Test Report

FCC ID: OU9LS802-E02

Test Report

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                                                   SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.

    198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technological
    Development District, Guangzhou, China 510663
    Telephone: +86 (0) 20 82155555                                                                         Report No.: GZEM140400190701
    Fax:       +86 (0) 20 82075059
    Email:     ee.guangzhou@sgs.com                                                                        Page:          1 of 34
                                                                                                           FCC ID: OU9LS802-E02

1 Cover Page

                                                       TEST REPORT
Application No.:                         GZEM1404001907ME
Applicant:                               Guangdong Transtek Medical Electronics Co., Ltd
FCC ID:                                  OU9LS802-E02
Product Name:                            Blood Pressure Monitor
Product Description:                     Blood Pressure Monitor with 915 MHz as carrier
Model No.:                               LS802-E
Trade mark:                              Transtek
Standards:                               CFR 47 FCC PART 15 SUBPART C:2013 section 15.249
Date of Receipt:                         2014-04-29
Date of Test:                            2014-06-23 to 2014-07-08
Date of Issue:                           2014-07-20
Test Result :                            Pass*

*      In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.

                 Richard Li
The manufacturer should ensure that all products in series production are in conformity with the product sample detailed in this report. If the product in this report
is used in any configuration other than that detailed in the report, the manufacturer must ensure the new system complies with all relevant standards.

The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the federal government. All test
results in this report can be traceable to National or International Standards.

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at
www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at
www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this
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instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their
rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any
unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of
the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       2 of 34

2 Version

                                                                                        Revision Record

          Version                        Chapter                                  Date                                 Modifier                                           Remark

               00                                                           2014-07-20                                                                                     Original

   Authorized for issue by:

   Tested By
                                                                                                                                                             2011-01-27 to 2011-02-01

                                                                          (Jack Liang) / Project Engineer                                                    Date

   Prepared By

                                                                          (Liky Chen) / Clerk                                                                Date

   Checked By

                                                                          (Fred Zhu) / Reviewer                                                              Date

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
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documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       3 of 34

3 Test Summary

                         Test                               Test Requirement                                        Test method                                             Result

        Field Strength of                                      FCC PART 15 C                                          ANSI C63.10:
        Fundamental                                          section 15.249 (a)                                          Clause 6.6

                                                               FCC PART 15 C                                          ANSI C63.10:
        Field Strength of
                                                             section 15.249 (a)                                 Clause 6.4, 6.6 and                                          PASS
        Unwanted Emissions
                                                              section 15.249 (d)                                              6.7

                                                               FCC PART 15 C                                          ANSI C63.10:
        Band Edges                                                                                                                                                           PASS
                                                             section 15.249 (d)                                        Clause 6.9.2

                                                               FCC PART 15 C                                           ANSI C63.10:
        Occupied Bandwidth                                                                                                                                                   PASS
                                                              section 15.215(c)                                         Clause 6.9.1

       Conducted Emissions                                     FCC PART 15 C                                        ANSI C63.10:
       at Mains Terminals                                        section 15.207                                        Clause 6.2
  EUT: In this whole report EUT means Equipment Under Test.
  Tx: In this whole report Tx (or tx) means Transmitter.
  Rx: In this whole report Rx (or rx) means Receiver.
  RF: In this whole report RF means Radio Frequency.
  ANSI C63.10: the detail version is ANSI C63.10:2009 in the whole report.
  **: The EUT passed Conducted Emissions at Mains Terminals test after modification carried out by

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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
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4 Contents
1        COVER PAGE ............................................................................................................................................................ 1

2        VERSION .................................................................................................................................................................... 2

3        TEST SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

4        CONTENTS................................................................................................................................................................. 4

5        GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................... 5

         5.1             Client Information ................................................................................................................................. 5
         5.2             General Description of E.U.T. ............................................................................................................... 5
         5.3             Details of E.U.T. .................................................................................................................................... 5
         5.4             Description of Support Units ................................................................................................................. 5
         5.5             Other Information Requested by the Customer ..................................................................................... 6
         5.6             Abnormalities from Standard Conditions .............................................................................................. 6
         5.7             Deviation from Standards ...................................................................................................................... 6
         5.8             Test Location ......................................................................................................................................... 6
         5.9             Test Facility ........................................................................................................................................... 7

6        EQUIPMENT USED DURING TEST....................................................................................................................... 8

7        TEST RESULTS......................................................................................................................................................... 9

         7.1             E.U.T. Operation.................................................................................................................................... 9
         7.2             Antenna Requirement .......................................................................................................................... 10
         7.3             Field Strength of Fundamental& Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions& Band Edge ..................... 11
         7.4             Occupied Bandwidth ........................................................................................................................... 29
         7.5             Conducted Emissions at Mains Terminals 150 kHz to 30 MHz .......................................................... 31

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       5 of 34

5 General Information

5.1         Client Information
           Applicant:                                                   Guangdong Transtek Medical Electronics Co., Ltd
           Address of Applicant:                                        Zone A, 5/F., Investment Building, No.12 Huizhan East Rd., Torch
                                                                        Development District, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China, 528437

