User manual

FCC ID: O5301526RX24G

Users Manual

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                       Art Release for Production (Mechanical)

                       Sky Instructions Domestic
            File Name:
Licensor Approval Date:
Production Release Date: 06/11/15
      Production Artist: JJ Hwang
                 Colors: Pantone 294
              Trim Size:


                               PROBLEM                                                          SOLUTION                                                                                                                                                                      12
                                                                                                                                                                           STR VIDEO
                               Drone is unresponsive or                 t Drone may be miscalibrated by launching from an unlevel                                     STREAMING                                                                       Download the Sky Viper
                               behaving erratically                         surface. Turn the remote off and unplug Drone’s battery for
                                                                            30 seconds then turn them back on and try again from a                                                DRONE                                                               Video Viewer app at

                                                                            flat, level launching surface.
                                                                        t   Ensure your remote is within unobstructed view of Drone and
                                                                            you are within 30 feet range.
                                                                        t   Ensure the remote has fresh batteries and the LiPo battery                                           INSTRUCTION GUIDE
                                                                            is fully charged.
                                                                        t   Inspect Drone for any possible damage. Turn the remote off                                                                CONTENTS
                                                                            and unplug Drone’s battery for 30 seconds then turn them                                                                                                         Battery door includes
                                                                            back on and try again from a flat, level launching surface.                                                                                                      security screw to prevent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             child access to LiPo battery.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Users over 14 years of age
                               All blades spin, but Drone               t Drone’s blades may have been installed incorrectly. Reinstall                                                                                                      may remove screw from
                                                                                                                                                                                                          R      Control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 C     l                     door for easier access.
                               will not fly properly                        and remember that the Green blades point forward.

                               Drone drifts in any                      t Adjust the trim controls until drifting ceases, see page 7.                                                               Screws
                               direction during flight
                               without direction from the
                               remote                                                                                                                      RC Streaming Drone                    Screwdriver        Device Holder

                               Drone crashes                            t Propellers may be installed in the wrong position. Ensure                    LiPo BATTERY

                               immediately                                  proper installation.
                                                                                                                                                Rechargeable 3.7v
                               Drone crashes when                       t Ensure that Drone is flying a minimum distance of 9 feet             650mAH LiPo Battery                USB Charging Cable         4 Replacement Blades
                               attempting stunt functions                   from the ground with a minimum 9 feet clearance in all
                                                                            directions.                                                                             Remove all packaging attachments before giving the toy to a child.
                                                                                                                                                            Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts that could be swallowed.
                               Stunt button does not                    t Be sure to detatch the camera unit from the Drone.                                                Conforms to product safety standards ASTM F963.
                                                                                                                                                                           Keep instructions for future reference. Do not discard.
                               Drone flight is erratic when             t Ensure blade guards and camera module are removed to                                                                                                                                                       ™
                               Flight Sensitivity is set to 3               reduce performance inhibiting weight.

                                                                                                                                                This device complies with PART 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions. (1) This device may not cause
                            Customer Service :                                                                                                 harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
                                                                                                                                                                      CAUTION: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible
                                                                                                                                                                                for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
                                                                                                                                                NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
                                                                                                                                                    Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
                                                                                                                                                 equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
                                                                                                   ™                                            may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
                                                                                                                                                installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
                                                     ©2015 Skyrocket Toys LLC, Los Angeles, CA 90066 USA. All Rights Reserved.                    equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or
                                             Sky Viper is a registered tradmark and the Skyrocket logo are trademarks of Skyrocket Toys LLC.   relocate the receiving antenna - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver - Connect the equipment into an outlet on
                                                                                     MADE IN CHINA.                                                a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

                                                                                                              SIZE: 297 x 210mm (folds to 148.5 x 210mm)
                                                                                                                     BACK COVER / FRONT COVER

