Test Report


Test Report

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                 High Tech Computer, Corp.
                               23, Hsin-Hua Rd.,
                             Taoyuan, 330, Taiwan

                         FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER


This Report Concerns:                     Equipment Type:
  Original Report                         SmartPhone

   Test Engineer:     Ling Zhang /

      Report No.:     R0307183

        Test Date:    2003-08-04

    Reviewed By:      Ming Jing /

   Prepared By:       Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Corporation
                      230 Commercial Street
                      Sunnyvale, CA 94085
                      Tel: (408) 732-9162
                      Fax: (408) 732 9164

Note: This test report is specially limited to the above client company and the product model
      only. It may not be duplicated without prior written consent of Bay Area Compliance
      Laboratory Corporation. This report must not be used by the client to claim product
      endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                                                       FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

1 - GENERAL INFORMATION..................................................................................................................................3
   1.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ..............................................................................3
   1.2 OBJECTIVE .............................................................................................................................................................3
   1.3 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) ......................................................................................................................3
   1.4 TEST METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................3
   1.5 TEST FACILITY .......................................................................................................................................................3
   1.6 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST ...........................................................................................................................................4
   1.7 LOCAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS...................................................................................................4
   1.8 EXTERNAL I/O CABLING LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................4
   1.9 POWER SUPPLY INFORMATION ...............................................................................................................................5
   1.10 ACCESSORIES INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................5
2 - SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION.....................................................................................................................6
   2.1 JUSTIFICATION .......................................................................................................................................................6
   2.2 SCHEMATICS/BLOCK DIAGRAM .............................................................................................................................6
   2.3 TEST SETUP BLOCK DIAGRAM ...............................................................................................................................6
   2.4 EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................6
3 - SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS..........................................................................................................................7
4 - CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER MEASUREMENT........................................................................................8
   4.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE ........................................................................................................................................8
   4.2 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................................8
   4.3 MEASUREMENT RESULT ........................................................................................................................................8
5 - RF POWER OUTPUT...........................................................................................................................................11
   5.1 APPLICABLE STANDARD ......................................................................................................................................11
   5.2 TEST PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................11
   5.3 TEST RESULTS .....................................................................................................................................................12
6 - EMISSION BANDWIDTH ...................................................................................................................................13
   6.1 APPLICABLE STANDARDS.....................................................................................................................................13
   6.2 TEST PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................13
   6.3 TEST EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................................13
   6.4 PLOTS OF OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH .......................................................................................................................13
7 - OUT OF BAND EMISSIONS AT ANTENNA TERMINALS ...........................................................................16
   7.1 APPLICABLE STANDARDS.....................................................................................................................................16
   7.2 TEST PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................16
   7.3 TEST EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................................16
   7.4 TEST RESULTS .....................................................................................................................................................16
   6.5 PLOTS OF OUT-OF-BAND EMISSIONS AT ANTENNA TERMINAL ............................................................................16
8 - FIELD STRENGTH OF SPURIOUS RADIATION...........................................................................................23
   8.1 TEST PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................23
   8.2 TEST PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................23
   8.3 TEST EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................................23
   8.4 TEST RESULT .......................................................................................................................................................23
9 – BAND EDGE TEST ..............................................................................................................................................25
   9.1 APPLICABLE STANDARDS.....................................................................................................................................26
   9.2 TEST PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................26
   9.3 TEST EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................................26
   9.4 PLOTS OF OUT-OF-BAND-EDGE EMISSIONS AT ANTENNA TERMINAL ..................................................................26
10 - FREQUENCY STABILITY ................................................................................................................................33

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                                              Page 2 of 33                                  FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                           FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

1.1 Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)
The High Tech Computer, Corp.’s product, model no.:SV10A/SV10B or the “EUT” as referred to this
report is a buletooth smartphone which is measured approximately 4.75”L x 1.9”W x 0.9”H. The
difference between SV10A and SV10B is the material of the bezel. The bezel of SV10A contains matallic
and the bezel of SV10B is plastic material.

* The test data gathered are from typical production samples provided by the manufacturer.

1.2 Objective
This type approval report is prepared on behalf of High Tech Computer, Corp. in accordance with Part 2,
Subpart J, Part 15, Subparts A and B, and Part 24 Subpart E, of the Federal Communication Commissions

The objective of the manufacturer is to demonstrate compliance with FCC Part 2, Part 15 and Part 24.

