Test Report


Test Report

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                                           FCC PART 15.247
                                               TEST REPORT


                                   IDT Technology Limited
                9/F, Kaiser Estate, 41 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

                                   FCC ID: NMTBAR218HGX-01

            Report Type:                                 Product Name:
            Original Report                              thermo meter

                  Report Number:           RXM181016056-00B

                      Report Date:         2018-11-06

                                           Dean Lau
                     Reviewed By:          RF Supervisor

                                           Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)
                 Test Laboratory:          No.69 Pulongcun, Puxinhu Industry Area,
                                           Tangxia, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
                                           Tel: +86-769-86858888
                                           Fax: +86-769-86858891

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the device described herein. It may not be duplicated or
used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan). This report must not be
used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA* or any agency of the Federal
Government. * This report may contain data that are not covered by the A2LA accreditation and are marked with an asterisk “*”.

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                                                          Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................4
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .....................................................................................4
 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................................4
 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) .............................................................................................................................4
 TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................4
 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ....................................................................................................................................5
 TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................5
SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................................6
  DESCRIPTION OF TEST CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................6
  EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................6
  EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE ..........................................................................................................................................6
  SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ....................................................................................................................7
  SUPPORT CABLE LIST AND DETAILS ............................................................................................................................7
  BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................................8
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................9
FCC §15.247 (i) & §1.1310 & §2.1093- RF EXPOSURE..........................................................................................10
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................10
FCC §15.203 - ANTENNA REQUIREMENT...........................................................................................................11
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................11
  ANTENNA INFORMATION AND CONNECTOR CONSTRUCTION.....................................................................................11
FCC §15.209, §15.205, §15.247(d) - SPURIOUS EMISSIONS .................................................................................12
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................12
  EUT SETUP ................................................................................................................................................................12
  EMI TEST RECEIVER & SPECTRUM ANALYZER SETUP ..............................................................................................13
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................13
  CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION .................................................................................................13
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................14
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................14
FCC §15.247(a) (2) –6 dB EMISSION BANDWIDTH .............................................................................................20
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................20
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................20
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................20
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................20
FCC §15.247(b) (3) - MAXIMUM PEAK CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER ......................................................23
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................23
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................23
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................23
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................24
FCC §15.247(d) – 100 kHz BANDWIDTH OF FREQUENCY BAND EDGE .......................................................26
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................26
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................26
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................26
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................26
FCC §15.247(e) - POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY .................................................................................................28
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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                                                       Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

 APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................28
 TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................28
 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................28
 TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................28

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)

                         EUT Name:      thermometer
                         EUT Model:     BAR218HGX
                             FCC ID:    NMTBAR218HGX-01
                 Rated Input Voltage:   DC 4.5V
                 External Dimension:    186mm(L)*94mm(W)*54mm(H)
                      Serial Number:    181016056
                 EUT Received Date:     2018.10.16

This report is prepared on behalf of IDT Technology Limited in accordance with Part 2, Subpart J, Part 15,
Subparts A, and C of the Federal Communications Commission’s rules.

The tests were performed in order to determine the compliance of the EUT with FCC Rules Part 15-
Subpart C, section 15.203, 15.205, 15.209, 15.247 rules.

Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)
Part of system submissions with FCC ID: NMTTHGR511-01.

Test Methodology
All measurements contained in this report were conducted with ANSI C63.10-2013, American National
Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices and 558074 D01 15.247
Meas Guidance v05.

All emissions measurement was performed and Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan).

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Measurement Uncertainty
            Parameter                                      Measurement Uncertainty
    Occupied Channel Bandwidth                                     ±5 %
    RF output power, conducted                                    ±0.61dB
  Power Spectral Density, conducted                               ±0.61 dB
                                          30M~200MHz: 4.55 dB,200M~1GHz: 5.92 dB,1G~6GHz: 4.98 dB,
    Unwanted Emissions, radiated
                                            6G~18GHz: 5.89 dB,18G~26.5G:5.47 dB,26.5G~40G:5.63 dB
   Unwanted Emissions, conducted                                    ±1.5 dB
           Temperature                                                ±1℃
             Humidity                                                 ±5%
   DC and low frequency voltages                                     ±0.4%
            Duty Cycle                                                 1%
 AC Power Lines Conducted Emission                        3.12 dB (150 kHz to 30 MHz)

Test Facility
The Test site used by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) to collect test data is located
on the No.69 Pulongcun, Puxinhu Industry Area, Tangxia, Dongguan, Guangdong, China.

