

Operational Description

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Product Catalogue


1     Introduction ............................................................................................................................................3

2 AS4000 Infrastructure............................................................................................................................5
2.1       The AS4000 Central Terminal (CT)................................................................................ 5
2.1.1     The RF combiner shelf .................................................................................................. 6
2.1.2     FA modem shelves........................................................................................................ 7
2.1.3     DA modem shelves ....................................................................................................... 7
2.2       The Access Concentrator (AC) ...................................................................................... 8
2.2.1     Access Concentrator Card Shelf.................................................................................... 8

3 Central Terminal Antennas....................................................................................................................9
3.1       Omni Directional............................................................................................................ 9
3.2       Directional ..................................................................................................................... 9

4 The AS4000 Subscriber Terminals (STs) .............................................................................................10
4.1      Summary of ST types .................................................................................................. 11
4.2      Packet Terminals......................................................................................................... 12
4.2.1    The P Series Subscriber Terminals................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3      POTS Terminals............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3.1    The R Series Subscriber Terminals ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3.2    The S Series Subscriber Terminals................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3.3    The N Series Subscriber Terminals ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.4      ISDN Terminals .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.4.1    The B Series Subscriber Terminals................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.5      Data Terminals............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.5.1    The L Series Subscriber Terminals ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.6      Modular Subscriber Terminals ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

5 Recommended Spares Quantities............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.1     Subscriber Terminal spares ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.2     AC and CT spares .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

6 Ancillary equipment and services.........................................................................................................20
6.1        Network Management: AS8100 Sitespan..................................................................... 20
6.1.1      AS8100 Overview........................................................................................................ 20
6.1.2      AS8100 Dimensioning ................................................................................................. 20
6.2        Radio Survey Tool....................................................................................................... 21
6.3        Radio Planning: AS9000 Airplan.................................................................................. 22
6.4        Installation and Commissioning services...................................................................... 22
6.5        Training....................................................................................................................... 22


This document introduces the various components and modules that are used to build up AS4000
systems and networks. It provides an overview of the functionality of each part and outlines the
various ancillary systems and services that are available from Airspan.

The AS4000 Wireless Fixed Access system is a digital point to multipoint radio access system
providing wireless access for fixed subscribers to the telecommunication network. AS4000 delivers
telephony, voice band facsimile/data, ISDN, packet and leased line data services. The AS4000 radio
links provide equivalent Performance to copper pairs and are therefore a direct alternative to the use
of copper cabling for the delivery of these services to customers.

The system uses point-to-multipoint radio links between the individual customer’s premises and the
carrier's central office or local exchange as a replacement for the traditional copper air local loops. If
greater flexibility or range is required, the network radio equipment can be located in a suitable
building or wayside cabinet.

In addition to faster deployment when compared with the time required to install new copper plant,
line plant maintenance costs are eliminated, and digital services can be rapidly deployed to new
residential and business customers.

Each individual customer location is served by one or more radio links, which can be configured to
support a range of services. These can be single or multiple units delivering a mixture of dedicated
link and on-demand services. Services supported include:

Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) equivalent service

Fixed line 2x 64 kbit/s leased line data services

ISDN basic rate access at 144kbit/s

Packet data services

AS4000 systems have been designed from the outset to be modular and scalable. This enables
systems to be built according to operators' requirements, the frequency availability and the number of
customers to be served. It also enables any equipment failures to be rectified simply and quickly.

The AS4000 system consists of a number of major physical blocks (See Figure 1):

Subscriber Terminals (STs), which are located at the customer’s premises,

Central Terminals (CTs), sited at a suitable location to maximise radio coverage,

Access Concentrators (ACs), usually sited at the Central Office or Switch site, and

AS8100 Sitespan or the AS8300 Element manager - the Network Management system.

                                                    The Radio Site                       Subscriber Sites
                                                         The Radio Site
                                                          The Radio Site
       The Switch Site                                                                            (External)

                             AC                                                                             Interface
                                                                                                          Unit (Internal)


                                       n x E1
                                    (radio, fibre   CT
                                     or copper)
                                                                                                      Service Interface
        Data                                                                                           Unit (Internal)

                                             CT:    Central Terminal (Base Station)
                              EM                    - Antenna systems (omni, sectored)
                                             ST:    Subscriber Terminal
                                                    - External antenna
                                                    - internal electronics + PSU
       The Management Site                   AC:    Access Concentrator
                                             SC:    Sitespan Craft Terminal
                                             SS:    Sitespan Server

                                   Figure 1. AS4000 Architecture

AS4000 Infrastructure

The AS4000 Central Terminal (CT)

The Central Terminal is the AS4000 radio base station and is normally located at a site chosen for
best radio coverage for the target ST population.

The CT comprises at least one rack with an RF combiner shelf and associated modem shelves.
Additional CT racks or expansion racks may be co-located to provide increased capacity.

Each modem shelf is connected to the radio the combiner shelf and operates a single RF channel
within the selected channel plan.

Two types of modem shelves are available:

Fixed assigned (FA)
Demand assigned (DA)

The FA shelves operate only in FA mode, whereas the DA shelves can be configured at the CDMA
code level to operate either in FA mode or DA mode.

Fixed Assigned (FA) operation

Fixed assigned services (such as leased line data, ISDN and leased line voice) are supported via
fixed assigned modem shelves. These permanently allocate CDMA channels to end-user terminals.

