Users Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                      • Remove battery cover: Slide tab to the right and pull out to remove battery cover.    •   DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME: DST will flash and the word ON. Press and release
                                                                                      • Install three fresh AA batteries according to the polarity markings.                      the +/RCC or -/°F/°C button to turn this to OFF if you do not observe DST.
                                                                                      • Do Not Mix Old and New Batteries                                                          Confirm with the SET button and move to the next item.
                                                                                      • Do Not Mix Alkaline, Standard, Lithium or Rechargeable Batteries                      •   12/24 HOUR TIME: 12H will flash. Press and release the +/RCC or -/°F/°C
                     Color Atomic Alarm Clock                                         If the Color Atomic Alarm Clock does not display indoor temperature after 60                button to select 24H. Confirm with the SET button and move to the next item.
               with 12 Hr. Forecast and Snooze Alarm                                  seconds, remove adapter and batteries, and wait for at least 60 seconds before          •   HOUR: The hour will flash. Press and release the +/RCC or -/°F/°C button to
                                                                                      repeating the setup process.                                                                select the correct hour. Confirm with the SET button and move to the next item.
                            Model: C86371                                                                                                                                     •   MINUTES: The minutes will flash. Press and release the +/RCC or -/°F/°C
                                                                                      INSTALL BATTERIES IN THE OUTDOOR TRANSMITTER:                                               button to select the correct minutes. Confirm with the SET button and move to
INTRODUCTION:                                                                         • Slide the battery cover down and off the back of the transmitter.                         the next item.
The Color Atomic Alarm Clock offers radio-controlled time, weather forecast, indoor   • Select the channel, 1, 2, or 3, by moving the switch on the right.                    •   YEAR: The year will flash. Press and release the +/RCC or -/°F/°C button to
and outdoor temperature/humidity and heat index and dew point, on a stylish,          • Insert two fresh AA batteries into the transmitter. Observe the correct polarity          select the correct year. Confirm with the SET button and move to the next item.
colorful, and easy to read display. Includes a USB charge port that charges your         (see marking inside battery compartment).                                            •   MONTH: The month will flash. Press and release the +/RCC or -/°F/°C button to
devices from the Color Atomic Alarm Clock.                                            • Press and release the TX button one time.                                                 select the correct month. Confirm with the SET button and move to the next item.
                                                                                      • Keep transmitter 5-10 ft. from the Color Atomic Alarm Clock during setup.             •   DATE: The date will flash. Press and release the +/RCC or -/°F/°C button to
COLOR ATOMIC ALARM CLOCK:                                                             • After 15 minutes, if the outdoor temperature area has a reading, you can move             select the correct date. Confirm with the SET button and exit the program menu
                                                                                         the outdoor transmitters to and outside location within range of the Color Atomic    •   Note: The Day of the Week will set automatically.
             Snooze/Light button                     Function buttons
                                                                                         Alarm Clock.
                                                                                                                                                                              FAHRENHEIT/CELSIUS: Press and release the -/°F/°C button once to switch from
                                                                                      POSITIONING THE OUTDOOR TRANSMITTER                                                     Fahrenheit to Celsius.
                                                                                      The remote temperature transmitter should be mounted vertically to avoid damage.
                                                                                      Place both units in the desired shaded locations, and wait approximately 1-hour         AUTO-This word appears in the outdoor temperature/humidity area. The Color
                                                                                      before permanently mounting the transmitter to ensure that there is proper reception.   Atomic Alarm Clock will automatically switch between channels (when using
                                                                                      The outdoor temperature/humidity transmitter is water resistant, not waterproof and     multiple transmitters).
                                                                                      should not be placed anywhere it will become submerged in water or subject to           • Press and release the CH button repeatedly until AUTO is displayed. The Color
                                                                                      standing water or snow.                                                                    Atomic Alarm Clock will rotate through all available channels.
                                                                                                                                                                              • Press and release the CH button once to display only one channel continually.
                                                                                      WALL MOUNT                                                                              Note: When only one transmitter is connected, you cannot see other channels.
