Test Report

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   TADITIRAN              +               .          .             T e l e m a t ic s
                                      Tadiran Proprietary            Location Systems

             Tadiran Telematies Proprietary — Commercial Confidential

           Modular Programmable RF Unit
                                  for the Teletrac
                              Vehicle Location System


                                     Rev. Cl

                                  January 15, 1997

                             TADIRAN Telematies LTD.

Project:   IBSU                               Designed      S.T.               16/01/97
     MPRF                                     Checked       S.T.               16/01/97
 SPECIFICATION            CAT. No.            Approved      Z1
                     2153—09xxx—00—1A         Q.A.

   MPRF_RQ4.DOC: 18—Feb—97 75.T                                                   Pg.—1

TADIRAN ;1}                                                 Tadiran Propri                                         T e l e m a t ics
                                       ~                       adiran Proprictary                                               Location Systems

                                                   Table Of Contents
   1. GENERAL 1000000000 eeerveerererverreerieerreseessveereeserseecsecsebeeresstreaveascersenneensermenssecseeseevecenrnvene 4

   2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ..................Avusesrvenseeserrereevercessseasseececesecsssersesernccene 4
   2.1 MPRF GENERAL DESCRIPTION, .220 .000 e emeermerrene en en nrnnr en en rvenenrerer e nenee n reed 5
      2.1.1 Dual Receiver, Wide & Narrow Band PSK Re@C@IV@r. ... 7
      2.1.2 Dual Narrow—Band PSK ReCeiver ............c.cl.cczclle.                                                .. 7
      pik m ave o n 8
   2.2 CHANNELS SPECIFICATIONS, ... 020000000 e 0e eeenereveeenervereneveeeeererneeerbernerenveererneeerverneceven n 9
     2.2.1 Location Channels ...                                                                                   .. 9
     2.2.2 Messages Channels..                                                                                 ... 10
      2.2.3 Paging Channels............                                                                                                  ... 10
      2.2.4 Reference clock — 10 Mhz.......                                                                                              .. 10
   2.3 MPRF PROGRAMMING & REports..                                                                                                       211
  3. EXTERNAL INTERFACES .2220002020                                           vesersveverevesevereessetenneerseescernnes                .. 12
   3.1 MPRF BASIC INPUTS! ........0020000e cce ermereenee en rrnerneeneenvrrnenneereeereeerrenrerernrvarneasane 13
   3.2 MPRF BASIC OUTPUTS! , 120. 02.00000000eeeenerrerevenvenrerenevrnerrerrerrnernernenreerreervcennnrerneren 13
  3.3 MPRF CONTROL INTERFACE:....c.ccclle.                                                                                               2. 14
     3.3.1 MPRF Control Interface — Pin Assignment                                                                                       .. 14
  3.4 FSK RECEIVER OUTPUTS .....s..n.ee cce eeremeremeneenmernecns                                                                        2215
      3.4.1 MPRF FSK Receiver Interf®ce — Pin ASSIQAMeML ... cocccccvceceinvveee. 15
  3.5 PSK RECEIVER (WIDE/ NARROW) MODULE OUTPUTS ...... 000000000 eve e enc eneeee 16
      3.53.1 MPRF Wide Band Receiver Interface — Pin Assignment .....                                                                    ... 17
      3.5.2 MPRF Narrow Band Receiver Interface — Pin Assignment ...............c..lcullll. 18
  4. MPRF PERFORMANCE .. ..222.200000000eee8u6eeserseereers0esteereentsesveererscerescesenrnescecveseresenns 19

  4.1 WIDE BAND PSK RECEIVER (W.B) ...........0200e0eeeereerverreeenerncrmerererreernnceennrseneenernee 19
  4,2 MASSAGES BPSK RECEIVER (N.B)..........022sac0eeeee en erernnerrnernerrenrennerennennereneerne ns 20
  4.3 FSK RECEIVER ...                                                                                                                   .21
  4.A OUCKO .cc ce ccnvineieerennnvrvenrverrernnrrnnernnervesneervernereneravernerrnerneerneenneernernserererereeerenververvenene 22
  4.5 ANTENNA INPUT . ...2.. .02 00e000e nsm e en eeserererereaneneererernernnenaveerererevervevernereververerreeereerve ces 22
  4.6 INPUT POWER . .. .cc cccceccveneemmeeceee.                                                                               «.. 22
  4.7 MPRF PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS. :...0.... 00e eeneeenemerenenrvevnennnernernerreeenerennersenne. 22
  4.8 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ws.... 02000020 seee n eenvervenennerrnnennrennernbnnnvrvenrevinsnnenernnnernnes 23
     4.8.1 G@MBTOL:! ..... 022200000 conicceccvaevereevvecss                                                «.. 23
     4.8.2 T@MDETALUPE!........00.c00ceooesacvaneeverncererrnrennereens                                     ... 23
     4.8.3 Humidity ........                                                                                ... 23
     4.8.4 BEMCK AQMUIIRG ........c02000eoneenvvvrevereverbervrerrrervrereenrerrenrresrveenen nc enc en en ce cce nenne 23
     4.8.3 AMHUAG...22...00000000 0000220 ereeeverrveanvvevevneevveerernneanvveeeervaevenernerverearneern e en es ere e en ven es 23
     4.8.6 EMI/RFLI SuSC@pHibility QAA ERMISSIOM..........0..c0. 0e eeeemmeernvveerevernvrernnrnenreneeniees 23
  5.1 CCSP — MPRF PROTOCOL ........2...0ees00seeessversserererecsererserrersreersivessrissevesserevcenceseries 24

MPRF_RQ4.D0C: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                                                                c                   Pg.—2

TADIRAN ;i1}%                                                       T e l e m a tics
                                           Tadiran Proprietary         Location Systems

                           M                       ificati

   1. General

         This document defines the requirements from the Modular Programmable
         RF unit (MPRF). The MPRF shall include the RF to Base band receiver of
         the base station for the TELETRAC system. The MPRF is the second
         ggneration, multichannel version, of the RSDU that was integrated in the
         first gerieration base station.
         The MPRF receives BPSK signals from VLU units and FSK signal from
         Paging transmitters and outputs corresponding base—band signals to the
         digital processor (CCSP). The MPRF shall support two types of BPSK
         signals, wide band for location signals and narrow band for massaging.
         The MPRF shall support paging channels of POCSAG or ReFLEX types.

   2. Applicable Documents

        Integrated Base Station Unit for Teletrac Vehicle Location System, Updated
        Proposal Rev. C, June 24, 1996 ( by TADIRAN).
        IBSU Specifications Rev. C, by Tadiran.
         IBSU ICD, by Tadiran.
        Adapted Frequency BSU Specification, Rev. A, Aug. 20 1996. (by Tadiran)
        FCC Regulation, part 15.

MPRF_RQ4.D0OC: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                        Pg.—4

TADIRAN M                     %_                                             T e l e. m a t i c s
                         \/                Tadiran Proprieta
                          ~                               pnuctary              Location Systems

   2.1 MPRF General Description.

         The MPRF shall be functionally a multichannel receiver (quadrature down
         converting) of signals in the band—A (PSK band) 904 — 909.75 Mhz and
         multichannel receiver (down converting & FM demodulation) of signals in
         the band—B (FSK band) 927.75 — 928 Mhz. The MPRF shall be modular
         unit that includes basic unit and option of receivers module connection. The
         functional block diagram of this unit is described in figure 2—1.


                                          Power Supply                    g Band—A slot #1

            Ant.#2                                                           Band—A slot #2

                                   l—DN                       —D            Band—A slot #3
                     PSK Filter            Band—A
           Ant#l                           RF Front
                                                                     i6      Band—A slot #4

                      Duplexer             Band—B                         g Band—A slot #5
                                           RF Front             I

                                                                            Band—A slot #6

                                           Frequency                  ——D Band—B slot #1
                                            & clocks
                                             nala     _
                                                            ob _——} Band—B slot #2

                                           OCxo              Backup Batery

         Figure 2—1: Basic MPRF Functional Block Diagram

        The MPRF shall be designed to allow expansion and reconfiguration by
        adding additional PSK and FSK receivers. Up to 6 PSK (band—A) receivers
        modules (narrow band or wide band) may be installed. Each receiver may
        be programmed to any frequency (conforming to the specified channel

MPRF_RQ4.DOC: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                                  Pg.—5

                          ® )

TADIRAN 1                       —_                                    T e l e m a t ic s
         J~                             Tadiran Proprietary
                                                                         Location Systems

         spacing) within its band of operation supporting commonality and remote
         configuration. The receiver itself shall be designed as an RF enclosed unit,
         including shielding and connectors.

         The MPRF shall include two Band—A (BSK) antenna inputs (to support
         diversity reception) and one Band—B (FSK) antenna input.
         An external duplexer similar to the one in use in RSDU (adapted to the
         shifted FSK band) will be incorporated in one of the PSK inputs and the
         FSK antenna input and the second PSK antenna shall be connected to PSK
         band—pass filter only.
         The reference clock for the overall Base Station operation will be an OCXO
         with digital frequency control. All other frequencies required by the base
         station units will be derived from this clock.
         The MPRF shall include two types of PSK receivers and one type of FSK.
         réceivers modules.
         The MPRF receivers module types shall be as follows.
                — Dual Receiver , Wide band & Narrow band PSK receiver.
                — Dual Narrow band PSK receiver.
                — FSK receiver

         The MPRF will be controlled by the CCSP. The MPRF shall contain a
         controller that will control and monitor the MPRF receivers and will be
         controlied by the CCSP. The CCSP will program the center frequency of
         each BPSK and FSK receiver. The controller will also perform diagnostics
         of the MPRF unit (controlled by CCSP).

MPEFE_ROA.DOC: 19—Jan—97 75.T                                                           Pg.—6

          *\           +

TADIRAN 1’3{/                                                          T e le m a tics
                          V              Tadiran Proprietary               Location Systems

   2.1.1 Dual Receiver, Wide & Narrow Band PSK Receiver.

         The Dual wide band & narrow band PSK receiver intended to receive one
         location channel and one message channel. The wide band receiver in this
         module shall receive 1.5 Mcps wide band signals in the 904—909.75 Mhz
         band. The center frequency shall be programmable in steps of 100 Khz.
         The narrow band receiver in this module shall receive a 12 Kbps signals in the
         904—909.75 Mhz band. The center frequency shall be programmable in steps of
         25 Khz.
         The two receiver (wide & narrow) shall operate in the old frequency and in
         the new frequency plane. Each receiver shall provide a sets of I, Q signals.
         The configuration of this dual receiver is depicted in figure 2.1.1—1.

