Test Report DSR


Test Report

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                                           Intentional Radiator Test Report
                                                                   For the

                                                             Microchip, Inc.

                                 Wireless Remote Control Development Kit Key Fob
                                                                Tested under

                         The FCC Rules contained in Title 47 of the CFR, Part 15.231 for

                                                          Periodic Operation

                                                              Prepared for:

                                                             Microchip, Inc.

                                                     2355 West Chandler Blvd.

                                                         Chandler, AZ 85224

Prepared By:                                                                             Reviewed By:

H.B. Compliance Solutions

5005 S. Ash Avenue, Suite # A-10

Tempe, Arizona 85282                                                                     Hoosamuddin Bandukwala

                                                                                        Cert # ATL-0062-E

Engineering Statement: The measurements shown in this report were made in accordance with the procedure
indicated, and the emissions from this equipment were found to be within the limits applicable. I assume full
responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these measurements, and for the qualifications of all
persons taking them. It is further stated that upon the basis of the measurement made, the equipment tested is
capable of operation in accordance with the requirements of Part 15 of the FCC Rules under normal use and

     ficates and reports shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written permission of H.B Compliance Solutions, LLC.

                                  Report Status Sheet

     Revision #              Report Date                Reason for Revision
         Ø                November 01, 2012                 Initial Issue

HBCS Report # EMC_12008                                                       Page 2 of 25

                                     Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................4
   1.      Testing Summary ........................................................................................4
EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION ................................................................................5
   1.      Overview ....................................................................................................5
   2.      Test Facility.................................................................................................6
   3.      Description of Test Sample .........................................................................6
   4.      Equipment Configuration ...........................................................................6
   5.      Support Equipment .................................................................................... 6
   6.      Ports and Cabling Information ....................................................................6
   7.      Method of Monitoring EUT Operation........................................................7
   8.      Mode of Operation .....................................................................................7
   9.      Modifications .............................................................................................7
   10. Disposition of EUT ......................................................................................7
Criteria for Un-Intentional Radiators ......................................................................8
   1.      Radiated Emissions .....................................................................................8
        Emissions Tests Calculations ........................................................................9
Criteria for Intentional Radiators ..........................................................................12
   2.      Conducted Emissions................................................................................12
   2.      Occupied Bandwidth ................................................................................13
   3.      Deactivation Time..................................................................................... 15
   5.      Duty Cycle ................................................................................................17
   6.      Radiated and Spurious Emissions .............................................................23

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   1. Testing Summary

These tests were conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of demonstrating
compliance with Part 15.231. All tests were conducted using measurement procedure from
ANSI C63.4-2003, American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the range of 9kHz to 40GHz
as appropriate.

Test Name                   Test                  Result     Comments
Unintentional Radiated      15.109                Pass
A/C Power Line              15.207(a)             N/A        Battery Powered Device. Uses 1
Conducted Emissions                                          Lithium Ion Battery
Occupied Bandwidth          15.231(c)             Pass
Deactivation Time           15.231(a)(1)          Pass
Duty Cycle                  15.231                Pass
Radiated & Spurious         15.231(b),            Pass
Emissions                   15.209(a), 15.205,

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   1. Overview

H.B Compliance Solutions was contracted by Microchip, Inc. to perform testing on the Wireless
Remote Control Development Kit Key Fob under the purchase order number 208611.

This document describes the test setups, test methods, required test equipment, and the test
limit criteria used to perform compliance testing of the Microchip, Inc., Wireless Remote
Control Development Kit Key Fob.

 The tests were based on FCC Part 15 Rules. The tests described in this document were formal
tests as described with the objective of the testing was to evaluate compliance of the
Equipment Under Test (EUT) to the requirements of the aforementioned specifications.
Microchip, Inc. should retain a copy of this document and it should be kept on file for at least
five years after the manufacturing of the EUT has been permanently discontinued. The results
obtained relate only to the item(s) tested.

