CRF47 part 90 test report


Test Report

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                                                                                          ERICSSON AB
                                                                                          Carl—Gunnar SJoberg
                                                                                          Lindholmspiren 11
                                                                                          417 56 GOTEBORG

                       Handlaggare,eahcuHlandled by, department                           DatunDare               BeteckningReference          Sida/Page
                       Jonas Bremholt                                                     2004—02—17              F401093—F90                  1(1)
                       Tel +46 (0) 33 16 54 38

                       Equipment Authorization measurements on Mobitex Radio Base
                       station 900 MHz
                       (7 enclosures)

                       Test objects

                       BRU19, product number KRC 161 022/9A, R—state RIA, no serial number.


                       Standard                                                                 Compliant                    Enclosure            Remarks

                       FCC CFR 47

                       2.1046/ 90.205 RF Power output                                           Yes                          2
                       2.1049/ 90.209/ 90.210 Occupied bandwidth                                Yes                          3
                       2.1051/90.669 Spurious emission at antenna                               Yes                          4
                       2.1053/ 90.669 Field strength of spurious                                Yes                          $
                       2.1055/ 90.213 Frequency stability                                       Yes                          6

                       SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute
                       Electronies— EMC

                       Jan Welinder                                                       Joras Bremholt
                       Technical Manager                                                  Technical Officer

SP Sveriges Provnings— och Forskningsinstiut, Box 857, 501 15 BORAS, Tel 033—16 50 00, Teletax 033—13 55 02, E—mail nfo, 55644—6874
P Swedish Natonal Testng and Research Intfute, x 857, $—501 15 BORAS, SWEDEN,Telphoe + 45 39 16 50 00, Telaax + 46 33 19 8 02, E—mal nfosps, Reg No 5348L6074
Laboratorim aciredteras ay Syresen 1 aciradteing ach akrsk rotrl(SWEDAC) enig i. Verksamneton vi de svenskaackredtorad laboralonerma upplyle raven enig S8—EN 45001
(1909) 55—E ds0ce (1989) n ISOIEC Guide 26 (1990E). Donna rappor tr endastdlrges i sn haho,om nte SWEDAC och SP | ong skiliqen godkint annat
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requrements set up n S5—EN 45001 (1980, 55—EN 48002 (1989) and ISO/EC Guide 25(1990Thi report may not b reproduced othe ihan in ulexcept wthth pror witten
approvalof SWEDAC ardSP

REPORT                                       Datum/Date      Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                             2004-02-17      F401093-F90            1 (1)
                                                                                    Encl. 1

Description - Equipment Under Test (EUT)

Equipment:                Mobitex Base station transceiver 900 MHz

Tx Frequency range:       935-941 MHz

Tested Channels:          Ch. 3601          935.012 5 MHz
                          Ch. 3840          938.000 0 MHz
                          Ch. 4079          940.987 5 MHz

BRU19, product number KRC 161 022/9A, R-state R1A, Prototype.


External and internal photos of the EUT can be found in encl. 7.

EUT configuration:
If not otherwise stated the transmitter was modulated (GMSK) with 8 kbs pseudorandom
data (V.52, BT=0.3) during the measurements.

Manufacturer’s representative: Carl-Gunnar Sjöberg, Ericsson AB

Purpose of test

The purpose of the tests is to verify compliance with the performance characteristics
specified in FCC CFR47.


The test results in this report apply only to the particular Equipment Under Test (EUT) as
declared in the report.

Delivery of test object

The test object was delivered: 2004-02-09

Test engineer

Jonas Bremholt

Test witnesses

Rešad Zejnilović, Ericsson AB (partly present)
Carl-Gunnar Sjöberg, Ericsson AB (partly present)


REPORT                                                    Datum/Date         Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                                          2004-02-17         F401093-F90            1 (2)
                                                                                                    Encl. 2

RF Power output measurements according to 47CFR 2.1046/90.205

Date                                   Temperature                           Humidity
          2004-02-10                         22 °C ± 3 °C                           16 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and Procedure

The measurements were made per ANSI/TIA/EIA-603. Measurements were made at
output connector TX ANT. The output was connected to a Peak power analyser via a 50
ohm attenuator. The RF power was measured with variation in supply voltage at the
highest power level.

