Test report SAR Part 2


RF Exposure Info

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                                     Annex D
                  Appendix to Test Report No.: 1-4846/17-02-33

                                 Testing Laboratory
                 CTC advanced GmbH
                 Untertürkheimer Straße 6 – 10
                 66117 Saarbrücken/Germany
                 Phone:    + 49 681 5 98 - 0
                 Fax:      + 49 681 5 98 - 9075
                 Internet: http://www.ctcadvanced.com
                 e-mail:   mail@ctcadvanced.com

                 Accredited Test Laboratory:
                 The testing laboratory (area of testing) is accredited
                 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (2005) by the
                 Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS)
                 The accreditation is valid for the scope of testing
                 procedures as stated in the accreditation certificate with
                 the registration number: D-PL-12076-01-01

Appendix with Calibration data, Phantom certificate and system check

                                      Page 1 of 32

                                             Test report no.: 1-4846/17-02-33

1     Table of contents

1   Table of contents .......................................................................................................................................2

2   Calibration report “Probe ES3DV3” ........................................................................................................3

3   Calibration report “1900 MHz System validation dipole” ....................................................................14

4   Calibration certificate of Data Acquisition Unit (DAE) ........................................................................24

5   Certificate of “SAM Twin Phantom V4.0/V4.0C’’ .................................................................................25

6   Application Note System Performance Check .....................................................................................26
    6.1       Purpose of system performance check .....................................................................................26
    6.2       System Performance check procedure ......................................................................................26
    6.3       Uncertainty Budget ......................................................................................................................27
    6.4       Power set-up for validation .........................................................................................................31
    6.5       Laboratory reflection ...................................................................................................................32
    6.6       Additional system checks ...........................................................................................................32

                                                                    Page 2 of 32

                                       .                                         CTe ||| advanced

 Callbration Laboratory of                                             § Scvromicter in
 Schimid & Partner                                                     . Sevee on ttsonige
    Engineeing AG                                                      § nienme d inue
 nvainniame 3 foituicSeeties                                              Sus cavatontevce
 Avute ie SaAermouton Sevc (A9)                                        Acersusonno: SCS 0108
 The uis Accustatn Sevce is one te signtores ieth
 Mottinet Agnemnt t ecopnton tarvton cce
 ciem.— C1CadvancedGmbH                                        @eitcuns: ES3—3326_Aug1o
 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                           ]
 onea                    essove—snisors
 exmrensomsent)          oncacorveorcatzass, oncacasse
                         Calbraton procedure for dosimetic E—fel probes

 cateronone              Augost 17. z018
 Ts entatonns se e bncat is ato sarintsatch muee ppics c nemaenons 50
|roremenet atinncuretes un tdwrc ossutuy e pre on t ow ape s
                                                           n un stt certcae
 Acatato o benanseat n e ciasurmoy ty eniomen sene 22370 e hm«To
 Entten tasmen on t cnctrcarnioe

 rawsees               e                     Eio coveaie)                 [Eenicitae
 rorwnaerte            ecrere                corecinne mmcwrsins           —|rees
 rommnenrein           sicie                 cveciaie 2cem                 Jns
(Pormsener ean         scome                 ctecite eirmem                kess              m\
 Fdowce t t jemnate    sn ssr gio            cerccts t evemn               hss
 Rawwee rostsiove      sn w                  womirne twSm                  ns
 Em                    se                    zowsoe oeremon                —|oocis
 GerriySuaen           6                     Cexpermican                   sxsmigen
 rew nas tums          sn coument            5018 nrone anet n1b           nreaeces n3
 Fow e EinX            Scurcuser             @2001bons ons inth            mimaegns an2
 Pore uns turn         suconiee              001 ntone ona1t               nmoae cesc ange
 ie qoorae ie mc       sn umeenonis          0tigit intoae vun anitl       nroaeves ante
[fowe rni e—|          sn usciimer           3rite it roae d 0n tn         nroneaee. oars
                         Tss                      es                         wun               7
Cabeamsey               nowmve«                   Gatemoy Teavican

Aoomesny                 romeaoe                    Tesvesisinage       /(/@:
                                                                           ow rugocze on
Tocntorencentonwattto npoen ace n ta es uen sovon! e aeaiy