Product Name:                    Wireless Remote Control Development Kit Key Fob
Model(s) Tested:                 N/A
FCC ID:                          OA3RKE4331
Supply Voltage Input:            Primary Power : 3 Vdc
Frequency Range:                 433.9 MHz
No. of Channels:                 1
Type(s) of Modulation:           OOK
Range of Operation Power:        0.0008mW (Radiated)
Emission Designator:             N/A
Channel Spacing(s)               None
Test Item:                       Pre-Production
Type of Equipment :              Portable
Antenna Requirement              Type of Antenna: PCB
(§15.203) :                      Gain of Antenna: -10dBi
Environmental Test               Temperature:          15-35⁰C
Conditions:                      Humidity:             30-60%
                                 Barometric Pressure: 860-1060 mbar
Modification to the EUT:         None
Evaluated By:                    Staff at Emerson Network & H.B Compliance Solutions
Test Date(s):                    05/11/12 till 11/01/12

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     2. Test Facility

All testing was performed at Emerson Network Power. This facility is located at 2900 S. Diablo
Way, Suite 190, Tempe, AZ 85282. All equipment used in making physical determination is
accurate and bears recent traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Test facility at Emerson Network power is an A2LA accredited test site. The A2LA certificate
number is 2716.01. The scope of accreditation covers the FCC Method - 47 CFR Part 15, ICES-
003, CISPR 22, AS/NZS 3548 and VCCI

Radiated Emissions measurements were performed in a semi-anechoic chamber (equivalent to
an Open Area Test Site). In accordance with §2.948(a)(3), a complete site description is
contained at Emerson Network Power.

     3. Description of Test Sample

The Microchip, Inc., Wireless Remote Control Development Kit Key Fob is a development kit
intended for remote keyless entry systems. The device operates at 433.9 MHz (Nominal). The
operating voltage is 3VDC typical.

     4. Equipment Configuration

Ref. ID       Name / Description                        Model Number                 Serial
#1            Wireless Remote Control Development       None                         None
              Kit Key Fob
Table 1. Equipment Configuration

     5. Support Equipment
     All support equipment supplied is listed in the following Support Equipment List.

     Ref ID       Name / Description            Manufacturer        Model #        Serial #
     Table 2. Support Equipment

     6. Ports and Cabling Information
   Ref ID        Port name          Cable       Qty.   Length (m)     Shielded?   Termination Box
                 on the EUT       Description                           (Y/N)       ID & Port ID
Table 3. Ports and Cabling Information

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   7. Method of Monitoring EUT Operation

   A test receiver will be used to monitor the data transmission from the EUT.

   8. Mode of Operation

The EUT will be configured to transmit at maximum power level. Test mode was provided to
select between CW to modulated mode by a cloner programmer unit. These settings were
created for testing purpose only.

   9. Modifications

   9.1 Modifications to EUT

       No modifications were made to the EUT

   9.2 Modifications to Test Standard

       No Modifications were made to the test standard.

   10.        Disposition of EUT

   The test sample including all support equipment submitted to H.B Compliance Solutions for
   testing will be returned to Microchip Inc. upon completion of testing & certification

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Criteria for Un-Intentional Radiators
    1. Radiated Emissions

Test                         §15.109                          Test Engineer(s):               Frank Farrone
Test Results:                Pass                             Test Date(s):                   06/13/2012

Test Procedures:

The final radiated emissions test was performed using the parameters described above as worst case. That
final test was conducted at a facility that meets the ANSI C63.4 NSA requirements. The frequency range
noted in the data sheets was scanned/tested at that facility. Emissions were maximized as specified, by
varying table azimuth, antenna height, and manipulating cables.

Using the mode of operation and configuration noted within this report, a final radiated emissions test was
performed. The frequency range investigated (scanned), is also noted in this report. Radiated emissions
measurements were made at the EUT azimuth and antenna height such that the maximum radiated
emissions level will be detected. This requires the use of a turntable and an antenna positioner. The
preferred method of a continuous azimuth search is utilized for frequency scans of the EUT field strength
with both polarities of the measuring antenna. A calibrated, linearly polarized antenna was positioned at
the specified distance from the periphery of the EUT.

        Note: The specified distance is the horizontal separation between the closest periphery of the
        EUT and the center of the axis of the elements of the receiving antenna. However, if the receiving
        antenna is a log-periodic array, the specified distance shall be the distance between the closest
        periphery of the EUT and the front-to-back center of the array of elements.

Tests were made with the antenna positioned in both the horizontal and vertical polarization planes. The
measurement was varied in height above the conducting ground plane to obtain the maximum signal
strength. Though specified in the report, the measurement distance shall be 3 meters. At any
measurement distance, the antenna height was varied from 1 meter to 4 meters. These height scans apply
for both horizontal and vertical polarization, except that for vertical polarization the minimum height of
the center of the antenna shall be increased so that the lowest point of the bottom of the antenna clears the
ground surface by at least 25 cm.

