users manual


Users Manual

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                                     Thunder Bike
                                  Instruction Manual
{ttem number box]
Item No:cou
Ages 4+
(Battery requirement box}
Battery Requirements
Thunder Bike 1 x 9.6V 1200mAH N—MH rechargeable battery (ncluded)
Controllr 1 x 3V (Not included)
(Boxed wamnings
WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD — Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.
CAUTION: Hair entanglement may result i chld s hair comesin contact with moving parts of
to. Adult supervision is required

[New Box: Labelled Picture of Controller and Car (Top View and Bottom View)]
[{Undemeath Contraler] Gontrolter
[Undemeath Car] Thunder Bike
[Labelthe following on the controller]
Power Indicator Light
[Labeltfollowing on the car, top view]
Rear Wheels
Steering Wheels
On/Off Switch [May need a smal diagram showing this]
Front Light
Rear Light
[Labelthe following on the car. bottom view}
Battery Compartment

[New Box)
Battery Charging
[Picture of charger attached to battery. Show the connector clearl, ke in the Hover Vehicle
Retention Clip
Battery Pack
[Labels pointing to the leads on both sides:]
Black Lead
Red Lead
(Underthe battery lead}
(Underthe charger lead]
Before use the battery pack must be fully charged:

2) Atach the charger to the battery pack as shounin the       diagram. Make sure that the
    istonton clp stoucrgave..      Inaligatenthgenamieewiliantint
    comectors are attached the right way   ut     shouldside into   place smootnly and the

3)   When the battery pack is frst charged it wil take around 12 hours. Chargingtmes after
     the frst charge willtake around 3 hours.
4): Disconnectthe battery pack from the charger by pressing douin on the retertion cip and
     puling the connectors apart. The battery pack s now ready to e instaled in the Thunder
 fror battery supplied version}

Mowine battery pack to coolbefore recharging. Always fuly charge the battery pack before
using i. Charge fuly according to the battercharger manulacturer s insructions. Charging
times difr wih diferent brands, models, ages and condfions ofbatlry packs and chargers
"The isfew charges of a new battery may reauire more time for fulcharge than later

INiew Box]
Battery Installtion
juse The section ALREApY PRePARED ror The pAckaciNG)

New Box]
Driving the Thunder Bike
  Turn on the Thunder Bike using the On(Of switch atthe rearo he bike
  "The power incicator ight on the contrllerwil glow only whie the contollr is
  transmiting, as long as the battery has power.
+ The front and rear lights on the Thunder Bke wl tum on while the biis moving.
[The folowing are iitle boxes wihin the Driving section box}
[Picture of Thunder Bike from above and pisture of contrller. Arrow above throtle switch
pointing forward. Arrow in front of ar, pointing forwards )
Push Accelerate to make the Thunder Bike mave fomwards.
[Picture of Thunder Bike from above and pictue of contrllr. Arrow above throtte suitch
pointing backwards.. Arrow behind car, pointig backards.]
Push Reverse to make the Thunder Bike move backwards
Right Tom
[Ficture of Thunder Bike from above and picture of contrllr. Arrow next o drection contol
button pointing to the right. Arrow next to hrotle swich pointng forward. Bent arow next to
car, ointng forward and to tright]
Whie pushing Accelerate, push Rightto make the Thunder Biketum to the ight. At high
speeds the turning circl is qute wide, so make sure you have plenty of space to manewer
Left Tum
[Picture of Thunder Blke from above and picture of contoller. Arrow next to direction contrl
button pointngto the laf. Arrow nextt throtle switch pointing formard. Bent arrow next to
car, pointing formard and to th let]
Whie pushing Accelerate, push Lef to make the Thunder Biketum to thleft. Athigh speeds
the turnina crcle is uitewide so make sure vouhave nlenty of seacn o manmiver

Power Spin
[Picture of Thunder Bike with front wheels turned over. Show circular arrows coming from the
rear whees]
The rotational power axel allows you to perform spins on the spot. Starting from a stationary
position, push Left or Right to turn the front wheels over. Then push Accelerate or Reverse
The Thunder Bike will perform a stationary power spin. Release Left or Right to accelerate
Turbo Turn
[Picture of Thunder Bike with front wheels turned over. Show circular arrows coming from the
rear wheels]
The Thunder Bike can perform quick tuns for fast getaways.
While driving backwards, push Left or Right and quickly release to spin the bike around.
Quickly push Accelerate to power off at top speed.
This movetakes some practice to get the timing right, but you will soon be able to perform
Turbo Tums at any angle:
{Small Box]
Driving & Safety Tips:
{Small picture of inger touching the wheels, with a big cross through the picture,J
Keep loose clothing, hair and small objects away from the wheels and axel while the wheels
are moving.
{Small pictureof a cat and dog, with a big cross through the picture.]
The Thunder Bike is a high—performance RC vehicle, Care must be taken while driving it near
other people or animals.. Always drive the Thunder Bike where there is plenty of space to
[Small picture of car touching a wall, with a big cross through the picture J
The Thunder Bike is very powerful, please avoid any direct colliions with objects which could
damage the bike or result in damageto the object
+ When you have finished playing, make sure that you un the On/Off switchon the
  Thunder Bike to Off
+ Remember that when the vehicle is comming towards you, it wl steer in the opposite
  direction to the way you turn the wheel. Try to imagine that you are in the driver s seat to
  work out the direction it wl turn in.
+ Keep fingers, hair and loose clothing away from the tres and wheels while the vehicle is
  in motion.
  Never drive your Thunder Bike on the streets
  Do not pick up the vehicle whileit is in motion.
  Do not drive the vehicle through water.
  For best results, hold the antenna up, not pointing down towards the vehicle

This device comples with Par 15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operaton is subject to thefalowing wo conions (1) Ths
device may not cause harmll inteference, and (2)Thisdevice must accupt any interference received. including
intelerence tat may cause undesited operaton
NOTE: This equipment has beentested and found o comply withthe lmis for a Class B digtal devce, prsuant to
Part 15 of e FCC Rules, These lmits are designed to providereasonable protecionagainst hamlditerferonce in
a residental instalaton. This equpment genrates, uses and can radate racio frequency energy and. t notinstaled
and used in accordance wih theinstuctons, may cause harmul nteference tracio communtcaons However,
there is no guarantee that nterference wil ol occur in a arteular instalaton. 1 this equipment does cause hamnfu
fntelerenceto racio or televiionreception,which can be datemined by trning the equipment ff and on,the useris
encouraged o y to corres heinterfernce by one or more f thefolowing measures
+ Reonent rrelaeate the receiving antenna
     Increase the separalion between the equipment and the recever.
     Gomnectthe equpment io an ol on a crautciferentrom thatto whichthe recuiveis needed
     Anolt theainr oean evnnienned rarinrTVtechrriafohaln

[Small box]
WARNING: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party _
responsible for compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment.
[Under box]
Please keep these instructions as they contain important information.

[Wow Wee logo and address]

Document Created: 2004-03-18 05:12:56
Document Modified: 2004-03-18 05:12:56

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC