Exhibit 6 Test report 2


Test Report

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                      TEST REPORT # EMCC—I80162IEA, 2003—AUG—20

   Type:                                   ARS 2—B
   Serial Number:                          458§5A¥4
   Equipment Category:                     Part 15 Forward—Looking Field Disturbance Sensor, Vehicle
                                           Radar System

   Manufacturer:                           Conti Temic GmbH
   Address:                                Siebolidstrasse 19
                                           80411 Niirnberg
   Phone:                                  +49—911—9526—7100
   Fax:                                    +49—911 95282354

   Applicant:                              ADC. Automotive Distance Control Systems GmbH
   Address:                                Kemptener Strasse 99
                                           88131 Linday (Bodenses)
   Phone:                                  +49—8382—9599—0}
   Fax:                                    +40—8382—9599—19

RELEVANT STANDARD:                         47 CFR Part 15G — Intentional Raediators, §15. 2523
                                           Spurious Emissions, only


    i ANSI €63.4—1992                [ FCCIOET MP—4 {1987)               {EEE Std €©95,.3—190891

    Reinhard Seuerschell                           EMCC DR. RASEK
    E—matil: rsauerscheft@®emeo de                 Moggast 72—74
    Phone: +498 9194 9018                          91320 Ebermannstadt
    Fax: +49 9194 8125                             Germarty

TEST PERSONNEL:                                       HEAD OF LABORATORY:

    Reinhard Squerschell                                 Winfried Hoffmann

EMCC UR RaSEx                            RADIiG LABGRATORIES                 Teleptions:         +349—9194—90716
Moggast 7274                              EMC LABORATORIES                   Telefax.            +490—9184—6128
$1370 Ebermannsiadt                                Mipiromge                 Mail:         eraccons@emonde
Germany                                              t 53»                   Web:          hitp Hfveree emon.dle

FSLC Registration # 80566                    TTHIP—G 09484
                                             TTLP 3 0747485

                                                                                                                                                                                       Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 2 of 17
                                                                                                                                                                                             Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                                                    Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 45854
                                                           to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page

