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RF Exposure Info

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                     Ericsson Lab Italy S.p.A.                                                                                                                1 (8)
                     PWBA (Product Unit Wireless Broadband Access)

                                                              Technical-information report relevant to the requirements on the
                                                              electromagnetic emission and compatibility with the human health of the
                                                              ERICSSON Mini-Link BAS radio equipment.

                     1  Introduction ......................................................................................................................................1
                     2  Terminal Station ...............................................................................................................................1
                      2.1 Installation area ............................................................................................................................1
                      2.2 Technical data ..............................................................................................................................2
                      2.3 Electromagnetic fields evaluation..................................................................................................2
                      2.4 Typical installation of a Mini-Link BAS terminal.............................................................................2
                      2.5 Model to calculate the health & safety distance ............................................................................3
                      2.6 Labelling .......................................................................................................................................4
                     3 Radio equipment mechanical data ...................................................................................................5
                      3.1 Radio Unit.....................................................................................................................................5
                      3.2 Antenna ........................................................................................................................................6
                      3.3 Radio equipment installation.........................................................................................................7
                      3.4 Cables ..........................................................................................................................................8

                                         1                    INTRODUCTION

                                                              The present document states the main characteristics of a terminal radio
                                                              equipment of the Ericsson MINI-LINK BAS Point to Multipoint, with the
                                                              purpose to evaluate the compliance with the FCC exposure requirement
                                                              47CFR 1.1310.

                                                              The system is composed by a node and by remote terminals. The node
                                                              consists of a radio equipment that transmits/receives in the frequency band
                                                              31÷31.3 GHz through antennas installed on a mast. Each antenna radiate a
                                                              90° beam in azimuth so as to cover the surrounding area at 360°.

                                                              The terminals are installed on each remote site, composed by the same node
                                                              radio equipment, but with directive antennas.

                                                              The installation has to guarantee the line-of-sight between the node antenna
                                                              and each terminal antenna: such fact together with the antenna beam
                                                              characteristics in elevation guarantee that in any way the building, or the node
                                                              or terminals surrounding areas, cannot be exposed to electromagnetic fields
                                                              of significant amount.

                                                              Notice that the terminal transmitter does not work continuously but it is

                                         2                    TERMINAL STATION

                                         2.1                  INSTALLATION AREA

                                                              An antenna, with integrated transmission equipment, is installed on the roof,
                                                              as seen in Section 3.3.
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                     Ericsson Lab Italy S.p.A.                                                                                                                  2 (8)
                     PWBA (Product Unit Wireless Broadband Access)

                                         2.2                  TECHNICAL DATA

                                                              •     Operation frequency band:                                                     31~31.3 GHz
                                                              •     Channel band:                                                                 28 MHz
                                                              •     Max antenna input power:                                                      22.7 dBm
                                                              •     Max antenna gain (@0°):                                                       35.5 dBi
                                                              •     Antenna diameter:                                                             0.24 m
                                                              •     Antenna beam width (-3dB):                                                    3.4°
                                                              •     Antenna gain @45°:                                                            1 dB
                                                              •     Antenna gain @90°:                                                            -18 dB
                                                              •     EIRP on the max. radiation direction:                                         58.5 dBm
                                                              •     EIRP @45°:                                                                    24 dBm
                                                              •     EIRP @90°:                                                                    5 dBm

                                         2.3                  ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS EVALUATION

                                                              The 47CFR 1.1301, states the electromagnetic field exposure limit for the
                                                              population, as applicable to fixed radio telecommunications and broadcasting

                                                              The limit values foreseen by the above document, in the 1.5-100 GHz
                                                              frequency band, where Ericsson MINI-LINK BAS operates, allows a maximum
                                                              exposure equal to a power density of 1 mW/cm2 (10 W/m2) for an average
                                                              exposure time of 30 minutes.

                                         2.4                  TYPICAL INSTALLATION OF A MINI-LINK BAS TERMINAL

                                                              In Figure 2-1 below, a typical installation of a MINI-LINK BAS radio terminal is
                                                              shown, in an urban or sub-urban environment with buildings and streets. The
                                                              system requires Line-Of-Sight (LOS) between the terminal and the node
                                                              station where the terminal itself is to be connected; therefore the presence of
                                                              obstacles along the path is incompatible with normal operation. Wherever
                                                              possible, the terminal will be installed so as to ensure that the first Fresnel
                                                              ellipsoid is free of obstacles. Together with the use of highly directive
                                                              antennas on the terminal, this has the effect of almost null electromagnetic
                                                              emission out of the antenna boresight.
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                     Ericsson Lab Italy S.p.A.                                                                                                           3 (8)
                     PWBA (Product Unit Wireless Broadband Access)



                        Figure 2-1. Typical scenario for MINI-LINK BAS. The node station is red, the terminal is green.

                                                              Figure 2-1 shows three possible exposure situations:

                                                              •     Due to a partial interception of the beam in the direction I0 from a nearby

                                                              •     Due to radiation in the direction I45 towards streets or other buildings
                                                                    (when the host building is very high);

                                                              •     Due to the radiation in the direction I90 through the host building.

                                                              In order to maximize the percentage of area in LOS, the node station will be
                                                              typically higher than all terminals. Consequently, in order to ensure the best
                                                              alignment to the node, the terminal antenna will be uptilted. This will also
                                                              contribute to minimize the electromagnetic emission through the host building
                                                              below the terminal.

