Users Manual 1

FCC ID: OH27781

Users Manual

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Envision™ Recorder
User Guide

EN   English   1


























The Envision™ recorder is a component of the Envision™ Pro Continuous
Glucose Monitoring (CGM) system. It is a retrospective CGM system,
therefore data is not available to patients in real time. The recorder
is compatible with the Envision™ sensor (MMT-7080). The recorder
connects to the sensor, and receives and sends data to the Envision™ Pro
application (app) through a Bluetooth™* wireless connection. For detailed
information on system components consult the Envision™ Pro Continuous
Glucose Monitoring System User Guide for Healthcare Professionals.
The recorder is intended for single-patient, single-use in patients with
diabetes mellitus. The recorder is a component of the Envision™ Pro CGM
None known.
•   Always refer to the Envision™ sensor (MMT-7080) user guide for all
    contraindications, warnings, precautions, and instructions relating to
    the sensor. Not referring to the sensor user guide can result in serious
    injury to the patient or damage to the sensor.
•   No modification of this equipment is allowed.
•   This product contains small parts and may pose a choking hazard for
    young children.
•   Attempting to send data from the recorder when the recorder is near
    other medical devices that emit radio frequency should be avoided
    due to possible interference. If you have communication issues, try
    moving away from such devices.
•   Do not expose your recorder to x-ray, ultrasound, or diathermy
    devices as the performance of the recorder has not been evaluated
    under those conditions and may be unsafe. If your recorder is
    exposed to any of these, discontinue use and contact your local
    country representative for further assistance.
•   Do not expose your recorder to MRI equipment or other devices that
    generate strong magnetic fields as the performance of the recorder
    has not been evaluated under those conditions and may be unsafe.


    If your recorder is inadvertently exposed to a strong magnetic field
    or ionizing radiation, discontinue use and contact your local country
    representative for further assistance.
•   Do not expose your recorder to temperatures exceeding those listed
    in the specifications table for Storage Conditions as this may deplete
    the battery and result in a non-functional recorder.
Do not reuse recorders. The recorder is designed to be used for one
patient, and one evaluation only. Once the recorder is activated for a
patient, it cannot be used for another evaluation or patient. The recorder
will not function and no data will be gathered.
Please contact your local country representative using the Medtronic
Diabetes International Contacts list in this user guide.
IEC60601-1-2; Special EMC Precautions for Medical
Electrical Equipment
1. Special precautions regarding Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC):
   This body worn device is intended to be operated within a reasonable
   residential, domestic, public or work environment, where common
   levels of radiated “E” (V/m) or “H” fields (A/m) exist; such as cellular
   phones, WiFi, Bluetooth™*, electric can openers, microwave and
   induction ovens. This device generates, uses, and can radiate radio
   frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
   the provided instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
2. Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect
   Medical Electrical Equipment as well. If you encounter RF interference
   from a mobile or stationary RF transmitter, move away from the RF
   transmitter that is causing the interference.
Installing the Envision™ Pro app
For information on installing the Envision™ Pro app, consult your
Envision™ Pro System User Guide for Healthcare Professionals.
Inserting the Envision™ sensor (MMT-7080) and connecting
the Envision™ recorder
For information about inserting the sensor and connecting the recorder,

consult your Sensor User Guide.
For information on pairing the recorder with the app, use the Envision™
Pro app and follow the instructions on your screen.
Note: The graphical image, a type of barcode, on the back of the
recorder is for manufacturing purposes only.
Ending the evaluation and uploading data
End the evaluation and upload the data according to the Envision™ Pro
System User Guide for Healthcare Professionals. The patient or HCP can
upload data either before or after removing the recorder and sensor from
the patient. Be sure to upload data before recorder disposal.
Removing the sensor and the recorder
 1. Put on gloves.
 2. Peel the sensor and recorder off of the
    body as one unit.
 3. Separate the sensor and the recorder.
 4. Dispose of the sensor in a sharps
    container. Dispose of the recorder
    according to local regulations for battery
    disposal (non-incineration).

Note: Do not discard the recorder in a medical waste container or
receptacle in which it would be exposed to extreme heat, above 55 °C
(131 °F).
Bathing and swimming
After the recorder and sensor are connected, they form a waterproof seal
to a depth of 2.4 meters (8 feet) for up to 30 minutes. Your patient can
shower and swim without removing them. No additional tape is required.
The Envision™ Pro app provides the best source of information for help
with the recorder. To access the Help screen, tap Help. The app will walk
you through the various Help topics.
Storing and transporting the devices
Store the recorder in a clean and dry location at room temperature


between 15 °C (59 °F) and 30 °C (86 °F). Do not transport the recorder
at temperatures above 55 °C (131 °F) or below -30 °c (-22 °F).
Temperatures outside this range can damage components
Recorder use life
The recorder has a maximum life of 170 hours of glucose recording, plus
an additional five days of battery life immediately following the glucose
recording to allow for data upload. The life span of the recorder begins
when it is connected to the sensor. After 170 hours the recorder will stop
recording and no further data will be gathered. When the battery dies, any
data not uploaded from the recorder will be lost.
 Biocompatibility      Recorder: Complies with EN ISO 10993-1
 Applied parts         Envision™ Sensor (MMT-7080)

