

Test Report

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TRaC Wireless Test Report   : 9F2830WUS1

Applicant                   : G4S Technology Limited

Apparatus                   : S823

Specification(s)            : CFR47 Part 15 Subpart C, July 2008

FCCID                       : OE5S823

Purpose Of Test             : Class II Permissive Change

Authorised by               :

                            : Radio Product Manager

Issue Date                  :17th December 2009

Authorised Copy Number      : PDF

                            Total number of pages: 34

                                                                     Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1


Section 1:         Introduction                                                           3
             1.1   General                                                                3
             1.2   Tests Requested By                                                     4
             1.3   Manufacturer                                                           4
             1.4   Apparatus Assessed                                                     5
             1.5   Test Result Summary                                                    6
             1.6   Notes Relating To The Assessment                                       7
             1.7   Deviations from Test Standards                                         7

Section 2:         Measurement Uncertainty                                                8
             2.1   Application of Measurement Uncertainty                                 8
             2.2   Measurement Uncertainty Values                                         9

Section 3:         Modifications                                                          11
             3.1   Modifications Performed During Assessment                              11

Appendix A:        Formal Emission Test Results                                           12
         A1        Transmitter Intentional Emission Radiated                              13
         A2        Radiated Electric Field Emissions                                      14
         A3        Power Line Conducted Emissions                                         16

Appendix C: Additional Test and Sample Details                                            22

Appendix D:        Additional Information                                                 28

Appendix E:        Calculation of the duty cycle correction factor                        29

Appendix F:        Photographs and Figures                                                30


                                                             Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Section 1:                                                                      Introduction

1.1    General

This report contains an assessment of an apparatus against Electromagnetic Compatibility
Standards based upon tests carried out on samples submitted to the Laboratory.

Test performed by:          TRaC Telecoms & Radio                              [ ]
                            Unit E
                            South Orbital Trading Park
                            Hedon Road
                            Hull, HU9 1NJ.
                            United Kingdom.

                            Telephone:       +44 (0) 1482 801801
                            Fax:             +44 (0) 1482 801806

                            TRaC Telecoms & Radio                              [X]
                            Moss View
                            Nipe Lane
                            Up Holland
                            West Lancashire, WN8 9PY
                            United Kingdom

                            Telephone:       +44 (0) 1695 556666
                            Fax:             +44 (0) 1695 577077

                            Web site:

Tests performed by:         S. Hodgkinson

Report author:              S. Hodgkinson

This report must not be reproduced except in full without prior written permission from
TRaC Telecoms & Radio.


                                                     Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

1.2    Tests Requested By

This testing in this report was requested by :

      G4S Technology Limited
      Challenge House
      International Drive
      GL20 8UQ

1.3    Manufacturer

      G4S Technology Limited
      Challenge House
      International Drive
      GL20 8UQ


                                                           Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

1.4   Apparatus Assessed

The following apparatus was assessed 8th and 10th December 2009:


                                                                                 Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

1.5       Test Result Summary

Full details of test results are contained within Appendix A. The following table summarises the
results of the assessment.

The statements relating to compliance with the standards below apply ONLY as qualified in the
notes and deviations stated in sections 1.6 to 1.7 of this test report.

Full details of test results are contained within Appendix A. The following table summarises the
results of the assessment.

            Test Type                                     Regulation                                                  Result

       Spurious Emissions                            Title 47 of the CFR:
                                                                                           ANSI C63.10                 Pass
       Radiated <1000MHz                            Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.

      Spurious Emissions                             Title 47 of the CFR:                                               Not
                                                                                           ANSI C63.10
      Radiated >1000MHz                             Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.                                          Applicable

      AC Power conducted                              Title 47 of the CFR:
                                                                                           ANSI C63.10                 Pass
          emissions                                Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.207

           Intentional                               Title 47 of the CFR:
                                                                                           ANSI C63.10                 Pass
       Emission Frequency                           Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.

       Intentional Emission                          Title 47 of the CFR:
                                                                                           ANSI C63.10                 Pass
          Field Strength:                           Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.

 Intentional Emission Band                           Title 47 of the CFR:
                                                                                           ANSI C63.10                 Pass
         Occupancy                                  Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.

