User Manual


Users Manual

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                              Wireless Acyrlic Thermo-Hygrometer &
                                                 Atomic Alarm Clock
                                                Model : RMR613HGA
                                                               User Manual

RMR613HGA lab test cover R3    1                   2/10/04, 3:38 PM

      CONTENTS                                                                                   Silence Alarm ....................................................... 10
                                                                                              Temperature and Humidity .................................... 10
      Contents ................................................................... 1
                                                                                                 Select Temperature Unit ...................................... 10
      Introduction .............................................................. 2
                                                                                                 Select Sensor Channel ........................................ 10
      About Oregon Scientific .......................................... 2
                                                                                                 Minimum / Maximum Records ............................. 11
      Product Overview .................................................... 3
                                                                                                 Comfort Zone ....................................................... 11
          Front View .............................................................. 3
                                                                                              Reset System ......................................................... 11
          Back View .............................................................. 4
                                                                                              Safety and Care ...................................................... 12
          Remote Sensor (THGR122NX) ............................. 5
                                                                                              Warnings ................................................................. 12
      Getting Started ......................................................... 6
                                                                                              Troubleshooting ..................................................... 12
          Batteries ................................................................. 6
                                                                                              Specifications ......................................................... 13
          Change Settings .................................................... 6
                                                                                                 Main Unit Dimensions .......................................... 13
          Table Stand ............................................................ 6
                                                                                                 Remote Sensor Dimensions ................................ 13
      Remote Sensor (THGR122NX) ................................ 6
                                                                                                 Temperature ......................................................... 13
          Setup Sensor ......................................................... 6
                                                                                                 Relative Humidity ................................................. 13
          Data Transmission ................................................. 7
                                                                                                 Remote Sensor (THGR122NX) ........................... 13
          Search for Sensor .................................................. 8
                                                                                                 Clock .................................................................... 13
      Clock ......................................................................... 8
                                                                                                 Power ................................................................... 14
          Turn Atomic Clock ON/OFF ................................... 9
                                                                                              FCC Statement ....................................................... 14
          Set Clock ............................................................... 9
          Switch Clock Display ............................................. 9
      Alarms ....................................................................... 9
          View Alarm Settings ............................................... 9
          Set Alarm ............................................................... 9
          Activate Alarm ...................................................... 10


RMR613HGA lab test R3                                   1                                                            2/18/04, 2:22 PM

EN     INTRODUCTION                                                   ABOUT OREGON SCIENTIFIC
       Thank you for selecting the Oregon ScientificTM Wireless       Visit our website ( to learn
       Acyrlic Thermo-Hygrometer & Atomic Alarm Clock                 more about other Oregon Scientific products such as
       (RMR613HGA). This device bundles precise time                  digital cameras, hand-held organizers, health and fitness
       keeping, dual alarm, and temperature and humidity              gear, and projection clocks. The website also includes
       monitoring features into a single tool you can use from        contact information for our customer service department,
       the convenience of your home.                                  in case you need to reach us.

       In this box, you will find:

            • Main unit
            • Remote sensor (THGR122NX)

       Keep this manual handy as you use your new product.
       It contains practical step-by-step instructions, as well
       as technical specifications and warnings you should


     RMR613HGA lab test R3                   2                                             2/18/04, 2:22 PM



                                             1.   Clock / Alarm Area: Date, time, dual alarm; and
                                                  Atomic Clock reception status
                                             2.   Temperature Area: Readings; sensor channel
                                                  number; remote unit reception and battery status
                                             3.   Humidity / Comfort Zone Area: Readings, comfort
                                                  zone and battery status.
                                             4.   Channel button: switch remote sensor
                                             5.   Alarm button: view alarm status; set alarm



                         4       5


RMR613HGA lab test R3        3                               2/18/04, 2:22 PM


                                                   1.   MEM: view current, maximum, and minimum
                                                        temperature / humidity readings
                                                   2.   DOWN: decrease setting / deactivate radio-
                                                        controlled clock / activate or deactivate alarm
                                                   3.   UP: increase setting / activate radio-controlled clock /
                                                        activate or deactivate alarm
                                                   4.   MODE: change display / settings
                                           3       5.   Battery compartment
          1                                4       6.   °C / °F switch
                                                   7.   RESET hole