Contca ne: essuz0Augto                     Pagetorrs

                                       .                                          CTC I|| advanced

Gallbration Laboratory of                                                 3. Iinintietm
Schmid & Partner                                                          ( Severnimecttsiomige
  Engineeing AG
Anvgnmane 5hiturc Suveti                                                  s Sevite mm 8 maen
                                                                             Sum camvatontenice
 Arsesi bbeSeas rvegute Svcn 8                                             Accrsusonno: SCS       0108
 The SAccestaton tervcison ate sgumotes eEA
 Motine Apramat o h respnito octtraion custcues
Ts                       tewuesinsatng louit
NoRltyz                  senstvt in en soace
Cont                     senstvain TSL./NORMcyz
tee                      dade compresson pont
c                        crestfacer(Wiy,cycl)of h RF gnat
As.c.0                   medudaton dependanInearzaton paranatars
Polateaton s             oretaion aund mobe ans
Polatzaton a             8rotaion un an wus hatis in e planenormalto robe ans (t meascrement coto,
                          «. & = 0s nomalto pobe ons
Commect Angle——          infomaton use n DASY system o algn probe seor X o the robotcoordinate sstem
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
     a) IREE S 19082013, 1EEE Recommanded Procicfo Detemiing the Poak SpataAveraged Spoctc
          Abscpton Rate (SAR n th Human Head fom Wenlss Communicatons Devces Meascrement
          Techigues. June 20ta
     ©) 12€ 209.1.\‘Measirement pocedurefor e assersmant f Spectc Absorton Rate(SAR)tom hanc=
          hald and bi—mounted evices use nexto h aar(recuency range of 30 ite o 6 GHzy,uy 2016
     e). 120 822002, Procedurto deternina tSpecitc Absornton Rate (SAR)fo      wreless commincatondevces
          usedin loss prouniy to e human body (reauency range o 20 Mite o6 GeY,    Marc 2010
    «) ko absa, ‘SAR Measurament Requremonts or 100 hiz t Git:
Methods Appliod and Interpretation of Parameters:
    * MORMcycr: Assessed for Etd polanzaton 2 = (f 900 Ne in TEM.cl(> 1900 itc Re2wavenui)
          NOPAbcyx are onintermedate valiesie . heuncerintes of NORMsyz does notafect e 6tod
          uneatainy ind T5X ee below Con®)
    + NoRMiMh2 = NORYa * hequency.esponse (we Freauercy Response Char) This incarcalon is
          iplement in DASY4 ofware versons later than 42. The uncerainy oth feauercy resons is ncluted
          inhestted uncerianty f ComF
    + 0GPry.x. DCP arenumercalIncatsaion arametrsassessed based on the data of ow swenp wih Ci
         sigral o uncerianty requred) DCP does rot depend on hequency nor meda.
    + PA PR h Poakto Average Rato hatis notcaltrated ut detemined based on th signal
    +. Auz Beyiz. Ocyiz.Drya: VBxyi: A,B.C,D are nameteal Inoarcaton prametors assesse based on
         iha dita f power swaep fo sneatt mosulatonsgnat The prametrs o notdenenc on requercy nor
         med, in h masemons caltraion range exprossed n RMS votage acrous e
   * Gam and BoundarElfct Parametors: Ausensein at phartor in E—fad (odoce         Temporatie Transtor
         Stanct o 800 Mit)and inwavegsideusing analviclfld dtrbutons based on power
         measiremantfor!> 200 K. The same setips ae used o asessmentofthe paramatrs apcle or
         beunday compensaton (apna,dept)o wich ypeal unceriley values are aven These paantrsare
         used o DAS¥4 setware to mprove rabe accuacy caseto h bounday,Thasenstivty in TSL coresponds
         10 NRItey.x" Coree wnrmby h uncarainy cotespontst at en fr Com‘F. A roquencyependent
         Gore is used in DASY version .4 and Nigho wieh alous extencing ha valdty rom + 50 iteto a 100
   * Sphescal sotaoy (30 deviaton hom isotrapy n a fls of ow racints reatzed using a fat srartom
         eapored by a ptch anterna
   + SenserOfsar The ensor ifet cormsponds o toffet o vtua measuremant cetorfom th probe t
         (on gobe ain) No tlernce requred
   + GonmectarAngle: The angl is assesseusing th iformaton ganed bydetemiing the NORLtx(ro
         urcerainty requred,

Centeano esssaugte                            Pagezoti

                                                                    CTe I|| advanced
                                                                            mw otmertvene

 essovs—svaue                                                          hoi2008

                 Probe ES3DV3


                          Manufactured:          January 10, 2012
                          Calibrated:            August 17, 2018

                         Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                            (Nete: noveompattle vit DASY2 ystemt)

Conteae No Es 228 u91s                  Pagesotvt

                                     .                                     CTe I|| advanced

 essovs— susuce                                                                    Aowi m08
 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: ES3DV3 — SN:3326
 Basic Callbration Parameters
                                sman                 smy             Suar            wcten
  hem pupimy                     iss                  in              ass            ziors
  DCP (m¥l                      Tos                  fors              sea

 Modulation Calibration Parameters
  UD         Conmuneaton Satentame              x           1e         e       w      we
  s          sn                                «n_| en
                                         [3C|~ae|                     wo       ov     ocn
                                                     on         19| 00—       mea     se
                                          ¥|~ce~|    o0         —|~to         zes
                                         I¥]—se—i~se—|—10                    |fosa

 "The reported uncertaity of measurementi stated as the standard uncertainly of measurement
 mulipled by the coverage factor k=2, whichfor a normal distrbution corresponds to a coverage
 probabilty of approximately 95%.
1pentarie hare12tdo rtat etd nrrary nau 1t sePage e
Nes resinerre       maneverenra
         t aramnet wny  mas srain hnmnw ragesese rcnpa sureics acrman o h es fpe

Conteate ns EssaszeAots                  Page o 1t

                                                                     CTe I|| advanced

 essove— svauee                                                           Aupmtir.z00

 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: ES3DV3 — SN:3326

 Calibration Parameter Dotormined in Hea Tissue Simulating Media
                Rulive    Contuatiay
     ty pemimaty‘           (sim‘    comex comy contz |mpw®| Sn   (fm)
       1so       «10         ons      sse     ese      sse     om uit         si208
       aso       as          ose      sar     sar      sar     os im          s120%
       ao        «s          osr      a1s     sis      es      on im          r120%
      1750       En          nar      sse     sae      sas    on  im          r120%
      1900       w0          10       sie_|   sie      sie    oso 12          1208
     auso        sa          1g0      ase     «se     iss     om  is          r120%
Cftaro ainsb tca 190 i cn mstn o OAv n ave e Page )e ns so is e
ircrtct ie olreCont wernr mcnbmortevero art n wetarn s trcie ncts Hparc may
B0d tnSA12           10(0 e 19 itb Contmaemnern i0 STo raasinarmanrey Nce ie Ieomny
vidtycante in      viihe
©Alfowercan o2 tewoon cce ican ncate ut 191 bacanprssn ons is oi o
poriee Saies Attonamcan on3 Os be italacnramnaanm arenraat on 9e Te wovnntarr sn o
©AteGrt veraet  i entoed taneromoun
           e aterontnevy
som uto oo Rmrcecanecn            SPERO nraen um emanry seai ow o t enc atcsecrcunain s
                           io Cldb1 2 o hm             tm 38 0eync ape harpe mss to

Centene o essasze Agre                Paoes o it

                                                                        CTe I|| advanced

 essva— suaue                                                                  Ausmti.z00

 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: ES3DV3 — SN:3326

 Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media

                          Corduatyny                                    Sant       ue
                           (sim‘__|    comx    comty   comz   |msts®|   (rm)       ten_
      1so        sss        ose        ez       sz     ez      om        i1      r10%
      aso        ssa        ose        szs      omm    sm      on        im      r1zo%
      sso        sso        1os        eze      sas    ezs     om        i2      s10%
     1750        se         10         sos      sos    sos     om        is      r1z0%
     1300        sas        1se        ass      «m     «m      ow        i7      s120®
     auso        sar        105        «s       s«     «m      or        4s      s1z08 |
Ctremanorn sowe 0 1cuta 90 i t c o CMSY t t o w e Page ) on t eavcus issc me
vecetena e Garet rcracy l calrnertevarc art it enotany o ernemn ho td Aroweraay
bave e ui a 100 10673 nt e Gant mermnnt 1 6T 19nseooney Raow Oe reomey
   tcnsernnon o twe
"Altonersn on3 Gte e eno tsn canacante mt 18 tusconsrstntrmca
     d SA ies M homercon on 3e h mlatatmcn prnnau s mar)a enc oi on ho ce
T4Aursvan           nncant unonrontie
sanin es oo hvaronsctmace        $PEXG esn en toton o t e lcata oc t cncuratns
                            ow Otadtave 1 ohhewmos faven 30 0naince apeba ol Yaanto
   ete lenive ie

