Manual English


Users Manual

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description of the unit
                 ■ Top:
 1    On/Off strap switch                                                                      Exclusive features of the ARVA Advanced:
 2    Transmit/Receive switch (SOS / Search)                                                   • A powerful 457 kHz ±20 Hz transmitter with transmission level inde-
                                                                                                 pendent of battery power.
 3    Directional arrows                                                                       • In numerical (standard) mode, the search band width is 40 m.
 4    Loudspeaker                                                                              • Multiple victim indicator and automatic synchronisation on closest victim.
 5    Receiver intensity/sensitivity adjustment (Advanced=analogue mode)                       • In Advanced (= analogue) mode, indication of a scale of progress and,
                 ■ LCD screen                                                                    in multiple victim situations, indication of estimated distances
6     Indicator showing simultaneous detection of multiple victims                               along field lines.
 7    Initial search distance indicator                                                        • Auto-control of frequency adjustment and transmission level every 5 minutes.
8     Battery status/distance indicator                                                        • 16 bit processor with extremely fast analysis speed.
9     Battery status indicator
10    Indicator showing use of Advanced (=analogue) mode with sensitivity level
      (9=max. sensitivity, 1=min. sensitivity)                                                 switching the unit on
                 ■ Underside:                                                                  ■ Fasten the On/Off strap 1
11    Battery compartment cover                                                                ■ Auto-control: the direction diodes 3 light up from left to right, and
12    Reminder: Attachment of straps - Switching on - Switching to receive                     the LCD screen comes on. 3 beeps are emitted if the loudspeaker is in working
      mode - Simulation of initial search by one or more rescuers 1 - Secon-                   order.
      dary search 2 - Final search (last cross) 3                                              ■ Check your batteries using the battery life indicator scale levels 8 9
                                                                                               11 levels: 99,90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 0.
                                                                                               ■ The LCS screen then goes off and the central diode 3 flashes to
                                                                                               indicate that the unit is in transmit mode.
using the arvaA                                                                                ■ Check Transmit/Receive functions before setting out. The per-
                                                                                               son checking the unit puts his ARVA in transmit mode and all the other members of
The ARVA ADVANCED has two operating modes:                                                     the group check that their ARVAs detect the signal properly in receive mode . The
■ Standard (numerical), involving use of the right and left directional                        operation is to be repeated in the opposite direction so that ALL the ARVA units in
arrows. The device automatically locks on to the closest victim. Follow the indi-              the group are checked in both transmit and receive modes.
cations given in the form of figures and the direction shown by the red diode. If              Possible anomalies...
pictogram 6 lights up, the device has detected multiple victims.                               The ARVA ADVANCED performs a self-test every 5 minutes to check the state of
                                                                                               the batteries, frequency setting, transmission power, etc.
■ Advanced (analogue with numerical aids), in which receiver sen-                              If the unit detects an anomaly, a 5-second beep is emitted,
sitivity is adjusted with the + and - buttons. In analogue mode, the Advanced                  3 times, separated by 5 minute intervals. This means one of two things:
symbol is displayed on the screen with a sensitivity level value (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8              • The battery charge has dropped to 20% (the unit can still transmit for 48 hours
or 9). 9 corresponds to greatest sensitivity (distant search) and 1 to lowest                  or search for half an hour). After the 5-second beeps, 20% will stay displayed on
                                                                                               the LCD screen to remind you to change the batteries as soon as possible.
sensitivity (close search). In this mode, the device shows all the signals received.           • Technical problems connected with transmission or programming: after the
If there are multiple victims, it indicates the estimated distances to each one.               5-second beeps, the LCD screen displays Er (= Error). Do not set out with
                                                                                               any unit displaying this message.

