RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                 REPORT No. : $Z19050096S01

                                               RF EXPOSURE
                            EVALUATION REPORT

                    APPLICANT                                : dormakaba EAD GmbH

                     PRODUCT NAME                            : data collection terminal

                    MODEL NAME                               : 9600—K6 BLE

                     BRAND NAME                              : dormakaba

                     FCC ID                                  : NVI—KT96OOK6B
                                                             . 470FR 2.1091
                    STANDARD(S)                              * KDB 447498
                     RECEIPT DATE                            : 2019—05—20

                    TEST DATE                                : 2019—06—21 to 2019—07—02

                    ISSUE DATE                               : 2019—07—08

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                                                                          Edited by:
                                                                                                 Liang Yu}é(Rapporteur)

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                                                                          Approved by:
                                                                                                 Peng Huarui (Supervisor )

NOTE: This document is issued by MORLAB, the test report shall not be reproduced except in full without prior written permission of the
company. The test results apply only to the particular sample(s) tested and to the specific tests carried out which is available on request for
validation and information confirmed at our website.

                            SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd                   Tel: 86—755—36608555    Fax: 86—755—36608525
  M o RLAB                  zis Buiing A, Feivang Science Park, No# LongChang Road
                            Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen, GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Hitp:/fwee.   E—mail:       i

                                                                                                                                                     Pagetof 9

      T                                                                               REPORT No .             : 5219050096501


1.    Technical Information

1.1    Applicant and Manufacturer Information

1.2     Equipment under Test (EUT) Description

1.3     Identification of all used EUT

1.4    Applied Reference Documents

2. Device Category and RF Exposure Limit

3.    RF Output Power

4. RF Exposure Evaluation

Annex A General Information


                SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86—755—36608555   Fax: 86—755—36698525
MORLAB          zis Buiting a, Feivang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
                Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Hitp:/Awww.morlab.on   E—mail:

                                                                                                                                    Page2of 9

  '                                                                                REPORT No. : $219050096S501
                                                         Change history
     Version                                        Date                                     Reason of changed
       1.0                                     2019—07—08                                                 Original

             SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86—755—36608555       Fax: 86—755—36608525
MORLAB       zis Buiting a, Feivang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,                                            e
             Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Hitp:/Awww.morlab.on       E—mail:

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   «w                                                                                   REPORT No. : $219050096S01
1. Technical Information
    Note: Provide by applicant.

1.1 Applicant and Manufacturer Information

  Applicant:                               dormakaba EAD GmbH
  Applicant Address:                       Albertistr. 3, 78056 Villingen—Schwenningen, Germany
  Manufacturer:                            In—Tech Electronics Ltd
                                           Unit A,13/F, Wing Tai Centre,12 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
  Manufacturer Address:
                                           Kowloon, Hong Kong

1.2 Equipment under Test (EUT) Description

 EUT Name:                                data collection terminal
 Hardware Version:                        02
 Software Version:                        V5
                                           Bluetooth: 2402 MHz ~ 2480 MHz
 Frequency Bands:
                                           RFID: 13.56MH2z
                                           Bluetooth LE: GFSK
 Modulation Mode:
 Antenna Type:                             PCB Antenna

 Antenna Gain:                             Bluetooth: 0.35 dBi

Note: This test report is updated from report SZ190501008S01, based on the similarity between
before, only the WLAN 2.4GHz module was pulled out on the motherboard.

                  SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86—755—36608555   Fax: 86—755—36608525
MO RLAB           FL1—3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
                  Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Hitp:/Awww.morlab.on   E—mail:

                                                                                                                                      Pagedof 9

       «w                                                                                REPORT No. : $219050096S01
1.3 Identification of all used EUT

The EUT identity consists of numerical and letter characters, the letter character indicates the test
sample, and the following two numerical characters indicate the software version of the test sample.

          EUT Identity                                 Hardware Version                                   Software Version
               1#                                                   02                                             V5

1.4 Applied Reference Documents

Leading reference documents for testing:
 No.            Identity                                                              Document Title
         47 CFR§2.1091                        Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Evaluation: mobile devices
  2      KDB 447498 DO1v06                    General RF Exposure Guidance

                SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                      Tel: 86—755—36698555   Fax: 86—755—36698525
MO RLAB         FL1—3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
                Block67, BacAn District, Shenzhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China      Hitp/Awww.morlab.on    E—mail:

                                                                                                                                       PageSof 9

     '                                                                                  REPORT No. : $219050096S501

2. Device Category and RF Exposure Limit
Per user manual, Based on 47CFR 2.1091, this device belongs to mobile device category with
General Population/Uncontrolled exposure.
Mobile Devices:
47CFR 2.1091(b)
For purposes of this section, a mobile device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be
used in other than fixed locations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation distance
of at least 20 centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter‘s radiating structure(s)
and the body of the user or nearby persons. In this context, the term "fixed location" means that the
device is physically secured at one location and is not able to be easily moved to another location.
Transmitting devices designed to be used by consumers or workers that can be easily re—located,
such as wireless devices associated with a personal computer, are considered to be mobile devices
if they meet the 20 centimeter separation requirement.
The general population/uncontrolled exposure limits are applicable to situations in which the
general public may be exposed or in which persons who are exposed as a consequence of their
employment may not be made fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control
over their exposure. Members of the general public would come under this category when exposure
is not employment—related; for example, in the case of a wireless transmitter that exposes persons
in its vicinity. Warning labels placed on low—power consumer devices such as cellular telephones
are not considered sufficient to allow the device to be considered under the occupational/controlled
category, and the general population/uncontrolled exposure limits apply to these devices.
                         TABLE 1—LIMITS FOR Maximum PERMISSIBLE ExPOSURE (MPE)