Conteans essoszeAots                    Pagesorvt

                                                                                              CTe I|| advanced
                                                                                                        mw otmertvene

 essove— svaue                                                                                   Aumat i.2o
                                          Frequency Response of E—Field
                                               (TEM—Collift 10 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

       Frequencyresponse (normaized)

      8 & 80



                g‘?m_v,#, m

                                       eeebrreebrace rrnaefereeesc

                                          so         1e         o            aco
                                                sB                                 it
                                        Uncetainty of Frequency Response of E—fad: 2 63% t)

Contem No ess1e augte                                       Pager o 1t

                                                                        CTe I|| advanced

 essove— suize                                                                   Aemrar

                          Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 = 0°

                 12600 MHz.TEM                             11800 MHzR22

                 s         3         4        a          &         3             s
                  3.                «8.               votlh,            witth.
                        Uncertinto Axial sotropy Assessment: £08% (2)

Centeae e Essosremots                    Pageiotis

                                                                               CTe I|| advanced

 essova— suasee                                                                    Aemirens

                                  Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                         (TEM call fo> 1900 MHtz)
             Invt Sgralt)

                            m       ie       in      4#       io        n     in
                                                SA tnitrcna)
                                    racoivmsnm                     +
                                Uncetainy of Linart Assessment: 2 0.6% (xz)

Contate ns essasrswgre                            Pagesoti

                                                                            CTe I|| advanced

 essovs— sussse                                                                 Aamiren
                       Conversion Factor Assessment
             t soo ue wots Ro t.coon                   t» trso use woks Re2 ocorie)

                    Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                  Error (, 0)£= 900 Mz

                  0 sme as m« o2 co or o6 os os 10
                   Uncertain of Spharical isotropy Assessment: 2 2.% (e2)

Conteans essa0zeAote                    rage 10ot 11

                                                            CTe I|| advanced
                                                                      mw otmertvene

 esuove— suaue                                                Aumat i. 208

 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: ES3DV3 — SN:3326

Other Probe Paramaters
 Soro Arargenere                                        T       Taxuer
 Comedor Angl ()                —                                     os
 NemuncarSurace Dascton Nes                             |        smases
 OriealSatice Deweton nose                          |           ~azaties
 ProteOveal Lengn                                   |             37 im
 Pss Bety Damewr                                    |              Tomn
 Totin                                                             Tan
 Tobanew                                                            Tmm
 Pte To w SemerX Catiaien rane                                      Zam
 Fese To o Senary cataien rant                                      Zim
 P To o Semore Gaitram Rone                                         Zrm
 Reconmendad Nessuenant Dntace fom Soacs                            Fmnm

Centere : essuzeAugte                 Page t o 1t

                             <         .                                     cTe I|| advanced

 Calibration Laboratory of
  Schmid & Pariner                                                     . SenmnimicerKaiertors
   Engineering AG                                                      g Irverninedtniomage
 Znvgnncasrame 8. to0 archSutsetind                                      Senic mz c mt
                                                                       5. se catratonenice
 Aurataty tw Sas Accaten Serice
 Th SwianAccrnstaio Savcn son ot t(18)
                                    sgrtoie ts te                      Acemstsiono: SCS 0108
 Ahatitrt Agrcemat o t ecoprton o cttratoncottco us
 ie CTCadvanced GmbH                                             uitc ns: D1900V2—54009_May17
  Oves                    prscove— sNiseoco
  Cntratonpmedents        oA calosve
                          Caltration procedure for dipole valdation ts above 700 MHz

  Cxtratonae              May 10, 2017
 Ti enbrton contcan merse nay ts ratrnsarvos anc ue e styset so
 Te mesinnont as h rcenartes ince
                             i corfrcs pxtucay n gveon e otomay sages w we nemnn mmers 50
                                                                           arot becammene
 Acstaton hare bences n n clas atomoytaiy: eviomner enpentas 237C an may c 7
 Cxtoaten Eagpment esTt etettcutraton
 un Snss                   w«              caOeComnens)                      Scosves Caeatn
 Fownantee                 s oorm          obn arrcaseitisen                 teers
 Powe use tm esn           on tosou        otveron arreesen                 Aeess
 Pom use inres            on es            otasetr t arrezsen               Aers
 Ideence 2o t Adwser      |stcsoss zse     Ordvett t arrezsan               Ajeis
 Treinanakncomonan        |su manrziomer   oragers ic aircon
 Ravercs Pote Eoove       surso            arteetsts berasce                treir
 oree                     t ce             astmerr o cxtecor mern           uese
 trcotay Sursen           PB               Ciee Oe ttomn                    ccvesvescres
 Powemaw Eus              s omm            crouit nromamronn                intomewece oais
 Powesencrte suumn        s usmm           crouit nromaeaoutn               Intease ce 0o ts
 Pove semcr ie sn        Istummoman..      crositimromaracats               ntome cce oa1s
 i qmenmornas suras       s rome           Ibinttintanectesc o 19           Intoameavce ox18
 Iever twb rsse           |suusirms        inouoiintomeeaczt9               intowmaecc oor
                          Nime                      Prsio                   Sgutee
 corerenty               toriopne                     tatsay Tacmcin        =p t4
 eemity                  K poiove                  Teteuge                M

Th cataton centcte t n brepociznd nces t mtot ie io eatonty                jnves ty te zt

Cinteat is Discove semayir                   Page t ote

                            1       .                                  CTC |I| advanced
                                                                                     mmb otitress

