test report

FCC ID: NO9E20004

Test Report

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      FCC Declaration of Conformity Report
                          for the
                  Eco L Transmitter

Authorized under the FCC Declaration of Conformity Rules
                       contained in
         Title 47 of the CFR, Part 15, Subpart B
                for Class B Digital Device

            MET REPORT EMC1308C
                  December 20, 2000

                    PREPARED FOR:

                   Haller Strasse 49-53
               D-74564 Crailsheim, Germany

                     PREPARED BY:

                   MET Laboratories, Inc.
                 914 West Patapsco Avenue
              Baltimore, Maryland 21230-3432

                                                                         December 20, 2000

Haller Strasse 49-53
D-74564 Crailsheim, Germany

Attention:        Juergen Schneider

Regarding:        Declaration of Conformity of theEco L Transmitter under Part 15, Subpart B of the FCC Rules as
                  a Class B Digital Device
                  MET Report: EMC1308C

Dear Juergen Schneider:

        Enclosed is a report of Declaration of Conformity in accordance with FCC Part 15, Subpart B of Title 47 of
the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 15.101(a) for theEco L Transmitter.

         Based on these results, MET Laboratories, Inc. certifies that theEco L Transmitter, tested as configured, meets
the requirements and interference limitations contained in Section 15.209(a) and 15.249 for Class B Digital Devices
under Part 15, Subpart B of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

       If you have any questions concerning this report or your responsibilities as a manufacturer of verified
equipment, please contact us at your convenience. Thank you for using MET's testing services.


                                                                MET Laboratories, Inc.

                                                                Joanna Agnieszka Kolasinski
                                                                EMC Senior Technical Administrator

            FCC Declaration of Conformity Report
                                for the
                        Eco L Transmitter

    Authorized under the FCC Declaration of Conformity Rules
                           contained in
             Title 47 of the CFR, Part 15, Subpart B
                    for Class B Digital Device

                    MET REPORT EMC1308C
                         December 20, 2000

                           PREPARED FOR:

                          Haller Strasse 49-53
                      D-74564 Crailsheim, Germany

                            PREPARED BY:

                          MET Laboratories, Inc.
                        914 West Patapsco Avenue
                     Baltimore, Maryland 21230-3432

Test Engineer:          ________________________________
                        Tony Permsombut

Technical Writer:       ________________________________
                        Joanna A. Kolasinski

Reviewed by:            ________________________________
                        Chris Harvey
                        EMC Laboratory Director

                                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS


LEGAL STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

EXHIBIT 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
      MANUFACTURER & PRODUCT INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
      ENGINEERING STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

EXHIBIT 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
      INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
      TEST SITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
      MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
      INSTRUMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
      TEST CONFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
      Photograph of Radiated Emissions Test Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

EXHIBIT 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   12
      Radiated Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              13
      Radiated Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              14
      Radiated Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              15
      Radiated Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              16
      Radiated Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              17
      Radiated Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              18

EXHIBIT 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
      MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSIBILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
      ICES-003 PROCEDURAL AND LABELING REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

December 20, 2000                                                               -2-                                                                  EMC1308C

                                          LEGAL STATEMENT

          While use of the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) letters or the NVLAP Logo
in this report reflects the MET Accreditation under the NVLAP Program, these letters, logo, or Statements do not claim
product endorsement by NVLAP or any Agency of the U.S. Government.

        Certificates and reports shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written permission of MET
Laboratories, Inc.

December 20, 2000                                       -3-                                              EMC1308C

                          EXHIBIT 1


                    ENGINEERING STATEMENT

December 20, 2000            -4-            EMC1308C

                               MANUFACTURER & PRODUCT INFORMATION

TYPE OF AUTHORIZATION:                      Declaration of Conformity of a Class B Digital Device

FCC IDENTIFIER:                             N/A

APPLICABLE FCC RULES:                       2.906; 2.951 to 2.957; 15.209(a); 15.249(a)

CLIENT:                                     HBC-Radiomatic
                                            Haller Strasse 49-53
                                            D-74564 Crailsheim, Germany

EQUIPMENT:                                  Eco L Transmitter

TESTING DATE(S):                            2/4/00 and 2/7/00

                                          ENGINEERING STATEMENT

I ATTEST: the measurements shown in this report were made in accordance with the procedures indicated, and that
the Emissions from this equipment were found to be within the limits applicable. I assume full responsibility for the
accuracy and completeness of these measurements, and for the qualifications of all persons taking them.