       Intentional Emission                          Title 47 of the CFR:                                               Not
                                                                                           ANSI C63.10
            ERP (mW)                                Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.                                          Applicable

      Unintentional Radiated                          Title 47 of the CFR:                                              Not
                                                                                           ANSI C63.10
       Spurious Emissions                          Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.109                                        Applicable

      Antenna Arrangements                            Title 47 of the CFR:
                                                                                                   -                   Pass
            Integral:                              Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.203

      Antenna Arrangements                            Title 47 of the CFR:
                                                                                                   -                   Pass
       External Connector                          Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.204

                                                      Title 47 of the CFR:
         Restricted Bands                                                                          -                   Pass
                                                   Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.205

      Maximum Frequency                              Title 47 of the CFR:
                                                                                                   -                   Pass
           of Search                               Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.33

                                                   Title 47 of the CFR:
       Extrapolation Factor                                                                        -                   Pass
                                               Part 15 Subpart (c) 15.31(f)
Abbreviations used in the above table:

  CFR        : Code of Federal Regulations                      ANSI     : American National Standards Institution
  REFE       : Radiated Electric Field Emissions                PLCE     : Power Line Conducted Emissions


                                                                Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

1.6    Notes Relating To The Assessment

With regard to this assessment, the following points should be noted:

The results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in the period
between the date of initial receipt of samples and the date of issue of the report.

The apparatus was set up and exercised using the configurations, modes of operation and
arrangements defined in this report only.

Particular operating modes, apparatus monitoring methods and performance criteria required by
the standards tested to have been performed except where identified in Section 1.7 of this test
report (Deviations from Test Standards).

For emissions testing, throughout this test report, “Pass” indicates that the results for the sample
as tested were below the specified limit (refer also to Section 2, Measurement Uncertainty).

Where relevant, the apparatus was only assessed using the monitoring methods and
susceptibility criteria defined in this report.

All testing with the exception of testing at the Open Area Test Site was performed under the
following environmental conditions:

      Temperature            : 17 to 23 C
      Humidity               : 45 to 75 %
      Barometric Pressure    : 86 to 106 kPa

All dates used in this report are in the format dd/mm/yy.

This assessment has been performed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.

1.7    Deviations from Test Standards

There were no deviations from the standards tested to.


                                                                Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Section 2:                                                        Measurement Uncertainty

2.1     Application of Measurement Uncertainty

The following table contains the measurement uncertainties for measurements

The following procedure is used when determining the result of a measurement :

(i)     If specification limits are not exceeded by the measured result, extended by the positive
        component of the expanded uncertainty interval at a confidence level of 95%, then a pass
        result is recorded.

(ii)    Where a specification limit is exceeded by the result even when the result is decreased by
        the negative component of the expanded uncertainty interval, a fail result is recorded.

(iii)   Where measured result is below a limit, but by a margin less than the positive
        measurement uncertainty component, it is not possible to record a pass based on a 95%
        confidence level. However, the result indicates that a pass result is more probable than a
        fail result.

(iv)    Where a measured result is above a limit, but by a margin less than the negative
        measurement uncertainty component, it is not possible to record a fail based on a 95%
        confidence level. However the result indicates that a fail is more probable than a pass.


                                                                                     Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

2.2      Measurement Uncertainty Values

For the test data recorded in accordance with note (iii) of Section 2.1 the following measurement
uncertainty was calculated:
All statements of uncertainty are expanded standard uncertainty using a coverage factor of 1.96 to give a 95% confidence where no
required test level exists.

[1] Adjacent Channel Power

Uncertainty in test result = 1.86dB

[2] Carrier Power

Uncertainty in test result (Equipment - TRLUH120) = 2.18dB
Uncertainty in test result (Equipment – TRL05) = 1.08dB
Uncertainty in test result (Equipment – TRL479) = 2.48dB

[3] Effective Radiated Power

Uncertainty in test result = 4.71dB

[4] Spurious Emissions

Uncertainty in test result = 4.75dB

[5] Maximum frequency error

Uncertainty in test result (Equipment - TRLUH120) = 119ppm
Uncertainty in test result (Equipment – TRL05) = 0.113ppm
Uncertainty in test result (Equipment – TRL479) = 0.265ppm