      Frequency                 Electric field                       Magnetic field                 Power              Averaging
        range                      strength                               strength                density                 time
        (MHz)                        (V/im)                                 (A/m)                (mW/em")               (minutes)

                      (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

       0.3—1.34                         614                                   1.63                   *(100)                    30
        1.34—30                        B24/t                                 219                   *(180/f)                    30
        30—300                         27.5                                  0.073                     0.2                     30
       300—1500                            —                                      —                  £1500                     30
     1500—100,000                          —                                      —                     1.0                    30
    f = frequency in MHz* = Plane—wave equivalent power density

                  SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86—755—36608555   Fax: 86—755—36608525
MO RLAB           FL1—3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
                  Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Hitp:/Awww.morlab.on   E—mail:

                                                                                                                                      PageGof 9

        Tw                                                                                     REPORT No. : $219050096S01
3. RF Output Power
     Mode              Channel                Frequency                                        Average power (dBm)
                                                  (MHz)                                                    GFSK
                       CH 00                      2402                                                      2.51
        LE             CH 19                      2440                                                      2.39
                       CH 39                      2480                                                      2.42
                  Tune—up Limit                                                                              3.0

<RFID 13.56MHz>
             E(dBuV/m)                           E(V/m)                                 d(m)                                  EIRP
               33.07                          0.000045                                   3                                 0.000001

1.   The maximum radiated emission at 13.56MHz refers from RF report NO. $Z19050100W03.
2.   The modular for RFID approach to certain low power transmitters that has low radiation,
     therefore the power density of RFID mode closes to zero.

                  SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                          Tel: 86—755—36608555   Fax: 86—755—36608525
MORLAB            zis Buiting a, Feivang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,                                               e
                  Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China          Hitp:/Awww.morlab.on   E—mail:

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        Tw                                                                                        REPORT No. : $219050096S01

4. RF Exposure Evaluation
>     Standalone transmission evaluation:
                                                         Maximum                   Antenna                                Power               Limit for
                              Frequency                                                   ,             EIRP                    ,
         Bands                                       Tune—up Power                    Gain                                density                 MPE
                                 (MHz)                                                    .             (mW)
                                                            (dBm)                     (dBi)                              (mW/cm?)           (mW/cm?)
        Bluetooth                 2402                        3.0                     0.35               1.08             0.002                    1.0
1. According to KDB 447498, SAR test exclusion conditions are based on source—based time—averaged
      maximum conducted output power of the RF channel requiring evaluation, adjusted for tune—up
      tolerance, and the minimum test separation distance required for the exposure conditions.
2. For 5GHz WLAN, only the worst case will be used for calculating the power density.
3. MPE calculate method
                          Power Density = EIRPMTR*
     Where: EIRP = P+G
             P = Qutput Power (dBm)
             G = Antenna Gain (dBi)
             R = Separation Distance (20cm)

>     Simultaneous transmission evaluation:

Multi—Band simultaneous Transmission Consideration
     Simultaneous Transmission                           Position                                  Applicable Combination
            Consideration                              Hand/Body                                          Bluetooth + RFID
1.    This device contains transmitters that may operate simultaneously, therefore simultangous transmission
      analysis is required.
2.    The worst condition for Bluetooth & RFID will be calculated for transmitting simultaneously.
      Formula: Result=Power density 1/ limit 1 + Power density a/ limits <1 mW/cm.
               2.                                               .                          20.             Simultaneous Transmission
        Transmission Bands                           Power Density                        Limit
               Bluetooth                                     0.002                            1
            RFID 13.56MHz                                       0                         0.979

                    SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                           Tel: 86—755—36698555     Fax: 86—755—36608525
MO RLAB             ri—s, Buiging A, Feivang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
                    Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China           Hitp:/Awww.morlab.on     E—mail:

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    «w                                                                               REPORT No. : $219050096S01
Annex A General Information
1. Identification of the Responsible Testing Laboratory
                                                    Shenzhen Morlab Communications Technology Co., Ltd.
  Laboratory Name:
                                                    Morlab Laboratory
                                                    FL.3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
  Laboratory Address:                               Block 67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen, GuangDong Province, P.
                                                    R. China
  Telephone:                                        +86 755 36698555
  Facsimile:                                        +86 755 36698525

2. Identification of the Responsible Testing Location
                                                    Shenzhen Morlab Communications Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                    Morlab Laboratory
                                                    FL.3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
  Address:                                          Block 67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen, GuangDong Province, P.
                                                    R. China

                                                        END OF REPORT

               SHENZHEN MORLAB COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.                   Tel: 86—755—36698555   Fax: 86—755—36698525
MO RLAB        ri—s, Buiding A, Feivang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,
               Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Hitp:/Awww.morlab.on   E—mail:

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Document Created: 2019-10-08 15:54:08
Document Modified: 2019-10-08 15:54:08

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