1      GENERAL INFORMATION ................ 000000000 evveveeverrerreererenereaseerrrererervenneerre evenererenenrr en brrrecennane bbibbeve beanen nev bhevetere en ann ren ces eava e cean bevrevnnraen uw 3
       1.1   PUPDOS@........ .. .. cenrerenerenservervensevenernreneaveres
       1.2   Limits @nd R@S@TVAtiOMS ...............cscecceannrenrerseees
       1.3   Test Location..................
       1.4   Manufacturer....
       1.5   APDPIICANE..... ... ... ... 260000 eeeaee veveea ce rverernrrann on renven cerrrn rerrrvavpaverreerrr ns rer bberrrevv on nbd bne ver res akae ceb vvenennee ser eb eb vevenn err ene se nne nnvevereeeve wun 4
       1.6   DAEB@S ,... .cc cncces esn ce arerevern eveevereveenerr esn inb ereacesnsaverer erernnres rnea sns rennbe es ces ceverreve sn nnenbe enb revensenrvebet een un cebre enb bevevennnnnevees ane sev en enb rernex in 4
2      PrOGUCt D@SCFIDEIONM.................cccrsesseseesnvererreceennererverrrevenrav en erenanrreevecen iss aeevevcre ns aassreeveaa sersaevsvessesenreabee seesrveenreeaae sik eev ces seeeasernnennnan vee 5
       2.1      EquipMent UNG@F T@St (EUT}............... ccsecesserserreveraerererseesntonnreeeverrerrensnneerrerrerreaeensesenravene
       2.2             EUT P@riph@raI$ ...............czzccckvckk...
       2.3             Mode of Operation During Testing                                    .
       2.4             Modifications ReQUIT@U fO" COMPIIAMG@ .................. .nn ces creveerenrerevereerrerenrerernranerreresee
3      T@St R@SUItS SUMM@FY ............ccs.ce                                                            mmnveererereerernerevrrrereeettevsrrrrresrerstieeeressastrivesrrcenassreriresanresvveeerrsssressvenree                             ans veerevene                    .6
       R@di@t@U EMISSIONS ............s...0 2e ee2 208000 eresseereneeeeeerretr reeeveaee ret sessenseverr err ts servers eer sns esververe s setev revsresverssvenerr rersseaseveerrr rerensevssvvevt reesveses nz ene 7
       4.1     REGUIAUION ....... ... s c2vee 2002200200900 rerrverrrsnerrrrrversrrsrveveereverrentersevet                                                                                                        revarkaenane ns 7
       4.2             Radiated EMiSsSIONS TGSt, UP t0 26.5 GHZ .....................cereerssssenrmererreerenrererraneeressrereases                                                                                    kikerversscesenrreaebnpevenrenerrrnssensne esns 9
                4.2.1           T@St EQUIPDM@NN ........ ... .22 u00000 660220006z arerereeesraveverercreranvervevere ns sear ber rersverevereeseseaben                                                                «xer ern erns ev re                   arerenretrrereesnnes 9
                4.2.2           T@St PFOCG@OUT@S ...... ... ... cca 020 reeeeeaze en en verrer                                                                                                                                                                              en en 9
                4.2.3           Calculation of Fi@ld Str@QAGth LIMIES .....................c.cosnererrverrereseaseverererrrrccenesss                                                                                                                                        ... 10
                4.2.4           AV@age COTT@CtION FACtOT................                               .nccanres                                               reense e ies                          rescrnerere ies                                                        .. 10
           4.2.5    Field StrQNGth CAIGUIAUION ...............2s                          en s es er er e nare re r es ore            re se neatesvnsresr s eri es e ns                                       senersir en san en ev es      10
           4.2.6    T@St R@SUIAS ............. .sn »ee»en envveee en rnnrerrererveeevensnrerercnaes                          Arvrev                                       seerereverrrseveaverennrrraesene vevesnnnereerenane 1
       4.3      Radiated Emissions Test, 26.5 GHz to 231 GHz (outside the operating band)}..............                                                                                                                               «... 12
           4.3.1    T@St EQUIDM@NE ........ .. .00 000 cce sseeeerrreererereravertibevereassnnrat reevec ns reverer rrrnnnnnnrersavevecennes                                                                                           ... 12
           4.3.2    T@St PFOC@OUP@®S ............ cce sessseeeerereenrerrersenatsrererrsorsenrev eresserssrsvsrveresrrvssrsasescre sns ressterevereasssccssecnree ces sssvensenrrsesine                                                 ... 13
           4.3.3    Calculations of Spurious Emissions Limits.                                                             .                                            .                                     .                          .13
           4.3.4    Figld StT@AGEN CAICUIIAHION ...............c se se veerererv ns reverrerrsseersressrevieveressareveserriasresesirses sessessessesvrevvertsesessaverecere enea                                                      ... 14
           4.3.5    Power DensSity C@ICUIAtION..................ccccccscmreels.                                                                                                                                                        ... 15
                4.3.6           TQSt R@SUIES .......... ... ce eeeeversneseeererserresserssensernceress
        MiSC@IIAN@OUS COMM@NES ANG NOFBS ............ ......s.0scee snn eeesneveevesereansreerre revererserssseveers erranseeerrreresccress
6       LiSt Of ANNEXES ............ .ns eeeeeennennnarrerennevrrrsveserrersrrersvenreverrerrssarevereraisansserrverseesecressseve ies recereserssrsersveaviressesssensess ser rrverse sn esn see revavesnzennnee 17

    ARS 2 B     FCC      iEA.DOC

                                                                        Test Report #EMCC—980162IEA
                                                                                            Page 3 of 17
                                                                               Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                          Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 45854
                                 to 47 CFR Part 15C — intentional Radiators, §15.253


11 Purpose
The purpose of this report is to show compliance to the FCC regulations for devices operating under
section 15.253 of the Code of Federal Regulations title 47.

1.2 Limits and Reservations
The test results in this report apply only to the particular Equipment Under Test (EUT) as declared in this
Thi% test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written permission of EMCC DR.

