User Manual


Users Manual

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S>»lightspeed"                                                                                              +)      AV
                                                                                      Classroom Audio System

                                  Mank tm   Speaich Spatert Sucher   Pagerist olune   MXz   s    7

                                  Em Ems+sHH                                                         _
    Wireless Selector                                                                                            REDMIKE
  (Shown in wall mount)


                                  U se r                  M a n u a |


SECTION 1:         4   System Overview
Overview           5   System Components and Unpacking
                   9   Applications Diagram
                  10   Wireless Selector Controls
                  12   I/O Switcher Front Panel Connectors & Controls
                  14   Amplifier Controls & Connections
                  16   Video Converter Connectors
                  17   REDMIKE VC Controls & Connections
                  18   RMC Cradle Charger Controls & Connections
                  19   Infrared Sensor/Receiver (ISR) Connections

SECTION 2:        20   Important Safety Instructions
Installation      21   Pre-Installation
                  22   System Installation Overview
                  22   On/In Wall (No Enclosure)
                  25   On Wall In Equipment Enclosure
                  26   Switcher On Wall & Amplifier In Enclosure Above

SECTION 3:        27   1. Getting Started
Set-up & Use      27   2. Pairing the Wireless Selector to the System
                  28   3. Setup Mode
                  29   4. Selecting Set-up Function
                  30   5. Microphone Volume Setting
                  31   6. Equalizer Level Setting
                  33   7. Tone Control Setting
                  34   8. Auto Power Down Time Setting
                  35   9. IR Learn Mode
                  37   10. Set-up Copy Mode
                  38   11. Un-Pair Wireless Selector Mode
                  39   12. Reset to Factory Default Settings Mode
                  40   13. Set-up Summary Chart
                  41   14. Speaker Configuration
                  45   15. IR Sensor/Receiver (ISR) Installation
                  48   16. Charging the REDMIKE VC
                  49   17. Set-up & Operation of REDMIKE VC

SECTION 4:        50   Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting   51   Tips to Obtain Optimal Audio Performance

SECTION 5:        52   Warranty Statement
Warranty &        53   Warnings and Certifications
Specifications    54   FCC Statement
                  55   System Specifications

                            SECTION 1:                                                                           SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND UNPACKING

    5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                          5. Warranty &
                            OVERVIEW                                                                             The standard configuration of the CAT AV will contain:

                            SYSTEM OVERVIEW
       4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                             4. Troubleshooting
                            CAT AV is truly the media hub of the classroom supporting speech
                            reinforcement, full range multimedia sound, and video switching and control.         Amplifier and Cable
                            The unique wireless control that can be mounted anywhere in the classroom and
                            moved as often as necessary as there are no wires to install or move. You can
                            locate it on your teaching wall or you can take with you for control anywhere in
                            the room. Up to four infrared wireless REDMIKE Volume control microphones
                            provide clear distribution of the teachers voice across the entire classroom.
       3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                             3. Setup & Use
                            The AV switcher allows up to four audio and video inputs (two VGA and two
                            composite). The switcher directs the selected AV input and sends the Audio via
                            CAT-5 cable to the system amplifier. It also directs the selected video signal to
                            the Video Converter module where it is converted back to its appropriate video
                            connector and signal type to connect with the classroom projector.
                            Designed for the classroom, CAT AV is fast and simple to install. Three CAT-5
       2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                             2. Installation
                            twisted pair cables carry audio and video signals, control signals and power
                            between all system modules and plenum rated speaker wire carries the amplified       Wireless
                            audio to the ceiling speaker(s).                                                     Selector with
                                                                                                                 Wall Mount
                            This user guide includes all of the information necessary for installation, set up
                            and operation of the CAT AV system. Call Lightspeed Technologies, Inc. at 800-
                            732-8999 with any questions regarding this system.
       1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                             1. Overview
                                                                                                                 I/O Switcher and Cable

                                                                                                                 System Power Supply

4                                                                                                                                                                                                 5


    5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                        5. Warranty &
                            CONT’D                            CONT’D

                                                              Standard Accessories
                                                              AC-CAVWC        Wireless Control Panel
                                                              AV-CAVSW        I/O Switcher
                                                              AV-VCON         Video converter
       4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                           4. Troubleshooting
                            Video Converter with
                                                              AMP-CAV         Amplifier
                                                              PS-24V-2.5A     Power Supply
                                                              RX-ISR          Integrated Sensor Receiver
                                                              RMV             REDMIKE Volume Control, Lavaliere cord, rechargeable AA
                            iR Receiver and Cable                             batteries
                                                              CA-CAT5e50      CAT-5e cable (50 ft)
                                                              BA-NH2A27       Lightspeed AA rechargeable sensing battery
       3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                           3. Setup & Use
                                                              BC-RMCC         REDMIKE VC cradle charger
                            Charging Cradle and               PS-5V-1.0       Cradle charger power supply
                            Power Supply                      AC-WCPWM        WCP Wall Mount
                                                              CA-35IRE        iR emitter to 3.5mm jack
                                                              CA-VGA-1.5      18 inch VGA Cable
                                                              CA-RCA-1.5      18 inch RCA Cable
       2. Installation

                                                                                                                                           2. Installation
                                                              SPK-MCQ         Ceiling Multimedia Speaker
                                                              CA-PLSPK50      Plenum speaker cable (50 ft)
                            REDMIKE VC
                            Classroom                                         Velcro strip 2 inch
                            Microphone                        AC-ENC          System Enclosure
                                                              AC-MNCAV        User Manual
                                                              SPEAKERS        Contact Lightspeed at 800.732.8999 for speaker info
       1. Overview

                                                                                                                                           1. Overview
                            WMQ (x 4)

                            DRQ (x 4)

                            MCQ (x 1)

6                                                                                                                                                               7

                                                                                                                                                                          THIS IS A ROUGH
                                                                                                                                                                          SKETCH OF A DIAGRAM
                            FEATURES                                                                           APPLICATIONS DIAGRAM                                       THAT IS BEING

    5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                            5. Warranty &

                            Wireless Control                          check Audio Output to                    Here are three example diagrams of application setups.
                            CAT AV’s wireless RF selector gives       Speakers
                            maximum flexibility for the teacher. It   16 W per channel (32 W total) output
                            can be mounted to a wall or carried       for 1 to 4 speakers
                                                                                                                                             1) CAT AV System with
                            to give control anywhere in the
                                                                      PageFirst                                                              Optional Page First Sensor
       4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                               4. Troubleshooting
                                                                      CAT AV connects to the classroom                                       Connection
                            Audio Inputs                              paging system using an optional
                            CAT AV Switcher can select between        paging sensor. When a page is
                            four multimedia audio inputs              sensed, it mutes all audio output from
                            (associated with the video inputs).       the CAT AV System during the page.
                                                                      Audio is returned to its normal levels
                            Microphone Inputs                         when the page is complete.
                            Up to four infrared microphone
       3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                               3. Setup & Use
                            transmitters can be used for the          Auto Projector Shutdown                                                2) CAT AV System with four
                            wireless transmission of the teacher’s    To save energy and maximize                                            ceiling or wall speakers
                            voice. Each microphone has it’s own       projector bulb life, CAT AV will turn
                            volume control or the wireless control    the projector off at a predetermined
                            panel can be used to set microphone       interval after all audio inputs have
                            output level.                             stopped. Time can be set in 30
                                                                      minute intervals from 0 minutes to 3
                            Video Inputs                              hours.
                            CAT AV Switcher can select between
       2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                               2. Installation
                            four inputs (two VGA and two              Equalizer & Tone Controls
                            composite).                               Classroom acoustics are different
                                                                      from room to room. To provide
                            ALD Audio Output                          the highest speech intelligibility
                            CAT AV outputs a mixed audio                                                                                     3) CAT AV System basic
                                                                      and natural sounding multimedia,                                       interconnection using MCQ
                            output (both multimedia audio and         provision for digital adjustment is
                            voice) through the ALD output jack                                                                               multimedia ceiling speaker
                                                                      provided for during initial system set
                            located on the Switcher front panel.      up.
       1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                               1. Overview
                            The output includes an independent
                            volume control. This audio output can     IR Learn Mode
                            be used for connection to a recording     CAT AV learns from your projectors
                            or listening device.                      remote control. IR control codes are
                                                                      learned directly from the projector’s
                            Twisted pair outputs                      remote control. Codes: Projector On
                            CAT AV switcher outputs Audio to          & OFF, Input connection (VGA or
                            the Amplifier and Video to the Video      Video), and Video Mute.
                            Converter modules through two RJ-45
                            connectors. Audio and video signals
                            can be transmitted via CAT-5 cable up
                            to 100 ft away.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9

                          WIRELESS SELECTOR CONTROLS                                                         WIRELESS SELECTOR CONTROLS CONT’D

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                           5. Warranty &
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                              4. Troubleshooting

     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                              3. Setup & Use

                                                                                         8                                            10

     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                              2. Installation
                                                                                   6                                                               Rear Panel

