Letter to change frequency


Cover Letter(s)

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June 27, 2000

Joe Dichoso
Federal Communications Commission
Equipment Authorization Division
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21046

Dear Mr. Dichoso,

We just recently received a grant for ADC Broadband Communications for FCC ID: OW8LSM01400 (Date of Grant
5/18/00). The Frequency Range specified on the grant was 2400.5 - 2479 MHz.

This information was originally filled out and based upon the letter from ADC as specified in the report. They have two
different channel sets that were specified as follows:

System A frequencies are:
2400.5 + (channel # - 1) * 1 MHz
range: 2400.5 - 2478.5 MHz

System B frequencies are:
2401 + (channel # - 1) * 1 MHz
range: 2401 - 2479 MHz

After the submittal, they discovered that this information as provided was incorrect. It should have been

System A frequencies are:
2400.5 + (channel # - 1) * 1 MHz
range: 2401.5 - 2479.5 MHz

System B frequencies are:
2401 + (channel # - 1) * 1 MHz
range: 2402 - 2480 MHz

Channel Range is from 2 to 80

This affected the frequency range as listed in the report. Therefore the frequency range specified should have been
specified as 2401.5 - 2480.

Please let me know what we need to do to get this corrected. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Please look into this issue and let me know if we can have the grant corrected.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (770)741-0717.


Timothy R. Johnson
NARTE Certified EMC Engineer
No. EMC-002205-NE

Document Created: 2000-06-27 16:02:11
Document Modified: 2000-06-27 16:02:11

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