User manual part 2

FCC ID: O55104818

Users Manual

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If the network is open, the tablet will prompt you to confirm
connection to the network. Touch Connect to confirm.

If the network is secured (as indicated by a Lock icon), the
tablet will prompt you to enter a password or other credentials.
Touch the Wireless password box to show the on—screen
keyboard and then use it to enter the password. Touch
Connect to confirm.


When you have successfully connected to a Wi—Fi network,
the Notifications bar at the bottom of the screen will show a
Wi—Fi signal indicator.


Browsing the Web
The Browser application lets you visit webpages and find information on the web. Keep up with the news, your
friends, or enjoy video from YouTube**, the world‘s most popular video—sharing community.

To use Browser, the tablet must be connected to the Internet.
Read the section "Connecting to the Internet"to learn how to                  Name                       Description
connect to the Internet.
                                                                     1|   New window (+)      Creates a new browser window.
To open Browser, touch the Browser icon on the Home screen or        2    Address bar         Displays the address (URL) of the
in the Launcher.                                                                              current page. Touch the bar to entera
                                                                                              new address or to search the web.
 €        X. ®                                         3|   Add bookmark icon   Touch to add bookmarks.

                                                                     4|   Audio input         Touch the icon to input by voice.



Some common Browser actions are described below.    <»       To bookmark a webpage.
                                                             Bookmark your favorite webpages in order to visit them
D To go to a webpage.                                        quickly without entering a URL.

 1.   Touch the Address                                 1.   Go to the web—       qstt
bar at the top ofthe                                         page that you want
Browser screen. The                                          to bookmark
keyboard will open
automatically. (If the
address bar is not
visible, drag the page
down to return to the
                                                        2. Touch the Add
top of the Browser
                                                             Bookmark icon.
screen.)                                                                           'jfi'      Bookmarks
2. Use the keyboard
to enter the address                                    3. If desired, you can
(URL) of the webpage                                         modify the name of
(e.g.,"".                                         the bookmark orits
com).                                                        location (URL
3. Touch Enter key to                                        address).
open the webpage.                                            Otherwise, touch
                                                             OK to finish
                                                             adding the book—


€C»      To go to a bookmarked webpage.                     3. Touch "Delete
1.     Touch the go to
      Bookmark icon.
                             ‘]fi'         Bookmarks
                                                            4. Touch "OK."to confirm.
2. Touch a bookmark
    tile to open it.                                       Browser menu
                                                           While viewing a webpage, touch the icon shown on
                                                       the right to open the Browser menu, the icon is
                                                           located on the top right corner of the screen. The
                                                       options are:

                                                               Refresh: Refresh the current webpage.
G»       To delete a bookmarked webpage.
                                                               Forward: Go to the next webpage.

1.    Touch the go to                                          New tab: Open the webpage in a new window, undara new
      Bookmark icon.         ‘f:(         Bookmarks            tab.

                                                               New incognito tab: Open the webpage in a new window
2. Touch and hold a                                            under a new tab and the pages you view in the new
      bookmark tile to   Open                                  window will not appear in your browser history or search
      open the option                                          history. See the on—screen explanation of going incognito.
                         Open in newtab
                                                               Share page: Use Email to send the webpage URL.
                         Share link
                                                               Find on page: Search content on the page.
                         Copy link URL


Optional Connections
Connecting to a Computer                                        €» Touch the Notification bar to open the notifications
Connect the tablet to a computer to transfer files.
 1. Connect your tablet to the computer.

With the included USB cable:
EP Plug the small end of the cable into the USB 2.0 hi—
      speed connector of the tablet.

EP Plug the large end of the cable into an available USB
       2.0 hi—speed port on the computer.

When your tablet is connected, a USB icon will
appear in the Notification bar.
            BJ        F         C        o            Eo

                                                                        The Tablet‘s "mass storage mode" is compatible
                                                                        with many operating systems including: Microsoft®
                                                                        Windows®XP, Vista, 7 or higher and Mac OS or


 2 Mount the storage drive.                                        Connecting Headphones
@»      Touch USB connected to mount the tablet‘s built—in
     storage, then touch "Turn on USB storage" and "OK"
                                                                   Connect a pair of headphones (or earphones) to the tablet to
     when prompted to confirm. When mounted, you can copy
                                                                   enjoy media in private.
     files to/from your computer.
                                                                   Lower the volume level of the tablet before connecting
Your tablet will be recognized by the computer as a
                                                                   headphones and then slowly raise the volume to a
                                                                   comfortable listening level.
Removable Storage drive. Drag and drop files between your
                                                                   The headphones must have a 3.5 mm (1/8 in) plug.
tablet and the computer. To learn more about copying files,
                                                                   When headphones are connected, speaker output will be
please refer to the documentation included with your
                                                                   disabled automatically.
computer or operating system.

                                                                            Hearing experts advice against the constant use
                                                                   A        ofpersonalstereos played at high volume.
                                                                            Constant exposure to high volumes can lead to
                                                                            hearing loss. Ifyou should experience ringing in
                                                                            the ears or hearing loss, discontinue use and
                                                                            seek medical advice.


Using the USB Full—Size Adapter
The USB full—size adapter can be used to connect and use                     You may also use this connection to add a mouse to
USB devices with the tablet. The adapter converts the Micro                  the tablet.
USB port on the tablet into a USB On—the—Go (OTG)
connector.                                                                   The adapter supports one connection at a time. To
                                                                             use a keyboard and mouse simultaneously, you will
                                                                             need to add an external USB hub.

