Test Report

FCC ID: O55242518

Test Report

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                                FCC PART 22H, PART 24E

                   10205 NW 19th Street STE101 Miami, Florida 33172 United States

                                             FCC ID: O55242518

              Report Type:                                      Product Type:
              Class II Permissive Change                        2.4 inch 3G Flip Phone

                   Report Number:           RSZ190611001-00CA1

                        Report Date:        2019-07-31

                                            Simon Wang

                       Reviewed By:         RF Engineer

                       Prepared By:         Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)
                                            6/F., West Wing, Third Phase of Wanli Industrial
                                            Building, Shihua Road, Futian Free Trade Zone,
                                            Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                                            Tel: +86-755-33320018
                                            Fax: +86-755-33320008

Note: This report must not be used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA* or any
agency of the Federal Government. * This report may contain data that are not covered by the A2LA accreditation and are marked
with an asterisk “*”.
      The information marked # is provided by the applicant, the laboratory is not responsible for its authenticity.

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                                                     Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................3
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .....................................................................................3
 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................................3
 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) .............................................................................................................................4
 TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................4
 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ....................................................................................................................................4
 TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................5
SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................................6
  DESCRIPTION OF TEST CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................6
  EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................6
  SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ....................................................................................................................6
  BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................................6
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................7

TEST EQUIPMENT LIST ...........................................................................................................................................8
FCC §1.1307(B) & §2.1093 - RF EXPOSURE INFORMATION ..............................................................................9
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ..............................................................................................................................................9
  TEST RESULT ...............................................................................................................................................................9
FCC § 2.1046, § 22.913 (A) & § 24.232 (C) - RF OUTPUT POWER ......................................................................10
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................10
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................10
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................10
FCC § 2.1053; § 22.917 (A);§ 24.238 (A) -SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSIONS ................................................12
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................12
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................12
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................12

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                           Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)

        Product         2.4 inch 3G Flip Phone
      Tested Model      F8G
     Multiple Model#    FLIP G, U8G
                        Cellular: 824.2-848.8 MHz(GSM/GPRS)
    Frequency Range               826.4-846.6 MHz(WCDMA/HSPA)
                        PCS: 1850.2-1909.8 MHz(GSM/GPRS),1852.4-1907.6 MHz(WCDMA/HSPA)
                        Radiated power:
     Transmit Power     Cellular: 28.93dBm(GSM/GPRS), 18.93 dBm (WCDMA/HSPA)
                        PCS: 25.70 dBm (GSM/GPRS), 19.20 dBm (WCDMA/HSPA)
       Modulation       GSM/PCS: GMSK
       Technique        WCDMA: Uplink: BPSK; Downlink: QPSK/16QAM
  Antenna Specification 1.42 dBi
     Voltage Range      DC 3.7 V from battery or DC 5.0V from adapter
       Date of Test     2019-07-25~2019-07-26
  Sample serial number 190611001
      Received date     2019-06-11
   Sample/EUT Status    Good condition
                        Model: XCM04-X0505000YU
   Adapter information Input: AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 0.15A
                        Output: DC 5.0V, 500mA

                               Model                                    Trade Name
                                F8G                                        LOGIC
                              FLIP G                                      iSWAG
                                U8G                                       UNONU

Notes: This series products model: FLIP G, U8G and F8G are electrically identical, model F8G was selected for
fully testing, the detailed information can be referred to the declaration letter.

This type approval report is prepared on behalf of SWAGTEK in accordance with Part 2, Part 22-Subpart H,
Part 24-Subpart E of the Federal Communication Commission’s rules.

The objective is to determine the compliance of EUT with FCC rules for output power, modulation
characteristic, occupied bandwidth, and spurious emission at antenna terminal, spurious radiated emission,
frequency stability, and band edge.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                              Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

This is a CIIPC application of the device; the differences between the original device and the current one
are as follows:

1.    Updating the single card to double card.
2.    Changing the 2G&3G antenna.
3.    Changing the label on adapter but the circuit parameter didn’t change.
4.    Changing the model number from “LOGIC F8G, iSWAG FLIP G, UNONU U8G, UNONU F8G” to
     “F8G, FLIP G, U8G”.

Based on above differences, it will affected partial test data, so the changed items were performed.

Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)
FCC Part 15B JBP and Part 15.247 DSS submissions with FCC ID: O55242518.

Test Methodology
All tests and measurements indicated in this document were performed in accordance with the Code of
Federal Regulations Title 47 Part 2, Sub-Part J as well as the following parts:

Part 22 Subpart H - Public Mobile Services
Part 24 Subpart E - Personal Communication Services

All emissions measurement was performed at Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen). The
radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3 meters.