I FURTHER ATTEST: on the basis of the measurements made, the equipment tested is capable of operation in
accordance with the requirements of Part 15 of the FCC Rules under normal use and maintenance.

                                                                       Tony Permsombut
                                                                       Project Engineer

December 20, 2000                                       -5-                                             EMC1308C

                           EXHIBIT 2


                           TEST SITE

                    MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES


                      TEST CONFIGURATION



December 20, 2000             -6-             EMC1308C


         An EMC evaluation to determine compliance of theEco L Transmitter with the requirements of §15.101(a)
for Class B Digital Devices was conducted. (All references are to the most current version of Title 47 of the Code
of Federal Regulations in effect). In accordance with §2.1075(a)(3), the following data is presented in support of the
Declaration of Conformity of theEco L Transmitter. HBC-Radiomatic should retain a copy of this document which
should be kept on file for at least two years after the manufacturing of theEco L Transmitter has been permanently
discontinued, as per §2.1075(c).


        All testing was conducted at MET Laboratories, Inc., 914 West Patapsco Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-
3432. Radiated Emissions measurements were performed on an open area test site (OATS). In accordance with
§2.948(a)(3), a complete site description is contained at MET Laboratories. In accordance with §2.948(d), MET
Laboratories has been accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (Lab Code: 100273-0)


         As required by §15.209(a), radiated Emissions measurements were made in accordance with the general
procedures of ANSI C63.4-1992 "Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical
and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9kHz to 40 GHz". The measurements were performed over the frequency
range of 30 MHz to 1 GHz using broadband antennas as the input transducer to a spectrum analyzer. The
measurements were made with the detector set for "quasi-peak" within a bandwidth of 120 kHz. A preliminary RF
scan was performed in an RF-shielded enclosure. Final measurements were made on the OATS, as per §15.31(d).

          As per §15.249 , operation within the bands 902-928 MHz :
(a) the field strength of the emissions from intentional radiators operated within these frequency bands shall comply
with the following :

 Fundamental            Field Strength of fundamental              Field Strength of harmonics
 Frequency              (millivolts/meter)                         (microvolts/meter)

 902 -928 MHz           50                                         500

(b) Field strength limits are specified at a distance of 3 meters.
(c) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least
    50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emissions limits in §15.209, whichever is the
     lesser attenuation.
(d) As shown in §15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000 MHz , the above field strength limits are based on average
  limits. However, the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits
    specified above by more than 20 dB under any condition of modulation.


No modifications were made during testing.

December 20, 2000                                       -7-                                              EMC1308C


        Radiated Emissions measurements were made using the following equipment:

     Nomenclature            Manufacturer               Model               MET #          Cal Date      Cal Due

   Spectrum Analyzer         Hewlett Packard           8593EM               1U0002         10/30/99      10/29/00

     Pre-Amplifier           Hewlett Packard            8449B               1U0027         12/29/99      12/28/00

     Bilog Antenna           Schaffner-Chase          CBL6140A              1U0040           5/1/99       4/30/00

     Horn Antenna                EMCO                    3115               1U0037           2/6/00       2/5/01

       Test Room               Lundgreen                 Fact4              1U0032          5/20/99       5/19/00


         The EUT is a transmitter housing with an EMERGENCY-STOP push button, a battery charger with 2
rechargeable NiCd batteries and a receiver with an antenna, a connecting cable, and a mating connector. The EUT was
configured in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and operated in a manner representative of the typical
usage of the equipment. During all testing, system components were manipulated within the confines of typical usage
to maximize each emission.