                                                                                               ƒ Choose a location for the transmitter that is within range of the
                                                                                                 Color Atomic Alarm Clock and under an overhang for accuracy.                 WWVB RADIO CONTROLLED TIME
                                                                                               ƒ Install one mounting screw (not included) into a wall leaving                The NIST radio station, WWVB, is located in Ft. Collins, Colorado and transmits the
                                                                                                 approximately ½ of an inch (12.7mm) extended.                                exact time signal continuously throughout the United States at 60 kHz. The signal
                                                                                               ƒ Place the transmitter onto the screw, using the hanging hole on the          can be received up to 2,000 miles away through the internal antenna in the Color
              Color LCD                               Battery    5 volt a/c                      backside.                                                                    Atomic Alarm Clock. However, due to the nature of the Earth’s Ionosphere,
                                                     Compartment                               ƒ Gently pull the transmitter down to lock the screw into place.               reception is very limited during daylight hours. The Color Atomic Alarm Clock will
                                                                                                                                                                              search for a signal every night when reception is best. The WWVB radio station
                                                                                      To achieve a true temperature/humidity reading, mount where direct sunlight cannot      derives its signal from the NIST Color Atomic Alarm Clock in Boulder, Colorado.
                                                                                      reach the outdoor transmitter. Mount the outdoor transmitter on a North-facing wall
                                                                                      or in any well shaded area. Under an eave or deck rail work well. The maximum               WWVB RECEPTION ICON with full signal strength will appear on screen if the
                                          Wall Hanging Hole                                                                                                                   reception of atomic time is successful.
                   LED lights when                                                    transmitting range in open air is 200-feet (60 meters). Obstacles such as walls,
                        signal is sent.            Battery                            windows, stucco, concrete, and large metal objects can reduce the range. Place the      • The tower icon will show solid when the display has received the WWVB signal.
                                               Compartment                            transmitter at least 6 feet in the air to improve signal transmission.                  • No tower icon displayed. The display was unable to receive a signal at this time.
                                                                                                                                                                              • Reposition the display for better signal reception or try again at bedtime.
                                                                                      BUTTON FUNCTIONS:
     LCD                                                      Model:TX-14TH                                                                                                   The Color Atomic Alarm Clock will have a daily synchronization at 01:00, 02:00 and
                                                                                                                                                                              03:00am. Each reception cycle is minimum 2 minutes and maximum 10 minutes.
                                          Wall Hanging Hole                                   Button         Press and Release Functions           Hold 3-5 seconds
                  LED lights when                                                                                                                                             • IMPORTANT: When operating on a/c power, the backlight will turn off for 2-
                       signal is sent.            Battery                                                   Move through program menu           Enter program menu, set          minutes while the Color Atomic Alarm Clock searches for the WWVB signal, to
                                              Compartment                                                   Confirm setting.                    time, date, etc.                 avoid interference. The backlight will return after the 2-minute search.
                                                                                                            View Alarm
                                                                                        ALARM                                                   Alarm set
                                                                                                            Activate/Deactivate Alarm                                         Note: In case the Color Atomic Alarm Clock is not able to detect the WWVB-signal
                                                                                                                                                Search for WWVB signal        (disturbances, transmitting distance, etc.), the time can be manually set (please
                                                      Model: TX-14TH-LCD                +/RCC               1 step forward (setup)              Fast advance when
                                                                                                                                                                              refer to notes TIME SET).

INITIAL SET UP:                                                                                             Select temperature in °C/° F        Fast backward when            BACKLIGHT:
• Insert A/C adapter or 3 AA batteries (not included) into the display.                                     1 step backward (setup)             setting                       A/C adapter: The backlight is on continuously, when operating the display with the
• Wait for the Temperature area to flash as the display searches for a signal from                          1-time MAX values                   Resets all MIN / MAX          5-volt a/c adapter.
   the outdoor transmitter.                                                                                 2-times MIN values                  values                        • HIGH: The backlight is defaulted to HI when the a/c cord is inserted.
• Insert 2 fresh AA batteries into the transmitter, observing the correct polarity      HEAT/DEW
                                                                                                            1-time Heat Index                                                 • LO: Press and release the LIGHT HI/LO/OFF button to dim the backlight. Press
                                                                                                            2-times Dew Point
   Press the TX button to send a signal.                                                                                                                                         and release again to return to full strength.
