User Manual RF Exposure Info


Users Manual

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              Your FM radio generates RF electromagnetio
              energy during transmit mode. This radio is de—
              signed for and classified as "Occupational Use
              Only®, meaningit must be used only during the
   im course of employment by ndividuals aware of the
               hazards, and the ways to minimize such hazards.
This radio is NOT intended for use by the "General Popula—
tion" in an uncontrolled envionment
Thisradio has bean tested andcomplies with the CC RF eipo—
surets for ‘Occupatinal Use Ony." In additon, your PM radlo
conplies with thefolowing Standards and Guideines wit regerdto
RF anergy and alecromagnetic energy levels andevalvaton of
such evalsforexposure to humans
    +FCG OET Buletin 65 Edtion 97—01 Supplement C Evaatng
      Complane wth FCC CuitainasforHuman Fxposize in Ravio
      Frequercy ElectonagneteFds
    + AmetcaNatonal StandadsInstlute (C951 — 1992), EEE San—
      dardfoSatatLevals wit Respect to Himan Epostre o Rado
      Frequercy ElectonagneteFlds, 3tz o 300 Gz
    + AmetanNatonal Standarls nstute (036 3 — 1902), EEE Reo—
      ommended Practceo the Measuremontof Potntaly Hazaous
      Elearonagnetllds —RF and Mloowave
                       nestetetccunatoral oo atst
                          oc y rsonueinis
            Se           Se vietaniaforavarness and
  +DNOT oparsthe rdowihouta proper antenna atacted, as
   this may darmage thrado and may lso cause you exoned FCC
   RF exposirImis. Aprorerantenna is h antemasupnled w

    tnis aci btmanaacuraro an antema speatlcaly ahored
    ty tmanafacurertor use wit tso
   +00 NoT tansnit tmore than $0%ot olraduse time (S0%
    duly syde). Transmiting more than S0% ofthe tme can cause
    FGGRE exposire complancerequrements o e oxcneded. The
    radi s ransriting when the TX Infeator ights res. You can
    cause theradi i ransmitby pressing thePTP sutch
   *ALVIAYS use com authorzed accessores ntonnas, bateries
    belt olps speatertmics, eto, Use of authorza accessores can
    cause he FCG RF exposire compliance requrements t be or—
   *ALIAYS keept anterna ateas25em (1inche) avay rom
    the by uin ransmittng anc only use tbt:lps which
    suppled when atactingthe ratoto yourbat tc,to ensire
    FCCRF exposir complance requrements are not exccedec. To
    provte thereaents t your ransmission the bestsound aualty
    hald tantema at east em (2nches) m mout, and sighty
    of toone se
‘he Informatin Isted above provides the user wih th inomation
reedd to make im or ha avare of RF exposire and what o o to
assire bat s radl operalss in heC RF exosire imo ths
Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility
During transmissins, your com radio generates RF energy that
can poss y cause inererence wih other devces o systems. To
aveld such ntederence, umof the radi in areaswhere signs are
postedto do 5o. DO NOT aperatettransniter in areas tat are
sensitve to electromagnetiradiaion such as hosplals, arcaft
and blstng stes

Document Created: 2004-07-02 10:35:15
Document Modified: 2004-07-02 10:35:15

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