[6] Radiated Emissions, field strength OATS 14kHz-18GHz Electric Field

Uncertainty in test result (14kHz – 30MHz) = 4.8dB, Uncertainty in test result (30MHz – 1GHz) = 4.6dB, Uncertainty in
test result (1GHz-18GHz) = 4.7dB

[7] Frequency deviation

Uncertainty in test result = 3.2%

[8] Magnetic Field Emissions

Uncertainty in test result = 2.3dB

[9] Conducted Spurious

Uncertainty in test result (Equipment TRL479) Up to 8.1GHz = 3.31dB
Uncertainty in test result (Equipment TRL479) 8.1GHz – 15.3GHz = 4.43dB
Uncertainty in test result (Equipment TRL479) 15.3GHz – 21GHz = 5.34dB
Uncertainty in test result (Equipment TRLUH120) Up to 26GHz = 3.14dB

[10] Channel Bandwidth

Uncertainty in test result = 15.5%

[11] Amplitude and Time Measurement – Oscilloscope

Uncertainty in overall test level = 2.1dB, Uncertainty in time measurement = 0.59%, Uncertainty in Amplitude
measurement = 0.82%


                                                       Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

[11] Power Line Conduction

Uncertainty in test result = 3.4dB

[12] Spectrum Mask Measurements

Uncertainty in test result = 2.59% (frequency)
Uncertainty in test result = 1.32dB (amplitude)

[13] Adjacent Sub Band Selectivity

Uncertainty in test result = 1.24dB

[14] Receiver Blocking – Listen Mode, Radiated

Uncertainty in test result = 3.42dB

[15] Receiver Blocking – Talk Mode, Radiated

Uncertainty in test result = 3.36dB

[16] Receiver Blocking – Talk Mode, Conducted

Uncertainty in test result = 1.24dB

[17] Receiver Threshold

Uncertainty in test result = 3.23dB

[18] Transmission Time Measurement

Uncertainty in test result = 7.98%


                                                        Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Section 3:                                                            Modifications

3.1   Modifications Performed During Assessment

No modifications were performed during the assessment


                                                                    Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Appendix A:                                                     Formal Emission Test Results

Abbreviations used in the tables in this appendix:

Spec    : Specification                        ALSR   : Absorber Lined Screened Room
Mod     : Modification                         OATS   : Open Area Test Site
                                               ATS    : Alternative Test Site
EUT     : Equipment Under Test
SE      : Support Equipment                    Ref    : Reference
                                               Freq   : Frequency
L       : Live Power Line
N       : Neutral Power Line                   MD     : Measurement Distance
E       : Earth Power Line                     SD     : Spec Distance

Pk      : Peak Detector                        Pol    : Polarisation
QP      : Quasi-Peak Detector                  H      : Horizontal Polarisation
Av      : Average Detector                     V      : Vertical Polarisation

CDN     : Coupling & decoupling network


                                                                       Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

A1       Transmitter Intentional Emission Radiated

                 Carrier power was verified with the EUT transmitting Test Details:
Regulation                          Title 47 of the CFR: Part15 Subpart (c) 15.247(b)(1)
Measurement standard                ANSI C63.10:2003
EUT sample number                   S01
Modification state                  01
SE in test environment              S02
SE isolated from EUT                None
EUT set up                          Refer to Appendix C
Temperature                         13oC
Photographs (Appendix F)            Photograph 1

                             MEASUREMENT           MEASUREMENT            EXTRAP.               FIELD
                               DISTANCE             Rx. READING           FACTOR              STRENGTH
                                Meters                (dBµV/m)              (dB)                (µV/m)

     13.56075MHz                    3                     59.6              37.98               12.05

     13.56075MHz                    10                    40.7              19.08               12.05

                 Limit value @ fc                                       15,848 ƒV/m

                                                             f lower                       f higher

          Band occupancy @ -20 dBc                    13.414823718 MHz              13.704887828 MHz