    ADULT SUPERVISION REQUIRED                                                                                              CHANGING DAMAGED PROPELLERS
    Before each use, an adult should check this product and the LiPo battery to ensure no damage or                         1    Unplug LiPo battery on Drone.                                                    GREEN
    hazards exist. Drone has rotating blades that move at high speed, posing danger of damage and                                                                                                                 BLADES
    injury. Pilots are responsible for any actions that result in damage or injury from the improper                        2    Make note of the blade color and letter (A or
    operation of Drone. Adequate flying space is required. Avoid flying near interior fans and/or vents as
                                                                                                                                 B) before removing the blade from Drone.                                B                      A
                                                                                                                                 (Markings are located on the underside of                          B                                A
    they may make flying difficult to control. Keep a safe distance away from streets, public thoroughfares                      blades and Drone).                                                              FRONT
    and power lines. Never attempt to retrieve Drone from any location higher than your reach (such as
    rooftops or trees) or from any location that poses a safety hazard. Never fly Drone at night. Keep                          Remove the small screw using the mini
    Drone in sight at all times during operation. Discontinue operation immediately if Drone flies out of                        screwdriver provided.
    your field of view. Do not fly near spectators or animals. Pets can become excited about R/C vehicles
    therefore keep away from pets at all times. Keep spinning rotors away from fingers, hair, eyes and
                                                                                                                            4    Replace the damaged blade with a new
                                                                                                                                 blade with matching color and letter.
    other body parts. Always launch from a flat surface. Never leave Drone unattended while it is turned                         Secure the blade with the retaining screw.
    on. Read all enclosed information before operating.
                                                                                                                                                                                                A                                         B
                                                                                                                                                                                                    A             BACK               B
    LiPo batteries have a severe risk of fire and injury if they are improperly handled or misused. They may explode,
    overheat or ignite. Read all following precautions and instructions regarding the care and use of LiPo batteries.                                                                                              GREY
    The enclosed LiPo battery is only to be used with the vehicle and charger included with this product.                                                                                                         BLADES
    t Keep away from flammable materials.                                                                                                     
    t Do not expose to direct sunlight.                                                                                                                                                             Bottom View of Drone
    t Do not place in fires or leave in hot places.
    t Do not drop or make subject to strong impact.
    t Keep dry and away from water.
    t Remove exhausted batteries as soon as possible and discard properly.                                                                            4
    t Remove all batteries from the compartment if toy is not used for a long period.
    t The supply terminals are not to be short circuited.                                                                                                                             WARNING: Do not fly with broken or
                                                                                                                                                                                      damaged propeller blades as it may
    t Never throw batteries in a fire or attempt to open outer casing.                                                                                                                cause damage or lead to injury.
    LiPo Battery Disposal: LiPo batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly. They should not be disposed
    of with other household waste. Check your local laws and regulations for correct recycling and/or battery disposal.

    t Do not use rechargeable batteries.                                                                                    MAINTENANCE
    t Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.
    t Different types of batteries or new and old batteries are not to be mixed.                                            Over time, loose hair or carpet fibers may get wound in blades, reducing performance.
    t Batteries are to be inserted using correct polarity.                                                                  Unplug Drone and remove fibers from motors. (Remove blades if necessary)
    t Remove exhausted batteries as soon as possible and discard properly.
    t Remove all batteries from compartment if toy is not used for a long period.
                                                                                                                            This device complies with Industry Canada's licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
    t The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited.                                                                   (1) This device may not cause interference; and
    t Never throw batteries in a fire or attempt to open the outer casing.                                                  (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
    WARNING: Batteries are harmful if swallowed. Please keep away from children.                                            Cet appareil est conforme aux CNR exemptes de licence d'Industrie Canada . Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux
    Battery Disposal: Dispose of batteries according to the local laws and regulations of your region. Some batteries       conditions suivantes :
    may be recycled, and may be accepted for disposal at your local recycling center. If you are not able to identify the   ( 1 ) Ce dispositif ne peut causer d'interférences ; et
    applicable rules in your area, please check the instructions of the battery manufacturer.                               ( 2 ) Ce dispositif doit accepter toute interférence , y compris les interférences qui peuvent causer un mauvais
                                                                                                                            fonctionnement de l'appareil.
                                                                                                                            The distance between user and products should be no less than 20cm
                                                                                                                            La distance entre l'utilisateur et de produits ne devrait pas être inférieure à 20cm
1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10

                                                                                SIZE: 297 x 210mm (folds to 148.5 x 210mm)
                                                                                             PAGE 1 / PAGE 10

    ONE TOUCH STUNTS                                                                           BLADE GUARDS FOR BEGINNERS

        IMPORTANT                                                                              Blade guards are great for beginning pilots and can
                                                                                               be easily installed if desired. The guards however add
        REMOVE THE CAMERA UNIT FROM THE DRONE BEFORE PERFORMING STUNTS. STUNT                  undesired weight and reduce flight performance.
        FUNCTIONS WILL NOT WORK WITH CAMERA UNIT ATTATCHED. ALSO REMOVE BLADE                  Blade guards are optional and should NOT be used
        GUARDS WHEN FLYING IN ADVANCED SENSITIVITY MODE 3.                                     with Advanced Flight Sensitivity setting 3.