Measurement equipment                   Calibration Due          SP number
Boonton RF Peak power meter/analyser    2004-02                  503 144
Boonton Power sensor 56518-S/4          2004-02                  503 145
Multimeter Fluke 87                     2004-09                  502 190
Testo 610, Temperature and humidity     2004-12                  502 658


Test object: BRU19

Mode: CW
Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Rated output power level at output connector TX ANT: 1 W (30 dBm)

                    BRU19                                Transmitter power (dBm)
                                                              Peak/ Average
               Test conditions                        Channel    Channel     Channel
                                                       3601        3840       4079
    Tnom 22°C             Vnom 24.0 V DC             29.5/ 29.1        30.3/ 29.9     29.9/ 29.5
    Tnom 22°C              Vmin 18 V DC              29.5/ 29.1        30.4/ 29.9     29.9/ 29.5
                     Vmax 36 V DC                    29.6/ 29.1        30.3/ 29.9     29.9/ 29.5
        Measurement uncertainty                                         0.5 dB

Mode: GMSK
Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Rated output power level at output connector TX ANT: 1 W (30 dBm)

                    BRU19                                Transmitter power (dBm)
                                                              Peak/ Average
               Test conditions                        Channel    Channel     Channel
                                                       3601        3840       4079
    Tnom 22°C             Vnom 24.0 V DC             29.6/ 29.1        30.3/ 29.9     29.9/ 29.5
    Tnom 22°C              Vmin 18 V DC              29.6/ 29.1        30.3/ 29.9     29.9/ 29.5
                     Vmax 36 V DC                    29.6/ 29.1        30.3/ 29.9     29.9/ 29.5
        Measurement uncertainty                                         0.5 dB


REPORT                                     Datum/Date      Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                           2004-02-17      F401093-F90            2 (2)
                                                                                  Encl. 2

Limits (according to Industry Canada RSS-119 Issue 6, 2000-03-25)

The output power shall be within ±1 dB of the manufacturer’s rated power.

Complies?                                  Yes


REPORT                                                   Datum/Date         Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                                         2004-02-17         F401093-F90            1 (1)
                                                                                                   Encl. 3

Occupied bandwidth measurements according to 47CFR

Date                                  Temperature                           Humidity
          2004-02-10                        22 °C ± 3 °C                           16 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and Procedure

The measurement test set-up was made per ANSI/TIA/EIA-603. Measurements were
made at output connector TX ANT. The output was connected to a spectrum analyser.
The transmitter was modulated (GMSK) with 8 kbs pseudorandom data (V.52, BT=0.3)
during the measurements.

Measurement equipment                  Calibration Due          SP number
R&S ESI 40                             2004-07                  503 125
Testo 610, Temperature and humidity    2004-12                  502 658

Measurement uncertainty: 3.7 dB


Test object: BRU19

Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Output power level at output connector TX ANT: 30 dBm

Diagram 1          Channel 3840 (938.000 MHz), 0.5 % of the total mean power (-23 dB points)
Diagram 2          Channel 3840 (938.000 MHz), mask J


90.209: Authorized bandwidth < 13.6 kHz
90.210: Mask J

Complies?                                                Yes


REPORT                                        Datum/Date      Beteckning/Reference    Sida/Page
                                              2004-02-17      F401093-F90             Diagram 1 (2)
                                                                                      Encl. 3.1

                        Delta 1 [T1]                RBW    300 Hz      RF Att        30 dB
       Ref Lvl                     0.10 dB          VBW    300 Hz
        10 dBm               8.01603206 kHz         SWT    2.8 s       Unit             dBm
        -8.9 dB Offset



 -20                                   1              1                                       IN1
         D1 -23
        1VIEW-  dBm                                                                           1MA
        2MAX                                                                                  2MA






       Center 938 MHz                      5 kHz/                             Span 50 kHz

Date:         10.FEB.2004   13:57:51


REPORT                                      Datum/Date      Beteckning/Reference    Sida/Page
                                            2004-02-17      F401093-F90             Diagram 2 (2)
                                                                                    Encl. 3.1

                                                RBW      300 Hz      RF Att        30 dB
       Ref Lvl                                  VBW      300 Hz
        10 dBm                                  SWT      3.8 s       Unit             dBm
        -8.4 dB Offset



        1VIEW                                                                               1MA
        2MAX                                                                                2MA


 -50 P90M-J




       Center 938 MHz                    6.8 kHz/                           Span 68 kHz

Date:           12.FEB.2004   15:14:03


REPORT                                                   Datum/Date         Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                                         2004-02-17         F401093-F90            1 (1)
                                                                                                   Encl. 4

Conducted spurious emission measurements according to 47CFR

Date                                  Temperature                           Humidity
          2004-02-10                        22 °C ± 3 °C                           16 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and Procedure

The measurement test set-up was made per ANSI/TIA/EIA-603. Measurements were
made at output connector TX ANT. The output was connected to a spectrum analyser.
The transmitter was modulated (GMSK) with 8 kbs pseudorandom data (V.52, BT=0.3)
during the measurements.

