Test report


Test Report

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Sub-part 2.1033 (c):

                        Equipment Identification

                           FCC ID: OJYKAG9

                             Date of Report

                       Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Supervised By:                                       Thomas J. Funk


The applicant has been cautioned as to the following:

15.21        Information to User.

   The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional radiator shall caution the
user that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

15.27 (a)    Special Accessories.

   Equipment marketed to a consumer must be capable of complying with the
necessary regulations in the configuration in which the equipment is marketed. Where
special accessories, such as shielded cables and/or special connectors are required to
enable an unintentional or intentional radiator to comply with the emission limits in this
part, the equipment must be marketed with, i.e. shipped and sold with, those special
accessories. However, in lieu of shipping or packaging the special accessories with the
unintentional or intentional radiator, the responsible party may employ other methods of
ensuring that the special accessories are provided to the consumer, without additional

     Information detailing any alternative method used to supply the special accessories
for a grant of equipment authorization or retained in the verification records, as
appropriate. The party responsible for the equipment, as detailed in § 2.909 of this
chapter, shall ensure that these special accessories are provided with the equipment.
The instruction manual for such devices shall include appropriate instructions on the
first page of text concerned with the installation of the device that these special
accessories must be used with the device. It is the responsibility of the user to use the
needed special accessories supplied with the equipment.


                              Table of Contents

Rule                              Description

2.1033       List of General Information Required

2.1046       R.F. Power Output

2.1049       Occupied Bandwidth

22.917       Emission Requirements

2.1051       Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals
22.917 (e)

2.1053       Field Strength of Spurious Radiation

2.1055       Frequency Stability - Temperature & Voltage Variation

2.202 (g)    Necessary Bandwidth and Emission Bandwidth

2.906        Testimonial & Statement of Certification

             Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Limits



Page                                                                    OJYKAG9

                List of General Information Required for Type Acceptance

                      In Accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations,
                                 Volume II, Part 2 and to
                                    Part 22 sub-part H


2.1033 (c)(1)         Name and Address of Applicant:

                      Ericsson Wireless Communications
                      6210 Spine Rd.
                      Boulder, CO 80301



2.1033(c)(2):        FCC ID:                                                OJYKAG9

2.924                Model No                                  RBS1127XXYY
                                                               XX= Cabinet type
                                                               YY=Input Voltage type

                     Technical Description:

2.1033(c)(4):        Type of Emission:                                      1M25F9W

2.1033(c)(5)         Frequency Range, MHz:                                  800 MHz
                                                                            880 MHz

2.1033(c)(6)         Power Rating, Watts:                                   1, 20

                     Switchable                 Adjustable x      N/A

2.1033(c)(7)         Maximum Power Rating, Watts:                           20

2.1033(c)(8)         Voltages & Currents in all Elements in Final R.F. Stage,
                     Including Final Transistor or Solid State Device:
                     Collector Current, A         = per manual
                     Collector Voltage, Vdc       = per manual
                     Supply Voltage, Vac = N/A

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2.1033          Block Diagram:
                Please see Attached Exhibit 1

2.1033          Circuit Diagram:
                Please see Attached Exhibit 2

2.1033          Parts List:
                Please see Attached Exhibit 3

2.1033          Manual:
                Please see Attached Exhibit 4

2.1033          Photographs:
                Please see Attached Exhibits 5

2.1033          Tune-Up Procedure/Alignment Procedure:
                Please see Attached Exhibit 6

2.1033          Label Information:
                Please see Attached Exhibit 7

2.1033(c)(14)   Test Report:

                Test Report Follows

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2.1033 (c) :                   Test and Measurement Data

   All tests and measurement data shown were performed in accordance with FCC
Rules and Regulations, Volume II; Part 2, Sub-part J, Sections 2.1046, 2.1049, 2.1051,
2.1053, 2.1055 and the following individual Parts:

21             Domestic Public Radio Services

24             Personal Communications Services

22E            Broadband PCS                                                        __

22.901 (d)     Special Provisions for Alternative Cellular Technologies and
               and Auxiliary Services                                               X

23             International Fixed Public Radio Communications Service

74             Experimental, Auxiliary & Special Broadcast and Other Program
               Distribution Services

74H            Low Power Auxiliary Stations

80             Stations in the Maritime Service

80.209 (5)(I) Transmitter Frequency Tolerances, 156–162 MHz, Coast Stations

80K            Private Coast Stations & Marine Utility Stations

80S            Compulsory R/T Installations for Small Passenger Boats

80T            Radio Telegraph Installation Required for Vessels on the
               Great Lakes