                          1. CAT AV System POWER                    4. AV Input Source SELECT                6. AV MUTE/AV MUTE                      Likewise, three pushes of the
                             Switch/POWER Indicator:                   and SOURCE indicators:                   Indicator: Pushbutton blanks         Volume DOWN pushbutton will
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                              1. Overview
                             This switch is used to turn the           Pushbutton selects the audio and         the video being displayed and        decrement to the next lower light
                             system power ON and OFF. When             video input source as Follows:           mutes its associated audio. When     to glow green. Volume levels are
                             POWER is ON, the POWER light             a. VGA input 1                            AV Mute is on, the AV mute light     saved in memory so will return to
                             will glow green                                                                    will glow green.                     the previously set level when the
                                                                      b. VGA input 2                                                                 AV source is selected again.
                          2. Projector Power ON/                                                             7. Volume UP: Pushing the volume
                             Projector Power                          c. Composite Video input 1                up button causes the selected      10. Mode Switch: Selects
                             Indicator: Pushbutton sends              d. Composite Video input 2                source volume to increment by 1      between normal operation and
                             IR code to the projector to turn its                                               db.                                  set-up mode. In set-up mode the
                                                                       Note: AV input labels for lights A,
                             power ON. When Power is ON,                                                                                             front panel switches take on new
                                                                       B, C, and D can be customized to      8. Volume DOWN: Pushing the
                             the projector power light will glow                                                                                     meaning. See Set-Up Section of
                                                                       match the AV sources connected           volume down button causes
                             green.                                                                                                                  this document for information.
                                                                       to the corresponding AV input on         the selected source volume to
                          3. Projector Power OFF:                      the Switcher module.                     decrement by 1 db.                 11. Pairing Button: Synchronizes
                             Pushbutton sends an IR code to                                                                                          the Wireless Selector to the system
                                                                       The light will glow green when        9. Volume LEVEL Lights:
                             the projector to turn its power                                                                                         for exclusive operation.
                                                                       the corresponding AV source is           Indicates the relative volume
                             OFF. When Power is OFF, the
                                                                       selected.                                level for the source selected.
                             projector power ON light will be
                                                                                                                Three pushes of the Volume UP
                             OFF.                                   5. Microphone Mute/Mute
                                                                                                                pushbutton will increment to the
                                                                       Indicator: Pushbutton mutes
                             Note: Some projectors will turn                                                    next higher light to glow green.
                                                                       all audio except the teacher’s
                             off with a single push of the OFF
                                                                       microphone. When Mute is
                             button. Other projectors require
                                                                       pushed, the Mute light will glow
                             two pushes.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11

                          I/O Switcher Front Panel                                                      I/O Switcher Bottom Panel

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                        5. Warranty &
                          Connectors and Controls                                                       Connectors

     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                           4. Troubleshooting
                                                                                                                     “(Picture of bottom side of the switcher showing

                                                                                                                     Need image – there’s not one in the Word File.

     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                           3. Setup & Use

                                                   3             5
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                           2. Installation

                          1. VGA Video with Audio 1:            5. Power Light: Glows green             1. Audio Output/ALD Audio
                             A 15 pin VGA Video connector and      when power is received from the         Input Jack: RJ-45 connector
                             3.5 mm Audio connector input for      Amplifier module                        for carrying audio signals to the
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                           1. Overview
                             source 1.                          6. ALD Audio Output: 3.5 mm                Amplifier and ALD Audio signals
                          2. VGA Video with Audio 2: A             stereo jack sends audio signal          back from the Amplifier. Power for
                             15 pin VGA Video connector and        to external equipment such as a         the Switcher is also carried on the
                             3.5 mm Audio connector input for      recorder or an assistive listening      connecting CAT-5e cable.
                             source 2.                             device like Lightspeeds LES-370      2. Video Output Jack: RJ-45
                          3. Composite Video with Left             Personal FM System.                     connector for carrying video
                             and Right Audio 1: Yellow          7. ALD Volume Control:                     signals to the Video Converter
                             RCA connector for Composite           Adjusts the Audio signal level          module. The connecting CAT-5e
                             Video with Red RCA connector          output through the ALD Audio            cable also carries power for the
                             for Right Audio and White RCA         Output connector.                       Video Converter module and
                             connector for Left Audio.                                                     projector control signals.

                          4. Composite Video with Left
                             and Right Audio 2: Yellow
                             RCA connector for Composite
                             Video with Red RCA connector
                             for Right Audio and White RCA
                             connector for Left Audio.

12                                                                                                                                                                                              13

                          AMPLIFIER CONTROLS & CONNECTIONS                                                  AMPLIFIER CONTROLS & CONNECTIONS

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                           5. Warranty &
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                              4. Troubleshooting
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                              3. Setup & Use
                           1          2          3          5        6          7         4
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                              2. Installation
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                              1. Overview
                          1. System Pairing Button:                5. PageFirst Input                       8. Power ON LED: This light glows      12. Speaker Output 1: A phoenix
                             Pushbutton used to synchronize           Connector: A phoenix                     red when system power is turned       connector outputting audio signal
                             the Wireless Selector to the system      connector connects the system            ON.                                   to a speaker. Plenum rated speaker
                             controller.                              to the classroom paging speaker.      9. ISR Input 2 Connector: An             wire is used to connect this output
                          2. IR LEARN Window: Recieves                When a page is received, the             RJ-45 connector for connecting        to a system speaker.
                             the IR control codes from the            system audio is muted. The system        the amplifier to a group 2          13. Speaker Output 2: A phoenix
                             projector remote control. When in        returns to its previous level when       frequency Integrated Sensor           connector outputting audio signal
                             the set up mode, the volume up           the page is finished.                    Receiver using a CAT-5 cable. The     to a speaker. Plenum rated speaker
                             or down button on the wireless        6. PageFirst Sensitivity                    CAT-5 cable carries power to the      wire is used to connect this output
                             selector is pushed followed by           Adjust: Adjusts the sensitivity of       ISR and Group 2 – Channel A and       to a system speaker.
                             the corresponding button on the          the page first to duct system audio      B microphone audio back to the      14. System Power Input
                             projector remote control.                for a page but not for noise riding      amplifier.                            Connector: 24V 2.5 amp
                          3. For internal use only.                   on the paging circuit.                10. System Power ON/OFF                  power connector to an external
                          4. Audio Input: an RJ-45                 7. ISR Input 1 Connector: An               Pushbutton: System power               power supply.
                             connector to receive audio signals       RJ-45 connector for connecting          is turned ON or OFF with this
                             from the Switcher. A CAT-5 cable         the amplifier to a group frequency      pushbutton. (System power can
                             carries audio signals from the           Integrated Sensor Receiver using        also be turned ON/OFF directly
                             switcher to the amplifier and            a CAT-5 cable. The CAT-5 cable          from the Wireless Selector.)
                             mixed audio and power signals            carries power to the ISR and          11. Wireless SELECTOR
                             back to the Switcher.                    Channel A and B microphone              Antenna
                                                                      audio back to the amplifier.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                 15

                          Video Converter Connectors                                                       REDMIKE VC CONTROLS & CONNECTIONS

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                Remove tab before en
                                                                                                                                                 Slide battery door o
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                    us e
                                                                              4                             2
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3. Setup & Use
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2. Installation
                          1. Video Input Connector:               4. IR Control Signal Output
                             An RJ-45 connector for accepting        Connector: A 3.5 mm (female)          1. POWER BUTTON: Press this                                        it may tear, leaving fragments.
                             video signals from the Switcher. A      connector output for connecting
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1. Overview
                                                                                                              button to turn the REDMIKE VC                                5. AUDIO/MICROPHONE INPUT:
                             CAT-5 cable is used to carry VGA        an IR Emitter. Electrical control        ON, press again to turn it OFF
                             video, Composite video, power,          codes are then converted by the IR                                                                       Use this input to plug in a laptop,
                                                                                                              (mute).                                                         MP3 player or other audio
                             and IR control signals from the         Emitter to infrared light for pick-
                             Switcher to the Video Converter.        up by the IR receiver port on the     2. POWER/LOW BATTERY                                               source to wirelessly transmit
                                                                     projector.                               INDICATOR: A BLUE light                                         audio to be played through the
                          2. Composite Video Output                                                           indicates the REDMIKE VC is on                                  system. Alternatively, an external
                             Connector: An RCA connector                                                      and fully charged. A RED light                                  microphone can be connected.
                             outputs composite video to be                                                    indicates a charge is needed.
                             carried to the projector composite                                                                                                            6. CHANNEL SELECT SWITCH
                             video input.                                                                  3. Battery Compartment: To                                         (CH A/B): This switch allows
                                                                                                              access the battery compartment,                                 for selection between Channel
                          3. VGA Video Output
                                                                                                              slide the door downward. The                                    A or B. If you are using a single
                             Connector: A 15-pin Dsub
                                                                                                              battery should only be replaced                                 microphone, we recommend using
                             (female) connector outputs VGA
                                                                                                              by a Lightspeed AA rechargeable                                 Channel A.
                             video signals to be carried to
                                                                                                              sensing battery (part # BA-                                  7. VOLUME CONTROLS (UP –
                             the projector VGA input on the
                                                                                                              NH2A27).                                                        DOWN)
                                                                                                           4.	YELLOW PROTECTIVE TAB:                                       8. Charger Contacts (+ -):
                                                                                                              Slide the battery compartment                                   These contacts interface with the
                                                                                                              door open to remove this                                        charging tabs in the BC-RMCC
                                                                                                              disposable protective tab before                                cradle charger for daily charging.
                                                                                                              use. NOTE: do not attempt to                                    Simply place the REDMIKE VC in
                                                                                                              remove the tab without first                                    the charger.
                                                                                                              opening the compartment door, as

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          17

                          CRADLE CHARGER CONTROLS AND                                                   INFRARED SENSOR/RECEIVER (ISR)

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                           5. Warranty &
                          CONNECTIONS                                                                   CONNECTIONS

     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                              4. Troubleshooting
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                              3. Setup & Use

     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                              2. Installation
                                                                                                   3                  3

                                                                                                        1. Power Indicator: This light            3. SENSOR OUT: Connect the Cat 5
                                                                                                           will glow blue when the ISR is            sensor cable to this connection to
                                                                                                           receiving power from the CAT AV.          send audio from the microphones
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                              1. Overview
                          1. CHARGE INDICATORS: The light           2.	DC POWER PORT: Connect the          (There is a blue light in the center      to the CAT AV amplifier.
                             glows RED while the REDMIKE VC            DC power cord here.                 of logo on the front side – add        4. IR EXPANSION: Connect up to
                             is charging. When fully charged,       3. OPTIONAL CHARGING PORT:             image of this).                           three passive IR sensors (IR-SR70F)
                             the light will glow GREEN. A              Plug the charging cord for the   2. A/B IR Indicators: These lights           to this connection for larger
                             blinking RED light indicates that         optional LT-71 or the REDMIKE       glow when the corresponding               classrooms. For more than one
                             no battery is sensed, (REDMIKE VC         Share microphones here.             microphone (set to channel A or           additional sensor a 3-way coax
                             Yellow Protective Tab may not have
                                                                                                           B) is turned on and transmitting.         splitter is required (HS3).
                             been completely removed—see
                                                                                                           A steady light indicates a strong
                             page 5, item 4.) A blinking Green
                             LED means a non- Lightspeed
                             battery has been installed (possibly
                             an alkaline battery).