Measurement equipment                  Calibration Due          SP number
R&S ESI40                              2004-07                  503 125
Testo 610, Temperature and humidity    2004-12                  502 658

Measurement uncertainty: 3.7 dB


Test object: BRU19

Nominal Voltage 24 V DC

Diagram 1:         Channel 3601 (935.012 5 MHz), 30 dBm, 9 kHz - 1 GHz
Diagram 2:         Channel 3601 (935.012 5 MHz), 30 dBm, 1 - 10 GHz

Diagram 3:         Channel 4079 (940.987 5 MHz), 30 dBm, 9 kHz - 1 GHz
Diagram 4:         Channel 4079 (940.987 5 MHz), 30 dBm, 1 - 10 GHz


The power of any emission outside the frequency band shall be attenuated below the
transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log P dB.

Complies?                                                Yes


REPORT                                          Datum/Date       Beteckning/Reference    Sida/Page
                                                2004-02-17       F401093-F90             Diagram 1 (4)
                                                                                         Encl. 4.1

                       Marker 1 [T1]                RBW      100 kHz      RF Att        30 dB
       Ref Lvl                     29.01 dBm        VBW      100 kHz
        40 dBm               935.01250000 MHz       SWT      250 ms       Unit              dBm
         20.9 dB Offset


  10                                                                                              IN1
        1MAX                                                                                      1MA


        D1 -13 dBm





       Start 9 kHz                      99.9991 MHz/                               Stop 1 GHz

Date:          10.FEB.2004   14:06:32


REPORT                                         Datum/Date       Beteckning/Reference    Sida/Page
                                               2004-02-17       F401093-F90             Diagram 2 (4)
                                                                                        Encl. 4.1

                       Marker 1 [T1]               RBW      1 MHz        RF Att        30 dB
       Ref Lvl                    -21.12 dBm       VBW      1 MHz
        40 dBm                6.96993988 GHz       SWT      90 ms        Unit             dBm
         23.7 dB Offset



  10                                                                                            IN1
        1MAX                                                                                    1MA


        D1 -13 dBm





       Start 1 GHz                      900 MHz/                                Stop 10 GHz

Date:          10.FEB.2004   10:43:05


REPORT                                          Datum/Date       Beteckning/Reference    Sida/Page
                                                2004-02-17       F401093-F90             Diagram 3 (4)
                                                                                         Encl. 4.1

                       Marker 1 [T1]                RBW      100 kHz      RF Att        30 dB
       Ref Lvl                     29.45 dBm        VBW      100 kHz
        40 dBm               940.98750000 MHz       SWT      250 ms       Unit               dBm
         20.9 dB Offset


  10                                                                                               IN1
        1MAX                                                                                       1MA


        D1 -13 dBm





       Start 9 kHz                      99.9991 MHz/                               Stop 1 GHz

Date:          10.FEB.2004   14:12:13


REPORT                                         Datum/Date       Beteckning/Reference    Sida/Page
                                               2004-02-17       F401093-F90             Diagram 4 (4)
                                                                                        Encl. 4.1

                       Marker 1 [T1]               RBW      1 MHz        RF Att        30 dB
       Ref Lvl                    -20.12 dBm       VBW      1 MHz
        40 dBm                6.95190381 GHz       SWT      90 ms        Unit             dBm
         23.7 dB Offset



  10                                                                                            IN1
        1MAX                                                                                    1MA


        D1 -13 dBm




       Start 1 GHz                      900 MHz/                                Stop 10 GHz

Date:          10.FEB.2004   10:41:02


REPORT                                                   Datum/Date         Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                                         2004-02-17         F401093-F90            1(2)
                                                                                                   Encl. 5

Field strength of spurious radiation measurements according to 47CFR

Date                                  Temperature                           Humidity
          2004-02-09                        21 °C ± 3 °C                           16 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and Procedure

The measurement procedure is per ANSI/TIA/EIA-603. The chamber is listed at FCC,
Columbia with registration number: 93866. The test site also complies with RSS 212,
Issue 1, Industry Canada file no. :IC 3482.

The test of radiated emission was performed in a semi anechoic chamber with an antenna
distance of 3 m.

A pre-measurement with a correction factor was first performed. The EUT was rotated
360 degrees with a resolution of 45 degrees, the emission was measured with the antenna
heights of 1, 1.5, and 2 m. The measurements were performed with both horizontal and
vertical polarisation of the antenna.

Final measurement:
The final measurement with the substitution method was performed on emissions closer
than 20 dB below the emission limit. In this case the EUT was scanned 360 degrees and
the antenna height scanned from 1 to 4 m for maximum response.

The measurements were performed with the transmitter transmitting on channel 3601,
3840, and 4079. The transmitter was modulated (GMSK) with 8 kbs pseudorandom data
(V.52, BT=0.3) during the measurements. The antenna port was terminated by a 50 ohm
terminator. Cables were attached to the Ethernet and the RS-422 communication ports
during the measurements.

Measurement equipment                  Calibration Due          SP number
Semi anechoic chamber, Tesla           -                        15:115
R&S ESI 26                             2004-06                  503 292
Control computer                       -                        503 479
Software: R&S ES-K1, ver. 1.60         -                        -
Chase Bilog antenna CBL 6111A          2006-08                  503 182
EMCO Horn Antenna 3115                 2004-11                  502 175
MITEQ Low Noise Amplifier              2004-04                  503 285
Testo 615, Temperature and humidity    2005-09                  503 505


REPORT                                       Datum/Date      Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                             2004-02-17      F401093-F90            2(2)
                                                                                    Encl. 5

The test set-up during the spurious radiation measurements can be seen in the picture


The spurious radiation measured with the substitution method can be found in the table
                                                Spurious emission level (dBm)

                      RBW                   Vertical                        Horizontal

    30-1000          100 kHz         All emission > 20 dB            All emission > 20 dB
                                          below limit                     below limit

  1000-10 000         1 MHz          All emission > 20 dB            All emission > 20 dB
                                          below limit                     below limit

    Measurement uncertainty                                 4.7 dB


The power of any emission outside the frequency band shall be attenuated below the
transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log P dB.

Complies?                                   Yes


REPORT                                                     Datum/Date           Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                                           2004-02-17           F401093-F90            1 (2)
                                                                                                       Encl. 6

Frequency stability measurements according to 47CFR 2.1055/90.213

Date                                  Temperature (test equipment) Humidity (test equipment)
         2004-02-11                          20 °C ± 3 °C                 19 % ± 5 %
         2004-02-12                          20 °C ± 3 °C                 18 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and Procedure

The measurement test set-up was made per ANSI/TIA/EIA-603. Measurements were
made at output connector TX ANT. The output was connected to a spectrum analyser.
The spectrum analyser was connected to an external 10 MHz reference standard during
measurement. The test was performed without modulation.

Measurement equipment                    Calibration Due          SP number
Climate chamber                          2004-11                  501 031
R&S FSIQ 40                              2004-04                  503 738
Multimeter Fluke 87                      2004-09                  502 190
Testo 610, Temperature and humidity      2004-12                  502 658


Nominal Voltage 24V DC
Channel 3840 (938.000 MHz)
Output power level at output connector TX ANT: 30 dBm

                                                           Frequency error (Hz)
              Test conditions
  Supply voltage DC           T (°C)                         Output TX ANT
            24                          +20                             -23
            18                          +20                             -22
            36                          +20                             -25
            24                          +30                             -15
            24                          +40                             -10
            24                          +50                             -14
            24                          +10                             -35
            24                            0                             -35
            24                          -10                             --
 Maximum freq. error (Hz)                                               -35
 Measurement uncertainty                                         < ± 1 x 10-9


REPORT                                      Datum/Date      Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                            2004-02-17      F401093-F90            2 (2)
                                                                                   Encl. 6


The EUT was switched off during the temperature-stabilizing periods. The measurements
were performed 15 minutes after the EUT had been switched on in stand-by mode. After
the transmitter was switched to transmit condition the frequency error was monitored for
one minute to record the maximum frequency error. At +50 °C the frequency error was
also checked 30 minutes after the transmitter was switched to the transmit condition.

When the DC power was applied at –10 °C the EUT did not switch to operational mode.
It was not possible to activate the transmitter.


The frequency Error shall be within ± 0.1 PPM (93.80 Hz).

Complies?                                   Yes


REPORT                            Datum/Date   Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                  2004-02-17   F401093-F90            1 (6)
                                                                      Encl. 7


Product label

Front side with mounted antenna


REPORT      Datum/Date   Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
            2004-02-17   F401093-F90            2 (6)
                                                Encl. 7

Rear side




REPORT                     Datum/Date   Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                           2004-02-17   F401093-F90            3 (6)
                                                               Encl. 7

Front cover removed

FIB board, cover removed


REPORT                         Datum/Date   Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                               2004-02-17   F401093-F90            4 (6)
                                                                   Encl. 7

FIB board, back side

FCB board, FIB board removed


REPORT                     Datum/Date   Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                           2004-02-17   F401093-F90            5 (6)
                                                               Encl. 7

FCB board, back side

FRB board, cover removed


REPORT                               Datum/Date   Beteckning/Reference   Sida/Page
                                     2004-02-17   F401093-F90            6 (6)
                                                                         Encl. 7

FRB board without shielding covers

FRB board, back side


Document Created: 2004-02-18 17:00:12
Document Modified: 2004-02-18 17:00:12

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