                                 5, 6, 7


     RMR613HGA lab test R3   4                                           2/18/04, 2:22 PM





      1.   LCD display                    1.   Wall mount hole
      2.   LED Status indicator           2.   RESET
                                          3.   Channel number (1 - 3)
                                          4.   Battery compartment
                                               (Battery compartment cover not shown)


RMR613HGA lab test R3             5                       2/18/04, 2:22 PM

EN     GETTING STARTED                                                    CHANGE SETTINGS
                                                                          1.   Press and hold MODE for 2 seconds to enter setting
       Batteries are not supplied with this product. You will need        2.   Press UP or DOWN to change settings.
       to purchase 2 x UM-3 (AA) 1.5V alkaline batteries for              3.   Press MODE to confirm.
       the main unit, and 2 x UM-4 (AAA) 1.5V alkaline batteries
       for the remote sensor.

                                                                          REMOTE SENSOR (THGR122NX)
       Insert the batteries before first use, matching the polarity
       as shown in the battery compartment. For best results,             This product is shipped with a THGR122NX Thermo/
       install batteries in the remote sensor before the main             Hygro Sensor that collects Temperature and Humidity
       unit. Press RESET after each battery change.                       data. Data can be collected from up to 3 sensors.
                                                                          Additional sensors sold separately.
        NOTE Do not use rechargeable batteries.
                                                                          SETUP SENSOR
           shows when batteries are low.                                  Open the remote sensor battery compartment with a
                                                                          small Phillips screwdriver.
        UNIT                             LOCATION
        Main                         Temperature Area when
                                     the INDOOR temperature
                                     is shown.
        Remote                       Temperature Area when the
                                     OUTDOOR temperature is


     RMR613HGA lab test R3                      6                                             2/18/04, 2:22 PM

      1.   Insert the batteries, matching the polarity as shown        For best results:
           in the battery compartment.                                     • Insert the batteries and select the channel and
      2.   Set the channel. The switch is located in the battery             temperature unit before you mount the sensor.
           compartment.                                                    • Place the sensor out of direct sunlight and
       SWITCH             OPTION                                           • Do not place the sensor more than 30 meters
       Channel            Channel 1 - 3. If you are using                    (98 feet) from the main (indoor) unit.
                          more than one sensor, select a                   • Position the sensor so that it faces the main
                          different channel for each sensor.                 (indoor) unit, minimizing obstructions such as
                                                                             doors, walls, and furniture.
      3.   Place the sensor near the main unit. Press RESET                • Place the sensor in a location with a clear view
           on the sensor to initiate signal sending between the              to the sky, away from metallic or electronic
           sensor and the main unit. The reception icon on                   objects.
           the main unit will blink for approximately 3 minutes            • Position the sensor close to the main unit during
           while it is searching for the sensor. (Refer to the               cold winter months as below-freezing
           Search for Sensor section for more information.)                  temperatures may affect battery performance
      4.   Close the remote sensor battery compartment.                      and signal transmission.
      5.   Secure the sensor in the desired location using the
           wall mount or table stand.                                  You may need to experiment with various locations to
                                                                       get the best results.

                                                                       DATA TRANSMISSION
                                                                       Data is sent from the sensor(s) every 40 seconds.
                                                                       The reception icon shown in the Temperature and
                                                                       Humidity Areas show the status.


