User Manual


Users Manual

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                               User Manual
                                             For the

                             Trailer Tracking Device

                                         July10, 2017


The information presented in this document is strictly confidential and contains trade secrets
and other confidential information that are the exclusive property of Spireon Inc.

Author              Revision   Changes                                      Date
Hao                 1.1        Initial version                              2017-07-10
Ewing               1.2        Edits                                        2017-07-20

© 2017 Spireon, Inc.1 / 22


1   Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
2   Hardware Design....................................................................................................................... 5
  2.1    Basic Hardware ................................................................................................................ 5
  2.2    Basic RF Performance ...................................................................................................... 7
  2.3    Certification and Safety .................................................................................................. 10
3   Software Features .................................................................................................................... 11
  3.1    Basic Software................................................................................................................ 11
  3.2    Remote Update ............................................................................................................... 11
  3.3    Power Modes .................................................................................................................. 11
  3.4    AT Command ................................................................................................................. 12
  3.5    Reset ............................................................................................................................... 18
    3.5.1 Context Preservation .................................................................................................. 18
  3.6    Startup Banner ................................................................................................................ 18
  3.7    Hardware ........................................................................................................................ 19
  3.8    Software Test .................................................................................................................. 19
Mechanical Structure(mm) ............................................................................................................. 20
FCC Statement ................................................................................................................................ 21

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1 Introduction
TheJG-His a self-contained trailer tracking device that combines GPS location with
WCDMA/GSM/GPRSconnectivity.It is primarily a location reporting device that responds to
requests (user, server) and events (timers, geo-fences). Data reports consist of a single record
that contains all location data and system status.

The device comes pre-configured from the factory, ready to use.TheJG-H appears to a user or
a server application as a single endpoint device. It can be queried, updated and configured
either through a serial connection, an over the air IP connection, or through SMS messaging.
TheJG-Hpresents itself over these connections as an enhanced cellular modem with attached
functional elements. These elements include:
         • GPS
         • Accelerometer
         • I/O pins and tamper alert
         • Serial UART port for management and for cargo sensor
         • Status LEDs
         • Timers
         • Watchdog lockup protection
         • Power Management
         • Power Output
         • Solar panel power supply

 Access to these elements and general purpose interfaces is done through an extended AT
 command set as defined herein.Configuration parameters are stored to flash memory and
 are automatically used on the next power up event. For more details, please reference the
 AT Command document.


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This product is designed based on the MT6276 Baseband chipset, supporting WCDMAand
GPRS protocol for wirelessdata; using an internal dual band antenna(GSM850&PCS 1900).
The device also includes stand-alone GPS functionality, an accelerometer for motion
detection, as well as support for solar panel power supply. The JG-H can operate from an
internal rechargeable battery or an external power source. The battery is recharging via the
solar panel or external power.

2 Hardware Design

2.1   Basic Hardware
      Items                             Requirement
      Baseband Chipset                  MT6276A
      RF 2G Transceiver                 RF3235
      RF 3G Transceiver                 RF7411TR7
      Memory                            MCP_NAND 1Gb(x16) / mobile DDR
      Cellular Network                  Supportfor WCDMA Class 12 GPRS, GPS
      Frequency                         2G band support : 850MHz & 1.8GHz
                                        Support for 12 class GPRS
                                        3G band support : Band2 and Band5
      Antenna                           Internal Antenna[850M&1900M]
      GPS Antenna                       Dedicate high performance ceramic antenna
      UIM requirement                   No-UIM mode, SIM card connector
      Interface                         Main PWR – 12V DC(1.5A current)
                                        Aux PWR – 12V DC(1.5A current)
                                        Solar PWR (battery charge)
                                        PWR OUT (3.3V, 300mA current)
                                        UART TX
                                        UART RX
                                        Relay Drive Output (12V, 500mA current)
      Power Monitor                     internal analog input scaled – battery, external
                                        power, solar
      Build in battery manager          Supported
      Dedicate Timers                   Yes
      Watchdog                          Supported
      Motion Detect                     Accelerometer
      LED                               3 status LEDs (Green, Red, and Orange)

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       Battery                            Built in rechargeable batteryfor up to 6 months
                                          of typical operation
       Power Switch                       No
       Power Cable connector type         23 - pin
       Power Out                          Yes
       Solar Panel                        Yes
       Power Consumption                  <20 Watts

The JG-Hprovides support for specialized hardware features through extended AT commands.
The features supported include the following.

