User manual part 1

FCC ID: O55104818

Users Manual

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Getting to Know Your Tablet
Unit at a Glance
     Name                    Description
1   Camera         Front Camera

     Name                        Description
2    Power Key       Presstopower on the tablet, or t
                     turn the screen on and off.
3    Volume + key    Presstoincreasethevolume level.

4    Volume —key     Press to decrease the volume level.

5    USB Host        Connect a storage device to the
                     tablet, or connect the USB charger.
6    Headphone jack Audio output connection for head—
7    SD Card Slot    Ifi.oadextemalmicmSDmemory cards
8    MIC             Receiving sound forrecording

9    HDMI jack       Connect to monitor for output
                     high definition video via Mini HDML
10   Reset           Press to reset the tablet if it freezes or
                     otherwise behaves abnormally. (Use a
                     paperclip or other small object to
                     gently press this key.)

  Name                   Description

11] Camera    Rear—facing camera

12) Speaker   Speakeroutput.
              When using the hea;ifihone
              jack they automatically mute.

                                                                  Buttons, menu items, on—screen keyboard and other items
About the Touchscreen
                                                                  displayed on the screen can be controlled using your fingertips
Your tablet comes equipped with an easy—to—use touch—screen       with the following actions.
which allows access to the tablet‘s functions.
Use your fingertip to touch the area of the screen where a         Touch:             To activate an on—screen item (e.g.,
control icon is displayed. If you touch and hold the screen, it                       application icons, buttons, menu items
will register as a continuous button press.                                           and the letter/symbols of the on—screen
           To avoid damaging the screen, do not touch it with                         keyboard), simply touch it with your
           excessiveforce or with any object other than your                          fingertip.
          finger. For best response, make sure your hands are      Touch and Hold:    Some on—screen items have an alternate
           clean before using the touch— screen controls.                             action if you touch and hold it (e.g.,
                                                                                      opening an alternate menu or to activate
                                                                                      the drag function). To touch and hold an
                                                                                      item, touch the item and do not lift your
                                                                                      fingertip until the action occurs.
LCD Screen Film
A thin film has been applied to the touchscreen to protect it      Drag:              Drag an on—screen item to change its
during shipping. This film should be removed before use. To                           position (e.g., an application icon on the
removeit, simply take a corner of the film and peel it away                           home screen).
from the screen.                                                                      To drag an item, touch and hold it for a
                                                                                      moment, then withoutlifting your
Touchscreen Actions                                                                   fingertip, move your fingertip on the
                                                                                      screen until the item reaches its target
You can control the functions of the tablet by using the
touchscreen in combination with the three touch keys
located on the bezel. To control the tablet with the
touchscreen, use your fingertip to manipulate icons,

Swipe:        Swipe up/down on the screen to scroll          About the Orientation Sensor
              through a list. On some screens, you may
                                                             The tablet contains a sensor that will automatically change the
              be able to swipe left/right to change the
                                                             orientation of most screens as you rotate the tablet. The sensor
                                                             works best when the tablet is rotated perpendicular to the
              To swipe, touch the screen and then            ground (i.e., when the tablet is held upright and not flat on its
              quickly move your fingertip across the         back).
              screen without lifting your fingertip.
              Do not pause on the screen with your
              fingertip at the initial point of contact or
              you may accidentally drag an item
Double—tap:   Quickly tap the screen twice on a
              webpage or other application screen to
              zoom (the application must support the
              double—tap/zoom function). Within the
              browser, double—tapping a web— page
              section will cause the browser to zoom
              and fit that section to the width of the

                                                             The orientation sensor can be turned on and off in the
                                                             Display settings menu.

Charging the Tablet                                                     Inserting a Memory Card
The current battery status will be always displayed in the top          This tablet accepts microSD memory cards. Insert a memory card
right of the screen in the system information bar.                      into the microSD card slot to:
The battery icon 'g' will change in accordance with the battery
                                                                        @GP Increase the memory capacity of your tablet
                                                                        €» Play media files stored on the memory card such as
When connected to the charger, the status area on the top bar
                                                                          music, video or photo files.
will display the    charging icofl. Note the lightning symbol
inside the battery icon.
                                                                        To insert a memory card:
To charge the battery:
                                                                         1. Align the memory card with the card slot. The metal
1.   Plug one end of the included power adapter into an AC                    contacts of the memory card musth face down and
     100—240V outlet.                                                         towards the LCD screen.

