Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                TUV                     TUV Rheinland Group

Priifbericht — Nr.:                14007761 001                                                     Seite 1 von 13
Test Report No.                                                                                      Page 1 of 13
Auftraggeber:                      IDT Technology Ltd.
Applicant                          Block C, 9/F., Kaiser Estate, Phase 1
                                   41 Man Yue Street
                                   Hunghom, Kowloon
                                   Hong Kong

Gegenstand der Priifung:           Low Power Transmitter
Test item
Bezeichnung:                       THGR239N                             Serien—Nr.:               Engineering sample
Identification                                                          Serial No.
Wareneingangs—Nr.:                 041102017                            Eingangsdatum:            02.11.2004
Receipt No.                                                             Date of receipt

Priifort:                          TUV Rheinland Hong Kong Ltd.
Testing location                   Unit 8, 25"" Floor, Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay
                                   Kowloon, Hong Kong

                                   Hong Kong Productivity Council
                                   HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Priifgrundlage:                    FCC Part 15, Subpart C
Test specification

Priifergebnis:                     Das vorstehend beschriebene Gerat wurde gepriift und entspricht oben
Test Result                        genannter Priifgrundlage.
                                   The above mentioned product was tested and passed.
gepriift / tested by:                       .       f         kontrolliert / reviewed by:

09.12.2004      Prudence Poon        /*7)       FAV/          09.12.2004    Thomas Berns_{/(zzses
Datum           Name              UnterSchrift                Datum         Name                  Unterschrift
Date            Name              Sighature                   Date          Name                  Signature
Sonstiges:            FCCID: NMTTHGR239N—01
Other Aspects
Abkirzungen:       OK, Pass, P   = entspricht Prifgrundlage             Abbreviations:      OK, Pass, P =passed
                   Fail, F       = entspricht nicht Priifgrundlage                          Fail, F     = failed
                   N/A           = nicht anwendbar                                          N/A         = not applicable
                   NT            = nicht getestet                                           NT          = not tested
Dieser Priifbericht bezieht sich nur aut das 0.g. Priifmuster und darf ohne Genehmigung der Priifstelle
nicht auszugsweise vervielfaltigt werden. Dieser Bericht berechtigt nicht zur Verwendung eines
This test report relates to the a. m. test sample. Without permission of the test center this test report is not
permitted to be duplicate in extracts. This test report does not entitle to carry any safety mark on this or similar
     TUV Rheinland Hong Kong Ltd. » Unit 8, 25th Floor, Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Read, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong:
     Phone: +852 2192 1000 + Fax: +852 2192 1008 + Mail: info@hk.chn.tuv.com + Web: www.tuv.com

Test Report No.: 14007761 001                       Date: 09.12.2004                                         Page 1 of 13


     Test Summary

     Radiated Emission of Carrier Frequency
     Result: Pass

     Spurious Radiated Emissions
     Result: Pass

     Bandwidth Measurement
     Result: Pass

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     General Remarks ...................................................................................................4
       Complementary Materials.................................................................................................. 4

     List of Test and Measurement Instruments.........................................................5

     General Product Information ................................................................................6
       Product Function and Intended Use................................................................................. 6
       Circuit Description ............................................................................................................. 6
       Ratings and System Details .............................................................................................. 6
       Independent Operation Modes.......................................................................................... 7
       Submitted Documents ....................................................................................................... 7
       Related Submittal(s) Grants .............................................................................................. 7

     Test Set-up and Operation Mode..........................................................................8
       Principle of Configuration Selection ................................................................................ 8
       Test Operation and Test Software .................................................................................... 8
       Special Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment ............................................................... 8
       Countermeasures to achieve EMC Compliance.............................................................. 8

     Test Methodology ..................................................................................................9
       Radiated Emission ............................................................................................................. 9
       Field Strength Calculation ................................................................................................. 9

     Test Results .........................................................................................................10
       Radiated Emission of Carrier Frequency Section 15.231(b) ..................................... 10
       Spurious Radiated Emissions Section 15.231(b)....................................................... 11
       Bandwidth Measurement Section 15.231(c) ............................................................... 13

Test Report No.: 14007761 001                           Date: 09.12.2004                                                             Page 3 of 13


General Remarks

Complementary Materials

  All attachments are integral parts of this test report. This applies especially to the following

  Appendix 1: Test Results
  Appendix 2: Test Setup
  Appendix 3: EUT External Photo
  Appendix 4: EUT Internal Photo
  Appendix 5: FCCID Label, Block Diagram, Schematics and User manual.