1.3 Test Location
Company Name:               EMCC DR. RASEK
Street:                     Moggast 72—74
City:                       91320 Ebermannstadt
Country:                    Germany
Laboratory:                 Test Laboratory of EMCC DR. RASEK
                            FCC Registration Number: 90566
                            This site has been fully described in a report submitted to the FCC, and
                            accepted in the letter dated February 09, 2000 Registration Number 90566.
Phone:                      +49—9194—9016
Fax:                        +49—9194—8125
E—Mail:                     emc.cons@emcc.de
Web:                        www.emec.de

1.4 Manufacturer
Company Name:                Conti Temic GmbH
Street:                      Sieboldstrasse 19
City:                        90411 Nurnberg
Country:                     Germany
Phone:                       +49—911—9526—2100
Fax:                         +49—911—9526—2354


                                                                         Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                          Page 4 of 17
                                                                                Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                           Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 45854
                                  to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

1.5 Applicant
Company Name:            A.D.C. Automotive Distance Control Systems GmbH
Street:                  Kemptener Strasse 99
City:                    88131 Lindau (Bodensee)
Country:                 Germany
Name for contact purposes:      Mr Peter Glocker
Phone:                   +49—8382—9699—62
Fax:                     +49—8382—9699—94
E—mail:                  peter.glocker@adc—gmbh.de

1.6 Dates
Date of receipt of EUT:      CW 34/2003
Test date:                   CW 34/2003


                                                                                 Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                                    Page 5 of 17
                                                                                       Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                           Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 45854
                                  to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253


21 Equipment Under Test (EUT)

Description:                  Adaptive Cruise Control Pulse Doppler RADAR System
Device designation:           Part 15 Forward—Looking Field Disturbance Sensor, Vehicle Radar System
Type:                         ARS 2—B ‘
No. of units:                 one
Serial number:                458544

Transmit Frequency:        76 to 77 GHz
Type of modulation:        Pulse Doppler
Pulse repetition frequency: 286 to 667 kHz
Pulse width:               33 ns

Class of emission (ITU):      50M0 PON
Measurement distance:         1 to 150 m
RF power:                     200 uW average nominal
Antenna:                      Integral
Rated input voltage:          12.0 VDC nominal

2.2 EUT Peripherals
The EUT was tested as stand alone unit
— with supplied cable bundle (CAN—bus matched with resistors),
— with automatic power on feature: after power on the unit turned to normal operation mode (in motion
  mode) by itself,
— with standard lead acid vehicle battery 12 VDC and standard laboratory DC power supply as back up.

2.3 Mode of Operation During Testing
The equipment under test (EUT) was operated during the tests under the the following condition:
   — in motion mode (unit was prepared by applicant in that way, that unit turned to in motion mode by
       itself after power on}.

2.4 Modifications Required for Compliance

‘ The ARS 2—B is a variant of the ARS 2—A as full tested according to test report EMCC—980162IAAA, 2003—FEB—O6.

                                                                         Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                            Page 6 of 17
                                                                               Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                          Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 458544
                                 to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253


Summary of Test Results

Requirement                                 CFR Section               Report Section    Test Result
Antenna Requirement                         15.203                                      not tested
Conducted Emissions                         15.207                                      n.a.
Radiated Spurious Emissions                 15.209, 15.253(c)                           Pass
Power Density Limits (Fundamental)          15.253(b)                                   not tested
Operation within the band, 20 dB            15.253(e), 15.215(c)                        not tested
bandwidth, frequency stability
Radio frequency exposure                    15.253(f)                                   not tested

NOTE: "not tested" parameters on applicants request. The ARS 2—B is a variant of the ARS 2—A as
full tested according to test report EMCC—9801621AAA, 2003—FEB—O06.

The client has made the determination that EUT Condition, Characterization, and Mode of Operation are
representative of production units, and meet the requirements of the specifications referenced herein.

Consistent with Industry practice, measurement and test equipment not directly involved in obtaining
measurement results but having an impact on measurements (such as cable loss, antenna factors, etc.)
are factored into the "Correction Factor" documented in certain test results. Instrumentation employed
for testing meets tolerances consistent with known Industry Standards and Regulations.