       Frequency Range (MHz)              Peak Data (kHz)           Quasi-Peak Data (kHz)             Average Data (kHz)
             30 MHz to 1 GHz                     120 kHz                         120 kHz                            N/A
              1 GHz to 11 GHz                      1MHz                              N/A                          1MHz

    Measurements were made using the bandwidths and detectors specified. The video filter was at least as wide as the IF
                                        bandwidth of the measuring receiver.
Table 4. Radiated Emissions – Measurement Bandwidth

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       Emissions Tests Calculations

       In the case of indoor measurements, radiated emissions measurements are made by the
       manipulation of correction factors using Rohde and Schwarz ES-K1 software. This is done
       automatically by the software during the final measurement process.

       In both cases, the level of the Field Strength of the interfering signal is calculated by adding the
       Antenna Factor, Cable Factor and by subtracting the Amplifier Gain from the measured reading.
       The basic equation is as follows:

       FS = RA + AF + (CF –AG)

       Where: FS = Field Strength

                       RA = Receiver (indicated) Amplitude

                       AF = Antenna Factor

                       CF = Cable Attenuation Factor

                       AG = Amplifier Gain

       This laboratory uses an approach of combining the CF and AG using an end-to-end measurement
       of the entire cabling system, including the test cable, any in-line amplifiers, attenuators, or
       transient protection networks, all measured in-situ.

       For a sample calculation, assume a receiver reading of 52.5 dBuV is obtained. With an antenna
       factor of 7.4 and a combined cable factor (CF + AG) of -27.9:

       FS = 52.5 + 7.4 + (-27.9) = 32 dBuV/m

       FS = 32 dBuV/m

       If desired, this can be converted into its corresponding level in uV/m:

        FS = 10^((32 dBuV/m)/20) = 39.8 uV/m

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   Level     [dBµV/m]








       30M 40M 50M        70M   100M      200M  300M 400M   600M      1G
                                   Frequency [Hz]

       MES    keyfob_6-13a_pre           PK
       LIM    FCC_Class B_3M

Plot 1 – Radiated Emissions – 30MHz to 1GHz

   Level     [dBµV/m]








       1G                           2G            3G   4G      5G     6G
                                    Frequency   [Hz]

       MES    keyfab6-14_A_pre           PK
       LIM    FCC_Class B_3M

Plot 2 – Radiated Emissions – 1GHz to 6GHz

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Frequency (MHz) Measured Level                 Height(cm)   Azimuth (deg)   Polarization
See Graph Above None                           None         None            None
Table 5. Final Measurement Results for Radiated Emissions

Note: All digital emissions were below the test limit.

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Criteria for Intentional Radiators

    2. Conducted Emissions

Test Requirement(s):            §15.207                               Test Engineer(s):    N/A
Test Results:                   Battery powered device                Test Date(s):        N/A

Test Procedures:             The EUT was placed on a non-metallic table, 80cm above the ground
                             plane inside a shielded enclosure. The EUT was powered through a
                             50Ω/50μH LISN. The conducted emissions tests were performed using the
                             mode of operation and configuration noted within this report. The
                             frequency range investigated (scanned), is also noted in this report.
                             Conducted power line measurements are made, unless otherwise
                             specified, over the frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz to
                             determine the line-to-ground radio-noise voltage that is conducted from
                             the EUT power-input terminals that are directly (or indirectly via separate
                             transformer or power supplies) connected to a public power network.
                             Equipment is tested with power cords that are the same as those cords
                             normally used or that have electrical or shielding characteristics that are
                             the same as those cords normally used. Typically those measurements
                             are made using a LISN (Line Impedance Stabilization Network). All 50
                             Ohm measuring ports of the LISN are terminated by 50 Ohms, either by
                             the 50 Ohm EMI receiver or a 50 Ohm resistive load.

                             Refer to the Emissions Tests Calculations section in the Radiated
                             Emissions section for sample calculations. For the purposes of the
                             conducted emissions test, the Antenna Factor (AF) is replaced by the LISN
                             correction factor.

  Frequency Range (MHz)                Peak Data (kHz)           Quasi-Peak Data (kHz)       Average Data (kHz)
        0.150 - 30                           9.0                          9.0                       9.0

            Measurements were made using the bandwidths and detectors specified. No video filter was used.
Table 6.Conducted Emissions – Measurement Bandwidth

  Frequency               15.107(b), Class A Limits (dBuV)                  15.107(a), Class B Limits (dBuV)
 Range ( MHz)             Quasi-Peak            Average                    Quasi Peak             Average
  0.15 – 0.5                  79                    66                      66 - 56                56 - 46
   0.5 – 5.0                  73                    60                        56                      46
   5.0 – 30                   73                    60                        60                      50
Note 1 – The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
Table 7. Conducted Emissions Limits – FCC Limits from Section 15.107(a)(b)

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   2. Occupied Bandwidth

Test              15.231(c)                       Test Engineer(s):         Hoosam B.
Test Results:     Pass                            Test Date(s):             05/11/12

Test Procedure:      As required by 47 CFR 15.231(c): The bandwidth of the emission shall be
                     no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for devices operating above
                     70 MHz and below 900 MHz. Bandwidth is determined at the points 20
                     dB down from the modulated carrier.