Measurement Uncertainty

                        Parameter                                       Uncertainty
             Occupied Channel Bandwidth                                    ±5%
              RF output power, conducted                                  ±0.5dB
            Unwanted Emission, conducted                                  ±1.5dB

            Radiated            Below 1GHz                               ±4.75dB
            Emissions           Above 1GHz                               ±4.88dB
                     Temperature                                           ±3℃
                    Supply voltages                                       ±0.4%

Note: Otherwise required by the applicant or Product Regulations, Decision Rule in this report did not consider the

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                      Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

Test Facility
The Test site used by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) to collect test data is located
on the 6/F., West Wing, Third Phase of Wanli Industrial Building, Shihua Road, Futian Free Trade Zone,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

The test site has been approved by the FCC under the KDB 974614 D01 and is listed in the FCC Public
Access Link (PAL) database, FCC Registration No.: 342867, the FCC Designation No.: CN1221.

The test site has been registered with ISED Canada under ISED Canada Registration Number 3062B.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                     Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

Description of Test Configuration
The EUT was configured for testing according to TIA/EIA-603-D.

The final qualification test was performed with the EUT operating at normal mode.

Equipment Modifications
No modification was made to the EUT.

Support Equipment List and Details

         Manufacturer                     Description                 Model               Serial Number

       Rohde & Schwarz        Universal Radio Communication Tester   CMU200                  106891

Block Diagram of Test Setup

                                                                                             AC Power
                                                                     CMU200   1.0 Meter

                                        EUT                Antenna

        Non-Conductive Table
        150 cm above Ground Plane

                                       1.5 Meters

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                           Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1


                   FCC Rules                        Description of Test                  Result

              §1.1307, §2.1093                      RF Exposure (SAR)                 Compliance**
            §2.1046; § 22.913 (a);
                                                     RF Output Power                  Compliance---
                 § 24.232 (c)
                    § 2.1047                   Modulation Characteristics             Not Applicable
              § 2.1049; § 22.905;
                                                    Occupied Bandwidth                Compliance*
              § 22.917; § 24.238
            § 2.1051; § 22.917 (a);
                                         Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminal       Compliance*
                  § 24.238 (a)
            § 2.1053; § 22.917 (a);
                                           Field Strength of Spurious Radiation        Compliance
                 § 24.238 (a)
                 § 22.917 (a);
                                                        Band Edge                     Compliance*
                 § 24.238 (a)
             § 2.1055; § 22.355;
                                                    Frequency stability               Compliance*
                  § 24.235

Compliance**: Please refer to SAR report released by BACL, report number: RSZ190611001-SAA1.

Compliance*: Please referred to FCC ID: O55242518 granted on 2018-10-11.Report No.: HUAK180803684E, which
was tested by Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd.

Compliance---: Only test radiated power, conducted power please referred to FCC ID: O55242518 granted on
2018-10-11.Report No.: HUAK180803684E, which was tested by Shenzhen HUAK Testing Technology Co., Ltd.

FCC Part 22H/24E                                                                             Page 7 of 14

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                              Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

                                                                                           Calibration Calibration
 Manufacturer             Description             Model              Serial Number
                                                                                              Date      Due Date
                                              Radiated Emission Test
 Sunol Sciences          Horn Antenna            DRH-118                A052604            2017-12-22    2020-12-21

Rohde & Schwarz         Signal Analyzer           FSEM                 845987/005          2019-06-23    2020-06-23
  Sunol Sciences      Broadband Antenna            JB1                 A040904-1           2017-12-22    2020-12-21
  COM-POWER              Pre-amplifier           PA-122                 181919             2018-11-12    2019-11-12
Sonoma Instrument         Amplifier               310N                  186238             2018-11-12    2019-11-12
     Agilent           Signal Generator          N5183A              MY51040755            2018-12-03    2019-12-03
Rohde & Schwarz       EMI Test Receiver            ESR                                     2019-07-11    2020-07-11
 COM-POWER              Dipole Antenna            AD-100                 41000                 NCR           NCR
  A.H. System            Horn Antenna          SAS-200/571                 135             2018-09-01    2021-08-31
UTiFLEX MICRO-                               UFA147A-2362-
                           RF Cable                              MFR64639 231029-003       2018-11-12    2019-11-12
     C0AX                                       100100
                           RF Cable              104PEA                218124002           2018-11-12    2019-11-12
                           RF Cable               RG-214                    1              2019-05-21    2019-11-19
                           RF Cable               RG-214                    2              2018-11-12    2019-11-12
                         Horn Antenna         ARH-4223-02              1007726-04          2017-12-29    2020-12-28
                         Horn Antenna         ARH-4223-02              1007726-03          2017-12-29    2020-12-28
Heatsink Required          Amplifier                                  15964001002          2018-11-12    2019-11-12

 * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) attests that all calibrations have
 been performed in accordance to requirements that traceable to National Primary Standards and International System
 of Units (SI).