GPS location functionality is provided by the device GPS receiver. Warm start from sleep is

One general purpose GPIO and three additional multiplexed IO’s are presented to the external
environment on the main connector. They are capable of providing system interrupts to
generate a report or drive logic levels to external devices. These lines are 2.8V logic level and
are 16V tolerant. The multiplexed IO’s are typically configured as Ignition, Relay and

Three LED status indicators are provided to verify correct installation and operation. The
status LEDs are color coded and directly convey the status of the cellular and GPS
subsystems, as well as the power input; described in the table below. Their valid operation
also indicates operational status and power.

 LED            Function       Status
 Red            GPS            On: GPS satellites acquired and locked
                               Flash Slow: GPS satellite search is in progress
                               Off: GPS is turned off
 Green          Cellular       On: Indicates cellulardata connection is available
                Connection     Flash Slow: cellular subsystem initialized but no connection
                               Flash Fast: cellular initialization in process
                               Off: Cellular sub-system is off
 Orange         Battery        On: Indicates external power and battery is fully charged
                charging       Flash: Indicates external power and battery is charging
                               Off: Indicates running from battery. Blinks shortly every

The JG-H provides user control allowing the LEDs to be extinguished once installation is
verified. This feature reduces power and further conceals the JG-H Tracker from untrained
parties wishing to defeat its operation.

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The accelerometer is used for motion start detection to wake the unit up from a sleep mode
and driving behavior monitoring.

A UART port is provided for AT command and data interaction. The UART can also serve to
attach other accessories, such as cargo sensor.

A 1-Wire interface is supported to attach external sensors, such as temperature sensor, etc.

Relay Driver
A 500mA sink capable output pin is provided. This pin is meant to drive a relay coil indented
to interrupt the starter solenoid relay for the ignition circuit to a car.

Ignition Monitor
One of the GPIO’s can be wired to vehicle ignition to monitor and trigger event upon ignition
start and stop.

Power Out
The JG-H provides a power out option at 3.3V and up to 300mA to enable powering up
external devices. The power out is turned off by default and is controlled by software.

Tamper detection pin is available on the external connector. The Tamper pin can trigger an
alert when disconnected from ground.

Solar Panel
The JG-H includes an integrated solar panel that constantly charges the battery when exposed
to light.

Power Monitor
The internal power monitor circuitry allows to measure the voltage on all possible power
sources: Main, Auxiliary, Battery, Solar.

Timers resident on the baseband chip generate periodic interrupts for power down, wakeup,
report generation and other timer related functions.

2.2    Basic RF Performance
      Items                           Requirements            Remark
      TRP free space                  >= 20 dBm               TRP free space

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   TIS free space                <= -104dBm          TIS free space
   Antenna loss                  <= -3dB             TRP-TX Power Conducted
                                                     RX receive sensitivity conducted
   Antenna Loss                  <= -3dB
                                                     – TIS

   Board RF Specification
   Cellular Band RX
   2G Frequency range            935MHz~960MHz
   Sensitivity                   -108dBm (FER≤0.5%)
   Dynamic range                 -25~-108dBm (FER≤0.5%)
   Single tone Desensitization   -102.4dBm(FER≤1%,-30dBm@±900KHz)
                                 -102.4dBm(FER≤1%,-43dBm@±900 KHz/±1800KHz)
   Intermediation Spurious
                                 -91.4dBm(FER≤1%,-32dBm @±900 KHz/±1800KHz)
   Response Attenuation
                                 -80.4dBm(FER≤1%,-21dBm @±900 KHz/±1800KHz)
                                 <-76dBm/1MHz(RX band)
   Conducted Spurious
                                 <-61dBm/1MHz(TX band)
                                 <-47dBm/30KHz(other frequency)
   Cellular Band TX
   2G Frequency range            890MHz~915MHz
   Maximum Frequency error       ±200KHz
   Maximum output power          21~32dBm
   Minimum controlled output     <-50dBm
   Standby output power          <-61dBm
                                 The code domain power in each inactive code channel
   Code domain power             shall be 23 dB or more below the total output power
                                 measured on both the I and Q data channel combined.
   Time reference                ±1.0uS
   Waveform quality              >0.944
   Range of open loop output
                                 (|Δf|: 1.98MHz~4.00MHz)
   Conducted spurious emission   (|Δf| > 4MHz, 9KHz < f < 150KHz,)
                                 (|Δf| > 4MHz, 150kHz<f<30MHz,)
                                 (|Δf| > 4MHz, 30MHz<f<1GHz)