5.2 General Description of E.U.T.
            Product Name:                                               Blood Pressure Monitor
            Model No.:                                                  LS802-E

5.3 Details of E.U.T.
            Operating Frequency                                         915 MHz, 916 MHz, 916.5 MHz

            Type of Modulation:                                         FSK

            Number of Channels                                          3

            Channel Separation:                                         More than 0.5MHz

            Antenna Type                                                Integral antenna

            Antenna gain:                                               1 dBi
            Function:                                                   Blood Pressure Monitor with 915MHz as carrier

            Power Supply:                                               DC 6V = 4 x 1.5V size “AA” batteries;
                                                                        AC 100-240V 50-60Hz for adapter
            Adapter Information:                                        Model: UE08WCP-060100SPA
                                                                        Input: AC 100-240V 50-60Hz
                                                                        Output DC 6V 1A
            Power cord:                                                 1.5m x 2 wires unscreened DC cable
           EUT channels and frequencies list:

                                                                  Frequency                                                                                    Frequency
                         Channel                                                                                 Channel
                                                                       (MHz)                                                                                        (MHz)
                                1                                        915                                             2                                            916
                                3                                      916.5

5.4         Description of Support Units
           The EUT has been test as an independent unit.

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
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documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       6 of 34

5.5         Other Information Requested by the Customer

5.6 Abnormalities from Standard Conditions
           The EUT passed Conducted Emissions at Mains Terminals test after modification carried out by

5.7 Deviation from Standards
           Biconical and log periodic antennas were used instead of dipole antennas.

5.8         Test Location
         All tests were performed at:
         SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., Guangzhou EMC Laboratory,
         198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technology Development District,
         Guangzhou, China 510663
         Tel: +86 20 82155555 Fax: +86 20 82075059
         No tests were sub-contracted.

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
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documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                               SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Report No.: GZEM140400 180701
                                                                 Page:       7otss

59   Test Facility
          "Thetest facityisrecognized, cottfd, or aceredted by the folowing organizations:
     #     NVLAP (Lab Code: 2ooott—0)
           5GS—CSTC Standarts Technical Servees Co, Lk. Guangtou ENC Laboratary is accredted bythe
           National Volumtary Laberatory Aceredtation Program (NVLA®NIST}, NVLAP Code: 20091 1—0
           "oaraot musoo usnotm canb cpotaccutfctnanportorandoamano TM.AP.NIST o any aurey
           of e Fasaalomment
     &     moun
           5GS—CSTC Standarts Technal Servees Co, L. EMC Laboretoy can alsoperrm tesng or the
           Australan C—Tek matkas a resut of ut NVLAP sccredtation
     *     563 UKiCertficate No: 22), 565—TUV SAARLAND and SGS—FIKkO
           Have approved SGSCSTC Standards Technial Serices Co., L. EMC Labortory as a supplerof
           evc tesmin senvices and sarerv tesnNo services
     #     Cnas (Lab Cade: Lorer)
           5GS—CSTC Standarts Technal Servees Co, L. EMC Laboretoy has been asseased and in
           cormplarce wih GNAS—CLOT2008 accredtation erteriafortesing laboratores(dentoalto
           1S01EC 170252005 General Requrementsforthe Competence of Testg Laboratores
     #—    FCC (Registation No.: 202000)
           5GS—CSTC Standarts Technal Servees Co, L. EMC Laboretoy has been regitered and fuly
           leseribed in a report Ned with he (FCC) Federal Commnieatons Commiasion The acceptance ater
           from the FGC is maintained n ourNes: Registatin 282809, May 01, 2002
     *     industry Canada (Registation No.: 46208—1)
           The3r10m Aternate Semi—anectole chamber f SGS—CSTC Standards TectricalServces Co, Lid,
           has been regitered by Gertfeation and Engneering ofIndusty Ganada forradle equipmenttestng
           wi Regisvaton No: 46208—1
     #     YGGI(Registrtion No.: R—2400, C2884, G—4tBand T—1179)
        Th 1 Om Semianechole chamber and Stielded Room of SGS—CSTC Slandards TechnleaServees Co
        Lid.have been regitered in accordance with e Regualons for Volitary Contrl Measures with
        Registation No.: R2450, C—2584. G—440 and T—1179 respectivly
     #— CHti(tab Code: T.t29)
        5GS—CSTC Standarts Technial Servees Co. Lk. EAE Laboretory has beon asseased and fuly
        cormply win the reauirements f SOIEC 170252005,the Basie Rules, ECE 01:2006—10 and Rules of
        procedire IECEE 02:2006—10, an therelvant IECEE CB—Scheme Operational documents