             Ant.#1 ____________p) Wide Band PSK Ree. |_______p (LQ)#i

                                                          Synt. #1

                                                f         Synt. #2

            Ant.#2 ____________f] Narrowband PSK Ree.————p LQ@#2

         Figure 2.1.1—1: Wide & Narrow band dual receiver functional block diagram.

  2.1.2 Dual Narrow—Band PSK Receiver

        The dual narrow band PSK receiver intended to receive the message signal.
        This module shall receive two 12 KBps narrow band signals in the 904—
        909.75 Mhz band. The center frequency shall be programmable in steps of
        25 Khz separately for each receiver. Each receiver shall provide two sets of
        1, Q signals.
        This module configuration shall include option to use the two receivers in a
        module as two diversity receiver or two separated receivers operating in
        different frequencies.
MPRF_RQ4.DOC: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                            Pg.~7

TADIRAN ~i~                                                            Te l e m a t i c s
                          V              Tadiran Proprietary               Location Systems

         The configuration of this dual receiver is depicted in figure 2.1.2—1.

             Ant#1 _______oy Narrow Band PSK Recl_______—p (LQ)#1

                                                L         Synt. #1

                                                          Synt. #2

            Ant#2 _________y} Narrow band PSK Rec.t—————P (LQ#2

        Figure 2.1.2—1 : Dual narrow band PSK receiver

  2.1.3 FSK Receiver.

        The MPRF shall include up to two FSK receiver modules. This module will
        include single FSK receivers. This module shall be able to receive 25 KHz
        FM signals band at the 927.75—928 MHz band. The output of each receiver
        will be a FM—decoded signals (the discriminator output signal).

MPRF_RQ4.D0C: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                            Pg.—8

TADIRAN 1X                                     .         .             T eLocation
                                                                            lem Systems
                                                                                   a tics
                              \/            Tadiran Proprietary

   2.2 Channels Specifications

            The MPRF shall support some types ofchannels as follows.

   2.2.1 Location Channels

            The location channels are wide band BPSK channels. The MPRF shall
            receive old location channel and new location channels parameters. The
            MPRF shall contain the old location channel receiver and the new frequency
            plane for location channels.     Old Location Channel Parameters

            Single Channel.
            RF Frequency:                  907.997333 Mhz.
            Channel Band—Width:            2.3 Mhz (IF BW)
            Modulation:                    BPSK (with base band shaping)
            Chip Rate:                     1.49341666 Mhz.
            Sampling CK output:            4*chip rate.     New & Asyne Location Channels Parameters

            Nominal RF Frequency:          907.2 Mhz.
            Frequency Range:               904 — 909 Mhz.
            Channels Frequency Step:       100 KHz.
            Channel Band—Width:            2.3 Mhz (IF BW)
            Modulation:                    BPSK ({with base band shaping)
            Chip Rate:                     1.575 Mhz.
            Sampling Ck output:            6.3 MHz (4*chip rate).

MPRF_RQ4.DOC: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                             Pg.—9

                                                                      T e lem a tics
                                        Tadiran Proprietary              Location Systems

   2.2.2 Messages Channels

         The MPRF shall receive the narrowband PSK signals of the messaging

         Nominal RF Frequency:          907.2 Mhz.
         Frequency Range:               904 — 909.75 Mhz.
         Channels Frequency Step:       25 KHz.
         Channel Band— Width:           25 Khz (IF BW)
         Modulation:                    BPSK (with base band shaping)
         Sampling Ck output:            6.3 MHz (4*chip rate).

   2.2.3 Paging Channels

         The MPRF shall receive the narrow band FSK signals of the paging
         channels. The FSK signals are of two types, POCSAG signals and ReFLEX

         Old Paging Channe
         Nominal RF Frequency:         927.7782662 Mhz.

         New Paging Channe]
         Nominal RF Frequency:         927.775 Mhz.
         Frequency Range:              927.75 — 928 Mhz.
         Channels Frequency Step:      12.5 KHz.
         Channel Band— Width:          12 Khz (IF BW)
         POCSAG Modulation:            B—FSK; deviation = £4.5 Khz
                 Symbol Rate:          2400 Bps.
         ReFLEX Modulation:            4—FSK; deviation= +800 ,£2400 Hz
                Symbol Rate:           3200 Sps.

  2.2.4 Reference clock — 10 Mhz.

         The MPRF shall generate 10 Mhz reference signal that will be used as
         external frequency reference to other equipment‘s that will be used in the
         base station.

MPRF_RQ4.D0C;: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                         Pg.—10


TADIRAN 1x                                                           T eLocation
                                                                          l e m Systems
                                                                                 a t ic s
                          /             Tadiran Proprietary

   2.3 MPRF Programming & Reports

         The MPRF controller shall be based on H/W that supports remote program
         S/W loading via the CCSP—MPRF serial port. The MPRF shall contain
         controller with basic loader S/W on EPROM. This basic S/W shall support
         basic protocol (see appendix—A) with the CCSP that includes basic
         monitoring and programming and the capability to load program S/W to
         program RAM by the serial interface from CCSP. The controller shall be
         able to switch the CPU operation from the EPROM to the program RAM.
         The H/W requirements are described in Appendix B.