RMR613HGA lab test R3                     7                                                2/18/04, 2:22 PM

EN      ICON                     DESCRIPTION                         CLOCK
                                 Main unit is searching for          This product can track the date and time for up to
                                 sensors.                            2 locations (Clock with Offset Hour). The US Atomic
                                 At least 1 channel has              Clock in Boulder, Colorado automatically updates this
                                 been found.                         information unless you disable the feature. The signals
                                 Channel 1 is selected               are collected by the main unit when it is within 1500 km
                                 (number will change                 (932 miles) of a signal.
                                 depending on the sensor
                                 you select)
        --- shows in Temp        The selected sensor cannot          Initial reception takes 2 - 10 minutes, and is initiated
        / Humidity Areas         be found. Search for the            when you first setup the unit, and whenever you press
                                 sensor or check batteries.          RESET. Once complete, the reception icon will stop
                                                                     blinking. The icon is shown in the Clock Area.

       To search for a sensor, press and hold MEM and
       CHANNEL for 2 seconds.

       NOTE If the sensor is still not found, check the
       batteries, obstructions, and remote unit location.
                                                                     To force a manual search for Atomic Clock signals, press
       NOTE Signals from household devices such as                   and hold UP for 2 seconds. If no signal is found, check
       doorbells, electronic garage doors, and home security         the batteries.
       systems may cause temporary reception failure. This is
       normal and does not affect general product performance.
       The reception will resume once the interference ends.          NOTE If the Atomic Clock signal is received and the
                                                                     hour is incorrect, use the "hour offset" feature to adjust
                                                                     it to to the right value. Please see "SET CLOCK" on
                                                                     pg. 9 for instructions.


     RMR613HGA lab test R3                   8                                            2/18/04, 2:22 PM

      TURN ATOMIC CLOCK ON/OFF                                         SWITCH CLOCK DISPLAY
      Perform this step if you cannot receive Atomic Clock             Press MODE to toggle between Clock with Seconds,
      signals. Press and hold DOWN for 2 seconds. Then,                Clock with Weekday and Calendar, and Clock with Offset
      manually set the clock following the “Set Clock”                 Hour display.
      instructions (below).

             The signal icon indicates that the Atomic Clock
             feature is ON. No icon means that it is OFF               ALARMS
                                                                       This product has 2 alarms: a Single Alarm and a Weekday
                                                                       Alarm. The Single Alarm can be set to go off at a specific
                                                                       time for a one-time event (for example, if you are napping
      You only need to do this if you have disabled the Atomic         on Saturday). The Weekday Alarm will sound at the same
      Clock feature (for example, if you are too far from or           time Monday - Friday (but not on weekends).
      cannot receive a signal).

                                                                       VIEW ALARM SETTINGS
      1.   Press and hold MODE for 2 seconds. The Clock
                                                                       Press ALARM to display the Alarm settings you wish to
           Area will blink.                                                            W              S
                                                                       view: Weekday     or Single      .
      2.   Select the offset hour, 12 / 24 hour format, hour,
           minute, year, month, day, and language. Press UP
           or DOWN to change the setting. Press MODE to                SET ALARM
           confirm.                                                    1.   Press ALARM to display the type of Alarm you wish
                                                                            to set: Weekday or Single.
            NOTE The language options are (E) English,                 2.   Press and hold ALARM for 2 seconds. The Alarm
           (F) French, (D) German, (I) Italian, and (S) Spanish.            settings will blink.
                                                                       3.   Select the hour and minute. Press UP or DOWN to
                                                                            change settings. Press ALARM to confirm.


RMR613HGA lab test R3                     9                                             2/18/04, 2:22 PM

EN     ACTIVATE ALARM                                                     TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY
       Press ALARM to switch to Weekday or Single Alarm view.
                                                                          This product can display the following information from
       To activate or deactivate the alarm, press UP or DOWN.
                                                                          the remote sensors:
       • Alarm deactivated: --:--                                         VIEW BAROMETER AREA
                                                                             • Current, minimum, and maximum temperatures
       • Alarm activated: Alarm time is shown
                                                                                and relative humidity percentages.

       The bell icons    W   and    S   indicate the alarm display            • Comfort level
       mode selected.
                                                                          Data is collected and displayed every 40 seconds.