2.   Plug the other end of the included power adapter into the           2. Slide the card into the spring—loaded slot. Push the card
     power jack on the tablet.                                               in until it clicks into place
3.   Disconnect the power adapter when the tablet is fully
                                                                           Do not attempt to insert objects other than a
          The battery used in this device may cause afire or             A microSD memory card into the card slot. A
          chemical burn ifmistreated. Do not disassemble,                  compatible memory card shouldfit easily into the
          incinerate or heat the device. Do not leave the                  card slot. Ifyou encounter resistance, check the
          device in direct sunlight or in a car with its windows           alignment ofthe card. Do not attempt toforce the
          closed. Do not connect the device to a power source              card in.
          other than that which is indicated here or on the
          label, as this may result in afire or electric shock.                   Avoid touching the gold contacts of the memory


To release and remove a memory card:                           3.   Grasp the card by its edge to removeit.

 1 UNMOUNT the memory card.                                       To avoid damage and data corruption, do not
                                                                A remove a memory card while data is being written
    a. In the home screen, tap the Launcher Tab and then
                                                                  to or readfrom the card. For example, do not
       touch Settings to show the settings menu.
                                                                         remove a card while playing a musicfile stored on
    b. Touch Storage to show the storage settings.                       the card.

    & Touch Unmount SD card to prepare the memory card
       for safe removal.

                                                               Resetting the Tablet
                                                               Reset the tabletif it were to freeze and does not respond or
                                                               otherwise malfunctions.

                                                               1.    Disconnect your tabletif it is connected to a

                                                               2.   Push and hold down the power button until the tablet
                                                                    powers off. Then push the power button one more time to
                                                                    restart the tablet.

 2 Push the card further into the slot until you hear a
    click. The card will spring out of the slot.


Getting Started
Turning the Tablet on and off                                    2. Touch OK to turn offthe tablet.
To turn on the tablet:

       Press and hold the Power key until the LCD screen
     turns on. Wait until the Home screen appears; the
     tablet is now ready for use.

To turn off the tablet:

1.    Press and hold the Power key until the confirmation
     message appears.

                     ()   Power off



Turning the Screen On and Off (Standby)                               Unlocking the Screen
When the tablet is on, you can turn off the screen to conserve        When the screen turns off, you will have to unlock the screen
battery power. Simply press the Power key once to turn the            when you turn it back on.
screen off. Press the Power key again to turn the screen back
on.                                                                   To unlock the screen, touch and drag quickly the Lock

                                                                      Icon to the upward edge.

 @        To conserve battery power, the screen can be set to
          turn off automatically when the tablet is not in use
          (between 15 seconds and 30 minutes). This Sleep
          option can befound in the Display menu.


If a password has been set, enter the password to finish                            Home           Screen at a          Glance
unlocking the screen. The Screen Unlock password can be set                                    S                    G
in the Security settings menu.                                                      The Home Screen is the starting point for all of the features of
                                                                    ow          Your tablet.
 L    Ees                                                                 ol



    WARNING: Please write down your password/
 @ pin/lockpattern. Misplacing orforgetting this will                                                         2    3    4
                  lock the user out. Recovering the unit will reset the                    Name                          Description
                  device back tofactory defaults. ALL YOUR DATA &                    1   Notification       Shows notification icons such as time,
                  PROGRAMS WILL BE LOST.                                                 Bar                batterylevelandthenetwork signal
                                                                                                            strength; touch the bar to openthefull
                                                                                                            more detail.


 Name                     Description                     About Applications
Back          Touch to go back to the previous screen.        To open an application, touch the application icon on the home
                                                              screen or in the Launcher.
Home icon     Touch to go back to the central Home
                                                              Launcher screen:
Recent Apps   Touch to display the list of thumbnail
              images ofapps you have worked on
              recenfly. Touch an App to openit.                    @6 aA o ©
                                                                   Calculator      Calendar        Camera           Chrome           Clock      Contacts

              Open the Launcher to view the listofall
              Applications installed on the tablet.
              Touch the Launcher tab to open the
                                                                   0 & 2
                                                                   Downloads        Drive        File Manager      FM Radio
                                                                                                                                   M 0o
                                                                                                                                     Gmail       Google

                                                                   90 2 ¢ P bp Dp
                                                                   2 0 : a®
                                                                   Hangouts         Maps           Photos       Play Movies & TV   Play Music   Play Store

                                                                    Settings    Sound Recorder   Voice Search       YouTube


Preinstalled Applications Some applications have been installed on your tablet for your convenience. These applications include:

                                                                            &        View and managefiles stored on the
    @             Browse the web.                                      fl             tablet.

