CA-SP26BT Manual


Users Manual

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Cyber Acoustics

Owner‘s Guide
2.1 Speaker System

                            Thank you!
                                  Gettng Sterted
                                 Pour commencer

Bluetooth Connection
Connexion Bluetooth
Conexion Bluetooth

  _Q                         CBo

AUX IN Connection
AUX IN Connexion
AUX IN Conexdon

     Connect to headphone jack
     Connecter a la prise casque
     Conectar a la toma de auriculares       Aux cable included
                                             Cable auxiliare fourni
                                             se Incluye cable atediar

Speaker Connection
You can connect those speakare to a variaty of devioas, such as laptop, computer, amarlphone, iPod, MP3
player, CD player, DVD player, and other audio davices. Please reed the following instructions along with the
diagrama provided to identiy which diagram most closely matches your connection source.
Blustooth Connection
First time connection with new devices
* When the system is awitched on it will o Into the Bluetooth paling mode by defautt.
* Blustooth LED statue light wil begin binking. Search your device‘s Blustooth is for "CA—SP2GRT®
   and tap to connect/pal.
* Atter sucosssful connection,a tone will sound, and the Bluetooth LED status ight will stop flashing and
  um sold blue.
Reconnecting with previous devices
* When the system is on, the spesker system will astomaticaly search and aitempt connect wih the last
   paired davice.
* Make sure this Blustooth source is nearby the ayatem to automatically reconnect.
AUKIN Connection
  Speakers default to Blustooth mode when Inlaly tumed on. Press the Source button once and you wil
   hear a tone as the systom switchoe to AUX IN mode. The LED status light will change to solld GREEN.
   Gonnect your souroa device to the AVX IN jacks on the control pod.

  Bluetooth Connection

   AUX IN Connection

           Connect to headphone jack
                                                         Aux cable included

   Controls and Features
   * Power— The on/off bution is on the side af the contrel pod. Sde to tum the speaker on or off.
   * Master Valume Gontral — This control is on top of the control pod, with "MAX" and "MIN® valume markings.
   * Input selection button — Use this button to switch between your audla source Bluatooth and AUK N)
   * Bass Volume Control — Located on the back of the subwooter,ts Indloated by the "Bess VoP" markdngs.
     Rotate cloclonise to um volume up or counter—cloclse to tum valume down.
   * Headiphone Output Jack — Connect your favorite headphones to this jack and they will mute the speaker
     systom automaticaly.
   * Auiry Input Connaction — The sudlary InputJack alows connection of a second Input source. An example
     of this wauld be if your speekers are conneated to your computer,the second 3.6mm Input Jack on the slde
     of the cantrol pod would allw you to qulckdy connect an iPad/MP3 player and then overiide your computer
     Input whilit‘s plugged in.
   * Main Power swich — The master on/ofl controlis on the subwonfer. Press to tum the speaker on or of.
   + Lep
     Blinking Blue — Device is under paling mode
     Blue           ~Bluetooth device connected for play back
     Green          —Audio playback through 3.5 mm Inut

                                              Master volume contral

   Headphoris outputjack                    Aupdlary Input Jack
                                                                          Main Powar switch         Bass velume control

  Trouble shooting Blustooth connections
  Can‘ connect for the frsttime
  1. Tum off the speaker complataly and then tum on the speaker. Follow the above manual on Bluetooth Connsction
     for 1st time connection.
  Can‘t connect when ratuming to the apeaker system
  1. If the system does not autometicaly reconnect with your Blustooth—enabiled device, you may need to physically
     go to your device‘s Bluetooth satting and manualy salsot again "CA—SP2GBT to reconnect.
  2. You may also by going to your devica‘s Blustooth aettings and selact "Forget this davioa" to remove the apeakar
      system from the Ist. You may need totum offthe Bluetocth unction on your devices tofuly clarthe Iat. Then see
      stops above by folowing the Blustooth Connection for 1 time connction.
  3.. Chaok to aseifany other devicss are already connected to the system. The firs Indlcation for this is the speaker
      LED status lght wl show solld Blue. The speaker can only pal with one device at a tme. Go to that source
      device to dleconnect rom the system frat. Then you can folow the above staps for 1 time Bluetooth Connection.
  Andlnis choppy or keeps discomnecting
       . . Be aure to oheck your room emvionment Blutooth tectnology has a range limit of approximataly
           50 feot — ns of aight. This generaly means your best rauts will be Iining your source device and spoakrs to
         the same room. Exremely large rooms, o rooms with a ot of wheless electronics, wi—f routers, ot., may affect
         the qualty of sound, connection or connection conelstency.
       . Cheak for obstructions, walls, too many people, o ather objects that might mpeda the Blustooth algnal.
s mo