The measurements contained in this report were made in accordance with the procedure ANSI C63.4 —
1992 and IEEE Std C95.3—1991. All requirements were found to be within the limits outlined in this
The test results in this report apply only to the particular Equipment Under Test (EUT) as declared in this

Test Personnel: Reinhard Saverschell
Issuance Date: 2003—08—20


                                                                         Test Report #EMCC—9%80162 1EA
                                                                                            Page 7 of 17
                                                                               Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                          Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 4585¥4
                                 to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

Test Requirement: FCC CFR47, Part 15C
Test Procedure: ANSI C63.4:1992

4.1 Regulation

Section 15.253 Operation within the bands 46.7—46.9 GHz and 76.0—77.0 GHz.
(a) Operation within the bands 46.7—46.9 GHz and 76.0—77.0 GHz is restricted to vehicle—mounted field
disturbance sensors used as vehicle radar systems. The transmission of additional information, such as
data, is permitted provided the primary mode of operation is as a vehicle—mounted field disturbance
sensor. Operation under the provisions of this section is not permitted on aircraft or satellites.
(b) The radiated emission limits within the bands 46.7—46.9 GHz and 76.0—77.0 GHz are as follows:
(1) If the vehicle is not in motion, the power density of any emission within the bands specified in this
section shall not exceed 200 nW/cm at a distance of 3 meters from the exterior surface of the radiating
(2) For forward—looking vehicle—mounted field disturbance sensors, if the vehicle is in motion the power
density of any emission within the bands specified in this section shall not exceed 60 uW/cm* at a
distance of 3 meters from the exterior surface of the radiating structure.
(c) The power density of any emissions outside the operating band shall consist solely of spurious
emissions and shall not exceed the following:
(1) Radiated emissions below 40 GHz shall not exceed the general limits in Section 15.209 of this part.
(2) Radiated emissions outside the operating band and between 40 GHz and 200 GHz shall not exceed
the following:
(ii) For forward—looking vehicle—mounted field disturbance sensors operating in the band 76—77 GHz: 600
pW/icm* at a distance of 3 meters from the exterior surface of the radiating structure.
 (3) For radiated emissions above 200 GHz from field disturbance sensors operating in the 76—77 GHz
 band: the power density of any emission shall not exceed 1000 pW/cm* at a distance of 3 meters from
the exterior surface of the radiating structure.
 (4) For field disturbance sensors operating in the 76—77 GHz band, the spectrum shall be investigated up
to 231 GHz.
 (d) The provisions in Section 15.35 of this part limiting peak emissions apply.
 (e) Fundamental emissions must be contained within the frequency bands specified in this section during
 all conditions of operation. Equipment is presumed to operate over the temperature range —20 to +50
 degrees Celsius with an input voltage variation of 85% to 115% of rated input voltage, unless justification
 is presented to demonstrate otherwise.


                                                                            Test Report #EMCC—980162IEA
                                                                                               Page 8 of 17
                                                                                  Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                           Test of ContiTemic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 4585A¥4
                                  to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

Section 15.35 Measurement detector functions and bandwidths.
(b) On any frequency of frequencies above 1000 MHz, the radiated limits shown are based upon the use
of measurement instrumentation employing an average detector function. When average radiated
emission measurements are specified in the regulations, including emission measurements below 1000
MHz, there is also a limit on the radio frequency emissions, as measured using instrumentation with a
peak detector function, corresponding to 20 dB above the maximum permitted average limit for the
frequency being investigated unless a different peak emission limit is otherwise specified in the rules in
this part, e.g., see § 15.255. Unless otherwise specified, measurements above 1000 MHz shall be
performed using a minimum resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz. Measurement of AC power line conducted
emissions are performed using a CISPR quasipeak detector, even for devices for which average
radiated emission measurements are specified.