                                                                        290.064 kHz

Notes:            1   Results quoted are extrapolated as indicated
                  2   Receiver detector @ fc = Quasi Peak 10 bandwidth
                  3   When battery powered the EUT was powered with new batteries
                  4   Extrapolation 10 - 30 meters 19.08 dB as per 15.31f
                  5   Extrapolation 3 – 10 meters measured as 18.9 dB
                  6   Extrapolation 3 -30 meters 19.08 + 18.9 = 37.98 dB

Test Method:      1   As per Radio – Noise Emissions, ANSI C63.10
                  2   Measuring distances 3m
                  3   EUT 0.8 metre above ground plane
                  4   Emissions maximised by rotation of EUT, on an automatic turntable.
                      Raising and lowering the receiver antenna between 1m & 4m.
                      Horizontal and vertical polarisations, of the receive antenna.
                      EUT orientation in three orthagonal planes.
                      Maximum results recorded


                                                                            Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

A2        Radiated Electric Field Emissions

Preliminary scans were performed using a peak detector with the RBW = 100kHz. The maximum
permitted field strength is listed in Section 15.209. The EUT was set to transmit as required.

The following test site was used for final measurements as specified by the standard tested to:

                    3m open area test site :                        3m alternative test site :     

The effect of the EUT set-up on the measurements is summarised in note (c) below.

                                                  Test Details:
Regulation                             Title 47 of the CFR, Part 15 Subpart (c) Clause 15.209
Measurement standard                   ANSI C63.10:2003
Frequency range                        9kHz – 30MHz
EUT sample number                      S01
Modification state                     01
SE in test environment                 S02
SE isolated from EUT                   None
EUT set up                             Refer to Appendix C
Temperature                            20oC
Photographs (Appendix F)               Photograph 2

                         MEAS       CABLE       ANT          PRE         FIELD      EXTRAP       FIELD
    Ref    FREQ.                                                                                               LIMIT
                           Rx        LOSS      FACT.         AMP         ST’GH       FACT        ST’GH
    No.    (MHz)                                                                                              (€V/m)
                         (dB€V)       (dB)     (dB/m)        (dB)      (dB€V/m)       (dB)       (€V/m)
    1.     40.70          21.1        1.2       12.5          -           34.8          -         54.95        100
    2.     48.00          13.6        1.4       8.6           -           23.6          -         15.13        100
    3.     54.20          22.6        1.5       6.4           -           30.5          -         33.49        100
    4.     67.80          28.6        1.5       5.1           -           35.2          -         57.54        100
    5.     81.35          25.7        1.8       6.7           -           34.2          -         51.28        100
    6.     94.95          22.3        1.8       9.4           -           33.5          -         47.31        150
    7.     108.45         12.0        2.2       11.4          -           25.6          -         19.05        150
    8.     122.05         15.5        2.3       11.5          -           29.3          -         29.14        150
    9.     135.60         12.5        2.3       11.1          -           25.9          -         19.72        150
    10.    176.30         21.1        2.7       8.6           -           32.4          -         41.68        150
    11.    189.85         30.5        2.8       8.4           -           41.7          -        121.62        150
    12.    203.40         26.2        3.0       8.7           -           37.9          -         78.52        150
    13.    217.05         28.2        3.2       8.3           -           39.7          -         96.60        200
    14.    230.55         29.4        3.3       8.7           -           41.4          -        117.49        200
    15.    244.15         30.2        3.5       11.5          -           45.2          -        181.97        200
    16.    257.65         27.4        3.4       12.9          -           43.7          -        153.11        200
    17.    271.30         26.4        3.6       12.5          -           42.5          -        133.35        200
    18.    284.75         22.7        3.7       12.6          -           39.0          -         89.12        200
    19.    298.35         24.5        3.8       12.9          -           41.2          -        114.81        200
    20.    311.90         21.6        3.8       13.4          -           38.8          -         87.09        200
    21.    339.00         15.2        4.1       14.1          -           33.4          -         46.77        200
See section 2.2 Note (iii).