• Keep the transmitter 5-10 feet from the Color Atomic Alarm Clock.                     CH
                                                                                                            Switch between outdoor              Search for remote
                                                                                                                                                                              • OFF: Hold the LIGHT HI/LO/OFF button for 2 seconds, until the station beeps,
                                                                                                            temperature/humidity transmitters   transmitter
• IMPORTANT: When operating on a/c power, the backlight will turn off for                                                                                                        to turn the backlight off, to sleep.
                                                                                                                                                Turn continuous
   2-minutes while the Color Atomic Alarm Clock searches for the WWVB signal,           LIGHT HI/LO/OFF
                                                                                                            Dim backlight for night time.       backlight ON or OFF           • ON: Hold the LIGHT HI/LO/OFF button again until the station beeps, to turn the
   to avoid interference. The backlight will return after the 2-minute search.          HOLD ON/OFF
                                                                                                                                                (a/c adapter)                    backlight on.
• Within 3 minutes the station will beep and the outdoor temperature should be                              Activates backlight when using                                    • Note: When the backlight is off, press any button to activate the backlight for 8
   displayed on the Color Atomic Alarm Clock. If the outdoor temperature is not         LIGHT/SNOOZE
                                                                                                            only batteries.                                                      seconds.
   displayed after 3 minutes remove power from the transmitter and the display for                          Trigger snooze alarm
   60 seconds and start again.                                                                                                                                                Battery power: Press and release the SNOOZE/LIGHT button and the backlight
• For optimum 433 MHz reception, the outdoor transmitter should be placed within      PROGRAM MENU:                                                                           will show for 8 seconds, when operating on batteries only.
   200 feet (60 meters, open air) from the Color Atomic Alarm Clock.                  • WWVB ON/OFF: Hold the SET button 5 seconds and WWVB and the word ON
•                                                                                       will flash. Press and release the +/RCC or -/°F/°C button to turn this to OFF if      ALARM SET:
HOW TO POWER THE COLOR ATOMIC ALARM CLOCK:                                              you do not wish WWVB reception. Confirm with the SET button and move to the           • ALARM HOUR: Press and hold ALARM button to enter alarm time setting mode.
A/C power adapter:                                                                      next item.                                                                              The Alarm Hour will flash. Use the +/RCC or -/°F/°C button to set the Hour.
Insert the 5-volt a/c power adapter into a wall outlet, then into the Color Atomic    • TIME ZONE: EST will flash. Press and release the +/RCC or -/°F/°C button to             Press and release the ALARM button.
Alarm Clock.                                                                            select a different Time Zone: AST=Atlantic, EST= Eastern, CST= Central, MST=          • ALARM MINUTE: The Alarm Minutes will flash. Use the +/RCC or -/°F/°C button
                                                                                        Mountain, PST= Pacific, AKT= Alaska, HAT=Hawaiian time zone. Confirm with               to set the Minutes. Press and release the ALARM button to exit.
Batteries:                                                                              the SET button and move to the next item.


ALARM ACTIVATION:                                                                       LOW BATTERY:                                                                           repairs or examination. The owner must pay any shipping charges incurred in
• Press and release the ALARM button once to show Alarm Time.                         •  When this icon appears in the Indoor reading section the batteries in the display     getting the La Crosse Technology, Ltd product to a La Crosse Technology, Ltd
• Press and release the ALARM button repeatedly to activate or deactivate the            need to be replaced.                                                                  authorized service center. La Crosse Technology, Ltd will pay ground return
                                                                                                                                                                               shipping charges to the owner of the product to a USA address only.