AS4000 systems operating in FA mode have been commercially available since 1995 and the CDMA
air interface has remained largely unchanged since then.

Demand Assigned (DA) operation

An enhancement of the air interface protocol allows on-demand assignment of radio resources to
active users.

This enables provision of a graded service, and improves the efficiency with which the radio channels
are used. In addition, the protocol enhancement also enables POTS terminals to use ADPCM coded
voice (32kbit/s), further enhancing system capacity.

The radio interface differs from FA operation, in that radio links are allocated as either traffic, or as
control channels. Traffic channels can be allocated as normal access or as priority channels. Priority
channels can be configured to provide access to (for example) key users (such as the emergency
services) even when all the other system channels are being fully used.

For DA operation, an additional module is required - the Access Concentrator. See section 0 for
further details.

Mixed mode (FA/DA) systems

Due to the modular design of the AS4000 CT systems, and the use of common RF architecture, it is
possible to mix a DA and FA deployment. This can be achieved by allocating certain RF channels to
FA mode operation and others to DA mode.

Shown in Figure 2 are example configurations of AS4000 CT racks.

        2 x FA shelves                            4 x FA shelves                                  4 x DA shelves                  2 x FA and
                                                                                                                                1 x DA shelves

                                                             Figure 2. Example CT rack configurations

The RF combiner shelf

The RF combiner shelf (see Figure 3) can accommodate up to 4 RF channels, and link to one or two
independent antenna systems. The RF combiner shelf provides the radio subsystem for both FA and
DA modes of operation, and allows mixed-mode systems to be implemented.

Each combiner shelf is equipped with RF cards, (up to four) Power Amplifier (PA) modules (up to
two), Diplexer / Low Noise Amplifier (DIP/LNA) modules and Shelf Monitor Cards.

                                                                                                                           AIR RAMP
               Diplexer and                  TX Filter
               Low Noise                     DIP/LNA2
               DIP/LNA 1

               RF1 RF2    RF3 RF4    Mon1 Mon2                 Alm55B
                                                                    Red       Lamp


                                                                 Instation/      White

                                                                               Power OK

                                                               Test Trunks

                                                                                                        Modems 1 to15 + Spare   SC TU AU   Shelf Interface
                                                                                                            (2 Per Card)         Cards     Connectors

                 PSU1         PSU2    PSU3                                                                                                  Alarm
                                                                                                            FRONT COVER                     Panel
                                                             1+ 1- 2+ 2-

        PA1                                      DC SUPPLY

              Figure 3.. RF combiner shelf                                                              Figure 4. FA Modem shelf and front cover

FA modem shelves

Each FA modem shelf (see Figure 4.) terminates one RF channel, supports up to 15 radio links,
provides a network interface with the local exchange, and a network management interface to
Up to four FA modem shelves can be built into a single CT rack. Thus, a total of 60 FA radio links
and four network management interfaces can be supported from a single rack.

An FA modem shelf can be equipped with up to eight modem cards, each card supporting two CDMA
links, (i.e. 16 links per shelf of 15 customers). This arrangement results in one spare modem per
shelf. The spare modem is held in reserve and, if necessary, can be reconfigured to automatically
replace a modem that has a fault.

DA modem shelves

Each DA modem shelf (see Figure 5.) terminates one RF channel, provides an E1 network interface
with the AC and (if required) a network management interface to the NMS. Redundant E1 links can
also be provided to maintain the backhaul link to the Access Concentrator if the main link fails. Up to
two DA modem shelves can be equipped within a rack, and a further two modem shelves placed in an
expansion rack.

The number of traffic channels supported will depend on the bit rates for configured each circuit. A
fully configured DA modem shelf can provide up to 52 x 32kbit/s trunks (equivalent to 39.7Erl at

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Alarms and
                                    SLOT 5                  SLOT 9                     SCLAT    CABINET RACK                    55B ALARM
                                        E5                           E5

    SITESPAN   SITESPAN    E1IN               E1IN
    2          1

                          E1OU                E1OU
                          T                   T

                                                                                       SCAUX    RF CAL         JTAG

                                                                                                                                DOOR LED
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Concentrator 1
      -48V       FAN                   AUX5                          AUX9                                                                        BATTPOS
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cable Interface
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and cards

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Concentrator 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cable Interface
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and cards

                                                                                                                                                 Spare AU






                                                                                                                                                                      Figure 6. Access Concentrator Rack with two AC Shelves

                                 Figure 5. DA Modem shelf

The Access Concentrator (AC)

This is normally located at the operator's central office or local exchange. Its purpose is to consolidate
traffic from multiple CT modem shelves. It is only required for modem shelves operating in DA mode,
or when traffic grooming is required.

The AC presents traffic and signalling interfaces to the network switching equipment via multiple E1
2Mbit/s ports - these can be either in unconcentrated or concentrated forms, and include CAS, V5.1
and V5.2 signalling schemes.
One or two AC shelves may be provisioned in an AC rack, with a fully equipped AC shelf supporting
up to 64 E1 connections to the switch. The AC may also consolidate management communications
between CTs and the management system.

Access Concentrator Card Shelf

The Access Concentrator shelf is identical to the DA modem shelf (see Figure 6.). The AC connection
panel is larger, and can cater for up to 64 x E1 connections to the switch.

