Test Report

FCC ID: OU9M1000-001

Test Report

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                                         SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                         Guangzhou Branch

 198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technological
 Development District, Guangzhou, China 510663
 Telephone: +86 (0) 20 82155555                                                         Report No.: GZEM190601397403
 Fax:       +86 (0) 20 82075059
 Email:        ee.guangzhou@sgs.com
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                                                                                        FCC ID:OU9M1000-001

                                                  TEST REPORT
Application No.:           GZEM1906013974CR
Applicant:                 Guangdong Transtek Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
Address of Applicant:      Zone A, No.105 ,Dongli Road, Torch Development District,
Manufacturer:              Guangdong Transtek Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
Address of Manufacturer:   Zone A, No.105 ,Dongli Road, Torch Development District,
Factory:                   Guangdong Transtek Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
Address of Factory:        Zone B, No.105 ,Dongli Road, Torch Development District,
Equipment Under Test (EUT):
FCC ID: OU9M1000-001
EUT Name:                  Mio POD
Model No.:                 M1000
Standard(s) :              47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.249
Date of Receipt:           2019-07-01
Date of Test:              2019-08-06 to 2019-09-02
Date of Issue:             2019-09-16
Test Result:                            Pass*
* In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.

               Kobe Jian
         EMC Laboratory Manager
The manufacturer should ensure that all products in series production are in conformity with the product sample detailed in this report.
If the product in this report is used in any configuration other than that detailed in the report, the manufacturer must ensure the new system
complies with all relevant standards. Any mention of SGS International Electrical Approvals or testing done by SGS International Electrical
Approvals in connection with, distribution or use of the product described in this report must be approved by SGS International Electrical
Approvals in writing.

                           SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                           Guangzhou Branch
                                                           Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                           Page:       2 of 23

                                        Revision Record

Version      Chapter          Date          Modifier                  Remark

   01                      2019-09-16                     Original

Authorized for issue by:

Tested By
                                                                     2019-08-06 to 2019-09-02

                              Lily_Kuang /Project Engineer           Date

Checked By

                              Ricky_Liu /Reviewer                    Date

                            SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                            Guangzhou Branch
                                                            Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                            Page:       3 of 23

2   Test Summary
    Radio Spectrum Technical Requirement
            Item               Standard             Method              Requirement        Result
         Antenna            47 CFR Part 15,                           47 CFR Part 15,
                                                      N/A                                  Pass
       Requirement          Subpart C 15.249                          Subpart C 15.203

    Radio Spectrum Matter Part
            Item               Standard             Method              Requirement        Result
                            47 CFR Part 15,    ANSI C63.10 (2013)     47 CFR Part 15,
      20dB Bandwidth                                                                       Pass
                            Subpart C 15.249      Section 6.9         Subpart C 15.215
    Field Strength of the
                            47 CFR Part 15,    ANSI C63.10 (2013)     47 CFR Part 15,
    Fundamental Signal                                                                     Pass
                            Subpart C 15.249    Section 6.5&6.6      Subpart C 15.249(a)
      Restricted Band                                                 47 CFR Part 15,
                            47 CFR Part 15,    ANSI C63.10 (2013)
    Around Fundamental                                               Subpart C 15.205 &    Pass
                            Subpart C 15.249   Section 6.4&6.5&6.6
        Frequency                                                    15.249(d) & 15.209
                                                                      47 CFR Part 15,
                            47 CFR Part 15,    ANSI C63.10 (2013)
    Radiated Emissions                                               Subpart C 15.209 &    Pass
                            Subpart C 15.249   Section 6.4&6.5&6.6
                                                                       15.249 (a),(d)

                                                                       SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                        Guangzhou Branch
                                                                                                                                                             Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                                                                                                                             Page:                            4 of 23

3          Contents
          COV@F PAG@.............«c«ssrssrrrrsrrrrrrrrrsrrrrssrssssssssssssssrssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssrsssrssssssssssssssssssssssssaassaaassassssksssskssssssnnnns 1