                                                                               Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1


      1      Any testing performed below 30 MHz was performed using a magnetic loop antenna in
             accordance with ANSI C63.10: section 4.5, Table 1, for emissions below 30MHz the
             cable losses are assumed to be negligible.
      2      In accordance with 15.35(b), above 1 GHz, emissions measured using a peak detector
             shall not exceed a level 20 dB above the average limit.
      3      Testing was performed with the EUT orientated in three orthogonal planes and the
             maximum emissions level recorded. In addition, the EUT antenna was varied within its
             range of motion in order to maximise emissions.
      4      For Frequencies below 1 GHz, RBW= 120 kHz, testing was performed with CISPR16
             compliant test receiver with QP detector. Above 1 GHz tests were performed using a
             spectrum analyser using the following settings:

                      Peak            RBW=VBW= 1MHz
                      Average         RBW=VBW= 1MHz

The upper and lower frequency of the measurement range was decided according to 47 CFR 15
Clause 15.33(a) and 15.33(a)(1).

Radiated emission limits 47 CFR 15: Clause 15.209 for all emissions:

       Frequency of              Field strength             Measurement Distance                 Field strength
      emission (MHz)                 V/m                            m                              dBV/m
       0.009-0.490               2400/F(kHz)                        300                          67.6/F (kHz)
       0.490-1.705               24000/F(kHz)                       30                            87.6/F (kHz
         1.705-30                      30                           30                                29.5
           30-88                      100                            3                                40.0
          88-216                      150                            3                                43.5
         216-960                      200                            3                                46.0
        Above 960                     500                            3                                54.0

(a)       Where results have been measured at one distance, and a signal level displayed at
          another, the results have been extrapolated using the following formula:

                                                              measuremen t distance 
                             Extrapolation dB  20 log 10                         
                                                              specification distance 

(b)       The levels may have been rounded for display purposes.

(c)       The following table summarises the effect of the EUT operating mode, internal configuration
          and arrangement of cables / samples on the measured emission levels :

                                                                           See (i)   See (ii)   See (iii)   See (iv)

          Effect of EUT operating mode on emission levels                   
          Effect of EUT internal configuration on emission levels           
          Effect of Position of EUT cables & samples on emission
          levels                                                                       
              (i)       Parameter defined by standard and / or single possible, refer to Appendix D
              (ii)      Parameter defined by client and / or single possible, refer to Appendix D
              (iii)     Parameter had a negligible effect on emission levels, refer to Appendix D
              (iv)      Worst case determined by initial measurement, refer to Appendix D


                                                                               Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

A3         Power Line Conducted Emissions

Preview power line conducted emission measurements were performed with a peak detector in a
screened room. The effect of the EUT set-up on the measurements is summarised in note (b).
Where applicable formal measurements of the emissions were performed with a peak, average
and/or quasi peak detector.

                                                    Test Details:
 Regulation                           Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart (c) Clause 15.207
 Measurement standard                 ANSI C63.10:2003
 Frequency range                      150kHz to 30MHz
 EUT sample number                    S01
 Modification state                   01
 SE in test environment               S02
 SE isolated from EUT                 None
 EUT set up                           Refer to Appendix C

The worst-case power line conducted emission measurements are listed below:

           Results measured using the average detector compared to the average limit

 Ref No.     Freq (MHz)   Conductor      Result (dBuV)         Spec Limit (dBuV)   Margin (dB)   Result Summary

     1         13.56         N              23.59                   50.00            26.41           Pass

     2        27.125         N              32.77                    50.0            17.23           Pass

     Results measured using the quasi-peak detector compared to the quasi–peak limit

 Ref No.     Freq (MHz)   Conductor      Result (dBuV)         Spec Limit (dBuV)   Margin (dB)   Result Summary

     1        27.125         N              46.03                   60.00            13.97           Pass

*See section 2.2 Note (iii).


                                                                             Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Specification limits :

Conducted emission limits (47 CFR 15: Clause 15.207):

Conducted disturbance at the mains ports.

                   Frequency range MHz                                              Limits dBV
                                                                     Quasi-peak                         Average
                                                                              2                                 2
                        0.15 to 0.5                                   66 to 56                          56 to 46
                         0.5 to 5                                        56                                46
                          5 to 30                                        60                                50
1.   The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequency.
2.   The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15MHz to 0.5MHz.


(a)       The levels may have been rounded for display purposes.