Central Terminal Antennas

Omni Directional
                                                 NOTE: An installation will
The Omni antenna sub-system                      Consist of two antennae, two
                                                 feeders and associated kit.                              Antenna
consists of two omni-directional,
stacked dipole antennas, mounted on
a beam of approximately 2 metres in
                                                                    Beam                                 Cold Shrink
length. This mechanical assembly is                            U-Clamps
                                                           Mounting Pole
                                                                                                         Feeder Tail
                                                                                                         Mounting Plate
equipped      with     a    bracket     for                 Earth Point                                  Cold Shrink

attachment to a suitable pole. The                     Type H Split Bolt
                                                                                                         Feeder Earth

bracket is made of galvanised steel,
and is suitable for deployment in
                                                       Earthing Cable
harsh environments. Details of the
antenna sub-system and pole mount                                                          .              Feeder Hangers
are illustrated at figure 7, on the right.


                                                          Feeder Earth
                                                       Type H Split Bolt
The directional antenna sub-system                                                                 Feed-thru with
consists of a flat plate antenna with                                    Wood Pole
                                                                                                   waterproof gland

mounting brackets suitable for                                             or Mast

mounting on a pole up to 100mm
diameter. Various HPBW options are
                                                                                                   Feeder Earth
available, including 60° 120° and
180°. These are shown in figure 8.
and figure 9. below:                                               Earth Spike

                                                                      Figure 7. Omni Directional CT Antenna

                           Adjustable Bracket


                           N-type Feeder
         Fixed Bracket     Connections

          Figure 8. 65° CT Directional Antenna                                       Figure 9. 120° / 180° CT Directional Antenna

The AS4000 Subscriber Terminals (STs)

The ST architecture is shown in the figure below.

The majority of the ST electronics is housed in a single Service Interface Unit (SIU), which is located
inside a building or weatherproof cabinet. This is connected to an external antenna and a 12V DC
power source. The ST-R2 (shown in Figure 10.) is an example of this architecture.

All Airspan’s STs employ this architecture – this gives a configurable and flexible mix of service types
(SIU dependent) and operating frequencies (antenna dependent)


                         I/F Drop



                                 Figure 10. Subscriber Terminal architecture

Summary of ST types
A range of STs are available, each supporting different services and numbers of lines:

    Series      Subscriber      Modes         Construction                    Function                    Product Number
    Letter       Terminal         *

      P             P1            D       Residential             Ethernet 10bT
                                          Subscriber Unit
                  P1V2            D       Residential             Two line voice 64 or               810-6122 (incl batt)
                                          Subscriber Unit         32kbit/s & Ethernet 10bT‡          810-6121 (excl batt)
      R             R1            D       Residential             One line voice 64kbit/s            801-6112
                                          Subscriber Unit         PCM or 32 kbit/s ADPCM
                    R2           F,D      Residential             Two line voice 64kbit/s            801-6122
                                          Subscriber Unit         PCM or 32 kbit/s ADPCM‡
      S             S1            D       Sub-Unit                One line voice 64kbit/s            802-6112
                                                                  PCM or 32 kbit/s ADPCM
                  S2 ♣            D       Sub-Unit                Two line voice 64kbit/s            802-6122
                                                                  PCM or 32 kbit/s ADPCM
      N             N2            D       Modular Unit            Two line voice 64kbit/s            803-6122 (incl batt)
                                                                  PCM or 32 kbit/s ADPCM             803-6121 (excl batt)
                    N4            D       Modular Unit            Four line voice 32kbit/s           803-6142 (incl batt)
                                                                  ADPCM                              803-6141 (excl batt)
      B             B1            F       Modular Unit            2B+D ISDN                          804-6112 (incl batt)
                                                                  (FA Mode on DA CT)                 804-6111 (excl batt)
      L           L128            F       Modular Unit            One line 128kbit/s data            805-6113 (incl batt)
                                                                  (either on FA CT,                  805-6111 (excl batt)
                                                                  or FA Mode on DA CT)
                   L64            F       Modular Unit            One line 64kbit/s data
                                                                  (FA Mode on DA CT)
                  L2x64           F       Modular Unit            Two line 64k bit/s data            805-6122 (incl batt)
                                                                  (FA Mode on DA CT)                 805-6121 (excl batt)
     M            M2 ♣            D       Modular Unit in         Two line voice 64kbit/s
                                          Modular                 PCM or 32kbit/s ADPCM
                  M4 ♣            D       Modular Unit in         Four lines voice 32 kbit/s
                                          Modular                 ADPCM; or
                                          Enclosure               One line voice 64kbit/s
                                                                  PCM + two lines voice 32
                                                                  kbit/s ADPCM
                M4/64 ♣           D       Modular Unit in         Four line voice 64kbit/s
                                          Modular                 PCM or 32 kbit/s ADPCM
                  M8 ♣            D       Modular Unit in         Eight line voice 32kbit/s          806-6122
                                          Modular                 ADPCM
                M8/64 ♣           D       Modular Unit in         Eight line voice 64kbit/s          807-6142
                                          Modular                 PCM or 32 kbit/s ADPCM
                 M16 ♣            D       Modular Unit in         Sixteen line voice 32kbit/s        806-6142
                                          Modular                 ADPCM

                                           Table 1. AS4000 Subscriber Terminals

*                     Mode:    F = Fixed Assigned; D = Demand Assigned.
‡                     The R2 terminal can only operate in 32kbit/s ADPCM mode on the DA platform.
♣                     Denotes Future Product Release.

Note:        32kbit/s ADPCM voice services are only available to STs hosted on Demand Assigned modem shelves.