The test site has been approved by the FCC under the KDB 974614 D01 and is listed in the FCC Public
Access Link (PAL) database, FCC Registration No. : 897218,the FCC Designation No. : CN1220.

The test site has been registered with ISED Canada under ISED Canada Registration Number 3062D.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                             Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Description of Test Configuration
The system was configured for testing in engineering mode.
For Bluetooth LE mode, 40 channels are provided for testing:

                                     Frequency                                     Frequency
                Channel                                       Channel
                                       (MHz)                                         (MHz)
                   0                    2402                    20                    2442
                   1                    2404                    …                      …
                   …                     …                      …                      …
                   …                       …                    …                      …
                    ..                  …                       38                    2478
                   19                  2440                     39                    2480

EUT was tested with channel 0, 19 and 39.

Equipment Modifications
No modification was made to the EUT tested.

EUT Exercise Software
Test software: ' SmartRF_Studio7 V2.11.0 ' was used in test, the system configured the maximum power
level as default setting.

                           Mode    Channel                           Power level
                                    Low             2402                 0
                           BLE     Middle           2440                 0
                                    High            2480                 0

The duty cycle as below:

                             Ton                    Ton+off              Duty Cycle
                            (ms)                    (ms)                    (%)
                            100                      100                     100

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                  Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Support Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer               Description             Model            Serial Number
               /                      /                    /                    /

Support Cable List and Details

                        Shielding                        Length
   Cable Description                      Ferrite Core              From                  To
                          Type                             (m)
           /                 /                 /               /      /                    /

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)   Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Block Diagram of Test Setup

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RXM181016056-00B


               FCC Rules                            Description of Test               Result

         §15.247 (i) & §1.1310 &
                                                       RF Exposure                  Compliance
                §15.203                          Antenna Requirement                Compliance

               §15.207 (a)                  AC Line Conducted Emissions            Not applicable
            §15.205, §15.209,
                                                    Spurious Emissions              Compliance
             §15.247 (a)(2)                          6 dB Bandwidth                 Compliance

             §15.247(b)(3)                Maximum Conducted Output Power            Compliance

               §15.247(d)             100 kHz Bandwidth of Frequency Band Edge      Compliance

               §15.247(e)                        Power Spectral Density             Compliance

Not applicable: The EUT is powered by battery.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                           Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

FCC §15.247 (i) & §1.1310 & §2.1093- RF EXPOSURE
Applicable Standard
According to§15.247(i) and §1.1310, systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be
operated in a manner that ensure that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess of
the Commission’s guideline.

According to KDB447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06:

The 1-g and 10-g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at test separation distances ≤ 50
mm are determined by:
[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance,
mm)] · [√f(GHz)] ≤ 3.0 for 1-g SAR and ≤ 7.5 for 10-g extremity SAR, where
        • f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
        • Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation
        • The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison
        • 3.0 and 7.5 are referred to as the numeric thresholds in the step 2 below

The test exclusions are applicable only when the minimum test separation distance is ≤ 50 mm and for
transmission frequencies between 100 MHz and 6 GHz. When the minimum test separation distance is < 5
mm, a distance of 5 mm according to 5) in section 4.1 is applied to determine SAR test exclusion.

Measurement Result

The max conducted power including tune-up tolerance is 0 dBm (1.0 mW).
[(max. power of channel, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)][√f(GHz)]
=1.0/5*(√2.480) = 0.3< 3.0

So the stand-alone SAR evaluation is not necessary.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                             Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Applicable Standard
According to § 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached
antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered
sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a
broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the user of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector
is prohibited. The structure and application of the EUT were analyzed to determine compliance with
section §15.203 of the rules. §15.203 state that the subject device must meet the following criteria:

a. Antenna must be permanently attached to the unit.
b. Antenna must use a unique type of connector to attach to the EUT.
c. Unit must be professionally installed, and installer shall be responsible for verifying that the correct
   antenna is employed with the unit.

Antenna Information And Connector Construction
The EUT has one internal antenna arrangement for BLE, and the antenna gain is 0 dBi, fulfill the
requirement of this section. Please refer to the EUT photos.