(b)      The following table summarises the effect of the EUT operating mode and internal
         configuration on the measured emission levels :

                                                                        See (i)      See (ii)     See (iii)         See (iv)

Effect of EUT operating mode on emission levels                                        
Effect of EUT internal configuration on emission levels                                
      (i)      Parameter defined by standard and / or single possible, refer to Appendix C
      (ii)     Parameter defined by client and / or single possible, refer to Appendix C
      (iii)    Parameter had a negligible effect on emission levels, refer to Appendix C
      (iv)     Worst case determined by initial measurement, refer to Appendix C


                                                                 Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Appendix B:    Supporting Graphical Data

This appendix contains graphical data obtained during testing.


(a)   The radiated electric field emissions and conducted emissions graphical data in this
      appendix is preview data. For details of formal results, refer to Appendix A and Appendix B.

(b)   The time and date on the plots do not necessarily equate to the time of the test.

(c)   Where relevant, on power line conducted emission plots, the limit displayed is the average
      limit, which is stricter than the quasi peak limit.

(d)   Appendix C details the numbering system used to identify the sample and its modification

(e)   The plots presented in this appendix may not be a complete record of the measurements
      performed, but are a representative sample, relative to the final assessment.


                                                                                                                                          Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

                                                                                                            * R B W     1 0   k H z   M a r k e r   1   [ T 1 ]
                                                                                                              V B W     3 0   k H z                         - 6 . 4 7             d B m
            R e f         0   d B m                                * A t t       1 0   d B                  * S W T     5 0   s               1 3 . 5 6 2 2 5 9 6 1 5             M H z
                                                                                                     1                                M a r k e r   2   [ T   1     ]
                                                                                                                                                          -   2   6 . 6   0       d B m
                                                                                                                                              1 3 . 4 1 4 8   2   3 7 1   8       M H z   A
              - 1 0
                                                                                                                                      M a r k e r 3 [ T       1     ]
 1 P K                                                                                                                                                    -   2   6 . 6   0       d B m
 M A X H
              - 2 0                                                                                                                           1 3 . 7 0 4 8   8   7 8 2   1       M H z
                                                                             2                                                  3
                               D 1    - 2 6 . 4 7      d B m
              - 3 0

              - 4 0

              - 5 0

              - 6 0

              - 7 0

              - 8 0

              - 9 0

              - 1 0 0

            C e n t e r        1 3 . 5 6 2 2 5 9 6 2       M H z                             1 0 0       k H z /                                          S p a n             1   M H z

D a t e :   1 1 . D E C . 2 0 0 9         1 1 : 0 9 : 5 7

                                                                                             20dB Bandwidth


                                  Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Radiated spurious emissions 30 MHz to 1 GHz


                            Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

AC Powerline Conducted Emissions


                                                                 Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Appendix C: Additional Test and Sample Details

This appendix contains details of:

1.   The samples submitted for testing.
2.   Details of EUT operating mode(s)
3.   Details of EUT configuration(s) (see below).
4.   EUT arrangement (see below).

Throughout testing, the following numbering system is used to identify the sample and it's
modification state:

      Sample No:                         Sxx Mod w


      xx    = sample number              eg. S01
      w     = modification number        eg. Mod 2

The following terminology is used throughout the test report:

Support Equipment (SE) is any additional equipment required to exercise the EUT in the
applicable operating mode. Where relevant SE is divided into two categories:

SE in test environment: The SE is positioned in the test environment and is not isolated from the
EUT (e.g. on the table top during REFE testing).

SE isolated from the EUT: The SE is isolated via filtering from the EUT. (e.g. equipment placed
externally to the ALSR during REFE testing).

EUT configuration refers to the internal set-up of the EUT. It may include for example:

      Positioning of cards in a chassis.
      Setting of any internal switches.
      Circuit board jumper settings.
      Alternative internal power supplies.

Where no change in EUT configuration is possible, the configuration is described as “single
possible configuration”.

EUT arrangement refers to the termination of EUT ports / connection of support equipment, and
where relevant, the relative positioning of samples (EUT and SE) in the test environment.

For further details of the test procedures and general test set ups used during testing please refer
to the related document "EMC Test Methods - An Overview", which can be supplied by TRaC
Telecoms & Radio upon request.