P-Series Subscriber Terminal (ST – P1)
  External Components                             Internal Components          Principal Features:

                                        IF Drop                                Up to 512kbit/s download speeds
                                                                               using Airspan’s PacketDrive
                                                                               Supports 10baseT Ethernet
                                                                               64 self learning MAC addresses
                                                                               CUG security supported
                              ST - P1
                                                                               Corporate VPN provisioning

                                Socket PSU


Corporate network connectivity
Always on internet connections for small and medium businesses

The ST-P1 terminal, incorporating Airspan’s PacketDrive technology, provides ‘always-on’ high speed internet
access for both home and corporate users, with ability to offer Corporate VPN provisioning to create virtual LANs.

A vast range of end user applications are supported, since the ST-P1 terminals support IP and all higher layer
protocols seamlessly. In addition, ST-P1 terminals support Closed User Groups (CUGs) for security or
partitioning of multiple corporate networks. An operator deploying these terminals has the facility to provide
various degrees of QoS by configuring the uplink and downlink data rates - even at its lowest throughput, the ST-
P1 offers superior quality and performance than a V.90 voice band data modem.

                                  RF Power:                        +18 dBm per link
Radio Parameters:                 RF Modulation:                   QPSK
                                  Link BER:                        At least 10-7
                                  Sensitivity:                     -98 dBm
                                  Antenna Gain:                    +13 dBi (3.5 GHz band), +10 dBi (1.9 GHz band),
                                                                   +12 dBi (other bands)
                                  Antenna Directivity:             ±30° (Elevation) ±20° (Azimuth)
                                  Transmission Delay:              Less than 5 ms
                                  Freq. Bands supported:           1.9-2.0, 2.0-2.3, 2.3-2.5, 3.4-3.6 GHz
                                  Electrical:                      10baseT IEEE 802.3
Subscriber Interfaces:            Mechanical:                      RJ45
                                  Channel Rates:                   128 / 256 / 384 / 512 kbit/s configurable downlink
                                                                   32 / 64 / 128 kbit/s configurable uplink.
                                  Temperature:                     Case: -40°C to +45°C, Antenna: -45°C to +60°C
Environmental:                    Humidity:                        95% @ 40°C
                                  Wind Speed:                      200 km/h
                                  Ice Accumulation:                ≤10mm
                                  Voltage:                         100-240V AC / 12V DC (47-63 Hz)
Electrical:                       Power Consumption:               6W (standby), 16W (Packet channel active)
                                  Drop Cable:                      Single coax (25m standard, 70m optional)
                                  Antenna:                         210mm x 210mm x 80mm, 1.10 kg
Dimensions:                       Case:                            323mm x 183mm x 40mm, 1.53 kg
                                  Socket PSU*:                     103mm x 66mm x 37mm, 0.29 kg
* a battery-backed PSU is also available

P-Series Subscriber Terminal (ST – P1V2)
 External Components                         Internal Components         Principal Features:
                                   IF Drop                               Up to 512kbit/s download speeds using
                                   Cable                                 Airspan’s PacketDrive technology
                                                                         Supports 10baseT Ethernet and 2 voice ports
                                                Ethernet                 64 self learning MAC addresses
                                              (10 Base T)
                                                                         Home PNA applications
                             ST - P1V2
                                                                         External antenna. Wall- and pole-mount
                                                                         brackets available
                              Socket PSU

Corporate network connectivity
Always on internet connections and voice services for small and medium businesses
Home PNA

The ST-P1V2 terminal, incorporating Airspan’s PacketDrive technology, provides ‘always-on’ high speed internet access for
both home and corporate users with the ability to offer Corporate VPN provisioning to create virtual LANs. The two voice
channels support toll quality voice, G3 fax and CLASS services.

A vast range of end user applications are supported, since the ST-P1 terminals support IP and all higher layer protocols
seamlessly. In addition ST-P1V2 terminals support Closed User Groups (CUG) for security or partitioning of multiple corporate
networks. An operator deploying these terminals has the facility to provide various degrees of QoS by configuring the uplink
and downlink data rates - even at its lowest throughput, the ST-P1V2 offers superior quality and performance than a V.90 voice
band data modem. Also incorporated into the ST-P1V2 terminal is the facility to offer HomePNA, the integrated voice and data
system for residential applications using the home telephone wiring.

                                  RF Power:                        +18 dBm per link
Radio Parameters:                 RF Modulation:                   QPSK
                                  Link BER:                        At least 10-7
                                  Sensitivity:                     -98 dBm
                                  Antenna Gain:                    +13 dBi (3.5 GHz band), +10 dBi (1.9 GHz band),
                                                                   +12 dBi (other bands)
                                  Antenna Directivity:             ±30° (Elevation) ±20° (Azimuth)
                                  Transmission Delay:              Less than 5 ms
                                  Freq. Bands supported:           1.9-2.0, 2.0-2.3, 2.3-2.5, 3.4-3.6 GHz
                                  Electrical:                      Analogue 2-wire telephony, 10baseT IEEE 802.3
Subscriber Interfaces:            Channel Rates:                   512 kbit/s downlink, 32 / 64 / 128 kbit.s configurable uplink,
                                                                   32 kbit/s (ADPCM) / 64 kbit/s (PCM), 9.6 - 28.8 kbit/s G3 fax
                                                                   REN=3, max. Rloop 250 Ohms.
                                  Drive Capability:                Customer premises equipment detection, ringing voltage
                                  Line tests:                      verification, dialtone test, digital and analogue loopback.
                                  Temperature:                     Case: -40°C to +45°C, Antenna: -45°C to +60°C
Environmental:                    Humidity:                        95% @ 40°C
                                  Wind Speed:                      200 km/h
                                  Ice Accumulation:                ≤10mm
                                  Voltage:                         100-240V AC / 12V DC (47-63 Hz)
Electrical:                       Power Consumption:               6W (standby), 18W (2 voice and 1 Packet)
                                  Drop Cable:                      Single coax (25m standard, 70m optional)
                                  Antenna:                         210mm x 210mm x 80mm, 1.10 kg
Dimensions:                       Case:                            323mm x 183mm x 40mm, 1.53 kg
                                  Socket PSU*:                     103mm x 66mm x 37mm, 0.29 kg
*a battery-backed PSU is also available