       SILENCE ALARM                                                      SELECT TEMPERATURE UNIT
       When the Alarm time is reached, the crescendo alarm                Slide the °C / °F switch into the desired location. The
       will sound for 2 minutes. Press ALARM to silence it.               switch is located in the battery compartment. The setting
       The Weekday Alarm will sound at the same time the                  for the main unit overrides the remote sensor setting.
       next day provided the next day is Monday - Friday. The
       Single Alarm will not sound unless you manually activate
                                                                          SELECT SENSOR CHANNEL
       it again.
                                                                          Press CHANNEL to switch between sensors 1 - 3.

                                                                          The icon shows the selected sensor.


     RMR613HGA lab test R3                       10                                            2/18/04, 2:22 PM

      Kinetic-                                                       ZONE          TEMPERATURE              HUMIDITY
      wave                                                                         Any                      >70%
                                                                                   20 – 25 ° C              40 – 70%
      Designat-                                                                    (68 - 77 ° F)
                  Indoor    Remote Remote Remote
      ed                     Display   Display   Display                           Any                      <40%
      Display               Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3
                                                                    This information is shown in the Humidity Area when
      To auto-scan between sensors, press and hold                  the current measurement is displayed.
      CHANNEL for 2 seconds. Each sensor's data will be
      displayed for 3 seconds. To end auto-scan, press
      CHANNEL or MEM.
                                                                    RESET SYSTEM

       NOTE If you use a sensor that collects only                  The RESET buttons are located in the battery
      temperature data, humidity will not be shown.                 compartment for the main unit and sensors. Press
                                                                    RESET when you change the batteries and whenever
                                                                    performance is not behaving as expected (for example,
      MINIMUM / MAXIMUM RECORDS                                     unable to establish radio frequency link with remote
      Press MEM to toggle between current, maximum (MAX)            sensor or radio-controlled clock).
      and minimum (MIN) records for the selected sensor. To
      clear the records, press and hold MEM for 2 seconds.           NOTE When you press RESET, all settings will return
                                                                    to default value, and you will lose all stored information.
      A beep will sound to confirm that the memory has been

      The Comfort Zone indicates how comfortable the climate
      is, based on current temperature and humidity

RMR613HGA lab test R3                  11                                             2/18/04, 2:22 PM

EN     SAFETY AND CARE                                                   Do not make any changes or modifications to this
                                                                         product. Unauthorized changes may void your right to
       Clean the product with a slightly damp cloth and alcohol-         use the product. The technical specification of this
       free mild detergent. Avoid dropping the product or placing        product and contents of this user guide are subject to
       it in a high-traffic location.                                    change without notice. Images not drawn to scale.

       WARNINGS                                                          TROUBLESHOOTING
       This product is designed to give you years of service if          Check here before contacting our customer service
       handled properly. Observe the following guidelines:               department.

                                                                         Problem      Symptom         Remedy
            • Never immerse the product in water. This can
              cause electrical shock and damage the product.             Calendar     Strange date / Change language
                                                                                      month          ( 9)
            • Do not subject the main unit to extreme force,
              shock, or fluctuations in temperature or humidity.         Clock        Cannot adjust Disable Atomic Clock
                                                                                      clock         ( 9)
            • Do not tamper with the internal components.
            • Do not mix new and old batteries or batteries of                        Cannot auto-    1. Adjust batteries.
              different types.                                                        synch              ( 6)
                                                                                                      2. Press RESET
            • Do not use rechargeable batteries with this
                                                                                                         ( 11)
                                                                                                      3. Manually activate
            • Remove the batteries if storing this product for a                                         Atomic Clock
              long period of time.                                                                       feature ( 8)
            • Do not scratch the LCD display.                            Temp         Shows “LLL”     Temperature is out-of-
                                                                                      or “HHH”        range


     RMR613HGA lab test R3                     12                                            2/18/04, 2:22 PM