    Alarm. The   alarm icon appears when alarm is activated.                          • When this icon appears in the outdoor readings section, replace the batteries in
                                                                                         the outdoor transmitter.                                                              The La Crosse Technology, Ltd warranty covers all defects in material and
SNOOZE:                                                                                                                                                                        workmanship with the following specified exceptions: (1) damage caused by
• When the alarm sounds, press the SNOOZE button to trigger snooze alarm for 9        CARE AND MAINTENANCE:                                                                    accident, unreasonable use or neglect (including the lack of reasonable and
   minutes. The snooze icon Zz will flash when the snooze feature is active.          • Do Not Mix Old and New Batteries                                                       necessary maintenance); (2) damage occurring during shipment (claims must be
• To stop alarm for one day, press AL button, while in snooze mode. The alarm         • Do Not Mix Alkaline, Standard, Lithium or Rechargeable Batteries                       presented to the carrier); (3) damage to, or deterioration of, any accessory or
   icon will remain solid.                                                            • Do not expose the display to extreme temperatures, vibration or shock.                 decorative surface; (4) damage resulting from failure to follow instructions contained
• Note: When the alarm sounds, it continues for 2 minutes and then shuts off          • Keep display dry.                                                                      in the owner’s manual; (5) damage resulting from the performance of repairs or
   completely.                                                                        • Clean display with a soft damp cloth. Do not use solvents or scouring agents.          alterations by someone other than an authorized La Crosse Technology, Ltd
•                                                                                     • The product is not a toy. Keep it out of reach of children.                            authorized service center; (6) units used for other than home use (7) applications
                                                                                                                                                                               and uses that this product was not intended or (8) the products inability to receive a
USB CHARGE PORT:                                                                      • The product is not to be used for medical purpose or for public information, but is
                                                                                                                                                                               signal due to any source of interference.. This warranty covers only actual defects
When operating on a/c power, you may charge a device from the back of the               determined for home use only.
                                                                                                                                                                               within the product itself, and does not cover the cost of installation or removal from
display.                                                                              • The specifications of this product may change without prior notice.                    a fixed installation, normal set-up or adjustments, claims based on
Note: This is a power output port only. The Color Atomic Alarm Clock cannot be        • Improper use or unauthorized opening of housing will void the warranty.                misrepresentation by the seller or performance variations resulting from installation-
powered via this port.                                                                • If the unit does not work properly, change the batteries and/or check the a/c cord     related circumstances.
                             •        Connect the USB charge cord for your device                                                                                              LA CROSSE TECHNOLOGY, LTD WILL NOT ASSUME LIABILITY FOR
                                      to the port on the back of the Color Atomic     SPECIFICATIONS:                                                                          INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER SIMILAR DAMAGES
       Battery                        Alarm Clock and let charge. Charge times will                                                                                            ASSOCIATED WITH THE OPERATION OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS PRODUCT.
                                      vary.                                           Temperature Range:           +32°F to +122°F (0°C to 50°C)                               THIS PRODUCT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES OR FOR
                               •      Output: 1A maximum current USB.                 Humidity Range:              1%-99% (RH)                                                 PUBLIC INFORMATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A TOY. KEEP OUT OF
                               •      Do not overload USB port.                       Interval:                    About every 30 seconds                                      CHILDREN’S REACH.
Note: Check that your device will charge with the USB cord it came with. Many USB
cords are for data transfer only, and cannot be used for charging.                    Outdoor:                                                                                 This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights
                                                                                      Range:          temperature, dew point, heat index                                       specific to the State. Some States do not allow the exclusion of consequential or
MIN/MAX TEMPERATURE/HUMIDTY DATA: This station will show the daily                                                 -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)                              incidental damages therefore the above exclusion of limitation may not apply to you.
minimum and maximum temperatures each day starting at midnight (12:00 AM).
The station automatically resets the min/max temperatures at midnight (12:00 AM).                                  Alkaline Batteries: -20°F to 140°F (-28.8°C to 60°C)
                                                                                                                                                                               For warranty work, technical support, or information contact:
                                                                                                                   Lithium Batteries: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)
VIEW MIN/MAX:                                                                                                                                                                  La Crosse Technology, Ltd
                                                                                                                   Temperatures below - 20°F (-28.8°C)                         2817 Losey Blvd. S.
•   MAX: From a normal display press and release the MEM button once to view                                       require Lithium batteries in the outdoor sensor.            La Crosse, WI 54601
    maximum temperature and humidity values for indoor and outdoor data.
•   MIN: From a normal display press and release the MEM button twice to view         Humidity Range:              1%-99% (RH)                                                 The complete instruction manual is available at:
    minimum temperature and humidity values for indoor or outdoor data.               Distance:                    200 ft. (60 meters) RF 433MHz (open air)          
                                                                                      Interval:                    About every 50 seconds
RESET MIN/MAX: Hold the MEM button for 5 seconds to reset all min/max values.