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                                 (|Δf| > 4MHz, 1GHz<f<12.75GHz)
   WCDMA Band1 RX
   3G Frequency range            2110MHz~2170MHz
   Maximum Frequency error       ±200KHz
   Maximum output power          21~24dBm
   Minimum controlled output     <-50dBm
   Standby output power          <-61dBm
   Error Vector Magnitude        <17.5%
   WCDMA Band1 TX
   3G Frequency range            1920MHz~1980MHz
   Maximum Frequency error       ±200KHz
   Maximum output power          21~24dBm
   Minimum controlled output     <-50dBm
   Standby output power          <-61dBm
   Error Vector Magnitude        <17.5%
   DCS Band RX
   Frequency range               1805MHz ~ 1880MHz
   Sensitivity                   -108dBm (FER≤0.5%)
   Dynamic range                 -25 ~ -108dBm (FER≤0.5%)
   Single tone Desensitization   -102.4dBm(FER≤1%,-40dBm@±1250KHz)
   Intermediation Spurious
   Response Attenuation
                                 <-76dBm/1MHz(RX band)
   Conducted Spurious
                                 <-61dBm/1MHz( TX band)
                                 <-47dBm/30KHz(other frequency)
   PCS Band TX
   Frequency range               1710MHz ~ 1785MHz
   Maximum Frequency error       ±200KHz
   Maximum output power          23 ~ 30dBm
   Minimum controlled output     <-50dBm
   Standby output power          <-61dBm
                                 The code domain power in each inactive code channel
   Code domain power             shall be 23 dB or more below the total output power
                                 measured on both I and Q data channel combined.
   Time reference                ±1.0uS
   Waveform quality              >0.944
   Range of open loop output     (test1: -25dBm/1.23MHz) -50.7±9.5dBm

   Conducted spurious emission   (test2: -60dBm/1.23MHz) -10.7±9.5dBm

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                                    (test3: -91.3dBm/1.23MHz) 20.3±9.5dBm
                                    -54dBc/30Khzor-54dBm/1.23MHz                    (|Δf|:
                                    <-36dBm/1kHz (|Δf| > 4MHz, 9KHz < f < 150KHz)
                                    <-36dBm/10kHz (|Δf| > 4MHz, 150kHz<f<30MHz)
                                    <-36dBm/100kHz (|Δf| > 4MHz, 30MHz<f<1GHz)
                                    <-30dBm/1MHz (|Δf| > 4MHz, 1GHz<f<12.75GHz)
                                    L1-band (1.57542GHz)
      Frequency Support             Channels: 210 PRN, 66 Search, 22 Simultaneous
                                    Sensitivity (UHIS):
                                    Tracking: -156dBm
                                    Reacquisition: -153dBm
                                    Acquisition: -144dBm
                                    Acquisition time:
                                    Hot: <2s
      Tracking Time Requirement     Warm: <15s
                                    Cold: <60s
                                    Reacquisition: 2s - 10s Depends on signal level

2.3    Certification and Safety
      Items                          Requirement
      Drop Design                    1.2meter 6 direction standard drop test
      Temperature Range              -20 to 65C Operation
                                     -40 to +85° C Storage
      Humidity:                      20% to 90% Operation
                                     10% to 95% Storage
      Altitude:                      -500 to +18,000m
      Vehicle ISO Test               ISO7637-2-2004; ISO7637-3-2007; ISO10605-2008;
      FCC Certification              FCC 47 CFR Part 15 ,Part 2,Part 22,Part 24
      Others Operator Requirement    Industry Canada/ AT&T (optional)
      ESD Requirement                10KV non-Conductive

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3 Software Features

3.1     Basic Software
Items                              Requirement
Network Interface                  GSM 900/1800MHz/WCDMA(Band1); GPS
GPRS Data                          Supported
IP Stack                           Ipv4/IPV6
Upgrade Method                     Remote update/ PC tool
Remote Update                      Supported
Power Modes                        Supported
AT Command                         Supported
Report                             Supported
Driver                             GPIO,LED,GPS,UART,3.3V out, Accelerometer
GPIOs                              Interrupt for Cargo Sensor, Ignition Status, Tamper
LEDs                               GPS Status, WCDMA Status, Battery Charging
Watch Dog                          Supported
Reset                              Soft reset, hard reset, GPS reset, RF reset
Startup Banner                     Supported

3.2     Remote Update
The JG-Hsupports OTA field upgrades of the JG-Hresident application. An over the air TFTP
(Trivial File Transfer Protocol) connection is made over a UDP/IP connection. A replacement
file is then transferred from a server to the JG-Hand that file replaces the previous application

3.3     Power Modes
The JG-H device supports several power modes that are set by AT commands. In full power
mode the GPS is active and the cellular subsystem will maintain a persistent cellular
connection whenever service is available. IP connection is maintained according to the
configuration of the device.