Result: Compliance.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

FCC §15.209, §15.205, §15.247(d) - SPURIOUS EMISSIONS
Applicable Standard
FCC §15.247 (d); §15.209; §15.205

EUT Setup
Below 1GHz:

Above 1GHz:

The radiated emission tests were performed in the 3 meters chamber A test site for the range 30MHz to
1GHz and the 3 meters chamber B test site for above 1GHz, using the setup accordance with the ANSI
C63.10-2013. The specification used was the FCC 15.209, and FCC 15.247 limits.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                         Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

EMI Test Receiver & Spectrum Analyzer Setup

The system was investigated from 30 MHz to 25 GHz.

During the radiated emission test, the EMI test receiver & Spectrum Analyzer Setup were set with the
following configurations:


                      Measurement           RBW           Video B/W       IF B/W
                          QP               120 kHz         300 kHz        120kHz

1GHz- 25GHz:

                       Measurement           Duty cycle        RBW         Video B/W
                           PK                   Any            1MHz          3 MHz
                                               >98%            1MHz          10 Hz
                                               <98%            1MHz            1/T

Note: T is minimum transmission duration

Test Procedure

Maximizing procedure was performed on the highest emissions to ensure that the EUT complied with all
installation combinations.

Data was recorded in Quasi-peak detection mode for frequency range of 30 MHz-1 GHz, peak and
Average detection modes for frequencies above 1 GHz.

Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation

The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Loss, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the Meter Reading. The basic equation is as follows:

        Corrected Amplitude = Meter Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable
limit. For example, a margin of 7dB means the emission is 7dB below the limit. The equation for margin
calculation is as follows:

        Margin = Limit –Corrected Amplitude

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                               Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                      Serial        Calibration    Calibration
    Manufacturer           Description             Model
                                                                     Number            Date         Due Date
         R&S           EMI Test Receiver            ESCI              100224        2017-12-11     2018-12-11
        Farad            Test Software            EZ-EMC             V1.1.4.2          N/A            N/A
    Sunol Sciences          Antenna                 JB3             A060611-1       2017-11-10     2020-11-10
       Unknown           Coaxial Cable           C-NJNJ-50          C-0400-01       2018-09-05     2019-09-05
       Unknown           Coaxial Cable           C-NJNJ-50          C-0075-01       2018-09-05     2019-09-05
       Unknown           Coaxial Cable           C-NJNJ-50          C-1000-01       2018-09-05     2019-09-05
          HP               Amplifier               8447D           2727A05902       2018-09-05     2019-09-05
        Agilent        Spectrum Analyzer          E4440A           SG43360054       2018-01-04     2019-01-04
    ETS-Lindgren         Horn Antenna               3115            000 527 35      2016-01-05     2019-01-04
      Ducommun                                                     1007726-01
                          Horn Antenna         ARH-4223-02                          2016-11-18     2019-11-18
     Technolagies                                                      1304
       Unknown            Coaxial Cable         C-SJSJ-50           C-0800-01       2018-09-05     2019-09-05
       Unknown            Coaxial Cable       C-2.4J2.4J-50         C-0700-02       2018-06-27     2019-06-27
        MITEQ               Amplifier                                 2001271       2018-09-05     2019-09-05
       Quinstar             Amplifier       QLW-18405536-JO        15964001001      2018-06-27     2019-06-27
     E-Microwave        Band-stop Filters                          OE01601525       2018-06-16     2019-06-16
     Micro-tronics       High Pass Filter      HPM50111              S/N-G217       2018-06-16     2019-06-16

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) attests that all calibrations have
been performed, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of Units (SI).

Test Data

     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:           25.6 ~ 27.5 C
         Relative Humidity:            37 ~ 42 %
            ATM Pressure:           100.4 ~ 100.5 kPa

     * The testing was performed by Tyler Pan & Vern Shen on 2018-10-26 & 2018-11-03.