          TeSt SUMIM@FY ............00ss0000s000s00ssssssssssssrrrssrssssssersrrrssrrssssrssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaasssasssskssskkkkkkkkkkkkskkkkskkkaaa888aa8ann ns 3

          CONTOTYS 1. 2 2 n 2 1 n 0 n n n w w n n n e w e n e e e w n e i e e m e w e w i e w e i e w i e i e i in i i i i i i n i i i i i i i e i i n i i i i i n i i n i i i i i i i i n i i i n i i i i n i i i i i i i n i i i i i i n n i w i n i i n w i n n in 4

          General InfOFMATIONM 1 . . . 2 2 2 2022020000000 mm mm n en in i in en in ienn in i in i in w n n w i w w i e w w i n w i e w e i i i n e i e i e i i i e e i i i e i i i e i i i e i i i e i i n i i i w i n n i in i i 5
    4.1                DEet@il$ Of E.U.T......22222220222202r2r6¥rrrs¥4rrrrsrsr es ie rrsrsrrsesrsrrsrsrrrksksrrrksrsrsrrsesrssksksesiksksrkrkrksrs ies ks es rkskskk@ksksrkrk@kkkeek 5
    4.2                DesCription Of SUPPONt UNItS .............22..2222222222rrrrrrrvvrrvvvrrvrrsrrrssssssssrsssrssrrs iss is se is rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr e e e e e e e e e e e e e e a e e k a04 5
    4.3                Measurement UNC@rtAINTY.......222222222.0222202022266rrrrsrsrrrrr¥kkvrkkss iss rrrrrkr k se s s is¥ k rkkr ks ks iss i k rkrkeaakaaar k¥ k k k e k k k aa k k k k k k k k04 5
    4 .4              T@St LOCATION ...........2.2222222222rrrrsrsrrvrsrrrrsrsrrrrrssrsrsrrrrsrsrsrrsksrsrrsksrksksksrkrksrsrsrkrksrsrksksksrksksrkrkrksks kss ks ks kkkkkkkkkkks 6
    4.5               T@St FACIIItY .....222222222200202222¥¥446r¥¥¥¥vs 6 rrrrvvvrrrrvvrrrrravarrrr es i i k rraa is vrrrraa i a k k k ki¥ i¥ k k ki k e k k k e 6k k k e k k e e e k a e k e e e k e aa e e e k e e aa en 7
    4.6               Deviation fFOM StANOUAFOS .................2222222222222rrsr¥rrrrsrrsrrrsrrsrrsrrssrrsrssrrsrrrsrssrrsrrssrrsrssrrsrrks kss rksrkes k es rkarkaakk ks 8
    4.7               Abnormalities from Standard CONQtiONS ............2.2222222202222rr4¥¥ss¥sr¥ssrrsr iss iss rrsr iss kss rrsr kss r es kss r ks r k e k k k ka k kaa k k ks 8
          EQUIPMeNT LIST . . . . . . . 2 2 2 2 20000000mmmmmmm mm mm in mm in n n n i n n m i n m i i n m n w w i n m w i m e i m e i n n e i m e i i w n i e i i i i n i i i i i i n i n i n i n w n i n w i i n w i i n n i 9

          Radio Spectrum Technical R@QGUIFQ@M@NT ...............ccccsssssssssrrrrrrsssssssrrrrrrrrrssssssrrarrrrsssnnsraarrrrrrssnsnsaa zks akan8 12

    6.1               uce acie ce 12
          6.1.1        Test R@QUIF@M@Nt: ................220220000066r¥¥karrrvrarrrrrrr se rrrrraar k e k e a e e k e r e ie e e k e a ie e e e e ie e e e e e e e e e e en e e e e e e e e en e w e en 12
          6.1.2              CONMCIUSIONM.............2222222222222222rrrrrrsrrsrrrrrrrrrrrrsrrsrrrrrrrsrrsrrsrrsrsrrsrrsrrsrsrrsrrsrssrsrrsrksrssrsrrsrks kss ks rrer ks ks kakkakk. 12
7         Radio Spectrum Matter TeSt R@SUIRS...............0000«messrssssssssssrrrrrrsssssssrrrrrrrrrssssnsrrarerrsnsnnsraarrrrrrrsnsnnaa ks ks aken8 13

