RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                           150 Country Hills Landing N.W.
                                                                                                                 Calgary, Alberta T3K 5P3
                                                                                                                      Tel: (403) 248—0028
                                                                                                                      Fax: (403) 248—2762
                                       xi evetTEkie 1xAP"                                                 E—mail:
                                       1 SYSTEMS INC,                                                  

                                                            Leaders in Wireless Telecom

                                                 RF Exposure / RF Technical Brief

 Ultratech Group of Labs

 3000 Bristol Circle
 Oakville, Ontario
 L6H 6G4

 ATTN: Reviewing Engineer

 RF exposure information for the equipment VIP4Gb (FCC ID: NS9VIP4GABGN20)

 1.   Introduction:

 The device VIP4Gb (FCC ID: NS9VIP4GABGN20, IC: 3143A—VIP4GABGN20) is designed to be used only for fixed
 and mobile applications.

This product integrates a Telit LN930 Data card (FCC ID: RITLN930, IC: 5131A—LN930). The Telit LN930 Data card
is granted with a modular approval for mobile applications and the highest antenna gains allowed for use with this
module for mobile RF exposure conditions are 3.5 dBi (850 MHz), 5.0 dBi (700 MHz), 5.0 dBi (1700 MHz), and 3.0
dBi (1900 MHz).

The antenna(s) used for VIPA4Gb transmitter and the antenna used for Telit LN930 Data card are co—located and can
transmit simultaneously.

All the antennas must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all the persons.

2.    MPE limits:

The table below is excerpted from Table 1B of 47 CFR 1.1310 titled Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE),
Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure:

              Frequency Range (MHz)                     Power density (mW/cm*)            Averaging time (minutes)

                       300 — 1500                              f (MHz) 71500                        30

                    1500 — 100.000                                    1.0                           30

3.    Compliance criteria:

 Power density of individual transmitters is calculated using the equation:


where:   S = power density (in appropriate units, e.g. mW/cm?)
         P = power input to the antenna (in appropriate units, e.g., mW)

                          hn                                                                            150 Country Hills Landing N.W.
                                                                                                              Calgary, Alberta T3K 5P3
                                                                                                                    Tel: (403) 248—0028
                                                                                                                   Fax: (403) 248—2762
                                 SYSTEMS INC.                                                           

                                                 Leaders in Wireless Telecom

           G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
           R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (appropriate units, e.g., cm)

 3.1. Standalone compliance criteria:

 Power density must be lower than the MPE limits stated in item 2.

 3.2. Simultaneous transmission compliance criteria

 The sum of the MPE ratios (Power density/MPE limit) for all simultaneous transmitting antennas incorporated in the
 device based on the calculated power density is < 1.0.

 4.   Compliance calculations:

 4.1. Standalone transmission — Telit LN930 data card

      sys Band o 0000 n                             Gain.                P/EI       P/EIRP| Average |Density at!        Limit
        We e ult                                          )              ;(W)              EIRP (mW)l _ 20cm         (mW/icm2)

