Users manual


Users Manual

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                          REMOTE THERMO
                             MODEL: RMR232PHA
                               USER‘S MANUAL

         Congratulations on your purchase of the RMR232PHN/
         RMR237PHU, an In—Out Thermometer with Radio—Controlled Clock
         and a Photo Frame attached.
         The basic package comes with the following:
         ——— Main unit (RMR232PHN/RMR232PHU).
         ——— Remote thermo sensor unit
         ——— Blue and metallic grey exchangeable front key panels.
         The main unit shows the indoor temperature, calendar clock and
         temperatures collected and transmitted by the remote unit.
         The main unit is also capable of keeping track of the maximum and
         minimum temperature measured. No wie installation is required
         and the RMR232PHN/RMR232PHU operates at 433MHz.
         As for the calendar clock, it is radio—controlled. It automatically
         synchronizes its current time and date when it is brought within an
         approximate 1500km radius of the radio signal generated from
         Frankfurt, Germany (DCF77). (MSF 60 for UK Version)
         You can also set the calendar clock manually when it is off range.
         Other features include five—language display and two—minute
         crescendo daily alarm.

—I   |   RMRZS2PHNA for FCC                          1                         i   12/0/01, 12:27 PM

        THREE—LINE DISPLAY                                               [RESET ] BUTTON
        Facilitates easy reading of remote and indoor temperatures and   Returns all settings to default values
        calendar clock
        RADIO RECEPTION SIGNAL                                           Selects between degree Centigrade (°C) and Fabrenheit (°F)
        Indicates the condition of radio reception
                                                                         BATTERY COMPARTMENTS
        MEMORY [MEM] BUTTON                                              Accommodates two UM3 or "AA" size 1.5V alkaline batteries
        Recalls the maximum or minmum temperature of main and
        remote unit                                                      TABLE STAND
                                                                         For standing the main unit on a flat surface
        UP[ A J BUTTON
        Advances the value of a setting                                  WALL—MOUNT RECESSED HOLE
                                                                         For mounting the main unit on a wall
        [ MODE/SET ] BUTTON
        Toggles the display modes and confirms entry while setting
        the values for display
        DOWN [ ¥ ] BUTTON
                                                                           MAIN FEATURES: REMOTE UNIT
        Decreases the value of a setting

        ALARM [ {] BUTTON
        Displays the alarm time or sets the alarm status
        Exchangeable front panel with clip—on design
        [ UNLOCK ] BUTTON
        Unlock the photo frame drawer

        Holds photo in position
        Protects photo from finger prints and other damages

|   RMAZS2PHNA for ECC                          2                                           12710/01, 12:27 PM

    A      LED INDICATOR                                                           BATTERY INSTALLATION: MAIN UNIT
           Flashes when the remote unit transmits a reading

    B      BATTERY COMPARTMENT                                                L.   Slide open the battery compartment door.
           Accommodates two UM—3 or AA—size 1.SV batteries                    2. Install 2 alkaline batteries (UM3 or "AA" size 1.5V) strictly
                                                                                   according to the polarities shown.


           Supports the remote until in wall—mounting

                       BEFORE YOU BEGIN
    For best operation,
     1.   Insert batteries for remote units before doing so for the main
    2.    Place the main unit as close as possible next to the remote unit,
          reset the main unit after installing batteries. This will ensure
          easier synchronization between the transmission and reception
          of signals.
                                                                              3. Press the [RESET] button.
    3. Position the remote unit and main unit within effective
          transmission range, which, in usual circumstances, is 20 to 30      4.   Replace the battery compartment door.
    Note that the effective range is vastly affected by the building
    materials and where the main and remote units are positioned. Try
    various set—ups for best result.
                                                                              BATTERY INSTALLATION: REMOTE UNIT
    Though the remote units are weather proof, they should be placed          L.   Remove the screws on the battery compartment.
    away from direct sunlight, rain or snow.

]   RMR23ZPHNA for FCC                             3
                                                                          6                          12h0/01, 12:27 PM

                                                                                 2. Lift and open the photo frame cover.


          2.   Install 2 alkaline batteries (MU—3 or "AA" size 1.5 V) strictly
               according to the polarities shown.
          3. Replace the battery compartment door and secure its screws.

                        LOW BATTERY WARNING
 é        When it is time to replace batteries, the respective low—battery
          indicator will showup on the indoor or outdoor temperature display.