    7.1               plole| 23 °F(lteVileo 13
          7.1.1 __E.U.T. OPBFATION....222222222222222000000224rrvrrrrvv e e rrrrrrrvss se errrrrrrrss iss ie rrrrrr se s s is rrrerrrs iss s ie rrrrer se ks e se k k k kekkaaak k00 13
          AieipSsescit dblFl e 13
          7.1.3              Measurement Pr0OCedure N0 DAIA ...................2.22222222r2rrrrrrsrrrrrrsrsrrrrsrrsrsrsrrrrsrsrrrk ies is r ks es kss ks ks k k k kakak 13
    7.2     Field Strength of the Fundamental Signal (15.249(@)) ..............2..00260¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥4rerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrra e e e eek 15
       oA      Sn ol .ce e 16
       7.2.2 TeSt SQ@tUp DiAQVAM................22222222222022222srrsesar s s r es r e e es e e rrrrrrrrrrrreer e e e e e e e e e e r e e e e reraaa e a se en e en e e e e 16
          7.2.3              Measurement Pr0OCedur@e aN0 DAIA .....................2222222222rrrrrrsrrrrrrsrrrrrrsrrsrsrsrrrrsrsrrrk ies is r ks es kss ks ks k k k kakak 16
    7.3      Restricted Band Around Fundamental FF@QU@ONCY ......................0000222266¥¥¥¥rrrkrkarrrrrrrrrrrraere e e e rerrraaka e k k eek 18
       7.3.1    E.U.T. OPDBFATION.....222222222222220000002226rvrrrvvv e rrrrrrrvss se rrrrrrrrrssss ie rrrrrrsrrsssrsrrrkrrrs s iss ie rrrrer se ks sa k k k kekkaaak k00 19
       is esdblFl e 19
       7.3.3    Measurement Pr0OCedur@e N0 DAIA ...................2.2222222222rrrrrrsrrrrrrsrrrrrrsrrsrsrsrrrrsrsrrrk ies is r ks es kss ks ks k k k kakak 19
    7.4      RAQIAIQ@O EMISSIOMNS ................2.2222rrrrrrrsrrrrrsrsrrsrssrsrrsrrsrssrsrrsrrsrssrsrrsrrsrssrsrrsrksrsrrsrksrrsrsrksrkskrsksrksrkskkrkkkkakk 21
          7.4.1              E.U.T. OPDBFATION.....222222222222220000002246rvrrrvvv e rrrrrrrvss se errrrrrrrss iss ie rrrrrr se s s is rrrkrrrs iss s ie rrrrer se ks sa k k k kekkaaak k00 22
          EC PR              Sesc dblFl e 22
          7.4.3              Measurement Pr0OCedure N0 DAIA ...................2.22222222r2rrrrrrsrrrrrrsrsrrrrsrrsrsrsrrrrsrsrrrk ies is r ks es kss ks ks k k k kakak 22

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      nspectmn&Teshng Services g                        results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.
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                                                       : No.198 Kezhu Road, Scientach Park, Guangzhou Economic&Technology DevelopmentDistrct, Guangzhou, China 510663 t (86—20) 82155555 { (86—20) 82075058 www.sgsgroup.com.cn
                                                        EF'l +T LFERARTEERKRNEHEEER108S                                                               BBE&@: 510663 t (86—20) 82155555 1 (86—20) 82075058 sgs.china@sgs.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                             SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                             Guangzhou Branch
                                                                Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                                Page:       5 of 23

4   General Information
4.1 Details of E.U.T.
    Power Supply:              Powered by built-in battery as below
                               Rated: DC 3.8V,110mAh
                               DC 5V for charging mode
    Cable:                     0.5m, unshielded for charging
    Antenna Gain               0 dBi
    Antenna Type               Integral
    Channel Number             1
    Modulation Type            GFSK
    Operation Frequency        2457MHz

