SAR Probe & Dipole Cal Cert

FCC ID: O55501517

RF Exposure Info

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Callbration Laboratory of                                           ount
                                                                                                              5       Echavelzertsother Kallbrierdierrst
Schrmid & Partrer                                                      h                                      ':_     Gervice sulsse d‘italonnage
  Engineering AG                                                   & #                                                Serviclo aviamero d farmture
Proghmurtraass 43, 0904 Porich. $wBtariand                         fif                                         5       Bwiss Colibration Gervice
                                                                        t bide®

Accrediied by frr Seiies Acoreditation Service (545)                                                          Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
The Sedes Aocreditation Service is one of the signataorina bo the EA
MulBateral Agreement for the recognition of caflbration caniGedtan

cles            (BACH                                                                            EecificaeeEX3—70cH6

\ Chject                                 ExX30V4— SN:7302

| Cnlbeation proceduriala}               OA CAL—O1.v98,OS CALA]4.v4, CACAL—23%v5, OACAL—25.v6

     Calibraton ces                      October 26, 2016

     This callbration cartflicate documents the Iniceaibilty to netinral eandarts, which reallze the prysical unfs o) messurements (Gl]
     Thi massurements and the onceriainties veth coofidence probabiity ani en on the foloeing poges and are part of the certihicate

( All colibratione have téen comdusted in the cliesed Inbormory taolity orvironment tem perature 22 + 307C dnd homtity < 70%

     Calioraton Equipment used (MATE erfical Ior eadibnation}


     Powar sencor NRP—Z11
     Reference 20 B


             sg neor E4H12G          h                                                                                                         18
                                                                                          house chack Jun— 16]
                                                                                         Anouse chack Oct—                In nouse chack: Oict—1?_

                                          Hame                                    Functon                                   Signature
     Cailbrated by                        JetenKaxtrall                           Lmhmii                                      W""'

     Appravad by                          ‘Kata Pokavic                           Techmeal unager               fi@

 |                                                                                                                          Iesued: Getabar 36, 2018
 | This cailbration certificate shall notberepindiuized ecceglt i full saibiout atittan approsal of the Iabentiory.

     Cartiticate Mo: EX3—7382_ Oct1G                                    Page 1 of 11

Calibrati on Laberatory of                                   Py o
     d                                                         \H___..-                  5    Bchwolnprechar KnBbrieroianet
Schmid & Partrer                                            %                            c    Sorvice sulmme ef#atennage
  Engineering       A<G                                                                       Servigio avizzero di toraturn
lhfl'illmuml;!\ BIQ4 Zurich, Ewitzariand                      vfifiJ                        5    Bwiss Callbration Service
                                                                uh Le

Accraditod by the Eiss Accreditation Service {£AS)                                        Accreditafion K.; SCS 0108
The Seias Ancreditation Service is one of Bep signaiaries $o the BA
MulMatoral Apreasmant for the mecognition of oafiltention corttficate

TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
NOR y,z                     sensiliviy in free space
ConeF                       sensithilty in TSL / MORMsLy,z
DerP                        diods compression paind
CF                          crest facior (1(duty_ cycle) ol the RF signal
A. 8. C 0                   modulation degendant Inearization parameters
Polarizaton a               g rolalion around probe axke
Polarizatian 3               Soratation around an axis that is in the plane nommal to probe axis (af measuremant center),
                            Le., d o= O is normal to probe axia
Connector Angle             informaton used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robst coordinaté sysierm
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
      a)   IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practioe for Octermining the Peak Spabal—Averaged Specific
           Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Messuremant
           Techniques", June 2013
      b)   1(20—62209—1, "Procadure to messure the Specific Absorptian Rate (SAR) for hand—neld devices used in closo
           progimity to the ear (frequency range—of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)", Fobruary 2005
      c)   120. 62200—2, "Procedure to determina the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devioos
           used in close proximily o the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)®, March 2010
      d\   KDS $85054, "SAR Measuremeant Requiraments for 100 MHz io 6 GHz*