Section 15.209 (a) Except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an intentional
radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:

 Frequency                         Field Strength                     Measurement distance
 (MHz)                             (microvolts/meter)                 ({meters)
 0.0093—0.490                      2400/F(KHz)                        300
 0.490—1.705                       24000/F(KHz)                       30
 1.705—30.0                        30                                 30
 30—88                             100                                3
 88—216                            150                                3
 216—960                           200                                3
 Above 960                         500                                3

(b) In the emission table above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

 (c) The level of any unwanted emissions from an intentional radiator operating under these general
 provisions shall not exceed the level of the fundamental emission. For intentional radiators which operate
 under the provisions of other sections within this part and which are required to reduce their unwanted
 emissions to the limits specified in this table, the limits in this table are based on the frequency of the
 unwanted emission and not the fundamental frequency. However, the level of any unwanted emissions
 shall not exceed the level of the fundamental frequency.

 (d) The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurements employing a CISPR quasi
 peak detector except for the frequency bands 9—90 kHz, 110—490 kHz and above 1000 MHz. Radiated
 emission limits in these three bands are based on measurements employing an average detector.
 (e) The provisions in §§ 15.31, 15.33, and 15.35 for measuring emissions at distances other than the
 distances specified in the above table, determining the frequency range over which radiated emissions
 are to be measured, and limiting peak emissions apply to all devices operated under this part.


                                                                                  Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                                     Page 9 of 17
                                                                                        issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                            Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 4585A4
                                   to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

4.2 Radiated Emissions Test, up to 26.5 GHz *

4.2.1 Test Equipment

Type                      Manufacturer/          Serial No.               Last Calibration           Next Calibration
                          Model No.
Receiver                  Rohde & Schwarz                                 May 2002                   Nov. 2003
                          ESAI—D                 8337 71/008
ggz“)"Hz ~265             |Esmi—Rr               833827/002
                          ESMI—B1                832504/005
Antenna                   EMCO 3143              9604—1269                June 2002                  Dec. 2003
(30 MHz — 1 GHz)
Antenna                   Schwarzbeck            137                      Oct. 2001                  Oct. 2003
(1 GHz — 18 GHz)          BBHA 9120 D
Standard Gain             Mid Century            1362/86                  May 2002                   May 2004
Horn Antenna              MC 20/31B
(18 GHz — 26.5

4,.2.2 Test Procedures
For tabletop equipment, the EUT is placed on a 1 meter by 1.5 meters wide and 0.8 meter high
nonconductive table that sits on a flush mounted metal turntable. Floor standing equipment is placed
directly on the flush mounted metal turntable. The EUT is connected to its associated peripherals with
any excess I/O cabling bundled to approximately 1 meter.
The EUT was tested as a tabletop equipment, connected with peripherals as described in chapter 2.2.
The tests were performed in one mode as described in chapter 2.3.
The initial step in collecting radiated data is a peak scan of the measurement range with an EMI test
receiver under closer distances as given in the rule. The significant peaks are then measured with the
appropriate distance and detectors.
Worst case radiated emissions are listed under chapter: test results.

> The end frequency 26.5 GHz of this chapter was selected because of the end frequency of the coaxial RF input of the
   spectrum analyzer used as test receiver.

                                                                            Test Report #EMCC—980162IEA
                                                                                              Page 10 of 17
                                                                                  Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                          Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 4585¥4
                                 to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

Radiated Emissions Test Characteristics
Frequency range                                          30 MHz — 26,500 MHz
Test distance                                            3m
Test instrumentation resolution bandwidth                120 kHz (30 MHz — 1,000 MHz)
                                                         1 MHz (1,000 MHz — 26,500 MHz)
Test instrumentation detector                            QP (30 MHz — 1,000 MHz)
                                                         AV/PK (1,000 MHz — 26,500 MHz)
Receive antenna scan height                              1 m—4 m
Receive antenna polarization                             Vertical/Horizontal

4.2.3 Calculation of Field Strength Limits
Calculation: microvolts/meter to dBuV/m
Frequency                         Field Strength                        Measurement        Remarks
(MHz)                             {microvolts/meter)   |(dBpuV/m)       ({meters)
30—88                             100                  40               3
88—216                            150                  43.5             3
216—960                           200                  46               3
960—26,500                        500                  54               3

4.2.4 Average Correction Factor
NOTE: All AV measurements were performed using the test receiver‘s average detector and the max.
hold facility; the average value measured directly without the necessity of additional correction factor.