4.2 Description of Support Units

     Description               Manufacturer                 Model No.                     Serial No.
      Notebook                       IBM                       T30                    S/N78-3VMLX 06/01

4.3 Measurement Uncertainty

         No.                  Item                             Measurement Uncertainty
         1              Radio Frequency                                 ±5.5 x 10-8
         2                Duty cycle                                     ±0.57%
         3            Occupied Bandwidth                                   ±3%
         4            RF Conducted power                                 ±0.68dB
         5            RF Power Density                                   ±1.50dB
         6       Conducted Spurious Emissions                            ±1.04dB
                                                                   ±4.5dB (below 1GHz)
         7             RF Radiated Power
                                                                  ±4.8dB (above 1GHz)
                                                                  ±4.5dB (30MHz-1GHz)
         8       Radiated Spurious Emission Test
                                                                  ±4.8dB (1GHz-18GHz)
          9              Temperature                                     ±0.4°C
         10                Humidity                                       ±1.3%
         11             Supply Voltages                                   ±1.5%
         12                  Time                                          ±3%

                             SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                             Guangzhou Branch
                                                           Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                           Page:       6 of 23
4.4 Test Location
    All tests were performed at:
    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Branch EMC Laboratory,
    198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technology Development District,
    Guangzhou, China 510663
    Tel: +86 20 82155555        Fax: +86 20 82075059
    No tests were sub-contracted.

                                                    SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                    Guangzhou Branch
                                                                                                                   Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                                                                                   Page:                   7 of 23

4.5 Test Facility
        The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

        e NVLAP (Lab Code: 200611—0)
        SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., Guangzhou EMC Laboratory is accredited by the
        National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP/NIST). NVLAP Code: 200611—0.
        The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency
        of the Federal Government.

        ©@ ACMA

        SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., EMC Laboratory can also perform testing for the
        Australian C—Tick mark as a result of our NVLAP accreditation.
        e SGS UK(Certificate No.: 32), SGS—TUV SAARLAND and SGS—FIMKO
        Have approved SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., EMC Laboratory as a supplier of
        © CNAS (Lab Code: LO167)
        SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., EMC Laboratory has been assessed and in
        compliance with CNAS—CLO1:2018 accreditation criteria for testing laboratories (identical to

        ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General Requirements) for the Competence of Testing Laboratories.
        @FCC Recognized 2.948 Listed Test Firm(Registration No.: 282399)
        SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully
        described in a report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter
        from the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 282399, May 31, 2002.
        @FCC Recognized Accredited Test Firm(Registration No.: 486818)
        SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., EMC Laboratory has been accredited and fully
        described in a report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter
        from the FCC is maintained in our files. Designation Number: CN5016, Test Firm Registration Number:
        486818, Jul 13, 2017.
        ®e Industry Canada (Registration No.: 4620B, CAB identifier: CNOO052)
        SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., has been registered by Innovation Science and
        Economic Development Canada for Wireless Device Testing laboratories to test to Canadian radio
        equipment requirements. Registration No. 4620B, CAB identifier: CNOO5S2.

        ® VCCI (Registration No.: R—12460, C—12584, G—10449 and T—11179)

        The 10m Semi—anechoic chamber and Shielded Room of SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services
        Co., Ltd. have been registered in accordance with the Regulations for Voluntary Control Measures with
        Registration No.: R—12460, C—12584, G—10449 and T—11179 respectively.
        ©@ CBTL (Lab Code: TL129)
        SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., E&E Laboratory has been assessed and fully
        comply with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2005, the Basic Rules, IECEE 01 and Rules of
        procedure IECEE 02, and the relevant IECEE CB—Scheme Operational documents.