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

FCC §1.1307(b) & §2.1093 - RF EXPOSURE INFORMATION
Applicable Standard
FCC§1.1310 and §2.1093.

Test Result
Compliance, please refer to the SAR report: RSZ190611001-SAA1.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                      Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

FCC § 2.1046, § 22.913 (a) & § 24.232 (c) - RF OUTPUT POWER
Applicable Standard
According to FCC §2.1046 and §22.913 (a), the ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test transmitters
must not exceed 7 watts.

According to FCC §2.1046 and §24.232 (C), mobile and portable stations are limited to 2 watts EIRP and
the equipment must employ a means for limiting power to the minimum necessary for successful

The peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the transmitter output power must not exceed 13 dB.

Test Procedure
Conducted method:

The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the CMU200 through sufficient attenuation.

                   EUT                  Attenuator

Radiated method:

TIA 603-D section 2.2.17

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:               25 ℃
         Relative Humidity:              52 %
             ATM Pressure:             101.0 kPa

      The testing was performed by Alan He on 2019-07-26.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                             Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

Radiated Power

GSM Mode:

                               Rx Antenna                    Substituted
           Receiver Turntable                                                  Absolute
 Frequency                                                     Cable Antenna                  Limit   Margin
           Reading   Angle    Height Polar             Level                     Level
   (MHz)                                                        loss     Gain                (dBm)     (dB)
           (dBμV)    Degree    (m)   (H/V)            (dBm)                     (dBm)
                                                               (dB)      (dBi)
                                 ERP for Cellular Band (Part 22H), Middle Channel
    836.6      97.51       282          1       H      27.5      0.67      0        26.83    38.45     11.62
    836.6      99.63       128         2.4      V      29.6      0.67      0        28.93    38.45     9.52
                                  EIRP for PCS Band (Part 24E), Middle Channel
    1880       87.32       194         1.3      H      17.6      1.30     9.40      25.70      33       7.3
    1880       83.6         17         2.2      V      13.7      1.30     9.40      21.80      33      11.2


                               Rx Antenna         Substituted
           Receiver Turntable                                       Absolute
 Frequency                                         Cable Antenna                            Limit     Margin
           Reading   Angle    Height Polar  Level                     Level
   (MHz)                                            loss      Gain                          (dBm)      (dB)
           (dBμV)    Degree    (m)   (H/V) (dBm)                     (dBm)
                                                    (dB)      (dBi)
                             ERP for WCDMA Band V (Part 22H), Middle Channel
    836.6      87.49       282          1       H      17.5      0.67     0         16.83   38.45     21.62
    836.6      89.57       128         2.4      V      19.6      0.67     0         18.93   38.45     19.52
                             EIRP for WCDMA Band II (Part 24E), Middle Channel
   1880.00     80.80       332         1.2      H      11.1      1.30    9.40       19.20   33.00     13.80
   1880.00     73.58       266         1.7      V      3.7       1.30    9.40       11.80   33.00     21.20

All above data were tested with no amplifier.
Absolute Level = Substituted Level - Cable loss + Antenna Gain
Margin = Limit- Absolute Level

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                       Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

FCC § 2.1053; § 22.917 (a);§ 24.238 (a) -SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSIONS
Applicable Standard
FCC § 2.1053, §22.917(a) and § 24.238(a).

Test Procedure
The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a non-radiating load which
was also placed on the turntable.

The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the
receiving antenna height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the
maximum level of emissions from the EUT. The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal

The frequency range up to tenth harmonic of the fundamental frequency was investigated.

Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the
substitution antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured
by the substitution.

Spurious emissions in dB = 10 lg (TX pwr in Watts/0.001) – the absolute level

Spurious attenuation limit in dB = 43 + 10 Log10 (power out in Watts)

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:                25 ℃
         Relative Humidity:                52 %
             ATM Pressure:               101.0 kPa

      The testing was performed by Alan He on 2019-07-25.