1.3 Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)
No Related Submittals

1.4 Test Methodology
All measurements contained in this report were conducted with ANSI C63.4-1992 and TIA/EIA 603A,
American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage
Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.
All radiated and conducted emissions measurement was performed by Bay Area Compliance Laboratory,
Corp. The radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3 meters.

1.5 Test Facility
The Open Area Test site used by BACL to collect radiated and conducted emission measurement data is
located in the back parking lot of the building at 230 Commercial Street, Sunnyvale, California, USA.

Test site at BACL has been fully described in reports submitted to the Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) and Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI). The details of these reports
has been found to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on February
11 and December 10, 1997 and Article 8 of the VCCI regulations on December 25, 1997. The facility also
complies with the radiated and AC line conducted test site criteria set forth in ANSI C63.4-1992.

The Federal Communications Commission and Voluntary Control Council for Interference has the reports
on file and is listed under FCC file 31040/SIT 1300F2 and VCCI Registration No.: C-1298 and R-1234.
The test site has been approved by the FCC and VCCI for public use and is listed in the FCC Public
Access Link (PAL) database.

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                      Page 3 of 33                  FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                   FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

Additionally, BACL is a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) accredited laboratory,
under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accredited Program (Lab Code 200167-0). The scope of the
accreditation covers the FCC Method – 47 CFR Part – Digital Devices, CISPER 22: 1997:
Electromagnetic Interference – Limits and Methods of Measurement of Information Technology
Equipment test methods.

1.6 Test Equipment List

                                Description              Model          Serial Number            Cal. Due Date
            HP             Spectrum Analyzer             8568B            2517A01610              2003-10-30
            HP             Spectrum Analyzer             8593A           29190A00242              2004-05-01
            HP                   Amplifier               8447E            1937A01054              2004-05-01
            HP             Quasi-Peak Adapter            85650A           2521A00718              2004-05-01
        Com-Power           Biconical Antenna            AB-100               14012               2004-05-01
                                Log Periodic
        Com-Power                                        AL-100               16091               2004-05-01
                                Log Periodic
        Com-Power                                        AB-900               15049               2004-05-01
                           Spectrum Analyzer
          Agilent                                        8564E                08303               2004-08-01
                            (9KHz – 40GHz)
                           Spectrum Analyzer
          Agilent                                        8565EC               06042               2004-05-03
                            (9KHz – 50GHz)
            HP          Amplifier (1-26.5GHz)            8449B            3147A00400              2004-03-14
                              Horn Antenna
        A.H.System                                     SAS-200/571               261              2004-05-31

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Corp. certifies that all calibration has been
performed using suitable standards traceable to the NIST.

1.7 Local Support Equipment List and Details

            Manufacturer                Description                 Model              Serial Number          FCC ID
               DELL                    Notebook PC               Latitude D600         37357573321               DOC
                 HP                          Printer                2225C                  N/A                   DOC

1.8 External I/O Cabling List and Details

            Cable Description            Length (M)                  Port/From                           To
              Shielded Cable                    1.0                     EUT                        Notebook PC
             Shielded Printer                   2.0        Parallel Port/Notebook PC                   Printer

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                          Page 4 of 33                     FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                 FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

1.9 Power Supply Information

           Manufacturer         Description             Model        Serial Number        FCC ID
             DELTA              AC Adapter            ADP-10SB     SMW0322298719           DOC
            PHIHONG             AC Adapter            PSC05R-050   EAFA136V002987          DOC

1.10 Accessories Information

           Manufacturer         Description             Model
               HTC              USB Cradle              SV15
               HTC             RS-232 Cradle            SV15
             Eacetech            Earphone               TS168
               HTC              USB Cable                N/A
               HTC             RS-232 Cable              N/A
               HTC                Pouch                  N/A

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                      FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

2.1 Justification
The EUT was configured for testing in a typical fashion (as normally used in a typical application).

The final qualification test was performed with the EUT operating at normal mode.

2.2 Schematics/Block Diagram
Please refer to Exhibit D.

2.3 Test Setup Block Diagram

           Signal Generagor                    10             EUT

2.4 Equipment Modifications
No modifications were necessary for the EUT to comply with the applicable standard and limit.