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   'falnspectmn&Testlng Services c{?‘   results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.
                                        Attentlon To check the authentlcfly of testing /inspection report & certificate, please contact us at telephone: (86—755) 8307 1443,
    6                                       mail: CN.Doccheck@sgs.c
                                        Nu195 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou EM|c&Tecmmlugwaehpm1tD|smd,Guar|gflmu Ching 510663 t (86—20) 82155555 f (86—20) 82075058 www.sgsgroup.com.cn
                                            PBR +T LHFKEKARTEERNEEHREIEREEIR1O8S                             BBE&@: 510663 t (86—20) 82155555 1 (86—20) 82075058 sgs.china@sgs.com
                                                                                                                                               Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                      SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                      Guangzhou Branch
                                             Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                             Page:       8 of 23

4.6 Deviation from Standards
4.7 Abnormalities from Standard Conditions

                             SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                             Guangzhou Branch
                                                              Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                              Page:       9 of 23

5   Equipment List

    20dB Bandwidth
          Equipment            Manufacturer        Model No     Inventory No    Cal Date    Cal Due Date
      EXA Signal Analzer                            N9010A       EMC2138       2018-11-19   2019-11-18
        6dB Attenuator              HP              8491A        EMC2062       2018-04-04   2020-04-03
    Test Software JS1120-3     HangTianXing          V2.6       GZE100-69         N/A           N/A
          MI CABLE                 SGS               0.8M        EMC2136       2017-11-02   2019-11-01
          MI CABLE                 SGS               0.8M        EMC2137       2017-11-02   2019-11-01

    Field Strength of the Fundamental Signal (15.249(a))
          Equipment            Manufacturer        Model No     Inventory No    Cal Date    Cal Due Date
      EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz       ESIB26       EMC0522       2019-01-20   2020-01-19
      EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz        ESCI        EMC0056       2019-01-20   2020-01-19
        Chamber cable          HangTianXing           N/A        EMC0542       2019-06-28   2021-06-27
       Trilog Broadband
            Antenna                               VULB 9168      EMC2174       2018-09-06   2021-09-05
      Bi-log Type Antenna     Schaffner -Chase    CBL6112B       EMC0524       2016-09-08   2019-09-07
      Bi-log Type Antenna     Schaffner -Chase     CBL6143       EMC0519       2017-05-04   2020-05-03
         Horn Antenna
                                   R& S             HF906        EMC0518       2018-09-02   2021-09-01
        1GHz-26.5 GHz
                                  Agilent           8449B        EMC0521       2019-01-07   2020-01-08
           Amplifier                HP              8447F        EMC2065       2019-05-29   2020-05-28
     Pre-Amplifier MH648A     ANRITSU CORP         MH648A        EMC2086       2018-11-19   2019-11-18
     Active Loop Antenna          EMCO               6502        EMC0523       2018-03-05   2020-03-04
        High Pass Filter
                             FSY MICROWAVE       HM1465-9SS      EMC2079       2019-01-11   2020-01-10
         2.4GHz Filter         Micro-Tronics      BRM 50702      EMC2069       2019-01-11   2020-01-10
      10m Semi-Anechoic
                                   ETS                N/A        EMC0530       2018-12-08   2019-12-07
    966 Anechoic Chamber           C.R.T         9m x 6m x 6m    EMC2142       2017-12-19   2019-12-18
      MXE EMI Receiver            Keysight          N9038A       EMC2139       2018-11-19   2019-11-18
     EXA Signal Analyzer          Keysight          N9010A       EMC2138       2018-11-19   2019-11-18
       Trilog Broadband
            Antenna                               VULB 9168     SEM003-18      2019-02-22   2022-02-22

                       SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                       Guangzhou Branch
                                                        Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                        Page:       10 of 23
   Test Software E3          Audix         Ver.6.120110a GZE100-61          N/A           N/A

