Parts List/Tune Up Info

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RF99 Wireless Thermometer
Feb 23, 1999                                                                         Revision: 05

RECEIVER Component List

Quantity      Part Description

Rx - Mechanical:____________________________________________________________________________
|             See Mechanical Receiver Component Lists

Rx - Circuit Boards:__________________________________________________________________________
|   1          Digital board, double sided FR4, 1.0 mm thick, 0.5 -1.0 ounce copper (62 x 80 mm)
|   1          RF board, double sided FR4, 1.0 mm thick, must be 1.0 ounce copper (26.2 x 41.7 mm)

Rx - Electro-Mechanical:______________________________________________________________________
|   1          LCD glass panel (66 x 70 mm glass size)
|   1          Piezo beeper plate (PZ-1)
|   7          Metal snap domes for keys, 185 gm normal force (SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5, SW6, SW7)
|   1          LCD elastomeric connector (approx 75mm long)
|   1+1+2      Battery contacts for 3 AA cells (+ve, -ve, 3 jumpers) plus two wires to digital board
|   1          3 wire ribbon cable connecting RF board to digital board
|   13         Screws for assembly

Rx - Digital Board Electrical:_____________________________________________________________________
|   1           MSM64164C 3 volt, CMOS microcontroller (1C1)
|   1           S80233P(Seiko) 3.3V regulator (1C2)
|   1           32768 Hz quartz watch crystal (X1)
|   1           MMBT3904LT1 NPN transistor, thru hole or SMT (Q2)
|   1           608 KHz Ceramic resonator (murata) (X2)
|   4           MMBT3906LT1 PNP transistor, thru hole or SMT (Q1, Q3, Q4, Q5)
|   1           Korean supplied thermistor, equivalent to 103AT-2B thermistor(TH-1)
|   1           1 K-ohm 1% resistor, SMT or thru hole (R3)
|   1           10 K-ohm 1% resistor, SMT or thru hole (R4)
|   3           47 K-ohm 5% resistor, SMT (R2, R6, R12)
|   1           1 K-ohm 5% resistor, SMT or thru hole (R9)
|   1           470 ohm 5% resistor, SMT (R7)
|   1           22 microfarad, minimum 16 volt, aluminum electrolytic capacitor, radial lead (C1)
|   5           0.1 microfarad, minimum 16 volt, ceramic capacitor, SMT (C3,C4,C5,C6,C7)
|   1           0.02 microfarad, minimum 16 volt, ceramic capacitor, SMT (C8)
|   1           3300 picofarad NPO or COG ceramic capacitor, SMT (C2)
|   2           1 microhenry inductor, axial lead RF choke (L1, L2)
|   1           1.5 millihenry inductor, radial lead RF choke (L3)
|   1           LED, red (for Brookstone only)
|   1           LED, green backlight (for Brookstone only)
|   1           Do not Install (R10, R11, R13, C10)
|   1           IN4001 Diode (D1)
|   1           22 ohm 1watt resistor (R14)


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RF99 Wireless Thermometer
Feb 23, 1999                                                                                 Revision: 05

RECEIVER Component List (cont’d)

   Quantity    Part Description

Rx - RF Board:________________________________________________________________________________
|   1         OP AMP - dual, TLC27M7CD U1
|   1         32-41 nH Variable Inductor shielded 5mm, CoilCraft 164-03A06S L1
|   1         8.5 turn, air wound inductor L2 (Fig Rx-RF1)
|   1         1 uH inductor, 1008, 10%, (Matsuta as supplied Saitek SMT sample) L3
|   2         BFS17 NPN RF transistor Q1, Q2
|   2         22 microfarad, minimum 10 volt, aluminum electrolytic capacitor, radial lead C1, C3
|   1         1.2 picofarad, 0805, +/-0.25p NPO ceramic capacitor C9
|   1         1.8 picofarad, 0805, +/-0.25p NPO ceramic capacitor C12
|   1         6.8 picofarad, 0805, +/-0.25p NPO ceramic capacitor C11
|   1         12 picofarad, 0805, 5% 50V NPO, capacitor C6
|   1         39 picofarad, 0805, 5% 50V NPO, capacitor C8
|   1         330 picofarad, 0805, 5% 50V NPO, capacitor C13
|   3         470 picofarad, 0805, 5% 50V NPO, capacitor C4,C5,C7
|   1         10 nanofarad, 0805, 10% 50V X7R, capacitor C2
|   1         22 nanofarad, 0805, 10% 50V X7R, capacitor C16
|   3         100 nanofarad, 0805, 10% 50V Z5U, capacitor C10,C14,C15
|   2         150 ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R1, R3
|   1         470 ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R7
|   4         4.7 K-ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R4, R12, R14, R19
|   3         10 K-ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R5, R15, R16
|   1         18 K-ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R10
|   2         22 K-ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R13, R17
|   1         27 K-ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R6 (subject to change between 22K to 33K)
|   1         100 K-ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R2
|   1         150 K-ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R8
|   1         390 K-ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R11
|   2         2.2 Meg-ohm 5% resistor, 0805, 1/10th watt R9, R18
|   1         Antenna Wire, enamel coated, close wound, slides over a 2.1mm diam plastic core (Figure RF-Rx-50)


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          RF99 Wireless Thermometer

                                                          1. P1 is optional 1X3 squore pin hegder, 0.1" pitch, 9.025" square pins.
                                                          2. See HWRX@2.BO0M for further component information.
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                                           Feb 23, 1999

Document Created: 2001-07-01 17:29:37
Document Modified: 2001-07-01 17:29:37

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