         The MPRF shall be able to identify the receivers configuration, the
         existence of receiver and the type of the receiver.

         The MPRF shall report the following indications:

            Lock indication of all the synthesizers
            AGC level of PSK and FSK receivers

            H/W configuration (existence of PSK/ FSK receivers, type identification)
            Channel frequency of the receivers.

         The MPRF shall control the following parameters:

         — Channel frequency programming for each receiver
         — Status monitoring

MPRFE_RQL.DO0C: 19—Jan—9? 5.T                                                          Pg.—11


         Le t                                                           T e l e m a t ic s
                                         Tadiran Proprietary
                                                                             Location Systems

   3. External Interfaces

         The MPRF external interface contains the interface of the basic MPRF unit
         and the interface of the optional receivers.

                                                    xternal       Interf:


               5.uplexer| ————D
                                FSK—Ant.                        10 MHz Ref.|————P
                                  ——}} PSK—Ant.#1
                                                               New Ref. Ck |———p

                Filter               DJ PSK—Ant#2              old Ref. Ck _

                                                               40 MHz Ref.     ——P

                                                                   Control   4———p>

        Figure 3—1 : MPRF External Interface

MPRF_RQ4.DO0C: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                            Pg.—12

TADIRAN ;                                                            T e le m a tics
                                       Tadiran Proprietary             Location Systems

   3.1 MPRF Basic Inputs:

         1. Ant. #1 — Main antenna input for PSK signals
                  Impedance: 50 Ohm.
                  connector: SMA female
        2. Ant. #2 — Diversity antenna input for PSK signals only.
                  Impedance: 50 Ohm.
                  connector: SMA female
        3. FSK—Ant. — Antenna input for FSK signals only.
                  Impedance: 50 Ohm.
                  connector: SMA female

  3.2 MPRF Basic Outputs:

         1. 10 Mhz Ref. — 10 Mhz reference clock for external equipment.
               Impedance & level:           50 Ohm, 0 — 7 dBm..
               connector:                   BNC

        2. Old Ref. Ck — Old reference sampling clock for old PSK signals
              Ck Frequency = 5.973666 Mhz
              Impedance       50 Ohm
              level:          TTL
              Duty cycle:     40% — 60%
              connector:      BNC

        3. New Ref. Ck — New reference sampling clock for new PSK signals.
             Ck Frequency = 6.3 Mhz
             Impedance      50 Ohm
             level:         TTL
             Duty cycle:    40% — 60%
              connector:      BNC

        4. Async 40 Mhz Ref. — Reference clock for Async DDS in CCSP.
             Ck Frequency = 40 MHz
              Impedance       50 Ohm
              level:          Sine, 0 — 7 dBm.
              connector:      BNC

MPRF_RQ4.D0C: 19—Jan—97 7S.1                                                       Pg.—13

TADIRAN =+<                                                          T e le m a tics
                                       Tadiran Proprictary                Location Systems

   3.3 MPRF Control Interface:

         1. CCSP Control — CCSP to MPRF Control serial port interface.
              Type: Serial interface, 2400, 4800, 9600 baud, Full Duplex.
              level:  RS232
               connector: D—type (9 pin)

         The messages protocol between the MPRF and the CSSP and messages type
         are described in appendix—A.

   3.3.1 MPRF Control Interface — Pin Assignment

                     CCSP — MPRE (Serial Asynchronous Channel)
         SIGNAL                     SPEC                     Pin No. in     Pin No.
          NAME                                                 CCSP        in MPRF
                                                             Connector     Connecto
         Received     * Asynchronous Serial Channel              2             3
         Data         * Full Duplex
         Transmit     e EJA RS—232                               3             2
         Data         * Baud Rate : 9.6Kbps
         GND          * Format : 1 Start, 8 Bit, 1 Stop,         5             5
                        No Parity
                      * Connector type : 9 Pin D—Type,

       Notes :
        1. Connector type at CCSP : 9 Pin D—Type, Male
        2. Connector type at MPRF : 9 Pin D—Type, Male

MPRF_RQ4.DO0C;: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                        Pg.—14

                          Cz)                                                                 .
TADIRAN 1x                                       |         .             T e l e m a ti c s
                             J                Tadiran Proprietary              Location Systems

   3.4 FSK Receiver outputs

          1. Disc. Output — Discriminator output signal.         .
                (for future use of demodulation of other signals standard)
              . RSSI level signal.

                  (for future use of demodulation of other signals standard)
              . ConfID — Configuration Identification

                  This signal shall be two lines signal that the MPRF controller will use
                  to identify the receivers connections configuration with the CSSP.