Calibration Laboratory of
Schmid & Partner
                                                                   8. Strmeimmticteritc
                                                                      Sevic nuae stanornage
  Engineering AG                                                   C qninemisestiniee
Anvgroomtrase 3100 2wchSntvins                                     8. seie Cattatonvce
Accnttoty ne Sus udn Srice5)                                       Acersusionns: SCS 0108
The Swin Accnttton Srvce s on o inesignatones t me t
Ahotaneragrenant oh recopnton t cairatoncrstcns
TS                   tissue simulatinglquid
Come                 sensitvity in TSL / NORM x.e
NA                   not applicable or not measured
Callbrationis Performed According to the Following Standar
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2013,"EEE Recommended Practice for Detormining the Poak Spatial—
       Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)in the Human Head from Wireless
       Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques®, June 2013
   b) 12C 62200—1, "Procedure to measure the Speciic Absorption Rate (SAR)for hand.held
       devices used in close proximity to the ear (fequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)*
       Febriary 2005
    e) 12C 62200—2, "Procedure to determine the Specifc Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireloss
       communication devices used in close proximiy to the human body (requency range of 30
       MHz to 6 GHz)®, Mareh 2010
    ) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
Additional Documentation:
   a) DASY4!S System Handbook
Mnhodl Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
      Measurement Condtions: Further details are avaiable from the Validation Report at he end
      o the certficate. Alfiqures stated in the certficate are vai at tfrequency indicated.
   * Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position itfeed
      point exactly below the center marking of the at phantom section, with the arms oriented
      paralel to he body ax‘s.
   * Feed Point Impedance and Retum Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipolo
      posiioned under the lquid filed phantom. The impedance stated is ransformed from the
      measurement at the SMA connector tothe feed point. The Retum Loss ensures low
      teflected power. No uncertainty required.
   * Electrial Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed poin.
      No uncertainty required.
      SAF measured: SAR measured atthe stated antenna input power.
      SAF normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
   + $AR for nominal TSL paramoters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
      nominal SAR result
 The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 mutiped by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distrbution corresponds to a coverage
 probabilty of approximately 95%.

Conteate No: Drooovessoonmayir               Papeacts

                              to        .                                        CTC ||| advanced

Measurement Conditions
   DASY syem coniguaton.as t asna              on page 1
    DASY version                                        mieve                          weree
    Exrapoinion                                   Rorrced Extaponton
    Pramiom                                        Woddar FatPranon
    Distince Dipoie Cnter— TS                            Tomm                         win Svacer
    Zoom Sean Resotuion                             porem
    Freqerey                                        woomics riew

Head TSL parameters
   Te folowing pwaneters and calcvatons wem appled
                                                           Temperatre    Permitiviy       Conduetviy
    Norminal Head TSL parameters                             mo‘e           «o             10nzom
    Measured Head TSL parameters                           @eoxomc       ssr6%           idommames%
    Head TSL temperature change during test                  <os‘c           —                —
SAR result with Head TSL
     ht averaged over 1 on (t ) o Head TSL                Condtion
     Sirmeasures                                     250 mW neut power             sramg
     SA orromina Head TSt parametos                   nomaizedio tw          ana wing a 170 %ten)
     ht avraged ove 10 en (10 ) o Head TSC                condton
     SR neasured                                     250 mW nout power            srewng
     SW for romial Hoad TSpranter                     nomaizedio tw          207 wa 103 % ten

Body TSL parameters
  Te pwarters and clcaions wee appled
                                                           Temperatre    Permitiviy       Conductviy
     Nominal Bod TSL parameters                              o‘             ass            152ntom
     Measured Body TSparamaters                            @eozome        |_sizk6%       18imomes®
     Body TSL temperature change during test                 <os‘c           —                —
SAR result with Body TSL

     SA averaged over 1 en" (1 ) ot Bocy TSL              Condtion
     SW nessues                                      250 mW neutpower             oi wio
     SW tor nomnal Bod TSL peramoters                 rormaizedio 1W         a07 wa 170 % ten
     SA averaged over 10 en (109) o Body TS      cordton
     SW neasued                             250 mW neotpower                       ssomng
     SW for rominal Body TSt paramaters      nomalizedio 1                   F18 wig a 165 % en

Centeat No: DrocoveonsMayir                        Pagsots

                                                                             etei| udvanced

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
Antenna Parameters with Head TSL
    inprdancn.raraformedis ons port                                  sizn—zen
    newnLoss                                                           —sose

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL
    inpedance. wanafomadio oed pont                                  wr1a—s2m
    rewn Lom                                                          —mew

General Antenna Parameters and Design
   [Eeevieat Doiy ne trecton                      |                     irgene                       ]
Aterlangtorm use wih 100M radated pover, onl a siht warringo the ea newr hefeedpint can be measurd
secont am o in dpoie Th artena is marfor shortcisutedfor DCsignals. Onsome of he pols, smalland cape
are ied t the dpole ams n d t mprove machng when loaded acorieg th poston as elained n the
‘Measrament Contions" paragrach ThSAR data are nt aifete by hischange. To oveallGpol lengh is sit
accortng to ho Stndart
No excessv orce mustbe agplad t t pole amms,because ty rigt bandorhesoideed connectons newr e
fnedpoit may e damaged

Additional EUT Data

     Mandactured on                                                 Febwa 22 2oce

Certtcare No: prosovesartesayt?                Papetors

                                                                        CTe I|| advanced

DASYS Validation Report for Head TSL
                                                                            Dae: 10082017
Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switreland
DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: DI900V2; Serial: DI900V2       sow
Communication System: UID 0 CW; Frequency: 1900 MH
Mediamparametons used: f= 1900 MHe:a 14 $/mo = 41,3;p = 1000k/
Phantom section: Mat Section
Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEENEC/ANSI C63,19—2011)
DASY52 Configuration
   +. Probe: EXGDV:— SN7349; ConvR8.12, 8.12,.12); Calibeaed: 31.12.2016;
   + Sensor—Surfics: 1.¥mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
   + Electronics; DA4 Sn601: Calibrated: 28.03.2017
   +. Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (frontType: QDOOOPSOAA:Seril: 1001
   + basyse s2.100(a0; SEMCAD X 146.100416)

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pi                =10mm/Zoom Scan (77x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dn=Smum, dy=Smmm,
Reference Value 105.9 Vim; Power Drift
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 17.8 Wike
SARC i) =9.74 Wikigs SARCIO g)= 5.14 We
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 14.6 Whkg
                      146 Why    11.64 dBWhg

CenteatNo: orocovescoos mayir             Papssors

                                        ,                              ctTe I|| advanced

  Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

           tap s aoge                         w n rur seane
                                  usns some msospe    1 sonoon con mz


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                  sram 1 rexaos se mc                     drorstexmecome—