4.2.5 Field Strength Calculation
The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor. The basic equation with
a sample calculation is as follows:

FS =RA + AF + CF
    FS = Field Strength in dBpuV/m
    RA = Receiver Amplitude in dBuV
    AF = Antenna Factor in dB(1/m)
    CF = Cable Attenuation Factor in dB


                                                                                        Test Report #EMCC—980162IEA
                                                                                                          Page 11 of 17
                                                                                              Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                                 Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 4585¥4
                                        to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

Assume a receiver reading of 23.5 dBpuV is obtained. The Antenna Factor of 7.4 dB(1i/m) and a Cable
Factor of 1.1 dB are added, giving a field strength of 32 dBuV/m. The 32 dBuV/m value can be
mathematically converted to its corresponding level in uV/m.

FS = 23.5 + 7.4 + 1.1 = 32 [dBuV/m]

Level in uV/m = Common Antilogarithm (32/20) = 39.8

4.2.6 Test Results
Device:                            Adaptive Cruise Control Pulse Doppler RADAR System
Type:                              ARS 2—B
Serial number:                     458544

                                                   PRODUCT EMISSIONS DATA
 No   Emission       Receiver     Test       Receiver   Correction   Distance      Result=   Spec        Polari—   Margin   Remark
      Frequency      Mode and     Distance   Reading    Factor       Extrapola—    Corrected Limit       zation
                     Bandwidth                                       tion Factor   Reading
                                             RA         AF+CF        DF            FS                    Ant
      [MHz]          [kHz]         [m]       [dBuV)     {dB(1/m)]    [dB]          (dBpV/m]   {dBuV/m]             [dB]

 1    38             120, QP       |3        8.5        10.5         0             19 QP      |40 QP     v         21
 2    11120          1000, PK      [1        22.5       25           9.5           38 PK      54 AV      v         16       3
 3    112,764        1000, PK      |1        19         40.3         9.5           49.8 PK    154 AV     v         4.2      4
 4    |25,537        1000, PK      11        10.5       41           9.5           42 PK      54 AV      v         12       5

The EUT meets the requirements of this section.

Test Personnel:         Reinhard Sauerschell

Test Date:              2003—08—19/20

* Where the PK result kept below the AV limit, no AV detector measurements were performed.
:Where the PK result kept below the AV limit, no AV detector measurements were performed.
  Where the PK result kept below the AV limit, no AV detector measurements were performed.

                                                                           Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                             Page 12 of 17
                                                                                 Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                            Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 4585A4
                                   to 47 CFR Part 150C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

4.3 Radiated Emissions Test, 26.5 GHz to 231 GHz
        (outside the operating band)

4.3.1 Test Equipment

Type                      Manufacturer/ Model       Serial No.             Last Calibration   Next
                          No.                                                                 Calibration
Receiver                  Rohde & Schwarz                                  May 2002           Nov. 2003
                          ESAI—D                    833771/008
(26.5 GHz — 110           ESMI—RF                   833827/002
GHz)                      ESMIL—B1                  832504/005
Waveguide Mixer           R&S/Tektronix
                    FS—Z40MVWM782A                  8404487007
                    FS—Z60/WM782U                   840449/001
                    FS—Z75MWM782V                   840450/005
                    FS—Z110/WM782W                  840451/005
LO Amplifier        R&S, FS—230                     775850/002
Standard Gain Horn FMWV/Pro N 2224—25               49                     May 2002           May 2004
Standard Gain Horn FMI/ProN 2424—25                 30                     May 2002           May 2004
Standard Gain Hormn Electrof./Tho WG25—25           001                    May 2002           May 2004
Standard Gain Horn Electrof./Tho WG27—25            001                    May 2002           May 2004
 Spectrum Analyzer        Tektronix 275541          B 010245               Dec. 2002          Dec. 2003
 Waveguide Mixer          Tektronix WM 490 F        B 020970
 Waveguide Mixer          Tektronix WM 490 G        B 020958
 Waveguide                Tektronix   119—1728—00   |678B/0567
 Diplexer           Textronix _015—0385—00          |003/900
 Standard Gain Horn FMI/Pro N 2824—25               24                      May 2002          May 2004
 Standard Gain Horn FMIW/Pro N 3024—25              001                     May 2002          May 2004
 Standard Gain Horn Electrof./Tho WR—3              001                     May 2002          May 2004