Test Mode: Transmitting

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                      Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

1) 30MHz-1GHz (Low Channel was the worst):

                  Receiver                     Correction     Cord.
   Frequency                                                               Limit        Margin
                  Reading         Remark        Factor        Amp.
     (MHz)                                                               (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                  (dBuV)                        (dB/m)      (dBuV/m)
     30.9700       27.25            QP             0.95       28.20        40.00         11.80
     62.9800       36.12            QP           -11.82       24.30        40.00         15.70
    240.4900       32.75            QP            -5.95       26.80        46.00         19.20
    292.8700       33.48            QP            -3.98       29.50        46.00         16.50
    319.0600       33.27            QP            -3.47       29.80        46.00         16.20
    628.4900       27.25            QP             1.95       29.20        46.00         16.80

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                  Receiver                     Correction      Cord.
   Frequency                                                                Limit        Margin
                  Reading         Remark        Factor         Amp.
     (MHz)                                                                (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                  (dBuV)                        (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)

     30.9700        23.45           QP                0.95    24.40         40.00         15.60
     62.9800        37.12           QP              -11.82    25.30         40.00         14.70
    159.0100        32.82           QP               -5.82    27.00         43.50         16.50
    210.4200        35.46           QP               -7.36    28.10         43.50         15.40
    297.7200        30.64           QP               -3.94    26.70         46.00         19.30
    450.0100        31.54           QP               -1.14    30.40         46.00         15.60

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  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                      Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

 2) 1-25GHz:

                  Receiver             Rx Antenna      Cable Amplifier   Corrected
Frequency                                                                              Limit      Margin
            Reading                   Polar Factor       loss    Gain    Amplitude
  (MHz)                 Remark                                                       (dBμV/m)      (dB)
            (dBμV)                    (H/V) (dB/m)      (dB)     (dB)    (dBμV/m)
                                          Low Channel: 2402 MHz
 2402.00      62.86         PK          H     28.10     1.80      0.00     92.76        N/A         N/A
 2402.00      62.03         AV          H     28.10     1.80      0.00     91.93        N/A         N/A
 2402.00      64.07         PK          V     28.10     1.80      0.00     93.97        N/A         N/A
 2402.00      63.21         AV          V     28.10     1.80      0.00     93.11        N/A         N/A
 2390.00      25.87         PK          V     28.08     1.80      0.00     55.75       74.00       18.25
 2390.00      14.79         AV          V     28.08     1.80      0.00     44.67       54.00        9.33
 4804.00      55.21         PK          V     32.91     3.17     37.20     54.09       74.00       19.91
 4804.00      50.49         AV          V     32.91     3.17     37.20     49.37       54.00        4.63
 7206.00      45.88         PK          V     35.74     4.82     37.23     49.21       74.00       24.79
 7206.00      33.41         AV          V     35.74     4.82     37.23     36.74       54.00       17.26
                                         Middle Channel: 2440 MHz
 2440.00      62.13         PK          H     28.18     1.82      0.00     92.13        N/A         N/A
 2440.00      61.28         AV          H     28.18     1.82      0.00     91.28        N/A         N/A
 2440.00      63.54         PK          V     28.18     1.82      0.00     93.54        N/A         N/A
 2440.00      62.79         AV          V     28.18     1.82      0.00     92.79        N/A         N/A
 4880.00      54.28         PK          V     33.06     3.27     37.21     53.40       74.00       20.60
 4880.00      49.29         AV          V     33.06     3.27     37.21     48.41       54.00        5.59
 7320.00      45.91         PK          V     36.03     4.62     37.37     49.19       74.00       24.81
 7320.00      33.54         AV          V     36.03     4.62     37.37     36.82       54.00       17.18
                                          High Channel: 2480 MHz
 2480.00      61.66         PK          H     28.26     1.84      0.00     91.76        N/A         N/A
 2480.00      60.71         AV          H     28.26     1.84      0.00     90.81        N/A         N/A
 2480.00      63.18         PK          V     28.26     1.84      0.00     93.28        N/A         N/A
 2480.00      62.52         AV          V     28.26     1.84      0.00     92.62        N/A         N/A
 2483.50      28.14         PK          V     28.27     1.84      0.00     58.25       74.00       15.75
 2483.50      18.06         AV          V     28.27     1.84      0.00     48.17       54.00        5.83
 4960.00      54.02         PK          V     33.22     3.23     37.25     53.22       74.00       20.78
 4960.00      49.10         AV          V     33.22     3.23     37.25     48.30       54.00        5.70
 7440.00      46.10         PK          V     36.34     4.41     37.52     49.33       74.00       24.67
 7440.00      33.68         AV          V     36.34     4.41     37.52     36.91       54.00       17.09

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    Worst plots (Low Channel)

Test with Band
Rejection Filter

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Test with Band
Rejection Filter

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                              Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

FCC §15.247(a) (2) –6 dB EMISSION BANDWIDTH
Applicable Standard
According to FCC §15.247(a) (2)

Systems using digital modulation techniques may operate in the 902–928 MHz, 2400–2483.5 MHz, and
5725–5850 MHz bands. The minimum 6 dB bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

Test Procedure

a) Set RBW = 100 kHz.
b) Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3×RBW.
c) Detector = Peak.
d) Trace mode = max hold.
e) Sweep = auto couple.
f) Allow the trace to stabilize.
g) Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies associated with the
   two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that are attenuated by 6 dB relative to the
   maximum level measured in the fundamental emission.