The device can be put in a sleep mode whenever it runs on an internal battery, if the external
battery is low or if the device is not moving. In low power mode the GPS is not running and
the LED’s are off. The device would return to full power whenever an event occurs that
triggers a report. Those events include:
          • GPIO change
          • Battery threshold
          • Heartbeat
          • Power-up
          • Accelerometer
          • Tamper
Any hardware or software reset will return the device to full power mode.

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3.4    AT Command
JG-Hcommands are AT extensions specific to JG-H devices. They are closely based on
commands that are as similar as possible to other industry common devices. Native AT
commands supported by the baseband modem are also available via the serial interface.

Command Summary
The following commands are specific to the JG-H. They are organized by categories.

Event Setting Commands
The following set of commands enables/disables reporting of the various events and state
transitions that take place in the system. The event setting commands typically include
trigger(s) that indicate what event or state transition would cause an event report to be sent.
Often state transitions also qualified with “debounce” time to prevent various flickers and
intermittent state transitions. Examples are: (1) state change of an input pin; (2) crossing a
geo-fence line for a brief period of time and then crossing it back.

As a general rule every event and state transition has its own unique event ID that is reflected
in the report triggered by the said event. Refer to Table 2 – Events for the complete list of
event ID’s. Those default event ID’s can be changed by the user to accommodate specific
server implementations, by explicitly specifying what they are in the respective commands.
As an example, all trip related events can be mapped to the same event ID, so there is no need
to parse the specific event trigger. Following is a list of event setting commands:

         1. AT+XBTLE                Battery Low Event

         2. AT+XBUBE                Backup Battery Events

         3. AT+XCCLE                Cellular Connection Lost/Lock Events

         4. AT+XDRI                 Drive Report Intervals

         5. AT+XDTS                 Drive Trip Start/Stop

         6. AT+XGFE             Geo-Fence Enable

         7. AT+XGME                 G-sensor Motion Events

         8. AT+XGPL                 GPS Lost/Lock

         9. AT+XHB                  Heart Beat

         10. AT+XIA                 Idle Alert

         11. AT+XIGN                Ignition

         12. AT+XIOE                I/O Event

         13. AT+XIPC                IP Changed

         14. AT+XPUP                Power Up

         15. AT+XPWE                Power Events

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        16. AT+XRLYE           Relay Event

        17. AT+XSLPE           Sleep Events

        18. AT+XRSTE           Reset Event

        19. AT+XSPD            Speeding

        20. AT+XTA             Tow Alert

        21. AT+XTMPRE          Tamper Event

        22. AT+XVTOE           Virtual Trip Odometer Event

Action Commands
Action commands instigate an immediate action. They cannot be included in configuration
files. Following is a list of action commands:

        23. AT+XBUBX           Back-Up Battery eXit

        24. AT+XCC             Clear Counters

        25. AT+XCSRN           Cargo Sensor Report Now

        26. AT+XFDR            Factory DefaultsRestore

        27. AT+XFDU            Factory DefaultsUpdate

        28. AT+XMRN            Maintenance Report Now

        29. AT+XRN             Report Now

        30. AT+XRNE            Report Now Echo

        31. AT+XRPQD           Report Queue Dump

        32. AT+XRST            Reset - soft/hard

        33. AT+XVEGH           Virtual Engine-Hours

        34. AT+XVO             Virtual Odometer

        35. AT+XVTO            Virtual Trip Odometer

        36. AT+XUMA            Unauthorized Motion Alert

File Update Commands
        37. AT+XUAPP           Update Application file OTA

        38. AT+XUFW            Update Firmware file OTA

        39. AT+XUIO            Update IO controller file OTA (Battery powered devices only)

        40. AT+XUUC            Update User Configuration file OTA

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Periodic Action Commands (with Events)
Periodic Action commands trigger time based periodic action, such as reset, data session
renewal, etc. Some actions can trigger an event report to indicate the respective action took
place. Following is a list of event setting commands:
         41. AT+XKA             Keep Alive

