SAR Report Part I


RF Exposure Info

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                  SAR EVALUATION REPORT


                    High Tech Computer, Corp.
                                   23, Hsin-Hua Rd.,
                                 Taoyuan, 330, Taiwan

                             FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER


   This Report Concerns:                     Equipment Type:
      Original Report                        Hybrid Cordless/Cellular

      Test Engineer:     Eric Hong /

         Report No.:     R0307183S

           Test Date:    2003-08-13 / 2003-08-21

       Reviewed By:      Ling Zhang /

       Prepared By:      Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Corporation
                         230 Commercial Street
                         Sunnyvale, CA 94085
                         Tel: (408) 732-9162
                         Fax: (408) 732 9164

Note: This test report is specially limited to the above client company and the product model
      only. It may not be duplicated without prior written consent of Bay Area Compliance
      Laboratory Corporation. This report must not be used by the client to claim product
      endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                                                         FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

1 - REFERENCE ...........................................................................................................................................................5
2 - TESTING EQUIPMENT.........................................................................................................................................6
   2.1 EQUIPMENTS LIST & CALIBRATION INFO ...............................................................................................................6
   2.2 EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE ...............................................................................................................6
3 - EUT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................................14
   3.1 EUT DESCRIPTION ...............................................................................................................................................14
   3.2 ACCESSORIES INFORMATION................................................................................................................................14
4 - SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION...................................................................................................................15
   4.1 JUSTIFICATION .....................................................................................................................................................15
   4.2 EUT EXERCISE PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................15
   4.3 EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................................................15
5 – CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER MEASUREMENTS ...................................................................................16
   5.1 PROVISION APPLICABLE .......................................................................................................................................16
   5.2 TEST PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................16
   5.3 TEST EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................................16
   5.4 TEST RESULTS .....................................................................................................................................................16
6 - DOSIMETRIC ASSESSMENT SETUP...............................................................................................................20
   6.1 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DIAGRAM .....................................................................................................................21
   6.2. SYSTEM COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................................................22
   6.3 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................................................................26
7 - EVALUATION PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................27
   7.1 SAR EVALUATION PROCEDURE ...........................................................................................................................27
   7.2 EXPOSURE LIMITS ................................................................................................................................................28
   7.3 SIMULATED TISSUE LIQUID PARAMETER CONFIRMATION ...................................................................................28
   7.4 SAR MEASUREMENT ...........................................................................................................................................28
   7.5 SYSTEM ACCURACY VERIFICATION .....................................................................................................................29
   7.6 LIQUID MEASUREMENT RESULT ..........................................................................................................................30
8 - SAR TEST RESULTS............................................................................................................................................34
   8.1 SAR BODY AND HEAD WORST-CASE TEST DATA ...............................................................................................34
   8.2 PLOTS OF TEST RESULT .......................................................................................................................................35
EXHIBIT A - SAR SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS .........................................................................................................50
  SV10A BODY WORN, BACK TOUCHING FLAT PHANTOM WITH HEADSET AND BELT CLIP ........................................50
  SV10A BODY WORN, BACK TOUCHING FLAT PHANTOM WITH HEADSET .................................................................50
  SV10A BODY WORN, FACE TOUCHING FLAT PHANTOM WITH HEADSET AND BELT CLIP ........................................51
  SV10A BODY WORN, FACE TOUCHING FLAT PHANTOM WITH HEADSET..................................................................51
  GPRS – BODY WORN, BACK TOUCHING WITH PHANTOM WITH SERIAL CABLE........................................................52
  GPRS – BODY WORN, BACK TOUCHING WITH PHANTOM .........................................................................................52
  SV10A LEFT HEAD, CHEEK ......................................................................................................................................53
  SV10A LEFT HEAD, TILTED ......................................................................................................................................53
  SV10A RIGHT HEAD, CHEEK ....................................................................................................................................54
  SV10A RIGHT HEAD, TILTED ....................................................................................................................................54
  SV10B LEFT HEAD, CHEEK.......................................................................................................................................55
  SV10B LEFT HEAD, TILTED ......................................................................................................................................55
  SV10B RIGHT HEAD, CHEEK ....................................................................................................................................56
  SV10B RIGHT HEAD, TILTED ....................................................................................................................................56
EXHIBIT B – EUT PHOTOGRAPHS ......................................................................................................................57
  EUT – SV10A TOP VIEW ..........................................................................................................................................57
  EUT – SV10A REAR VIEW .......................................................................................................................................57
  EUT – SV10A REAR VIEW WITHOUT BATTERY ........................................................................................................58
  EUT – SV10A CHASSIS COVER OFF VIEW ...............................................................................................................58
  EUT – SV10A KEYPAD FRONT VIEW .......................................................................................................................59
  EUT – SV10A KEYPAD REAR VIEW .........................................................................................................................59
Report #R0307183S.doc                                                   Page 2 of 77                                                   SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                                                         FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER
  EUT – SV16A DYNAPACK BATTERY FRONT VIEW...................................................................................................60
  EUT – SV16A DYNAPACK BATTERY REAR VIEW ....................................................................................................60
  EUT – SV16A SAMSUNG SDI BATTERY FRONT VIEW .............................................................................................61
  EUT – SV16A SAMSUNG SDI BATTERY REAR VIEW ...............................................................................................61
  EUT – SV10A BEZEL FRONT VIEW ..........................................................................................................................62
  EUT – SV10A BEZEL REAR VIEW ............................................................................................................................62
  EUT – SV10B TOP VIEW ..........................................................................................................................................63
  EUT – SV10B REAR VIEW........................................................................................................................................63
  EUT – SV10B REAR VIEW WITHOUT BATTERY ........................................................................................................64
  EUT – SV10B CHASSIS COVER OFF VIEW ................................................................................................................64
  EUT – SV10B KEYPAD FRONT VIEW .......................................................................................................................65
  EUT – SV10B KEYPAD REAR VIEW .........................................................................................................................65
  EUT – SV16B DYNAPACK BATTERY FRONT VIEW ...................................................................................................66
  EUT – SV16B DYNAPACK BATTERY REAR VIEW.....................................................................................................66
  EUT – SV16B SAMSUNG SDI BATTERY FRONT VIEW ..............................................................................................67
  EUT – SV16B SAMSUNG SDI BATTERY REAR VIEW ...............................................................................................67
  EUT – SV10B BEZEL FRONT VIEW...........................................................................................................................68
  EUT – SV10B BEZEL REAR VIEW ............................................................................................................................68
  EUT SV10A/SV10B – COMPONENT VIEW ...............................................................................................................69
  EUT SV10A/SV10B – COMPONENT VIEW WITH SHIELD ..........................................................................................69
  EUT SV10A/SV10B – COMPONENT VIEW WITHOUT SHIELD 1 ................................................................................70
  EUT SV10A/SV10B – COMPONENT VIEW WITHOUT SHIELD 2 ................................................................................70
  EUT SV10A/SV10B – LCD DISPLAY VIEW .............................................................................................................71
  DELTA ADAPTER VIEW ............................................................................................................................................71
  PHIHONG ADAPTER VIEW .......................................................................................................................................72
  USB CRADLE VIEW ...................................................................................................................................................72
  RS-232 CRADLE VIEW...............................................................................................................................................73
  EARPHONE VIEW........................................................................................................................................................73
  USB CABLE VIEW .....................................................................................................................................................74
  RS-232 CABLE VIEW .................................................................................................................................................74
  POUCH VIEW ..............................................................................................................................................................75
EXHIBIT C – Z-AXIS.................................................................................................................................................76