Imemonetiemenverrtereeneerenene one crmencnlonl

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       8 of 34

6 Equipment Used during Test

   RE in Chamber
                                                                                                                                                                 Cal. date                 Cal.Due date
       No.                Test Equipment                            Manufacturer                     Model No.                    Serial No.
                                                                                                                                                             (YYYY-MM-DD)                 (YYYY-MM-DD)
                          Compact Semi-                           ChangZhou
 EMC0525                                                                                                   N/A                         N/A                     2012-08-30                    2014-08-30
                         Anechoic Chamber                          ZhongYu
 EMC0522                 EMI Test Receiver                      Rohde & Schwarz                         ESIB26                      100283                     2014-04-19                    2015-04-19
 EMC0056                 EMI Test Receiver                      Rohde & Schwarz                          ESCI                       100236                     2014-03-03                    2015-03-03
                         RI High frequency
 EMC0528                                                                    SGS                           20 m                         N/A                     2014-05-09                    2015-05-09
                        Trilog Broadband
 EMC2025                                                             MESS-                          VULB 9163                     9163-450                     2013-08-31                    2016-08-31
                       Antenna 30-3000MHz
 EMC0524               Bi-log Type Antenna                       Schaffner -Chase                    CBL6112B                         2966                     2013-08-31                    2016-08-31

 EMC0519                Bilog Type Antenna                       Schaffner -Chase                     CBL6143                         5070                     2012-06-02                    2015-06-02

                             Horn Antenna
 EMC2026                                                             MESS-   BBHA 9120D                                          9120D-841                     2013-08-31                    2016-08-31
 EMC0518                     Horn Antenna                       Rohde & Schwarz                          HF906                      100096                     2012-07-01                    2015-07-01
                              1-26.5 GHz
 EMC0521                                                                  Agilent                        8449B                 3008A01649                      2014-03-03                    2015-03-03
 EMC2065                       Amplifier                                     HP                          8447F                         N/A                     2013-08-31                    2014-08-31
 EMC2063 1-26GHz Pre Amplifier
                                                                 Direction System PAP-1G26-48                                     6279.628                     2013-08-31                    2014-08-31
 EMC0075                  310N Amplifier                                Sonama                           310N                       272683                     2014-03-03                    2015-03-03
 EMC0523               Active Loop Antenna                           EMCO                                 6502                      42963                      2014-03-03                    2016-03-03
                            Broad-Band                           SCHWARZBECK
                          Horn Antenna                               MESS-                          BBHA 9170                     9170-375                     2014-05-26                    2017-05-26
                       (14)15-26.5(40)GHz                          ELEKTRONI
 EMC2069                      2.4GHz filter                         Micro-Tronics                   BRM 50702                          149                     2014-04-19                    2015-04-19
                           10m Semi-
 EMC0530                                                                    ETS                            N/A                         N/A                     2014-05-03                    2016-05-03
                        Anechoic Chamber

   General used equipment
                                                                                                                                                                  Cal. date                Cal.Due date
       No.                Test Equipment                           Manufacturer                       Model No.                     Serial No.
                                                                                                                                                              (YYYY-MM-DD)                (YYYY-MM-DD)
 EMC0006                             DMM                                   Fluke                             73                     70681569                    2013-09-13                  2014-09-13
 EMC0007                             DMM                                   Fluke                             73                     70671122                    2013-09-13                  2014-09-13

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       9 of 34

7 Test Results

7.1         E.U.T. Operation
                 Test Voltage:                                        DC 6V or AC 120V/60Hz for adapter
                 Temperature:                                         20.0 -25.0 °C
                 Humidity:                                            38-50 % RH
                 Atmospheric Pressure:                                1000 -1010 mbar

                 Test frequencies and                                 According to the 15.31(m) Measurements on intentional radiators or
                 frequency range:                                     receivers, other than TV broadcast receivers, shall be performed and, if
                                                                      required, reported for each band in which the device can be operated
                                                                      with the device operating at the number of frequencies in each band
                                                                      specified in the following table:

                                                                      According to the 15.33 (a) For an intentional radiator, the spectrum
                                                                      shall be investigated from the lowest radio frequency signal generated
                                                                      in the device, without going below 9 kHz, up to at least the frequency
                                                                      shown in the following table:
            Number of fundamental frequencies to be tested in EUT transmit band
                  Frequency range in which                                                         Number of                                      Location in frequency range
                            device operates                                                      frequencies                                                      of operation
                               1 MHz or less                                                                1                                                           Middle
                            1 MHz to 10 MHz                                                                 2                                      1 near top and 1 near bottom
                                                                                                                                                 1 near top, 1 near middle and 1
                           More than 10 MHz                                                                 3
                                                                                                                                                                   near bottom

            Frequency range of radiated emission measurements
               Lowest frequency generated
                                                                                                     Upper frequency range of measurement
                                in the device
                                                                               10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz,
                      9 kHz to below 10 GHz
                                                                               whichever is lower
                 At or above 10 GHz to below                                   5th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency or to 100 GHz,
                                     30 GHz                                    whichever is lower
                                                                               5th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency or to 200 GHz,
                          At or above 30 GHz
                                                                               whichever is lower, unless otherwise specified

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       10 of 34

7.2         Antenna Requirement
           Standard requirement
           15.203 requirement:
           For intentional device. According to 15.203. an intentional radiator shall be designed to
           Ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the
           EUT Antenna
           The antenna is PCB Layout antenna and no consideration of replacement. The maximum gain of the
           antenna is 1dBi.