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19

                          SECTION 2:                                                                        IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS CONT’D

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                                  5. Warranty &
                          INSTALLATION                                                                      • Only use attachments/accessories             been damaged in any way, such
                                                                                                              specified by the manufacturer.               as power-supply cord or plug is
                                                                                                            • Unplug this product during                   damaged, liquid has been spilled
                          IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS                                                       lightning storms or when unused              or objects have fallen into the
                                                                                                                                                           apparatus, the apparatus has been
                                                                                                              for long periods of time.
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                     4. Troubleshooting
                                                                                                                                                           exposed to rain or moisture, does
                                                                                                            • Refer all servicing to qualified             not operate normally, or has been
                          1. Instructional Literature —All         5.	Damage Requiring Service—This           service personnel. Servicing is              dropped.
                             safety and operation instructions        Lightspeed product should be            required when the apparatus has
                             should be read before this               serviced only by qualified service
                             Lightspeed product is operated.          personnel. The user should not
                             The safety and operating                 attempt to service this Lightspeed
                             instructions should be kept for          product. Keep all original
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                     3. Setup & Use
                             future reference. All operating and      packaging for easy transport if
                             other instructions should                repair or return is necessary.
                             be followed.                          • Read these instructions. Keep
                          2.	Heed Warnings—All warnings              them in a location where you have      PRE-INSTALLATION
                             on this Lightspeed product and          easy access to them.
                             in these instructions should be       • Heed all warnings and follow all
                             followed.                               instructions                           The CAT AVfour System has been thoroughly tested as a complete system prior
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                     2. Installation
                          3. Water, Heat and Moisture—This                                                  to shipment. Factory default settings have been pre-set into the system. To make
                                                                   • Do not use this product near water.    installation as easy as possible, perform the following two steps before installing
                             Lightspeed product should not be
                                                                   • Clean only with a dry cloth.           the Amplifier module.
                             used near water. Care should be
                             taken so that objects do not fall     • Do not block any ventilation           1. Synchronize the Wireless Control to the system.
                             onto and liquids are not spilled        openings. Install in accordance        2. Perform the IR Learn function to learn the IR codes from the projector remote
                             into the Lightspeed product. This       with the manufacturer’s                   control.
                             Lightspeed product should be            instructions.
                             situated away from heat sources                                                Note: Step 2. only needs to be performed on the first classroom installation of a
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                     1. Overview
                                                                   • Do not install near any heat           series of classrooms containing the same make and model of projector. After the
                             such as radiators, etc.
                                                                     sources such as radiators, heat        first classroom, the wireless control can be used to copy set-up information to
                          4. Power—This Lightspeed product           registers, stoves, or other products   each remaining system.
                             should be connected to a power          apparatus (including amplifiers)
                             supply only of the type described       that produce heat.
                             in the operation instructions or
                                                                   • Do not defeat the safety purpose       Pre-Install Procedure                       5. Remove the battery door from the
                             as marked on this Lightspeed
                                                                     of the polarized or grounding type                                                    back of the wireless control
                             product. Power supply cords                                                    1. Find the Amplifier module and its
                                                                     plug. A polarized plug has two
                             should be routed so that they                                                     power supply.                            6. Push the pairing button located
                                                                     blades with one wider than the
                             are not likely to be walked upon                                                                                              in the wireless control battery
                                                                     other. A grounding type plug has       2. Plug the DC power plug into the
                             or pinched by items placed                                                                                                    compartment followed closely
                                                                     two blades and a third grounding          power receptacle on the Amplifier.
                             upon or against them. Do not                                                                                                  by the pairing button on the
                                                                     prong. The wide blade or the           3. Plug the AC power plug into an
                             use this polarized plug with an                                                                                               Amplifier.
                                                                     third prong are provided for your         appropriate wall outlet.
                             extension cord, receptacle or
                                                                     safety. If the provided plug does                                                  7. Turn the system power OFF and
                             other outlet unless the blades can                                             4. Turn the system power ON by
                                                                     not fit into your outlet, consult an                                                  remove the power connections to
                             be fully inserted to prevent blade                                                pushing the system power button
                                                                     electrician for replacement of the                                                    the Amplifier module.
                             exposure.                                                                         on the wireless control. The power
                                                                     obsolete outlet.
                                                                                                               LED on the Amplifier will light.
                                                                   • Protect the power cord from being
                                                                     walked on or pinched particularly
                                                                     at plugs, convenience receptacles,
                                                                     and the point where they exit from
                                                                     the apparatus.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                        21

                          System Installation OVERVIEW                                                           On/In Wall (No Enclosure) CONT’D

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                               5. Warranty &
                          System Components can be installed in a variety of locations as shown in the
                          following chart.
                                            I/O                    Video       Control     Sensor/
                                          Switcher   Amplifier    Converter     Panel     Receiver    Speakers   For on the wall installation           For in wall installation
                           Wall                                                                                    • Mark mounting screw/wall-             • Install the 4-gang mud ring or
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                  4. Troubleshooting
                           On Wall, In        X            X                                                         anchor locations & drill holes          electrical box
                           Enclosure                                                                                 for the switcher (the switcher        • Pull the CAT-5 cables marked
                                                                                                                     module installs over the 1-gang         Audio and Video
                           On Wall, No        X            X                      X                                  wall box)
                           Enclosure                                                                                                                       • Connect the cables to the
                                                                                                                   • Connect the CAT-5 cables                Audio and Video outputs on
                           In Wall            X
                                                                                                                     labeled Audio and Video                 the Switcher
                           Cabinet                                                                                   and connect them to the
                           On Cabinet         X            X                                                         appropriately labeled                 • Install the wall décor plate on
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                  3. Setup & Use
                                                                                                                     connectors on the switcher              the Switcher Module using the
                           In Cabinet         X            X                                                                                                 screws provided
                                                                                                                   • Install the I/O –Switcher on the
                           Ceiling                                                                                                                         • Install the wall décor plate
                                                                                                                     pre-installed screws.
                           Above /In                       X                                             X                                                   to the installed mud ring or
                           Ceiling                                                                                                                           electrical box.
                           On Ceiling                                                        X
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                  2. Installation
                           On Projector                                 X

                          On/In Wall (No Enclosure)
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                  1. Overview
                          1. Install System Wall Plates & I/O Switcher

                             • Label both ends of all cables                • Install the mud rings or
                             • Mark (with painters tape)                      electrical boxes
                               location of CAT AVfour Modules               • Pull cables

                          Cable Labeling
                          Cable Type                 Qty       How to Label
                          CAT-5, 50 ft                3        1) Audio
                                                               2) Video
                                                               3) ISR
                          CA-PLSPK, 50 ft             1        1) Speaker Wire
                          CAT-5, 12-24 in *          1-2       1) Audio
                                                               2) ISR
                          CA-PLSPK, 12-24in *         1        1) Speaker Wire

                          *Optional (depends on type of installation)

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                     23

                          On/In Wall (No Enclosure) CONT’D                                                 On Wall In Equipment Enclosure

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                              5. Warranty &
                          2. Install the Amplifier Module and Video Converter                              1. Install System Wall Plates & I/O Switcher

                          Install Amplifier on the wall by the      Install Video Converter at the             • Label both ends of all cables            • Pull the 50’ Speaker wire(s)
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                 4. Troubleshooting
                          switcher                                  Projector                                    (see page 22)                              through the hole in the
                                                                                                               • Mark (with painters tape)                  bottom of the wall box and
                          • Mark the screw/wall-anchor              • Install the 18” VGA, 18” RCA, and
                                                                                                                 location of CAT AVfour                     wire to the phoenix connector
                            locations for the Amplifier               3.5 mm to IR Emitter cables to the
                                                                                                                 Modules                                    for SPEAKER 1 (also Speaker 2
                          • Mark (with painters tape) location        Video Converter
                                                                                                                                                            is installing 4 speakers)
                            of CAT AVfour Amplifier Module          • Install the CAT-5 cable labeled          • Install the mud rings or
                                                                                                                 electrical boxes                         • Connect the power supply to
                          • Mount the Amplifier Module on             Video to the video converter
                                                                                                                                                            the power input jack on the
                            the wall                                • Connect the 18” VGA and 18”              • Pull cables                                Amplifier.
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                 3. Setup & Use
                          • Install two 1-gang mud rings or           RCA cables to the source inputs on       • Use the short (12”) CAT-                 • Run the  power cord to the
                            electrical boxes                          the projector.                             5 cable labeled Audio to                   nearest wall outlet
                                                                    • Locate the IR Control window               connect the switcher Audio
                          • Pull cables                                                                                                                   • Screw the wall box to the wall
                                                                      on the projector and stick the IR          output jack to the audio input
                          • Install one wall décor plate with                                                    jack on the Amplifier                      over the mud ring.
                                                                      Emitter next to the window.
                            three RJ-45 connectors and One                                                                                                • Install the Switcher module in
                                                                    • Using the 2” Velcro strip, stick         • Pull the two 50’ CAT-5 cables
                            wall décor plate with two sets of                                                                                               the wall box and close the lid.
                                                                      one side on a flat spot on top of          labeled ISR and Video into
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                 2. Installation
                            two binding posts                                                                                                               Secure the wall box lid with
                                                                      the projector and the other to the         the bottom of the wall box
                          • Connect the Audio Input jack on                                                      and connect the ISR cable                  the two screws provided.
                                                                      bottom of the Video Converter.
                            the Amplifier to the wall décor           Velcro the video converter to the          to the connector labeled
                            plate connector marked Audio              top of the projector.                      ISR 1 and the Video cable to
                            using a short CAT-5 cable labeled                                                    the Switcher Video output
                            Audio                                                                                connector.
                          • Connect the ISR 1 jack on the
                            Amplifier to the wall décor plate
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                 1. Overview
                            connector marked ISR 1 using a
                            short CAT-5 cable labeled ISR 1
                          • Connect the speaker wire between
                            the Phoenix connector on the
                            Amplifier and the binding post
                            connections on the wall décor
                            plate labeled Speaker 1
                          • Connect the power supply to the
                            power input jack on the Amplifier.
                          • Run the  power cord to the nearest
                            wall outlet

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25

                          Switcher On Wall & Amplifier In                                                    SECTION 3:

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                                 5. Warranty &
                          Enclosure Above Ceiling
                                                                                                             SET-UP & USE
                          1. Install System Wall Plates & I/O Switcher                                       1. GETTING STARTED
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                    4. Troubleshooting
                          • Label both ends of all cables (see       • Connect the cables to the Audio
                            page 22)                                   and Video outputs on the Switcher
                                                                                                             To get started using the CAT AV two things need to happen:
                          • Mark (with painters tape) location       • Install the wall décor plate on the
                            of CAT AVfour’s Switcher Modules           Switcher Module using the screws      1. The wireless selector needs to be synchronized with the system.