                       How TO INSERT A PHOTO                                     4.   Close the photo frame cover and replace it back to the main
           1. Push the [UNLOCK] button to unlock and take out the photo               unit.
              frame drawer,

      ‘   RMR2SZPHNA for FCC                           4                                               12710/01, 12:27 PM                           ‘

               COMPATIBLE PHOTO SIZES                                                  Wall—mount          Table Stand
    Three different standard sizes of photo can be placed in the photo
    — $x12cm 3.15° x472" )
    —   9%13 cm (3.54" x5.12" )
    —   10x15 en 3.94" x5.9" )

     HOW TO USE THE TABLE STAND                                   OR
              WALL MOUNTING
                                                                            HOW TO EXCHANGE FRONT KEY PANEL

    The main unit has a table stand which can support the unit on a flat
    surface. Or you can mount the unit on a wall using the recessed        The packagecomes with one grey and one blue exchangeable front
    serew hole.                                                            panels.

    As for the remote unit, you can placeit on a flat surface or mount
    the unit on a wall using the recessed screw hole.
    Main      wni

                   Wall—mount             Table Stand

|   RMR2ZSZPHNA for FCC                         5                                               120/01, 12:27 PM

                      THE RESET BUTTON                                       HOW TO CHECK REMOTE AND INDOOR
    This button is only used when the unit is operating in an unfavorable
    way or malfunctioning. Use a blunt stylus to hold down the button.      The indoor temperature is shown on the second line of the display.
    All settings will return to their default values.
                                                                            The outdoor temperature is shown on the top line of the display.
                                                                            The kinetic wave display on the outdoor temperature indicates if
                                                                            the reception of the remote unit is in good order,
                                                                            If no readings are received from the remote unit for more than four
                                                                            minutes, blanks " "" will be displayed until further readings are
                       GETTING STARTED                                      successfully searched. Checkif the remote unitis sound and secure.
                                                                            You can wait fora litle while or press [A ] and [ ¥ ] simultancously
    Oncebatteries are in place for the remote unit, they will start
                                                                            to enforce an immediate search.
    transmitting temperature readings at 78—second intervals.
                                                                            If the temperature goes above or below than the temperature

    The main unit will also start searching for signals for about four
                                                                            measuring range of the main unit or the remote unit (stated in
    minutes once batteries are installed. Upon successful reception, the
                                                                            specification), the display will show "HHB® or "LLL".
    outdoor temperature will be displayed on the top line and the indoor
    temperature on the second line. The main unit will automatically
    update its readings at about 78—secondintervals.

                                      USt                                        HOW TO READ THE KINETIC WAVE

                                                                            The kinetic wavedisplay shows the signal receiving status of the
                                    £X;                                     main unit. There are three possible forms:

    If no signals are received, blanks " "~" will be displayed and the
    kinetic wave icon will show * i ". Press [ ] and [ W ]
    simultancously to enforce another search for about 4 minutes. This
    is useful in synchronizing the transmission and reception of the
    remote and main units.

’   RMRZS2PHNA for FCC                             6
                                                                        4                          12710/01, 12:;27 PM

                                                                                   If that fails, check:
               ‘The unit is in searching mode.           &       es                1. The remote unit is still in place.
                                                                                   2. The batteries of both the remote unit and main unit. Replace as
               Temperature. readings     are                        &A                necessary.
               securely registered.                  AllG        A                 Note: When the temperature falls below freezing point, the batteries
                                                                                          of outdoor units will freeze, lowering their voltage. supply
               No signals.                                   .                            and the effective range.
                                                                                   3. The transmission is within range and path is clear of obstacles
                                                                                      and interference. Shorten the distance when necessary.
                       MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM
           The maximum and minimum recorded indoor and outdoor
                                                                                               TRANSMISSION COLLISION
           temperatures will be automatically stored in memory. To display         Signals from other houschold devices, such as door bells, home
           them, press [ MEM ] once to display the maximum temperature             security systems and entry controls, may interfere with those of this
           and again the minimum temperature. The respective indicators,           product and cause temporarily reception failure. This is normal and
           [ MAX or MIN] will be displayed.                                        does not affect the general performance of the product. The
           To clear the memory, hold down [ MEM ] for two secouds. The             transtission and reception of temperature readings will resume once
           maximum and minimum temperatures will be crased. If you press           the interference recedes.
           [ MEM J now, the maximum and minimum temperatures will have
           the same values as the current ones until different readings are
                                                                                                       NOTE ON °C AND °F
                                                                                   The unit of temperature display can be selected by pressing °C / °F
                       DISCONNECTED SIGNALS                                        button repeatedly.