80U            Radio Telegraph Installation Required by the Bridge–to–Bridge Act

87             Aviation Services

90             Private Land Mobile Radio Services

94             Private Operational–Fixed microwave Services

95             General Mobile Radio Service

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                                 General Information

1.     Spurious radiation was measured at three (3) meters.

2.     The normal modes of modulation are:

             (a)   Voice

             (b)   Wideband Data

             (c)   SAT

             (d)   ST

             (e)   SAT + Voice

             (f)   SAT + DTMF

             (g)   64-Ary Orthogonal CDMA       X

             (h)   Pi/4 DQPSK

             (i)   NAMPS Voice

             (j)   NAMPS DSAT

             (k)   NAMPS ST

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                               Standard Test Conditions
                                Engineering Practices

   Except as noted herein, the following conditions and procedures were observed
during the testing:

             Room Temperature                         = 25 ± 5° C

             Room Humidity                            = 20–50%

             D.C. Supply Voltage, Vdc                 = - 48VDC or 24VDC

             A.C. Supply Voltage, Vac                 = 230 Vac

             A.C. Supply Frequency, Hz                = 60Hz

    Prior to testing, the E.U.T. was tuned up in accordance with the manufacturer’s
alignment procedures. All external gain controls were maintained at the position of
maximum and/or optimum gain throughout the testing.

   Measurement results, unless otherwise noted, are worst case measurements.

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Name of Test:               R.F. Power Output & Occupied Bandwidth

Paragraph:                  47 CFR 2.1046 & 2.1049

Guide:                      EIA Standard RS 152B, Paragraph 3.3

Test Condition:             Standard Temperature & Humidity

Test Equipment:             As per Attached Appendix J

                               Measurement Procedures

1. The E.U.T. was connected to a directional coupler and a resistive coaxial attenuator
   of normal load impedance, and the modulated output power was measured by
   means of an R.F. power meter.

2. Measurement accuracy is ±3%.

                                 Measurement Results

Nominal, MHz      Channel           Band              R.F. Power Output, Watts
                                                      Low Power       High Power
   869.700             1013                                 1.0              20.0
   880.680             356                                  1.0              20.0
   893.310             777                                  1.0              20.0

Supervised By:                                                    Thomas J. Funk

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Name of Test:             Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals

Paragraph:                47 CFR 2.1051, 22.917(e)

Guide:                    EIA Standard RS 152B, Paragraph 17

Test Condition:           Standard Temperature & Humidity

Test Equipment:           As per Attached Appendix J

                          Measurement Procedures

1. The E.U.T. was connected, through a directional coupler, a 30 dB coaxial attenuator then to a Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Analyzer.

2. Measurements were made over the range from 1Ghz to 12 Ghz for the worst case modulation at the highest R.F. power settings.

3. All other emissions were 20 dB or more below the limit.

4. Spectrum analyzer bandwidth was set to section 22.917 (h)(1) & (2) as applicable.

5. Measurement Results: All emissions are 30dB below and more.

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                     Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals

Test 1: Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals

Supervised By:                                                 Thomas J. Funk

       Page                                                                          OJYKAG9

       Name of Test:                Field Strength of Spurious Radiation

       Paragraph:                   47 CFR 2.1053

       Guide:                       See Measurement Procedure Below

       Test Condition:              Standard Temperature & Humidity

       Test Equipment:              As per Attached Appendix J

                                    Measurement Procedures

       1. A description of the measurement facilities was filed with the F.C.C. and was found
          to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 15.38, by letter from the F.C.C.

       2. In the field, the test sample was placed on a turntable at ten and three meters away
          from the search antenna. The test sample was connected to an R.F. wattmeter and
          a 50 ohm dummy load, and adjusted to its rated output.

          In order to obtain the maximum response at each spurious frequency, the turntable
          was rotated. Also, the Search Antennas were raised and lowered vertically, and all
          cables were oriented. Excess power lead was coiled above the system.