                          • Install the 4-gang mud ring or             provided                              2. The system needs to learn the IR control codes for the classroom projector.
                            electrical box                           • Install the wall décor plate to the   Lightspeed has preset the system with factory default values that should work
                                                                       installed mud ring or electrical      for a majority of classrooms. Access to these default settings are made available
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                    3. Setup & Use
                          • Pull the CAT-5 cables marked
                            Audio and Video                            box.                                  to you through a series of setup procedures. All changes to factory settings are
                                                                                                             accomplished using the Wireless Sector. These procedures are detailed in the
                                                                                                             following paragraphs.

                          2. Install the Amplifier Module and Video Converter
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                    2. Installation
                          Install the Amplifier Module               Install the Video ConverterModule
                          • Prepare the equipment enclosure          • Install the 18” VGA, 18” RCA, and
                            by assembling the front panel on           3.5 mm to IR Emitter cables to the    2. Pairing the Wireless Selector to
                            the enclosure                              Video Converter
                                                                                                             the system
                          • Carefully route the Audio cable          • Install the CAT-5 cable labeled
                            so the equipment box with the              Video to the video converter
                            amplifier can be set on the tile                                                 When installation is complete,
                                                                     • Connect the 18” VGA and 18”
                                                                                                             the Wireless Selector needs to be
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                    1. Overview
                            bridge for the projector.                  RCA cables to the source inputs on    synchronized with the system. This
                          • Install the Amplifier module in the        the projector.                        process is called “Pairing”. Pair the
                            equipment enclosure using the            • Locate the IR Control window          Wireless Selector by:
                            screws provided                            on the projector and stick the IR
                                                                                                             1. Remove the battery compartment
                          • Connect the CAT-5 cable labeled            Emitter next to the window.
                            Audio to the Audio input jack on         • Using the 2” Velcro strip, stick
                            the Amplifier                                                                    2. Find the push button along the left
                                                                       one side on a flat spot on top of
                                                                                                                side of the battery compartment
                          • Connect the ISR CAT-5 cable to             the projector and the other to the
                                                                                                                (see figure)
                            the IRS 1 jack on the Amplifier            bottom of the Video Converter.
                                                                       Velcro the video converter to the     3. Push the pairing button located in         Setup
                          • Pull the 50’ Speaker wire(s) through
                                                                       top of the projector.                    the battery compartment. A green           Mode
                            the hole in the side of the wall box
                                                                                                                LED next to the button will light.
                            and wire to the phoenix connector
                            for SPEAKER 1 (also Speaker 2 is                                                 4. Find and push the pairing located          Push to
                            installing 4 speakers)                                                              on the Amplifier Module. Hold this         Synchro-
                                                                                                                pairing button in until the green          nize with
                          • Secure the equipment wall box lid                                                                                              System
                                                                                                                LED in the battery compartment
                            with the two screws provided.
                                                                                                                goes out (about 3 seconds).
                                                                                                             The system and wireless selector are
                                                                                                             now paired.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                       27

                          3. SETUP MODE                                          4. Selecting Set Up Function

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                          5. Warranty &
                          The wireless selector provides access
                          to learn projector IR codes and                        Each of the set up functions is
                          change factory default settings. The                   represented by an LED located on the
                          set up functions are:                                  wireless selector front panel as shown
                                                                                 in the following figure.
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                             4. Troubleshooting
                            Microphone Volume
                            Equalizer Levels
                            Tone Levels
                            Auto Projector Shutdown Time
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                             3. Setup & Use
                            IR Learn Mode
                            Copy Setup, Return to Default
                            settings, Un-pairing

                          Entering Set Up Mode:
                          1. Remove the battery compartment
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                             2. Installation
                          2. Find the slide switch above the
                             pairing button along the left side
                             of the battery compartment (see
                             figure)                                 Setup
                          3. Move the slide switch to its “UP”       Mode
                             position. The green LED next to
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                             1. Overview
                             the projector ON button on the          Push to     When first entering the setup mode,
                             front panel will blink indicating the   Synchro-    LED 7 will glow red indicating the
                             system is in the Set Up Mode.           nize with   Microphone volume setting function.
                                                                     System      The up and down arrow buttons will
                                                                                 change the mode selection to the
                                                                                 desired function. Enter the desired
                                                                                 function by pushing the AV Mute
                                                                                 button. To change to select another
                                                                                 function, push the Mute button and
                                                                                 use the up & down arrow buttons to
                                                                                 select the new function.

28                                                                                                                                                29

                          5. Microphone Volume Setting                                                      6. Equalizer Level Setting

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                                     5. Warranty &
                                                                                                            The CAT AV uses a 4-band audio equalizer designed to optimize and fine-tune
                          CAT AV can have up to 4 microphones. The volume for each of these                 the microphone sound quality for the classroom. Below are some tips on proper
                          microphones can be set using the following procedure:                             system equalization:

                          Picture of LED 7 lit & location of AV Mute & Mute buttons                         The voice should be natural, very clear and without any audio feedback (ringing)
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                        4. Troubleshooting
                          Picture of selector showing the new meaning of the select LEDS (group 1 channel   • Walk the room listening for the overall quality and any feedback that is present
                          A, group 1 channel B, group 2 channel A, group 2 channel B)                       • If there is a lot of audio feedback, it is likely the volume is too high. Ensure the
                                                                                                                volume is at the appropriate level, a second person is helpful to determine
                                                                                                            • If feedback is still present with the audio set at the right level, make the
                                                                                                                following EQ adjustments:
                                                                                                            – High pitched ring: lower the 2K and/or 4K adjustment by _ down arrow button
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                        3. Setup & Use
                          1. Enter Set Up Mode                                                              – Lower pitched ring: lower the 500 and/or 1K adjustment by _ down arrow
                          2. Make sure LED 7 is glowing green                                                  button
                             or:                                                                            • If you notice the sound is “muddy” or has too much bass:
                             a. Push the Microphone Mute                                                    – Lower the 500 adjustment by _ down arrow button and/or
                                                                                                            – Raise the 2K or 4K adjustment by using the up arrow button
                             b. Use the up & down arrow
                                                                                                            • Note: the EQ adjustments should be preset at “center (zero).” This is the
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                        2. Installation
                                buttons until LED 7 lights
                                                                                                               nominal level and any adjustments (up or down) should be made from this
                          3. Push the Mute AV Source button.                                                   level.
                             The first green LED next to the
                             Select button will light.
                          4. Look at the channel setting on
                             the rear of the microphone to
                             determine if it is set to channel A
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                        1. Overview
                             or channel B.
                          5. Use the Select button until the
                             LED representing the channel
                             setting of the microphone lights.
                          6. Use the up & down arrow buttons
                             to increase or decrease the volume
                             for this microphone.
                          7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each
                             additional microphone.
                          8. Push the Microphone Mute button
                             to leave this set up mode and
                             select another function.

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                           31

                          6. Equalizer Level Setting CONT’D                         7. Tone Control Setting

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                          5. Warranty &
                          Procedure:                                                The tone control is used to personalize the sound of music played through the
                                                                                    CAT AV system. Using the tone control you can increase or decrease the base,
                          1. Enter Set Up Mode                                      mid frequency, or treble tone of the music. The result will be a full range natural
                          2. Make sure LED 6 is glowing green                       sound for multimedia.
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                             4. Troubleshooting
                            a. Push the Microphone Mute
                               button                                               Procedure:

                            b. Use the up & down arrow                              1. Enter Set Up Mode
                               buttons until LED 6 lights                           2. Make sure LED 5 is glowing green
                          3. Push the Mute AV Source button.                           or:
                             The first green LED next to the                           a. Push the Microphone Mute                  Picture of LED 5 lit & location of
                             Select button will light.                                                                              AV Mute & Mute buttons
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                             3. Setup & Use
                          4. The frequency band is represented                         b. Use the up & down arrow                   Picture of selector showing the
                             using the volume level LEDs. The                             buttons until LED 5 lights                new meaning of the select LEDS
                             center is zero. The band can be                                                                        (Bass: 500Hz range, Mid: 1000Hz
                             boosted by using the up arrow key                      3. Push the Mute AV Source button.              range, Treble: 2000Hz range)
                             to increase the setting or cut by                         The first green LED next to the
                             using the down arrow key.                                 Select button will light.

