Technical Report


Test Report

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EXHIBIT B – Technical Report


                           Measurement/Technical Report

                                       Intel Corporation

                                       Ambler Bluetooth

                                       FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

                                           May 11 ,2000

This report concerns (check one):                 Original Grant X             Class II Change____

Equipment Type: Unlicensed Spread Spectrum Transmitter Module

Deferred grant requested per 47 CFR 0.457 (d)(1)(ii)?                            Yes_____ no__X__

                                                  If yes, defer until:            ______N/A______

Intel Corp. agrees to notify the Commission by:   ______N/A______

of the intended date of announcement of the product so that the grant can be issued on that date.

Transition Rules Request per 15.37:                                              yes_____ no__X__

If no, assumed Part 15, Subpart C for intentional radiators – new 47 CFR [10-1-92] provision.

Report prepared by:                               Northwest EMC, Inc.
                                                  22975 NW Evergreen Pkwy., Ste 400
                                                  Hillsboro, OR 97124
                                                  (503) 844-4066
                                                  fax: (503) 844-3826

                                             Report No. INSC0002

                                                                 FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

Table of Contents

Section         Description                                         Page
1.0             General Information                                   3
1.1             Product Description                                   3
1.2             Related Submittals/Grants                             5
1.3             Tested System Details                                 5
1.4             Test Methodology                                      6
1.5             Test Facility                                         6

3.0             System Test Configuration                             7
3.1             Justification                                         7
3.2             EUT Exercise Software                                 7
3.3             Special Accessories                                   7
3.4             Equipment Modifications                               7
Figure 3.1      Configuration of Tested System                        8

4.0             Antenna Requirement                                   9
4.1             Antenna Information                                   9
4.2             Frequency Hopping System                              9
4.3             Frequency Hopping Receiver                            9
4.4             DeFacto EIRP Limit                                    10
4.5             RF Exposure Compliance Requirements                   10
4.6             AC Powerline Conducted Emissions                      11
4.7             Spurious Radiated Emissions Data                      12
4.8             Occupied Bandwidth                                    13
4.9             Peak Output Power                                     14
5.0             Spurious RF Condcuted Emissions                       15
5.1             Band Edge Compliance of RF Conducted Emissions        16
5.2             Carrier Frequency Separation                          17
5.3             Time of Occupancy (Dwell Time)                        18
5.4             Number of Hopping Frequncies                          19
5.5             Power Spectral Density                                20
5.6             Processing Gain                                       21
5.7             Field Strength Calculations                           22
5.8             Measurement Bandwidths                                22

6.0             Measurement Equipment                                 23

Appendix I      FCC Modular Transmitter Policy                        24

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                                                                                                        FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

1.0 General Information

1.1 Product Description

Manufactured By ............................................................................................... Intel Corporation

Address...............................................2200 Missions College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95052-8119

Test Requested By:................................................................................................. Rick Jessop

Model..............................................................................................................Ambler Bluetooth

FCC ID ........................................................................................................................ O2Z-BT1

Serial Number(s) ........................................................................................................ RJ050100

Date of Test ........................................................................... May 1, 2000 through May 11, 2000

Job Number ............................................................................................................... INSC0002

   Prepared By:                                                          Administrative Review By:

   Vicki Albertson, Technical Report and                                 Brenda Wood, Technical Report Writer
   Documentation Manager

   Technical Review By:                                                  Approved By:

   Greg Kiemel, Director of Engineering                                  Dean Ghizzone, President

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                                                                              FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

1.1 Product Description con’t

The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the Intel Corporation Ambler Bluetooth module, a spread spectrum transmitter
that uses frequency hopping modulation. This device is intended to be sold to Original Equipment Manufacturers
(OEMs) for integration into laptop computers only. This device will be integrated with one of four Intel sponsored
antennas which are being recommended to be used with this device. A fifth antenna (Antenna “A”) was tested with
the unit for reference purposes only, it will not be recommended for use with this device. The module will allow laptop
computers to communicate with other consumer electronics containing Bluetooth devices. This will allow a laptop
computer to communicate to and share files and data with other devices such as digital cameras, cellular phones,
wireless mice, wireless joysticks, wireless keyboards, etc.