R – Series Subscriber Terminal (ST – R2)
    External Components                     Internal Components
                                                                               Principal Features:

                                      IF Drop Cable                            2 lines of high quality analogue

                                                                               Internal Service Interface Unit (SIU)

                                                                               External antenna. Wall- and pole-
                                                                               mount brackets available

                          Service Interface Unit                               64 or 32 kbit/s operation

                                                             Socket PSU


Voice telephony with equivalent quality to copper lines, analogue modems with speeds up to 56 kbit/s, G3 fax
without any loss of speed or quality. The SIU contains a battery compartment, providing battery backup. Powered
from the AC mains supply via 12V DC Power Supply Unit (Socket PSU).


                                   RF Power:                       +18 dBm per link
Radio Parameters:                  RF Modulation:                  QPSK
                                   Link BER:                       At least 10-7
                                   Sensitivity:                    -98 dBm
                                   Antenna Gain:                   +13 dBi (3.5 GHz band), +10 dBi (1.9 GHz band),
                                                                   +12 dBi (other bands)
                                   Antenna Directivity:            ±30° (Elevation) ±20° (Azimuth)
                                   Transmission Delay:             Less than 5 ms
                                   Freq. Bands supported:          1.9-2.0, 2.0-2.3, 2.3-2.5, 3.4-3.6 GHz
                                   Electrical:                     analogue 2-wire telephony
Subscriber Interfaces:             Channel Rates:                  64 kbit/s (PCM), 32 kbit/s (ADPCM)
                                   Drive Capability:               REN=3, max. RLoop = 250 Ohms
                                   Line tests:                     Customer premises equipment detection, Ringing
                                                                   voltage verification, Dialtone test, Digital and analogue
                                   Temperature:                    Antenna: -45°C to +60°C
Environmental:                                                     SIU: -5°C to +45°C
                                   Humidity:                       95% @ 40°C
                                   Wind Speed:                     200 km/h
                                   Ice Accumulation:               ≤10mm
                                   Voltage:                        100-240V AC/ 12V DC (47-63 Hz)
Electrical:                        Power Consumption:              6W (standby), 10W (1 or 2 channels active)
                                   Standby Battery:                3.5h (standby), 1.3h (1 or 2 channels active)
                                   Drop Cable:                     Single COAX (25m standard, 70m optional)
                                   Antenna:                        210mm x 210mm x 80mm, 1.10 kg
Dimensions:                        SIU:                            280mm x 192mm x 38mm, 1.37 kg (with battery)
                                   Socket PSU:                     103mm x 66mm x 37mm, 0.29 kg

S – Series Subscriber Terminal (ST – S2)
    External Components                     Internal Components
                                                                               Principal Features:

                                     IF Drop Cable                             2 lines of high quality Analogue

                                                                               Metal sub-unit Service Interface Unit
       Antenna                                                                 (SIU)

                                                                               External antenna. Wall- and pole-
                                                                               mount brackets available
                          Service Interface Unit
                                                                               64 or 32 kbit/s operation
                                                             Socket PSU


Voice telephony with equivalent quality to copper lines, analogue modems with speeds up to 56 kbit/s, G3 fax
without any loss of speed or quality. Designed for use in places where a more robust unit is needed (e.g. inside
payphones). Powered via a 12V PSU from the AC mains supply. Battery backup included.


                                   RF Power:                       +18 dBm per link
Radio Parameters:                  RF Modulation:                  QPSK
                                   Link BER:                       At least 10-7
                                   Sensitivity:                    -98 dBm (fully loaded)
                                   Antenna Gain:                   +13 dBi (3.5 GHz band), +10 dBi (1.9 GHz band),
                                                                   +12 dBi (other bands)
                                   Antenna Directivity:            ±30° (Elevation) ±20° (Azimuth)
                                   Transmission Delay:             Less than 5 ms
                                   Freq. Bands supported:          1.9-2.0, 2.0-2.3, 2.3-2.5, 3.4-3.6 GHz
                                   Electrical:                     analogue 2-wire telephony
Subscriber Interfaces:             Channel Rates:                  64 kbit/s (PCM), 32 kbit/s (ADPCM)
                                   Drive Capability:               REN=3, max. RLoop = 250 Ohms
                                   Line tests:                     Customer premises equipment detection, Ringing
                                                                   voltage verification, Dialtone test, Digital and analogue
                                   Temperature:                    Antenna: -45°C to +60°C
Environmental:                                                     SIU: -40°C to +45°C
                                   Humidity:                       95% @ 40°C
                                   Wind Speed:                     200 km/h
                                   Ice Accumulation:               ≤10mm
                                   Voltage:                        100-240V AC/ 12V DC (47-63 Hz)
Electrical:                        Power Consumption:              6W (standby), 10W (1 or 2 channels active)
                                   Standby Battery:                3.5h (standby), 1.3h (1 or 2 channels active)
                                   Drop Cable:                     Single COAX (25m standard, 70m optional)
                                   Antenna:                        210mm x 210mm x 80mm, 1.10 kg
Dimensions:                        SIU:                            200mm x 180mm x 60mm, 2.25 kg (with battery)
                                   Socket PSU:                     103mm x 66mm x 37mm, 0.29 kg