       Problem     Symptom         Remedy                             TEMPERATURE
                                                                      Unit                         °C or °F
       Remote      Cannot locate   Check batteries (    6)
       sensor      remote                                             Indoor Range                 -5 °C to 50 °C
                   sensor          Check location (    6)                                          (23 °F to 122 °F)
                   Cannot          Check sensors. Only                Outdoor Range                -20 °C to 60 °C
                   change          one sensor is working                                           (-4 °F to 140 °F)
                   channel         ( 6)                               Resolution                   0.1 °C (0.2 °F)
                   Data does       Initiate a manual sensor
                   not match       search ( 8)                        RELATIVE HUMIDITY
                   main unit
                                                                      Range                        25% to 95%
                                                                      Resolution                   1%

                                                                      REMOTE SENSOR (THGR122NX)
                                                                      RF frequency        433 MHz
      MAIN UNIT DIMENSIONS                                            Range                        30 meters (98 feet)
                                                                                                   with no obstructions
      LxWxH                        123 x 49.5 x 165 mm
                                   (4.84 x 19.5 x 6.50 inches)        Transmission                 every 40 seconds
      Weight                       245 grams (8.64 ounces)            Channel No.                  1-3
                                   with batteries
      REMOTE SENSOR DIMENSIONS                                        Atomic Clock                 Auto or manual (disabled)
      LxWxH                        92 x 60 x 20 mm                    Clock display                HH:MM:SS
                                   (3.6 x 2.4 x 0.79 inches)
                                                                      Hour format                  12hr AM/PM or 24hr
      Weight                       63 grams (2.22 ounces)
                                   without battery                    Time offset                  +/- 9 hours


RMR613HGA lab test R3                   13                                            2/18/04, 2:22 PM

EN     Calendar                     MM/DD; weekday in                  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to
                                    5 languages (E, D, F, I, S)        comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
       Alarm                        Weekday and Single                 pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
                                    Alarm; 2- minute                   designed to provide reasonable protection against
                                    crescendo                          harmful interference in a residential installation. This
                                                                       equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
                                                                       frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
       POWER                                                           accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
       Main unit batteries          2 x UM-3 (AA) 1.5V alkaline        interference to radio communications.
       Sensor batteries             2 x UM-4 (AAA) 1.5V                However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
                                    alkaline                           occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
                                                                       cause harmful interference to radio or television
                                                                       reception, which can be determined by turning the
                                                                       equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
       FCC STATEMENT                                                   correct the interference by one or more of the following
       This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
       Operation is subject to the following two conditions:               • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
       (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
       (2) This device must accept any interference received,              • Increase the separation between the equipment
       including interference that may cause undesired                       and receiver.
       operation.                                                          • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
                                                                             different from that to which the receiver is
       Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not                    connected.
       expressly approved by the party responsible for                     • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
       compliance could void the user's authority to operate                 technician for help.
       the equipment.


     RMR613HGA lab test R3                   14                                             2/18/04, 2:22 PM

      DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY                                          is in conformity with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation
      The information below is not to be used as contact for             is subject to the following two conditions:
      support or sales. Please call our customer service number              1) This device may not cause harmful
      (listed on our website at,                       interference.
      or on the warranty card for this product) for all inquiries            2) This device must accept any interference
      instead.                                                                  received, including interference that may
                                                                                cause undesired operation.
           Name:                 Oregon Scientific, Inc.
           Address:              19861 SW 95th Place,
                                 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 USA
           Telephone No.:        1-800-853-8883
           Fax No.:              1-503-684-8883

      declare that the product
           Product No.:          RMR613HGA
           Product Name:         Wireless Thermo-Hygro Clock
           Manufacturer:         IDT Technology Limited
           Address:              Block C, 9/F, Kaiser Estate,
                                 Phase 1, 41 Man Yue St.,
                                 Hung Hom, Kowloon,
                                 Hong Kong


RMR613HGA lab test R3                      15                                             2/18/04, 2:22 PM

                                      © 2004 Oregon Scientific. All rights reserved.
                                                                P/N.: 086-003326-03

RMR613HGA lab test back coverR1   1         2/13/04, 2:14 PM

Document Created: 2004-03-04 11:21:57
Document Modified: 2004-03-04 11:21:57

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC