RF Exposure Info

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FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.247 – DTS                                                                                       Page 158 of 162
Pico 2.4GHz 1W Digital Data Link Module, Model pDDL2450                                                                     FCC ID: NS916PDDL2450

5.7.      RF EXPOSURE REQUIRMENTS [§§ 15.247(i), 1.1310 & 2.1091]

5.7.1.    Limits
§ 1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the environmental impact of human
exposure to radio-frequency (RF) radiation as specified in 1.1307(b).

                                        Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

 Frequency range            Electric field strength            Magnetic field strength              Power density             Averaging time
      (MHz)                          (V/m)                             (A/m)                          (mW/cm2)                  (minutes)
                                      (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposures
 0.3-3.0                                              614                                 1.63                  *(100)                         6
 3.0-30                                            1842/f                               4.89/f                *(900/f )                        6
 30-300                                              61.4                               0.163                        1.0                       6
 300-1500                                                                                                           f/300                      6
 1500-100,000                                                                                                          5                       6
                                 (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
 0.3-1.34                                             614                                 1.63                  *(100)                       30
 1.34-30                                            824/f                               2.19/f                *(180/f )                      30
 30-300                                              27.5                               0.073                        0.2                     30
 300-1500                                                                                                       f/1500                       30
  1500-100,000                                                                                                       1.0                     30
f = frequency in MHz
* = Plane-wave equivalent power density

Note 1: Occupational/controlled limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their
employment provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over
their exposure. Limits for occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is transient
through a location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided he or she is made aware of the potential
for exposure.

Note 2: General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be
exposed, or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of
the potential for exposure or can not exercise control over their exposure.

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                      File #: 16MCRS085_FCC15C247DTS
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                                 April 13, 2016
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email:, Website:

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.247 – DTS                                                                                 Page 159 of 162
Pico 2.4GHz 1W Digital Data Link Module, Model pDDL2450                                                               FCC ID: NS916PDDL2450

5.7.2.     Method of Measurements

Calculation Method of Power Density/RF Safety Distance:

       PG         EIRP
S             
      4  r 2
                 4  r 2

Where,               P: power input to the antenna in mW
                     EIRP: Equivalent (effective) isotropic radiated power.
                     S: power density mW/cm2
                     G: numeric gain of antenna relative to isotropic radiator
                     r: distance to centre of radiation in cm

          PG           EIRP
r              
         4  S        4  S

5.7.3.     RF Evaluation     Standalone

    Frequency               EIRP         EIRP                              Power Density, S               MPE Limit          Margin
                                                       Distance, r
      (MHz)                (dBm)         (mW)                                 (mW/cm2)                    (mW/cm2)          (mW/cm2)
         2402                36          4000               23                     0.599                       1.0            -0.401

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                      File #: 16MCRS085_FCC15C247DTS
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                           April 13, 2016
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email:, Website:

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.247 – DTS                                                                                    Page 160 of 162
Pico 2.4GHz 1W Digital Data Link Module, Model pDDL2450                                                               FCC ID: NS916PDDL2450      Co-location

Pursuant to KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06, Section 7.2:

Simultaneous transmission MPE test exclusion applies when the sum of the MPE ratios for all simultaneously
transmitting antennas incorporated in a host device is ≤ 1.0, according to calculated/estimated, numerically
modeled, or measured field strengths or power density.

Co-location will only applies to EUT with 2 dBi dipole antenna, worst case EIRP of 32 dBm will be used in co-
location at the minimum 23 cm evaluation separation distance required by the operating configurations and
exposure conditions of the host device.

                           The maximum calculated MPE ratio of the EUT with 2 dBi dipole antenna
                                                                                          Power              FCC MPE
   Frequency             EUT EIRP             EUT EIRP           Evaluation
                                                                                         Density               Limit        MPE Ratio
     (MHz)                (dBm)                 (mW)            Distance (cm)                   2                    2
                                                                                        (mW/cm )             (mW/cm )
       2402                  32               1584.893                 23                 0.238                 1.0              0.238

The maximum calculated MPE ratio for the EUT with 2 dBi dipole antenna is 0.238, this configuration can be co-
located with other antennas provided the sum of the MPE ratios for all the other simultaneous transmitting
antennas incorporated in a host device is < 1.0 - 0.238 < 0.762. The following table addresses the co-location of
the EUT with 2 dBi antenna with the specified radio modules.

                    EUT with 2 dBi dipole antenna co-location with radio module indentified in this table

                                                       Evaluation  Power     FCC
                              Frequency      EIRP                                                MPE      Ratio of EUT Sum of
      *Radio Module                                     Distance   Density MPE Limit                                                Verdict
                                (MHz)        (mW)                         2       2              Ratio     with 2 dBi MPE Ratio
                                                          (cm)    (mW/cm ) (mW/cm )
    Data Card Module
   (FCC ID: RI7LN930,             824.2    2511.890        23          0.378        0.549       0.689         0.238      0.93      Compliant
    IC: 5131A-LN930)
  UMTS/LTE Data Module
 (FCC ID: XPYTOBYL201,            710.0    2398.833        23          0.361        0.473       0.763         0.238      1.00      Compliant
   IC: 8595A‐TOBYL201)
       LE910NA V2
     LTE/3G Module
                                  699.0    1156.112        23          0.174        0.466       0.373         0.238      0.61      Compliant
 IC: 5131A-LE910NAV2)
* The test data of the radio modules represented in this table is the worst-case configuration (maximum MPE ratio) derived from the original
radio modules MPE reports. Refer to these reports for details.

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                      File #: 16MCRS085_FCC15C247DTS
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                             April 13, 2016
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email:, Website:

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Document Created: 2019-11-13 18:21:23
Document Modified: 2019-11-13 18:21:23

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