December 20, 2000                                      -8-                                             EMC1308C

Figure 1. Test Configuration Block Diagram

December 20, 2000                            -9-   EMC1308C

                              DEVICE, PERIPHERALS, AND CABLES USED

              Description                  Manufacturer                Model#

                    Case                   HBC-radiomatic               Eco L

               Switches                       various                   various

              Mainboard                    HBC-radiomatic              72.11.041

              Transmitter                  HBC-radiomatic             FuS 680/3

                Battery                    HBC-radiomatic             FuB 05AA

            Battery Charger                HBC-radiomatic            FLG 105-115V

December 20, 2000                             - 10 -                                EMC1308C

                    Photograph of Radiated Emissions Test Configuration
                                    Eco L Transmitter

December 20, 2000                          - 11 -                         EMC1308C

                    EXHIBIT 3

                    TEST DATA

December 20, 2000      - 12 -   EMC1308C

SUBJECT:           Radiated Emissions                          MET REPORT:                 EMI1308A
                   Class B Digital Device                      MFG:                        HBC-Radiomatic
                   Low Oscillator                              TESTED BY:                  Tony Persombut
                   FCC Part 15                                 TEST DATE:                  2/4/00

EUT:              Eco L Transmitter

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION:                        15.209 (b) and 15.249

                    Frequency (MHz)                          Class B Limit (dBµV) @ 3m

                   30      -   88                                       40.00
                   88      -   216                                      43.52
                  216      -   230                                      46.00
                  230      -   960                                      46.00
                  960      -   1000                                     54.00
                 *902      -   928                                      94.00

*Note: This is the limit for the fundamental frequency.

  Frequency         Azimuth           Pola    Height      Raw           Pre-Amp          Corrected       Limit
   (MHZ)        E CCW - 0E
               (E          E =EUT     r-ity    (m)     Amplitude          Gain           Amplitude        F V/m)
                   facing ant.)                            F V)
                                                        (dBF                                F V/m)

   93.04             143               H      2.11        31            27.26              3.74             43.52
   93.04              78               V        1        43.39          27.26              16.1             43.52
     96              117               H      2.06       36.84          27.23              9.6              43.52
     96               53               V      1.43       48.12          27.23              20.9             43.52
    152              291               H      1.65       43.52            27               16.5             43.52
    152               77               V        1        49.79            27               22.8             43.52
    148              292               H      1.89       39.19          27.03              12.2             43.52
    148               81               V        1        45.98          27.03               19              43.52
    197               78               H      1.24       43.47          26.75              16.7             43.52
    197              131               V        1        40.16          26.75              13.4             43.52
   902.3             225               H      1.37      114.84          27.08              87.8             94.0
   902.3              72               V      1.14      117.94          27.08              90.9             94.0

December 20, 2000                                         - 13 -                                              EMC1308C

SUBJECT:             Radiated Emissions                         MET REPORT:            EMI1308A
                     Class B Digital Device                     MFG:                   HBC-Radiomatic
                     Low Oscillator                             TESTED BY:             Tony Persombut
                     FCC Part 15                                TEST DATE:             2/16/00

EUT:                               Eco L Transmitter

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION:                               15.209 (b) and 15.249

 Frequency    Azimuth     Polar-      Height      Raw        Pre-    Ant.      Cable    Dist.   Corrected      Limit
   (GHz)                   ity         (m)     Amplitude     Amp     Corr.     Loss    Corr.    Amplitude       F V/m)
                                                   F V)
                                                (dBF         Gain    (dB)      (dB)    Factor      F V/m)