Test Report No.: 14007761 001          Date: 09.12.2004                                    Page 4 of 13


List of Test and Measurement Instruments

       Kind of Equipment         Manufacturer       Type        S/N

         Test Receiver          Rohde & Schwarz    ESVS30    842807/009

        Biconical Antenna       Rohde & Schwarz    HK116     841489/015

      Log.-Periodic Antenna     Rohde & Schwarz    HL223     841516/017

   Double Ridge Horn Antenna         EMCO           3115     9002-3351

   Double Ridge Horn Antenna         EMCO           3115     9002-3347

        Signal Generator        Rohde & Schwarz    SMY 01    844146/024

        Signal Generator        Rohde & Schwarz    SMY 01    844146/023

       Spectrum Analyzer        Rohde & Schwarz    FSP30    1093.4495K30

Test Report No.: 14007761 001   Date: 09.12.2004                Page 5 of 13


General Product Information

Product Function and Intended Use

The equipment under test ( EUT) is a transmitter for a weather station operating at 433.920 MHz.
The EUT sense the temperature and humidity level, then transmit this information to the associated
weather station.

 Model                Product description
 THGR239N             Remote Thermo-Hygrometer with LCD

Circuit Description

The main unit of THGR239N is a multi-channel transmitter, after reset the unit, the MCU will
turn on the super-regenerative transmit module and then send out the thermo-hygrometer
single, the transmit center frequency is 433.92MHz, the micro-band matches the antenna to
50 OHM, the L1/C15 is adjust to the oscillating frequency to 433.92MHz,
The transmitter is turn on every 39/41/43 seconds for channel 1/2/3 respectively.

Ratings and System Details

 Frequency range            :   433.920 MHz
 Number of channels         :   1
 Type of antenna            :   Integral antenna
 Power supply               :   Battery operated 3.0V
 Ports                      :   none
 Protection Class           :   III

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Independent Operation Modes

The basic operation modes are:

    -   Channel selection.
    -   On and Off

For further information refer to User Manual

Submitted Documents

The submitted documents are listed as follow:

    -   Circuit diagram
    -   Block diagram
    -   User manual
    -   Label artwork

Related Submittal(s) Grants

This is a single application for certification of the transmitter.

Test Report No.: 14007761 001             Date: 09.12.2004           Page 7 of 13


Test Set-up and Operation Mode

Principle of Configuration Selection

Emission:     The equipment under test (EUT) was configured to measure its highest possible
              radiation level. The test modes were adapted accordingly in reference to the
              instructions for use.

Test Operation and Test Software

Test operation should refer to test methodology.

   -   There was no special software to exercise the device.

Special Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment

The product has been tested together with the following additional accessories:

   -   none

Countermeasures to achieve EMC Compliance

The test sample, which has been tested, contained the noise suppression parts as described in the
Circuit Diagram or the Technical Construction File. No additional measures were employed to
achieve compliance.

Test Report No.: 14007761 001         Date: 09.12.2004                              Page 8 of 13


Test Methodology

Radiated Emission

The radiated emission measurements were performed according to the procedures in
ANSI C63.4-2003.

The equipment under test (EUT ) was placed at the middle of the 80 cm height turntable, and the
turntable is 3 meters far from the measuring antenna. During the testing, the EUT was operated
standalone and arranged for maximum emissions. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes.

The investigation is performed with the EUT rotated 360゚, the antenna height scanned between 1m
and 4m, and the antenna rotated to repeat the measurements for both the horizontal and vertical
antenna polarizations. Repeat the measurement steps until the maximum emissions were obtained.

All radiated tests were performed at an antenna to EUT with 3 meters distance, unless stated
otherwise in section 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 of this test report.

Field Strength Calculation

The field strength at 3 m was established by adding the meter reading of the spectrum analyzer to
the factors associated with antenna correction factor, cable loss, preamplifiers and filter attenuation.

The equation is expressed as follow:

FS = R + AF + CF + FA – PA

Where FS = Field Strength in dBuV/m at 3 meters.
      R = Reading of Spectrum Analyzer in dBuV.
      AF = Antenna Factor in dB.
      CF = Cable Attenuation Factor in dB.
      FA = Filter Attenuation Factor in dB.
      PA = Preamplifier Factor in dB.

System Factor = CF + FA – PA.

FA and PA are only be used for the measuring frequency above 1 GHz.

Test Report No.: 14007761 001           Date: 09.12.2004                                  Page 9 of 13


Test Results

Radiated Emission of Carrier Frequency                                          Section 15.231(b)

RESULT:                                                                                             Pass

Test Specification       :       FCC Part 15 Section 15.231(b1 and b2)
Test Method              :       ANSI 63.4-2003
Measurement Location     :       Semi Anechoic Chamber
Measurement Distance     :       3m
Detector Function        :       Peak and Average
Measurement BW           :       100 kHz
Supply Voltage           :       DC 3.0V

Polarization: Vertical
Detector Frequency           Reading    Antenna        Attenuation         Measured        Delta to
function                                 Factor         of cable         Field strength     Limit
                                                                             at 3m

             (MHz)           (dBuV)    (dBuV/m)             (dB)           (dBuV/m)          (dB)
 Peak       433.906           67.30      16.3                1.8             85.4            15.4
Average     433.906           52.10      16.3                1.8             70.2            10.6

Polarization: Horizontal
Detector Frequency Reading              Antenna        Attenuation         Measured        Delta to
function                                 Factor         of cable         Field strength     Limit
                                                                             at 3m

             (MHz)           (dBuV)    (dBuV/m)             (dB)           (dBuV/m)          (dB)
 Peak       433.906           74.90      16.3                1.8             93.0             7.8
Average     433.906           49.10      16.3                1.8             67.2            13.6

Limit                                                                             Section 15.231(b2)
Frequency within the band                Peak Emission                      Average Emission

           (MHz)                   (microvolt/meter)    dBµV/m       (microvolt/meter)       dBµV/m

          433.920                      109,647              100.8           10,995            80.8

According to section 15.35(b), When average radiated emission measurements are specified,
including emission measurement below 1000MHz, there also is limit on the radio frequency
emissions, as measured using instrumentation with a peak detector function, corresponding to 20dB
above the maximum permitted average limit for the frequency being investigated.