   3.4.1 MPRF FSK Receiver Interface — Pin assignment

              :                  GMIO — MPREF—(FSK.Receiver)                   |    .
          SIGNAL           DESCRIPTION                   SPEC         DIRECTI        Pin
           NAME                                                         oN            No
         Paging Tx.       Paging Tx Data at       Discriminator       MPRF to         Al
         Data             the Discriminator      Output Level :      CCSP
                          output                 2.5V peak to peak
        FSK               Receiver signal        TBD                 MPRF to         A2
        Receiver          level                                      CCSP
        (note 1)
        Receiver         This signal is used     TTL Compatible      MPRF to            2
        ID               by the RSSW to                              CCSP
                         identify which FSK
                         receiver is
                         connected to the
        Spare                                    TTL Compatible      Bi—                3
        Signal                                                       Directiona
        DGND             Digital Ground                                                4

       Notes :
        1. Connector type at CCSP and MPRF : TW2S

MPRF_RQ4.D0C: 19—Jan—97 78.T                                                                Pg.—15

TADIRAN ;1                                                            T e l e m a t ic s
                         \              Tadiran Proprietary
                                                                         Location Systems

   3.5 PSK Receiver (Wide/ Narrow) Module Outputs

         Rev. #1 Signals
         1. I1 — Inphase PSK signal of main antenna
         2. Q1 — Quadrature PSK signal of main antenna.
         3. ConfID — Configuration Identification
               This signal shall be two lines signal that the MPRF controller will use
               to identify the receivers connections configuration with the CSSP.
           . AGCI1 — AGC Control Level of receiver #1.

         1. 12 — Inphase PSK signal of diversity antenna
         2. Q2 — Quadrature PSK signal of diversity antenna.
        3. ConfID — Configuration Identification
             This signal shall be two lines signal that the MPRF controller will use
             to identify the receivers connections configuration with the CSSP.
        4. AGC2 — AGC Control Level of receiver #2

MPRF_RQ4.D0OC: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                            Pg.—16

TADIRAN /T‘/                                                             T e l e m a t ic s
                                           Tadiran Proprietary
                                                                                Location Systems

   3.5.1 MPRF Wide Band Receiver Interface — Pin Assignment

                                      TOA — MPRF(WB Receiver) _                    l                     :
            SIGNAL         DESCRIPTION                       SPEC                 DIRECTI          Pin
             NAME                                                                    ON            No
        I               Baseband Inphase            Signal Level : IV peak to     MPRF to          Al
                        signal from the MPRF        peak £+0.1V @ 50 ohm          CCSP
                        Wide Band BPSK              DC offset : £10mV max.
        Q               Baseband Quadrature         Signal Level : 1V peak to     MPRF to          A2
                        signal from the MPRF        peak £0.1V @ 50 ohm           CCSP
                        Wide Band BPSK              DC offset : +10mV max.
        Receiver        Wide Band Receiver          TBD                           MPRF to           1
        AGC             AGC level                                                 CCSP
        (note 1)
        Receiver        This signal is used by      TTL Compatible                MPRF to           2
        ID              the RSSW to identify                                      CCSP
                        which BPSK receiver
                        is connected to the
        Spare                                       TTL Compatible                Bi —              3
        Signal                                                                    Directional
        DGND            Digital Ground                                                             4

       Notes :
        1. Not used in the TOA.
        2. Connector type at CCSP and MPRF : 7W2S (combined D Type connector
            which allows the combination of 5 regular low power contacts with 2
            shielded contacts in the same shell).

MPRF_RQ4.DOC; 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                                    Pg.—17

TADIRAN </!%                                                         T ele m a tics
                                        Tadiran Proprietary
                                                                            Location Systems

   3.5.2 MPRF Narrow Band Receiver Interface — Pin Assignment

                               UMR —MPRE (NB Receiver)                        SS s
             SIGNAL     DESCRIPTION         SPEC.                             DIRECTI          Pin
              NAME                                                               oN            No
         I            Baseband Inphase         Signal Level : 1 V peak to     MPRF to           Al
                      signal from the MPRF     peak +0.1V @ 50 ohm            CCSP
                      Narrow Band BPSK         DC offset : £10mV max.
        Q             Baseband Quadrature      Signal Level : 1V peak to      MPRF to           A2
                      signal from the MPRF     peak +0.1V @ 50 ohm            CCSP
                      Narrow Band BPSK         DC offset : *10mV max.
                      Receiver (note 3)
        Receiver      Narrow Band              TBD                            MPRF to            1
        AGC ({note    Receiver AGC level                                      CCSP
        Receiver      This signal is used by   TTL Compatible                 MPRF to           2
        ID            the RSSW to identify                                    CCSP
                      which BPSK receiver
                      is connected to the
        Spare                                  TTL Compatible                 Bi—               3
        Signal                                                                Directional
        DGND          Digital Ground                                                            4

       Notes :
        1. Not used in the UMR.
        2. Connector type at CCSP and MPRF : 7W2S

MPRF_RQ4.DOC;: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                               Pg.—18


TADIRAN <f~                                 Tadiran Proprietary
                                                                         T e l e m a t ic s
                                                                            Location Systems

   4. MPRF Performance

  4.1   Wide Band PSK Receiver (W.B)

        Nominal input frequency:                  907.997333 MHz.

         For New & Asype Location Channels
        Nominal input frequency:                  907.2 MHz.
        Input frequency range:                    904 + 909.75 Mhz
        Frequency step:                           100 KHz.

        Hé frequency:           :                 TBD.
        3 dB IF band width:                       2.3 MHz.