Ceniicare No: procovescoonmoyir             Papsors

                                                                              cTe I|| advanced

 DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL
                                                                                  Dare: 10082017
 Test Laboratory: SPEAG, ZurichSwitredand
 DUT: Dipole 1900 Mitz; Type: 190002; Serials DI900V2 — SN:30009
 Communication System: UID 0 — CW Frequency: 1900 MHz
 Medium pa meters used: 1900 MHz: a= 1.51 Sim;a                = 1000 ka/m‘
 Phantom section: Mat Section
 Measurement Standard: DASVS (IEEEEC/ANSI C63,10—2011)
 DASY52 Configuation:
       Probe: EX3DV4— SN7349; ConvF(®.03, $.03, $.03);Caliated: 31.12.2016;
       s      Surfice: 14mm (Mechanical Surfice Detection)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn60; Calibeted: 28.03.2017
       Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back)s Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1002
       pasyse s2.1000440; Mcan x 146.100416)

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW,           =10mm/Zoom Sean (7x7x7V/Cube
Measurement arid       mm, dy=Smm,de
Reference Value = 102.6 Vim; Poer Drif
Peak SAR (extrpolated) 178 hy
Maximum value of SAR (measured
                                   1164 dBWhy

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 Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

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                 "araes rexsw mc                   "droversemsesseme

Cntcare No: praoovescoosmayir           Pageacrs

                             Test report no.: 1-4846/17-02-33

Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

                                     From cal. data      Measured 2018-07-19
  Impedance; transformed to feed
                                     51.2Ω +2.6jΩ           51.3Ω +2.2jΩ
          Return Loss                   -30.9dB                 -32.2dB

                                         Page 22 of 32

                             Test report no.: 1-4846/17-02-33

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

                                     From cal. data      Measured 2018-07-19
  Impedance; transformed to feed
                                     46.1Ω +3.2jΩ           46.5Ω + 2.9jΩ
          Return Loss                   -25.6dB                 -26.5dB

                                         Page 23 of 32

                                                                              CTe I|| advanced

Calibration Laboratory of                      «C                            Senuizedacte rtiertenst
Schmid & Partner

                                                                             Sevice snn tvaionnage
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                           Caltration procedure for the data acquistion electronics (DAE)

Cxtvaten ie               August 10, 2018

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                                                                                                         || advanced  er of RWTC

  Schmid & Partner
Engineering AG
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland, Phone +41 1 245 97 00, Fax +41 1 245 97 79

  Certificate of conformity / First Article Inspection

   Item                             SAM Twin Phantom V4.0
   Type No                          QD 000 P40 BA
   Series No                        TP—1002 and higher
   Manufacturer / Origin            Untersee Composites
                                    Hauptstr. 69
                                    CH—8559 Fruthwilen


  The series production process used allows the limitation to test of first articles.
  Complete tests were made on the pre—series Type No. QD 000 P40 AA, Serial No. TP—1001 and on the
  series first article Type No. QD 000 P40 BA, Serial No. TP—1006. Certain parameters have been retested
  using further series units (called samples).

   Test                    Requirement                                  Details                      Units tested
   Shape                   Compliance with the geometry                 IT‘IS CAD File (*)           First article,
                           according to the CAD model.                                               Samples
   Material thickness      Compiiant with the requirements              2mm +/— 0.2mm in             First article,
                           according to the standards                   specific areas               Samples
   Material                Dielectric parameters for required           200 MHz —3 GHz               Material
   parameters              frequencies                                  Relative permittivity < 5|   sample
                                                                        Loss tangent < 0.05.         TP 104—5
   Material resistivity    The material has been tested to be            Liquid type HSL 1800        Pre—series,
                           compatible with the liquids defined in       and others according to      First article
                           the standards                                the standard.


  [1]    CENELEC EN 50361
  [2]    IEEE P1528—200% draft 6.5
  [3]    EC PT 62209 draft 0.9
  {*)    The ITIS CAD file is derived from [2] and is also within the tolerance requirements of the shapes of
         [1] and [3].


  Based on the sample tests above, we certify that this Item is in compliance with the uncertainty
  requirements of SAR measurements specified in standard [1] and draft standards [2] and [3].

  Date                                18.11.2001

                      ff                                                                      e                ,
  SignaturelSt{n{pZO“r‘,/%                 Schmid & Partner                          % J&(A‘/"é‘
                                        Engineering AG
                                           Teughausetrasse 43, CH—8004 Zurich
                                           1'-1.’\»41 1 245 97 00, Fax +41 1 245 97 79

  Doc No    881 — GD 000 P40 BA—B                                                                    Page          1(1)

                                  Test report no.: 1-4846/17-02-33

6     Application Note System Performance Check

6.1   Purpose of system performance check
The system performance check verifies that the system operates within its specifications. System and
operator errors can be detected and corrected. It is recommended that the system performance check is
performed prior to any usage of the system in order to guarantee reproducible results.
The measurement of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is a complicated task and the result depends on
the proper functioning of many components and the correct settings of many parameters. Faulty results due
to drift, failures or incorrect parameters might not be recognized, since they often look similar in distribution
to the correct ones. The Dosimetric Assessment System DASY5 incorporates a system performance check
procedure to test the proper functioning of the system. The system performance check uses normal SAR
measurements in a simplified setup (the flat section of the SAM Twin Phantom) with a well characterized
source (a matched dipole at a specified distance). This setup was selected to give a high sensitivity to all
parameters that might fail or vary over time (e.g., probe, liquid parameters, and software settings) and a low
sensitivity to external effects inherent in the system (e.g., positioning uncertainty of the device holder). The
system performance check does not replace the calibration of the components. The accuracy of the system
performance check is not sufficient for calibration purposes. It is possible to calculate the field quite
accurately in this simple setup; however, due to the open field situation some factors (e.g., laboratory
reflections) cannot be accounted for. Calibrations in the flat phantom are possible with transfer calibration
methods, using either temperature probes or calibrated E-field probes. The system performance check also
does not test the system performance for arbitrary field situations encountered during real measurements of
mobile phones. These checks are performed at SPEAG by testing the components under various conditions
(e.g., spherical isotropy measurements in liquid, linearity measurements, temperature variations, etc.), the
results of which are used for an error estimation of the system. The system performance check will indicate
situations where the system uncertainty is exceeded due to drift or failure.

