 Hewlett                           RF Filter Section
  900914                          8546OA                                   3330A00107      4/4/19
                 Packard                          (100 kHz-6.5 GHz)

9.3     Radiated Emissions Test Results

Note:    EUT was programmed to TX with 11.0 Mbps rate, 20 MHz bandwidth and 10 dBm power level for
         all three test frequencies.

Frequencies above the 3rd harmonics were measured at 1 m instead of 3 m.

Correction = 20 * LOG(1 m / 3 m) = -9.5 dB

Table 9-2:      Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2412 MHz, Peak Detector
                                                     Peak             Peak                 Peak
 Frequency      Peak Analyzer     Correction
                                                   Corrected          Limit               Margin
   (MHz)          (dBµV/m)          Factor
                                                   (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)               (dB)
      4824           37.8               0.6               38.4               74.0          -35.6
      12060          26.6               -1.2              25.4               74.0          -48.6
      14472          44.8               -9.5              35.3               74.0          -38.7
      19296          21.5               7.2               28.7               74.0          -45.3

                                                                                         Page 30 of 36

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                           Client: Harris Corporation
360 Herndon Parkway                                                   Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
Suite 1400                                      Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018025DTS

Table 9-3:     Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2412 MHz, Average Detector
                  Average                          Average          Average       Average
 Frequency                       Correction
                 Analyzer                         Corrected          Limit        Margin
   (MHz)                           Factor
                 (dBµV/m)                         (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)         (dB)
    4824            36.2             0.6             36.8              54.0            -17.2
   12060            23.0            -1.2             21.8              54.0            -32.2
   14472            43.5            -9.5             34.0              54.0            -20.0
   19296            20.6             7.2             27.8              54.0            -26.2

Table 9-4:     Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2437 MHz, Peak Detector
                                                    Peak             Peak              Peak
 Frequency     Peak Analyzer     Correction
                                                  Corrected          Limit            Margin
   (MHz)         (dBµV/m)          Factor
                                                  (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)            (dB)
    4874            39.0             0.3             39.3              74.0            -34.7
    7311            44.7             1.7             46.4              74.0            -27.6
   12185            25.0            -1.3             23.7              74.0            -50.3
   19496            30.5             7.2             37.7              74.0            -36.3

Table 9-5:     Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2437 MHz, Average Detector
                  Average                          Average          Average       Average
 Frequency                       Correction
                 Analyzer                         Corrected          Limit        Margin
   (MHz)                           Factor
                 (dBµV/m)                         (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)         (dB)
    4874            36.8             0.3             37.1              54.0            -16.9
    7311            32.1             1.7             33.8              54.0            -20.2
   12185            22.9            -1.3             21.6              54.0            -32.4
   19496            29.5             7.2             36.7              54.0            -17.3

Table 9-6:     Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2462 MHz, Peak Detector
                                                    Peak             Peak              Peak
 Frequency     Peak Analyzer     Correction
                                                  Corrected          Limit            Margin
   (MHz)         (dBµV/m)          Factor
                                                  (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)            (dB)
    4924            40.7             0.5             41.2              74.0            -32.8
    7386            46.0             2.1             48.1              74.0            -25.9
   12310            24.3            -0.3             24.0              74.0            -50.0
   19696            30.5             6.9             37.4              74.0            -36.6
   22158            29.2             7.8             37.0              74.0            -37.0

                                                                                     Page 31 of 36

    Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                     Client: Harris Corporation
    360 Herndon Parkway                                                             Model #/HVIN: XT-MPS1M
    Suite 1400                                                Standards: FCC 15.247 & ISED RSS-247/RSS-Gen
    Herndon, VA 20170                                                        ID’s: OWDTR-0160-E/3636B-0160
    http://www.rheintech.com                                                            Report #: 2018025DTS

    Table 9-7:         Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious – 2462 MHz, Average Detector
                          Average                          Average          Average       Average
      Frequency                          Correction
                         Analyzer                         Corrected          Limit        Margin
        (MHz)                              Factor
                         (dBµV/m)                         (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)         (dB)
          4924             37.7                 0.5                  38.2             54.0              -15.8
          7386             32.8                 2.1                  34.9             54.0              -19.1
          12310            22.4                 -0.3                 22.1             54.0              -31.9
          19696            29.1                 6.9                  36.0             54.0              -18.0
          22158            27.3                 7.8                  35.1             54.0              -18.9

    Table 9-8:         Unintentional Emissions Test Data
                                      Temperature: 67.0°F Humidity: 94%
Emission                Antenna    Turntable   Antenna    Analyzer                Emission
             Test                                                    Correction                Limit     Margin   Pass/
Frequency               Polarity   Azimuth      Height    Reading                   Level
            Detector                                                  Factor                 (dBµV/m)     (dB)     Fail
  (MHz)                  (H/V)        (°)        (m)       (dBµV)                 (dBµV/m)
 72.145       QP           H         0.0         3.0        51.9       -22.6        29.3       40.0      -10.7    PASS
120.000       QP           V        315.0        4.0        51.8       -16.8        35.0       43.5       -8.5    PASS
150.000       QP           H        315.0        2.0        51.6       -17.7        33.9       43.5       -9.6    PASS
175.000       QP           V        350.0        3.0        49.5       -18.5        31.1       43.5      -12.4    PASS
200.000       QP           V        180.0        4.0        48.9       -18.3        30.7       43.5      -12.8    PASS
225.000       QP           V        180.0        1.0        42.5       -18.0        24.6       46.0      -21.4    PASS
233.213       QP           V        180.0        1.0        41.4       -16.9        24.5       46.0      -21.5    PASS
250.000       QP           H        270.0        1.0        49.1       -15.0        34.1       46.0      -11.9    PASS
350.000       QP           H        315.0        1.0        37.1       -11.8        25.4       46.0      -20.6    PASS
375.000       QP           H         0.0         1.0        38.5       -11.0        27.5       46.0      -18.5    PASS
400.000       QP           H        315.0        1.0        41.5        -9.9        31.7       46.0      -14.3    PASS
425.000       QP           H        315.0        1.0        37.8        -9.5        28.3       46.0      -17.7    PASS

    Measurement uncertainty: ±4.7 dB. This measurement uncertainty is an expanded uncertainty for 95%
    confidence level received with a coverage factor k=2.

    Results: Pass

    Test Personnel:

                   Khue N. Do                                                       September 10-12, 2018
                  Test Engineer                          Signature                      Dates of Test

    10 Conclusion

    The data in this DTS measurement report shows that the EUT as tested, Harris Corporation XL-185M,
    Model #/HVIN XT-MPS1M, FCC ID: OWDTR-0160-E, IC: 3636B-0160, complies with the applicable
    requirements of FCC Parts 2 and 15 and ISED RSS-247 and RSS-Gen.

                                                                                                      Page 32 of 36

Document Created: 2018-09-24 14:53:37
Document Modified: 2018-09-24 14:53:37

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