installing batteries                                                                           information for your own safety
The ARVA ADVANCED operates exclusively with four standard LR03 alkaline batte-                 Whenever you leave marked-out ski runs or trails, you are in an area where there are
ries. Open the battery compartment cover 11 with a screwdriver or coin. The four               certain risks, particularly of avalanches. When moving around in the mountains, you do so
batteries should be of the same brand and be replaced at the same time. Insert                 at your own risk:
                                                                                               • Before setting out, check the local weather with a reliable weather station or pro-
the batteries carefully in the order shown inside the compartment.                             fessional mountain guides and carry the right equipment. In particular, take an ARVA
N.B.: Do not store the unit at a temperature of less than 0°C to avoid damaging                and carry a shovel and a probe. But remember, this equipment will not detect avalanches or
the batteries. DO NOT USE rechargeable batteries. Remove the batteries if the unit             provide complete protection and to be fully effective, you need to familiarise yourself with
is not used for any length of time.                                                            the use of the ARVA beforehand!
useful information:                                                                            • Never go off on your own and do not follow any trail you happen to
                                                                                               see: they are no guarantee of safety. If there is any doubt about the stability of a slope you
Move forward SLOWLY to avoid going too hastily in the wrong direction. The entire surface      have to cross, YOU MUST leave a good distance between one another or better, cross it one
of the avalanche must be investigated. When searching for a victim or testing the unit, stay   by one. Keep a good eye on one another.
away from electrical equipment (high-voltage power lines, radios, mobile phones, etc.) or      • Finally, it is best to give up if you are not sure! Be careful: snow conditions change,
impose radio silence (these are just a few examples). This is applicable when using any        and with them the risk of avalanches. Get to know about avalanches. In France, a free cata-
ARVA-type transmitter-receiver.                                                                logue and documentation can be obtained from ANENA (Association Nationale pour l’Etude
The distance indicator indicates progress along a field line and not a distance in metres.     de la Neige et des Avalanches, - tel. 04 76 51 39 39 /


Simply press simultaneously on the + and - buttons for 3 seconds to flip from Standard (nume-                    We shall now take a look at the two main modes and study an example of a search in the case of multiple
rical) mode to Advanced (analogue) mode (Advanced logo and sensitivity level are displayed on the                victims. The cases presented are «typical» ones. With training and experience, the user can change from
LCD screen). Repeat this operation to return to numerical mode (the logo and sensitivity level                   Standard (numerical) mode to Advanced (analogue) mode depending on how familiar he is with the device and
disappear from the LCD screen). This can be done at any time, even if rescue workers have                        the situation in which he finds himself.
begun their search in Standard (numerical) mode.

Case of a single victim Ä

D standard (nu-                                          • Continue until you pick up a first clear signal
                                                         (directional arrows and distance indicator light
                                                                                                                 the opposite direction.
                                                                                                                 • Always try to make sure that the cen-
                                                                                                                                                                         always pointing the ARVA in the same
       merical) mode                                     up)                                                     tral diode is lit. Sweep the unit gently in the         ■ Cross technique: The ARVA must be moved
■ Primary search (approach phase) (cf D1)                N.B: If the ARVA has already picked up a signal it      directly in which the arrows light up. This will ena-   as closely as possible to the snow, in parallel
• Pull 2 SEARCH.- The device is automatically in         will go directly to the secondary search.               ble you to cover the shortest possible distance be-     straight lines. Determine the point along the line
completely automatic numerical mode. The LCD             ■ Secondary search (locating phase) (cf D2).            fore reaching the victim. Continue moving forward       where the distance indicator displays the smallest
screen displays the arrow diagram continuously           This phase starts when the victim’s signal has          until the distance indicator displays 3.0.              number and the beeps are emitted very close
until you pick up a signal from the victim.              been picked up.                                         ■ Final search (detection phase) (cf D3)                together or continuously. From that point, move
• Move backwards and forwards across the                 • The ARVA gives you a distance indication on           At this point, with the arrow lit up, lower the ARVA    perpendicularly and repeat the operation. The
avalanche as shown in diagram B if you are the           the LCD screen and one of the directional arrows        unit as close as possible to the snow, pointing it in   point at which the maximum signal is obtained is
only rescuer or diagram C if there are several           lights up.                                              the same direction and keeping it horizontal. The       vertically above the transmitter. If necessary, re-
rescuers.                                                                                                        beeps become faster and the distance indicator          peat the operation once or twice to obtain a more
                                                         • As soon as one of the directional arrows lights                                                               precise position. However, it is not necessary to
• Hold the ARVA horizontally, pointing it                up, point your ARVA in such a way that the central      keeps decreasing. Keep moving forwards as long
downwards (cf. photo), and sweeping it slowly                                                                    as the number decreases. If it starts to increase,      determine an extremely precise location using the
                                                         diode lights up and head in that direction.                                                                     ARVA. In fact, it is usually faster to start searching
from left to right and right to left (making an                                                                  return to the point where it is smallest and locate
                                                         If the numbers decrease, you are mo-                    the victim using the cross technique,                   with a probe as soon as the likely location has
angle up to 180°)                                        ving closer to the victim. If not, go in                                                                        been determined to within about 50 cm.