           Test result: The unit does meet the FCC requirements.

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       11 of 34

7.3         Field Strength of Fundamental& Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions& Band
               Test Requirement:                              FCC Part15 C section 15.249
                                                              (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the field strength of
                                                              emissions from intentional radiators operated within these frequency bands
                                                              shall comply with the following:
                                                                                                                        Field Strength of                                Field Strength of
                                                                        Fundamental                                       Fundamental                                       Harmonics
                                                                      Frequency (MHz)
                                                                                                                        (dBµV/m @ 3m)                                    (dBµV/m @ 3m)
                                                                             902 to 928                                            94.0                                             54.0
                                                                         2400 to 2483.5                                            94.0                                             54.0
                                                                          5725 to 5875                                             94.0                                             54.0
                                                                        24000 to 24250                                            108.0                                             68.0
                                                              (d) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for
                                                              harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the
                                                              fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in Section 15.209,
                                                              whichever is the lesser attenuation.
               Limits:                                        The fundamental frequency rang is in the frequency band of the EUT is 902
                                                              MHz ~ 928 MHz.
                                                              The limit for QP field strength dBµV/m for the fundamental frequency = 94.0
                                                              No fundamental is allowed in the restricted bands.
                                                              The limit for AVG field strength dBµV/m for the harmonics and other above
                                                              1G frequencies = 54.0 dBµV/m.
                                                              The limit for Peak field strength dBµV/m for the harmonics and other above
                                                              1G frequencies = 74.0 dBµV/m.
               Test Method:                                   ANSI C63.10: Clause 6.4, 6.6 and 6.7 for Field Strength of Fundamental&
                                                              Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions
                                                              ANSI C63.10: Clause 6.9.2 for Band Edge
               Status                                         Pre-test the EUT in continuous transmitting mode with setup as stand-alone
                                                              in X, Y, Z threes axes, found the worst case is X axes and report the data.
                                                              3m (Semi-Anechoic Chamber)
               Frequency range                                9 kHz – 10 GHz for transmitting mode.
                                                              Test instrumentation resolution bandwidth
                                                              9 kHz (9 kHz - 30 MHz), 120 kHz (30 MHz - 1000 MHz), 1 MHz (1000 MHz –
                                                              10 GHz)

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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       12 of 34

               Detector:                                      For PK and QP value:
                                                              RBW = 1 MHz for f ≥ 1 GHz, 100 kHz for f < 1 GHz
                                                              VBW ≥ RBW
                                                              Sweep = auto
                                                              Detector function = peak
                                                              Trace = max hold
                                                              For AV value:
                                                              RBW = 1 MHz for f ≥ 1 GHz,
                                                              VBW =10 Hz
                                                              Sweep = auto
                                                              Detector function = peak
                                                              Trace = max hold

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       13 of 34

     And according 15.35(a)
     15.35(a) On any frequency or frequencies below or equal to 1000 MHz, the limits shown are based on
      measuring equipment employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector function and related measurement
      bandwidths, unless otherwise specified. The specifications for the measuring instrument using the
      CISPR quasi-peak detector can be found in Publication 16 of the International Special Committee on
      Radio Interference (CISPR) of the International Electrotechnical Commission. As an alternative to CISPR
      quasi-peak measurements, the responsible party, at its option, may demonstrate compliance with the
      emission limits using measuring equipment employing a peak detector function, properly adjusted for
      such factors as pulse desensitization, as long as the same bandwidths as indicated for CISPR
      quasi-peak measurements are employed.
     Note: For pulse modulated devices with a pulse-repetition frequency of 20 Hz or less and for which
      CISPR quasi-peak measurements are specified, compliance with the regulations shall be demonstrated
      using measuring equipment employing a peak detector function, properly adjusted for such factors as
      pulse desensitization, using the same measurement bandwidths that are indicated for CISPR quasi-peak
     According to 15.35 (b) Unless otherwise specified, on any frequency or frequencies above 1000 MHz, the
      radiated emission limits are based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing an average
      detector function. Unless otherwise specified, measurements above 1000 MHz shall be performed using
      a minimum resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz. When average radiated emission measurements are
      specified in this part, including average emission measurements below 1000 MHz, there also is a limit on
      the peak level of the radio frequency emissions. Unless otherwise specified, e.g., see §§ 15.250, 15.252,
      15.255, and 15.509-15.519 of this part, the limit on peak radio frequency emissions is 20 dB above the
      maximum permitted average emission limit applicable to the equipment under test. This peak limit
      applies to the total peak emission level radiated by the device, e.g., the total peak power level. Note that
      the use of a pulse desensitization correction factor may be needed to determine the total peak emission
      level. The instruction manual or application note for the measurement instrument should be consulted for
      determining pulse desensitization factors, as necessary.
     The average correction factor is computed by analyzing the on time in 100ms over one complete pulse
      train. Analysis of the remote transmitter on time in one complete pulse train, therefore the average value
      of fundamental frequency is: Average = Peak value + 20log (Duty cycle), where the duty factor is
      calculated from following formula:
     20log (Duty cycle) = 20log(0.2863) = -10.86dB

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are retained for 90 days only.