                     Customer provided a test mode internal to the EUT to control the RF
                     modulation. The EUT antenna was attached and the waveform was
                     received by the test antenna which was connected to the spectrum
                     analyzer. The measured highest peak power was set relative to zero dB
                     reference. The RBW of the Spectrum Analyzer was set to 10kHz and

                     Frequency (MHz) Recorded                     Specification Limit
                     433.9           58.635 kHz                   1.0 MHz
                     Table 8. Occupied Bandwidth Summary, Test Results

                     Note: Limit = 0.25%*Center Frequency = 0.25% * 433.9 MHz = 1.08 MHz

                     The following pages show measurements of Occupied Bandwidth plot:

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Plot 1 – 20dB BW OOK Modulation & 99% Occupied BW (For IC Only)

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   3. Deactivation Time

Test Requirement(s):      §15.231(a)(1)               Test Engineer(s):        Hoosam B.
Test Results:             Pass                        Test Date(s):            11/01/2012

Test Procedures:       As required by 47 CFR 15.231(a)(1), A manually operated transmitter
                       shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the transmitter
                       within not more than 5 seconds of being released.

                       Customer provided a test mode internal to the EUT to control the RF
                       modulation. The EUT antenna was attached and the waveform was
                       received by the test antenna which was connected to the spectrum
                       analyzer. The device was operated and the transmission time was
                       measured with the spectrum analyzer set to zero span at the
                       fundamental frequency

                       Detector Setting       Resolution           Video Bandwidth         Span
                       Peak                   See Plot             See Plot                Zero
                       Table 9 – Analyzer settings

                          Frequency         Transmission Time        Specification Limit
                            (MHz)                 (Sec)                     (Sec)
                            433.9                 0.125               5 seconds or less
                       Table 10 - Deactivation Time Test Results

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Plot 2 – Deactivation Time – Continuous Transmit Mode

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       5. Duty Cycle

Test                  §15.231                      Test Engineer(s):        Hoosam B.
Test Results:         Pass                         Test Date(s):            05/28/12

Test Procedures:

                             There are no limits for this test. This data is used to calculate the
                             averaging correction factor that is applied to the measured peak
                             radiated emissions results.

                             Customer provided a test mode internal to the EUT to control the
                             RF modulation. The EUT antenna was attached and the waveform
                             was received by the test antenna which was connected to the
                             spectrum analyzer. The device was operated and the pulse train
                             /duty cycle was measured with the spectrum analyzer set to zero
                             span at the fundamental frequency.

 Frequency    Pulse Width Period or 100ms              Average Correction Factor (dB)
 (MHz)        (mS)        whichever is lesser          20log(PulseWidth/TotalTransmission Time)
    433.9         66.8          100ms                                    - 3.5
                             Table 11- Duty Cycle Calculation

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                          Plot 3 – Duty Cycle – Pulse Data Stream

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                          Plot 4 – Duty Cycle – Period

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                          100ms Window

                          Header Detail

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                           Packet Detail

                          Preamble Detail

HBCS Report # EMC_12008                     Page 21 of 25

Customer Provided Details.
Above are the screen captures of the transmission,

A packet is made up of four components the Preamble, Header, Data, and Guard. All times are derived
from a “Basic time element” Te.

The Header is 22Te “on” and 21Te “off” at 50% duty cycle.

The Preamble is 10Te “off”. Essentially, it is a quiet period.

The Guard is 20Te “off.”

Data is a bit more complex. Each data bit is lasts 3Te. The first Te is always high, the third is always low,
and the middle is the inverse of the data bit being transmitted. So, for data bit “1” the transmission is
1Te “off” and 2Te “on.” For data bit “0” the transmission is 2Te “on” and 1Te “off.”

Data is also the only variable portion, as it depends on the actual data being sent. The worst case is if the
data is all 0s, as that will have the highest on ratio of 2Te / 3Te = 66%.

For this transmitter, the basic time element is Te = 200 us, and the data bit length is 168 bits. This means
the data portion will be longer than 100 ms. And, since it has the highest “on” duty cycle, we can
calculate the “worst case window” from the data portion alone.