      EUT operation mode: Transmitting

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                           Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

    Pre-scan with Low, Middle and High channel, the worst case as below:

    30 MHz ~ 10 GHz:

                                           Cellular Band (Part 22H)

                                     Rx Antenna              Substituted
            Receiver   Turntable                                                   Absolute
Frequency                                                      Cable Antenna                   Limit    Margin
            Reading     Angle      Height     Polar    Level                         Level
  (MHz)                                                        Loss      Gain                 (dBm)      (dB)
            (dBμV)      Degree      (m)       (H/V)   (dBm)                         (dBm)
                                                               (dB)      (dBi)
                                           GSM Mode, Middle channel
  512.6      33.12        344        1.3        H     -63.9     0.51        0       -64.41      -13     51.41
  512.6      33.45        276        2.2        V     -63.5     0.51        0       -64.01      -13     51.01
 1673.20     83.62        251        2.4        H     -22.7     1.30       8.90     -15.10      -13      2.10
 1673.20     80.42        334        1.1        V     -25.3     1.30       8.90     -17.70      -13      4.70
 2509.80     81.63        112        1.2        H     -21.7     2.60       10.20    -14.10      -13      1.10
 2509.80     79.33        31         1.8        V     -23.4     2.60       10.20    -15.80      -13      2.80
 3346.40     57.81        72         1.2        H     -43.1     1.50       11.70    -32.90      -13      19.90
 3346.40     54.69        51         2.4        V     -46.2     1.50       11.70    -36.00      -13      23.00
 4183.00     67.40        112        1.2        H     -34.5     1.50       11.80    -24.20      -13      11.20
 4183.00     65.24        173        1.2        V     -35.9     1.50       11.80    -25.60      -13      12.60
 5019.60     68.08        26         2.0        H     -30.7     1.70       12.00    -20.40      -13      7.40
 5019.60     66.32        237        1.8        V     -31.9     1.70       12.00    -21.60      -13      8.60
 5856.20     51.45        161        1.5        H     -44.3     1.70       12.20    -33.80      -13      20.80
 5856.20     48.67        155        1.4        V     -46.5     1.70       12.20    -36.00      -13      23.00
                                       WCDMA Mode, Middle channel
 1673.20     45.57        50         1.6        H     -60.8     1.30       8.90     -53.20      -13      40.20
 1673.20     46.97        288        1.6        V     -58.8     1.30       8.90     -51.20      -13      38.20
 2509.80     52.10        242        1.9        H     -51.3     2.60       10.20    -43.70      -13      30.70
 2509.80     48.95        80         1.9        V     -53.8     2.60       10.20    -46.20      -13      33.20
 4183.00     45.67        187        1.1        H     -56.3     1.50       11.80    -46.00      -13      33.00
 4183.00     43.67        118        1.3        V     -57.5     1.50       11.80    -47.20      -13      34.20

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                           Report No.: RSZ190611001-00CA1

    30 MHz ~ 20 GHz:

                                              PCS Band (Part 24E)

                                      Rx Antenna               Substituted
            Receiver    Turntable                                                  Absolute
Frequency                                                        Cable Antenna                 Limit    Margin
            Reading      Angle       Height     Polar    Level                       Level
  (MHz)                                                          Loss      Gain               (dBm)      (dB)
            (dBμV)       Degree       (m)       (H/V)   (dBm)                       (dBm)
                                                                 (dB)      (dBi)
                                             GSM Mode, Middle channel
  512.6       33.79        298         1.7       H      -63.2       0.51    0       -63.71      -13      50.71
  512.6       33.27        305         1.0       V      -63.7       0.51    0       -64.21      -13      51.21
 3760.00      52.14         3          2.4       H      -49.9       1.50   11.80    -39.60      -13      26.60
 3760.00      49.41         90         2.2       V      -52.2       1.50   11.80    -41.90      -13      28.90
 5640.00      70.98        139         2.3       H      -28.7       1.70   12.40    -18.00      -13      5.00
 5640.00      66.99         66         1.1       V      -32.4       1.70   12.40    -21.70      -13      8.70
 9400.00      51.46        162         2.1       H      -45.4       2.20   11.50    -36.10      -13      23.10
 9400.00      49.71         22         2.1       V      -47.4       2.20   11.50    -38.10      -13      25.10
                                        WCDMA Mode, Middle channel
 3760.00      47.32        152         1.2       H      -54.7       1.50   11.80    -44.40      -13      31.40
 3760.00      45.27        242         2.2       V      -56.3       1.50   11.80    -46.00      -13      33.00
 5640.00      45.91         63         2.0       H      -53.8       1.70   12.40    -43.10      -13      30.10
 5640.00      44.63         15         1.7       V      -54.7       1.70   12.40    -44.00      -13      31.00
 9400.00      45.77         73         1.8       H      -51.1       2.20   11.50    -41.80      -13      28.80
 9400.00      44.85         61         1.6       V      -52.2       2.20   11.50    -42.90      -13      29.90

1) Absolute Level = Substituted Level - Cable loss + Antenna Gain
2) Margin = Limit- Absolute Level

                                          ***** END OF REPORT *****

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Document Created: 2019-08-15 13:28:54
Document Modified: 2019-08-15 13:28:54

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