                          5. Use the Select button to move                          4. The frequency band is represented
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                             2. Installation
                             through the bands from low to                             using the volume level LEDs. The
                             high as shown in figure xx.                               center is zero. The band can be
                                                                                       boosted by using the up arrow key
                          6. Repeat step 4 to adjust each                              to increase the setting or cut by
                             frequency band.                                           using the down arrow key.
                          7. Push the Microphone Mute button                        5. Use the Select button to move
                             to leave this set up mode and                             through the bands from low to
                             select another function.                                  high as shown in figure xx.
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                             1. Overview
                                                                                    6. Repeat step 4 to adjust each
                                                                                       frequency band.
                                                                                    7. Push the Microphone Mute button
                                                                                       to leave this set up mode and
                                                                                       select another function.
                                                      Picture of LED 6 lit &
                                                      location of AV Mute & Mute
                                                      Picture of selector showing
                                                      the new meaning of the
                                                      select LEDS (frequency 1:
                                                      500Hz, frequency 2: 1000Hz,
                                                      frequency 3: 2000Hz,
                                                      frequency 4: 4000Hz)

32                                                                                                                                                                                                33

                          8. Auto Power Down Time Setting                                                         9. IR Learn Mode

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                              5. Warranty &
                          Replacing projector bulbs is expensive. To save energy and increase projector
                                                                                                                  1. Enter Set Up Mode
                          bulb life, CAT AV will turn off the projector after a set elapsed time after the last
                          audio is processed by the system. The elapsed time can be set in 30 minute              2. Make sure LED 3 is glowing green
                                                                                                                                                           Pix of projector remote close to
                          increments from 30 minutes to 3 hours. A 30 second setting is provided for initial         or:
                                                                                                                                                           the Amplifier IR Learn Window
                          testing of the Auto Power Down Mode.                                                       a. Push the Microphone Mute
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                 4. Troubleshooting
                                                                                                                     b. Use the up & down arrow
                          1. Enter Set Up Mode                                                                          buttons until LED 3 lights
                          2. Make sure LED 4 is glowing green                                                     3. Push the Mute AV Source button.
                             or:                                                                                     The first LED next to the Select
                             a. Push the Microphone Mute                  Picture of LED 4 lit & location of         button will light.
                                button                                    AV Mute & Mute buttons                  4. Learn projector ON Command:
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                 3. Setup & Use
                             b. Use the up & down arrow                                                              Push button 7 or 8 to set the
                                                                          Picture of selector showing the
                                buttons until LED 4 lights                                                           system to listen for the IR
                                                                          new meaning of the volume level
                          3. Push the Mute AV Source button.              LEDS (function disabled, 30, 60,
                             The default time setting (2 hours) is        90, 120, 150, 180 minutes & 30          5. Hold the emitter of the projector
                             shown on the Volume Level LEDs.              seconds)                                   remote control pointed at the IR
                                                                                                                     Learn window on the Amplifier
                          4. Use the up & down arrow buttons                                                         module
                             to increase or decrease the
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                 2. Installation
                             elapsed time setting.                                                                6. Push the power ON button on
                                                                                                                     the projector remote control. The
                          5. Push the Microphone Mute button                                                         volume LEDs will blink when the
                             to leave this set up mode and                                                           command is received.
                             select another function.
                                                                                                                  7. Push button the Select button.
                                                                                                                     LED 2 by the Select button will
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                 1. Overview
                                                                                                                  8. Learn projector OFF Command:
                                                                                                                     Push button 7 or 8 to set the
                                                                                                                     system to listen for the IR
                                                                                                                  9. Hold the emitter of the projector
                                                                                                                     remote control pointed at the IR
                                                                                                                     Learn window on the Amplifier
                                                                                                                  10. Push the power OFF button on
                                                                                                                     the projector remote control. The
                                                                                                                     volume LEDs will blink when the
                                                                                                                     command is received.
                                                                                                                  11. Push the Select button. LED 3 by
                                                                                                                     the Select button will light.
                                                                                                                  12. Learn projector VGA Input Select
                                                                                                                     Command: Push button 7 or 8 to
                                                                                                                     set the system to listen for the IR
                                                                                                                  13. Hold the emitter of the projector
                                                                                                                     remote control pointed at the IR
                                                                                                                     Learn window on the Amplifier

34                                                                                                                                                                                                                    35

                          9. IR Learn Mode CONT’D                                                  10. Set-Up Copy Mode

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                      5. Warranty &
                          14. Push the VGA (or computer)                                           To save valuable installation & setup time, CAT AV has a set-up copy mode. After
                             button on the projector remote                                        completing set-up of the first CAT AV system, the set-up information can be
                             control. The volume LEDs will blink                                   down loaded into the wireless control then uploaded to new CAT AV systems as
                             when the command is received.                                         long as the projector in each classroom is the same model.
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                         4. Troubleshooting
                          15. Push the Select button. LED 4 by
                             the Select button will light.
                          16. Learn projector Composite Select                                     1. Enter the Set Up Mode
                             Command: Push button 7 or 8 to
                             set the system to listen for the IR                                   2. Make sure LED 2 is glowing green
                             command.                                                                 or:
                          17. Hold the emitter of the projector                                       a. Push the Mute button
                             remote control pointed at the IR
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                         3. Setup & Use
                                                                                                      b. Use the up & down arrow
                             Learn window on the Amplifier                                               buttons until LED 2 lights
                                                                                                   3. Push the Mute AV Source button.
                          18. Push the Video button on the                                            The first LED next to the Select
                             projector remote control. The                                            button will light.
                             volume LEDs will blink when the       Need pictures to show steps.
                             command is received.                                                  4. Push button the down arrow                  Picture of Selector battery
                                                                                                      button to download the set-up               compartment and Amplifier
                          19. Push the Select button. LEDs 1                                                                                      Module pairing button location.
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                         2. Installation
                                                                                                      information to the wireless selector
                             and 2 by the Select button will       Which steps? What should pics
                             light.                                be of?                          5. Go to the next classroom
                          20. Learn projector AV Video Mute                                        6. Push the pairing button located in
                             Command: Push button 7 or 8 to                                           the battery compartment. A green
                             set the system to listen for the IR                                      LED next to the button will light.
                             command.                                                              7. Find and push the pairing located
                          21. Hold the emitter of the projector                                       on the Amplifier Module of the
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                         1. Overview
                             remote control pointed at the IR                                         new system. Hold this pairing
                             Learn window on the Amplifier                                            button in until the green LED in
                             module                                                                   the battery compartment goes out
                          22. Push the Video Mute button on                                           (about 3 seconds).
                             the projector remote control. The                                        The system and wireless selector
                             volume LEDs will blink when the                                          are now paired.
                             command is received.
                          23. Push the Microphone Mute button
                             to leave this set up mode and
                             select another function.
                          The projector IR codes have been                                         8. Push the up arrow button (7) on
                            learned and stored in the CAT AV.                                          the wireless control. The set-up
                            The Projectors remote control can                                          information from the first system is
                            now be stored away.                                                        uploaded into the second system.       Setup
                                                                                                   9. Repeat steps 5 through 8 for each       Mode
                                                                                                      new system to be set up.
                                                                                                                                              Push to
                                                                                                                                              nize with

36                                                                                                                                                                                                            37

                          11. Un-Pair Wireless Selector Mode                                                   12. Reset to Factory Default Settings

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                                  5. Warranty &
                          Often the IT department will have an additional wireless selector to help
                          troubleshoot a possible problem with a classroom system. (CAT AV can have up         The CAT AV can be reset to its factory default settings using this procedure. If
                          to 4 wireless selectors paired to the system at one time.) When the IT department    you are unsure if the setup is correct or not, this mode allows you to return to
                          has found and corrected the problem and returns to the IT department, their          the beginning to start again. All setup functions are reset except learning the
                          wireless selector should be unpaired to avoid any accidental system changes in       projector IR commands.
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                     4. Troubleshooting
                          the classroom they just left.

                                                                                                               1. Enter the Set Up Mode
                          1. Enter the Set Up Mode
                                                                                                               2. Make sure LED 2 is glowing green
                          2. Make sure LED 2 is glowing green                                                     or:
                                                                                                                  a. Push the Mute button
                            a. Push the Mute button
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                     3. Setup & Use
                                                                                                                  b. Use the up & down arrow
                            b. Use the up & down arrow             Picture of wireless select with LED 2 lit         buttons until LED 2 lights
                               buttons until LED 2 lights
                                                                                                               3. Push the Mute AV Source button.
                          3. Push the Mute AV Source button.                                                      The first LED next to the Select
                             The first LED next to the Select      Picture of buttons used on wireless
                                                                                                                  button will light.
                             button will light.                    selector
                                                                                                               4. Push the Select button until LED 3            Picture of wireless select with
                          4. Push the Select button to light LED                                                  next to the Select button is lit.             LED 2 lit
                             2 next to the Select button
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                     2. Installation
                                                                                                               5. Push the up or down arrow button              Picture of buttons used on
                          5. Push the up or down arrow button                                                     to reset the system to factory                wireless selector
                             to un-pair the wireless selector.                                                    default settings.
                            The system and wireless selector
                            are now un-paired.
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                     1. Overview
38                                                                                                                                                                                                                        39

                          13. Set Up Summary Chart                                                          14. SPEAKER CONFIGURATION

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                             5. Warranty &
                                                                                                            When setting up a speaker configuration, the correct speaker impedance loading
                                                                                                            must be observed.
                          7.             Group 1 Channel A             Select volume for each microphone
                          Microphone     Group 1 Channel B             channel
                          Volume         Group 2 Channel A
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                4. Troubleshooting
                                         Group 2 Channel B
                                                                                                            Multimedia Ceiling Speaker Installation
                          6. Equalizer   Freq. 1: 500 Hz               Select level for each frequency      Tools and Equipment
                                         Freq. 2: 1000 Hz              TOP LED		            +10 db          • Straight edge
                                         Freq. 3: 2000 Hz                                                   • Utility knife
                                                                       LED				              +6, +8 db
                                         Freq. 4.: 4000 Hz
                                                                                                            • Screwdriver (small flathead)
                                                                       LED				              +2, +4 db
                                                                                                            • Drill
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                3. Setup & Use
                                                                       CENTERLED            0 db
                                                                       LED				              -2, -4 db
                                                                                                            Included Components
                                                                       LED				              -6, -8 db
                                                                                                            • (1) MCQ speaker assembly
                                                                       BOTTOM LED           -10 db
                                                                                                            • (1) Ceiling grid t-bar attachment
                          5. Tone        Bass: 500 Hz going down       Select level for each frequency.
                                                                                                            • (1) 50ft plenum rated speaker wire
                                         Midrange: centered at         Change in 2 dB steps
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                2. Installation
                                         1 kHz                                                              • (1) 15ft safety wire
                                         Trevel: 2 kHz going up                                             • (1) Eye screw (1/4” x 3 _”)
                          4. Auto        There is nothing to select.   Shutdown in 30 seconds               • (4) Sheet metal screws (self-drilling)
                          Powerdown      The shutdown time is          Shutdown in 3 hours
                          Time Select    displayed on the volume       Shutdown in 2.5 hours
                                         LEDs.                                                              Installation
                                                                       Shutdown in 2 hours
                                                                       Shutdown in 1.5 hours                Step 1:
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                1. Overview
                                                                       Shutdown in 1 hour                   Selecting Speaker Mounting Location
                                                                       Shutdown in 30 minutes               One MCQ speaker will distribute
                                                                                                            sound throughout a classroom of up
                                                                       No LED lit – Auto Shutdown
                                                                                                            to 1200 square feet. The location of
                                                                                                            the speaker is critical to ensure this
                          3. IR Learn   1st LED lit – Power ON         Pressing either button 7 or 8 will   even sound distribution.
                                        2nd LED lit – Power OFF        cause the system to listen for the
                                                                       selected IR Comand coming in the     a) Identify the center of the listening
                                        3rd LED lit – VGA Select
                                                                       sensor. The volume LEDs will flash      area of the classroom for optimum
                                        4th LED lit – Composite        when complete.                          location (see figure 1).
                                        1st & 2nd LED lit –
                                        AV Mute
                          2. Load Setup 1st LED lit – Up/Down          Button 7 – remote to controller
                          Options       load                           Button 8 – controller to remote
                                         2nd LED lit – Unpair this     Pressing button 7 or 8 will cause
                                         remote                        selected transaction to occur.
                                         3rd LED lit – Reset to                                             b) Select the ceiling tile that is free
                                         factory defaults                                                      from fixtures (lighting, HVAC, etc.)
                                         4th LED lit – Clear remote                                            nearest to the center point.
                                         EEPROM                                                             c) Remove the selected ceiling tile
                                                                                                               for speaker installation