B – Series Subscriber Terminal (ST – B1)
    External Components                     Internal Components
                                                                               Principal Features:

                                     IF Drop Cable                             So Basic Rate ISDN interface (2B+D)

                                                                               Modular Service Interface Unit (SIU)

       Antenna                                                                 External antenna. Wall- and pole-
                                                                               mount brackets available

                          Service Interface Unit

                                                          Socket PSU


Designed for ISDN applications, mixed voice and data applications, internet access and G4 fax. Provides an S¡
Basic Rate Interface (2B+D) at the customer premises, i.e. NT1 functionality, with equivalent quality to wireline.


                                   RF Power:                       +18 dBm per link
Radio Parameters:                  RF Modulation:                  QPSK
                                   Link BER:                       At least 10-7
                                   Sensitivity:                    -98 dBm
                                   Antenna Gain:                   +13 dBi (3.5 GHz band), +10 dBi (1.9 GHz band),
                                                                   +12 dBi (other bands)
                                   Antenna Directivity:            ±30° (Elevation) ±20° (Azimuth)
                                   Transmission Delay:             Less than 1 ms
                                   Freq. Bands supported:          1.9-2.0, 2.0-2.3, 2.3-2.5, 3.4-3.6 GHz
                                   Electrical:                     Basic rate “S” interface. 40V-dc power feed.
Subscriber Interfaces:             Line tests:                     Customer premises equipment detection, Line
                                                                   leakage, Ringing voltage verification, Dialtone test,
                                                                   Digital and analogue Loopback.
                                   Temperature:                    Antenna: -45°C to +60°C
Environmental:                                                     SIU: -40°C to +45°C
                                   Humidity:                       95% @ 40°C
                                   Wind Speed:                     200 km/h
                                   Ice Accumulation:               ≤10mm
                                   Voltage:                        100-240V AC/ 12V DC (47-63 Hz)
Electrical:                        Power Consumption:              6W (standby), 10W (1 or 2 channels active)
                                   Drop Cable:                     Single COAX (25m standard, 70m optional)
                                   Antenna:                        210mm x 210mm x 80mm, 1.10 kg
Dimensions:                        SIU:                            323mm x 183mm x 40mm, 1.53 kg
                                   Socket PSU:                     103mm x 66mm x 37mm, 0.29 kg

L – Series Subscriber Terminal (ST – L128)
    External Components                      Internal Components
                                                                                 Principal Features:

                                     IF Drop Cable                               1 or 2 lines of high quality data

                                                                                 Modular Service Interface Unit (SIU)

       Antenna                                                                   External antenna. Wall- and pole-
                                                                                 mount brackets available

                                                                                 64 or 128 kbit/s operation
                                                               Socket PSU
                          Service Interface Unit

                          MU-D128 1 x 128k data lines
                          MU-D64 1 x 64k data lines
                          MU-D2x64 2 x 64k data lines


Designed for leased line data applications. Provides 64 or 128 kbit/s synchronous interfaces, e.g. for connections
to routers or other LAN equipment.


                                    RF Power:                        +18 dBm per link
Radio Parameters:                   RF Modulation:                   QPSK
                                    Link BER:                        At least 10-7
                                    Sensitivity:                     -98 dBm
                                    Antenna Gain:                    +13 dBi (3.5 GHz band), +10 dBi (1.9 GHz band),
                                                                     +12 dBi (other bands)
                                    Antenna Directivity:             ±30° (Elevation) ±20° (Azimuth)
                                    Transmission Delay:              Less than 1 ms
                                    Freq. Bands supported:           1.9-2.0, 2.0-2.3, 2.3-2.5, 3.4-3.6 GHz
                                    Electrical:                      EIA530A electrical interface. 25 D sub connector.
Subscriber Interfaces:                                               Passive cable connection to V.35 or X.21 interfaces.
                                    Line tests:                      Customer premises equipment detection, Line leakage,
                                                                     Ringing voltage verification, Dialtone test, Digital and
                                                                     analogue Loopback.
                                    Temperature:                     Antenna: -45°C to +60°C
Environmental:                                                       SIU: -40°C to +45°C
                                    Humidity:                        95% @ 40°C
                                    Wind Speed:                      200 km/h
                                    Ice Accumulation:                ≤10mm
                                    Voltage:                         100-240V AC/ 12V DC (47-63 Hz)
Electrical:                         Power Consumption:               6W (standby), 10W (1 or 2 channels active)
                                    Drop Cable:                      Single COAX (25m standard, 70m optional)
                                    Antenna:                         210mm x 210mm x 80mm, 1.10 kg
Dimensions:                         SIU:                             323mm x 183mm x 40mm, 1.53 kg
                                    Socket PSU:                      103mm x 66mm x 37mm, 0.29 kg

N – Series Subscriber Terminal (ST – N4)
    External Components                     Internal Components
                                                                               Principal Features:

                                     IF Drop Cable                             Up to 4 lines of high quality voice

                                                                               Modular Service Interface Unit (SIU)
                                                                               External antenna. Wall- and pole-
                                                                               mount brackets available

                                                                               64 or 32 kbit/s operation
                          Service Interface Unit

                                                          Socket PSU


Provides up to 4 lines at 32 kbit/s, voice telephony with equivalent quality to copper lines. Can also be configured
to provide 1 x 64 kbit/s + 2 x 32 kbit/s lines to support analogue modems with speeds up to 56 kbit/s or G3 fax
without any loss of speed or quality.