6.2   System Performance check procedure
The conductivity should be measured before the validation and the measured liquid parameters must be
entered in the software. If the measured values differ from targeted values in the dipole document, the liquid
composition should be adjusted. If the validation is performed with slightly different (measured) liquid
parameters, the expected SAR will also be different. See the application note about SAR sensitivities for an
estimate of possible SAR deviations. Note that the liquid parameters are temperature dependent with
approximately – 0.5% decrease in permittivity and + 1% increase in conductivity for a temperature decrease
of 1° C. The dipole must be placed beneath the flat phantom section of the Generic Twin Phantom with the
correct distance holder in place. The distance holder should touch the phantom surface with a light pressure
at the reference marking (little hole) and be oriented parallel to the long side of the phantom. Accurate
positioning is not necessary, since the system will search for the peak SAR location, except that the dipole
arms should be parallel to the surface. The device holder for mobile phones can be left in place but should
be rotated away from the dipole. The forward power into the dipole at the dipole SMA connector should be
determined as accurately as possible. The actual dipole input power level can be between 20mW and
several watts. The result can later be normalized to any power level. It is strongly recommended to note the
actually used power level in the „comment“-window of the measurement file; otherwise you loose this crucial
information for later reference.

                                                Page 26 of 32

                                   Test report no.: 1-4846/17-02-33

System Performance Check
The DASY5 installation includes predefined files with recommended procedures for measurements and
validation. They are read-only document files and destined as fully defined but unmeasured masks, so you
must save the finished validation under a different name. The validation document requires the Generic Twin
Phantom, so this phantom must be properly installed in your system. (You can create your own
measurement procedures by opening a new document or editing an existing document file). Before you start
the validation, you just have to tell the system with which components (probe, medium, and device) you are
performing the validation; the system will take care of all parameters. After the validation, which will take
about 20 minutes, the results of each task are displayed in the document window. Selecting all measured
tasks and opening the predefined “validation” graphic format displays all necessary information for validation.
A description of the different measurement tasks in the predefined document is given below, together with
the information that can be deduced from their results:
•     The „reference“ and „drift“ measurements are located at the beginning and end of the batch process.
      They measure the field drift at one single point in the liquid over the complete procedure. The indicated
      drift is mainly the variation of the amplifier output power. If it is too high (above ± 0.1dB) the validation
      should be repeated; some amplifiers have very high drift during warm-up. A stable amplifier gives drift
      results in the DASY5 system below ± 0.02 dB.
•     The „area scan“ measures the SAR above the dipole on a parallel plane to the surface. It is used to
      locate the approximate location of the peak SAR with 2D spline interpolation. The proposed scan uses
      large grid spacing for faster measurement; due to the symmetric field the peak detection is reliable. If a
      finer graphic is desired, the grid spacing can be reduced. Grid spacing and orientation have no influence
      on the SAR result.
•     The zoom scan job measures the field in a volume around the peak SAR value assessed in the previous
      „area“ scan (for more information see the application note on SAR evaluation).
If the validation measurements give reasonable results, the peak 1g and 10g spatial SAR values averaged
between the two cubes and normalized to 1W dipole input power give the reference data for comparisons.
The next section analyzes the expected uncertainties of these values. Section 6 describes some additional
checks for further information or troubleshooting.

6.3     Uncertainty Budget
Please note that in the following Tables, the tolerance of the following uncertainty components depends on
the actual equipment and setup at the user location and need to be either assessed or verified on-site by the
end user of the DASY5 system:
• RF ambient conditions
• Dipole Axis to Liquid Distance
• Input power and SAR drift measurement
• Liquid permittivity - measurement uncertainty
• Liquid conductivity - measurement uncertainty
Note: All errors are given in percent of SAR, so 0.1 dB corresponds to 2.3%. The field error would be half of
that. The liquid parameter assessment give the targeted values from the dipole document. All errors are
given in percent of SAR, so 0.1dB corresponds to 2.3%. The field error would be half of that.

                                                  Page 27 of 32

                                   Test report no.: 1-4846/17-02-33

System validation

In the table below, the system validation uncertainty with respect to the analytically assessed SAR
value of a dipole source as given in the IEEE1528 standard is given. This uncertainty is smaller
than the expected uncertainty for mobile phone measurements due to the simplified setup and the
symmetric field distribution.

                          Uncertainty Budget for System Validation
                                  for the 0.3 - 6 GHz range
         Source of            Uncertainty Probability Divisor ci     ci Standard Uncertainty vi2 or
        uncertainty             Value     Distribution        (1g) (10g) ± %, (1g) ± %, (10g) veff
Measurement System
Probe calibration              ±    6.6   %     Normal           1    1      1     ±    6.6   %   ±    6.6   %   ∞
Axial isotropy                 ±    4.7   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±    2.7   %   ±    2.7   %   ∞
Hemispherical isotropy         ±    9.6   %   Rectangular   √    3    0      0     ±    0.0   %   ±    0.0   %   ∞
Boundary effects               ±    1.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±    0.6   %   ±    0.6   %   ∞
Probe linearity                ±    4.7   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±    2.7   %   ±    2.7   %   ∞
System detection limits        ±    1.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±    0.6   %   ±    0.6   %   ∞
Readout electronics            ±    0.3   %     Normal           1    1      1     ±    0.3   %   ±    0.3   %   ∞
Response time                  ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±    0.0   %   ±    0.0   %   ∞
Integration time               ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±    0.0   %   ±    0.0   %   ∞
RF ambient conditions          ±    1.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±    0.6   %   ±    0.6   %   ∞
Probe positioner               ±    0.8   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±    0.5   %   ±    0.5   %   ∞
Probe positioning              ±    6.7   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±    3.9   %   ±    3.9   %   ∞
Max. SAR evaluation            ±    2.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±    1.2   %   ±    1.2   %   ∞
Dipole Related
Dev. of exp. dipole            ± 5.5 % Rectangular          √ 3       1      1     ± 3.2 % ± 3.2 %               ∞
Dipole Axis to Liquid Dist.    ± 2.0 % Rectangular          √ 3       1      1     ± 1.2 % ± 1.2 %               ∞
Input power & SAR drift        ± 3.4 % Rectangular          √ 3       1      1     ± 2.0 % ± 2.0 %               ∞
Phantom and Set-up
Phantom uncertainty            ±    4.0   %   Rectangular   √ 3       1      1     ±    2.3   %   ±    2.3   %    ∞
SAR correction                 ±    1.9   %   Rectangular   √ 3       1     0.84   ±    1.1   %   ±    0.9   %    ∞
Liquid conductivity (meas.)    ±    5.0   %     Normal        1      0.78   0.71   ±    3.9   %   ±    3.6   %    ∞
Liquid permittivity (meas.)    ±    5.0   %     Normal        1      0.26   0.26   ±    1.3   %   ±    1.3   %    ∞
Temp. unc. - Conductivity      ±    1.7   %   Rectangular   √ 3      0.78   0.71   ±    0.8   %   ±    0.7   %    ∞
Temp. unc. - Permittivity      ±    0.3   %   Rectangular   √ 3      0.23   0.26   ±    0.0   %   ±    0.0   %    ∞
Combined Uncertainty                                                               ±   10.7   %   ±   10.6   %   330
Expanded Std.
                                                                                   ± 21.4 % ± 21.1 %

Table 1: Measurement uncertainties of the System Validation with DASY5 (0.3-6GHz). The RF ambient
noise uncertainty has been reduced to ±1.0, considering input power levels are ≥ 250mW.