   1.805        200         H           1       55.34        34.9    26.18      1.4    -9.54      38.5          54
   1.805        180         V           1       58.69        34.9    26.06      1.4    -9.54      41.7          54
   2.707        20          H          1.17     53.91        34.73   28.98     1.89    -9.54      40.5          54
   2.707        160         V          1.04      54.3        34.73   28.87     1.89    -9.54      40.8          54
   3.609        315         H          1.05     56.54        34.70   31.96     2.28    -9.54      46.5          54
   3.609        315         V          1.10     54.27        34.7    31.92     2.28    -9.54      44.2          54
  *4.512        70          H          1.08     59.95        34.6    32.52     3.01    -9.54      51.3          54
   4.512        45          V          110      57.37        34.6    32.52     3.01    -9.54      48.8          54
   5.414        100         H          1.05     44.79        34.5    34.64     3.76    -9.54      39.2          54
   5.414        225         V          1.12     43.29        34.5    34.80     3.76    -9.54      37.8          54
   6.316        225         H           1       31.17        34.5    34.59     4.38    -9.54      26.1          54
   6.316        190         V           1       31.76        34.5    34.82     4.38    -9.54      26.9          54
   7.218        315         H           1       30.52        34.6    36.88     5.33    -9.54      28.6          54
   7.218        180         V           1         31         34.6    36.71     5.33    -9.54      28.9          54
   8.120         0          H           1       30.68        24.79   38.04     5.96    -9.54      30.3          54
   8.120         0          V           1       30.63        34.79   37.97     5.96    -9.54      30.2          54
  9.9022         0          H           1       29.49        34.85   39.42     7.16    -9.54      31.7          54
  9.9022         0          V           1       29.38        34.85   39.13     7.16    -9.54      31.3          54
   10.0          0          H           1        29.5        34.7    38.5       9.7    -9.54      33.5          54
   10.0          0          V           1       29.86        34.7    38.4       9.7    -9.54      33.2          54
   15.0          0          H           1       31.79        33.41   39.8      19.78   -9.54      48.4          54
   15.0          0          V           1       31.77        33.41   39.8      19.78   -9.54      48.4          54

* - This frequency exhibits a margin of compliance that is less than 3dB below the specification limit. We recommend
that every emission measured, have at least a 3dB margin to allow for deviations in the emission characteristics that
may occur during the production process.

Note: The EUT was tested at 1m. The data has been corrected for comparison with the 3m limit using the formula:
20log(1m/3m) as expressed in the 'Dist. Corr. Factor' column.

Equipment meets the specifications of Part 15.209 (b) and 15.249

December 20, 2000                                           - 14 -                                          EMC1308C

December 20, 2000   - 15 -   EMC1308C

SUBJECT:           Radiated Emissions                          MET REPORT:                EMI1308A
                   Class B Digital Device                      MFG:                       HBC-Radiomatic
                   Mid- Oscillator                             TESTED BY:                 Tony Persombut
                   FCC Part 15                                 TEST DATE:                 2/7/00
EUT:              Eco L Transmitter

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION:                       15.209 (b) and 15.249
                    Frequency (MHz)                           Class B Limit (dBµV) @ 3m

                    30 - 88                                            40.00
                    88 - 216                                           43.52
                  216 - 230                                            46.00
                  230 - 960                                            46.00
                  960 - 1000                                           54.00
                 *902 - 928                                            94.00
*Note: This is the limit for the fundamental frequency

  Frequency         Azimuth         Pola    Height      Raw         Pre-Amp        Corrected           Limit
    (MHz)       E CCW - 0E
               (E          E =EUT   r-ity    (m)     Amplitude        Gain         Amplitude            F V/m)
                   facing ant.)                          F V)
                                                      (dBF                            F V/m)

    161                0              H       1        31.2           27              4.2              43.5
    161                0              V       1        32.7           27              5.7              43.5
    600                0              H       1        41.4          27.83           13.6              46.0
    600                0              V       1        42.9          27.83           15.1              46.0
    911                0              H       1       118.6          27.02           91.6              94.0

    911                0              V       1       115.2          27.02           88.2              94.0

December 20, 2000                                        - 16 -                                            EMC1308C

SUBJECT:             Radiated Emissions                       MET REPORT:           EMI1308A
                     Class B Digital Device                   MFG:                  HBC-Radiomatic
                     Mid- Oscillator                          TESTED BY:            Tony Persombut
                     FCC Part 15                              TEST DATE:            2/16/00