    BARREL ROLLS                                                                               1   Insert the posts of the blade guards into      1                            2
                                                                                                   the holes of the drone.
    While flying forward (or reverse), press the                                               2   Secure the blade guards with the retaining screws.

     NOTE: Once a stunt has been initiated,
     DO NOT adjust Throttle or press any other
                                                                                               CHARGING, INSTALLING & CARING FOR
     controls until the stunt has been completed.      1                    2                  LIPO BATTERY IN THE DRONE
                                                                                               1   Disconnect the LiPo battery connectors hanging out from the
                                                                                                   back of the drone.
                                                                                               2   Plug the red male connector from the LiPo battery into the black
                                                                                                   female connector end of the USB charging cord.
                                                                                               3   Plug the USB end of the charging cord into a USB power             1
             FRONT BARREL ROLL                                      REAR BARREL ROLL               source and charge battery until full.
                                                                                                   RED LIGHT = CHARGING
                                                                                                   GREEN LIGHT = FULLY CHARGED
    1   Bring the Drone to a mid air hover without flying in any
        direction. Remove finger from the DIRECTION STICK                                      4   Once fully charged, disconnect the charing cord from
                                                                                                   battery and power source. (Always unplug from power
    2   While HOVERING, press and hold the STUNT BUTTON.                                           source when not in use).                                           2
    3   While still holding the STUNT BUTTON, tap the DIRECTION
        STICK in the direction you want to the drone to flip.                RIGHT FLIP              IMPORTANT:
                                                                                                     LiPo battery can be removed from Drone by loosening
                                                                                                     battery compartment screw, opening door and removing
                                                                                                     the battery. When replacing the battery, be careful not
                                                                                                     to pinch battery connector wires when closing the door.
                                                                                                     Also ensure that wires protrude through open slots on
         1                   2                     3                         FRONT FLIP              the sides of the battery door as shown. Make sure there
                                                                                                     is sufficient wire slack for easily connecting and
                                                                                                     disconnecting plugs, but not so much slack that wires
        CAUTION!                                                                                     interfere with spinning blades.

        Drone should be flying at least 9 feet in the air with a minimum clearance of 9 feet
        in all directions before attempting stunt functions.                                       CHARGING PRECAUTIONS:
        STUNT FUNCTIONS SHOULD BE PERFORMED OUTSIDE ONLY.                                          After use, allow LiPo battery to cool down to room temperature before charging again.
                                                                                                   t Charge LiPo battery in an isolated area, away from excessive heat or moisture.
                                                                                                   t If LiPo battery swells, unplug it immediately and permanently discontinue use.
                                                                                                   t Do not modify, heat, or wet the battery in any way. Only recharge with provided charger.
9                                                                                                                                                                                               2

                                                               SIZE: 297 x 210mm (folds to 148.5 x 210mm)
                                                                            PAGE 9 / PAGE 2

    WARNING!                                                                                      STREAM LIVE VIDEO TO YOUR
                                                                                                  SMART DEVICE
                                                                                                  Sky Viper Streaming Drone is equipped with WiFi connectivity, so you can view streaming video on
    Continuing to charge or discharge a battery that has been damaged can result in a fire.       your smart device.
    Quickly and safely disconnect the Drone from charging and place away from flammable
    materials. Observe the battery for at least 30 minutes to be certain no additional swelling    DOWNLOADING THE APP
    or rupture occurs. Completely discharge the battery by submerging it in a saltwater
                                                                                                  iOS                                                      Android
    solution (1/2 cup salt per gallon of water) for 24 hours.
    Check your local laws and regulations for correct recycling and/or battery disposal.          Go to the App Store and search for Sky                   Go to the Google Play Store and search for Sky
                                                                                                  Viper Video Viewer app. Then, click install.             Viper Video Viewer app. Then, click download.
    t Always UNPLUG the Drone’s LiPo battery when not
      in use or when Drone is being stored or transported.
    t Store the LiPo battery and Drone in a dry area at
      room temperature.                                                                            CONNECTING TO THE STREAMING DRONE WITH YOUR DEVICE
    t Avoid temperatures less than 40°F/4°C and greater                       LiPo BATTERY        1 Go to Wi-Fi setting on your smart device.
      than 120°F/49°C.
    t Do not leave the LiPo battery in a car or exposed to                                        2 Select SKYVIPER_XXXXXX and connect.
      direct sunlight. If exposed to temperatures greater                                          Open the Sky Viper app on your device.
      than 120°F/49°C, the LiPo battery can be damaged                                            4 The App will bring up your Drone’s ID.
      or may catch fire.
                                                                                                  Follow the on-screen icons to interact with your Drone.
                                                                                                   ATTACHING YOUR DEVICE TO THE REMOTE