Report #R0307183S.doc                                                   Page 3 of 77                                                    SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                           FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

The US Federal Communications Commission has released the report and order “Guidelines for
Evaluating the Environmental Effects of RF Radiation", ET Docket No. 93-62 in August 1996 [1].

The order requires routine SAR evaluation prior to equipment authorization of portable transmitter
devices, including portable telephones. For consumer products, the applicable limit is 1.6 mW/g as
recommended by the ANSI/IEEE standard C95.1-1992 [6] for an uncontrolled environment (Paragraph
65). According to the Supplement C of OET Bulletin 65 “Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guide-lines
for Human Exposure to Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields", released on Jun 29, 2001 by the FCC,
the device should be evaluated at maximum output power (radiated from the antenna) under “worst-case”
conditions for normal or intended use, incorporating normal antenna operating positions, device peak
performance frequencies and positions for maximum RF energy coupling.

This report describes the methodology and results of experiments performed on wireless data terminal.
The objective was to determine if there is RF radiation and if radiation is found, what is the extent of
radiation with respect to safety limits. SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is the measure of RF exposure
determined by the amount of RF energy absorbed by human body (or its parts) – to determine how the RF
energy couples to the body or head which is a primary health concern for body worn devices. The limit
below which the exposure to RF is considered safe by regulatory bodies in North America is 1.6 mW/g
average over 1 gram of tissue mass.

The test configurations were laid out on a specially designed test fixture to ensure the reproducibility of
measurements. Each configuration was scanned for SAR. Analysis of each scan was carried out to
characterize the above effects in the device.

There was no SAR of any concern measured on the device for any of the investigated configurations.