           If without obvious reasons the display of the outdoor temperature
           goes blank, press [ a ] and [ W ] to enforce an immediate search.

—_"l   |   RMAZSZPHNA for FCC                        7                         i                           12710/01, 12:27 PM

                                                                                When the RMRI32PHN/RMR232PHU is within range, its radio—
        CALENDAR CLOCK DISPLAY MODES                                            control mechanism will override all manual settings unless auto—
                                                                                reception of radio signal has been deactivated.
    The clock and the calendar share the same section of the display.
    The calendar is displayed in a day—month format.                            When the unit is receiving radio signal, the radio reception signal
                                                                                will start to blink. A complete reception generally takes about 2 to
                                                                                10 minutes, depending on the strength of the radio signal.
                                                                                When the reception is complete, the radio reception signal will stop
                                                                                blinking. The strength of the reception for the last full hour will be

                                                                                          i%.                           —   Strong

                                                                                          1                             — Weak

                                                                                          ‘                             — No Reception
                          CALENDAR MODE                                                    i
                                                                                        —p~                             = Receiving
    Each press on the [ MODE ] button will toggle the display between                      ‘
    clock and calendar mode.
                                                                                For better reception, place the clock awayfrom metal objects and
                                                                                electrical appliances to minimize interference.
                                                                                If you wish to disable the auto—reception feature, press the [¥ ]
                ABOUT RADIO RECEPTION                                           button for two seconds. The radio r:lZeption signal will disappear
                                                                                The unit will not respond to radio signals.
    The RMR232PHN/RMR232PHU is designed to automatically                        To enable the feature again, press the [ A} button for two seconds.
    synchronize its calendar clock once it is brought within range of the       The radio reception signal will start blinking to initiate reception
    Frankfurt DCF77 radio signal.(MSF for UK Version)                           automatically,

|   RMR232PHNA for FCC                           8                          §                          12710/01, 12:27 PM

        HOW TO SET THE CALENDAR CLOCK                                                     HOW TO SET AND ARM THE ALARM
                                                                                This unit is equipped with a Daily Crescendo Alarm. To set the
    To set the clock manually, hold [ MODE/SET ] for two seconds in             alarm,
    clock display mode. The 12—hr or 24—br display will blink. Use              L. Press [¢ri1] once to display alarmtime. If the alarm is deactivated,
     [ & ] or [ W ] to select 12 hour or 24 hour format.                                the time will be displayed as [ —i—— ].
     Press [ MODE/SET ] to confirm. Repeat the same procedure to set
                                                                                       . Press [ t ] for two seconds. Thehour digits will blink.

                                                                           a woe wop
     the hour, minutes, year, month, day and display language. During
    the setting, press and hald [ A ) or [ W ] will increase or decrease               . Enter the hour using [4K J or [ ¥ ]
    the value rapidly.                                                                 . Press [ {t} ]. The minute digits will blink.
    Note that the date is displayed in DAY—MONTH format. For display
    Tanguage, you can choose among English (E),German(D), French(F),                   . Enter the minutes using [ & ] or [¥ ]
    Ttalian (1) and Spanish (8) .                                                      . Press [ ] to exit
                                                                                The alarm —@f icon will be displayed indicating the alarm is now
                                                                                armed. You can arm or disarm an alarm by pressing the [. (t=]
                                   Day—ofthe—week                               button repeatedly. Press [ MODE/SET J to return to clock display
                                                 Fridey Suuzy                   mode.
                                                                                Whan an alarm is armed, it will go off at the set time.

                                                                                                   HOW TO STOPAN ALARM
                                                                                When the alarm goes off, press any key on the unit to stop the alarm

    Ifthere is an item you do not wish to change, simply press [ MODE/
    SET ] to bypass the item.
    When you are done, press [ MODE/SET ] to exit. The display will
    return to the clock mode.

|   RMR2SZPHNA for FCC                          9                                                            12710/01, 12:27 PM