                                                 Page 28 of 32

                                   Test report no.: 1-4846/17-02-33

Performance check repeatability
The repeatability check of the validation is insensitive to external effects and gives an indication of the
variations in the DASY5 measurement system, provided that the same power reading setup is used for all
validations. The repeatability estimates for frequencies below ad above 3GHz are given in the following

                            Repeatability Budget for System Check
                                  for the 0.3 - 3 GHz range
         Source of            Uncertainty Probability Divisor c i    c i Standard Uncertainty vi2 or
        uncertainty             Value     Distribution        (1g) (10g) ± %, (1g) ± %, (10g) vef f
Measurement System
Repeatability of probe cal.    ±    1.8   %     Normal           1    1      1     ±   1.8   %   ±   1.8   %   ∞
Axial isotropy                 ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Hemispherical isotropy         ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Boundary effects               ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Probe linearity                ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
System detection limits        ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Modulation response            ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Readout electronics            ±    0.0   %     Normal           1    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Response time                  ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Integration time               ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
RF ambient noise               ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
RF ambient positioning         ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Probe positioner               ±    0.4   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.2   %   ±   0.2   %   ∞
Probe positioning              ±    2.9   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   1.7   %   ±   1.7   %   ∞
Max. SAR evaluation            ±    0.0   %   Rectangular   √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Dipole Related
Dev. of experimental dipole    ± 0.0 % Rectangular          √ 3       1      1     ± 0.0 % ±         0.0 %     ∞
Dipole axis to liquid dist.    ± 2.0 % Rectangular          √ 3       1      1     ± 1.2 % ±         1.2 %     ∞
Input power & SAR drift        ± 3.4 % Rectangular          √ 3       1      1     ± 2.0 % ±         2.0 %     ∞
Phantom and Set-up
Phantom uncertainty            ±    4.0   %   Rectangular   √ 3        1      1    ±   2.3   %   ±   2.3   %   ∞
SAR correction                 ±    1.9   %   Rectangular   √ 3        1    0.84   ±   1.1   %   ±   0.9   %   ∞
Liquid conductivity (meas.)    ±    5.0   %     Normal        1      0.78   0.71   ±   3.9   %   ±   3.6   %   ∞
Liquid permittivity (meas.)    ±    5.0   %     Normal        1      0.26   0.26   ±   1.3   %   ±   1.3   %   ∞
Temp. unc. - Conductivity      ±    1.7   %   Rectangular   √ 3      0.78   0.71   ±   0.8   %   ±   0.7   %   ∞
Temp. unc. - Permittivity      ±    0.3   %   Rectangular   √ 3      0.23   0.26   ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Combined Uncertainty                                                               ±   5.9   %   ±   5.7   %
Expanded Std.
                                                                                   ± 11.9 % ± 11.4 %

Table 2: Repeatability of the System Check with DASY5 (0.3-3GHz)

                                                 Page 29 of 32

                                    Test report no.: 1-4846/17-02-33

                              Repeatability Budget for System Check
                                     for the 3 - 6 GHz range
          Source of            Uncertainty Probability Divisor ci     ci Standard Uncertainty vi2 or
         uncertainty             Value     Distribution        (1g) (10g) ± %, (1g) ± %, (10g) veff
Measurement System
Repeatability of probe cal.     ±    1.8   %     Normal           1    1      1     ±   1.8   %   ±   1.8   %   ∞
Axial isotropy                  ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Hemispherical isotropy          ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Boundary effects                ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Probe linearity                 ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
System detection limits         ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Modulation response             ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Readout electronics             ±    0.0   %     Normal           1    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Response time                   ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Integration time                ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
RF ambient noise                ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
RF ambient positioning          ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Probe positioner                ±    0.8   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.5   %   ±   0.5   %   ∞
Probe positioning               ±    6.7   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   3.9   %   ±   3.9   %   ∞
Max. SAR evaluation             ±    0.0   %   Rectangular    √   3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Dipole Related
Dev. of experimental dipole     ± 0.0 % Rectangular           √ 3      1      1     ± 0.0 % ± 0.0 %             ∞
Dipole axis to liquid dist.     ± 2.0 % Rectangular           √ 3      1      1     ± 1.2 % ± 1.2 %             ∞
Input power & SAR drift         ± 3.4 % Rectangular           √ 3      1      1     ± 2.0 % ± 2.0 %             ∞
Phantom and Set-up
Phantom uncertainty             ±    4.0   %   Rectangular    √ 3      1      1     ±   2.3   %   ±   2.3   %   ∞
SAR correction                  ±    1.9   %   Rectangular    √ 3      1     0.84   ±   1.1   %   ±   0.9   %   ∞
Liquid conductivity (meas.)     ±    5.0   %     Normal         1     0.78   0.71   ±   3.9   %   ±   3.6   %   ∞
Liquid permittivity (meas.)     ±    5.0   %     Normal         1     0.26   0.26   ±   1.3   %   ±   1.3   %   ∞
Temp. unc. - Conductivity       ±    1.7   %   Rectangular    √ 3     0.78   0.71   ±   0.8   %   ±   0.7   %   ∞
Temp. unc. - Permittivity       ±    0.3   %   Rectangular    √ 3     0.23   0.26   ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Combined Uncertainty                                                                ±   6.9   %   ±   6.7   %
Expanded Std.
                                                                                    ± 13.8 % ± 13.4 %

Table 3: Repeatability of the System Check with DASY5 (3-6GHz)

Note: Worst case probe calibration uncertainty has been applied for all probes used during the

The expected repeatability deviation is low. Excessive drift (e.g., drift in liquid parameters), partial system
failures or incorrect parameter settings (e.g., wrong probe or device settings) will lead to unexpectedly high
repeatability deviations. The repeatability gives an indication that the system operates within its initial
specifications. Excessive drift, system failure and operator errors are easily detected.