Summary of the Worst Case SAR values for head and body:

Ambient Temperature (ºC): 23.0
Relative Humidity (%): 53

                               Output                               Notes /
                 Frequency                Test                                      Measured Limit
                               Power               Liquid Phantom Accessories                      Plot #
         Position (MHz)                   Type                                       (mW/g) (mW/g)
Model                          (dBm)

SV10A     Head,
          Tilted      1880      29.27   Face-held Head        Flat       None          0.198      1.6         10
           Back                           Body
SV10A    Touching     1880      29.27     worn     Body       Flat      Headset        0.779      1.6         2

Report #R0307183S.doc                         Page 4 of 77                             SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                               FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

[1] Federal Communications Commission, \Report and order: Guidelines for evaluating the environmental effects of
radiofrequency radiation", Tech. Rep. FCC 96-326, FCC, Washington, D.C. 20554, 1996.

[2] David L. Means Kwok Chan, Robert F. Cleveland, \Evaluating compliance with FCC guidelines for human
exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields", Tech. Rep., Federal Communication Commission, O_ce of
Engineering & Technology, Washington, DC, 1997.

[3] Thomas Schmid, Oliver Egger, and Niels Kuster, \Automated E-_eld scanning system for dosimetric
assessments", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 44, pp. 105{113, Jan. 1996.

[4] Niels Kuster, Ralph K.astle, and Thomas Schmid, \Dosimetric evaluation of mobile communications
equipment with known precision", IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E80-B, no. 5, pp. 645{652, May

[5] CENELEC, \Considerations for evaluating of human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from mobile
telecommunication equipment (MTE) in the frequency range 30MHz - 6GHz", Tech. Rep., CENELEC, European
Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, Brussels, 1997.

[6] ANSI, ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992: IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio
Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,
New York, NY 10017, 1992.

[7] Katja Pokovic, Thomas Schmid, and Niels Kuster, \Robust setup for precise calibration of E-field probes in
tissue simulating liquids at mobile communications frequencies", in ICECOM _ 97, Dubrovnik, October 15{17,
1997, pp. 120-24.

[8] Katja Pokovic, Thomas Schmid, and Niels Kuster, \E-field probe with improved isotropy in brain simulating
liquids", in Proceedings of the ELMAR, Zadar, Croatia, 23{25 June, 1996, pp. 172-175.

[9] Volker Hombach, Klaus Meier, Michael Burkhardt, Eberhard K. uhn, and Niels Kuster, \The depen-dence of EM
energy absorption upon human head modeling at 900 MHz", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 1865-1873, Oct. 1996.

[10] Klaus Meier, Ralf Kastle, Volker Hombach, Roger Tay, and Niels Kuster, \The dependence of EM energy
absorption upon human head modeling at 1800 MHz", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Oct. 1997, in press.

[11] W. Gander, Computermathematik, Birkhaeuser, Basel, 1992.

[12] W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky,W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, Numerical Recepies in C, The Art of
Scientific Computing, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1992.Dosimetric Evaluation of Sample device,
month 1998 9

[13] NIS81 NAMAS, \The treatment of uncertainity in EMC measurement", Tech. Rep., NAMAS Executive,
National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, England, 1994.

[14] Barry N. Taylor and Christ E. Kuyatt, \Guidelines for evaluating and expressing the uncertainty of NIST
measurement results", Tech. Rep., National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1994. Dosimetric Evaluation of
Sample device, month 1998 10

Report #R0307183S.doc                           Page 5 of 77                               SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                   FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER


2.1 Equipments List & Calibration Info

                      Type / Model                             Cal. Date            S/N:
 DASY3 Professional Dosimetric System                    N/A               N/A
 Robot RX60L                                             N/A               F00/5H31A1/A/01
 Robot Controller                                        N/A               F01/5J72A1/A/01
 Dell Computer Optiplex GX110                            N/A               N/A
 Pentium III, Windows NT                                 N/A               N/A
 SPEAG EDC3                                              N/A               N/A
 SPEAG DAE3                                              2003-08-26        456
 SPEAG E-Field Probe ET3DV6                              2003-08-26        1604
 SPEAG Dummy Probe                                       N/A               N/A
 SPEAG Generic Twin Phantom                              N/A               N/A
 SPEAG Light Alignment Sensor                            N/A               278
 SPEAG Validation Dipole D-1800-S-2                      2003-11-06        BCL-049
 SPEAG Validation Dipole D900V2                          2003-09-02        122
 Brain Equivalent Matter (800MHz)                        Daily             N/A
 Brain Equivalent Matter (1900MHz)                       Daily             N/A
 Muscle Equivalent Matter (800MHz)                       Daily             N/A
 Muscle Equivalent Matter (1900MHz)                      Daily             N/A
 Robot Table                                             N/A               N/A
 Phone Holder                                            N/A               N/A
 Phantom Cover                                           N/A               N/A
 HP Spectrum Analyzer HP8593GM                           2004-06-20        3009A00791
 Microwave Amp. 8349B                                    N/A               2644A02662
 Power Meter HP436A                                      2004-04-02        2709A29209
 Power Sensor HP8482A                                    2004-04-02        2349A08568
 Signal Generator RS SMIQ O3                             2004-02-10        1084800403
 Network Analyzer HP-8753ES                              2004-07-30        820079
 Dielectric Probe Kit HP85070A                           N/A               N/A
 Hewlett Packard HP8566B Spectrum Analyzer               2004-07-23        None
 Hewlett Packard HP 7470A Plotter                        2004-07-23        None
 A.H. System SAS0200 Horn Antenna                        2004-07-23        None
 Com-Power AB-100 Dipole Antenna                         2004-07-23        None
 Agilent E4419b                                          2004-04-08        GB40202891
 Agilent E4412a                                          2004-04-08        US38486529