 Frequency    Azimuth     Polar-   Height        Raw        Pre-   Ant.     Cable    Dist.   Corrected      Limit
   (GHz)                   ity      (m)       Amplitude     Amp    Corr.    Loss    Corr.    Amplitude       F V/m)
                                                  F V)
                                               (dBF         Gain   (dB)     (dB)    Factor      F V/m)

   1.822        180         H        1         58.28        34.9   26.27     1.4     -9.54      41.5         54
   1.822        180         V       1.28       59.39        34.9   26.15     1.4     -9.54      42.5         54
   2.733        80          H       1.2        48.15       34.72   29.09    1.91     -9.54      34.9         54
   2.733        180         V       1.25       53.50       34.72   28.98    1.91     -9.54      40.1         54
   3.644        340         H        1         60.95        34.7   32.05    2.29     -9.54      51.0         54
   3.644        180         V       1.05       55.95        34.7   31.99    2.29     -9.54       46          54
   4.555        160         H       1.06       57.54        34.6   32.6     3.07     -9.54      49.1         54
   4.555        45          V       1.07       55.72        34.6   32.6     3.07     -9.54      47.2         54
   5.466        120         H        1         45.24        34.5   34.8     3.79     -9.54      39.8         54
   5.466        135         V        1         45.15        34.5   34.98    3.79     -9.54      39.9         54
   9.11         45          H        1         31.53       34.82   39.08    7.39     -9.54      33.6         54
   9.11          0          V       1.23       32.49       34.82   38.85    7.39     -9.54      34.4         54
    15           0          H        1         32.03       33.41   39.8    19.78     -9.54      48.7         54
    15           0          V        1         32.33       33.41   39.8    19.78     -9.54      49.0         54

* - This frequency exhibits a margin of compliance that is less than 3dB below the specification limit. We recommend
that every emission measured, have at least a 3dB margin to allow for deviations in the emission characteristics that
may occur during the production process.

Note: The EUT was tested at 1m. The data has been corrected for comparison with the 3m limit using the formula:
20log(1m/3m) as expressed in the 'Dist. Corr. Factor' column.

Equipment meets the specifications of Part 15.209 (b) and 15.249

December 20, 2000                                         - 17 -                                         EMC1308C

SUBJECT:             Radiated Emissions                         MET REPORT:              EMI1308A
                     Class B Digital Device                     MFG:                     HBC-Radiomatic
                     High Oscillator                            TESTED BY:               Tony Permsombut
                     FCC Part 15                                TEST DATE:               2/24/00

EUT:              Eco L Transmitter

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION:                       15.209 (b) and 15.249

                     Frequency (MHz)                         Class B Limit (dBµV) @ 3m

               30           -        88                                40.00
               88           -        216                               43.52
               216          -        230                               46.00
               230          -        960                               46.00
               960          –       1000                               54.00
              *902          -        928                               94.00

*Note: This is the limit for the fundamental frequency.

  Frequency         Azimuth         Polar-    Height      Raw      Pre-         Ant.     Cable   Corrected      Limit
    (MHz)       E CCW - 0E
               (E          E =EUT    ity       (m)     Amplitude   Amp          Cor.     Loss    Amplitude       F V/m)
                   facing ant.)                            F V)
                                                        (dBF       Gain        Factor    (dB)       F V/m)

    98.6               0               H        1       21.01      27.21       8.72      1.11      3.6          43.5
    98.6               0               V        1       21.02      27.21       8.89      1.11      3.8          43.5
    151               180              H        1       20.74      27.01       7.94      1.39      3.1          43.5
    151                0               V        1       20.63      27.01       7.52      1.39      2.5          43.5
    300                0               H        1       20.23      26.5        12.10     2.04      7.9           46
    300                0               V        1       20.36      26.5        12.64     2.04      8.5           46
   504.8               0               H        1       21.74      27.8        17.64     2.68      14.3          46
   504.8               0               V        1       21.71      27.8        18.76     2.68      15.4          46
    918               135              H      1.11      47.54      0.00        23.6      6.5      77.64          94
    918               110              V      1.16      53.12      0.00        22.9      6.5      82.52          94
    1000               0               H        1       21.01      26.8        24.2      3.26      21.7          54
    1000               0               V        1       20.99      26.8        24.0      3.26      21.5          54