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                    FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER


     FCC RULE                        DESCRIPTION OF TEST                  Measured            Result
       § 2.1049
                                     Emission Bandwidth                   Section 5          Compliant
       § 24.238
                            Spurious emissions at antenna terminals       Section 6          Compliant
     § 24.238(a)
                              Field strength of spurious radiation        Section 7          Compliant
     § 24.238 (a)
     § 2.1055 (a)
                              Frequency stability vs. temperature
     § 2.1055 (d)                                                         Section 9          Compliant
                                Frequency stability vs. voltage
       § 24.235
       § 2.1093
                                  RF Exposure Requirement                SAR report          Compliant
        § 24.52

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                           FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

4.1 Standard Applicable
According to § 2.1046 (a) for transmitters other than single sideband, independent sideband and controlled
carrier radiotelephone, power output shall be measured at the RF output terminals when the transmitter is
adjusted in accordance with the tune-up procedure to give the values of current and voltage on the circuit
elements specified in §2.1033(c)(8).

4.2 Measurement Procedure

1. Place the EUT on a bench and set it in transmitting mode.
2. Add a correction factor to the display.

          EUT                                                                SA

Note: The antenna is integrated with the EUT. The conducted output power may not be measured exactly.

4.3 Measurement Result
Please refer to the attached pictures for more information.

                         Output Power
        Frequency                         Output Power (W)          Result
          Low               29.60               0.912            Compliant
         Middle             29.10               0.813            Compliant
          High              28.77               0.753            Compliant

4.4 Test Equipment

          Manufacturer              Model No.                   Serial No.        Calibration Due Date
                 HP                     8568B                  2610A02165             2003-12-06
                 HP                     8593B                  2919A0242              2003-12-06

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                         FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                       FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

5.1 Applicable Standard
According to FCC §2.1046 and §24.232 (1), mobile/portable stations are limited to 2 watts EIRP.

5.2 Test Procedure
   1. On a test site, the EUT shall be placed at 1.5m height on a turn table, and in the position closest to
      normal use as declared by the applicant.

   2. The test antenna shall be oriented initially for vertical polarization located 3m from EUT to
      correspond to the frequency of the transmitter.

   3. The output of the test antenna shall be connected to the measuring receiver and the quasi-peak
      detector is used for the measurement.

   4. The transmitter shall be switched on, if possible, without modulation and the measuring receiver
      shall be tuned to the frequency of the transmitter under test.

   5. The test antenna shall be raised and lowered through the specified range of height until a
      maximum signal level is detected by the measuring receiver.

   6. The transmitter shall then the rotated through 360° in the horizontal plane, until the maximum
      signal level is detected by the measuring receiver.

   7. The test antenna shall be raised and lowered again through the specified range of height until a
      maximum signal level is detected by the measuring receiver.

   8. The maximum signal level detected by the measuring receiver shall be noted.

   9. The transmitter shall be replaced by a horn (substitution antenna).
   10. The substitution antenna shall be orientated for vertical polarization and the length of the
       substitution antenna shall be adjusted to correspond to the frequency of the transmitter.

   11. The substitution antenna shall be connected to a calibrated signal generator.

   12. In necessary, the input attenuator setting of the measuring receiver shall be adjusted in order to
       increase the sensitivity of the measuring receiver.

   13. The test antenna shall be raised and lowered through the specified range of height to ensure that
       the maximum signal is received.

   14. The input signal to the substitution antenna shall be adjusted to the level that produces a level
       detected by the measuring received, which is equal to the level noted while the transmitter radiated
       power was measured, corrected for the change of input attenuator setting of the measuring

   15. The input level to the substitution antenna shall be recorded as power level in dBm, corrected for
       any change of input attenuator setting of the measuring receiver.

   16. The measurement shall be repeated with the test antenna and the substitution antenna orientated
       for horizontal polarization.

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                       FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

    17. The measure of the effective radiated power is the large of the two levels recorded, at the input to
        the substitution antenna, corrected for gain of the substitution antenna if necessary.

