RF Exposure

FCC ID: O5301749RX24G

RF Exposure Info

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Chengdu)

FCC §15.247 (i) & §1.1310 & §2.1091- MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE
Applicable Standard
According to subpart 15.247(i)and subpart §1.1310, systems operating under the provisions of
this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio
frequency energy level in excess of the Commission’s guidelines.
Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) (§1.1310, §2.1091)

                      (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
Frequency Range       Electric Field      Magnetic Field      Power Density          Averaging Time
      (MHz)          Strength (V/m)       Strength (A/m)        (mW/cm )               (minutes)
    0.3–1.34               614                 1.63                *(100)                  30
    1.34–30               824/f                2.19/f             *(180/f²)                30
     30–300                27.5                0.073                 0.2                   30
   300–1500                  /                   /                 f/1500                  30
 1500–100,000                /                   /                   1.0                   30

f = frequency in MHz; * = Plane-wave equivalent power density;

According to §1.1310 and §2.1091 RF exposure is calculated.

Calculated Formulary:
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance
S = PG/4πR² = power density (in appropriate units, e.g. mW/cm2);
P = power input to the antenna (in appropriate units, e.g., mW);
G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator, the
power gain factor, is normally numeric gain;
R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (appropriate units, e.g., cm);
For simultaneously transmit system, the calculated power density should comply with:

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Chengdu)

Calculated Data:

                                                       Power       Evaluation     Power       MPE
              Frequency       Antenna Gain
    Mode                                             including      Distance     Density      Limit
                (MHz)                                tolerance                          2           2
                                                                      (cm)      (mW/cm )    (mW/cm )
                            (dBi)      (numeric)   (dBm) (mW)
    FHSS      2410-2472        0         1.00      -1.0    0.79      20.00       0.0002         1.0
     DTS      2412-2462        0         1.00       21    125.89     20.00       0.0251         1.0

    Note: The tune-up power including tolerance is declared by manufacturer.

   The 2.4GHz FHSS and DTS can transmit simultaneously:

=SFHSS/Slimit-FHSS + SDTS/Slimit-DTS
< 1.0

Result: Compliance, The device meets MPE requirement for Devices Used by the General
Public (Uncontrolled Environment) at distance ≥20 cm.

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Document Created: 2017-03-21 17:15:31
Document Modified: 2017-03-21 17:15:31

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