        Sensitivity:                                SINAD=12 dB @ —92 dBm
                                    (Additional test shall be performed by using TPCU
                                    required results: FOM > 22 @ —125 dBm. )

        Input power range:                        —125 + —30 dBm.

        I Q Output      — level:                  0.9 V pip + 0.1 V.
                        — DC offset:              + 50 mV max.

        1.Q InBalance                             2 degrees minimum accuracy
                                                  0.5 dB max. Amplitude unbalance

        AGC range:                               The I & Q outputs level shall vary
                                                 0.5dB maximum when input power
                                                 will change from —105 dBm to —30
        AGC     — attack time:                    30 + 20 usec. (including settling time).
                — release time:                   75 + 25 usec.

        Selectivity:                              TBD @ 5 Mhz offset
        (related to 907 Mhz)                      40 dB @ 8 Mhz offset
                                                  60 dB @ 12 Mhz offset

        Image rejection:                          90 dB min.
        IF rejection:                             90 dB min.
        LO radiation:                             —50 dBm max.

MPRF_RQ4.D0C: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                                 Pg.—19

TADIRAN :1                                                        T e le m a tics
                                     Tadiran Proprietary              Location Systems

   4.2 Massages BPSK Receiver (N.B)

         Nominal input frequency:           907.997333 MHz.
         Bit rate:                          12 Kbps.

         For New & Async message Channels
         Nominal input frequency:           907.2 MHz.
         Input frequency range:             904 + 909.75 MHz.
         Frequency step:                    25 KHz.
         Bit rate:                          12 Kbps.

         IF frequency:                      TBD
         3 dB IF Bandwidth:                 22 KHz.

        Input power range:                  —120 + —40 dBm.
        Sensitivity:                        SINAD=10 dB @~—115 dBm

        IQ       — Output level:            0.9 V ptp * 0.1 v.
                 — DC offset:              + 50 m V max,

        L,Q Balance                        2 degrees minimum accuracy
                                           0.5 dB max. Amplitude unbalance

        AGC range:                  The PSK I Q output level shall vary 0.5 dB
                                    maximum when input power
                                    will change from —115 dBm to —30 dBm.
        AGC      — attack time:     80 + 20 puseconds (including settling time).
                 — release time:    150 + 20 puseconds.

        Selectivity:                35 dB @ 50 Khz
                                    50 dB @ 200 KHz
                                    60 dB @ 1 MHz
        Image rejection:            90 dB min.
        IF rejection:               90 dB min.

        LO radiation:               ~50 dBm max.

MPRF_RQ4.D0C: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                       Pg.—20


TADIRAN <{~                  \/                                              T e l e m a t ic s
                                             Tadiran Proprietary
                                                                                 Location Systems

   4.3 FSK Receiver

         Nominal input frequency:                    927.7782662 MHz.
         POCSAG mode only.

         Nominal input frequency:                   927.775 MHz
         Input frequency range:                     927.75 + 928 MHz
         Frequency step:                            12.5 KHz.
         RF Frequency Deviation:                     1 ppm

         Modulation:                                B—FSK; deviation= +4.5 Khz

         Symbol Rate:                               2400 sps.

         IF frequency:                              TBD
         3 dB IF Bandwidth:                         <12 KHz.

         Sensitivity:                               —110 dBm for:
                                                    SINAD=12dB @ Discriminator output

         Input power range:                         —110 + —40 dBm.
         Discriminator output level:                2.5Vpip £0.7 V.
         Image rejection:                           90 dB min.
         IF rejection:                              90   dB   min.
         Selectivity                                45   dB   @ 25 kHz
                                                    60   dB   @ 50 kHz
                                                    80   dB   @ 2 Mhz

         Selectivity An FSK signal of center frequency + 50 KHz at a level of —50 dBm
                        modulated with 1000 Hz Sine wave and deviation of + 9 KHz, shall
                        cause a degradation of no more than 3 dB in the specified sensitivity.

MPRF_RQ4.D0OC: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                                    Pg.21

TADIRAN%EQ                                                               T e l e m a t ics
                                          Tadiran Proprietary              Location Systems

   4.4 OCXO

         The clock frequency shall have at least the performance of the OCXO
         defined in the RSDU. The main OCXO parameters shall be as follows.

         OCXO frequency:                        6.3 Mhz (4*chip rate).
         Temperature stability:                 +/— 2*10E—8 @ 0—50C
         Long term stability:                   +/— 1*10E—9 per day
                                                +/— 6*10E—8 per year
         Short term stability:                  +/— 3*10E—10 @ 1 msec.
                                                +/— 8*10E—12 @ 1 sec.

         Frequency adjustment by external voltage for 1.5 — 2*10E—7.
         Mechanical frequency adjustment of 1 ppm range

        The OCXO shall maintain its frequency accuracy for at least 30 minutes in
        cases of power outage. No more than a total of 60 minutes of power outage
        in 24 hours, to enable recharching of backup battery.

  4.5 Antenna Input

        Nominal Impedance                       50 Q.
        Return loss:                            12 dB min.
        Noise Figure at duplexer input:         6 dB
        (includes duplexer loss & cable loss & MPRF input NF)

  4.6   Input power

        AC input voltage:                       115V + 10% / 60 Hz.
        Power consumption:                      <100 Watt.