                                                                             Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                              Page 13 of 17
                                                                                    Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                            Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 458544
                                   to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

 4.3.2 Test Procedures
 The basic test setups and procedures are the same as for the tests 30 MHz to 26.5 GHz. Above 26.5
 GHz additional external mixers have to be used, which results in additional correction factors.
 Due to high mixer loss at very high frequencies the distance between the EUT and the test antenna was
 reduced to very low values (some cm) to detect any emissions.
 The operating band 76 GHz to 77 GHz was excluded.

  Radiated Emissions Test Characteristics
  Frequency range                                     26,500 MHz — 231,000 MHz
  Test distance                                       0.01 — 3 * m
  Test instrumentation resolution bandwidth           1 MHz
  Test instrumentation detector                       PK
  Receive antenna scan height                         no height scan performed due to high gain antenna
  Receive antenna polarization                        Vertical/Horizontal

  * According to Section 15.31 (f) (1): At frequencies at or above 30 MHz, measurements may be
  performed at a distance other than what is specified provided: measurements are not made in the near
  field except where it can be shown that near field measurements are appropriate due to the
  characteristics of the device; and it can be demonstrated that the signal levels needed to be measured at
_ the distance employed can be detected by the measurement equipment. (...) When performing
  measurements at a distance other than that specified, the results shall be extrapolated to the specified
  distance using an extrapolation factor of 20 dB/decade (inverse linear—distance for field strength
  measurements; inverse—linear—distance—squared for power density measurements).

  4.3.3 Calculations of Spurious Emissions Limits

   Frequency                        Field Strength                          Measurement      Remarks
   (MHz)                            {microvolts/meter)     (dBuV/m)         ({meters)
   26,500 —— 40,000                 500                    54               3

   Frequency                        Power Density                           Measurement      Remarks
   (MHz)                            pW/cm*               dBm/cm*            (meters)
   40,000 — 200,000                 600                  —62.2              3
   > 200,000                        1000                 —60.0              3

  ARS 2 B   FCC   lEA.DOC

                                                                          Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                             Page 14 of 17
                                                                                 Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                           Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 458544
                                  to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

4.3.4 Field Strength Calculation
The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Mixer Loss. The basic equation with a
sample calculation is as follows:                                 j

FS = RA + AF + ML
    FS = Field Strength in dBuV/m
    RA = Receiver Amplitude in dBpV
    AF = Antenna Factor in dB(1/m)
    ML = Mixer Loss in dB

Assume a receiver reading of 10.2 dBuV is obtained. The Antenna Factor of 38.8 dB(1/m) and a Mixer
Loss of 22 dB are added, giving a field strength of 71 dBpV/m. The 71 dBuV/m value can be
mathematically converted to its corresponding level in uV/m.

FS =10.2 + 38.8 + 22 = 71 [dBpV/m]
Level in uV/m = Common Antilogarithm (71/20) = 3,548

For test distance other than what is specified, but fulfilling the requirements of Section 15.31 (f)(1) the
field strength is calculated by adding additionally an extrapolation factor of 20 dB/decade (inverse linear—
distance for field strength measurements). The basic equation with a sample calculation is as follows:

FS = RA + AF + ML + DF
    FS = Field Strength in dBuV/m
    RA = Receiver Amplitude in dBuV
    AF = Antenna Factor in dB(1/m)
    ML = Mixer Loss in dB
    DF = Distance Extrapolation Factor in dB,
      where DF = 20 log (Dtest/Dspec) where Dtest = Test Distance and Dspec = Specified Distance.

Assume the tests performed at a reduced Test Distance of 1 m instead of the Specified Distance
of 3 m giving a Distance Extrapolation Factor of DF = 20 log(1m/3m) =—9.5 dB.
Assuming a receiver reading of 10.2 dBuV is obtained. The Antenna Factor of 38.3 dB(1/m), the Mixer
Loss of 22 dB and the Distance Factor of —9.5 dB are added, giving a field strength of 61.5 dBpV/m. The
61.5 dBuV/m value can be mathematically converted to its corresponding level in uV/m.