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                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       14 of 34

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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       15 of 34

                   Test Procedure:
                   1)9 kHz to 30 MHz emissions:
                   For testing performed with the loop antenna, testing was performed in accordance to ANSI
                   C63.10. The centre of the loop was positioned 1 m above the ground and positioned with its
                   plane vertical at the specified distance from the EUT, During testing the loop was rotated about
                   its vertical axis for maximum response at each azimuth and also investigated with the loop
                   positioned in the horizontal plane.
                   2)30 MHz to 1 GHz emissions:
                   For testing performed with the bi-log type antenna, testing was performed in accordance to ANSI
                   C63.10. The measurement is performed with the EUT rotated 360º, the antenna height scanned
                   between 1m and 4m, and the antenna rotated to repeat the measurement for both the horizontal
                   and vertical antenna polarizations.
                   3)1 GHz to 10 GHz emissions:
                  Test site with RF absorbing material covering the ground plane that met the site validation
                  criterion called out in CISPR 16-1-4:2007 was used to perform radiated emission test above 1
                   For testing performed with the horn antenna, testing was performed in accordance to ANSI
                   C63.10. The measurement is performed with the EUT rotated 360º, the antenna height scan
                   between 1m and 4m, and the antenna rotated to repeat the measurement for both the horizontal
                   and vertical antenna polarizations.
                    Test Configuration:
                    1) 9 kHz to 30 MHz emissions:

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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       16 of 34

                    2) 30 MHz to 1 GHz emissions:

                    3) 1 GHz to 10 GHz emissions:

                   The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor, Cable Loss & Per-amplifier. The
                   basic equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
                   Final Test Level =Receiver Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor

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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       17 of 34

            Quasi-peak measurement
                                         Antenna                   Cable                 Preamp                  Reading                Emission                                          Antenna
              Frequency                                                                                                                                              Limit
                                          factors                   loss                   factor                   Level                   Level                                        polarizati
                   (MHz)                                                                                                                                         (dBµ
                                           (dB/m)                   (dB)                     (dB)                 (dBµ
                                                                                                                     µV)                (dBµ
                                                                                                                                           µV/m)                                                on
                    915.0                   21.18                   4.01                    30.88                   96.08                   90.39                    94.00                       V
                    916.0                   21.21                   4.02                    30.88                   95.15                   89.50                    94.00                       V
                    916.5                   21.21                   4.03                    30.88                   95.72                   90.08                    94.00                       V
                    915.0                   21.18                   4.01                    30.88                   96.24                   90.55                    94.00                       H
                    916.0                   21.21                   4.02                    30.88                   96.29                   90.64                    94.00                       H
                    916.5                   21.21                   4.03                    30.88                   95.71                   90.07                    94.00                       H

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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       18 of 34

            9 kHz~30 MHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
            The measurements with active loop antenna were greater than 20dB below the limit, so the test data
            were not recorded in the test report.

            30 MHz~1 GHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
               Peak scan
               Level (dBµV/m)

               Quasi-peak measurement

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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       19 of 34

            9 kHz~30 MHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
            The measurements with active loop antenna were greater than 20dB below the limit, so the test data
            were not recorded in the test report.

               30 MHz~1 GHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
               Peak scan
               Level (dBµV/m)

               Quasi-peak measurement

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                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       20 of 34

1~10 GHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions.
Peak & Average Measurement
  Peak Measurement:
                           Antenna                                             Preamp                  Reading                 Emission
 Frequency                                        Cable loss                                                                                                 Limit                     Antenna
                             factors                                             factor                   Level                    Level
     (MHz)                                               (dB)                                                                                            (dBµ
                                                                                                                                                            µV/m)                  polarization
                             (dB/m)                                                (dB)                  (dBµ
                                                                                                            µV)                (dBµ
  1830.000                     25.42                     6.06                     38.22                   50.16                    43.42                     74.00                            V
  2745.000                     28.27                     7.48                     38.31                   49.79                    47.23                     74.00                            V
  3660.000                     29.22                     9.64                     38.56                   48.52                    48.82                     74.00                            V
  1830.000                     25.42                     6.06                     38.22                   46.76                    40.02                     74.00                            H
  2745.000                     28.27                     7.48                     38.31                   53.75                    51.19                     74.00                            H
  3660.000                     29.22                     9.64                     38.56                   52.99                    53.29                     74.00                            H
  Average Measurement:
                                                                                                         Peak                 Emission
 Frequency                                 20log (Duty cycle)                                                                                                Limit                     Antenna
                                                                                                         value                    Level
     (MHz)                                               (dB)                                                                                            (dBµ
                                                                                                                                                            µV/m)                  polarization
                                                                                                        µV/m)                 (dBµ
  1830.000                                                                                               43.42                     32.56                     54.00                            V
  2745.000                                                                                               47.23                     36.37                     54.00                            V
  3660.000                                                                                               48.82                     37.96                     54.00                            V
  1830.000                                                                                               40.02                     29.16                     54.00                            H
  2745.000                                                                                               51.19                     40.33                     54.00                            H
  3660.000                                                                                               53.29                     42.43                     54.00                            H
1). The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor. Cable Factor & Preamplifier. The basic
equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
Final Test Level =Receiver Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss –Preamplifier Factor.
2). As shown in Section, for frequencies above 1000 MHz. the above field strength limits are based on
average limits. However, the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted
average limits s`pecified above by more than 20 dB under any condition of modulation.
3). The test only perform the EUT in transmitting status since the test frequencies were over 1GHz only
required transmitting status.
4). The average value is: Average = Peak value + 20log (Duty cycle), where the duty factor is calculated
from following formula:20log (Duty cycle) = 20log(0.2863) = -10.86dB
Test result: The unit does meet the FCC requirements.