40                                                                                                                                                                                                                   41

                          14. SPEAKER CONFIGURATION CONT’D            14. SPEAKER CONFIGURATION CONT’D

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                5. Warranty &
                          Step 2:                                     Step 3:
                          Installing the Speaker into the Ceiling     Securing the MCQ Speaker To
                          Grid The dimensions of the MCQ              comply with Building Codes, the
                          speaker are 2’ x 2’ and is designed         MCQ speaker MUST be fastened to
                          to lie onto any standard suspended          the ceiling grid and secured with a
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                   4. Troubleshooting
                          ceiling tile grid.                          safety wire.
                          a) If the ceiling tile that was removed     a) Locate the four (4) self-drilling
                             is 2’ x 4’, it needs to be cut in           sheet metal screws.
                             half to accommodate the MCQ              b) Utilizing existing holes on the
                             speaker. If the ceiling tile that was       vertical section of the ceiling
                             removed is 2’ x 2’, no cutting of           grid, drill two screws per side on
                             the tile is necessary, skip to Step 3.      opposite sides of the MCQ
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                   3. Setup & Use
                          b) Set the ceiling tile on a flat work
                             surface with the patterned side
                             facing down.
                          c) Using a straight edge, cut the 2’        c) Locate the 15ft length of safety
                             x 4’ ceiling in half (see figure 2)         wire and the eye screw. The safety
                             leaving two 2’ x 2’ sections.               wire needs to be permanently
                                                                         attached to the solid structural
                                                                         ceiling above.
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                   2. Installation
                                                                      d) Install the eye screw (or concrete
                                                                         anchors if necessary) into the
                                                                         structural ceiling.
                                                                      e) Loop one end of the safety wire
                                                                         through the eye screw (or anchor),
                                                                         then twist it around itself at least
                                                                         five times.
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                   1. Overview
                                                                      f) Pull one of the tabs up on the
                                                                         MCQ (located in opposite corners)
                          d) Locate the 2’ ceiling grid t-bar
                                                                         and loop the other end of the
                             attachment. Locate the attachment
                                                                         safety wire through the tab. Pull
                             slots in the existing ceiling grid
                                                                         the wire through until it is taught
                             and snap the new t-bar into place
                                                                         and twist it around itself at least
                             to crate two 2’ x 2’ openings (see
                                                                         five times to secure the speaker.
                             figure 3).
                                                                         Cut off any excess wire if needed.
                          e) Lift the MCQ speaker up and lay it
                             into the desired 2’ x 2’ opening in
                             the ceiling.

42                                                                                                                                      43


 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                          5. Warranty &
                          Step 4:                                  Next, find a suitable location for the ISR. Poor location will cause substandard
                          Connecting and Routing Speaker           performance of the CAT AV Classroom Audio System. The ISR should be as high
                          Wire                                     as possible in the room – the ceiling is the best location, centered along the
                                                                   longest wall in the room. When possible, use a conduit to protect the wires (not
                          a) Locate the 50-foot length of          included). Poor choices for placement are corners, on walls at heights lower than
                             plenum rated wire included with
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                             4. Troubleshooting
                                                                   7 feet (2 meters), or in places where the line of sight from the ISR to the receiver
                             the speaker and the green euro-       is or could be obstructed.
                             block style connector.
                          b) Connect one end of the speaker
                             wire to the euro-block connector
                             (see figure 6).
                             i. Insert the positive conductor
                                (RED or WHITE in color) into the
                                                                   Good placement                    Best placement
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                             3. Setup & Use
                                left side of the connector and
                                use a screwdriver to tighten.
                             ii. Insert the negative conductor
                                 (BLACK) into the right side of
                                 the connector and tighten.
                          c) Insert the euro-block connector
                             into the jack on the back of the                                             Avoid!
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                             2. Installation
                             MCQ as shown in figure 6.
                          d) Route the speaker wire above the
                             ceiling tiles and back down to the
                             receiver/amplifier. Wire should be
                             secured and tied off overhead as
                             required by local building codes.
                             Wire raceway should be used
                             on walls to properly conceal and
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                             1. Overview
                             protect the wire.

                                                                   Conduit is Recommended

                          Step 5:
                          Return to installation section of the
                          product manual to continue system

44                                                                                                                                                                                45

                          15. IR SENSOR/RECEIVER (ISR)                                                         15. IR SENSOR/RECEIVER (ISR)

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                                  5. Warranty &
                          INSTALLATION CONT’D                                                                  INSTALLATION CONT’D
                          Once you find a suitable location for the ISR, follow these instructions to mount
                          it. There are different instructions for mounting depending on if the ISR will be    Wall/Solid Ceiling Mount
                          mounted to a suspended ceiling grid or secured to a wall / solid vertical surface.
                                                                                                               1. Screw the bracket to a place high         a. Guide the mounting rails onto
                                                                                                                  on the wall or in the middle of the          the bracket, oriented as
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                     4. Troubleshooting
                          Suspended Ceiling Mount                                                                 solid ceiling. Mount the bracket             pictured.
                                                                                                                  horizontally as shown above.
                                                                                                                                                            b.Once secure, the ISR locks
                                                                                                               2. Uncoil the Cat 5 sensor cable.              into place.
                          1. Attach the bracket to the ceiling
                                                                                                                  Connect one end of the cable to
                             tile grid (t-bar).                                                                                                             c. To remove the ISR, slide a ruler
                                                                                                                  the ISR. Route the wire back to the
                            a. Slide the tabs onto the outsides                                                   CAT AV amplifier, securing it along          or screwdriver behind the ISR to
                               of the t-bar, starting with one                                                    with way using surface raceway               press the release bar down and
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                     3. Setup & Use
                               corner.                                                                            where possible.                              slide the ISR off the bracket
                            b. Attach the second tab around
                                                                                                               3. Slide the ISR onto the bracket until
                               the other side of the t-bar.
                                                                                                                  it “clicks” into place.                4. Connect the other end of the Cat
                            c. Repeat with the other side of             clip connects to t-bar on ceiling                                                  5 sensor cable into the SENSOR
                               the bracket so it is connected at
                                                                                                                                                            INPUT jack on the CAT AV
                               all four points.
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                     2. Installation
                          2. Slide the ISR onto the bracket until
                              it “clicks” into place.
                             a. Guide the mounting rails onto
                                the bracket, oriented as
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                     1. Overview
                             b. Once secure, the ISR locks into
                             c. To remove the ISR, press the
                                release bar down and slide the
                                ISR off the bracket. (We need to
                                label the “release bar” on the
                                ISR Image that shows “clip

                          3. Uncoil the Cat 5 sensor cable.
                             Connect one end of the cable to
                             the ISR. Secure wire overhead and
                             route it back to the system.
                          4. Connect the other end of the Cat
                             5 sensor cable into the SENSOR
                             INPUT jack on the CAT AV

46                                                                                                                                                                                                                        47

                          16. CHARGING THE REDMIKE VC                                                      17. SETUP & OPERATION OF REDMIKE VC

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                      5. Warranty &
                          Before using, the REDMIKE VC should be charged. It will take 8-9 hours for the   Once the REDMIKE VC is charged, follow these steps to set it up for use.
                          REDMIKE VC to obtain a full charge. A fully charged REDMIKE VC will last for
                          over 7 hours of use. If microphones are used daily, they should be kept in the
                          charging cradle – microphones can be left in a charging cradle constantly for    1. Turn the CAT AV power on. The
                          up to 2 weeks without causing degradation to battery life. A red light on the       power LED on the aplifier will
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                         4. Troubleshooting
                          charging cradle indicates the REDMIKE VC is charging. A green light indicates       glow.
                          that charging is complete and a full charge has been reached. A blinking light
                          indicates a charging or sensing error. See Troublshooting section for more       2. Remove the REDMIKE VC from the
                          information.                                                                        charging cradle and turn it on.