December 20, 2000                                         - 18 -                                             EMC1308C

SUBJECT:             Radiated Emissions                       MET REPORT:           EMI1308A
                     Class B Digital Device                   MFG:                  HBC-Radiomatic
                     High Oscillator                          TESTED BY:            Tony Permsombut
                     FCC Part 15                              TEST DATE:            2/24/00

 Frequency   Azimuth      Polar-   Height        Raw      Pre-     Ant.    Cable    Dist.   Corrected      Limit
   (GHz)                   ity      (m)       Amplitude   Amp      Corr.   Loss    Corr.    Amplitude       F V/m)
                                                  F V)
                                               (dBF       Gain     (dB)    (dB)    Factor      F V/m)

   1.836       180          H        1         59.82      34.9     26.35    1.4    -9.54      43.1          54
   1.836       135          V        1         57.59      34.9     26.21    1.4    -9.54     40.80          54
   2.754       315          H       1.2        45.31      34.71    29.17   1.93    -9.54      32.2          54
   2.754       135          V      1.07        55.51      34.71    29.07   1.93    -9.54      42.3          54
   3.672        45          H      1.04        56.67      34.7     32.11    2.3    -9.54      46.8          54
   3.672       225          V      1.06        55.91      34.7     32.04    2.3    -9.54      46.0          54
   4.590        0           H      1.02        55.33      34.59    32.66   3.11    -9.54      47.5          54
   4.590        45          V      1.02        51.76      34.59    32.66   3.11    -9.54      43.4          54
   9.180        45          H        1         30.87      34.8     38.82   7.57    -9.54      32.9          54
   9.180        0           V        1         31.74      34.8     38.62   7.57    -9.54      33.6          54
   10.0         0           H        1         29.33      34.7     38.5     9.7    -9.54      33.3          54
   10.0         0           V        1         29.62      34.7     38.4     9.7    -9.54      33.5          54
   15.0         0           H        1         31.84      33.41    39.8    19.78   -9.54      48.5          54
   15.0         0           V        1         31.69      33.41    39.8    19.78   -9.54      48.3          54

Note: The EUT was tested at 1m. The data has been corrected for comparison with the 3m limit using the formula:
20log(1m/3m) as expressed in the 'Distance Correction' column.

Equipment meets the specifications of Part 15.209 (b) and 15.249

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                        EXHIBIT 4


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                                    MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSIBILITIES

    The following text excerpts are from the Code of Federal Regulations, Tile 47, Part 2 and 15.

§ 2.1073 Responsibilities

           (a) The responsible party, as defined in Section 2.909 of this part, must warrant that each unit of equipment
marketed under a Declaration of Conformity is identical to the unit tested and found acceptable with the standards and
that the records maintained by the responsible party continue to reflect the equipment being produced under the
Declaration of Conformity within the variation that can be expected due to quantity production and testing on a
statistical basis.

         (b) The responsible party, if different from the manufacturer, may upon receiving a written statement from
the manufacturer that the equipment complies with the appropriate technical standard rely on the manufacturer or
independent testing agency to determine compliance. However, the test records required in Section 2.1075 of this part
shall be in the English language and shall be made available to the Commission upon a reasonable request in
accordance with the provisions of Section 2.1076 of this part.

         (c) In the case of transfer of control of the equipment, as in the case of sale or merger of the responsible party,
the new responsible party shall bear the responsibility of continued compliance of the equipment.

         (d) Equipment shall be retested to demonstrate continued compliance with the applicable
technical standards if any modifications or changes that could adversely affect the emanation characteristics of the
equipment are made by the responsible party. The responsibly part bears responsibility for the continued compliance
of subsequently produced equipment.

         (e) If any modifications or changes are made by anyone other than the responsible party for the Declaration
of Conformity, the party making the modifications or changes, if located within the U.S., becomes the new responsible
party. The new responsible party must comply with all the provisions for the Declaration of Conformity, including
having test data on file demonstrating that the product continues to comply with all of the applicable technical

§ 2.1074 Identification

     Devices subject only to a Declaration of Conformity shall be uniquely identified by the responsible party. This
identification shall not be of a format which could be confused with the FCC Identifier required on certified, notified,
type accepted, or type approved equipment. The responsible party shall maintain adequate identification records to
facilitate positive identification for each device.

