Operational Description


Operational Description

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                        Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

     RF Specification
               Rev V1

ETMW-SM-V1                                 Page 0 of 11

                                                                                                Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                                                                                               FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

                                                          Table Of Content

1.     INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 0

     1.1.    DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYMS ........................................................................ 0

2.     ETMW-SM DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 4

     2.1.    BLOCK DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................... 4
     2.2.    OPERATIONAL MODES............................................................................................................... 0
     2.3.    BOARD DIMENSION ................................................................................................................... 0

3.     ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................... 0

     3.1.    TRANSMIT UNIT ........................................................................................................................ 0
       3.1.1.       FSK Mode......................................................................................................................... 0
       3.1.2.       PSK Mode......................................................................................................................... 0
       3.1.3.       Tx Timing ......................................................................................................................... 0
     3.2.    RECEIVE UNIT ........................................................................................................................... 9
       3.2.1.       Receive Parameters........................................................................................................... 9
     3.3.    ANTENNA .................................................................................................................................. 9
     3.4.    POWER SOURCE ......................................................................................................................... 9
     3.5.    ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................. 9

ETMW-SM-V1                                                                                                                          Page 0 of 11

                                                                    Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                                                            FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

1.       Introduction
         The following document describes the technical specification of the second generation of
         Water Meter transceiver board (called ETMW-SM) for the USA market.

         The ETMW-SM is actually a water odometer, offering Automatic Meter Reading – AMR.
         The ETMW-SM is 2-Way RF communicator built-in water meter. The RF capabilities
         enable the transmission of the meter reading and some extra information to a Collecting
         unit. In addition specific parameters can be programmed via the RF link.

         The ETMW-SM operates at the 900MHz ISM band. The board consists of the following
         units: RF Transmitter & Receiver with integral Antenna and a Microcontroller (plus
         simple Digital Logic), which control the operational modes of the unit.

1.1.     Definitions, Abbreviation and Acronyms
          RFD                                       :   RF Dialog

       ETMW-SM-V1                                                                      Page 0 of 11

                                                                          Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                                                                  FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

2.       ETMW-SM Description

2.1.     Block Diagram
         A block diagram of the ETMW-SM is described below.

                         Battery                  1.5F
                        2.7 - 3.6V

                                                         Rx Control

                IR                                                                   RF
            Interface                                                     RxD     Receiver
                                                                                LO 927.2 MHz
                                                                                                        916.468 MHz
                                      Micro                     Control
                                     Controller                  Logic

           Step Motor                                                                RF
            Interface                                                            Transmitter
                                                                          TxD                    905.43 MHz - 923.55 MHz
                                                         Tx Control

                                       Clock                                        Clock
                                     Generator                                    Generator
                                     32768 Hz                                    14.487 MHz

                                     Figure 1: ETMW-SM Block Diagram

       ETMW-SM-V1                                                                              Page 0 of 11

                                                                Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                                                        FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

2.2.        Operational Modes

                                        Table 1 – Operational Modes
       Mode         Microcontroller         IR       Stepping Motor     Digital      RF           RF
                                         Interface     Interface        Logic      Receiver   Transmitter
 Transmit         On (fast clock)           Off           Off             On         Off          On
 Receive          On (fast clock)           Off           Off             On         On           Off
 Stepping Motor   On (fast clock)           Off           On             Off         Off          Off
 IR               On (fast clock)           On            Off            Off         Off          Off
 Idle/Sleep       On (32768Hz clock)        Off           Off            Off         Off          Off

2.3.        Board Dimension

                                       Figure 2: Board Dimension

       ETMW-SM-V1                                                                  Page 0 of 11

                                                                    Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                                                            FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

3.         Electrical Performance

3.1.       Transmit Unit
           Each ETMW-SM board has two transmit modes:
            •    FSK (see table 2)
            •    PSK (see table 3)
           The transmit mode is is controlled by the software.

3.1.1.     FSK Mode

                                         Table 2 – FSK Transmit Parameters
                             Parameter                                         Value
            Transmit Frequency                         Programmable in the range
                                                       905.43 MHz - 923.55 MHz
            Modulation                                 Digital Modulation – Wide Band BFSK
            Modulation Coding                          Manchester
            Bit rate (net data rate)                   60.3625 kbps
            Frequency deviation                        190 kHz
            Bandwidth (@6dB)                           500 kHz – 850 kHz
            Frequency stability (including initial     <12 ppm
            stability, temperature and aging)
            Peak Output power (without Antenna)        < 16 dBm
            Peak Output power spectral density         3 dBm to 8 dBm
            (without Antenna) in any 3kHz
            Harmonics                                  < - 54dBm
            Tx Pulse duration                          ~4 ms
            Transmission duty cycle                    Programmable. Less than 0.10%

         ETMW-SM-V1                                                                    Page 0 of 11

                                                                Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                                                        FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

3.1.2.     PSK Mode

                                      Table 3 – PSK Transmit Parameters
                               Parameter                                   Value
           Transmit Frequency                         Programmable in the range
                                                      905.43 MHz - 923.55 MHz
           Modulation                                 DSSS BPSK
           Bit rate                                   60.3625 kbps
           Chip rate                                  905.4375 kChip/sec
           Bandwidth (@6dB)                           700 kHz – 1300 kHz
           Frequency stability (including initial     <12 ppm
           stability, temperature and aging)
           Output power (without Antenna)             < 20 dBm
           Output power spectral density (without     2 dBm to 8 dBm
           Antenna) in any 3kHz
           Harmonics                                  < - 54dBm

           Tx Pulse duration                          ~3.4 ms
           Transmission duty cycle                    Programmable. Less than 0.10%

         ETMW-SM-V1                                                                Page 0 of 11

                                                             Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                                                     FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

     3.1.3.     Tx Timing

                            ~0.2ms              ~3.4 - 4ms               0.1ms

Synthesizer + TCXO On


Tx Data
                                     Preamble         Tx Frame

              ETMW-SM-V1                                                         Page 0 of 11

                                                            Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                                                    FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

3.2.       Receive Unit

3.2.1.     Receive Parameters

                                     Table 6 – Receive Parameters

                         Parameter                                  Value
           Receive frequency                      916.468 MHz
           Sensitivity (BER 1E-3)                 -90 dBm
           Modulation                             FSK
           Frequency deviation                    190 kHz
           Bit rate                               41.156 kbps
           Coding                                 Manchester

         ETMW-SM-V1                                                            Page 0 of 11

                                                               Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                                                        FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

3.3.     Antenna
         The ETMW-SM has an integral Antenna (kind of Inverted Antenna).
         The Antenna is Omni Directional in horizontal plane. The max gain is 2dBi.

3.4.     Power Source
         Battery rated voltage 3.6V.
         Operating voltage: 2.7-3.6V

       ETMW-SM-V1                                                                     Page 0 of 11

                                                    Telematics Wireless Proprietary
                                                            FCC ID:NTAXMETER40

3.5.     Environmental Conditions
         Operating Temperature: -40° C to + 85° C
         Storage Temperature: -40° C to +85° C
         Humidity: Up to 95%

       ETMW-SM-V1                                                      Page 0 of 11

Document Created: 2006-02-28 15:13:10
Document Modified: 2006-02-28 15:13:10

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