Within the Bluetooth protocol, frequency hopping is governed by one and only one Bluetooth unit in any given
communications group. The master unit determines the pseudo random hopping sequence and conveys this
information to other “slave” units that are in the communications group with the master. Because the master unit
generates the hopping sequence independently without any external information, there is no coordination with other
FHSS systems. The Bluetooth protocol relies on Forward Error Correction (FEC) along with re-transmissions to
accommodate for multiple transmitters and interference on specific frequencies.

Under two specific modes (page mode and inquiry mode) of the Bluetooth protocol, fewer than 75 hopping
frequencies are used for a very short period of time. These two modes are used to search for and acquire new
devices in the surrounding area. The amount of time that a Bluetooth device spends in these two modes represents
a very small portion of the overall communications time.

The data transmitted during these two modes is Direct Sequence modulated. Even though the transmitter is still
hopping to a pseudo-random hopping sequence (less than 75 frequencies), the data transmitted at each frequency is
Direct Sequence modulated. In this regard, the transceiver qualifies as a Hybrid System under the Part 15.247 rules.

Because the Bluetooth? protocol contains these modes, and because these modes do not meet the minimum
number of hopping channels specified in Part 15.247 for frequency hopping, the Bluetooth? transmitter is categorized
as a hybrid system for these two modes and the hybrid-mode processing gain calculations apply.

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                                                                            FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

1.2 Related Submittals/Grants


1.3 Tested System Details

EUT and Peripherals

Item                    FCC ID                 Description and Serial No.

EUT                     O2Z-BT1                Intel Ambler Bluetooth Spread Spectrum Transmitter S/N

3.3V DC Power Supply N/A                       Instek PC-3030D, S/N 9565963

Dipole Antenna          N/A                    Antenna “A”: * (Reference antenna for testing purposes only)

PIFA                    N/A                    Antenna “B”   *
Multilayer              N/A                    Antenna “C”   *
Dielectric              N/A                    Antenna “D”   *
Microstrip              N/A                    Antenna “E”   *


       Cable          Shield       Length       Ferrite          Connection          Connection
       Type                       (meters)                         Point 1              Point 2
USB                    No             1.0         No         USB port on EUT       Unterminated
DC                     No             1.0         No         DC Input on EUT       DC Power Supply
Antenna Coax           Yes        2 (inches)      No         RF Output on EUT      Antenna

 *Additional antenna specifications may be referenced in Exhibit K, file name “Ambler Bluetooth® Antenna

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                                                                            FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

1.4 Test Methodology

Radiated testing was performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.4 (1992), FCC 97-114, and DA 00-705.
Radiated testing was performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 3 meters, from 30 MHz to 10 GHz, and at 1 meter
from 10 GHz to 25 GHz.

1.5 Test Facility

The semi-anechoic chamber and conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated and conducted data is
located at

Northwest EMC, Inc.
22975 NW Evergreen Pkwy., Ste 400
Hillsboro, OR 97124
(503) 844-4066
Fax: 844-3826

The semi-anechoic chamber, and conducted measurement facility is located in Hillsboro, OR, at the address shown
above. This site has been fully described in a report filed with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), and
accepted by the FCC in a letter maintained in our files.

Northwest EMC, Inc. is recognized under the United States Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards
and Technology, National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for satisfactory compliance with
criteria established in Title 15, Part 285 Code of Federal Regulations. These criteria encompass the requirements of
ISO/IEC Guide 25 and the relevant requirements of ISO 9002 (ANSI/ASQC Q92-1987) as suppliers of calibration or
test results. NVLAP Lab Code: 200059-0.

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                                                                              FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

3.0 System Test Configuration

3.1 Justification

3.1.1 Operating Modes
All operating modes of the EUT were investigated including: frequency hopping with a modulated carrier, no hopping
with a modulated carrier, and direct sequence modulation. For each test, the EUT was configured for low, mid, and
high band transmit frequencies except when operated in a frequency hopping mode. During spurious radiated
emissions testing, all operating modes were investigated for each of the five antennas at low, mid, and high transmit

An additional test was performed to demonstrate the suitability of the EUT as a certified transmitter module. The
peak output power was measured across a range of DC input voltages. This provided evidence of the EUTs power
supply regulation.

                       The variable supply voltage data may be referenced in Exhibit “X”,
                                 file name “CW Output Power vs DC Input.pdf”.

3.1.2 Test Configuration
In an email from the Commission’s OET Laboratory (see Appendix I), the requirements for module approval were
outline. To paraphrase, a module must have its own RF shielding, buffered modulation / data inputs, power supply
regulation, permanently attached or unique antenna coupler, and be tested in a stand-alone configuration.

During testing, the EUT was configured to demonstrate compliance with these requirements. The module was tested
in a stand-alone configuration. One meter unshielded cables were attached to the USB and DC input ports of the
EUT. A short (less than 2 inches) coaxial cable was attached to the RF output port of the EUT for connection of the
antennas. A laboratory DC power supply provided power to the EUT.

3.2 EUT Exercise Software

The software used to exercise the EUT is engineering developmental software designed to provide manual control over
the transceiver functions. The software operates on a laptop computer and commands the EUT via communication
over a USB cable through the USB port of the computer. After the EUT was commanded to a particular state, the
USB cable was disconnected from the laptop computer for testing.

The EUT contains a built-in microprocessor and memory storage for processing transceiver instructions in
accordance to the Bluetooth protocols.

This software commands the built-in Bluetooth protocols within the module in the same manner as the final
Bluetooth end-product (laptop computers are the end-product for this module).

The packets selected for transmission during EUT testing were the maximum packet density allowed in the
Bluetooth protocol to create a worse case emissions.

3.3 Special Accessories


3.4 Equipment Modifications


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                                                   FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

Figure 3.1: Configuration of Tested System


                                                   DC Cable      Power
                                 EUT                             Supply


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                                                                             FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

4.0 Antenna Requirement

Per 47 CFR 15.203, the EUT uses antennas that are designed to ensure that no other antennas other than those
supplied by Intel will be used with the device.

    Details about the antenna connection method may be referenced in exhibit “CC”, file name “Antenna
                                         Connection Method.pdf”

4.1 Antenna Information

Per 47 CFR 15.204 (c), a list of antennas tested with the EUT is provided. The type, manufacturer, model number,
and gain with reference to an isotropic radiator is given.

 Please reference exhibit “K”, file name “Ambler Bluetooth® Antenna Information.pdf” for that information.

   Photographs of those antennas are in exhibit “F”, file name “Ambler Bluetooth® Antenna Photos.pdf”

4.2 Frequency Hopping System

Per 47 CFR 15.247(a), a description of how the EUT meets the definition (found in 47 CFR 2.1) of a frequency hopping
spread spectrum system is provided.

The description includes the number of hopping frequencies, the time of occupancy (dwell time) per hopping channel,
and an explanation of how the hopping sequence is generated (an example is provided of the hopping channel
sequence). Also, a description of how the EUT’s hopping channels are used equally on average is provided.

In an effort to avoid the simultaneous occupancy of individual hopping frequencies by multiple transmitters; a
description is provided of how the EUT does not have the ability to coordinate with other frequency hopping systems.

   Please reference exhibit “J”, file name“Description of Frequency Hopping System” for that information

4.3 Frequency Hopping Receiver

Per 47 CFR 15.247 (a)(1), a description is provided of how the EUT’s associated receiver complies with the
requirement that the input bandwidth matches the hopping channel bandwidth of the transmitter, and shifts
frequencies in synchronization with the transmitted signals.

   Please reference exhibit “J”, file name “Description of Frequency Hopping System” for that information

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                                                                              FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

4.4 De Facto EIRP Limit

Per 47 CFR 15.247 (b)(1-3), the EUT meets the de facto EIRP limit of +36dBm. The peak output power of the EUT is
approximately 0 dBm, and the maximum gain of any antennas used with the EUT will be 6 dBi or less. Therefore, the
EUT’s maximum EIRP is +6dBm.