§ 2.1077 Compliance information

(a) If a product must be tested and authorized under a Declaration of Conformity, A COMPLIANCE INFORMATION
IMPORTATION, containing the following information:
     (1) Identification of the product, e.g., name and model number;
     (2) A statement, similar to that contained in §15.19(a)(3) of this chapter, that the product complies with part 15
of this chapter; and
     (3) The identification, by name, address, and telephone number, of the responsible party, as defined in §2.909.
The responsible party for Declaration of Conformity must be located in the United States.
(b) If a product is assembled from modular components that, by themselves, are authorized under a Declaration of
Conformity and/or a grant of certification, and the assembled product is also subject to authorization under a
Declaration of Conformity but, in accordance with the applicable regulations does not require additional testing, the
product shall be supplied, at the time of marketing or importation, with a compliance information statement containing

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the following information:
     (1) Identification of the assembled product, e.g., name and model number.
     (2) Identification of the modular components used in the assembly. A modular component authorized under a
Declaration of Conformity shall be identified as specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. A modular component
authorized under a grant of certification shall be identified by name and model number (if applicable) along with
     the FCC Identifier number.
     (3) A statement that the product complies with part 15 of this chapter.
     (4) The identification, by name, address, and telephone number, of the responsible party who assembled the
product from modular components, as defined in § 2.909. The responsible party for a Declaration of Conformity must
be located within the United States.
     (5) Copies of the compliance information statements for each modular components used in the system that is
authorized under a Declaration of Conformity.
(c) The compliance information statement shall be included in the user’s manual or as a separate sheet.

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§ 15.3 Definitions

     (r) Peripheral Device An input/output unit of a system that feeds data into and/or receives data from the central
processing unity of a digital device. Peripherals to a digital device include any device that is connected external to the
digital device, any device internal to the digital device that connects the digital device to an external device by wire
or cable, and any circuit board designed for interchangeable mounting, internally or externally, that increases the
operating or processing speed of a digital device, e.g., “turbo” cards and “enhancement” boards. Examples of
peripheral devices include terminals, printers, external floppy disk drives and other data storage devices, video
monitors, keyboards, interface boards, external memory expansion cards, and other input/output devices that may or
may not contain digital circuitry. This definition does not include CPU boards, as defined in paragraph (bb) of this
section, even though a CPU board may connect to an external keyboard or other components.

    (bb) CPU Board A circuit board that contains a microprocessor, or frequency determining circuitry for the
microprocessor, the primary function of which is to execute user-provided programming, but not including: (1) a circuit
board that contains only a microprocessor intended to operate under the primary control or instruction of a
microprocessor external to such a circuit board: or (2) a circuit board that is a dedicated controller for a storage or
input/output device.

§ 15.19 Labeling requirements

     (a) (4) Where a device is constructed in two or more sections connected by wires and marketed together, a
statement specified under paragraph (a) of this section is required to be affixed only to the main control unit.

            (5) When a device is so small or for such use this is not practicable to place the statement specified under
paragraph (a) of this section on it, the information required by this paragraph shall be placed in a prominent location
in the instruction manual or pamphlet supplied to the user or, alternatively, shall be placed on the container in which
the device is marketed. However, the FCC identifier or the unique identifier, as appropriate, must be displayed on the

         (b) Products subject to authorization under the Declaration of Conformity shall be labeled as follows:

         (1) The label shall be located in a conspicuous location on the device and shall contain the unique
         identification described in Section 2.1074 of this chapter and the following logo:
                  (I) If the product is authorized based on testing of the product or system:
                  (ii) If the product is authorized based on assembly using separately authorized components and the
                  resulting product is not separately tested:

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                    Trade Name    Model Number