Hnthn-d: Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
           NORMCy, z: Aseessed for E—field polarizestion 4 «0 if < 900 MHz in TEM—call; 1 > 1800 MHz: RZZ wevequide)
           NOR y.z are only intermediate values, Le., the uncertsinties of NORkMix,y.z does not affect the E"—Geld
           uncertainty inside TSL (see below Convi‘).
      a    NORM® .z = NORMsy. z * frequancy rasponse (see Frequency Resgonse Chan). This linsarization is
           implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2, The unceriainty of the frequency response is included
           in the stated uncertainty of ConuiT,
      a    DCRyoz: DCP ara numerigal lincarization parameters assassed based on the data of power sweep with CVV
           signal (no uncertainty required) DCP does not degend on frequency nor mextia.
      «    PAR: PAR is the Peak io Average Ratio that is not calibrated but determined based on the signal
      a    Axuly,z; Balyplz; Cay,z Oeyuz; VRa,y.z A. B, C, 0 ane numerical linearization parameters assessed baged on
           the data of poweor sweep for specific modulition signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
           media. VR is the maximum callbration range expressed in RMS volkage across the diede.
      a    ConvE and Boundary Efect Parameters Assessad in flat phantom using E—field (or Temperature Transier
           Slandard for I < 500 MHz) and inside weveguide using analytical fetd distributions based on power
           measurements for { > 800 MMz. The same selups are used for assessment 6f the parameters appliad for
           boundary compenaation {alpha, depth} of which typicel uncertainty values are given. Theso parameters are
           used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The senailivity in TSL comesponds
           to MORIMzy.z " ComeF whereby the uncertainty comesponds to that given for Conw—, &A fraquency dependent
           CorvE is used in DASY version 4.4 and highe which adlows extending the valic@ty from & 50 MHz to * 100
      a    Spherical inotropy (20 deviaton from isotropy): in a field of low gradients realsed using a fNal phantom
           exposed by a patch antenna.
      a    Sensor Offest The sensor offeet corresponds to the offeat of viual messuremeant canter from the probe fip
           (on probe axis). Mo doterance required
      a    Connecior Angye: The angle is assessed using the information gainad by determining the KCRIA (no
           uncertainty negisined‘),

Cen#icate Mo: EX3—7382_Oct16                                    Page 2 of 11

EX3DNA — SM:7 302                                                                 October 26, 2016

                      Probe EX3DV4


                                   Manufactured:             April 13, 2015
                                   Calibrated:               October 26, 2016

                                  Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                     (Nota: non—compatible with DASYZ2 system!)

 Certificate No: EX3—7382_Oci1G                     Page 3 of 11

EX3DVA— SM:738Z                                                                        Ociober 76, 2M6

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7382
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                      Sensor X            Sensor Y          Semsor Z       Une (k=2)
Mevm |'|.|.'l.l'."|,"|"|'l'|‘|}"'|"     0.A1                0.43              0.45         #10.1 %
DCP(myy"                                B5                 102.4              $2.0

                                                                U     1.9
                                                                0.0   10

  The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
  multiplied by the coverage facior k=2, which for a mormal distribution corresponds to a coverage
  probability of approximately 95%.

"Thq m;muflmm:?,ammmm? hnald uncemainty inside TSL (one Pages 5 and 6.

" Uncertainty hd-a'urrni'rn:ll.:llmhlm mtbntmlmrmmmmmflnnwludnmmn is expressed for the aquare of the
hald valug.

 Certificate Ne (EX3—7—452_Oct16                 Page 4 of 11

EX3DVA4— SNM—T3H2                                                                                                           Ociober 26, 2016

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7382

Callbration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
              C                    F

=memifl1ym 300 MHz of # 100 MHz only applies for DASY wL4 and higher {see Page 7], olse it is resircted to + 50 MHz. Thc
uncertainty is the RSS of tha —CoreF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertsinty for the indicated fequency band. Frequency welidity
bolow 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for Cony® assesements at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 WHs respectively. Abova 5 GHz equency
vabdity can becxtended to & 190 MHz.
" At boquencles belcw 3 GHz. the vaildity of tasue parameters (s and a) can ba relwend to + #0% i liquid compersation formula is applied to
massured SAR values. At ftequendes sbowe 3 GHz. the valdity of tiesue pareseters (c and o) is sestricied io + 5% The uncertainty is the RSS of
H‘Ia':hml‘F uncertainty for indicated targe! lnsue paremeators.
               are determined dering calbrotion. ESPEAG wararts fhat the rempining deviaton due io the boundary eSect aher com
always less than 4 1% for frequencies below 11 GHz and below i 2% for frequancies between 3—6 flHlHflflrdflhfilflmfl'Mhlfliflmifl
clameter from the boundary

Cerificate Nc: Ex3—7382_Oct16                                      Page S of 11

EX3DVA— SN—7382                                                                                                           October 26, 2016

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7382

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                Relaliwe _ Conductivity
   1     ©|   p