                                                                Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

C1)     Test samples

The following samples of the apparatus were submitted by the client for testing :

 Sample No.         Description                                         Identification
 S01                S823 Card Reader                                    N/A

The following samples of apparatus were submitted by the client as host, support or drive
equipment (auxiliary equipment):

 Sample No.         Description                                         Identification
 S02                110Vac – 12Vdc PSU                                  N/A

The following samples of apparatus were supplied by TRaC Telecoms & Radio as support or
drive equipment (auxiliary equipment):

 Identification     Description


                                                                Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

C2) EUT Operating Mode During Testing.

During testing, the EUT was exercised as described in the following tables :

 Test                          Description of Operating Mode:

 All Transmitter Tests
                               EUT Transmitting Permanently
 detailed in this report

 Test                          Description of Operating Mode:

 N/A                           EUT Transmits Permanently

 Test                          Description of Operating Mode:

 PLCE                          EUT Transmitting Permanently


                                                               Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

C3) EUT Configuration Information.

The EUT was submitted for testing in one single possible configuration.


                                                               Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

C4) List of EUT Ports

The tables below describe the termination of EUT ports:

Sample        :
Tests         : Conducted

 Port               Description of Cable Attached         Cable length   Equipment Connected

Sample        : S01
Tests         : Radiated Emissions

 Port               Description of Cable Attached         Cable length   Equipment Connected
 Power / Comms                                            1m             PSU & Loading

* Only connected during setup.


                                                      Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

C5     Details of Equipment Used

For Radiated Measurements:

     TRAC Ref           Type          Description    Manufacturer     Date Calibrated.

     TRLUH93         CBL6112B           BILOG           Chase           03/06/2009

      TRL317          ESVS10           Receiver     Rhode & Schwarz     20/05/2009

      TRL07            HFH2          Loop Antenna   Rhode & Schwarz     26/08/2009

     TRLUH187         ESHS10           Receiver     Rhode & Schwarz     09/12/2009

For Power Line Conducted Emissions

     TRAC Ref           Type          Description    Manufacturer     Date Calibrated

     TRLUH187         ESHS10           Receiver     Rhode & Schwarz     09/12/2009

     TRLUH195         ESH3-Z5            LISN       Rhode & Schwarz     19/01/2009


                                                                 Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Appendix D:                                                           Additional Information

No additional information is included within this test report.


                                                                 Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Appendix E:                                Calculation of the duty cycle correction factor

Using a spectrum analyser in zero span mode, centred on the fundamental carrier frequency with
a RBW of 1MHz and a video Bandwidth of 1MHz the sweep time was set accordingly to capture
the pulse train. The transmit pulsewidths and period was measured. A plots of the pulse train is
contained in Appendix B of this test report.

If the pulse train was less than 100 ms, including blanking intervals, the duty cycle was calculated
by averaging the sum of the pulsewidths over one complete pulse train. However if the pulse train
exceeds 100ms then the duty cycle was calculated by averaging the sum of the pulsewidths over
the 100ms width with the highest average value. (The duty cycle is the value of the sum of the
pulse widths in one period (or 100ms), divided by the length of the period (or 100ms). The duty
cycle correction factor was then expressed in dB and the peak emissions adjusted accordingly to
give an average value of the emission.

Correction factor dB = 20 x (Log10 Calculated Duty Cycle)

Therefore the calculated duty cycle was determined:

The pulse train period was greater than >100ms and in as shown from the plots in contained in
appendix B of this test report.

Duty cycle     = the sum of the highest average value pulsewidths over 100ms


                           0.07459

               0.07459 or 7.459%

Correction factor (dB) = 20 x (Log10 0.07459) = -22.54dB


                                                            Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Appendix F:                                                    Photographs and Figures

The following photographs were taken of the test samples:

    1.    Radiated E field emissions arrangement: S823front view.
    2.    Radiated H field emissions arrangement: S823 close up.
    3.    Photo of the S823 Overview


               Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Photograph 1


               Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Photograph 2


               Radio Test Report: 9F2830WUS1

Photograph 3


 testing regulatory and compliance

Document Created: 2009-12-17 11:00:45
Document Modified: 2009-12-17 11:00:45

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