                                                                                                                       (@3.0°F 10 122.0°F)
                                                                                  Temperature resolution             : 01°C
    This product is engineered to give you years of satisfactory service                                               0.2F)
    if you handle it carefully. Here are a few precautions:
     1. Do not immerse the unit in water.                                        Remote unit
    2. Do not clean the unit with abrasive or corrosive materials. They           Proposed operating range           : —20.0°C to +60.0°C
       may scratch the plastic parts and corrode the electronic circuit.
                                                                                                                       (—4.0°F to 140.°F)
    3. Do not subject the unit to excessive force, shock, dust,
       temperature or hurnidity, which may result in malfunction, shorter         Temperature resolution             :o.
       electronic life span, damaged battery and distorted parts.                                                     (02°P)
    4. Do not temper with the unit‘sinternal components. Doing so will            RF Transmission Frequency          :433 MHz
       invalidate the warranty on the unit and may cause unnecessary
                                                                                  No. of Remote unit                 i1
       damage. The unit contains no user—serviceable parts.
                                                                                  RF Transmission Range              : Maximum 30 meters
    5. Only use fresh batteries as specified in the user‘s manual. Do not
       mix new and old batteries as the old ones may leak.
    6. Always read the user‘s manual thoroughly before operating the              Radio Controlled Clock
       unit.                                                                      Main time set and synchronized by Radio Signal DCF77 for
    7. Note:No rechargeable batteries should be used in this product.             Continental/ Central Europe (MSF for UK)
       Only use the type of battery as specified.                                 12724 h display with hh : mm
                                                                                  Date Format : Day : Month
                                                                                  Day of week selectable in 5 language (E, F, D. LS)
                                                                                  2—minute crescendo alarm
                        SPECIFICATIONS                                           Power

    Temperature Measurement
                                                                                  Main unit                          : use 2 pes UM3 or "AA"
                                                                                                                       1.5V alkaline battery
    Main unit
                                                                                  Remote sensing unit                : use 2 pes UM—3 or "AA"
    Temperature                                                                                                        1.5V alkaline battery
      Proposed operating range              : —5.0°C to +50.0°C                  Weight


‘   RMAZ3ZPHNA for FCC                            10                                                    12710/01, 12:27 PM

_|                                                                        6
       Main unit                           : 350¢ (without battery)                However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
       Remote sensing unit                 : 46¢ (without battery)                 particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
                                                                                   interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
     Dimension                                                                     by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
       Main unit                           : 180(L) x 178(W) x 28(T)               to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
                                             mn                                    0   Reorient or relocate the receiving unit.
       Remote sensing unit                 : 89(L) x 44(W) x 21(T)                 o   Increase the separation between the equipment.
                                                                                   0   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
                                                                                       that to which the receiver is connected.
                                                                                   o Consult the dealer of an experienced radio/TV technician for
                    NOTE ON COMPLIANCE                                               help.
     This device complies with Part 15 of the ECC Rules. Operation is
     subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not              Company Name: Oregon Scientific, Inc.
     cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any               Address : 19861 SW 95th Place, Tualatin, Oregon 97062, USA
     interference received, including interference that may cause unde—            Website
     sired operations.
                                                                                   Name and model number of the product: Remote Thermo
     Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly
     approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the
     user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
     ECC:                                                                              —     The content of this manual is subject to change without
     NOTE: This equipment has beentested and found to comply with                            further notice.
     the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the               —     Due to printing limitation, the displays shownin this
     FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable                              manual may differ from the actual display.
     protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
                                                                                       —     The contents of this manual may not be reproduced
     This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
     energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
                                                                                             without the permission of the manufacturer.
     instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio

 |   RMRZ32PHNA for FCC                            11
                                                                          4                               12710/01, 12:27 PM

                  CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE
    Should you require assistanceregarding this product and its
    operation, please contact our customer care department at 800—853—
    8883 or via email at

    This product is warranted to be free of manufacturing defects for
    a period of 1 year from date of retail purchase. Defective product
    should be directed to the place of retail purchase for exchange.
    Should this not be possible, contact our customer care department
    for assistance and a return material authorization. No returns may
    be madewithout a return authorization. Please retain yourretail
    receipt as you may be asked to provide a copy of it for proofof date
    purchased. This warranty does not cover product subjected to abuse,
    misuse, accidental damage or tampering. Upon return of the defec—
    tive product, Oregon Scientific will at its discretion, replace the
    product with either a new or a tested reconditioned product. Should
    the product be out of warranty, the consumer may purchase directly
    from Oregon Scientific a replacement at reasonable cost plus ship—
    ping and handling.

‘   RMR232PHNA for FCC                           12                        1270/001, 12:22 PM

Document Created: 2002-01-04 11:18:46
Document Modified: 2002-01-04 11:18:46

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