Operational Description


Operational Description

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                                 Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

                        Rev V1

TMW – 25WB V1   March 31, 2003                      Page 1 of 11

                                                                                                Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

                                                          Table Of Content

1.     INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3

     1.1.    DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYMS ........................................................................ 3

2.     TMW DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 4

     2.1.    BLOCK DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................... 4
     2.2.    OPERATIONAL MODES............................................................................................................... 5
     2.3.    BOARD DIMENSION ................................................................................................................... 5

3.     ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................... 6

     3.1.    TRANSMIT UNIT ........................................................................................................................ 6
       3.1.1.       Transmit Parameters ........................................................................................................ 6
       3.1.2.       Transmit Protocol............................................................................................................. 7
       3.1.3.       Tx Timing.......................................................................................................................... 8
     3.2.    RECEIVE UNIT ........................................................................................................................... 9
       3.2.1.       Receive Parameters .......................................................................................................... 9
       3.2.2.       Receive Protocol............................................................................................................. 10
     3.3.    ANTENNA ................................................................................................................................ 11
     3.4.    POWER SOURCE....................................................................................................................... 11
       3.4.1.       Operating Voltage .......................................................................................................... 11
       3.4.2.       Battery Life ..................................................................................................................... 11
     3.5.    ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................... 11

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                                                                    Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

1.       Introduction
         The following document describes the technical specification of the Water Meter
         transceiver board with digital modulation (called TMW-TransMeter Water) for the USA

         The TMW is actually a water odometer, offering Automatic Meter Reading – AMR.
         The TMW is 2-Way RF communicator built-in water meter. The RF capabilities enable
         the transmission of the meter reading and some extra information to a Collecting unit. In
         addition specific parameters can be programmed via the RF link.

         The TMW consists of the following units: RF Transmitter & Receiver with integral
         Antenna that operate at 916.3 MHz and a Microcontroller (plus simple Digital Logic),
         which control the operational modes of the unit.

1.1.     Definitions, Abbreviation and Acronyms
          RFD                                       :   RF Dialog

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                                                                           Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

2.       TMW Description

2.1.     Block Diagram
         A block diagram of the TMW is described below.

                       2.7 - 3.6V

                                    Rx Control                                      TMW

                                                       RxD      Recceiver                           Antenna
                                                             LO1 852.3 MHz
                                                              LO2 53.3 MHz
                Micro                      Control
               Controller                   Logic
                                    Tx Control

                        x4 IO
                                            Clock               Clock
                                           Generator          Generator
                                           32768Hz           26.6353MHz
             4 x Reed SW

                                         Figure 1: TMW Block Diagram

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                                                                        Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

2.2.      Operational Modes

                Mode             Microcontroller       Reed SW          Digital            RF              RF
                                                                           Logic       Receiver      Transmitter
       Transmit               On (fast clock)        Disabled        On              Off             On
       Receive                On (fast clock)        Disabled        On              On              Off
       Reading Reeds SW       On (fast clock)        Enabled         Off             Off             Off
       Idle/Sleep             On (32768Hz clock)     Disabled        Off             Off             Off

         1. When the Microcontroller reads the Reed SW it enables the Common_Reed signal. In this case, if
            the Reed SW is closed then the current via the Reed shall be ~6uA, otherwise the current shall be
         2. When the Reeds are disabled (Common_Reed = “0”), then the Reed current consumption is zero
            regardless of their state.

2.3.      Board Dimension

                                           Figure 2: Board Dimension

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                                                                    Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

3.         Electrical Performance

3.1.       Transmit Unit

3.1.1.     Transmit Parameters

                                            Table 1 – Transmit Parameters

                                Parameter                                     Value
            Transmit Frequency                            916.3 MHz
            Modulation                                    Digital Modulation – Wide Band FSK
            Modulation Coding                             Manchester
            Bit rate (net data rate)                      60 kbps
            Frequency deviation                           190 kHz
            Frequency stability (including initial        ±50 ppm
            stability, temperature and aging)
            Peak Output power (without Antenna)           14dBm
            Harmonics                                     < - 54dBm

            Tx Pulse duration                             ~3.5ms
            Transmission rate                             Programmable.

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                                                                                  Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

3.1.2.     Transmit Protocol

                                                                            Tx Frame

                 64                46                     88                 16        22               8 to 104             22

           Preamble              Sync           Application Data Packet     CRC        ECC       Extended Data Packet

                                   Length +
                                    Frame       Unit ID              Data

                                        8         48                 32

            1.        All numbers indicate number of bits
            2.        The preamble is alternating ones and zeros. The Preamble length is ~64 bits (at 120kbps).
            3.        When “Length + Frame Structure” field is all zero then the “Data Packet” field is used by the
                      communication layer (Telematics) and not by the application layer.
            4.        If the “Application Data Packet” is less then 11 bytes then the communication layer shall fill
                      this field to 11 bytes (88 bits).
            5.        CRC is used as an error detection code. It is calculated on the entire data packet.
            6.        ECC is used as an error correction code. The ECC is calculated on the Packet data + CRC.

                                                    Figure 3: Transmit Frame

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                                                           Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

3.1.3.      Tx Timing

                          3ms                      3.5ms                   1ms

Synthesizer + XTAL On


Tx Data
                                        Preamble      Tx Frame

                                Figure 4: Transmit Timing

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                                                                    Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

3.2.       Receive Unit

3.2.1.     Receive Parameters

                                       Table 2 – Receive Parameters

                          Parameter                                        Value
            Receive frequency                          916.3 MHz
            Sensitivity (BER 1E-3)                     -87 dBm
            Modulation                                 FSK
            Frequency deviation                        190 kHz
            Bit rate                                   20 Kbps
            Coding                                     Manchester

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                                                                                Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

3.2.2.         Receive Protocol

           6                                                 6           16                Up to 192             16

       SYNC #0      SYNC #0      SYNC #0                 SYNC #0      SYNC #1      Application Data Packet     CRC

                                  Figure 5: Wake Up Sequence and Receive Frame

  1.     All numbers indicate number of bits
  2.     CRC is used as an error detection code. It is calculated on the entire data packet.

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                                                                   Tadiran Telematics Proprietary

3.3.       Antenna
           The TMW has an integral Antenna.
           The Antenna type is PIFA – Planar Inverted “F” Antenna. The Antenna is Omni
           Directional in horizontal plane. The max gain is 2dBi. The Antenna is made of brass/tin.

3.4.       Power Source

3.4.1.     Operating Voltage
           Battery rated voltage 3.6V.
           Operating voltage: 2.7-3.6V

3.4.2.     Battery Life
           The battery life shall be at least 6 years

3.5.       Environmental Conditions
           Operating Temperature: -10° C to + 70° C
           Storage Temperature: : -40° C to +85° C
           Humidity: Up to 95%

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Document Created: 2003-04-08 12:22:14
Document Modified: 2003-04-08 12:22:14

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