       . Tty returning the Blustooth source device to a closer proximity w your speakers.

Connaxton des enceintes
Vous pouve connecter cae encelntas & divers dlepositfs tels qu‘ordinateurs portables, ordinatoure d bureau,
emartphones, Pods, lectours MP3, GD at DVD ot autres disposttfs auclo. Veullez consulter les Instructions
sulvantes et s chimas pour trouver o schéma qul ressamble le plus a votre Instaletion.
Gonnexion Blustooth
Promidro connaxion aux noweaux apparails
* Une fois o systhme sous fension, o mode da jurnalage Blustooth a‘active automatiquement.
* Le voyant LED Bluetooth clignote. Sdlectionnez "CA—SPZ6ET" dans ilste ces pérphriques
  Blustooth, puls tapez pour effectuer in connexion : e Jumelage
* Un bip indique une connendon néussls. Le voyant Blustooth cesse de alignoter at reste allumé on blou.
Reconnexion & un apparell jumelé.
* Une fois e systime sous tension, unconnexion sere tortée avec ie domier appareljumol6.
+ Vrifez que la source Blustooth ast a proximis in que in connexion puisso oo fair.
Connaxton via   Fentréa AUX IN
* Une fols sous tension, o systime entre en mode Blustooth par défeut. Appuyez sur a touche Source;un blp
  confime ie besculament en mode AUK IN. Le vayant LED s‘allume alore en VERT.
* Branchez votre apparell source aux prises dentrée AUX IN A avec unité de commande.

  CGonnexion Blustooth


  AUXIN Gonnexton

          Gonnectara i pise cangue
                                                           Gible sudlake fumi



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Gonezion de los Altzvoces:
Pueds contactar sstos altavooes a una verlodad de aparatos, fles come Iaptope, ordenedores, smartphonss,
Pod, reproductors MP3, reproductores de CD, reproductoree de DVD, y ottos aparitos auda. Por favor, lea
las Instrucslones sigulentasJunto con los dlagrames que se proporoionan, pare Identlfcer qué dlagrama so
parese m a su fuente de allmentacidn.
Goneion Bluetoot
Conezidn pimerm vez con los nuevas depostitvos
= Guando ol sistema esé encendido, entrart en al medo do acoplamiento de Blustooth
— La luz LED do Blustooth empezart a parpedear. Busque CAP268T"on Ia ista d Bluelooth
  d au dispostiva y mrquala para conectariacoplar
= Ts uns conexlén villde, se olré un tono, y la luzLED de Bluetooth delart de perpadeery permenscerd

Reconectando con varloe dispostives
= Cuando ol aistema eté encendido, e sistema de altavoces buscart do manom autornitica y consctart
  ol dlmo disponitivo acoplado.
— Asegirese do que lfuente de Bluetooth esit carce dal sistema pare reconoctar autommiticaments.
conEion por casLe ux i)
— Los altavoces pasen a modo Bluetooth por defecto cuando se conectan. Prosions el botén Fusnt une
  vaz hasta que oiga un toncy l sistema pasa a modo LINEIN . La luz LED camblard ontonces a VERDE.
= Conecte au dleposltivo fuents a las tomas de AUXIN (CABLE con consola de contral.