Total time: 168*3*Te = 100.8 ms.

This is 800 us over the window limit, so subtract 1 1/3 of a bit from the end of the transmission. That
makes 166 full bit times, plus 2/3 of a bit, which will be entirely high because we are removing from the
end of the transmission.

1*3*Te + 1*1*Te = 0.8 ms

Total on time: 166*2*Te + 1*2*Te = 66.8 ms.

From a 100 ms window, the transmitter is “on” 66.8% of the time.

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       6. Radiated and Spurious Emissions

Test                  §15.231(b), 15.209(a),        Test Engineer(s):        Frank Farrone
Requirement(s):       15.205, 15.35
Test Results:         Pass                          Test Date(s):            06/14/12

Test Procedures:     As required by 47 CFR 15.231, Radiated emission measurements were
                     made in accordance with the procedures of the ANSI C63.4 - 2003.

                     The EUT was placed on a wooden table inside a 3 meter semi-anechoic
                     chamber. The EUT was set on continuous transmit.

                     The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the
                     EUT. During the tests, the antenna height and polarization as well as EUT
                     azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of emissions
                     from the EUT. The frequency range up to the 10th harmonic was

                     Frequency           Detector    Resolution Video Bandwidth         Span
                     Range               Setting     Bandwidth
                     30MHz – 1000        Quasi       120kHz     As Specified in         Zero
                     MHz                 Peak                   §15.35(c)
                     1000 MHz –          Peak        1MHz       1MHz                    As
                     5GHz                                                               necessary
                     1000 MHz –          Average     1MHz           As Specified in     As
                     5GHz                                           §15.35(c)           necessary
                     Table 12 - Analyzer Settings

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                      The following table shows the highest levels of radiated emissions on
               both polarizations of horizontal and vertical

                                                                                                                                                   Average Margin (dB)
                                  Peak Measurement

                                                                                          Average Amplitude

                                                                                                              FCC Average Limit

                                                                                                                                                                         Peak Margin (dB)
                Frequency (MHz)

                                                     Antenna Polarity
                                  @ 3m (dBuV/m)

                                                                        Correction (dB)

                                                                                                                                  FCC Peak Limit
                                                                        Duty Cycle





               433.91              75.2                 V                 3.5              71.7                80.8               100.8                          -9.1    -25.6               Fundamental
               867.83              60.1                 V                 3.5              56.6                60.6                80.6                          -4.0    -20.5                Harmonic
               1301.74              53                  V                 3.5              49.5                54.0                74.0                          -4.5     -21                 Harmonic
               1735.66             44.1                 V                 3.5              40.6                60.6                80.6                          -20     -36.5                Harmonic
               2169.58             47.1                 V                 3.5              43.6                60.6                80.6                          -17     -33.5                Harmonic

              Table 13 - Radiated Emission Data – 30MHz – 3GHz

               Note: Frequency marked with “*” falls under the restricted band for Industry Canada and or FCC.


To get a maximum emission level from the EUT, the EUT was moved throughout the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-
Axis. Worst case is X-axis.

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        Test Equipment

Equipment                    Manufacturer Model          Serial #       Last Cal     Cal Due
                                                                        Date         Date
Power Supply                 H.P             E3610A      KR83021468     NCR          None
Spectrum Analyzer            Agilent         E4402B      USA1192757     Nov/10/11    Nov/10/12
DMM                          H.P             34401A      US36054008     Nov/11/11    Nov/11/12
Combiner/Splitter            Mini-Circuits   ZFSC-2-2    None           NCR          None
High Pass Filter             Mini-Circuits   VHF-3100+   15542          NCR          None
Temperature Meter            Fluke           52          6767008        10/30/11     10/30/12
Attenuator 30dB              Bird            10-A-MFN-   0031039        11/03/11     11/03/12
Variable Attenuator          H.P.            None        None           NCR          None
EMI Receiver                 R&S             ESCS-30     828985/007     Sep/03/11    Sep/03/12
Signal Generator             R&S             SMY02       1062.5502.12   NCR          None
Attenuator 20dB              Mini Circuits   CAT-20      10012          NCR          None
Horn Antenna                 EMCO            3115        9505-4428      Nov/04/11    Nov/04/12

Bilog Antenna                Chase           CBL6140     1040           Nov/09/11 Nov/09/12
Table 14 – Test Equipment List

*Statement of Traceability: Test equipment is maintained and calibrated on a regular basis. All
calibrations have been performed by a 17025 accredited test facility, traceable to National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


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Document Created: 2013-04-26 12:04:54
Document Modified: 2013-04-26 12:04:54

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