Restricted Band Around Fundamental Frequency
     Equipment           Manufacturer       Model No      Inventory No    Cal Date    Cal Due Date
  EMI Test Receiver     Rohde & Schwarz      ESIB26        EMC0522       2019-01-20   2020-01-19
  EMI Test Receiver     Rohde & Schwarz        ESCI        EMC0056       2019-01-20   2020-01-19
   Chamber cable         HangTianXing          N/A         EMC0542       2019-06-28   2021-06-27
   Trilog Broadband
        Antenna                             VULB 9168      EMC2174       2018-09-06   2021-09-05
 Bi-log Type Antenna    Schaffner -Chase    CBL6112B       EMC0524       2016-09-08   2019-09-07
 Bi-log Type Antenna    Schaffner -Chase     CBL6143       EMC0519       2017-05-04   2020-05-03
    Horn Antenna
                             R& S             HF906        EMC0518       2018-09-02   2021-09-01
   1GHz-26.5 GHz
                            Agilent           8449B        EMC0521       2019-01-07   2020-01-08
      Amplifier               HP              8447F        EMC2065       2019-05-29   2020-05-28
Pre-Amplifier MH648A    ANRITSU CORP         MH648A        EMC2086       2018-11-19   2019-11-18
 Active Loop Antenna        EMCO               6502        EMC0523       2018-03-05   2020-03-04
   High Pass Filter
                       FSY MICROWAVE       HM1465-9SS      EMC2079       2019-01-11   2020-01-10
    2.4GHz Filter        Micro-Tronics      BRM 50702      EMC2069       2019-01-11   2020-01-10
 10m Semi-Anechoic
                             ETS               N/A         EMC0530       2018-12-08   2019-12-07
966 Anechoic Chamber         C.R.T         9m x 6m x 6m    EMC2142       2017-12-19   2019-12-18
  MXE EMI Receiver          Keysight         N9038A        EMC2139       2018-11-19   2019-11-18
 EXA Signal Analyzer        Keysight         N9010A        EMC2138       2018-11-19   2019-11-18
   Trilog Broadband
        Antenna                             VULB 9168     SEM003-18      2019-02-22   2022-02-22
   Test Software E3          Audix         Ver.6.120110a GZE100-61          N/A           N/A

Radiated Emissions
     Equipment           Manufacturer       Model No      Inventory No    Cal Date    Cal Due Date
  EMI Test Receiver     Rohde & Schwarz      ESIB26        EMC0522       2019-01-20   2020-01-19
  EMI Test Receiver     Rohde & Schwarz        ESCI        EMC0056       2019-01-20   2020-01-19
   Chamber cable         HangTianXing          N/A         EMC0542       2019-06-28   2021-06-27
   Trilog Broadband
        Antenna                             VULB 9168      EMC2174       2018-09-06   2021-09-05
 Bi-log Type Antenna    Schaffner -Chase    CBL6112B       EMC0524       2016-09-08   2019-09-07

                         SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                         Guangzhou Branch
                                                          Report No.: GZEM190601397403
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  Bi-log Type Antenna     Schaffner -Chase     CBL6143       EMC0519       2017-05-04   2020-05-03
     Horn Antenna
                               R& S             HF906        EMC0518       2018-09-02   2021-09-01
    1GHz-26.5 GHz
                              Agilent           8449B        EMC0521       2019-01-07   2020-01-08
       Amplifier                HP              8447F        EMC2065       2019-05-29   2020-05-28
 Pre-Amplifier MH648A     ANRITSU CORP         MH648A        EMC2086       2018-11-19   2019-11-18
 Active Loop Antenna          EMCO              6502         EMC0523       2018-03-05   2020-03-04
    High Pass Filter
                         FSY MICROWAVE       HM1465-9SS      EMC2079       2019-01-11   2020-01-10
     2.4GHz Filter         Micro-Tronics      BRM 50702      EMC2069       2019-01-11   2020-01-10
  10m Semi-Anechoic
                               ETS               N/A         EMC0530       2018-12-08   2019-12-07
966 Anechoic Chamber           C.R.T         9m x 6m x 6m    EMC2142       2017-12-19   2019-12-18
  MXE EMI Receiver            Keysight         N9038A        EMC2139       2018-11-19   2019-11-18
 EXA Signal Analyzer          Keysight         N9010A        EMC2138       2018-11-19   2019-11-18
   Trilog Broadband
        Antenna                               VULB 9168     SEM003-18      2019-02-22   2022-02-22
   Test Software E3            Audix         Ver.6.120110a GZE100-61          N/A           N/A

General used equipment
      Equipment            Manufacturer       Model No      Inventory No    Cal Date    Cal Due Date
         DMM                   Fluke              73         EMC0006       2019-07-16   2020-07-15
         DMM                   Fluke              73         EMC0007       2019-07-16   2020-07-15

                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                Guangzhou Branch
                                                                     Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                                     Page:       12 of 23

6      Radio Spectrum Technical Requirement
6.1 Antenna Requirement
6.1.1 Test Requirement:
      47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.203
    15.203 requirement:
     An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
     responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna
     that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator, the manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken
     antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is

6.1.2 Conclusion
      Standard Requirement:
      An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
      responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently
      attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator, the
      manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a
      standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited.

       EUT Antenna:
       The antenna is integrated on the main PCB and no consideration of replacement. The best case gain of
       the antenna is 0dBi.

                             SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                             Guangzhou Branch
                                                              Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                              Page:       13 of 23

7    Radio Spectrum Matter Test Results
7.1 20dB Bandwidth
     Test Requirement         47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.215
     Test Method:             ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.9
     Limit:                   N/A

7.1.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:      25.3 °C    Humidity: 50.6 % RH           Atmospheric Pressure: 1020   mbar
      Test mode         a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in continuously transmitting mode with GFSK modulation
7.1.2 Test Setup Diagram

7.1.3 Measurement Procedure and Data

          SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
          Guangzhou Branch
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                            SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                            Guangzhou Branch
                                                              Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                              Page:       15 of 23

7.2 Field Strength of the Fundamental Signal (15.249(a))
    Test Requirement          47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.249(a)
    Test Method:              ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.5&6.6
    Measurement Distance:     3m

           Fundamental             Field strength of fundamental      Field strength of harmonics
         frequency(MHz)                   (millivolts/meter)               (microvolts/meter)
             902-928                             50                               500
           2400-2483.5                           50                               500
            5725-5875                            50                               500
           24000-24250                           250                              2500
   Remark: The frequencies above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However, the peak field
   strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits specified above by
   more than 20 dB under any condition of modulation.

                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                               Guangzhou Branch
                                                                    Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                                    Page:       16 of 23

7.2.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:      23 °C      Humidity: 51 % RH             Atmospheric Pressure: 1020   mbar
      Test mode         a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in continuously transmitting mode with GFSK modulation
7.2.2 Test Setup Diagram

7.2.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
      a. For below 1GHz, the EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3
      or 10 meter semi-anechoic chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
      highest radiation.
      b. For above 1GHz, the EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 1.5 meters above the ground at a
      3 meter fully-anechoic chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
      highest radiation.
      c. The EUT was set 3 or 10 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on
      the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
      d. The antenna height is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to determine the
      maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to
      make the measurement.
      e. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was tuned
      to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters (for the test frequency of below 30MHz, the antenna was tuned to
      heights 1 meter) and the rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum
      f. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum
      Hold Mode.
      g. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 10dB lower than the limit specified, then testing
      could be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be reported. Otherwise the emissions that did
      not have 10dB margin would be re-tested one by one using peak, quasi-peak or average method as
      specified and then reported in a data sheet.
      h. Test the EUT in the lowest channel, the middle channel, the Highest channel.
      i. The radiation measurements are performed in X, Y, Z axis positioning for Transmitting mode, and found
      the X axis positioning which it is the worst case.
      j. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured was complete.
      Remark: Level= Read Level+ Cable Loss+ Antenna Factor- Preamp Factor

                        SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                        Guangzhou Branch
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Mode:a; Polarization:Horizontal; Modulation:GFSK;

Mode:a; Polarization:Vertical; Modulation:GFSK;

                              SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                              Guangzhou Branch
                                                                  Report No.: GZEM190601397403
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7.3 Restricted Band Around Fundamental Frequency
     Test Requirement           47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.205 & 15.249(d) & 15.209
     Test Method:               ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.4&6.5&6.6
     Measurement Distance:      3m

        Frequency                 Limit (dBuV/m @3m)                   Remark
       30MHz-88MHz                         40.0                   Quasi-peak Value
      88MHz-216MHz                         43.5                   Quasi-peak Value
     216MHz-960MHz                         46.0                   Quasi-peak Value
       960MHz-1GHz                         54.0                   Quasi-peak Value
        Above 1GHz                         54.0                    Average Value
        Above 1GHz                         74.0                      Peak Value
Emission radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall
be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general
radiated emission limits in Section 15.209,whichever is the lesser attenuation.

                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                               Guangzhou Branch
                                                                    Report No.: GZEM190601397403
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7.3.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:      23 °C      Humidity: 52 % RH             Atmospheric Pressure: 1020   mbar
      Test mode         a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in continuously transmitting mode with GFSK modulation

7.3.2 Test Setup Diagram

7.3.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
      a. For below 1GHz, the EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3
      or 10 meter semi-anechoic chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
      highest radiation.
      b. For above 1GHz, the EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 1.5 meters above the ground at a
      3 meter fully-anechoic chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
      highest radiation.
      c. The EUT was set 3 or 10 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on
      the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
      d. The antenna height is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to determine the
      maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to
      make the measurement.
      e. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was tuned
      to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters (for the test frequency of below 30MHz, the antenna was tuned to
      heights 1 meter) and the rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum
      f. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum
      Hold Mode.
      g. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 10dB lower than the limit specified, then testing
      could be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be reported. Otherwise the emissions that did
      not have 10dB margin would be re-tested one by one using peak, quasi-peak or average method as
      specified and then reported in a data sheet.
      h. Test the EUT in the lowest channel, the middle channel, the Highest channel.
      i. The radiation measurements are performed in X, Y, Z axis positioning for Transmitting mode, and found
      the X axis positioning which it is the worst case.
      j. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured was complete.
      Remark: Level= Read Level+ Cable Loss+ Antenna Factor- Preamp Factor

                       SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                       Guangzhou Branch
                                                        Report No.: GZEM190601397403
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Mode:a; Polarization:Horizontal; Modulation:GFSK; ; Channel:Low

Mode:a; Polarization:Vertical; Modulation:GFSK; ; Channel:Low

                            SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                            Guangzhou Branch
                                                             Report No.: GZEM190601397403
                                                             Page:       21 of 23

7.4 Radiated Emissions
    Test Requirement         47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.209 & 15.249 (a),(d)
    Test Method:             ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.4&6.5&6.6
    Measurement Distance:    3m

                       Field strength            Limit
   Frequency(MHz)                                                  Detector        Distance
                     (microvolts/meter)        (dBuV/m)
     0.009-0.490        2400/F(kHz)                 -                  -             300
     0.490-1.705        24000/F(kHz)                -                  -              30
       1.705-30               30                    -                  -              30
        30-88                100                 40.0                QP               3
       88-216                150                 43.5                QP               3
       216-960               200                 46.0                QP               3
      960-1000               500                 54.0                QP               3
     Above 1000              500                 54.0                 AV              3

                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                Guangzhou Branch
                                                                    Report No.: GZEM190601397403
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7.4.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:      23 °C      Humidity: 52 % RH             Atmospheric Pressure: 1020   mbar
      Test mode         a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in continuously transmitting mode with GFSK modulation

7.4.2 Test Setup Diagram

7.4.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
      For testing performed with the loop antenna, the center of the loop was positioned 1 m above the ground
      and positioned with its plane vertical at the specified distance from the EUT. During testing the loop was
      rotated about its vertical axis for maximum response at each azimuth and also investigated with the loop
      positioned in the horizontal plane. Only the worst position of vertical was shown in the report.
      Measured Level l=Read Level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Preamp Factor

                        SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                        Guangzhou Branch
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Mode:a; Polarization:Horizontal; Modulation:GFSK;

Mode:a; Polarization:Vertical; Modulation:GFSK;

                                      --End of Report--

Document Created: 2019-10-29 01:55:58
Document Modified: 2019-10-29 01:55:58

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