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Spurious Radiated Emissions                                                  Section 15.231(b)

RESULT:                                                                                    Pass

Test Specification           :   FCC Part 15 Section 15.231(b1 and b3)
Test Method                  :   ANSI 63.4-2003
Measurement Location         :   Semi Anechoic Chamber
Measurement Distance         :   3m
Detector Function            :   Quasi Peak
Measurement BW               :   100 kHz
Supply Voltage               :   DC 3.0V
Measuring Frequency Range    :   30-4330MHz

Polarization: Vertical

Frequency      Reading      Antenna      System             Field         Limit     Delta to Limit
                             Factor      Factor           strength        at 3m
                                                           at 3m

   (MHz)       (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dB)           (dBuV/m)       (dBuV/m)       (dB)
    36.14         6.10        16.10        0.40             22.60          60.80       -38.20
    63.26         7.10        10.50        0.60             18.20          60.80       -42.60
   160.34         7.40        14.70        0.90             23.00          60.80       -37.80
   312.80        15.18        13.30        1.32             29.80          60.80       -31.00
   625.46        13.55        19.50        2.25             35.30          60.80       -25.50
   867.81        22.23        22.20        2.67             47.10          60.80       -13.70
 *1301.70        54.43        24.90       -33.70            45.63          60.80       -15.17
  1735.58        52.40        26.50       -33.30            45.60          60.80       -15.20
  2603.48        51.96        28.60       -31.51            49.05          60.80       -11.75

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Polarization: Horizontal

Frequency     Reading      Antenna        System             Field       Limit          Delta to Limit
                            Factor        Factor           strength      at 3m
                                                            at 3m

 (MHz)       (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)        (dB)         (dBuV/m)       (dBuV/m)              (dB)
  32.84         5.60         17.30         0.40           23.30          60.80             -37.50
  53.42         7.32         11.95         0.53           19.80          60.80             -41.00
 140.60         7.30         13.60         0.90           21.80          60.80             -39.00
 244.64         3.05         11.60         1.15           15.80          60.80             -45.00
 743.72         0.80         20.70         2.40           23.90          60.80             -36.90
 867.81        34.35         22.20         2.65           59.20          60.80              -1.60
*1301.70       56.63         24.90        -33.70          47.83          60.80             -12.97
1735.66        55.44         26.50        -33.30          48.64          60.80             -12.16
2603.52        50.76         28.60        -31.51          47.85          60.80             -12.95

Remark: ‘ * ‘ indicates the frequency of the emissions fall into the restricted band.

Limit                                                                              Section 15.231(b3)

 Frequency (MHz)         Field strength           Field strength           Measurement distance
                        (microvolt/meter)           (dBµV/m)                     (meters)
        433.920               1,099            20*log(1099) = 60.8                  3

                                                                                   Section 15.209

Radiated emissions, which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in Section 15.205(a), must
also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in Section 15.209.

Limit for Radiated Emission under Section 15.209:
 Frequency (MHz)       Field strength         Field strength               Measurement distance
                     (microvolt/meter)          (dBµV/m)                         (meters)
         30-88              100            20*log(100) = 40.0                       3
        88-216              150            20*log(150) = 43.5                       3
       216-960              200            20*log(200) = 46.0                       3
      960-2500              500            20*log(500) = 54.0                       3

The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurements employing a CISPR
quasi-peak detector and above 1000 MHz are based on the measurements employing an
average detector.

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Bandwidth Measurement                                                       Section 15.231(c)

RESULT:                                                                                    Pass

 Test Specification    :     FCC Part 15 section 15.231(c)
 Port of Testing       :     Antenna port
 Detector Function     :     Peak
 Supply Voltage        :     DC 3.0V

Refer to the data graph, the 20dB points at lower edge and at higher edge are 26KHz and 37KHz
respectively apart from the centre modulated carrier, the bandwidth of the emission is 0.014 % of the
centre frequency. Therefore, the EUT meets the requirement of section 15.231(c).

For test results refer to Appendix 1, page 1.

Limit                                                                          Section 15.231(c)

The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% if the center frequency for devices
operating above 70MHz and below 900MHz.

Test Report No.: 14007761 001          Date: 09.12.2004                               Page 13 of 13

Document Created: 2004-12-14 11:23:14
Document Modified: 2004-12-14 11:23:14

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