"© Frequancy validity above 500 MHz of = 100 MHz only applies for DAS‘Y w4 and bigher (Gee Page 2}, sls it i redricted to + 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RZS of the Come® uncertainty at callbration bequency and the uncertsinty for the indiored frequency band. Prequency walloity
boige 100 Miz is i 10. 25. 40, 50 and 7O MHz for CoowP assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHiz respectively. Above 5 GHz fequancy
validity cas be odanded to = 110 MHz.
" Ar frequencies below 3 GHz, the validity of fiesue parameters (s and a) can be reliueed to o 108 if liquid compansation fermula is applied to
messured SAR values. At frequencies atove 3 GHz, the vallofy of tesue parameters (s and o) ie restricted to « 5%, The uncertainty is the RSS of
‘l‘flflc\lTl'F uncertainty for indicarted target troue paramebirs
      ae determined during calibration. SPEAG wamants that the remaining deviation due to fhe boundary effect afer compensation
.fl-l.:.uhifi:h.nnt1'.1:hMMmmJEMumm:fihfimbflwHflfifilflrdm Wfl‘”"flhmll‘l’lmlb
diameter from the Coundary.

Corificate No: EX3—7382_Oct16                                     Page 6 of 11

Ex30V4—   SM—7ARR                                                                                    Ociober 76. 2016

                                    Frequency Response of E—Field
                                           [TEM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

                   1. & —4

           _       1237
           fi           E

           4 12—
           B    *
           € 114—*
            |'-'             m       *+——+
            |‘:              F
             5     110——                                                  *     +    #        #
            &         |                                                         t

            =2 og—
            5            t
            &            —

            3 ons                                                               F
            C            [
           a          [
           *       gf.—


                   6 r,.:        1_L_L_LC_LL K _I_ 4 EL L            1    1__L__}             {=—4
                                     500            1000      1500            2000        2500
                                                               1 [MHz]
                                              ren                                        nB
                                   Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: + 6.%% (k=2)

 Certificate No: EX3—7382_Oct1€                            Page 7 of 11

EXGLNA— SN:ZARZ                                                                                             Ociober 26, 216

                                          Receiving Pattern (¢), 4 = 0°

                               f=600 MHz.TENM                                           f=1800 MHzR2Z2



       Emor {dB]

                   (L0 l   :__:._..._tfl-.rl- . k '!_I‘_'t_.._b.‘_i__._-.., a— r-:—l— t:-.p—.l   !-H—H'l‘;l-l—'_-.-zt

                                                                                                      i     dovonafunmend
                                                                          O            SD
                                                                       Mail [

                                                          ontah                   t=crrde
                                        Uincertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessrment: 4 0.5%(i=2)

Cortificate        Nee EX3—T3®Z_UcH1G                             Page 3 of 11

EX3DVA— SN:TIEZ                                                                                              Ociober 26, 2016

                                   Dynamic Range f(SARnsaq)
                                      (TEM cell , fy—= 1900 MHz)


                  '_-:Il'   10"




                                                                 10              10"          108       10
                                                          5AR (m¥Wiom2
                                      not compensated

                                      Nores sg e t tPc h n ccop on 4nb ce e lb it *


                                       Li                       'I           |                      L
                                        1062        MH!          105         101            108     to"
                                                          SAR [m¥WWemIl

                                   Uncertainty of Lingarity Assesement £0,6% (k=—2)

Certilicate be: EX3—7302_CoffE                            Page B of 11

Exa0A— Sh7a82                                                                                                                         Ocisber 26, 2016

                            Conversion Factor Assessment
               {= 836 MHz WGLS RO (H_comE)                                                 [= 1B00 MHz MWGLS RZZ (H_oorwF )

                                                                      t pohbcg BMn
     IAM ifi

                                a         r     m        rk     a                    h                         an      T
                                    =xi                                                                             a |avet
                     m                         #                                                      f
                                              .....                                                amnede in                       remaced

                           Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                                Error ($, 8), f= 900 MHz

                         «10    OA        B8        fls        120   00               0.2     0.4          0&        08        14
                           Uncertainty of Splarical Isotropy Assessment: £ 2.5% (k—2)

Cerificale Mo: EX3—738Z_0O016                                  Page 10 of 11

EX3DVA— SN—7302                                              October 28, 016

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7382

Other Probe Parameters

         ip to

 Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Poinl
 Prabe Tigp to Semsor 2 Calibrabion Poind
 Recommended Messurement Distance from Surlace

Certificate No: EX3—7382_OcH16               Page 11 of 11

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)


Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)

Document Created: 2017-10-22 18:15:03
Document Modified: 2017-10-22 18:15:03

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