         GPRS 850 (1 Tx slot)          824.2        5.0       33.0       3.85       7.0      794.33        0.16         0.55
        GPRS 850 (2 Tx slots)          824.2        5.0       33.0       3.85       7.0      1584.89       0.32         0.55
        GPRS 850 (3 Tx slots)          824.2        5.0       33.0       3.85       7.0     2365.92        0.47         0.55
        GPRS 850 (4 Tx slots)          824.2        5.0       32.0       3.05       7.0     2511.89        0.50         0.55
        EGPRS 850 (1 Tx slot)         824.2         5.0       28.0       1.22       7.0      251.19        0.05         0.55
       EGPRS 850 (2 Tx slots)         824.2         5.0       28.0       1.22       7.0      251.19        0.05         0.55
       EGPRS 850 (3 Tx slots)         824.2         5.0       27.0       0.97       7.0      594.29        0.12         0.55
       EGPRS 850 (4 Tx slots)         824.2         5.0       26.0       0.77       7.0      630.96        0.13         0.55
        GPRS 1900 {1 Tx slot)         1850.2        3.0       30.0       2.00       2.       251.19        0.05         1.00
       GPRS 1900 (2 Tx slots)         1850.2        3.0       30.0       2.00       2.0      501.19        0.10         1.00
       GPRS 1900 (3 Tx slots)         1850.2       3.0        30.0       2.00       2.0      748.17        0.15         1.00
       GPRS 1900 (4 Tx slots)         1850.2       3.0        29.0       1.58       2.0      794.33        0. 16        1.00
       EGPRS 1900 (1 Tx slot)         1850.2       3.0        27.0       1.00       2.0      125.89        0.03         1.00
       EGPRS 1900 (2 Tx slots)        1850.2       3.0        27.0       1.00       2.0      251.19        0.05         1.00
       EGPRS 1900 (3 Tx slots)        1850.2       3.0        26.0      0.79        2.0      297.85        0.06        1.00
       EGPRS 1900 (4 Tx slots)        1850.2       3.0        25.0      0.63       2.0       316.23        0.06        1.00
          WCDMA Band 5                826.4        5.0        24.5      0.54       7.0       891.25       0.18         0.55
          WCDMA Band 4                1712.4       5.5        24.5      1.00        1.0     1000.00       0.20         1.00
          WCDMA Band 2                1852.4       3.0        24.5      0.56       2.0       562.34       0.11         1.00
            LTE Band 17               706.5        5.0        24.0      0.48       3.0      794.33        0.16         0.47
            LTE Band 13               779.5        5.0        24.0      0.48       3.0      794.33        0.16         0.52
            LTE Band 5                824.7        5.0        24.0      0.48       7.0      794.33        0.16         0.55
            LTE Band 4               1710.7        5.5        24.0      0.89       1.0      891.25        0.18         1.00
            LTE Band 2               1850.7        3.0        24.0      0.50       2.0      501.19        0.10         1.00
            LTE Band 7               2504.0        5.0        24.0      0.79       2.0      794.33        0.16         1.00

Maximum MPE ratio;: 0.5/.55 = 0.909

                                                                                                                               150 Country Hills Landing N.W.
                                                                                                                                         Calgary, Alberta T3K 5P3
                                                                                                                                          Tel: (403) 248—0028
                                          .                                                                                              Fax: (403) 248—2762
                                              ccvermkre Parys                                                                E—mail:
                                          SYSEEMS INC,                                                                         

                                                                 Leaders in Wireless Telecom

4.2. Standalone transmission — VIP4Gb

 p               Frequency range                       Average    Antenna        Total   Dut Cvcle Evaluation    Power     |FCC MPE         MPE ratio
     re;q:e:cy      d MHy     9          Mode           power       gain        power       yo/ Y   distance    Density        limit     (Power Density /
         n            (MHz)                             (dBm)       (dBi)         (W)       (%)       {cm)    (mW/icm*2)]| (mW/icm*2)|   FCC MPE limit)
 2,4 GHz          2412 — 2462         802.11b          15,91        2           0,06      100%          20         0,012      1,00            0,01
 2,4 GHz          2412 — 2462         802.11g          14,51        2           0,04      100%          20         0,009      1,00            0,01
 2,4 GHz          2412 — 2462      802.11n — 20        15,31        2           0,05      100%          20         0,011      1,00            0,01
 2,4 GHz          2422 — 2452      802.11n — 40        13,28        2           0,03      100%         20          0,007      1,00            0,01
  5,75            5745 — 5825         802.11a          16,61        2           0,07      100%         20          0,014      1,00            0,01
  5,75            5745 — 5825      802.11n — 20        18,41        2           0,11      100%         20          0,022      1,00            0,02
  GHz                              MHz
 5,75             5755 — 5795      802.11n — 40        16,61        2           0,07      100%         20          0,014      1,00            0,01
 GHz                               MHz

Maximum MPE ratio: 0,02

4.3. Simultaneous transmission
                             Maximum MPE ratio of Telit LN930 data card: 0.909

                                                      Maximum MPE ratio of VIPA4GB: 0,02
                                                                        = 0.911 < 1

Signed on behalf of Microhard Systems Inc in Calgary on July 15, 2016

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                                                                        Tel/Fax: +1 403 248—0028 / +1 403 248—2762
                                                                              Company: Microhard Systems Inc
                                                                          Address: 150 Country Hills Landing N.W.
                                                                              Calgary Alberta T3K 5P3 Canada

Document Created: 2016-07-19 13:58:25
Document Modified: 2016-07-19 13:58:25

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