    INSTALLING REMOTE BATTERIES                                                                   1     Install the DEVICE HOLDER to remote.
                                                                                                  2     Pull the DEVICE HOLDER arm.
    Loosen screw in the Remote Control battery                                                         Insert a smart device (Devices larger than 3.1/8”wide can be used, can not be attached
    compartment door with Philips screw driver and                                                      to remote).
    insert batteries as shown. Replace door and
    tighten screw.                                                  + AAA/LR03/R03 1.5V –         4     Follow app directions for streaming, recording and video playback.
                                 1.5 V                              – AAA/LR06/R03 1.5V +
                      +        AAA (LR03)   –
                                 1.5 V                              + AAA/LR03/R03 1.5V –
                      –        AAA (LR03)   +
                   4x                                               – AAA/LR03/R03 1.5V +
                                 1.5 V
                      +        AAA (LR03)   –
                                 1.5 V                                                                  1                       2                                              4
                      –        AAA (LR03)   +
                                                                                                      360˚ PANORAMIC VIEW ROTATION
    AUTO SHUTDOWN:                                                                                 1 While HOVERING, press and hold the STUNT
    t If battery voltage drops to an extremely low level, Drone will automatically shutdown.             BUTTON.
      The Video Drone will need to be recharged to restore flying power.                                                                                                              1
                                                                                                   2 Move the DIRECTION STICK (Right or left)
    t If anything prevents Drone’s blades from spinning or they become jammed, Drone will                to start drone rotation.
      automatically shutdown. The LiPo battery will need to be unplugged, then reconnected to
      restore flying power.                                                                        3 Press the RECORD BUTTON on your
                                                                                                         smart device to start recording. Press again to
                                                                                                         stop recording.                                                              2
                                                                                                                                                                     7 SEC
3                                                                                                                                                                                                           8

2B                                                             SIZE: 297 x 210mm (folds to 148.5 x 210mm)
                                                                            PAGE 3 / PAGE 8

    TRIM ADJUSTMENTS                                                                                                  FLIGHT SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT
    If Drone drifts in any direction while hovering (and you are not pressing the Direction stick),                   Drone responsiveness may be adjusted on the
    you may need to make trim adjustments. Safely land Drone on a level surface. Press the                            Controller to match your flying skills.
    recommended Trim button once as described below. Launch the Drone back into the air and                           There are three choices:
    attempt another still hover. If Drone continues to drift, repeat the process until a still                        1. BEGINNER – 2. INTERMEDIATE – 3. ADVANCED
    hover is achieved:                                                                                                It is best to start in BEGINNER MODE 1 until you
    t Drone drifts forward          t Drone drifts to the left     t Drone spins counter-clockwise,                   have mastered flying. Flight sensitivity can be adjusted
        – Press the B button           – Press the R button            when viewed from the top                       before or during flight.
                                                                       – Press the      button
    t Drone drifts backward         t Drone drifts to the right                                                                                                                      1 - BEGINNER
        – Press the F button           – Press the L button        t Drone spins clockwise, when                      IMPORTANT: Advanced Mode 3 is a
                                                                       viewed from the top                            performance flight setting for OUTDOOR USE                     2 - INTERMEDIATE
                                                                       – Press the      button                        ONLY. Blade guards and camera module
                                                                                                                      MUST BE REMOVED for proper flight opera-                       3 - ADVANCED
        NOTE: THE REMOTE WILL BEEP/FLASH 3 TIMES WHEN TRIM ADJUSTMENT                                                 tion in Mode 3.
                                                                                                                      CALIBRATING & LAUNCHING
    FLYING TIPS                                                                                                       1   Turn OFF Remote Control.

    t   When launching the Drone, face the same direction as the Drone. Green blades should be in front.              2   Disconnect the LiPo battery connectors hanging
        Practice launching, hovering and landing before attempting to learn other moves.                                  out from the back of the drone.
    t   Flying 2 to 3 feet above the ground will reduce ground turbulence and make flying easier.                         Pull connectors, not wires.
    t   When first attempting to fly in different directions, start by tapping the Direction stick until you have a
        feel for it. Always move the controls slowly until you become comfortable operating the drone.
                                                                                                                      3   Reconnect battery connectors.                          1
    t   Once you’ve mastered flying in directions, practice Rotational controls. Spinning and keeping Drone           4   Quickly place Drone on FLAT LEVEL
        facing the same direction you are facing makes flying easier and more intuitive.                                  SURFACE.
    t   Stay 2 to 3 feet away from walls and ceilings as Drone will be drawn towards them if you fly too
                                                                                                                      5   Turn Remote Control ON.
    t   If propeller blades come in contact with another object or you crash, throttle down immediately to            6   Slowly push remote control THROTTLE
        prevent possible or further damage.                                                                               STICK UP until Drone lifts into the air.
        If anything prevents Drone’s blades from spinning or they become jammed, THROTTLE DOWN
        IMMEDIATELY. Do not attempt to fly until obstruction has been removed and damage fixed.
    t   Should something prevent Drone’s blades from spinning, Drone may AUTO SHUTDOWN. LiPo                              IMPORTANT: YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW
        battery will need to be unplugged then reconnected to restore flying power.                                       SECONDS AFTER THE LIPO BATTERY IS
                                                                                                                          PLUGGED IN TO PLACE DRONE ON A
    t   If the Drone flies too far away, beyond the control range of the remote, the Drone will
                                                                                                                          LEVEL SURFACE FOR PROPER CALIBRA-
        AUTO-LAND to prevent the Drone from flying away out of control.
                                                                                                                          TION. IF DRONE DOES NOT RISE TO A
                                                                                                                          STABLE HOVER OR FLIES ERRATICALLY,
    REMOVING & REATTACHING                                                                                                REPEAT STEPS 1 THROUGH 6.
    The Camera Module is easily removed to improve flight                                                                 CAUTION: NEVER APPROACH DRONE
    performance. Simply unplug the camera connector and slide the                                                         WHILE THE PROPELLER BLADES ARE
    camera module forward to disconnect from drone. To reconnect,                                                         STILL SPINNING. THROTTLE DOWN UNTIL
    simply clip camera module back onto drone and plug in the wire                                                        THE BLADES STOP THEN TURN OFF
    connector.                                                                                                            REMOTE BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO
                                                                                                                          HANDLE DRONE.

7                                                                                                                                                                                                       4

3A                                                                        SIZE: 297 x 210mm (folds to 148.5 x 210mm)
                                                                                       PAGE 7 / PAGE 4

    Familiarize yourself with Drone’s
    controls before flying!
                                                            THROTTLE/ROTATION STICK

                                                                t To make the Drone LIFT, press the THROTTLE STICK FORWARD.
                                                                t The further you PUSH the THROTTLE STICK, the faster you LIFT.
                                                                t To make the Drone HOVER, find the sweet spot on the THROTTLE STICK
                                                                  (somewhere in the middle).

                            Press UP
                              to lift                                                                                                                                     Press UP
                                                                                                                                                                        to fly forward
                                                Power On/Off Switch                                                                             Smart Device Holder

                                                Power indicator LED                                                                           Forward/Backward Trim

                                                STUNT Button
                         Press DOWN
                          to descend

                                               THROTTLE/                                                                                                                Press DOWN
                                                                                                                                          DIRECTION STICK
                                               ROTATION STICK                                                                                                          to fly backward

                         Press LEFT
                 to rotate counter-clockwise
                                                                                                                                                                        Press LEFT
                                                                                           Flight Sensitivity Switch
                                                                                                                                                                         to fly left
                                                                                           (BLADE GUARDS & CAMERA
                                                Rotation Trim                              MODULE MUST BE REMOVED                                    Left/Right Trim
                                                                                           FOR MODE 3 FLIGHT)

                                                                    DIRECTION STICK

                                                                    t Push the Direction stick FORWARD to fly forward or away from you (Green blades in front).
                                                                        Push BACKWARD to fly backward.
                                                                        The farther you push, the faster Drone flies in that direction.
                         Press RIGHT                                t   Push the Direction stick LEFT to fly left. Push RIGHT to fly right.                             Press RIGHT
                      to rotate clockwise                               The farther you push, the faster Drone flies sideways.                                           to fly right

5                                                                                                                                                                                        6

3B                                                         SIZE: 297 x 210mm (folds to 148.5 x 210mm)
                                                                        PAGE 5 / PAGE 6

Document Created: 2015-06-28 22:36:04
Document Modified: 2015-06-28 22:36:04

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