                                   RF Power:                       +18 dBm per link
Radio Parameters:                  RF Modulation:                  QPSK
                                   Link BER:                       At least 10-7
                                   Sensitivity:                    -98 dBm
                                   Antenna Gain:                   +13 dBi (3.5 GHz band), +10 dBi (1.9 GHz band),
                                                                   +12 dBi (other bands)
                                   Antenna Directivity:            ±30° (Elevation) ±20° (Azimuth)
                                   Transmission Delay:             Less than 5 ms
                                   Freq. Bands supported:          1.9-2.0, 2.0-2.3, 2.3-2.5, 3.4-3.6 GHz
                                   Electrical:                     analogue 2-wire telephony
Subscriber Interfaces:             Channel Rates:                  32 kbit/s (ADPCM) / 64 kbit/s (PCM)
                                   Drive Capability:               REN=3, max. Rloop 250 Ohms
                                   Line tests:                     Customer premises equipment detection, Ringing
                                                                   voltage verification, Dialtone test, Digital and analogue
                                   Temperature:                    Antenna: -45°C to +60°C
Environmental:                                                     SIU: -40°C to +45°C
                                   Humidity:                       95% @ 40°C
                                   Wind Speed:                     200 km/h
                                   Ice Accumulation:               ≤10mm
                                   Voltage:                        100-240V AC/ 12V DC (47-63 Hz)
Electrical:                        Power Consumption:              6W (standby), 10W (1 or 2 channels active)
                                   Drop Cable:                     Single COAX (25m standard, 70m optional)
                                   Antenna:                        210mm x 210mm x 80mm, 1.10 kg
Dimensions:                        SIU:                            323mm x 183mm x 40mm, 1.53 kg
                                   Socket PSU:                     103mm x 66mm x 37mm, 0.29 kg

Modular Subscriber Terminal (ST – M16)

                            Antenna (s)

    Module Enclosure


                                              Mains supply


Principal Features

Up to 16 lines voice at 32 kbit/s (ADPCM), or 8 lines at 64 kbit/s (PCM)
External antenna(s); wall- and pole-mount brackets available


Modular units can be used as building blocks to create multi-mode or multi-line STs. Up to four units are
contained in a Module Enclosure and are connected to multiple antennas. The M16 is an example of this using 4
x ST-N4 building blocks. Other configurations that combine voice, data and ISDN are also possible. The
enclosure contains integrated PSU and battery backup facilities.


                                          RF Power:                +18 dBm per link
Radio Parameters:                         RF Modulation:           QPSK
                                          Link BER:                At least 10-7
                                          Sensitivity:             -98 dBm
                                          Antenna Gain:            +12 dBi (C-,S-,P-Band +10 dBi, X-Band +13 dBi)
                                          Antenna Directivity:     ±30° (Elevation) ±20° (Azimuth)
                                          Transmission Delay:      Less than 5 ms
                                          Freq. Bands supported:   1.9-2.0, 2.0-2.3, 2.3-2.5, 3.4-3.6 GHz
                                          Electrical:              analogue 2-wire telephony
Subscriber Interfaces:                    Channel Rates:           32 kbit/s (ADPCM)
                                          Drive Capability:        REN=3, max. Rloop 250 Ohms
                                          Line tests:              Customer premises equipment detection, Ringing
                                                                   voltage verification, Dialtone test, Digital and analogue
                                          Temperature:             Antenna: -45°C to +60°C, SIU: -5°C to +45°C
Environmental:                            Humidity:                95% @ 40°C
                                          Wind Speed:              200 km/h
                                          Ice Accumulation:        ≤10mm
                                          Voltage:                 100-240V AC/DC (47-63 Hz)
Electrical:                               Power Consumption:       Module dependant
                                          Standby Battery:         6h (standby), 4h (talk, with 2 lines active)
                                          Drop Cable:              Single COAX (25m standard, 70m optional)
                                          Antenna:                 210mm x 210mm x 80mm, 1.10 kg
Dimensions:                               Module Enclosure:        600mm x 600mm x 350mm, ~50.0 kg

Ancillary equipment and services

Network Management: AS8100 Sitespan

AS8100 Overview

AS8100 is a management system designed as a configuration, alarm, test and performance manager
for the AS4000 range of Wireless Access Systems. Being flexible in its deployment, AS8100 is
scaleable to suit a range of different network sizes.

It provides assistance to the network operator to ensure the ongoing service deliveries by simplifying
the handling of such tasks as alarm management, performance monitoring and fault localisation.
Available in server, client and craft versions, AS8100 uses a Microsoft Windows NT-based, client-
server architecture to support multi-user management of a geographically dispersed set of network

AS8100’s object oriented architecture has been developed to support rapid response to and from the
user interfaces. The user interface is entirely graphical and windows-based, utilising drop-down
menus, icon-based representations, maps and equipment views. It is capable of scaling from a single,
standalone PC to multiple client server PC configurations.