                                         2.5                  MODEL TO CALCULATE THE HEALTH & SAFETY DISTANCE

                                                              By using the following formula, it is possible to calculate the required safe
                                                              distance to avoid exposure to higher electromagnetic fields than the limits
                                                              allow. [OET Bulletin 65 – Ed 97-01 – Section 2, “Prediction Methods”]

                                                              For the equipment and antenna considered Ssurface, the maximum power
                                                              density at the antenna surface can be approximated by:

                                                                             4P     4P
                                                               S surface =      =      2
                                                                                         = 16.4 W/m2
                                                                              A    D
                                                                                  π 
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                     Ericsson Lab Italy S.p.A.                                                                                                    4 (8)
                     PWBA (Product Unit Wireless Broadband Access)

                                                              The extension of the near-field region Rnf can be expressed as:

                                                               Rnf =       = 1.49 m;

                                                              within this region, the power density is always lower than the maximum value

                                                               S nf =        , where
                                                                        πD 2

                                                                    Gλ2 
                                                                       
                                                              η =  2  = 0.58 ; therefore, by substituting, Snf=9.6 W/m2.
                                                                   πD 
                                                                        
                                                                      4   

                                                              This means that even in the near-field region, the prescribed value of 10
                                                              W/m2 is never exceeded. The distance Rff marks the beginning of the far-field

                                                                        0.6 D 2
                                                               R ff =              = 3.57 m,
                                                              and in the transition region, between Rnf and Rff, the power density will always
                                                              be below the value calculated above.

                                                              In the far-field region, beyond Rff, the power density Sff is given by:

                                                               S ff =         ,
                                                                        4πR 2

                                                              which has its maximum in R=Rff=3.57 m. By substituting, Sff, max=4.1 W/m2.

                                                              In conclusion, even in the near-field region the radiated power density is
                                                              always lower than, or equal to, 9.6 W/m2, which is below the prescribed
                                                              limit. Considering that this value is very close to the limit, however, we
                                                              suggest as an added safety precaution to observe a minimum distance
                                                              of 1.49 m (equal to the extent of the near-field region) from the antenna.

                                         2.6                  LABELLING

                                                              As required a warning label will be placed on the antenna to inform about the
                                                              safe allowed distance to be compliant with the maximum permitted RF
                                                              exposure level.
                                                              An example of the label positioning (antenna side) is shown below.
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                     Ericsson Lab Italy S.p.A.                                                                                                    5 (8)
                     PWBA (Product Unit Wireless Broadband Access)

                                                                                                  To comply with FCC
                                                                                                RF exposure requirement

                                                                                !                    47CFR 1.1310
                                                                                               a minimum safe distance of
                                                                                                     1.49 m is required

                                         3                    RADIO EQUIPMENT MECHANICAL DATA

                                         3.1                  RADIO UNIT

                                                              The mechanical dimension of the radio are 266x321x78 mm (LxHxP), with
                                                              weight of 7 kg (see Figure 3-1).

                                                                                    Figure 3-1. Radio Unit.
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                     PWBA (Product Unit Wireless Broadband Access)

                                         3.2                  ANTENNA

                                                              The mechanical antenna dimension are: 266x296x93 mm (LxHxP), with
                                                              weight of 2.5 kg (see figure 3.2).

                                                                                      Warning label
                                                                                      position on the
                                                                                      antenna front

                                                                                                                                                     To comply with FCC
                                                                                                                                                   RF exposure requirement
                                                                                                                                                        47CFR 1.1310
                                                                                                                                                  a minimum safe distance of
                                                                                                                                                      1.49 m is required

                                                                                      Figure 3-2. Antenna.

                                                                              Label for
                                                                              Antenna Product Number
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                     Ericsson Lab Italy S.p.A.                                                                                                    7 (8)
                     PWBA (Product Unit Wireless Broadband Access)

                                         3.3                  RADIO EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION

                                                              The radio unit and the antenna will be assembled in an unique unit (see
                                                              Figure 3-3); the radio units should be mounted on a support (tripod) placed on
                                                              the building roof. Such support is designed to be easily moved as it’s made of
                                                              small parts that can be carried on the building roof using a regular lift.
                                                              (maximum length 2m).

                                                            Figure 3-3. The assembled radio unit and antenna.

                                                              The support is composed by tubular elements; the lags are arranged at 120°
                                                              horizontally. It’s placed on the cover and held in place by concrete blocks; that
                                                              means that no construction work is necessary thus avoiding any water
                                                              infiltration in the floors below.
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                     PWBA (Product Unit Wireless Broadband Access)

                                                                           Figure 3-4. External unit support.

                                                              The total weight of the support (except for the concrete blocks) is of 65 kg; the
                                                              cover must be able to sustain about 300 kg on each of the supports (700x500
                                                              mm). If the cover isn’t able to sustain such weight, it’s possible to reduce the
                                                              block number to reach the maximum allowed load without reducing the wind
                                                              resistance capability of the support; this support, actually, is designed for
                                                              parabolic antennas up to 60 cm diameter and the present antennas have
                                                              lower dimensions.

                                         3.4                  CABLES

                                                              The following cables are needed:

                                                              1. 1 coaxial cable 10 mm diameter for each radio equipment, from the flat to
                                                                 the radio

                                                              2. 1 earthing cable from each support to an earth plug on the cover; to such
                                                                 cable all the radio equipment will be connected so as to ensure an
                                                                 appropriate grounding.

                                                              3. 1 earthing cable (connected to the previous point) to connect the coaxial
                                                                 cable shield.

                                                              ERICSSON will control the installation of the radio equipment and will supply
                                                              adequate documentation for the installation itself.
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Document Created: 2001-03-09 17:07:13
Document Modified: 2001-03-09 17:07:13

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