                                                                      File Manager
                                                                                     Check your e—mail.
                  Display the calendar or record events and            M
       31         appointments to manage your schedule.
                                                                                     View photos and videos, plus edit
      m           Perform simple mathematical                         ¢              photos.
                                                                          é          Access the settings menutoadjust the
                  Takepicturesorvideoswiththefront— facing                           tablet‘soptions.
       el         camera.
                                                                                     View videos.

                  Viewthe currenttime, or setan alarm.                p

                                                                      Play Music


About Notifications                                                 To respond to a Notification:

The icons that appear in the Notification bar at the bottom         Touch a notification in the list; the Notifications panel will
right corner ofthe screen alert you when new messages arrive        close and the application associated with the notification will
or alarms or other application events occur.                        launch.

View and respond to the notifications by opening the full           To close the Notifications panel:
Notifications panel.
                                                                @» Touch any other area of the screen except the
€» Touch the Notification bar to open the                               Notifications pane or;
      Notifications panel.                                      <@» Touch the Back icon.


Connecting to the Internet
This tablet can utilize Wi—Fi data networks to connect to the Internet.

Wireless Wi—Fi technology can provide Internet access at distances ofover 300 feet; however, this distance can affected by your
surrounding environment and Wi—Fi router.

                                                                             connections. If the router supports 802.11n, make sure that it
Requirements                                                                 has been configured to accept 802.11b/g/n connections as
In order to connect to the Internet, you will need either of the             well.

A wireless router or access point with a broad— band                         Please refer to your wireless router‘s documentation for
Internet connection                                                          help, or ask your network administratorfor details

The wireless router must support Wi—Fi 802.11b/g/n
                                                                            You may encounter open Wi—Fi networks, or "hot
                                                                          @ spots." These networks are usually configured so
          A minimum connection speed of64 Kbps is re
                                                                            that you can simply connect to them without
          commended. Faster speeds will enable a better
                                                                            needing to know its settings; the tablet will obtain all
          Internet experience.
                                                                            the information it needsfrom the router
You will need to know the name of your network (SSID), as
well as the password or other credentials if your network is
secured. These settings can usually be found on the
administration webpage of your wireless router.


Connect to a Wi—Fi network
The Notification bar displays icons that indicate your
tablet‘s Wi—Fi status.                                                        #

     E           Connected to a Wi—Fi network (waves                          #=   prodar4

                 indicate connection strength).                               ¥    EnGenus?50348

                                                                              #    nviam waRNinG: er= oxto

                 There are no Wi—Fi networks in range, or the                 ¥    TPGuest_5207
     [no icon]
                 Wi—Fi radio is off.                                          ¥    neroonss

                                                                              #    ChinaNet2kep

1.     Turn on the Wi—Fi radio if it is not already on. To                    .    iprodasy

       turn on Wi—Fi:                                                         .    iprodaSgyt

       a.   Go to the Home screen:

            Touch the Home icon.
                                                                    When Wi—Fi is on, the tablet will look for and display a list of
                                                                    available Wi—Fi networks.
            Open the Launcher screen:
            Touch the Launcher Tab, then touch Settings.                             Ifanetworkthatyou haveconnected topreviously is
                                                                                    found, the tablet will connect to it.
            Open the Wireless & Networks menu:
                                                                                    Ifyou don‘t see your network in the list, you can
            Touch WIRELESS & NETWORKS.                                              force the tablet to re—scan. To scan for net— works,
                                                                                    tap the SCAN icon located on the top right corner
            Open the Wi—Fi settings menu:
                                                                                    ofthe screen.
            Touch Wi—Fi.

            Make sure that the Wi—Fi option box is set to ON.           2. Select an available Wi—Fi network to connect to:
            Touch and slide the block to the right to enable the        In the same Wi—Fi settings menu above, touch a network in the list.
            Wi—Fi connection.


Document Created: 2019-01-23 11:22:10
Document Modified: 2019-01-23 11:22:10

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