                                EUT                                Signal Analyzer

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                   Serial        Calibration     Calibration
    Manufacturer           Description               Model
                                                                  Number            Date          Due Date

         R&S           EMI Test Receiver             ESPI          100120         2017-12-11      2018-12-11

      Unknown             Coaxial Cable        C-SJ00-0010       C0010/01         Each time          N/A

  * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) attests that all calibrations
  have been performed, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of Units (SI).

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:                26.2 C
         Relative Humidity:                47 %
            ATM Pressure:                100.3 kPa

    * The testing was performed by Andy Huang on 2018-11-03.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                           Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

   Test Mode: Transmitting

  Test Result: Compliance. Please refer to the following table and plots.

                                              Frequency           6 dB Bandwidth               Limit
                                                (MHz)                 (MHz)                   (MHz)
                          Low                     2402                       0.680              ≥0.5
                         Middle                   2440                       0.676              ≥0.5
                          High                    2480                       0.684              ≥0.5

                                                          Low Channel
                                                                  * RBW 100 kHz      Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                                                  * VBW 300 kHz                  0.07 dB
                         Ref    20 dBm            * Att   30 dB     SWT 2.5 ms          680.000000000 kHz
                         20    Offset    0.5 dB                                      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                -7.36 dBm
                                                                                          2.401472000 GHz    A

                 1 PK
                                  D1 -1.3 dBm                                                               LVL
                                           1                             1
                                     D2 -7.3 dBm








                         Center 2.402 GHz                     200 kHz/                         Span 2 MHz

                 Date:          3.NOV.2018    16:47:24

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                       Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

                                                     Middle Channel
                                                                 * RBW 100 kHz   Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                                                 * VBW 300 kHz               0.39 dB
                        Ref    20 dBm            * Att   30 dB     SWT 2.5 ms       676.000000000 kHz
                        20    Offset    0.5 dB                                   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                            -7.66 dBm
                                                                                      2.439472000 GHz    A

                1 PK
                                 D1 -1.45 dBm                                                           LVL
                                          1                             1
                                    D2 -7.45 dBm








                        Center 2.44 GHz                      200 kHz/                      Span 2 MHz

                Date:          3.NOV.2018    16:50:18

                                                         High Channel
                                                                 * RBW 100 kHz   Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                                                 * VBW 300 kHz               0.05 dB
                        Ref    20 dBm            * Att   30 dB     SWT 2.5 ms       684.000000000 kHz
                        20    Offset    0.5 dB                                   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                            -7.92 dBm
                                                                                      2.479452000 GHz    A

                1 PK
                                 D1 -1.97 dBm                                                           LVL
                                         1                              1
                                    D2 -7.97 dBm








                        Center 2.48 GHz                      200 kHz/                      Span 2 MHz

                Date:          3.NOV.2018    16:52:15

                                                                                                              Page 22 of 30

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                              Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Applicable Standard
According to FCC §15.247(b) (3), for systems using digital modulation in the 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5
MHz, and 5725-5850 MHz bands: 1 Watt. As an alternative to a peak power measurement, compliance
with the one Watt limit can be based on a measurement of the maximum conducted output power.
Maximum Conducted Output Power is defined as the total transmit power delivered to all antennas and
antenna elements averaged across all symbols in the signaling alphabet when the transmitter is operating at
its maximum power control level. Power must be summed across all antennas and antenna elements. The
average must not include any time intervals during which the transmitter is off or is transmitting at a
reduced power level. If multiple modes of operation are possible (e.g., alternative modulation methods),
the maximum conducted output power is the highest total transmit power occurring in any mode.