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       21 of 34

            9 kHz~30 MHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
            The measurements with active loop antenna were greater than 20dB below the limit, so the test data
            were not recorded in the test report.

            30 MHz~1 GHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
               Peak scan
               Level (dBµV/m)

               Quasi-peak measurement

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       22 of 34

            9 kHz~30 MHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
            The measurements with active loop antenna were greater than 20dB below the limit, so the test data
            were not recorded in the test report.

               30 MHz~1 GHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
               Peak scan
               Level (dBµV/m)

               Quasi-peak measurement

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       23 of 34

1~10 GHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions.
Peak & Average Measurement
  Peak Measurement:
                           Antenna                                             Preamp                  Reading                 Emission
 Frequency                                        Cable loss                                                                                                 Limit                     Antenna
                             factors                                             factor                   Level                    Level
     (MHz)                                               (dB)                                                                                            (dBµ
                                                                                                                                                            µV/m)                  polarization
                             (dB/m)                                                (dB)                  (dBµ
                                                                                                            µV)                (dBµ
  1832.000                     25.42                     6.06                     38.22                   52.95                    46.21                     74.00                            V
  2748.000                     28.29                     7.49                     38.31                   53.65                    51.12                     74.00                            V
  3664.000                     29.22                     9.64                     38.56                   47.53                    47.83                     74.00                            V
  1832.000                     25.42                     6.06                     38.22                   49.33                    42.59                     74.00                            H
  2748.000                     28.29                     7.49                     38.31                   54.97                    52.44                     74.00                            H
  3664.000                     29.22                     9.64                     38.56                   54.64                    54.94                     74.00                            H
  Average Measurement:
                                                                                                         Peak                 Emission
 Frequency                                 20log (Duty cycle)                                                                                                Limit                     Antenna
                                                                                                         value                    Level
     (MHz)                                               (dB)                                                                                            (dBµ
                                                                                                                                                            µV/m)                  polarization
                                                                                                        µV/m)                 (dBµ
  1832.000                                                                                               46.21                     35.35                     54.00                            V
  2748.000                                                                                               51.12                     40.26                     54.00                            V
  3664.000                                                                                               47.83                     36.97                     54.00                            V
  1832.000                                                                                               42.59                     31.73                     54.00                            H
  2748.000                                                                                               52.44                     41.58                     54.00                            H
  3664.000                                                                                               54.94                     44.08                     54.00                            H
1). The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor. Cable Factor & Preamplifier. The basic
equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
Final Test Level =Receiver Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss –Preamplifier Factor.
2). As shown in Section, for frequencies above 1000 MHz. the above field strength limits are based on
average limits. However, the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted
average limits s`pecified above by more than 20 dB under any condition of modulation.
3). The test only perform the EUT in transmitting status since the test frequencies were over 1GHz only
required transmitting status.
4). The average value is: Average = Peak value + 20log (Duty cycle), where the duty factor is calculated
from following formula:20log (Duty cycle) = 20log(0.2863) = -10.86dB
Test result: The unit does meet the FCC requirements.

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       24 of 34

            9 kHz~30 MHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
            The measurements with active loop antenna were greater than 20dB below the limit, so the test data
            were not recorded in the test report.

            30 MHz~1 GHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
               Peak scan
               Level (dBµV/m)

               Quasi-peak measurement

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       25 of 34

            9 kHz~30 MHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
            The measurements with active loop antenna were greater than 20dB below the limit, so the test data
            were not recorded in the test report.