                                                                   Connecting a Storage Device
                                                               Use the included USB full—size (Type A) adapter to connect a
                                                                   storage device to the tablet (e.g., a USB flash memory drive).

                                                                    @        This connection supports a maximum storage size
                                                                             of 32 GB. For additional storage capacity, a
                                                                             microSD card can be added to the tablet.


Setting the System Options
Open the system settings menu to adjust how the tablet looks and functions.

{           Many applications will have their own settings; refer to the documentationprovided by the application developer to learn

To open the Settings menu:

1.     From the Home screen, touch the Launcher Tab.

2.     Touch Settings to open the Settings menu.

The settings are grouped by category. Touch a category to open and adjust its settings or

    @ Please refer to the manualfor a description ofthe items in the Settings                      _2
            menu.                                                                           ooo


FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
§ 15.21 Information to user.
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
§ 15.19 Labelling requirements.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information:
This product meets the government's requirements for exposure to radio waves. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic
and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons regardless of age or health.

Body-worn Operation
This device was tested for typical body-worn operations. To comply with RF exposure requirements, a minimum separation distance of 0mm for body worn must be maintained between the user’s
body, including the antenna. Third-party belt-clips, holsters, and similar accessories used by this device should not contain any metallic components. Body-worn accessories that do not meet these
requirements may not comply with RF exposure requirements and should be avoided. Use only the supplied or an approved antenna.

Conociendo la Tableta
Vista rapida

      Nombre             Descripcion
1   | Camara   Camara frontal


       Nombre                      Descripcion
2    [Tecla de      Presione para encender 1a unidad o paral
     encendido      encender y apagar la pantalla.                   2E “

3    [Tecla de      Presione para aumentar el
     volumen +      volumen.                                     mmes
4    [Tecla de      Presione para bajar el volumen.                  1O
     Volumen —                                                   (     € t   9       \
5    Puerto USB                  _—_ de
                    Conecte un dispositivo                     R®—(——            o
                            mamiento   a la tableta.
6    Entrada para   Conexion de salida de audio para
     furiculares    auriculares.
7    Ranura para    Inserte la tarjeta de memoria Micro SD
     tarjetas SD    aqul.

8    MIC            Recepcion de sonido para grabacion.

9    [Toma mini     Conecte al monitor para la salida de
     HDML           video en alta definicion.

10   [Reiniciar     Presione para reiniciar la tableta si se
                    bloquea o se comporta de manera
                    anormal. (Use un clip u otro objeto
                    pequefio para presionar suavemente
                    esta tecla).

     Nombre               Descripcion
11   Camara    Camara trasera
12   Altavoz   La salida del altavoz se silencia
               automiticamente cuando se usa el
               conector para auriculares.


                                                                  aparecen en la pantalla. Puede realizar las siguientes acciones
Hacerca de la Pantalla                                            en la pantalla tactil utilizando la punta de su dedo.
Su tableta viene equipada con una pantalla tictil facil de usar
que le permite acceder a las funciones del dispositivo.
                                                                  Toque:              Para activar un elemento en pantalla (por
Use la punta de su dedo para tocar el grea de la pantalla donde
                                                                                      ejemplo: iconos de aplicaciones, botones,
se muestra un fcono de control. Si toca y mantiene presionada
                                                                                      elementos del ment y las letras / simbolos del
la pantalla, se registrara como una pulsacion continua del
                                                                                      teclado en pantalla), simplemente toquelo con
                                                                                      la punta del dedo.

 A          Para evitar dafar la pantalla, no la togue con
            fuerza excesiva ni con ningiin otro objeto que
            no sea su dedo. Para obtener la mejor
                                                                  Tocar y sostener:   Algunos elementos en pantallatienen una
                                                                                      accion alternativa si lo toca y lo mantiene
                                                                                      presionado (por ejemplo: abriendo un ment
            respuesta, asegtirese de que sus manos estén                              alternativo o para activar la funcion de
            limpias antes de usar los controles de la                                 "arrastrar"). Para mantener presionado un
             w2c42fis ahaast
                                                                                      elemento, toquelo y no levante la punta del
                                                                                      dedo hasta que se produzca la accion.

                                                                  Arrastrar:          Arrastre un elemento en pantalla para cambiar
Pelicula protectora                                                                   su posicion (por ejemplo: un icono de
Se ba colocado una pelicula delgada a la pantalla para                                aplicacion en la pantalla de inicio).
protegerla durante el envio. La pelicula protectora debe                              Para arrastrar un elemento, toquelo y
retirarse antes de su uso. Para retirarla, simplemente tome una                       manténgalo presionado por un momento,
esquina de la pelicula y despéguela de la pantalla.                                   Tuego, sin levantar la punta del dedo, mueva la
                                                                                      punta del dedo en la pantalla hasta que el
Acciones de la pantalla tictil                                                        elemento alcance su destino deseado.
Puede controlar las funciones de la tableta utilizando la
pantalla tactil en combinacién con las tres teclas thctiles
ubicadas en el bisel. Para controlar la tableta con la pantalla
tactil, use la punta del dedo para manipular los fconos, los
botones, elementos de ment, el teclado de la pantalla y otros
elementos que

Document Created: 2019-01-23 11:22:35
Document Modified: 2019-01-23 11:22:35

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