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3/19/2016                                 Blue Crabs ­ Chesapeake Bay & Its Tidal Tributaries | Maryland Fishing Guide | eRegulations

                                                                                                                            Fishing            Hunting

     Main     General Information     Licensing Information   General Regulations      Nontidal Fishing   Tidal Fishing    Crabbing

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    Blue Crabs – Chesapeake Bay & Its Tidal Tributaries
    April 1 through December 15.

    Time of Day Restrictions
    Rivers, creeks and tributaries:
                                                                                                                                            West Marine
            April and October through Dec. 15—one half hour after sunrise to sunset.
            May through September—one half hour before sunrise to sunset.                                                                  Hatch Adjuste...
    Chesapeake Bay Mainstem:
         April and October through Dec. 15—one half hour after sunrise to 5:00 p.m.
         May through September—one half hour before sunrise to 5:00 p.m.
         It is illegal to set or fish crabbing gear prior to or after the time restrictions.
         Using properly registered crab pots on private property, dip nets or handlines is
         permitted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Day of Week
    No recreational crabbing is allowed on Wednesdays except:

            When using crab pots from private property;
            When using handlines or dip nets;
            During a week when a state or federal holiday falls on a Wednesday or Thursday.

    Minimum Size Limits
    (measured from tip to tip of spikes)
    Male hard crab:

            April 1 to July 14—5 inches
            July 15 to December 15—5¼ inches

    Male peeler crab:
         April 1 to July 14—3¼ inches
         July 15 to December15—3½ inches

    Soft crab:
          April 1 to December 15—3½ inches

    It is Illegal for a Recreational Crabber:
            To sell crabs.
            To possess an egg­bearing (sponge) crab or any female hard or peeler crab.
            To set or fish a trotline, collapsible trap or crab net ring within 100 feet of another
            individual’s set gear.
            To fish crab gear which belongs to another person.
            To harvest crabs while SCUBA diving.

    Additional Crab Pot Rules
            Crab pots must have 2 cull rings, one measuring at least ²³∕₁₆ inches and one at least ²⁵∕₁₆
            inches located in the exterior side panel or the top panels of the pot.
            Crab pots must have a turtle excluder device attached to each entrance or funnel in the
            lower chamber constructed of wire or plastic, rectangular in shape not larger than 1¾
            inches high by 4¾ inches long

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3/19/2016                                        Blue Crabs ­ Chesapeake Bay & Its Tidal Tributaries | Maryland Fishing Guide | eRegulations
     The Amount of Gear Allowed for Unlicensed and Licensed Recreational Crabbing

     License                 Crab Pots on                                  Collapsible Traps
                   and Dip
                             Private Property
                                                                           and Net Rings
                                                                                                        Seine                  Eel Pots                            Free Conceal Carry Guide
     Unlicensed Unlimited                            Not Allowed           Not Allowed                  Not Allowed            Not Allowed
                                                                                                                                                                   Do You Know Your Rights? Get Your Free
                                 A maximum of 2                                      Up to 30
                                 registered crab                                     traps, rings                                                                  Concealed Carry Guide Today!
                                 pots per                                            or
                                 property                                            combination
                                 regardless of                                       of both*                                                                      Get Google Chrome
                                 the number of                                       Must be
                                 owners or                                           marked with
                                                                Up to
                                 lessees.                       1200ft*
                                                                                     a buoy
                                                                                                                                         Up to
                                                                                                                                                                   Get Driving Directions
                                 These pots must                                     bearing your
                                                                Must                                              Mesh                   10 eel
                                 be:                                                 DNRid
                                                                                                                                         pots for
                                                                                                                                                                   Hassle Free Boating
                                         with your                                   attached to
                                                                of the                                            greater                your
                                         DNRid                                       a pier, wharf
                                                                same                                              than ¼”                own bait
                                         Set in                                      or boat
                                                                color,                                            Cannot                 Must be
                                         front of                                    Traps must
                                                                size,                                             exceed                 labeled
                                         private                                     have a flat
                                                                shape                                             50′ in                 with
                                         property                                    bottom
     Licensed      Unlimited                                    on                                                width                  your
                                         within                                      measuring
                                                                each                                              and 5′                 DNRid
                                         100                                         no more
                                                                end                                               in                     and
                                         yards of                                    than 20
                                                                Floats                                            height                 may not
                                         shore                                       inches by 15
                                                                must                                              Must be                be set
                                         Attached                                    inches and
                                                                be                                                emptied                in a
                                         by a line                                   have no
                                                                marked                                            from                   buoy­
                                         to the                                      more than
                                                                with                                              shore                  free
                                         property                                    four
                                                                your                                                                     channel
                                         or                                          articulated
                                         marked                                      sides
                                         by a                                        Net rings
                                         buoy or                                     must have a
                                         pole and                                    diameter
                                         sign                                        less than or
                                                                                     equal to 30

     *The amount of gear is per boat regardless of the number of licensees or individuals on board

    Daily Creel/Possession Limits
                                                                                             Daily Creel / Possession Limit
     license                                                                                 Male Hard         Male Peelers, Soft crabs
                                                                                             Crabs             or combination

                               From shore
     Unlicensed                From unlicensed boat
                                                                                             2 dozen           1 dozen
     Individual                From waterfront crab pots

                               From shore
     Licensed                  From unlicensed boat
                                                                                             1 bushel          2 dozen
     Individual                From waterfront crab pots

     Boat Limits

                     With 2 or more unlicensed                                               4 dozen           1 dozen
     Unlicensed      With 1 licensee and any number of unlicensed individuals 1 bushel                         2 dozen
                     With 2 or more licensees and any number of unlicensed
                                                                                             2 bushels         2 dozen

                               With 1 or more unlicensed
                               With 1 licensee
                               With owner and any number of unlicensed                       1 bushel          2 dozen
     BOAT                      With 2 or more licensees with any number of
                               unlicensed individuals
                               With a licensee who is not the owner and any                  2 bushels         2 dozen
                               number of unlicensed individuals

                                                Conservation Partner Advertisements: The Maryland Department of Natural Resources allows appropriate advertising in its annual regulation guides in print and online, in order to
                                                defray or eliminate expenses to the state, and support enhanced communications with Maryland Department of Natural Resources Constituents. Through a unique partnership with
                                                J.F.Griffin Publishing, LLC & eRegulations.com, ‘Conservation Partners’ have been established that pay for advertising in support of the regulations both in print and online. The
                                                Maryland Department of Natural Resources neither endorses products or services listed or claims made; nor accepts any liability arising from the use of products or services listed.
                                                Advertisers interested in the Conservation Partners program should contact J.F.Griffin/eRegulations.com directly at 413­884­1001,

        J.F. Griffin reaches 20 million sportsmen every year through our print and digital publications. We produce 47 hunting and fishing regulation guides for 22 state agencies.

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Document Created: 2016-03-19 21:37:31
Document Modified: 2016-03-19 21:37:31

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