5.3 Test Results
For Model SV10B:

                  SUBSTITUTION        SUBSTITUTION           SUBSTITUTION          OUTPUT
                    READING             ANTENNA               CALBE LOSTS          POWER
                      (dBm)               GAIN                   (dbm)              (dBm)
    1850.2             22.10               6.7                     0.1              28.70
    1880.0             21.67               6.7                     0.1              28.27
    1909.8             20.90               6.7                     0.1              27.50

For Model SV10A:

                  SUBSTITUTION        SUBSTITUTION           SUBSTITUTION          OUTPUT
                    READING             ANTENNA               CALBE LOSTS          POWER
                      (dBm)               GAIN                   (dbm)              (dBm)
    1850.2             22.00               6.7                     0.1              28.60
    1880.0             21.45               6.7                     0.1              28.05
    1909.8             21.10               6.7                     0.1              27.70

Sample calculation:

Absolute level = substitution reading + antenna gain - cable loss

For example:

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                     FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

6.1 Applicable Standards
According to FCC §2.1049 and §24.238 (b), the emission bandwidth is defined as the width of the signal
between two points, one below the carrier center frequency and one above the carrier center frequency,
outside of which all emissions are attenuated at least 26dB below the transmitter power.

6.2 Test Procedure
The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient
The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 3 KHz and the spectrum was recorded.

6.3 Test Equipment
Agilent 8565EC Spectrum Analyzer
Hewlett Packard HP 7470A Plotter
Hewlett Packard 8449 Amplifier
A.H. Systems, Inc SAS-200/571 Horn Antenna

6.4 Plots of Occupied Bandwidth
Please refer to plots hereinafter.

                                           Test Data Summary

                  Channel                            Emission Bandwidth in kHz
                   Low                                          310
                   Mid                                          313
                   High                                         310

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc    Page 14 of 33   FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

         1?%1{2                —       |       {——         — 5?

                 °H    1.§09800GHz                    SP       1 . OOOMHz
       mew      3.0kHz        vBW   3.0kHz                 P    280ms

asoprae e asvowe wveaspecne          aupge ko va ce               a on a se en y pe e mppacce ue n oprie

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                   FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

7.1 Applicable Standards
According to FCC §2.1049 and §24.238, on any frequency outside a licensee’s frequency block, the power
of any emission shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

7.2 Test Procedure
The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a spectrum analyzer through appropriate attenuation.
The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 1 MHz. Sufficient scans were taken to show
any out of band emissions up to 10th harmonic.

7.3 Test Equipment
Agilent 8565EC Spectrum Analyzer
HP 7470A Plotter
Hewlett Packard HP8566B Spectrum Analyzer
Hewlett Packard HP 7470A Plotter
Hewlett Packard 8449 Amplifier
A.H. Systems, Inc SAS-200/571 Horn Antenna

7.4 Test Results
            Channel                        Measured
             Low                           < -13dBm
             Mid                           < -13dBm
             High                          < -13dBm

6.5 Plots of Out-of-Band Emissions at Antenna Terminal
Please refer to plots hereinafter.

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc    Page 17 of 33   FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

            ATTEN     4048                                  MKRA   —37. 834Bm
            RL   #o . 0dBm                                  7.573GHz
                                                            HTe     [sv1ios
                                                            LOW     [ en

            sTART     3.000GHz                           stoP      10 .000GHz
       ‘mBw         100kHz                 vaew   100kHz           xSWP       1i00sec

                                                                         kz    wet 44

        ATTEN 4008                                        mKA      ~3§ . 870Bm
        AL 30 .0d0Bm                        1008           14.562GHz
        [   [    |                     [     |   1         HTC     [svios         |
                                                           LoW      CH

            [1i4.52 GHz= _
             —36.57         |dBm

        1               I          1         1     s
       START          10 .00GHz                         sTtoP      20 .00GHz
       ABW          100kHz                 vBW    10 0kHz          xSWP      100sec

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc    Page 21 of 33   FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

        ATTEN        4048                         mR —39.5§74Bm
        AL    30 .0dBm             1008B,         7 .24 7GHz
                                                  HTe   Isvibe       |
                                                  HIteH cH

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         —s39.67 (dBm

        sTaART 3.000GHz                     stor        10 .000GHz
       emBw 100kH=z   vBawW             100kHz          xSWP   100sec

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        ATTEN 4008                                MR —36.50d48Bm
        RL 30 .0d8m                10a8B,/        14 .6 soHn=
        [   1                 |              I    HTe [sv1os
        is                          L        |    HIGH cH      |

         14. 58 oHz
          —s6 .50 (aBm

        sTART        10 .00GHz                   sTOP   20.00GHz
      xRBW       100kHz           vBW   100kHz          SWR    100sec

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                      FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

8.1 Test Procedure
Requirements: CFR 47, § 2.1053, § 22.917 and § 24.238 (a).

8.2 Test Procedure
The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a non-radiating load which
was also placed on the turntable.