         42. AT+XPST            Packet Session Timeout

         43. AT+XRSTP           Reset Periodically

Configuration Commands
Configuration commands control various parameter settings of the device. For convenience
they are grouped into topical settings. Following is a list of configuration commands:

Communication related settings
         44. AT+XAPN            Set APN (GSM devices only)

         45. AT+XCSW            Cellular Session Watchdog

         46. AT+XIP             Set target server IP address and port number

         47. AT+XLPORT          Set Local IP port number

         48. AT+XMIP            Set Maintenance server IP address and port number

         49. AT+XPRP            PxP Renewal Policy

         50. AT+XSMSD           SMS Destination

         51. AT+XSMSS           SMS Source

         52. AT+XSPIP           Set Serial Port (A-UART) IP address and port number

         53. AT+XUIP            Set Update server IP address and port number

Protocol related settings
         54. AT+XCRA            Command Response Appendix

         55. AT+XITM            Item Mask

         56. AT+XRPA            Report Acknowledge

         57. AT+XRPF            Report Format

         58. AT+XRPM            Report Mask

         59. AT+XRPQ            Report Queue length

         60. AT+XRPSF           Report Start Frame

Drive Trip related settings
         61. AT+XDDI            Drive Distance Interval

         62. AT+XDHC            Drive Heading Change

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        63. AT+XDMED           Drive Motion End Distance

        64. AT+XDMES           Drive Motion End Speed

        65. AT+XDMSD           Drive Motion start Distance

        66. AT+XDMSS           Drive Motion Start Speed

        67. AT+XDMST           Drive Motion Start Trigger

        68. AT+XDMET           Drive Motion End Trigger

        69. AT+XDTT            Drive Trip Trigger

        70. AT+XUMSD           Unauthorized Motion start Distance

        71. AT+XUMSS           Unauthorized Motion Start Speed

        72. AT+XUMST           Unauthorized Motion Start Trigger

Peripheral related settings
        73. AT+XBTL            Battery Low

        74. AT+XBUB            Back-Up Battery

        75. AT+EGHM            Engine Hours Mode

        76. AT+XGMTH           G-sensor Motion Threshold

        77. AT+XGPLP           GPS Lock Parameters

        78. AT+XGPLT           GPS Lock Timeout

        79. AT+XIGM            Ignition Mode

        80. AT+XIGV            Ignition Voltage

        81. AT+XIOD            I/ODirection

        82. AT+XIOW            I/O Write

        83. AT+XLEDO           LED’s Off

        84. AT+XODM            Odometer Mode

        85. AT+XOWM            One-Wire Mode

        86. AT+XPWET           Power Event Threshold

        87. AT+XPWSMM          Power State-Mode Mobile

        88. AT+XPWSMS          Power State-Mode Stationary

        89. AT+XPWST           Power State Threshold

        90. AT+XPWSRC          Power Source Configuration (Puma, Jaguar only)

        91. AT+XRLY            Set Relay

        92. AT+XRLYO           Relay Override Policy

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        93. AT+XSPC             Serial Port Configuration

        94. AT+XTMPRM           Tamper Mode

Maintenance report settings
        95. AT+XMHB             Maintenance Report Heart Beat

        96. AT+XMITM            Maintenance Item Mask

        97. AT+XMRC             Maintenance Report Clone

        98. AT+XMRPM            Maintenance Report Mask

Miscellaneous settings
        99. AT+XCIN             Configuration Id Number

        100. AT+XCIV            Configuration Id Version

        101. AT+XEVIT           Event Items

        102. AT+XEVITD          Event Item Default

        103. AT+XGF             Geo-Fence

        104. AT+XGFH            Geo-Fence Here

        105. AT+XLW             Listening Window

        106. AT+XSLCK           SIM Lock

Information Commands
Information commands simply output various data regarding the current status of the device.
They are mostly useful for troubleshooting. Following is a list of information commands:
        107. AT+XGFR            Geo-Fence Read

        108. AT+XIOR            I/O Read

Configuration reading commands
        109. AT+XCFD            Configuration file – Default

        110. AT+XCFU            Configuration file – User

Information commands
        111. AT+XINCEL          Info: Cellular

        112. AT+XINDAT          Info: Data

        113. AT+XINEVT          Info: Events

        114. AT+XINGPS          Info: GPS

        115. AT+XINNET          Info: Network

        116. AT+XINPWR          Info: Power

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         117. AT+XINVER          Info: Versions

         118. AT+XEVITR          Event-Item Read

The JG-H captures data and forms a report record with that data. A report is a data structure
containing all of the sensory and other typically useful data on the device. Reports are
generated in response to specified events, such as periodic timeout, speed threshold,
geo-fence crossing, etc., or in response to a Report Now command (AT+XRN).