HEAT INDEX: Heat Index combines the effects of heat and humidity. It is the           Receiver:                    5-volt a/c power adapter (included)                                                  Contact Support: 1-608-782-1610
apparent temperature of how hot it feels to a human being.                                                         Optional 3-AA, IEC, LR6 batteries (not included)                                     Product Registration:
                                                                                      Transmitter:                 2-AA, IEC, LR6 batteries (included).                                       
                         Note: Heat index will be the same number as the
                         temperature until the temperature is above 80 degrees ° F    USB:
                         (26.7° C).                                                   Output:                      1 Amp maximum current

                                                                                      Battery Life:                Battery life is over 24 months when using reputable         This Device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
•   INDOOR/ OUTDOOR: From a normal display press the HEAT/DEW button once                                          battery brands for both Alkaline and Lithium batteries      following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
    and Heat Index will show instead of the ambient temperature.                                                                                                               the device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
                                                                                      Dimensions:                                                                              cause undesired operation.
DEW POINT: Dew point is the saturation point of the air, or the temperature to        Receiver:                    5.9” L x 2.36” W x 5.9” H (150 x 60 x 150mm)
which the air has to be cooled in order to create condensation.                       Transmitter:                 2.5” L x 1.42” W x 3.98” H (64 x 36 x 101mm)                NOTE: THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV
                                                                                                                                                                               INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS
                           Note: Dew Point generally is lower than the temperature.                                                                                            EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER AUTHORITY TO
                                                                                      WARRANTY INFORMATION                                                                     OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT
                                                                                      La Crosse Technology, Ltd provides a 1-year limited warranty on this product
                         • INDOOR/ OUTDOOR: From a normal display press               against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship.                              All rights reserved. This handbook must not be reproduced in any form, even in
    the HEAT/DEW button twice and Dew Point will show instead of the ambient                                                                                                   excerpts, or duplicated or processed using electronic, mechanical or chemical
    temperature.                                                                      This limited warranty begins on the original date of purchase, is valid only on          procedures without written permission of the publisher.
                                                                                      products purchased and used in North America and only to the original purchaser of
                                                                                                                                                                               This handbook may contain mistakes and printing errors. The information in this
                                                                                      this product. To receive warranty service, the purchaser must contact La Crosse
WEATHER FORECAST ICONS:                                                                                                                                                        handbook is regularly checked and corrections made in the next issue. We accept
                                                                                      Technology, Ltd for problem determination and service procedures. Warranty
The unit predicts weather condition of the next 12-hours based on the change of       service can only be performed by a La Crosse Technology, Ltd authorized service          no liability for technical mistakes or printing errors, or their consequences.
atmospheric pressure. The weather forecast is based on atmospheric pressure           center. The original dated bill of sale must be presented upon request as proof of       All trademarks and patents are acknowledged.
change and is about 70-75% correct. As weather conditions cannot be 100%              purchase to La Crosse Technology, Ltd or La Crosse Technology, Ltd’s authorized
correctly forecasted we cannot be responsible for any loss caused by an incorrect     service center.                                                                          This device complies with Industry Canada RSS-210. Operation is subject to the
forecast.                                                                                                                                                                      following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this
                                                                                      La Crosse Technology, Ltd will repair or replace this product, at our option and at no   device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
                                                                                      charge as stipulated herein, with new or reconditioned parts or products if found to     undesired operation of the device.
                                                                                      be defective during the limited warranty period specified above. All replaced parts
                                                                                      and products become the property of La Crosse Technology, Ltd and must be                Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux
                                                                                      returned to La Crosse Technology, Ltd. Replacement parts and products assume             appareils radio RSS-210. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
                                                                                      the remaining original warranty, or ninety (90) days, whichever is longer. La Crosse     (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit
                                                                                      Technology, Ltd will pay all expenses for labor and materials for all repairs covered    accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible
                                                                                      by this warranty. If necessary repairs are not covered by this warranty, or if a         d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
                                                                                      product is examined which is not in need or repair, you will be charged for the


Document Created: 2012-05-16 09:10:04
Document Modified: 2012-05-16 09:10:04

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