Test Procedure
1. Place the EUT on a bench and set it in transmitting mode.
2. Remove the antenna from the EUT and then connect a low loss RF cable from the antenna port to test
3. Add a correction factor to the display.
4. Set the power Meter to test Peak output power, record the result as peak power.
5. Set the power meter to test average output power, record the result as average power.

                                EUT                                     Receiver

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                   Serial       Calibration     Calibration
     Manufacturer            Description           Model
                                                                  Number           Date          Due Date
          R&S             EMI Test Receiver         ESPI           100120        2017-12-11      2018-12-11

        Unknown             Coaxial Cable       C-SJ00-0010       C0010/01        Each time         N/A

  * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) attests that all calibrations
  have been performed, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of Units (SI).

                                                                                                    Page 23 of 30

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                            Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:                     26.2 C
         Relative Humidity:                     47 %
            ATM Pressure:                     100.3 kPa

    * The testing was performed by Andy Huang on 2018-11-03.

Test Mode: Transmitting

Test Result: Compliance. Please refer to the following table.

                                                                      Max Peak
                                              Frequency            Conducted Output            Limit
                                                (MHz)                   Power                 (dBm)
                               Low                2402                   -0.81                  30
                              Middle              2440                   -1.12                  30
                               High               2480                   -1.55                  30

                                                          Low Channel
                                                                       * RBW 3 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                       * VBW 10 MHz              -0.81 dBm
                         Ref    20 dBm            * Att   30 dB         SWT 2.5 ms         2.401900000 GHz
                         20    Offset    0.5 dB


                 1 PK
                 MAXH                                              1









                         Center 2.402 GHz                         1 MHz/                       Span 10 MHz

                 Date:          3.NOV.2018    16:48:05

                                                                                                                   Page 24 of 30

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                            Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

                                                     Middle Channel
                                                                       * RBW 3 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                       * VBW 10 MHz              -1.12 dBm
                        Ref    20 dBm            * Att   30 dB          SWT 2.5 ms         2.439980000 GHz
                        20    Offset    0.5 dB


                1 PK
                MAXH                                               1









                        Center 2.44 GHz                          1 MHz/                        Span 10 MHz

                Date:          3.NOV.2018    16:51:01

                                                         High Channel
                                                                       * RBW 3 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                       * VBW 10 MHz              -1.55 dBm
                        Ref    20 dBm            * Att   30 dB          SWT 2.5 ms         2.479280000 GHz
                        20    Offset    0.5 dB


                1 PK
                MAXH                                       1









                        Center 2.48 GHz                          1 MHz/                        Span 10 MHz

                Date:          3.NOV.2018    16:52:53

                                                                                                                   Page 25 of 30

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                               Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Applicable Standard
According to FCC§15.247(d):In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread
spectrum or digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is
produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the
band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated
measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If
the transmitter complies with the conducted power limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time
interval, as permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the attenuation required under this paragraph
shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation below the general limits specified in §15.209(a) is not
required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must
also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a) (see §15.205(c)).

Test Procedure
1. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument using either an internal calibrator or a known signal
   from an external generator.
2. Position the EUT without connection to measurement instrument. Turn on the EUT and connect its
   antenna terminal to measurement instrument via a low loss cable. Then set it to any one measured
   frequency within its operating range, and make sure the instrument is operated in its linear range.
3. Set RBW to 100 kHz and VBW of spectrum analyzer to 300 kHz with a convenient frequency span
   including 100 kHz bandwidth from band edge.
4. Measure the highest amplitude appearing on spectral display and set it as a reference level. Plot the
   graph with marking the highest point and edge frequency.
5. Repeat above procedures until all measured frequencies were complete.

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                    Serial        Calibration     Calibration
     Manufacturer           Description               Model
                                                                   Number            Date          Due Date

          R&S           EMI Test Receiver             ESPI          100120         2017-12-11     2018-12-11

       Unknown             Coaxial Cable         C-SJ00-0010      C0010/01         Each time          N/A

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) attests that all calibrations have
been performed, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of Units (SI).

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:                 26.2 C
         Relative Humidity:                 47 %
            ATM Pressure:                 100.3 kPa

     * The testing was performed by Andy Huang on 2018-11-03.