       3. Measurement Results:

Frequency     dBµV/M Reading   Signal down from carrier   Conveted to dBm   Total Power   dBm down from Carrier
871.100 MHz   151.45 dBµV/m    00.00 µV/m                 44.45 dBm         43.00 dBm     00.00 dB
1742.2        62.60 dBµV/m     -88.85 µV/m                -44.40 dBm        43.00 dBm     88.85 dB
2613.3        61.18 dBµV/m     -90.27 µV/m                -45.82 dBm        43.00 dBm     90.27 dB
3484.4        60.52 dBµV/m     -90.93 µV/m                -46.48 dBm        43.00 dBm     90.93 dB
4355.5        60.94 dBµV/m     -90.51 µV/m                -46.06 dBm        43.00 dBm     90.51 dB
5226.6        64.91 dBµV/m     -86.54 µV/m                -42.09 dBm        43.00 dBm     86.54 dB
6097.7        72.13 dBµV/m     -79.32 µV/m                -34.87 dBm        43.00 dBm     79.32 dB
6968.8        74.00 dBµV/m     -77.45 µV/m                -33.00 dBm        43.00 dBm     77.45 dB
7839.9        74.18 dBµV/m     -77.27 µV/m                -32.82 dBm        43.00 dBm     77.27 dB
8711          77.15 dBµV/m     -74.30 µV/m                -29.85 dBm        43.00 dBm     74.30 dB

       1. The field strength of spurious radiation over the above noted range measured 20 dB
          or more below the limit, except where noted.

       2. Spurious emission bandwidth settings per 22.907 (j)(1) & (2) as applicable.

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Name of Test:              Frequency Stability – Temperature and Voltage Variation

Paragraph:                 47 CFR 2.1055

Guide:                     EIA Standard RS 152B, Paragraph 10

Test Condition:            Standard

Test Equipment:            Fluke PM6681R

1. Measurement Results:

Temperature Stability:
Channel 1013= 30Hz
Channel 356 = 19Hz
Channel 777= 22Hz

Voltage Stability:
Channel 1013 = 9Hz
Channel 356 = 9Hz
Channel 777= 5Hz

            CHANNEL # 1013                  CHANNEL # 356               CHANNEL # 777
            FREQUENCY @                     FREQUENCY @                 FREQUENCY @
TEMPERATURE   869.70000MHz                    880.68000MHz                893.31000MHz

-40ºC             869.7000450 MHz            880.6799986 MHz             893.3099973 MHz
-30ºC             869.6999966 MHz            880.6799969 MHz             893.3099971 MHz
-20ºC             869.6999972 MHz            880.6799980 MHz             893.3099981 MHz
-10ºC             869.6999970 MHz            880.6799971 MHz             893.3099970 MHz
0ºC               869.6999975 MHz            880.6799988 MHz             893.3099984 MHz
10ºC              869.6999979 MHz            880.6799978 MHz             893.3099972 MHz
20ºC              869.6999971 MHz            880.6799979 MHz             893.3099973 MHz
30ºC              869.6999980 MHz            880.6799986 MHz             893.3099975 MHz
40ºC              869.6999980 MHz            880.6799969 MHz             893.3099976 MHz
50ºC              869.6999975 MHz            880.6799975 MHz             893.3099962 MHz

VOLTAGE           FREQUENCY                 FREQUENCY                   FREQUENCY

187VAC            869.6999972 MHz            880.6799988 MHz             893.3099971 MHz
220VAC            869.6999979 MHz            880.6799979 MHz             893.3099973 MHz
265VAC            869.6999970 MHz            880.6799985 MHz             893.3099976 MHz

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Name of Test:          Necessary Bandwidth and Emission Bandwidth

Paragraph:             47 CFR 2.202 (g)

Modulation = CDMA (F9W)

             Emission Bandwidth Calculation:

                    Necessary Bandwidth, kHz          = 1250.00

Justification for CDMA bandwidth of 1.25 Mhz

Reference: TIA/EIA/IS-95

Chip rate is 1.228 Mhz (see page 6-10 of IS-95 {attached}). When we look 3 dB down
from the signal we find 1.25 Mhz. Channel spacing is normally set at this 1.25 Mhz.
Also, one can reference baseband filtering requirements for filtering frequency response

Supervised By:                                                    Thomas J. Funk

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                                Statement of Certification

This is to certify:

1. That the application was prepared either by, or under the direct supervision of, the

2. That the technical data supplies with the application was taken under my direction
   and supervision.

3. That the data was obtained on representative units, randomly selected.

4. That, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in the application
   and accompanying technical data are true and correct.

Certifying Engineer:

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Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Limits

The device is installed in a permanent location. It is not operator accessible, and is
contained in a secured environment that is accessible by field service engineers or
installation engineers only. The ERP of the device is less than 1000 Watts. The
Antenna’s used on this device are a typical 16dB gain antenna, with this configuration
and the maximum RF output of the device set to 20 Watts the exposure limit is less than
1000 Watts.

Document Created: 2002-09-25 12:10:15
Document Modified: 2002-09-25 12:10:15

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