The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna
height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of
emissions from the EUT. The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.

The frequency range up to tenth harmonic of the fundamental frequency was investigated.

Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the
substitution antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured
by the substitution.
Spurious emissions in dB = 10 lg (TXpwr in Watts/0.001) – the absolute level

Spurious attenuation limit in dB = 43 + 10 Log10 (power out in Watts)

8.3 Test Equipment
CDI B100/200/300 Biconical Antennas
EMCO Bi-logcon Antenna
EMCO 3115 Horn Antenna
HP 8566B Spectrum Analyzer
HP8640 Generator
Non-radiating Load

8.4 Test Result
For Model: SV10B

Low Channel: -14.73 dBm at 3700.4 MHz
Middle Channel: -16.33 dBm at 3760 MHz
High Channel: -12.5 dBm at 3819.6 MHz

For Model: SV10A

Low Channel: -10.83 dBm at 3700.4 MHz
Middle Channel: -12.3 dBm at 3760 MHz
High Channel: -9.7 dBm at 3819.6 MHz

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                  Page 23 of 33                 FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                              FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

     8.4.1 Test Data for Model: SV10B

                    EUT                                               Generator                           Standard

      Indicated       Table    Test Antenna            Substitution           Antenna Cable Absolute FCC         FCC

  Frequency Ampl.     Angle    Height Polar Frequency     Level   Polar H/V     Gain    Loss   Level    Limit   Margin
    MHz dBuV/m        Degree   Meter H/V      MHz         dBm                 Corrected dBm     dB      dBm     DBm
                                                       Low Channel
   1850.2   120.3      250      2.2    V      1850.2    22.1      V             6.7     0.1     28.7
   1850.2    114       90       1.8    H      1850.2 16.05        H             6.7     0.1    22.65
   3700.4   50.17      150      2.5    V      3700.4 -36.2        V             8.8     0.3    -27.73   -13     -14.73
   3700.4   48.33       90      1.5    H      3700.4 -38.3        H             8.8     0.3    -29.83   -13     -16.83
   5550.6   42.67       30       2     V      5550.6 -42.2        V             9.1     0.5    -33.57   -13     -20.57
   5550.6   42.17       60      1.8    H      5550.6 -43.7        H             9.1     0.5    -35.07   -13     -22.07
                                                   Middle Channel
    1880    119.5       0       2.2    V       1880   21.67      V              6.7     0.1     28.27
    1880    113.8      150       2     H       1880    15.8      H              6.7     0.1     22.4
    3760     49.5      270       2     V       3760    -37.8     V              8.8     0.3    -29.33   -13     -16.33
    3760    46.33      150       2     H       3760    -40.7     H              8.8     0.3    -32.17   -13     -19.17
    5640    44.33       30      1.5    V       5640     -42      V              9.1     0.5     -33.4   -13      -20.4
    5640      43       45       1.7    H       5640    -43.3     H              9.1     0.5     -34.7   -13      -21.7
                                                       High Channel
   1909.8   118.7      300       2     V      1909.8      20.9        V         6.7     0.1     27.5
   1909.8   112.7      300      1.8    H      1909.8      15.25       H         6.7     0.1    21.85
   3819.6   52.67      270      1.8    V      3819.6       -34        V         8.8     0.3     -25.5   -13      -12.5
   3819.6    50.5      300      2.2    H      3819.6      -36.2       H         8.8     0.3     -27.7   -13      -14.7
   5729.4    44.5       0       2.2    V      5729.4      -41.8       V         9.1     0.5    -33.23   -13     -20.23
   5729.4   43.33      200      1.7    H      5729.4      -42.7       H         9.1     0.5    -34.07   -13     -21.07

Sample calculation:

Absolute level = substitution level + antenna gain – cable loss
For example:

22.1+6.7-0.1 = 28.7
21.67+6.7-0.1 = 28.27
20.9+6.7-0.1 = 27.5

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

     8.4.2 Test Data for Model: SV10A

                   EUT                                               Generator                             Standard

     Indicated        Table   Test Antenna            Substitution           Antenna Cable Absolute FCC          FCC