               30 MHz~1 GHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
               Peak scan
               Level (dBµV/m)

               Quasi-peak measurement

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       26 of 34

1~10 GHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions.
Peak & Average Measurement
  Peak Measurement:
                           Antenna                                             Preamp                  Reading                 Emission
 Frequency                                        Cable loss                                                                                                 Limit                     Antenna
                             factors                                             factor                   Level                    Level
     (MHz)                                               (dB)                                                                                            (dBµ
                                                                                                                                                            µV/m)                  polarization
                             (dB/m)                                                (dB)                  (dBµ
                                                                                                            µV)                (dBµ
  1833.000                     25.45                     6.07                     38.22                   52.91                    46.21                     74.00                            V
  2749.000                     28.29                     7.49                     38.31                   53.65                    51.12                     74.00                            V
  3666.000                     29.22                     9.64                     38.56                   50.36                    50.66                     74.00                            V
  1833.000                     25.45                     6.07                     38.22                   50.21                    43.51                     74.00                            H
  2749.000                     28.29                     7.49                     38.31                   54.86                    52.33                     74.00                            H
  3666.000                     29.22                     9.64                     38.56                   55.61                    55.91                     74.00                            H
  Average Measurement:
                                                                                                         Peak                 Emission
 Frequency                                 20log (Duty cycle)                                                                                                Limit                     Antenna
                                                                                                         value                    Level
     (MHz)                                               (dB)                                                                                            (dBµ
                                                                                                                                                            µV/m)                  polarization
                                                                                                        µV/m)                 (dBµ
  1833.000                                                                                               46.21                     35.35                     54.00                            V
  2749.000                                                                                               51.12                     40.26                     54.00                            V
  3666.000                                                                                               50.66                     39.80                     54.00                            V
  1833.000                                                                                               43.51                     32.65                     54.00                            H
  2749.000                                                                                               52.33                     41.47                     54.00                            H
  3666.000                                                                                               55.91                     45.05                     54.00                            H
1). The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor. Cable Factor & Preamplifier. The basic
equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
Final Test Level =Receiver Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss –Preamplifier Factor.
2). As shown in Section, for frequencies above 1000 MHz. the above field strength limits are based on
average limits. However, the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted
average limits s`pecified above by more than 20 dB under any condition of modulation.
3). The test only perform the EUT in transmitting status since the test frequencies were over 1GHz only
required transmitting status.
4). The average value is: Average = Peak value + 20log (Duty cycle), where the duty factor is calculated
from following formula:20log (Duty cycle) = 20log(0.2863) = -10.86dB
Test result: The unit does meet the FCC requirements.

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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       27 of 34

Band Edge:

         Low channel:

         Highest Channel:

               Test result: The unit does meet the FCC requirements.

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       28 of 34

Lowest 915MHz
Quasi-Peak Measurement:
                           Antenna                                             Preamp                  Reading                 Emission
Frequency                                         Cable loss                                                                                                 Limit                     Antenna
                             factors                                             factor                   Level                    Level
     (MHz)                                               (dB)                                                                                            (dBµ
                                                                                                                                                            µV/m)                  polarization
                             (dB/m)                                                (dB)                  (dBµ
                                                                                                            µV)                (dBµ
    902.00                     21.12                     4.00                     30.90                   33.39                    27.61                     46.00                            V
    928.00                     21.28                     4.04                     30.84                   33.37                    27.85                     46.00                            V
    902.00                     21.12                     4.00                     30.90                   33.69                    27.91                     46.00                            H
    928.00                     21.28                     4.04                     30.84                   33.01                    27.49                     46.00                            H

Highest 916.5MHz
Quasi-Peak Measurement:
                           Antenna                                             Preamp                  Reading                 Emission
Frequency                                         Cable loss                                                                                                 Limit                     Antenna
                             factors                                             factor                   Level                    Level
     (MHz)                                               (dB)                                                                                            (dBµ
                                                                                                                                                            µV/m)                  polarization
                             (dB/m)                                                (dB)                  (dBµ
                                                                                                            µV)                (dBµ
    902.00                     21.12                     4.00                     30.90                   33.07                    27.29                     46.00                            V
    928.00                     21.28                     4.04                     30.84                   33.60                    28.08                     46.00                            V
    902.00                     21.12                     4.00                     30.90                   32.60                    26.82                     46.00                            H
    928.00                     21.28                     4.04                     30.84                   33.76                    28.24                     46.00                            H

1). The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor. Cable Factor & Preamplifier. The basic
      equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
Final Test Level =Receiver Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss –Preamplifier Factor.
Test result: The unit does meet the FCC requirements.

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       29 of 34

7.4         Occupied Bandwidth
                      Test Requirement:                            FCC Part 15 C section 15.215
                                                                   (c)Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the
                                                                   general emission limits, as contained in §§ 15.217 through 15.257 and in
                                                                   Subpart E of this part, must be designed to ensure that the 20 dB
                                                                   bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be
                                                                   specified in the specific rule section under which the equipment operates,
                                                                   is contained within the frequency band designated in the rule section under
                                                                   which the equipment is operated.
                      Test Method:                                 ANSI C63.10: Clause 6.9.1
                                                                   Operation within the band 902 MHz to 928 MHz
                      Method of                                    A small sample of the transmitter output was fed into the Spectrum
                      measurement:                                 Analyzer and the attached plot was taken.
                          Test in the frequency 915MHz (20 dB bandwidth)
                                                                                   Marker 3 [T1]                           RBW           10 kHz         RF Att           30 dB
                                                            Ref Lvl                                 -31.38 dBm             VBW           30 kHz
                                                            20 dBm                       915.15751503 MHz                  SWT           30 ms          Unit                  dBm
                                                                                                                                           3 [T1]                -31.38 dBm
                                                                                                                                                       915.15751503 MHz
                                                                                                                                           1 [T1]                -10.68 dBm
                                                                                                                                                       914.90501002 MHz
                                                        0                                                                                  2 [T1]                -31.24 dBm
                                                                                                                                                       914.84969940 MHz
                                                     -10     D1 -10.68 dBm
                                                            1MAX                                                                                                                    1MA


                                                                                                      2                              3
                                                     -30           D2 -30.68 dBm





                                                            Center 915 MHz                                      120 kHz/                                      Span 1.2 MHz

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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       30 of 34

                          Test in the frequency 916.5MHz (20 dB bandwidth)
                                                                                   Marker 3 [T1]                           RBW           10 kHz         RF Att           30 dB
                                                            Ref Lvl                                 -32.14 dBm             VBW           30 kHz
                                                            20 dBm                       916.65751503 MHz                  SWT           30 ms          Unit                  dBm
                                                                                                                                           3 [T1]                -32.14 dBm
                                                                                                                                                       916.65751503 MHz
                                                                                                                                           1 [T1]                -10.78 dBm
                                                                                                                                                       916.40260521 MHz
                                                        0                                                                                  2 [T1]                -31.45 dBm
                                                                                                                                                       916.35210421 MHz

                                                     -10     D1 -10.78 dBm
                                                            1MAX                                                                                                                    1MA


                                                                                                      2                              3
                                                     -30           D2 -30.78 dBm





                                                            Center 916.5 MHz                                   120 kHz/                                       Span 1.2 MHz

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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       31 of 34

7.5 Conducted Emissions at Mains Terminals 150 kHz to 30 MHz
           Test Requirement:                                        FCC Part 15 C section 15.207

           Test Method:                                             ANSI C63.10: Clause 6.2

           Frequency Range:                                         150 kHz to 30 MHz

           Detector:                                                Peak for pre-scan (9 kHz Resolution Bandwidth)

           Test Limit
                                        Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains ports of class B

                                    Frequency Range                                                                          Class B Limit dB(µV)
                                                (MHz)                                                     Quasi-peak                                               Average
                                           0.15 to 0.50                                                       66 to 56                                             56 to 46
                                              0.50 to 5                                                            56                                                   46
                                               5 to 30                                                             60                                                   50
                NOTE 1 The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0,15 MHz
                       to 0,50 MHz.
           EUT Operation:                                           Test in normal operating mode. For intentional radiators, measurements of
                                                                    the variation of the input power or the radiated signal level of the
                                                                    fundamental frequency component of the emission, as appropriate, shall
                                                                    be performed with the supply voltage varied between 85% and 115% of
                                                                    the nominal rated supply voltage.
                                                                    Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all
                                                                    possible combinations between available modulations, data rates and
                                                                    antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity architecture).

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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       32 of 34

           Test Configuration:

            Test procedure:
           1. The mains terminal disturbance voltage test was conducted in a shielded room.
           2. The EUT was connected to AC power source through a LISN 1 (Line Impedance Stabilization
           Network) which provides a 50Ω/50µH + 5Ω linear impedance. The power cables of all other units of the
           EUT were connected to a second LISN 2, which was bonded to the ground reference plane in the same
           way as the LISN 1 for the unit being measured. A multiple socket outlet strip was used to connect
           multiple power cables to a single LISN provided the rating of the LISN was not exceeded.
           3. The tabletop EUT was placed upon a non-metallic table 0.8m above the ground reference plane. And
           for floor-standing arrangement, the EUT was placed on the horizontal ground reference plane, but
           separated from metallic contact with the ground reference plane by 0.1m of insulation.
           4. The test was performed with a vertical ground reference plane. The rear of the EUT shall be 0,4 m
           from the vertical ground reference plane. The vertical ground reference plane was bonded to the
           horizontal ground reference plane. The LISN 1 was placed 0,8 m from the boundary of the unit under
           test and bonded to a ground reference plane for LISNs mounted on top of the ground reference plane.
           This distance was between the closest points of the LISN 1 and the EUT. All other units of the EUT and
           associated equipment was at least 0,8 m from the LISN 2.

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       33 of 34

               Measurement Data
               An initial pre-scan was performed on the live and neutral lines with peak detector.
               Quasi-Peak and Average measurement were performed at the frequencies with maximized peak
               emission were detected. For EUT the communicating was worst case mode.
                The following Quasi-Peak and Average measurements were performed on the EUT:
               Neutral Line

                   Measure data:

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are retained for 90 days only.

                                                               SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: GZEM140400190701
                                                                                                                                      Page:       34 of 34

                    Live Line

                   Measure result:

                                                                                        End of the report

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Document Created: 2014-10-08 05:49:45
Document Modified: 2014-10-08 05:49:45

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