 FS = 10.2 + 38.8 + 22 — 9.5 = 61.5 [dBuV/m]
 Level in uV/m = Common Antilogarithm (61.5/20) = 1,188


                                                                                          Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                                            Page 15 of 17
                                                                                                Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                              Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 458544
                                     to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

4.3.5 Power Density Calculation
The power density is calculated by using the reading, mixer loss, effective aperture of the antenna and
distance correction factor (20 dB/dec relation).
The basic calculation is similar as described in the chapter above with the difference, that the result is
the power density:

PD = RA + ML + DF — A
      PD = Power Density in dBm/cm*,
      RA = Receiver Amplitude in dBm,
      ML = Mixer Loss in dB,
      DF = Distance Extrapolation Factor in dB,
      A = effective Antenna Aperture in dB(cm?)
         where DF = 20 log (Dtest/Dspec) where Dtest = Test Distance and Dspec = Specified Distance,
         and A = 10 log (effective Antenna Aperture in cm*).

For an assumed result of —60 dBm/cm* the level in pW/cm* is:
10° x Common Antilogarithm (—60/10) = 1,000

4.3.6 Test Results
Device:                         Adaptive Cruise Control Pulse Doppler RADAR System
Type:                           ARS 2—B
Serial number:                  458544

                               PRODUCT EMISSIONS DATA, 26.5 GHz < f < 40 GHz
 No    Emission   Receiver    Test      Receiver    Antenna         Mixer   Distance      Result=     Spec       Polarization   Margin
       Frequen—   Mode and    Distan—   Reading     Factor          Loss    Extrapola     Corrected   Limit
       cy         Bandwidth   ce                                            tion Factor   Reading                Ant
                                        RA          AF              ML      DF            FS
       [MHz]      [kHz]       {m]       [dBuV]      [dB(1/m)]       [dB]    [dB]          {dBpV/m]    [dBuV/m]                  {dB]

                   No emissions found above noise within this frequency band

                  LC_—CITT——TIT——                  44—          T           TT


                                                                                          Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                                           Page 16 of 17
                                                                                               Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                                Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 45854
                                       to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253

                   PRODUCT EMISSIONS DATA, f > 40 GHz (excluding the operation band)

Receiver Mode: PK
Bandwidth: 1000 kHz
Polarization of antenna: h/v (worst case)
Gain of measurement antennas: f<220GHz: 25 dBi, £>220GHz: 30 dBi

No   Emission    Test      Receiver   Mixer   Distance    E.          Result =    Spec        Margin   Remark
     Frequen—    Distan—   Reading    Loss    Extrapola   Antenna     Corrected   Limit
     cy          ce                           <tion       Area        Reading
                           RA         ML      Factor      A           FS
     [MHz]        [m]      [dBm]      [dB]    [dB]        [dB(em*)]   [dBm/em]    (dBm/oem"   [dB]

1    76,000       [1       —95        31      —9.5        5.9         —79.4       —62.2       17.2     noise, lower band
2    77,000       1        —94        31      —9.5        5.8         —78.3       —62.2       16.1     noise, upper band

NOTE: no emissions found above noise over the whole frequency range

The EUT meets the requirements of this section.

Test Personnel:         Reinhard Sauerschell

Test Date: 2003—08—19/20


                                                                         Test Report #EMCC—980162 1EA
                                                                                                Page 17 of 17
                                                                                Issue Date: 2003—AUG—20

                          Test of Conti Temic GmbH Type ARS 2—B, Serial number 4585¥4
                                 to 47 CFR Part 15C — Intentional Radiators, §15.253



Following annexes are separated parts from this test report.

Description                                                                             Pages
Annex 1: Photographs of test setups                                                     3
Annex 2: Photographs of equipment under test (EUT), external views                      4


Document Created: 2019-06-17 23:01:22
Document Modified: 2019-06-17 23:01:22

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