                                                         of help. The initial search is over when a clear        tion, in which case it will diminish. Once again,       where the ARVA is emitting the loudest beep).
E advanced (ana-                                         signal is obtained.                                     find the point where the beep is loudest, as pre-       When the sensitivity is down to 2 or 1, the secon-
     logue) mode                                         ■ Secondary search (cross or directional                viously. Continue until the sensitivity is positioned   dary search is finished.
Diagrams E1 and E2.                                      search) There are two possibilities:                    on one of the two last levels (minimum sensitivity,     ■ Final search
When the ARVA is switched to advanced mode,              • Cross technique Diagram E1:                           and therefore minimum search distance).                 You are very close to the victim when the sensiti-
its sensitivity is maximum (level 9). However, the       As you move forward, keep the ARVA in the same          • Directional method Diagram E2:                        vity is down to 2 or 1 (the actual level depends on
Advanced symbol flashes if the sensitivity level         position. It must be moved parallel to itself. When     To determine the direction to follow, sweep the         the depth at which the victim is buried). The cross
is to be reduced. Decrease the sensitivity with          the first signal is obtained, keep moving in a          ARVA from left to right over 180°, holding it           technique should then be used (see opposite). Re-
the - button until the symbol stops flashing.            straight line. The beep becomes louder and the          horizontally. The stronger the signal, the louder       member that in this case the distance indication
When the symbol stops flashing, you can use the          distance indicator decreases. Once the maximum          the beep will be (and the lower the distance in-        is replaced by the intensity and frequency of the
numbers, which give an estimation of the distance        signal has been reached and starts to diminish,         dicator). The right direction is the one in which       beeps. The closer you get to the buried victim, the
that still needs to be covered.                          return to the approximate point where it was            the beep is the loudest. If the beep gets louder        louder and faster the beeps are emitted. When the
■ Initial search                                         strongest. Reduce the sensitivity to minimum in         as you move forward, you are going in the right         distance between the transmitter and receiver is
Moving forward, turn the device in every direction       order to detect the point where the beep will be        direction. If it gets weaker, you are going in the      very small, a single continuous beep is emitted.
until the first audible signal is heard. If the signal   loudest, and start moving in a line perpendicular       wrong direction. Turn round, walk back a few me-
is weak, continue to move in the same direction          to the previous direction. You will soon realise if     tres and check again to find the right direction.
without changing the position of the device until        you are moving in the right direction, as the signal    As you advance, turn down the sound level with
the sound is clearer and sufficiently distinct to be     will quickly become louder, or in the wrong direc-      the - button (so that it is easier to determine

Situations with multiple victims ÄÄ...

F         N.B: This is one possible method for finding
          victims. The user may decide to stay in
                                                         closest to you. Once you have found the first vic-
                                                         tim (F3/v1), locate him using your snow probe
                                                                                                                 ■ When you pick up the signal from the second
                                                                                                                 victim, two estimated distances will be displayed
                                                                                                                                                                         When you have taken the number of steps indi-
                                                                                                                                                                         cated, switch to Standard (numerical) mode (F5).
          Advanced mode for the entire search and        and mark the location                                   on the LCD screen. To obtain a closer estimate,         Make a SLOW sweep with the unit. The ARVA will
          adjust the sensitivity level with the +        ■ Return to the point that you marked                   reduce the sensitivity until the victim’s signal is     automatically lock on to the closest victim, i.e. the
          and - buttons to isolate signals from          earlier and switch the ARVA to Advan-                   barely audible and focus on the higher figure (the      second one. Repeat the standard mode search,
          different victims                              ced (Analogue) mode (F4): the unit will                 lower figure with a strong signal corresponds to        as in the case of a single victim. If you return
■ Start with the initial search if necessary, in         indicate the various signals it has picked up.          the first victim v1 and the weaker signal to the        towards the first victim, go back to the starting
either Standard (numerical) mode or Advanced             Several estimated distances are displayed, along        distance of victim v2). Determine the direction to      point (where you obtained the multiple victim
(analogue) mode.                                         with various levels of sound depending on how           follow by sweeping the ARVA from right to left and      signal) and try to find the direction for the second
In the secondary search phase, if indicator 6 is         close they are.                                         attempting to reduce the distance of the higher         victim in Advanced mode.
lit, this means that the ARVA is picking up several      N.B As soon as you switch to Advanced mode, the         figure. Once you have found the right direction,        N.B. In the case of multiple victims, it is advisable
signals around you, mark the area with a                 unit will automatically revert to sensitivity level 9   move forward, taking the number of steps indi-          to use an earphone to distinguish the various
ski or pole (F2). In standard mode, the ARVA             (maximum range). Use the - button to lower              cated. One of the figures will increase and the         signals more clearly.
will automatically lock on to the unit emitting the      the level and search for the second victim.             other decrease, while at the same time one of the
strongest signal, which is theoretically the victim                                                              signals will increase and the other decrease.

Document Created: 2004-09-29 12:31:00
Document Modified: 2004-09-29 12:31:00

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