By permitting configurations that place some or all of the clients remotely from the servers, it is
possible to support simultaneous management by several users across a widely deployed network.

One or more clients may simultaneously connect to one or more servers to span a large number of
managed elements. Connection of remote clients can be via modem, LAN or WAN. Windows NT
Remote Access Service (RAS) is utilised to support dial-up connections at speeds as low as 9.6
kbit/s. All of these capabilities are policed by the Windows NT security management functions.

                                                 The craft version retains all functionality of the client
                                                 but restricts connection to a single piece of
                                                 equipment ensuring a consistent look and feel to the
                                                 systems. This provides facilities to field service
                                                 engineers for installation, commissioning and fault
                                                 management of the equipment.
                                                 Sitespan can be supplied in the following variants:

                                                 Sitespan client-server PC pre-loaded with Windows
                                                 NT and Sitespan software
                                                 Sitespan craft terminal PC preloaded with Windows
                                                 NT and Sitespan software
                                                 Sitespan client-server software only (CD-ROM and
                                                 Sitespan craft terminal software only (CD-ROM and
     Figure 23. Sitespan PC (client-server)      manual)

AS8100 Dimensioning

Software           The AS8100          Can connect to up to: 10 x AS8100 servers
                   Client Software     And can manage up to: 10,000 subscriber lines maximum
                   The AS8100          Can serve to up to:       32 x AS4000 Modem shelves
                   Server Software     And can manage up to: 10,000 subscriber lines
Hardware           The standard Windows NT PC shipped by Airspan comes complete with a
                   'Digiboard' (a COM Port replicator). This allows direct connection to up to 16
                   shelves. These can be CT Modem shelves, or AC Shelves, and either FA or DA.

Radio Survey Tool

The Airspan Radio Survey Tool allows accurate measurements to be made of the signal coverage
from an Airspan AS4000 CT.

The information obtained can be used to augment that derived from the AS9000 radio planning
software (Airplan), and provides an operator an additional level of confidence in the predicted
subscriber coverage area. The tool can also be used to optimise individual subscriber installations
before the ST is permanently installed - especially where pole-mounted installations are required.

A further use for the tool is to track longer-term variations in coverage (such as seasonal variability or
variations due to rainfall) by periodically repeating the measurements at the same location.

The survey tool (see Figure 26 below) consists of specially configured test head, a drop cable, and a
test box with battery charger.

                                  Cable                                                    Test set                                                                                Modem Card

                                                                                                                                                              SURVEY TOOL
                                                                                                                                                              CONTROL UNIT

                                                         Receive Signal Strength (AGC)             Transmit Signal Strength (PC) / Battery Test
                                                                                                                              Enable       WARNING:When illuminated
                                                                                                                                           Subscriber terminal transmitter
                                                                                                                             Transmit      CANNOT be disabled.
                                                         Reset                                       Transmitter              Disable
                                                                      Reset        Program
                                                       Indicator                                      Enabled


                                                                       Link              Battery



                                                                                     Drop Cable
                                                      Battery                        Connector


          Figure 24. RF Survey Tool kit

This tool should be used in conjunction with a
suitable pump-up mast (See Figure 27 right).
The customer can purchase this from
Airspan, or locally. Airspan will be pleased to
provide specifications on request.

                                                                       Figure 25. Pump-up mast, for use with survey tool

Radio Planning: AS9000 Airplan

Derived from the industry benchmark product Planet developed by Mobile Systems International,
AS9000 Airplan is a software tool, which can be used to predict radio coverage, C/I and A/I
performance, and radio link budgets. As such, it is indispensable for medium to large radio networks
where optimised antenna siting, orientation and design can yield huge benefits in terms of equipment
and radio spectrum.

                                           Airplan AS9000 is available in two versions: Airplan Lite
                                           and Airplan, the former capable of networks up to 50 CTs,
                                           and the latter capable of planning larger networks. Note
                                           that Airplan and Airplan Lite are supplied as software and
                                           software licences. Both products are supportable either
                                           using Solaris on a Sun SPARCstation, or Windows NT on
                                           a Personal Computer.

Installation and Commissioning services

The Airspan Customer Services team offers a wide range of professional engineering expertise and
support for the customer.

The Customer Service engineers currently located within our Service Centre in the UK are fully
conversant with all aspects of Airspan's product range and have many years' experience in both
remote and on-site technical support. Airspan's service offerings include:

Site survey and installation planning                   Technical Support
Customer Engineering                                    Repair and Return
Installation                                            Service Management
Project Management

Airspan Customer Service is therefore able to support customer projects through planning,
installation, implementation and both pre and post warranty support.


The Airspan Technical Education Centre offers customers the optimum level of technical product
training. Included in this training are classroom instruction, hands-on applications and troubleshooting
techniques in a laboratory and field environment. We believe that Airspan provides unrivalled training
to our customers, to enable them to perform their jobs in a competent and knowledgeable manner.

The Airspan Technical Education Centre offers an extensive complement of technical training
programmes in the following categories:

Standard Course Offerings (such as Installation and commissioning training)
On-Site Training Programs (at a customer's preferred location)
Special Offerings (tailor-made courses or groups of courses)

Document Created: 2019-10-31 22:30:40
Document Modified: 2019-10-31 22:30:40

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