                          REDMIKE VC incorporates alkaline protection into the microphone design.          3. Slip the REDMIKE VC with lanyard
                          Always use a Lightspeed rechargeable sensing battery. Replacement AA NiMH           around the neck and position the
                          batteries may only be purchased through Lightspeed Technologies (part # BA-         top of the microphone just below
                          NH2A27).                                                                            the collarbone. NOTE: Positioning
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                         3. Setup & Use
                                                                                                              of the REDMIKE VC is critical for
                          Do not attempt to charge alkaline batteries. They can overheat and expand           proper volume adjustment.
                          creating a significant hazard and damaging the microphone (this is not covered
                          by warranty).                                                                       NOTE: A nominal volume level
                                                                                                              must be set on the CAT 885 before
                          1. Plug power cord into the cradle                                                  adjusting controls on the REDMIKE
                             charger and then plug the AC end                                                 VC.
                             into an electrical outlet.                                                       The teacher can now use the
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                         2. Installation
                          2. Ensure that the REDMIKE VC is                                                    controls on the REDMIKE VC
                                                                                                              to adjust the volume level from
                             turned OFF.
                                                                                                              anywhere in the room. The
                                                                                                              microphone volume control has 4
                                                                                                              steps up and 4 steps down from
                                                                                                              the mid point (9 levels total).
                                                                                                           4. While speaking in a normal voice
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                         1. Overview
                                                                                                              slowly increase the volume of the
                                                                                                              corresponding channel on the
                                                                                                              CAT AV until your voice is barely
                                                                                                              audible. Each REDMIKE VC has its
                                                                                                              channel pre-set to either A or B, as
                                                                                                              indicated on the back of the Mic.
                                                                                                           5. Once initial volume level is set,
                                                                                                              walk around the room and listen
                          3. Place the REDMIKE VC into the                                                    for audio dropout and overall
                             cradle. The LED on the cradle                                                    audio quality.
                             will glow RED indicating charging
                                                                                                           6. If a second REDMIKE VC was
                             has started. When the REDMIKE
                                                                                                              purchased, repeat steps 2-4.
                             VC is fully charged the LED on
                             the cradle charger will change to

48                                                                                                                                                                                                            49

                          SECTION 4:                                                                         TIPS TO OBTAIN OPTIMUM AUDIO

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                     5. Warranty &
                                                                                                             • Speak in a natural voice. A normal
                                                                                                               conversational speech level will
                                                                                                               provide an adequate signal.
                          COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                        4. Troubleshooting
                                                                                                               It is not necessary to increase
                                                                                                               the intensity of your voice—the
                          Note Most problems are directly related to low battery power. Please run             audio system provides adequate
                          through the “Battery Check” items first. For remaining troubleshooting, use          amplification (approximately 5 – 10
                          known good, fully-charged batteries.                                                 dB) above ambient room noises.
                                                                                                             • Avoid wearing jewelry that may rub
                                                                                                               or bump against the microphone.
                          ALL PROBLEMS: Most Problems are           • If the optional iR media connection
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                        3. Setup & Use
                          related to low battery power.                 is in use, set the microphone to     • Turn the REDMIKE VC off during
                                                                        Channel A.                             private conversations with a
                          SOLUTION: Battery Check                                                              student, parent, or other classroom
                                                                    PROBLEM: Low Volume or Feedback            visitor. You can also cover the LED
                          • Confirm batteries are charged
                            each night.                             SOLUTION: Follow these steps to            lens on top of the REDMIKE VC to
                                                                    eliminate low volume or feedback.          block the signal.
                          • Confirm proper batteries are
                            used. The REDMIKE VC requires                                                    • Recharge batteries each night.
                                                                    • Ensure microphone is positioned
                                                                                                               When recharged nightly, operating
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                        2. Installation
                            the Lightspeed BA-NH2A27                  appropriately, just below the collar
                            rechargeable sensing battery for                                                   time (actual usage) for the
                            proper charging. The LT-71 & HM-                                                   transmitters will last through a
                                                                    • Check volume level on the                typical school day.
                            70 require NiMH AA rechargeable
                                                                      amplifier. If the volume is too
                                                                      high, feedback will occur. Adjust
                          • Make sure the microphones are             accordingly.
                            turned off while charging so a full
                                                                    • Adjust the volume level on the
                            charge is attained. Full charge will
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                        1. Overview
                                                                      back of the REDMIKE VC.
                            last eight hours.
                                                                    PROBLEM: No Sound From Speaker
                          • Inspect the battery contacts. Clean
                            and adjust if necessary.                SOLUTION: Follow these steps to
                                                                    produce sound from speakers.
                          PROBLEM: Hearing Static
                                                                    • Turn the CAT AV System on.
                          SOLUTION: Follow these steps to
                                                                      Confirm that the POWER light
                          eliminate static.
                                                                      located on the switcher front panel
                          • Ensure sensor is in optimum               is on.
                             location (refer to sensor placement    • Confirm that REDMIKE VC is
                             in manual). A single sensor will         turned on. There will be a BLUE
                             cover a 1600 sq. ft. enclosed            LED on the microphone to indicate
                             classroom.                               it is powered on.
                          • Ensure that no other REDMIKE VC/
                             LT71/ HM70 is operating on the
                             same channel.

                          If you review these instructions and still have questions, write down the
                          serial number and model number of your system and call Lightspeed
                          Technical Services at 800.732.8999, 5 a.m. – 5 p.m., PST.

50                                                                                                                                                                           51

                          SECTION 5:                                                                         WARNINGS AND CERTIFICATIONS

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                  5. Warranty &
                          WARRANTY &
                          SPECIFICATIONS                                                                                              CAUTION
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                     4. Troubleshooting
                          FIVE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY                                                                 RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN

                                                                                                                    CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK
                                                                                                                    DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK)
                          Lightspeed Infrared Audio Systems and optional accessories are warranted                  NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE
                          against malfunction due to defect in materials and workmanship for a period               REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL
                          of five (5) years from date of purchase. System components will be repaired or
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                     3. Setup & Use
                          replaced at                                                                                            The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol
                                                                                                                                 within an equilateral triangle is intended to
                          Lightspeed’s option. Rechargeable batteries and connecting cables are                                  alert the user to the presence of uninsulated
                          guaranteed for one (1) year. Warranty does not extend to finish, appearance,                           “dangerous voltage” within the product’s
                                                                                                                                 enclosure, that may be sufficient magnitude to
                          or malfunctions due to abuse or misuse. Repairs performed by other than                                constitute a risk of electric shock.
                          Lightspeed Technologies will void this warranty. For warranty service, including
                          return shipping labels, please contact Lightspeed’s Service Department at                              The exclamation point within an equilateral
                          800.732.8999 /                                                             triangle is intended to alert the user to
                                                                                                                                 the presence of important operating and
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                     2. Installation
                                                                                                                                 maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
                                                                                                                                 literature accompanying the appliance.

                          1. Warranty on i nfrared microphones is FIVE (5) YEARS.
                          2. Warranty on Lightspeed rechargeable batteries, all external cables and wires
                             provided by Lightspeed is one (1) year.
                          3. Prepaid shipping labels are provided by Lightspeed factory or an authorized                        CERTIFICATIONS
                             warranty service center for warranty repairs.
                          4. Warranty does not extend to finish, appearance items, or malfunctions due
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                     1. Overview
                             to abuse or operation other than specified conditions, nor does it extend                           This product conforms with the essential
                                                                                                                                 requirements of the following European Union
                             to incidental or consequential damages. Repair by other than Lightspeed                             Directives: 89/336/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/68/
                             or its authorized service agencies will void this guarantee. Information on                         EED, and 2004/108/EC Electromagnetic
                             authorized service agencies is available from Lightspeed Technologies, Inc.                         Compatibility Directives.

                                                                                                                                 Lightspeed Technologies launched a formal
                                                                                                                                 product recycle program in Europe that
                                                                                                                                 complies with the European Union Directive
                          Our Service Department (800.732.8999, 5 a.m. – 5 p.m., PST) will handle all your                       2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic
                                                                                                                                 Equipment (“WEEE Directive”). Please visit our
                          repair/replacement needs.                                                                              website at for more

                                                                                                                                 This product is manufactured using lead-free
                                                                                                                                 processes and is free of other materials
                                                                                                                                 harmful to the environment. It conforms to the
                                                                                                                                 most stringent new European guidelines for
                                                                                                                                 consumer products (RoHS).

52                                                                                                                                                                                                        53

                          FCC STATEMENT                                                                       SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                           5. Warranty &
                                                                                                              AUDIO VIDEO
                                                                                                              Resolution                             1920 x 1200 at 60Hz
                                                                                                              Video Inputs                           Four (4) Inputs (VGA 9-pin Dsub x2;
                                                                                                                                                     Composite RCA x2)
                          FCC Requirements per 15.19(a)(3) and (a)(4)
                                                                                                              Output (Switcher to Converter)         CAT-5e cable
                              (3) All other devices shall bear the following statement in a conspicuous       Switcher Dimensions
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                              4. Troubleshooting
                              location on the device:                                                         Video Converter Dimensions
                              This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject
                              to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
                              interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,                          Band                  Range
                              including interference that may cause undesired operation. (4) Where a          6. Equalizer      Freq. 1: 500 Hz       Select level for each frequency.
                              device is constructed in two or more sections connected by wires and                              Freq. 2: 1000 Hz      TOP LED            +10 db
                              marketed together, the statement specified under paragraph (a) of this                            Freq. 3: 2000 Hz      LED                +6, +8 db
                              section is required to be affixed only to the main control unit. (5) When                                               LED                +2, +4 db
                                                                                                                                Freq. 4: 4000 Hz
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                              3. Setup & Use
                              the device is so small or for such use that it is not practicable to place                                              CENTER LED         0 db
                              the statement specified under paragraph (a) of this section on it, the                                                  LED                -2, -4 db
                              information required by this paragraph shall be placed in a prominent                                                   LED                -6, -8 db
                              location in the instruction manual or pamphlet supplied to the user                                                     BOTTOM LED -10 db
                              or, alternatively, shall be placed on the container in which the device
                              is marketed. However, the FCC identifier or the unique identifier, as
                              appropriate, must be displayed on the device. (b) Products subject to                             Band                  Range
                              authorization under a Declaration of Conformity shall be labelled as follows:   5. Tone           Bass: 500 Hz          Select level for each frequency.
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                              2. Installation
                              (1) The label shall be located in a conspicuous location on the device and                        going down            Change in 2 dB steps
                              shall contain the unique identification described in Sec. 2.1074 of this
                              chapter and the following logo: (i) If the product is authorized based on
                                                                                                                                centered at 1kHz
                              testing of the product or system;
                                                                                                                                Trebel: 2kHz
                                                                                                                                going up
                          FCC Requirements per 15.21
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                              1. Overview
                              The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional                     Time to Shutdown
                              radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly
                                                                                                              4. Auto        Volume LEDs indicate:
                              approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s
                                                                                                              Powerdown time LED 7: Shutdown in 30 seconds
                              authority to operate the equipment.
                                                                                                              select         LED 6: Shutdown in 3 hours
                                                                                                                             LED 5: Shutdown in 2.5 hours
                                                                                                                             LED 4: Shutdown in 2 hours
                                                                                                                             LED 3: Shutdown in 1.5 hours
                                                                                                                             LED 2: Shutdown in 1 hour
                                                                                                                             LED 1: Shutdown in 30 minutes
                                                                                                                             No LED lit – auto shutdown disabled

