Cover Letter(s)

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                           ' DT                   iDT Technology Limited
                                          Request for Confidentialiy
Dare: 20130208
Subject: Confidentality Request fo: ID:NMTADase
Pursuantto FCC 47 CRE 0.457(@) and 0.489 and IC RSP—100,Sction 10, the applicant equessthat a part of the
subject FCC applcationbe held confient
             "Type ofConfidentiality Requested          Extibic
        [ Short Term           24 Permanent             Block Diagams
        C Shont Term                                    External Photos
        C shont Term           C] Permanent!            Internal Photos
        [J Shont Term          C Permanent              Operation Descrition‘Theary of Operation
        [J Short Term          C Permanent              ‘Tune—Up Procedure
        C short Tem            & Permanent              Schemates
        C Short Tem                                     Test Setup Photos
        J short Term           C Permanent*             User‘s Mamial
"Now:           Inset Explanationas Necessan)
Technology has spent substantl effot in developing this product and it is one ofth frst af ts kinin
industy, Havingthe sublectinformation easly avilable to "competiton® would negatethe advantage they have
achieved by developingthisproduct. Not protecting the desils ofth design wllresult in financial hardship
Permanent Confidentiality:
"The applicant requeststhe exhbis lited above as permanenty confidenial be permanentywithheld rom publi
review due to mateials that contzin trade secets and proprietry information not customarly release to the public.
Short:Term Confidentilit:
‘The applicantrequests the exhibits seleted above as short term condentialbe withheld rom publi view for a
period of Gspecify numberofdays notto exeeed 180Y___ days from the date ofthe Grant of Equipment
Authorizationand prioto marketing. This is o avoid prematurereease of sensitive information prioto marketing
o release ofthe product t the publc. Applican is also avare thatthey are responsiblo notify TCB in the event
information regardingtheproduct o the product is madl available t the public.  TCB will hen eleasethe
documentlied above for publie disclosure prsuantto FCC Public Notice DA 04—1705.
NOTE for Industry Canada Applications:
‘The aplicant understands that unil such tme thatIC distinguishesbtween Short Term and Permanent
Confidentalty,ithe yc of marked exhibit above willsimply be marked Confidentawhen submited t 1C
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                        Sienmwerrine)         05—Dac> k»'s          (Printname)

Document Created: 2013-12-05 13:57:04
Document Modified: 2013-12-05 13:57:04

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