  4.7 MPRF Physical Characteristics.

        Dimensions: 19"‘ enclosure, 4U height.

MPRF_RQ4.D0C: 19—Jan—97 78.T                                                           Pp.—22

TADIRAN T                                                         T e l e m a tics
                          '           Tadiran Proprietary
                                                                         Location Systems

   5. Appendix A: MPRF—CSSP Communication Protocol

  5.1 CCSP — MPRF Protocol

       Following are the base characteristics of the CCSP — MPRF communication
        * The CCSP operates as master and the MPRF operates as slave
        * The MPRF cannot initiate a transission to the CCSP unless the CCSP sent a
          command (e.g. status request, set parameters, ..etc.) to the MPRF.
        * The MPRF should response within TBD msec.
        * The MPRF messages are divided into three categories :
          0 ACK Message
          0 NAK Message
          0 Message with data

MPRF_RQ4.DO0C: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                        .                Pg.—24

TADIRAN%%                                       .          .                  T e le m a tics
                           J~               Tadiran Proprietary                        .
                                                                                 Location Systems

        NOTE: The MPRF has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
        digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
        reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
        equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
        and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
        communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
        particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
        television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
        user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
        «Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
        —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
        —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
         is connected.
        —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

        Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved bythe Tadiran Telematics Ltd.
        could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.

MPRF_RQA4.D0C: 19—Jan—97 75.1                                                                    Pg.—39

                                                FCCo Ib: NTAMPRF

              Modular Programmable
                    Radio Frequency Unit

 o A IQ”mckmumble 4 Uumt
 a Nbdxflarwnt‘gmatwn, upmstualBPSK :eccwcrsandtwoFSK recewers
  « Programmable,synthesized BPSKreceiverat 100Khz steps——          o    cd
 :« Programmable, synthesized FSK receiver at 25Khz steps
  * OCXO (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator)
        —up Battery for 30 minutes ofOCXO‘s operation
 * Custom made bus minimizing the internal wiring
 * Remote controlincluding configuration download capability via standard. RS-Z32C
   ofthe operating software
0@ Robustmhamcal&electrmncdesxgnacbwvmgmghMI’BF
Opmgtenwatmeo":oso"mxgmde f

TADIRAN g,%/);                                .         let         T e l e. m a tics
                                          Tadiran Proprietary          Location Systems


   1. General

         This document defines the requirements from the Modular Programmable
         RF unit (MPRF). The MPRF shall include the RF to Base band receiver of
         the base station for the TELETRAC system. The MPRF is the second
         generation, multichannel version, of the RSDU that was integrated in the
         first generation base station.
         The MPRF receives BPSK signals from VLU units and FSK signal from
         Paging transmitters and outputs corresponding base—band signals to the
         digital processor (CCSP). The MPRF shall support two types of BPSK
         signals, wide band for location signals and narrow band for massaging.
         The MPRF shall support paging channels of POCSAG or ReFLEX types.

      Applicable Documents

        Integrated Base Station Unit for Teletrac Vehicle Location System, Updated
        Proposal Rev. C, June 24, 1996 ( by TADIRAN).
        IBSU Specifications Rev. C, by Tadiran.
        IBSU ICD, by Tadiran.
        Adapted Frequency BSU Specification, Rev. A, Aug. 20 1996. (by Tadiran)
        FCC Regulation, part 15.

MPRF_RQ4.DOC;: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                        Pg.—4

TADIRAN@                                                                      T e l e m a tics
                                             Tadiran Proprietary                 Location Systems

   2.1 MPRF General Description.

         The MPRF shall be functionally a multichannel receiver (quadrature down
         converting) ofsignals in the band—A (PSK band) 904 — 909.75 Mhz and
         multichannel receiver (down converting & FM demodulation) of signalis in
         the band—B (FSK band) 927.75 — 928 Mhz. The MPRF shall be modular
         unit that includes basic unit and option of receivers module connection. The
         functional block diagram of this unit is described in figure 2—1.


                                            Power Supply                   ; Band—A slot #1

            Ant.#2                                                            Band—A slot #2

                                                            |——}             Band—A slot #3
                     PSK Filter         P    Band—A
                                             RF Front
                                                                             Band—A slot #4

                     Duplexer                Band—B                        ; Band—A slot #5
                                  —‘D        RF Front

                                                                           ; Band—A slot #6

                                    ;        Frequency                     DJ Band—B slot #1
                                   \          & clocks
                                   ::          neribne
                                                               D           DJ Band—B slot #2

                                             OCXO            Backup Batery

         Figure 2—1: Basic MPRF Functional Block Diagram

        The MPRF shall be designed to allow expansion and reconfiguration by
        adding additional PSK and FSK receivers. Up to 6 PSK (band—A) receivers
        modules (narrow band or wide band) may be installed. Each receiver may
        be programmed to any frequency (conforming to the specified channel

MPRF_RQ4.DOC: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                                   Pg.—5


TADIRAN&TZ                                                            T e l e m a tic s
                                           di         iet                      .
                                        Tadiran Proprietary              Location Systems

         spacing) within its band of operation supporting commonality and remote
         configuration. The receiver itself shall be designed as an RF enclosed unit,
         including shielding and connectors.