Report Queuing
If a report trigger occurs while UDP connection is unavailable, it will be queued until
connection becomes available and transmitted at such time. The only way report(s) can be lost
is if too many reports are queued and the report-queue is overflowing. In such case the earliest
report(s) will be discarded. The size of the queue can be configured via the Report Queue
(AT+XRPQ) command.

Ack’ed Mode
UDP is not a 100% reliable connection and occasional reports or command/responses may be
lost. Since all commands have responses, the server can repeat any command to which there
is no response. In order to assure reliable reception of reports, the device can be configured
either in Normal or Ack’ed mode to send the reports. In the Normal mode the reports are
simply sent “as is” with no acknowledgment from the server. In the Ack’ed mode every
report sent is expected to be acknowledged by the server by sending back an ACK message
back. If acknowledgement is not received within the specified timeout, the report is re-sent. If
the report is not acknowledged after the specified number of attempts, it is queued. If
acknowledgement is received after the report is queued (i.e. past timeout of the last attempt),
it is ignored.

Report is not considered “complete” until its acknowledgement is received. Thus, if report X
is sent and report X+1 is triggered while waiting for acknowledgement of X, report X+1 will
be queued until such acknowledgement is received and only then sent. The JG-H will attempt
to re-send queued report(s) every time a new report is triggered. If there is more than one
report queued, the reports will attempt to be sent in the order of triggering and only once the
report is acknowledged, the next report is attempted. This assures that reports are sent and
received in order.

Ack’ed mode assures that all reports are received, but adds overhead in time and data. Report
that is not acknowledged is sent again and eventually will be queued and sent again. The
number and frequency of re-tries is configurable via the Report Acknowledgement command

Event Report Format
Reports are encoded as binary hex.

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3.5    Reset
There are a number of resets available on the device. Soft reset only restarts the baseband on
the device. Hard reset is caused by resetting the whole baseband module via a reset pin. There
is also an option to reset the cellular and GPS sub-systemsindividially.

3.5.1 Context Preservation
When a self-initiated reset is performed due to Network Watchdog or by the Reset command
(modes 0,1), the context of the system is being preserved and is restored after the reset. The
context includes all the periodic timers, the report queue, the odometer, etc. This allows to
reset the unit as a troubleshooting or preventive measure without losing reports that are
already in the queue or are pending on running timers. Note that the reset process may cause
1-2min of inaccuracy in the timers and should not be considered as very precise.

3.6    Startup Banner
After a reset a startup banner is printed through the UART only.

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Test Method

3.7    Hardware
Test Item                           Description
Baseband Function Test                  •   Power Input Test
                                        •   Power Consumption and Current Test
                                        •   Heat Dissipation Test
                                        •   UART Stability Test
                                        •   GPIO Level Test
                                        •   LED Stability Test
                                        •   Drop Down Test
                                        •   ESD Test
                                        •   High/Low Temperature Test
                                        •   Humidity Test
RF Test                                 •   RF Performance Test
                                        •   GPS Performance Test
                                        •   Antenna Performance Test

3.8    Software Test
Test Environment Construct
 Message Test environment
1. USB dongle and PC as message server
2. Send message to JG-H
 UDP Test environment
1. Connect dongle to PC and create dialup as ip server
2. JG-H create IP connection to server
 UART Test environment
1. Connect JG-H to pc with com serial cable
2. Open Terminal tool and send at command
3. Response can be shown at terminal window

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Mechanical Structure(mm)

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     FCC Statement

RF Exposure Warning Statements:
The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at
least 20 cm from all persons during the normal operations.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the
Le présentappareilestconforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. L'exploitationestautorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit
pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareildoit accepter tout
brouillageradioélectriquesubi, mêmesi le brouillageest susceptible d'encompromettre le

In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the IC radio frequency exposure limits, human

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proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20cm (8 inches) during normal operation.

Afind'éviter la possibilité de dépasser les limitesd'exposition aux fréquences radio de la IC
CNR102, la proximitéhumaine à l'antenne ne doit pas êtreinférieure à 20 cm (8 pouces) pendant
le fonctionnement normal.

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Document Created: 2017-08-01 18:31:30
Document Modified: 2017-08-01 18:31:30

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