RF Test Report


RF Exposure Info

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IC: 5672A-ISC12


 RF Exposure Statement:                    50004840 003                             Page 1 of 1

 Client:                         CATEYE Co., Ltd.
                                 2-8-25, Kuwazu, Higashi-Sumiyoshi-Ku, Osaka, 546-0041 Japan

 Test item:                      SPEED CADENCE SENSOR

 Identification:                 ISC-12

 FCC Requirement
 According to KDB 447498 D01 v05r02, SAR evaluation specified in FCC 2.1093 is not
 required for portable equipment if the transmitter power is below the following threshold
 for 100MHz to 6GHz:
  Highest Frequency of                                   1-g SAR Test           10-g SAR Test
                             Min. Test Separation
  Transmitter Tunable                                Exclusion Threshold     Exclusion Threshold
         Range                                         (3.0 · D / √F) + X      (7.5 · D / √F) + X
                                    D [mm]
        F [GHz]                                               [mW]                    [mW]
          2.480                        5                      9.525                  23.813

 Note:     X=0                               for D (in mm) ≤ 50mm:
           X = (D – 50mm) · (1000 · F / 150) for D (in mm) > 50mm and F (in GHz) ≤ 1.5GHz
           X = (D – 50mm) · 10               for D (in mm) > 50mm and F (in GHz) > 1.5GHz

 IC Requirement
 According to RSS-102 (Issue 4), clause 2.5.1, no SAR evaluation is required if the
 transmitter has a minimum separation distance to the user less than or equal to 20cm and
 has an output power (both conducted and e.i.r.p.) below the following threshold:
                                                       SAR Evaluation
     Equipment Use            Frequency Range
                                                       Threshold [mW]
    General Public Use            2.2 – 3GHz                 20

 Measurement Result
 The maximum measured transmitter power is given in the following table:
    Conducted Output          Maximum Antenna        EIRP Output Power
      Power [mW]                 Gain [dBi]                [mW]
         0.077                     -2.59                   0.042

 SAR evaluation is not required since the maximum transmitter output power (both
 conducted and e.i.r.p.) is below the FCC and IC thresholds.

 Refer to test report 50004840 001 for more details.

                    TÜV Rheinland Japan Ltd. – Global Technology Assessment Center
                        4-25-2 Kita-Yamata, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 224-0021, Japan

Document Created: 2019-09-05 06:55:44
Document Modified: 2019-09-05 06:55:44

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