                                                  Page 30 of 32

                                   Test report no.: 1-4846/17-02-33

6.4     Power set-up for validation
The uncertainty of the dipole input power is a significant contribution to the absolute uncertainty and the
expected deviation in interlaboratory comparisons. The values in Section 2 for a typical and a sophisticated
setup are just average values. Refer to the manual of the power meter and the detector head for the
evaluation of the uncertainty in your system. The uncertainty also depends on the source matching and the
general setup. Below follows the description of a recommended setup and procedures to increase the
accuracy of the power reading:

The figure shows the recommended setup. The PM1 (incl. Att1) measures the forward power at the location
of the validation dipole connector. The signal generator is adjusted for the desired forward power at the
dipole connector and the power meter PM2 is read at that level. After connecting the cable to the dipole, the
signal generator is readjusted for the same reading at power meter PM2. If the signal generator does not
allow a setting in 0.01dB steps, the remaining difference at PM2 must be noted and considered in the
normalization of the validation results. The requirements for the components are:
•     The signal generator and amplifier should be stable (after warm-up). The forward power to the dipole
      should be above 10mW to avoid the influence of measurement noise. If the signal generator can deliver
      15dBm or more, an amplifier is not necessary. Some high power amplifiers should not be operated at a
      level far below their maximum output power level (e.g. a 100W power amplifier operated at 250mW
      output can be quite noisy). An attenuator between the signal generator and amplifier is recommended to
      protect the amplifier input.
•     The low pass filter after the amplifier reduces the effect of harmonics and noise from the amplifier. For
      most amplifiers in normal operation the filter is not necessary.
•     The attenuator after the amplifier improves the source matching and the accuracy of the power head.
      (See power meter manual.) It can also be used also to make the amplifier operate at its optimal output
      level for noise and stability. In a setup without directional coupler, this attenuator should be at least
•     The directional coupler (recommended ³ 20dB) is used to monitor the forward power and adjust the
      signal generator output for constant forward power. A medium quality coupler is sufficient because the
      loads (dipole and power head) are well matched. (If the setup is used for reflective loads, a high quality
      coupler with respect to directivity and output matching is necessary to avoid additional errors.)
•     The power meter PM2 should have a low drift and a resolution of 0.01dBm, but otherwise its accuracy
      has no impact on the power setting. Calibration is not required.
•     The cable between the coupler and dipole must be of high quality, without large attenuation and phase
      changes when it is moved. Otherwise, the power meter head PM1 should be brought to the location of
      the dipole for measuring.
•     The power meter PM1 and attenuator Att1 must be high quality components. They should be calibrated,
      preferably together. The attenuator (³10dB) improves the accuracy of the power reading. (Some higher
      power heads come with a built-in calibrated attenuator.) The exact attenuation of the attenuator at the
      frequency used must be known; many attenuators are up to 0.2dB off from the specified value.
•     Use the same power level for the power setup with power meter PM1 as for the actual measurement to
      avoid linearity and range switching errors in the power meter PM2. If the validation is performed at
      various power levels, do the power setting procedure at each level.

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                                  Test report no.: 1-4846/17-02-33

•     The dipole must be connected directly to the cable at location “X”. If the power meter has a different
      connector system, use high quality couplers. Preferably, use the couplers at the attenuator Att1 and
      calibrate the attenuator with the coupler.
•     Always remember: We are measuring power, so 1% is equivalent to 0.04dB.

6.5     Laboratory reflection
In near-field situations, the absorption is predominantly caused by induction effects from the magnetic near-
field. The absorption from reflected fields in the laboratory is negligible. On the other hand, the magnetic field
around the dipole depends on the currents and therefore on the feed point impedance. The feed point
impedance of the dipole is mainly determined from the proximity of the absorbing phantom, but reflections in
the laboratory can change the impedance slightly. A 1% increase in the real part of the feed point impedance
will produce approximately a 1% decrease in the SAR for the same forward power. The possible influence of
laboratory reflections should be investigated during installation. The validation setup is suitable for this
check, since the validation is sensitive to laboratory reflections. The same tests can be performed with a
mobile phone, but most phones are less sensitive to reflections due to the shorter distance to the phantom.
The fastest way to check for reflection effects is to position the probe in the phantom above the feed point
and start a continuous field measurement in the DASY5 multi-meter window. Placing absorbers in front of
possible reflectors (e.g. on the ground near the dipole or in front of a metallic robot socket) will reveal their
influence immediately. A 10dB absorber (e.g. ferrite tiles or flat absorber mats) is probably sufficient, as the
influence of the reflections is small anyway. If you place the absorber too near the dipole, the absorber itself
will interact with the reactive near-field. Instead of measuring the SAR, it is also possible to monitor the
dipole impedance with a network analyzer for reflection effects. The network analyzer must be calibrated at
the SMA connector and the electrical delay (two times the forward delay in the dipole document) must be set
in the NWA for comparisons with the reflection data in the dipole document. If the absorber has a significant
influence on the results, the absorber should be left in place for validation or measurements. The reference
data in the dipole document are produced in a low reflection environment.

6.6     Additional system checks
While the validation gives a good check of the DASY5 system components, it does not include all
parameters necessary for real phone measurements (e.g. device modulation or device positioning). For
system validation (repeatability) or comparisons between laboratories a reference device can be useful. This
can be any mobile phone with a stable output power (preferably a device whose output power can be set
through the keyboard). For comparisons, the same device should be sent around, since the SAR variations
between samples can be large. Several measurement possibilities in the DASY5 software allow additional
tests of the performance of the DASY5 system and components. These tests can be useful to localize
component failures:
•     The validation can be performed at different power levels to check the noise level or the correct
      compensation of the diode compression in the probe.
•     If a pulsed signal with high peak power levels is fed to the dipole, the performance of the diode
      compression compensation can be tested. The correct crest factor parameter in the DASY5 software
      must be set (see manual). The system should give the same SAR output for the same averaged input
•     The probe isotropy can be checked with a 1D-probe rotation scan above the feed point. The automatic
      probe alignment procedure must be passed through for accurate probe rotation movements (optional
      DASY5 feature with a robot-mounted light beam unit). Otherwise the probe tip might move on a small
      circle during rotation, producing some additional isotropy errors in gradient fields.

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Document Created: 2019-04-05 14:19:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-05 14:19:11

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