  Gonextdn Blustootn

                                                       n incliys cable madier


  Gontroles y funciones:
  * Energla — El botén o encendide/apegado esté en ol romato cableacio. Desltze para Igar ou dosligar o
  * Gontral de valumen maestro — Este control est on al remoto cablaado y astt indcado por las palabrs "MAX"
    "MIN, Higalo glrar on ol sentldo de las egules d relo] para sublr o volumen 0 an contra de las agulas drelo
      para balar el volumen.
  *Botn de seleccin de antracia — Uflice este batén pars altemar entre in fuente de audio Bluetooth y AUX IN)
  *Control de volumen dbelos — Este control funciona de manera similer al control de volumen maestro. Hoge
   girer ol control para sublr 0 befar los balos segii sus proferencias.
  *Salda Jock para auriculares — Conecto sus auriculares favoritos a esta antrada y alsistema d altzwoces so
   lenclarén Inmediatamonte.
 * Gonexidn dentrada auriier— La entrada auxifer lo pormite conectar une segunda fuento. Por somple, s sus
   altavaces ostin consctados al ordenador, in segiinda sellta de 9,5mm al costado dl attavor io parmite
   conectar répldamente un reproductor de MP3 y anula ia conerd6n fuente de su ordenador mientras osté
 * Encendide — El botén de encendldo / epagedo estt on ol subwoofer. Pulss para activer o desaotiver al attavoz
 « LEp
 Parpadeo Azul — El dispostive esté en ol modo de acoplamianto
 Azul             — Ei clspesitive Blustooth consetado pera reproduccin
 Verde            — Reproducclon de audlo a travée de is toma de entracla de 3.5 mm

                                            Control de valumen masstro

Encendide/ apagado
     Saitda Jackpore muricutaren          Gonazitn do entrada aundlar
                                                                        Encendido              Gontrl de vohimen
Solucidn do problomas de las conexiones Bluetooth
No se pusde conecter por primema ver
1. Apague ol attwar por complato y vielva a encendarl. Siga Ins instrucciones m aniba indicacias del menual
    sobre Consxién Blustooth pare consctar por 1° vez.
No ue pusde canectar al voiver al sstoma de aterooes
  . Sial sistema no vialve a conectarse automiticaments con ol cispositvo habiitedo pare Bluetooth, as posible
    gue tonge que i felcamente a a configuracidn d Blustooth del dlepositvo y selecclonar manuaimenta de nuovo
    "OA.SPREHT® pars vahver a consctar
2. Tembiée pude tratar do ir Ia confiquraciin de Bluetocth del dispostive y seleccione "Oml cispositve® para
    aliminar o sistema de akawooes de a Ista. Puede que tanga que desactivar ia funcion Bluetooth on sus
    dispositvoe para borrer a lsta por completo. A continuacidn, consuite los pasos mencionados mis amiba sobre
    la conssidn Blustooth parala consiién por 1* vaz.
8. Compruebe al otros disposttvos ya estin conectados al sstema, La primers Indicackin do asto os lt luz do
    estado LED del akaves que s mostrard de color azul io. El altavez adlo puede acoplarse con un diapostive a
    la vez.Ira ase diepostivo fuente pera desconectarse del lsteme on primer luger A continuacion, puede seguir
    los pasos anteriorss sote la consxidn Bluetooth pare is conenidn por 1® vez
E1 sonldo os entrecortade a so desconscta
1. AsegGrase de reviear ol entomo de Ia sal. La tecnologla Blustooth tene un Iimite de rango de de
    apresimaciamente 30 pios — i Inoa de visidn. Esto signfica generaiments cue los mefores rasuttados los
    obtendré cuanda Iimie ol disposltve fuente y los ataveces a ia mlema habltacion. Las habitaciones muy
    ampllas, 0 habltacionss con una gran cantided dproductos electrdnicos Inalimbrcos, routers wi—1,etc.
    pweden afoctar in caltad ce sonido, conmidn a in consistencia do conenin.
2.. Compruebe ol hay obstrucclones, paredes, demesledes personas u otros cbjetos que puedan Impodir in sfial
5.. Trate de colocar aldlposltho fuents Bietooth a una mayor proximided con los altevoces ".

Document Created: 2017-03-30 17:46:06
Document Modified: 2017-03-30 17:46:06

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