4.5 RF Exposure Compliance Requirements

Per 47 CFR 15.247 (b)(4), the EUT meets the requirement that it be operated in a manner that ensures the public is
not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess of the Commission’s guidelines (ref . 47 CFR 1.1307, 1.1310,
2.1091, and 2.1093. Also OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C).

The EUT will only be used in notebook and desktop computers and can therefore be considered a mobile transmitter
per 47 CFR 2.1091. It will not be used in “palm-top” computers or other handheld devices. The EUT supports the
connection of only one antenna at a time.

The MPE estimates are as follows:

Table 1 in 47 CFR 1.1310 defines the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) for the general population as 1mW/cm2.
The distance from the EUT’s transmitting antenna where the exposure level reaches the maximum permitted level is
calculated using the general equation:

                                                   S = (PG)/4πR2

        Where:          S = power density (1mW/cm2 maximum permitted level)
                        P = power input to the antenna (1mW)
                        G = linear power gain relative to an isotropic radiator (6dBi = numeric gain of 4)
                        R = distance to the center of the radiation of the antenna

Solving for R, the 1mW/cm2 limit is reached 0.56 cm or closer to the transmitting antenna. Therefore, no warning
labels, no RF exposure warnings in the manual, or other protection measures will be used with the EUT.

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                                                                          FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

4.6 AC Powerline Conducted Emissions
Per 47 15.207(d), if the EUT is connected to the AC powerline indirectly, obtaining its power from another device
which is connected to the AC powerline, then it should be tested to demonstrate compliance with the conducted
limits of 15.207. The EUT will be powered from a host computer that could be connected to the AC power line.
Therefore, in accordance with OET laboratory policy, the measurements were made on the laboratory DC power
supply used to power the EUT.
The AC powerline conducted emissions were measured with the EUT operating in a frequency hopping mode and in a
direct sequence mode – both typical of normal operation. The EUT was transmitting at its maximum data rate. For
each mode, the spectrum was scanned from 450 kHz to 30 MHz. The test setup and procedures were in accordance
with ANSI C63.4-1992.

Per 47 CFR 15.207, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line from the EUT, on any
frequency within the 450 kHz to 30 MHz band, does not exceed 250 microvolts.

               The AC Powerline conducted emissions data may be referenced in Exhibit “Y”,
                          file name “AC Powerline Conducted Emissions.pdf”.

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                                                                             FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

4.7 Spurious Radiated Emissions
The field strength of any spurious emissions or modulation products that fall in a restricted band, as defined in 47
CFR 15.205, were measured. The highest gain antenna of each type to be used with the EUT was tested. For each
type of antenna and each modulation type, the EUT was configured for low, mid, and high band transmit frequencies.
For each configuration, the spectrum was scanned from 30 MHz to 25 GHz.

While scanning, emissions from the EUT were maximized by rotating the EUT, adjusting the measurement antenna
height and polarization, and manipulating the EUT antenna in 3 orthogonal planes (per ANSI C63.4:1992). A preamp
and high pass filter were used for this test in order to provide sufficient measurement sensitivity.

4.7.1 Results
The peak level complies with the limits specified in 47 CFR 15.35 (b). The average level (taken with a 10Hz VBW)
complies with the limits specified in 15.209. Since the dwell time per channel of the hopping signal was less than
100 ms, the reading obtained with the 10 Hz VBW may be further adjusted by a “duty cycle correction factor”,
derived from 20log(dwell time/100ms).

An examination of the scan data for all the antennas and operating modes shows that there were no detectable
spurious emissions or modulation products. The only detectable radiated emissions were from the digital portion of
the module and not from the radio. The final radiated data included with this application contains signals from the
digital circuitry, and noise floor measurements in some of the restricted bands to show system sensitivity. Due to the
large file size, all 250+ radiated emissions scans were not included, but are available upon request.

                            The final radiated data may be referenced in Exhibit “Z”,
                                  file name “SpuriousRadiated Emissions.pdf”.