 Frequency Ampl.   Angle      Height Polar Frequency     Level   Polar H/V     Gain      Loss   Level    Limit   Margin
   MHz dBuV/m      Degree     Meter H/V      MHz         dBm                 Corrected   dBm     dB      dBm     DBm
                                                      Low Channel
  1850.2    120       300       2     V      1850.2     22       V             6.7       0.1      28.6
  1850.2   113.1       30      1.8    H      1850.2   15.1       H             6.7       0.1      21.7
  3700.4   53.33      180      1.8    H      3700.4 -32.3        H             8.8       0.3    -23.83   -13     -10.83
  3700.4   53.67       90      2.2    V      3700.4 -32.7        V             8.8       0.3    -24.17   -13     -11.17
  5550.6   47.33       60       2     V      5550.6 -38.5        V             9.1       0.5     -29.9   -13      -16.9
  5550.6   43.83      270      1.9    H      5550.6    -44       H             9.1       0.5     -35.4   -13      -22.4
                                                  Middle Channel
   1880    119.3         0      2     V       1880   21.45      V              6.7       0.1    28.05
   1880    113.3        90     1.8    H       1880    15.3      H              6.7       0.1     21.9
   3760     52.5        90     2.3    V       3760   -33.8      V              8.8       0.3    -25.3    -13     -12.3
   3760    50.17       150      2     H       3760   -35.1      H              8.8       0.3    -26.6    -13     -13.6
   5640    49.33       150      2     V       5640   -37.5      V              9.1       0.5    -28.9    -13     -15.9
   5640    44.17        60     2.2    H       5640   -42.3      H              9.1       0.5    -33.7    -13     -20.7
                                                      High Channel
  1909.8   118.9        0      2.2    V      1909.8       21.1       V         6.7       0.1      27.7
  1909.8   112.7       270      2     H      1909.8      14.75       H         6.7       0.1    21.35
  3819.6    54.7        0      2.3    V      3819.6      -31.2       V         8.8       0.3     -22.7   -13       -9.7
  3819.6   53.67       300     2.2    H      3819.6      -32.4       H         8.8       0.3     -23.9   -13      -10.9
  5729.4   47.83       330     2.5    V      5729.4      -40.8       V         9.1       0.5    -32.23   -13     -19.23
  5729.4   45.17        0      1.8    H      5729.4      -43.3       H         9.1       0.5     -34.7   -13      -21.7

Sample calculation:
Absolute level = substitution level + antenna gain – cable loss

For example:

22+6.7-0.1 = 28.6
21.45+6.7-0.1 = 28.05
21.1+6.7-0.1 = 27.7


Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                      Page 25 of 33                      FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                     FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER
9.1 Applicable Standards
According to FCC §2.1049 and §24.238, when measuring the emission limits, carrier frequency shall be
adjusted as close to the frequency block edges, both upper and lower.

9.2 Test Procedure
The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a spectrum analyzer through appropriate attenuation.
Adjust the carrier frequency as close to the frequency block edges both upper and lower. Sufficient scans
were taken to show any out of band-edge emission.

9.3 Test Equipment
Agilent 8565EC Spectrum Analyzer
HP 7470A Plotter
Hewlett Packard HP8566B Spectrum Analyzer
Hewlett Packard HP 7470A Plotter
Rohde & Schwarz SMIQ03B Signal Generator
Rohde & Schwarz AMIQ I/Q Modulation Generator
Hewlett Packard 8449 Amplifier
A.H. Systems, Inc SAS-200/571 Horn Antenna

9.4 Plots of Out-of-Band-Edge Emissions at Antenna Terminal
Please refer to plots hereinafter.

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                  Page 26 of 33               FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc    Page 32 of 33   FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                   FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

Frequency Stability vs Temperature

                                     Reference Frequency: 1880 MHz
        Temperature (°C)                          MHz                                 %
              50                                1880.004                          0.00021%
              40                                1880.002                          0.00011%
              30                                1880.002                          0.00011%
              20                                 1880.00                          0.00000%
              10                                1879.999                          -0.00005%
               0                                1880.001                          0.00005%
             -10                                1879.997                          -0.00016%
             -20                                1879.997                          -0.00016%

Frequency Stability vs Battery Voltage

                                     Reference Frequency: 1880 MHz
     Power Supplied (Vdc)                         MHz                                 %
             3.6                                1880.001                          0.00005%
             4.2                                1880.002                          0.00011%

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                  Page 33 of 33              FCC Part 24 Type Approval report

Document Created: 2003-09-26 16:24:34
Document Modified: 2003-09-26 16:24:34

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