Test report2


RF Exposure Info

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                             SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                          Appliation No..: GZEM 140400145902
                                                          Page             1ot 1
                                                          Fos ID: ousawessos

RF Exposure Compliance Requirement
The product belngs o standalone portable device base the FCC rule part 2.109132.1038. The
transmission fequnciesofthe deviceare beween 100 MHz and 6 GHz. The worst ase test separaton
distance is Smm.
The Mex Condcted Output Power and SAR Test Exelusion Threshold (mW) are ited below

 Transmitrequency (aute|_    NeX Cordbeted Outpot Pover          SAR Test Exclision
                                       (ow                        Threshod (miW)
          2ave                         asro                             a7
          2ase                         aese                             as
          2ago                         seis                             as

The SAR Test Exclusion Threshold for 100 MHz to 6 GHe is calculated from
11— The 1—4and 10.4 SAR test xelusionthresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHe at est separation ditances
= 50 mm aredetermined by:
{{max. power o channel, ncluding tuneup tolerance, mWmi.test separation istance, mmi]
[vi(GHe] = 3.0for 1 SAR. and = 7.5for 109 extremty SAR,. where
      1(GHzis the RF channel ransmt frequency in GHe
      Power and dstance arerounded to the nearest mW and mm belore caleulaton
     Thresult s rounded o one dacimal Blacefor compartson
The test exclusins are applicable only when the minimum test separation distance is = 50 mm and for
transmisson raquiencies between 100 MHz and 6 GHte. When the miimum test separation difance is<
5 mm, a distance of 5 mm is appled to determine SAR test exclusion

According to SAR Exclusion Threshold in KDB 447498 (DO1) General RF Exposure
Guidance v0602, the SAR report is not required.

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Document Created: 2014-05-16 01:24:30
Document Modified: 2014-05-16 01:24:30

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