                                  Tested To Comply
                                  With FCC Standards

                     FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE

                    Trade Name   Model Number

                                 Assembled From
                                 Tested Components
                                 (Complete System Not Tested)

                     FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE

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               (2) When the device is so small or for such use that it is not practicable to place the statement specified
under paragraph (b)(1) of this section on it, such as for a CPU board or a plug-in circuit board peripheral device, the
text associated with the logo may be placed in a prominent location in the instruction manual or pamphlet supplied
to the user. However, the unique identification (trade name and model number) and the logo must be display on the

                (3) The label shall not be a stick-on paper label. The label on these products shall be permanently
affixed to the product and shall be readily visible to the purchaser at the time of purchase, as described in Section
2.925(d) of this chapter. “Permanently affixed” means that the label is etched, engraved, stamped, silkscreened,
indelibly printed, or otherwise permanently marked on a permanently attached part of the equipment or on a nameplate
of metal, plastic, or other material fastened to the equipment by welding, riveting, or a permanent adhesive. The label
must be designed to last the expected lifetime of the equipment in the environment in which the equipment may be
operated and must not be readily detachable.

§ 15.32 Test Procedures for CPU boards and computer power supplies

Power supplies and CPU boards used with personal computers and for which separate authorizations are required to
be obtained shall be tested as follows:

         (a) CPU boards shall be tested as follows:

                (1) Testing for radiated Emissions shall be performed with the CPU board installed in a typical enclosure
but with the enclosure’s cover removed so that the internal circuitry is exposed at the top and on at least two sides.
Additional components, including a power supply, peripheral devices, and subassemblies, shall be added, as needed,
to result in a complete personal computer system. If the oscillator and the microprocessor circuits are contained on
separate circuit boards, both boards, typical of the combination that would normally be employed, must be used in the
test. Testing shall be in accordance with the procedures specified in Section 15.31 of this part. Under these test
conditions, the system under test shall not exceed the radiated emission limits specified in Section 15.109 of this part
by more than 3dB.

               (2) Unless the test in paragraph (a)(1) of this section demonstrates compliance with the limits in Section
15.109 of this part, a second test shall be performed using the same configuration described above but with the cover
installed on the enclosure. Testing shall be in accordance with the procedures specified in Section 15.31 of this part.
Under these test conditions, the system under test shall not exceed the radiated emission limits specified in Section
15.109 of this part.

                (3) The test demonstrating compliance with the AC power line conducted limits specified in Section
15.107 of this part shall be performed in accordance with the procedures specified in Section 15.31 using an enclosure,
peripherals, power supply, and subassemblies that are typical of the type with which the CPU board under test would
normally be employed.

        (b) The power supply shall be tested installed in an enclosure that is typical of the type within which it would
normally be installed. Additional components, including peripheral devices, a CPU board, and subassemblies, shall
be added, as needed, to result in a complete personal computer system. Testing shall be in accordance with the
procedures specified in Section 15.31 and must demonstrate compliance with all of the standards contained in this part.

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                             APPENDIX A

                    ICES-003 Procedural Requirements

                    ICES-003 Labeling Requirements

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According to Industry Canada’s Interference Causing Equipment Standard for Digital Apparatus ICES-003 Issue
3, November 22, 1997:

Section 6.1
    A record of the measurements and results, showing the date that the measurements were completed, shall be
    retained by the manufacturer or importer for a period of at least five years from the date shown in the record
    and made available for examination on the request of the Minister.

Section 6.2
     A written notice indicating compliance must accompany each unit of digital apparatus to the end user. The
notice shall be in the form of a label that is affixed to the apparatus. Where because of insufficient space or other
constraints it is not feasible to affix a label to the apparatus, the notice may be in the form of a statement in the
user’s manual. The suggested text for the notice, in English and in French, is provided in the Annex.


Suggested text for the notice indicating compliance with this Standard:

This Class [*] digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.

Cet appareil numérique de la classes [*] est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

[*] Insert either “A” or “B” but not both as appropriate for the equipment requirements.

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Document Created: 2019-10-31 23:03:45
Document Modified: 2019-10-31 23:03:45

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