54                                                                                                                                                                                                                 55

                          SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS CONT’D                                                    SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS CONT’D

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                           5. Warranty &
                          Switcher                                                                        SWITCHER cont’d
                          Video                                                                           Sync
                          Gain                              Unity (as a system)                           Input type                         RGBHV, RGBS (RGB input)
                          Bandwidth RGB                     200 MHz (-3 dB) @ 50' (15 m) of cable         Output type                        RGBHV, RGBS (RGB output, follows input)
                          Composite video                   100 MHz (-3 dB)                               Standards                          NTSC 3.58, NTSC 4.43, PAL, SECAM (for
                          Differential phase error          Composite video: 0.25° at 3.58 MHz and                                           composite video inputs and output)
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                              4. Troubleshooting
                                                            4.43 MHz                                      Input level                        2.0 V to 5.5 Vp-p
                          Differential gain error           Composite video: 0.15% at 3.58 MHz and
                                                            4.43 MHz
                          Crosstalk                         -70 dB @ 5 MHz                                Output level                       4.5 V to 5.5 Vp-p, unterminated
                          Switching speed                   1 ms (max.) from front panel, 1-2 s from      Input impedance                    510 ohms
                                                            remote panel                                  Output impedance                   75 ohm
                          CMRR                              -90 dB @ 100 Hz, -70 dB @ 10 MHz              Max. propagation delay             40 ns (system only, not due to cable delay)
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                              3. Setup & Use
                                                                                                          Max. rise/fall time                15 ns
                          Video input
                                                                                                          Polarity                           Positive or negative (follows input)
                          Number/signal                     Inputs 1 and 2: VGA-UXGA RGBHV, RGBS
                          Inputs 3 and 4: composite video                                                 Audio input
                          Connectors                        Inputs 1 and 2: 9-pin Dsub connectors         Number/signal type                 4 stereo
                          Inputs 3 and 4: RCA connectors                                                  Connectors                         2 female 3.5 mm jacks; 2 left and right
                          Nominal level                     1 Vp-p for composite video (including sync)                                      female RCA
                                                            0.7 Vp-p for RGB
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                              2. Installation
                          Minimum/maximum levels            Analog                                        N 0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms, 0 dBV = 1 Vrms, 0 dBV ≈ 2 dBu
                             RGB                            0.3 V to 1.5 Vp-p with no offset
                             Composite video                0.4 V to 2.0 Vp-p with no offset
                          Impedance                         75 ohms
                          Horizontal frequency              15 kHz to 145 kHz
                          Vertical frequency                30 Hz to 170 Hz                               Amplifier
                          Return loss                       Composite video: <-40 dB @ 5 MHz
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                              1. Overview
                          DC offset (max. allowable)        1.0 V                                         Power Output                       16 W/Channel (32 W Total)
                                                                                                          Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)     <1% @ 10 W
                          Video output
                                                                                                          Signal-to-Noise Ratio               >73 dB
                          Number/signal type                1 VGA-UXGA RGBHV, RGBS (follows input
                                                                                                          Amplifier Frequency Response       40 Hz - 20 kHz
                                                                                                          Audio Inputs (with volume          Four (4) Inputs (Stereo RCA x 2; Stereo 3.5
                                                            1 composite video
                                                                                                          controls)                          mm x 2)
                          Connectors                        1 female RJ-45 connectors
                                                                                                          ALD Output (with volume control)   One 3.5 mm
                          Nominal level                     1 Vp-p for composite video (including
                                                                                                          Audio Input/output (Switcher to    CAT-5e cable
                                                            sync)0.7 Vp-p for RGB
                          Minimum/maximum levels
                            VGA                             0.3 V to 1.5 Vp-p (follows input)
                                                                                                          Standard Carrier Frequencies (IR   2.06/2.54 MHz
                            Composite video                 0.4 V to 2.0 Vp-p (follows input)             Sensor)
                          Impedance                         75 ohms                                       System Power                       24V, 2.5A
                          Return loss                       <-40 dB @ 5 MHz                               Tone adjustment
                          DC offset                                                                       High                               ±10.5 dB @ 50 Hz
                            VGA                             ±5 mV, max., with input at 0 offset           Mid
                            Composite video                 ±20.5 mV with input at 0 offset

56                                                                                                                                                                                                                 57

                          SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS CONT’D                                                    SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS CONT’D

 5. Warranty &

                                                                                                                                                                                             5. Warranty &
                          Lo                                                                              Amplifier CONT’D:
                          Amplifier CONT’D:                                                               Video Input
                          Infrared Audio Input — VoiceLift™ Receiver                                      Number/signal type                 1 VGA-UXGA RGBHV, RGBS (follows input
                          Number/signal type              2 mono, balanced (mic and aux)                                                     type)
                          Connectors                      1 female RJ-45                                                                     1 composite video
                          Impedance                       >10k ohms unbalanced/balanced, DC               Connectors                         1 female RJ-45 connectors
     4. Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                                                4. Troubleshooting
                                                          coupled                                         Nominal level                      1 Vp-p for composite video (including
                          Nominal level                   -10 dBV (316 mVrms)                                                                sync)0.7 Vp-p for RGB
                          Input gain/volume adjustment    -18 dB to +24 dB (default = 0 dB), adjustable   Minimum/maximum levels
                                                          independently from all other audio gain and       VGA                              0.3 V to 1.5 Vp-p (follows input)
                                                          volume controls via front panel or RS-232         Composite video                  0.4 V to 2.0 Vp-p (follows input)
                          Input level sensitivity         -10 dBV (316 mVrms) for maximum output          Impedance                          75 ohms
                                                          before clipping when VoiceLift Receiver
     3. Setup & Use

                                                                                                                                                                                                3. Setup & Use
                                                          volume is set to 24)                            General
                          Audio Output                                                                    External power supply              100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, external; to
                                                                                                                                             12 VDC, 5 A, regulated
                          Number/signal type               1 stereo/mono, balanced/unbalanced, fixed/
                                                           variable                                       Power input requirements           12 VDC, 5 A
                          Connector                        (1) 3.5 mm                                     Temperature/humidity               Storage: -40 to +158 °F (-40 to +70 °C) /
                                                                                                                                             10% to 90%, noncondensingOperating:
                          Impedance                        50 ohms unbalanced, 100 ohms balanced
                                                                                                                                             +32 to +122 °F (0 to +50 °C) / 10% to 90%,
                          Gain error                       ±0.8 dB channel to channel                                                        noncondensing
     2. Installation

                                                                                                                                                                                                2. Installation
                          Maximum level (600 ohms)         +8 dBu, balanced, at <0.1% THD+N               Cooling                            Convection, vents on sides
                          Audio Output — Power Amplifier
                                                                                                            Rack mount                       Yes, with optional 1U rack shelf
                          Number/signal type              (1) stereo or dual mono (default), 2 channels
                                                          total                                             Furniture mount                  Yes, with optional mini under-desk mounting
                          Connectors                      (1) 5.0 mm captive screw connector, 4 pole
                                                                                                            Pole mount                       Yes, with optional pole mounting kit
                          Impedance                       2/4/8 ohms (single channel)2/4/8 ohms
                                                                                                          Enclosure type                     Metal
     1. Overview

                                                                                                                                                                                                1. Overview
                          Amplifier type                  Class D                                         Enclosure dimensions               1.7" H x 8.7" W x 3.0" D (1U high, half rack
                                                                                                                                             wide)(approximately 4.3 cm H x 22.1 cm W x
                          Gain/volume adjustment          -10 dB to +10 dB (default = 0 dB), adjustable
                                                                                                                                             7.6 cm D)
                                                          in 1 dB steps
                                                                                                          Product weight                     2.5 lbs (1.1 kg), plus power supply (0.9 lbs
                          Frequency response              20 Hz to 20 kHz, -1 dB/+3.5 dB @ 1 watt
                                                                                                                                             [0.4 kg])
                                                          output, 8 ohm load
                                                                                                          Shipping weight                    5 lbs (2.3 kg)
                          THD + Noise                     0.2% @ 1 kHz at nominal level (1 watt, 8 ohm
                                                          load)                                           Vibration                          ISTA 1A in carton (International Safe Transit
                          S/N                             >67 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz at maximum output
                                                          (unweighted), 8 ohms (as a system with          Regulatory compliance
                                                          Extron PVT Series wallplates with 50' cables)     Safety                           CE, c-UL, ULUL rated for use in plenum
                          Continuous power output with a                                                                                     airspaces: meets UL 2043 for heat and
                          full load @ 20 Hz to 20 kHz, 1%                                                                                    smoke release, excluding the power supply;
                          THD                                                                                                                meets UL 60065 for safety.
                          At 2, 4, or 8 ohms              25 watts (rms) per channel (1 watt tolerance)     EMI/EMC                          CE, C-tick, FCC Class B, ICES, VCCI
                          Damping factor                  >75 (8 ohm load)                                  Environmental                    Complies with the appropriate requirements
                                                                                                                                             of RoHS, WEEE
                          Control                                                                         MTBF                               30,000 hours
                          Video Converter                                                                 Warranty                           3 years parts and labor

                                                                                                          N All nominal levels are at ±10%.
                                                                                                          N Specifications are subject to change without notice.

58                                                                                                                                                                                                                   59

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Document Created: 2010-05-20 17:12:13
Document Modified: 2010-05-20 17:12:13

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