                                                                                                    Page 26 of 30

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                          Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Test mode: Transmitting
Test Result: Compliance. Please refer to following plots.
                                                    Band Edge, Left Side
                                                                    * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                    * VBW 300 kHz             -33.73 dBm
                         Ref    20 dBm             * Att   30 dB     SWT 2.5 ms          2.399072000 GHz
                         20    Offset    0.5 dB                                     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                               -1.46 dBm
                                                                                         2.402080000 GHz    A

                 1 PK
                 MAXH                                                                 1



                         -30                               2






                         Center 2.4 GHz                        800 kHz/                       Span 8 MHz

                 Date:          3.NOV.2018      16:55:54

                                                   Band Edge, Right Side
                                                                    * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                    * VBW 300 kHz             -43.66 dBm
                         Ref    20 dBm             * Att   30 dB     SWT 2.5 ms          2.485544000 GHz
                         20    Offset    0.5 dB                                     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                               -22.04dBm                       -2.04 dBm
                                                                                         2.479552000 GHz    A

                 1 PK
                 MAXH                       1




                         -40                                                 2





                         Center 2.4835 GHz                     1.4 MHz/                      Span 14 MHz

                 Date:          3.NOV.2018      16:55:08

                                                                                                                 Page 27 of 30

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                              Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Applicable Standard
According to FCC§15.247(e):For digitally modulated systems, the power spectral density conducted from
the intentional radiator to the antenna shall not be greater than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band during any time
interval of continuous transmission. This power spectral density shall be determined in accordance with
the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section. The same method of determining the conducted output
power shall be used to determine the power spectral density.

Test Procedure
1. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument using either an internal calibrator or a known signal
   from an external generator.
2. Position the EUT was set without connection to measurement instrument. Turn on the EUT and
   connect its antenna terminal to measurement instrument via a low loss cable. Then set it to any one
   measured frequency within its operating range, and make sure the instrument is operated in its linear
3. Set the RBW = 3 kHz, VBW = 10 kHz, Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
4. Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level.

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                   Serial        Calibration     Calibration
    Manufacturer           Description               Model
                                                                  Number            Date          Due Date

         R&S           EMI Test Receiver             ESPI          100120         2017-12-11      2018-12-11

      Unknown             Coaxial Cable        C-SJ00-0010       C0010/01         Each time          N/A

  * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) attests that all calibrations
  have been performed, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of Units (SI).

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:                26.2 C
         Relative Humidity:                47 %
            ATM Pressure:                100.3 kPa

    * The testing was performed by Andy Huang on 2018-11-03.

                                                                                                    Page 28 of 30

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                            Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

Test Mode: Transmitting

Test Result: Compliance. Please refer to the following table and plots

                                                   Frequency              PSD                 Limit
                                                     (MHz)             (dBm/3kHz)          (dBm/3kHz)
                                Low                  2402                    -12.51              ≤8
                               Middle                2440                    -13.92              ≤8
                               High                  2480                    -13.08              ≤8

                                          Power Spectral Density, Low Channel
                                                                      * RBW 3 kHz     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                      * VBW 10 kHz              -12.51 dBm
                          Ref    20 dBm             * Att   30 dB       SWT 115 ms         2.401924520 GHz
                          20    Offset    0.5 dB


                   1 PK

                          -10                                 1








                          Center 2.402 GHz                        102 kHz/                   Span 1.02 MHz

                  Date:          3.NOV.2018    16:48:23

                                                                                                                   Page 29 of 30

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                          Report No.: RXM181016056-00B

                                       Power Spectral Density, Middle Channel
                                                                     * RBW 3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                     * VBW 10 kHz             -13.92 dBm
                        Ref    20 dBm                * Att   30 dB     SWT 115 ms        2.439835732 GHz
                        20    Offset    0.5 dB


                1 PK

                        -10                             1








                        Center 2.44 GHz                         101.4 kHz/                Span 1.014 MHz

                Date:          3.NOV.2018    16:51:35

                                        Power Spectral Density, High Channel
                                                                     * RBW 3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                     * VBW 10 kHz             -13.08 dBm
                        Ref    20 dBm                * Att   30 dB     SWT 115 ms        2.479778384 GHz
                        20    Offset    0.5 dB


                1 PK

                        -10                      1








                        Center 2.48 GHz                         102.6 kHz/                Span 1.026 MHz

                Date:          3.NOV.2018    16:53:23

                                          ***** END OF REPORT *****

                                                                                                                 Page 30 of 30

Document Created: 2018-11-22 18:19:52
Document Modified: 2018-11-22 18:19:52

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