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                                                                                     FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

4.8 Occupied Bandwidth

The occupied bandwidth was measured with the EUT set to low, medium, and high transmit frequencies.
The measurement was made using a direct connection between the RF output of the EUT and the spectrum
analyzer. The EUT was transmitting at its maximum data rate in two modes of operation: no hopping with a
modulated carrier, and direct sequence modulation.

Frequency Hopping
Per 47 CFR 15.247(a)(1)(ii), the 20 dB bandwidth of a hopping channel is less than 1 MHz. The spectrum
analyzer’s resolution bandwidth was ≥1% of the 20dB bandwidth and the video bandwidth was greater than
or equal to the resolution bandwidth.

                        Band                                    Bandwidth (kHz)
                        Low                                        712
                        Mid                                        790
                        High                                       822

Direct Sequence
Per 47 CFR 15.247(a)(2), the 6 dB bandwidth of a hopping channel is at least 500kHz. The spectrum
analyzer’s resolution bandwidth was 100kHz, and the video bandwidth was greater than or equal to the
resolution bandwidth

                        Band                                    Bandwidth (kHz)
                        Low                                        552
                        Mid                                        600
                        High                                       682

                 The occupied bandwidth data may be referenced in Exhibit “N”,
 file name “DSS Occupied Bandwidth.pdf” and Exhibit “Q”, file name “FHSS 20dB Bandwidth.pdf”

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                                                                                      FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

4.9 Peak Output Power
The peak output power was measured with the EUT set to low, medium, and high transmit frequencies. The
measurement was made using a direct connection between the RF output of the EUT and the spectrum
analyzer. The EUT was transmitting at its maximum data rate in two modes of operation: no hopping with a
modulated carrier, and direct sequence modulation.

Frequency Hopping
Per 47 CFR 15.247(b)(1), the maximum peak output power does not exceed 1 Watt. The spectrum
analyzer’s resolution bandwidth was greater than the 20dB bandwidth of the modulated carrier and the video
bandwidth was greater than or equal to the resolution bandwidth. The data plots includes the cable loss of
1.5 dB.

                        Band                                      Peak Output Power (mW)
                        Low                                                1.46
                        Mid                                                1.47*
                        High                                               1.35

Direct Sequence
Per 47 CFR 15.247(b)(1), the maximum peak output power does not exceed 1 Watt. The spectrum
analyzer’s resolution bandwidth was greater than the 6 dB bandwidth of the modulated carrier and the video
bandwidth was greater than or equal to the resolution bandwidth. The data plots includes the cable loss of
1.5 dB.

                        Band                                      Peak Output Power (mW)
                        Low                                                1.41
                        Mid                                                1.40
                        High                                               1.27

*NOTE: The form 731 reflects this maximum measured output power +2dB (tolerance permitted by the

                  The Peak Output Power data may be referenced in Exhibit “O”,
      file name “DSS Power Output.pdf” and Exhibit “W”, file name “FHSS Output Power.pdf”

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                                                                                   FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

5.0 Spurious RF Conducted Emissions

The spurious RF conducted emissions were measured with the EUT set to low, medium, and high transmit
frequencies. The measurements were made using a direct connection between the RF output of the EUT
and the spectrum analyzer. The EUT was transmitting at its maximum data rate in two modes of operation:
no hopping with a modulated carrier, and direct sequence modulation. For each mode, the spectrum was
scanned from 0 MHz to 25 GHz.

Per 47 CFR 15.247(c), in any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the authorized band, the maximum level of radio
frequency power is at least 20dB down from the highest emission level within the authorized band. The
spectrum analyzer’s resolution bandwidth was 100 kHz and the video bandwidth was greater than or equal
to the resolution bandwidth.

           The spurious RF conducted emissions data may be referenced in Exhibit “M”,
                file name “DSS Conducted Spurious Emission.pdf” and Exhibit “T”,
                        file name “FHSS Conducted Spurious Emissions.pdf”

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                                                                          FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

5.1 Band Edge Compliance of RF Conducted Emissions

The spurious RF conducted emissions at the edges of the authorized band were measured with the EUT set
to low and high transmit frequencies. The measurement was made using a direct connection between the
RF output of the EUT and the spectrum analyzer. The EUT was transmitting at its maximum data rate in
two modes of operation: no hopping with a modulated carrier, and direct sequence modulation. For each
mode, the channels closest to the band edges were selected. The spectrum was scanned across each
band edge from 5 MHz below the band edge to 5 MHz above the band edge.

Per 47 CFR 15.247(c), in any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the authorized band, the maximum level of radio
frequency power is at least 20dB down from the highest emission level within the authorized band. The
spectrum analyzer’s resolution bandwidth was 100 kHz and the video bandwidth was greater than or equal
to the resolution bandwidth.

     The data for spurious RF conducted emissions at the edges of the authorized band may be
                   referenced in Exhibit “L”, file name “DSS Band Edge.pdf” and
                            Exhibit “S”, file name “FHSS Bandedges.pdf

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                                                                                    FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

5.2 Carrier Frequency Separation

The carrier frequency separation was measured between each of 5 hopping channels in the middle of the
authorized band. The measurements were made using a direct connection between the RF output of the
EUT and the spectrum analyzer. The hopping function of the EUT was enabled.

Per 47 CFR 15.247(a)(1), the hopping channel carrier frequencies are separated by a minimum of 25 kHz or
the 20dB bandwidth of the hopping channel. The spectrum analyzer’s resolution bandwidth was greater
than or equal to 1% of the span, and the video bandwidth was greater than or equal to the resolution

Measured value of carrier frequency separation for hopping channels is 1 MHz.

             The data for carrier frequency separation may be referenced in Exhibit “R”,
                             file name “FHSS Adj. Channel Spacing.pdf”

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                                                                                       FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

5.3 Time of Occupancy (Dwell Time)

The average dwell time per hopping channel was measured at one hopping channel in the middle of the
authorized band. The measurements were made using a direct connection between the RF output of the
EUT and the spectrum analyzer. The hopping function of the EUT was enabled.

Per 47 CFR 15.247(a)(1)(ii), the average time of occupancy on any frequency is not greater than 0.4
seconds within a 30 second period. The spectrum analyzer’s span was set to zero, the resolution
bandwidth was 1 MHz, and the video bandwidth was 7 MHz. The measurement was made in two steps.
First, the sweep speed was adjusted to capture the pulse width or dwell time of a single transmission.
Then, the sweep speed was set to 2 seconds to count the number of transmissions during a two second
period. (It was difficult to accurately count the number of transmissions for sweep speeds longer than two
seconds.) This measurement was repeated 15 times, to determine the average number of transmissions
during a two second period.

                          SWEEP #                    # of Transmissions on a Single Channel in
                                                               a two second period
                               1                                         4
                               2                                         9
                               3                                         8
                               4                                         6
                               5                                         4
                               6                                         7
                               7                                         5
                               8                                         4
                               9                                        10
                              10                                         5
                              11                                         4
                              12                                         6
                              13                                         3
                              14                                         6
                              15                                         3

The dwell time for a single transmission is 2.9mS. The average number of transmissions during a two
second period is 5.6. The dwell time, multiplied by the average number of transmissions during a two
second period, multiplied by 15, equals the average time of occupancy during a 30 second period.

                                     2.9mS x 5.6 x 15 = .244 seconds

                  The data for time of occupancy may be referenced in Exhibit ”U”,
                                  file name “FHSS Dwell Time.pdf”

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                                                                                      FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

5.4 Number of Hopping Frequencies

The number of hopping frequencies was measured across the authorized band. The measurements were
made using a direct connection between the RF output of the EUT and the spectrum analyzer. The hopping
function of the EUT was enabled.

Per 47 CFR 15.247(a)(1)(ii), the number of hopping channels is at least 75. The spectrum analyzer’s
resolution bandwidth was 100 kHz, and the video bandwidth was greater than or equal to the resolution

         The data for the number of hopping frequencies may be referenced in Exhibit ”V”,
                       file name “FHSS Number of Hopping Frequencies.pdf”

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                                                                                      FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

5.5 Power Spectral Density

To demonstrate compliance with 15.247(d), power spectral density measurements were made as follows:
The emission peak(s) are located and zoom in on within the passband. Set RBW = 3 kHz, VBW>RBW,
sweep = (SPAN/3 kHz) e.g., for a span of 1.5 MHz, the sweep should be 1.5 x 106 ÷ 3 x 103 = 500 seconds.
The peak level measured must be no greater than +8 dBm. External attenuation is used and added to the
reading. If necessary, the following FCC procedure is used for modifying the power spectral density

“If the spectrum line spacing cannot be resolved on the available spectrum analyzer, the noise density
function on most modern conventional spectrum analyzers will directly measure the noise power density
normalized to a 1 Hz noise power bandwidth. Add 34.7 dB for correction
to 3 kHz.”

Data was taken using the 1 Hz noise power bandwidth on an Tektronix 2784 spectrum analyzer. The data
summary shown below includes the 34.7 dB correction to 3 kHz. The cable loss and external attenuation of
1.5 dB were corrected internal to the spectrum analyzer.

                                       Low            -6.2 dBm
                                       Mid            -5.2 dBm
                                       High           -6.5 dBm

                The data for Power Spectral Density may be referenced in Exhibit ”P”,
                             file name “DSS Power Spectral Density.pdf”

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                                                                                         FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

5.6 Processing Gain

Processing gain measurements were performed in accordance with the definitions, calculations, and
explanation in the test report provided by Intel Corp., found in Exhibit AA, file name “Ambler Bluetooth®
Processing Gain Report.pdf” .

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                                                                                                                  FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

5.7 Field Strength Calculations

The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain (if any) from the measured level. The basic equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
FS = RA + AF + CF - AG

where :                    FS = Field Strength

                           RA = Measured Level

                           AF = Antenna Factor

                           CF = Cable Attenuation Factor

                           AG = Amplifier Gain

Assume a receiver reading of 52.5 dBuV is obtained. The Antenna Factor of 7.4 and a Cable Factor of 1.1
is added. The Amplifier Gain of 29 dB is subtracted, giving a field strength of 32 dBuV/meter.

FS = 52.5 + 7.4 + 1.1 - 29 = 32 dBuV/meter
Level in uV/m = Common Antilogarithm [(32 dBuV/m)/20] = 39.8 uV/m

5.8 Measurement Bandwidths

Peak Data

150 kHz - 30 MHz .......................................................................................................... 10 kHz
30 MHz - 1000 MHz.......................................................................................................100 kHz
1000 MHz - 25000 MHz ............................................................................................... 1000 kHz

Quasi-peak Data

150 kHz - 30 MHz ............................................................................................................ 9 kHz
30 MHz - 1000 MHz.......................................................................................................120 kHz

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                                                                              FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

6.0 Measurement Equipment

Instrument                 Manufacturer         Model                  Serial No    Cal Due
Spectrum Analyzer          Hewlett-Packard      8566B                  2747A05213   1/19/2001
Pre-Amplifier              Amplifier Research   LN1000A                25660        7/18/2000
Antenna, Biconilog         EMCO                 3141                   9906-1146    6/15/2000
Spectrum Analyzer          Hewlett-Packard      8566B                  2747A05213   1/19/2001
Antenna, Horn              EMCO                 3115                   9804-5441    7/10/2000
Pre-Amplifier 0.5-18 GHz   Miteq                AMF-4D-005180-24-10P   621707       7/18/2000
Spectrum Analyzer          Tektronix            2784                   B010105      12/18/2000
Pre-Amplifier 18-26 GHz    Miteq                JSD4-18002600-26-8P    577858       4/10/2001
Antenna, Horn              EMCO                 3160-09                9911-1189    01/05/2001
Pre-Amplifier              Miteq                JSD4-18002600-26-8P    577858       1/17/2001
High Pass Filter           Microlab             FXR HD-40N             8402         4/10/2001

Northwest EMC, Inc.                     Report No. INSC0002                              Page 23

                                                 FCC ID: O2Z-BT1

Appendix I: FCC Policy on Modular Transmitters

Northwest EMC, Inc.    Report No. INSC0002               Page 24

Document Created: 2000-06-06 15:22:44
Document Modified: 2000-06-06 15:22:44

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