        The MPRF shall include two Band—A (PSK) antenna inputs (to support
        diversity reception) and one Band—B (FSK) antenna input.
        An external duplexer similar to the one in use in RSDU (adapted to the
        shifted FSK band) will be incorporated in one ofthe PSK inputs and the
        FSK antenna input and the second PSK antenna shall be connected to PSK
        band—pass filter only.
        The reference clock for the overall Base Station operation will be an OCXO
        with digital frequency control. All other frequencies required by the base
        station units will be derived from this clock.
        The MPRF shall include two types of PSK receivers and one type of FSK
        réceivers modules.
        The MPRF receivers module types shall be as follows.
                — Dual Receiver , Wide band & Narrow band PSK receiver.
                — Dual Narrow band PSK receiver.
                — FSK receiver

        The MPRF will be controlled by the CCSP. The MPRF shall contain a
        controller that will control and monitor the MPRF receivers and will be
        controlled by the CCSP. The CCSP will program the center frequency of
        each BPSK and FSK receiver. The controller will also perform diagnostics
        of the MPRF unit (controlled by CCSP).

MPRF_RQ4.DOC: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                            Pg.—6

TADIRAN@                                    sn                        T elem atics
                                        Tadiran Proprietary
                                                                         Location Systems

   2.1.1 Dual Receiver, Wide & Narrow Band PSK Receiver.

         The Dual wide band & narrow band PSK receiver intended to receive one
         location channel and one message channel. The wide band receiver in this
         module shall receive 1.5 Mcps wide band signals in the 904—909.75 Mhz
         band. The center frequency shall be programmable in steps of 100 Khz.
         The narrow band receiver in this module shall receive a 12 Kbps signals in the
         904—909.75 Mhz band. The center frequency shall be programmable in steps of
         25 Khz.
         The two receiver (wide & narrow) shall operate in the old frequency and in
         the new frequency plane. Each receiver shall provide a sets of I, Q signals.
         The configuration of this dual receiver is depicted in figure 2.1.1—1.

             Ant.#1 ____________py Wide Band PSK Rec.               |——————p (LQ)#1

                                                         Synt. #1

                                                         Synt. #2

             Ant.#2 —————py Narrow band PSK Rec.+i> (LQ)#2

         Figure 2.1.1—1: Wide & Narrow band dual receiver functional block diagram.

  2.1.2 Dual Narrow—Band PSK Receiver

        The dual narrow band PSK receiver intended to receive the message signal.
        This module shall receive two 12 KBps narrow band signals in the 904—
        909.75 Mhz band. The center frequency shall be programmable in steps of
        25 Khz separately for each receiver. Each receiver shall provide two sets of
        I, Q signals.
        This module configuration shall include option to use the two receivers in a
        module as two diversity receiver or two separated receivers operating in
        different frequencies.
MPRF_RQ4.DOC: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                            Pg.—7

TADIRAN@                                                                T e l e m a tics
                                             1         iet                        :
                                         Tadiran Proprietary               Location Systems

         The configuration of this dual receiver is depicted in figure 2.1.2—1.

             Ant.#1 ____________p Narrow Band PSK Recl_______py (L.Q)#1

                                                             Synt. #1

                                                             Synt. #2


             Ant#2 _____________        j Narrow band PSK Rec.l——D (LQ)#2

         Figure 2.1.2—1 : Dual narrow band PSK receiver

   2.1.3 FSK Receiver.

         The MPRF shall include up to two FSK receiver modules. This module will
         include single FSK receivers. This module shall be able to receive 25 KHz
         FM signals band at the 927.75—928 MHz band. The output of each receiver
         will be a FM—decoded signals (the discriminator output signal).

MPRF_RQ4.DO0C: 19—Jan—97 /S.1T                                                          Pg.—8

                                                                             T e l e m a t ic s
                                             Tadiran Proprietary
                                                                                 Location Systems

   4.3 FSK Receiver

         Nominal input frequency:                   927.7782662 MHz.
         POCSAG mode only.

         Nominal input frequency:                   927.775 MHz
         Input frequency range:                     927.75 + 928 MHz
         Frequency step:                            12.5 KHz.
         RF Frequency Deviation:                    1 ppm

         Modulation:                                B—FSK;      deviation= £+4.5 Khz

         Symbol Rate:                               2400 sps.

         IF frequency:                              TBD
         3 dB IF Bandwidth:                         <12 KHz.

         Sensitivity:                               —110 dBm for:
                                                    SINAD=12dB @ Discriminator output

        Input power range:                          —110 + —40 dBm.
        Discriminator output level:                 25¥pip + 0.7 V.
        Image rejection:                            90 dB min.
        IF rejection:                               90   dB   min.
        Selectivity                                 45   dB   @ 25 kHz
                                                    60   dB   @ 50 kHz
                                                    80   dB   @ 2 Mhz

        Selectivity An FSK signal of center frequency + 50 KHz at a level of —50 dBm
                        modulated with 1000 Hz Sine wave and deviation of + 9 KHz, shall
                        cause a degradation of no more than 3 dB in the specified sensitivity.

MPRF_RQ4.DOC: 19—Jan—97 /S.T                                                                     Pg.21

Document Created: 2001-06-11 19:47:10
Document Modified: 2001-06-11 19:47:10

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