 Operating             Temperature: 5 °C to 45 °C (41 °F to 113 °F)
 conditions            Relative humidity: 10% to 95% with no condensation
                       Pressure: 57.6 kPa to 106.0 kPa (8.4 psi to 15.4 psi)

 Shipping conditions   Temperature: -30 °C to 55 °C (-22 °F to 131 °F)
                       Relative humidity: 10% to 95% with no condensation
                       Pressure: 57.6 kPa to 106.0 kPa (8.4 psi to 15.4 psi)

 Storage conditions    Temperature: 15 °C to 30 °C (59 °F to 86 °F)

 Recorder              Bluetooth™* version 4.0 (2.4 GHz band)
 Modulation            G1D

 Maximum output        -11.5 dBm effective radiated power (ERP)
 Operating range       Up to 2.4 meters (8 feet)


Recorder wireless communication
Quality of service
The recorder and mobile app connect via Bluetooth™* Low Energy
(BLE). The recorder sends data and related alerts to the app. The
recorder and the app verify the integrity of received data after wireless
transmission. Quality of the connection is in accordance with the
Bluetooth™* Specification v4.0.
Data security
The recorder is designed to only accept BLE communications from
recognized and linked devices. You must program the app to accept
information from a specific recorder. Transmitted sensitive data is
encrypted to prevent unauthorized receipt or communication.
Guidance and Manufacturer’s declaration
       Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Emissions

 The recorder is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
  The customer or the user of the recorder should make sure that it is used in such an

  Emissions     Compliance            Electromagnetic Environment - Guidance

 RF emissions   Group 1        The recorder must emit electromagnetic energy in order
  CISPR 11                     to perform its intended function. Nearby electronic
                               equipment may be affected.

 RF emissions   Class B        The recorder is suitable for use in all establishments,
  CISPR 11                     including domestic and those directly connected to the
                               public low-voltage power supply network that supplies
                               buildings used for domestic purposes.


         Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Immunity

The recorder is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
 The customer or the user of the recorder should make sure that it is used in such an

 Immunity           IEC 60601        Compliance            Electromagnetic Environment -
   Test             Test Level         Level                        Guidance

Electrostatic     ±2 kV, ±4 kV,      ±2 kV, ±4 kV,     For use in a typical domestic,
discharge         ±8 kV, ±15 kV      ±8 kV,            commercial, or hospital environment.
(ESD) IEC         Air                ±15 kVAir
61000-4-2         ±2 kV, ±4 kV,      ±2 kV, ±4 kV,
                  ±6 kV, ±8 kV       ±6 kV, ±8 kV
                  Contact            Contact

Electrical fast   ±2 kV for          Not               Requirement does not apply to this
transient/        power supply       applicable        battery powered device.
burst             lines
IEC 61000-        ±1 kV for input/
4-4               output lines

Surge             ±1 kV line(s) to   Not               Requirement does not apply to this
IEC 61000-        line(s)            applicable        battery powered device.
4-5               ±2 kV line(s) to

Voltage           <5% UT (>95%       Not               Requirement does not apply to this
dips, short       dip in UT) for     applicable        battery powered device.
interruptions     0.5 cycle
and voltage
variations on
power supply
IEC 61000-

Power             3 A/m              400 A/m           Power frequency magnetic fields
frequency                                              should be at levels characteristic of a
   (50/60 Hz)                                          typical location in a typical domestic,
magnetic                                               commercial, or hospital environment.
field IEC

Note: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.


       Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Immunity

The recorder is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
 The customer or the user of the recorder should make sure that it is used in such an

Immunity Test    IEC 60601    Compliance         Electromagnetic Environment -
                 Test Level     Level                     Guidance

Conducted RF    3 V/m         Not            Not applicable
  IEC 61000-       150 kHz    applicable
4-6             to 80 MHz

Radiated RF     3 V/m         10 V/m         Portable and mobile RF communications
  IEC 61000-       80 MHz       80 MHz to    equipment should be used no closer to
4-3             to 2.5 GHz    6 GHz          any part of the recorder, including cables,
                                             than the recommended separation
                                             distance calculated from the equation
                                             applicable to the frequency of the
                                             Refer to the recommended separation
                                             distance table for more information.

                                               80 MHz to 800 MHz

                                                800 MHz to 6 GHz
                                             Where P is the maximum output power
                                             rating of the recorder in watts (W)
                                             according to the recorder manufacturer
                                             and d is the recommended separation
                                             distance in meters (m).
                                             Field strengths from fixed RF recorders,
                                             as determined by an electromagnetic
                                             site survey3, should be less than the
                                             compliance level in each frequency
                                             Interference may occur in the vicinity
                                             of equipment marked with the following


        Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Immunity

The recorder is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
 The customer or the user of the recorder should make sure that it is used in such an

Immunity Test       IEC 60601     Compliance             Electromagnetic Environment -
                    Test Level      Level                         Guidance

Note: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
Note: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is
affected by absorption, and reflection from structures, objects and people.
  Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless)
telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcasts and TV
broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic
environment due to fixed RF recorders, an electromagnetic site survey should be
considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the recorder is used
exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the recorder should be observed to
verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be
necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the recorder.
  Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.

             Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile
                   RF communications equipment and the recorder

The recorder is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated
 RF disturbances are controlled. If you have communication issues when attempting
  to send data from the recorder, try maintaining a separation distance between the
   recorder and portable or mobile communications equipment as per the following

Rated maximum          Separation distance according to the frequency of recorder (m)
output power of
 recorder (W)          150 kHz to         80 MHz to 800 MHz          800 MHz to 6.0 GHz
                         80 MHz
                      Not applicable

      0.01            Not applicable             0.035                        0.07

       0.1            Not applicable              0.11                        0.22

        1             Not applicable              0.35                         0.7

       10             Not applicable              1.1                         2.2

       100            Not applicable              3.5                          7

For recorders rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended
separation distance d in meters (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the
frequency of the recorder, where p is the maximum output power rating of the recorder in
watts (W) according to the recorder manufacturer.


          Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile
                RF communications equipment and the recorder

The recorder is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated
 RF disturbances are controlled. If you have communication issues when attempting
  to send data from the recorder, try maintaining a separation distance between the
   recorder and portable or mobile communications equipment as per the following

Rated maximum         Separation distance according to the frequency of recorder (m)
output power of
 recorder (W)         150 kHz to         80 MHz to 800 MHz          800 MHz to 6.0 GHz
                        80 MHz
                     Not applicable

Note: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range
Note: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is
affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects, and people.

                                         Icon Table

                       Serial number

                       Catalogue or model number

                       One recorder per container/package
                       Five recorders per container/package


                       Refer to instruction manual before every use (appears blue on label)

                       Manufactured in

                       Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (RF communication)

     &21)              Configuration or unique version identifier

                       Degree of protection against electric shock: Type BF applied part

                       Recorder: 4 is the level of protection against solid objects with a
                       diameter above 1 mm. 8 is the level of protection against the effects
                       of continuous immersion in water 2.4 meters (8 feet) immersion for
                       30 minutes


                                           Icon Table

                         Humidity limitation

                         This product conforms to Australia Radio Requirements

                         Signifies European technical conformity

                         Authorized representative in the European community

                         Do not reuse

                         Fragile, handle with care

                         Keep dry

                         Recycle cardboard, paper, plastic packaging supplies and unwanted
                         written material

                         WEEE Initiative: DO NOT THROW IN TRASH. Recycle device
                         according to local disposal requirements

                         Magnetic Resonance (MR) unsafe: keep away from magnetic
                         resonance imaging (MRI) equipment

                         Complies with Industry Canada Radio Communication requirements

                         Use by Date

                         Storage temperature

                         Transit Temperature

© 2018 Medtronic. All rights reserved. Medtronic, Medtronic logo and Further, Together are
trademarks of Medtronic.™* Third party brands are trademarks of their respective owners. All
other brands are trademarks of a Medtronic company.

                                               - 10 -

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  Net Electronics Albania                     Canada:
  Tel: +355 697070121                           Medtronic of Canada Ltd.
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  Tel: +994 (12) 464 11 30                      Medtronic Latin America Inc. Sucursal
                                                Tel: +(1) 742 7300
  Sonargaon Healthcare Pvt Ltd.
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                                                   +01 800 710 2170
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  Epsilon Research Intern. d.o.o.                  +420 233 059 950
  Tel: +387 51 251 037
  Helpline: 0800 222 33
                                                Medtronic Danmark A/S
Brasil:                                         Tel: +45 32 48 18 00
  Medtronic Comercial Ltda.
  Tel: +(11) 2182-9200
                                                Medtronic GmbH
  Medtronic Directo 24/7:
                                                Geschäftsbereich Diabetes
     +0800 773 9200
                                                Telefon: +49 2159 8149-370
                                                24-Stdn-Hotline: 0800 6464633

Eire:                                          Italia:
   Accu-Science Ltd.                              Medtronic Italia S.p.A.
   Tel: +353 45 433000                            Tel: +39 02 24137 261
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   Medtronic Ibérica S.A.                         N° verde: 800 60 11 22
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   To order supplies: +852 2919-1322              Tel: +371 67316372
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   Medtronic                                      Tel: +36 1 889 0688
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   Tel (product support): +9729972440,            Tel: +603 7946 9000
      option 2
   Helpline: (17:00 – 08:00 daily/weekends –
      Israel time): 1-800-611-888

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      +(55) 36 869 787                         Medtronic (Schweiz) AG
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      +01 800 681 1845                         24-Stunden-Hotline: 0800 633333
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     or: +380 50 4344346
  Лінія цілодобової підтримки:
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  Medtronic Diabetes Global
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  To order supplies: +1-800-843-6687
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Sanmina Corporation Mexico
Carretera Guadalajara-Chapala Km 15.5 No. 29
Tlajomulco de Zuniga
Jalisco, Mexico 45640



Document Created: 2019-03-19 19:56:21
Document Modified: 2019-03-19 19:56:21

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