2.2 Equipment Calibration Certificate
Please see the attached file for detailed information.

Report #R0307183S.doc                         Page 6 of 77                     SAR Evaluation Report

  Schmid & Partner
Engineering AG
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland, Phone +41 1 245 97 00, Fax +411 245 97 79

                           Calibration Certificate

                                Dosimetric E—Field Probe

                Type:                                         ET3DV6

                Serial Number:                                   1604

                Place of Calibration:                          Zurich

                Date of Calibration:                      August 26, 2002

                Calibration Interval                         12 months

  Schmid & Partner Engineering AG hereby certifies, that this device has been calibrated on
  the date indicated above. The calibration was performed in accordance with specifications
  and procedures of Schmid & Partner Engineering AG.

  Wherever applicable, the standards used in the calibration process are traceable to
  international standards. In all other cases the standards of the Laboratory for EMF and
  Microwave Electronicsat the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich,
  Switzerland have been applied.

                 Calibrated by                         | DVeUeQ

                 Approved by                           %;.                  ic }

 ET3DV6 SN:1604
                                                                                 August 26, 2002

 DASY3 — Parameters of Probe: ET3DV6 SN:1604

 Sensitivity in Free Space                               Diode Compression

         NormX              1.73 uVi(Vim)                           DCP X             93   mV
         NormY              1.68 pV/(Vim)                           DCP Y             93   mV
         NormZ.             1.72 uVi(Vim)®                          DCP Z             93   mV

Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid
Head              900 MHz              s,= 41.5 4 5%          & = 0.97 £ 5% mhoim
Head              835 MHz            a,= 41.5 £5%             0 = 0.90 £ 5% mho/m
         ConvF X            6.5 £9.5% (k=2)                        Boundary effect:
         ConvF Y            6.5 £9.5% (k2)                         Alpha          0.36
         ConvF 2            6.5 £9.5% (k=2)                        Depth          2.82
Head            1800 MHz               a, = 40.0 4 5%         0 = 1.40 £ 5% mhoim
Head            1900 MHz               a, = 40.0 £ 5%         0 = 1.40 £ 5% mho/m
        ConvF X             5.5 29.5% (k=2)                        Boundary effect:
        Conve Y             5.5 £9.5% (k=2)                        Aipha          0.50
        Conve Z             5.5 £9.5% (k=2)                        Depth          2.46

Boundary Effect

Head            900 MHz         Typical SAR gradient: 5 % per mm

        Probe Tip to Boundary                                      1 mm          2 mm
        SARe, [%] Without Correction Algorithm                     11.1          6.6
        SAR, [%]    With Correction Algorithm                      0.4

Head          1800 MHz          Typical SAR gradient: 10 % per mm

        Probe Tip to Boundary                                      1 mm          2 mm
        SAR;, [%]   Without Correction Algorithm                   12.3          8.1
        SARee [%]   With Correction Aigorithm                      0.1           0.1

Sensor Offset

        Probe Tip to Sensor Center                      2.7
       Optical Surface Detection                        1.3 £0.2

Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland, Phone +41 1 245 97 00, Fax +41 1 245 97 79

                    Additional Conversion Factors
                                   for Dosimetric E—Field Probe

              Type                                          ET3DV6
              Serial Number:                                   1604
                                                     ESE Sa2 S

              Place of Assessment                            Zurich

              Date of Assessment:                      October4, 2002

              Probe Calibration Date                   August 26, 2002

      Schmid & Partner Engineering AG hereby certifies that conversion factor(s) of this
      probe have been evaluated on the date indicated above. The assessment was performed
      using the FDTD numerical code SEMCAD of Schmid & Partner Engineering AG. Since
      the evaluation is coupled with measured conversion factors, it has to be recalculated
      yearly, i.e., following the re—calibration schedule ofthe probe. The uncertainty ofthe
      nummerical assessmentis based on the extrapolation from measured value at 900 MHz or
      at 1800 MHz.

              Assessed by                            let=

                                       Page   of 2                              October 4, 2002

Conversion factor (+ standard deviation)

835 MHz              ConvyP       641 8%

1900 MHz             ConyP        4.9 + 8%   |
                                             |       G = 1.52 4 5% mho/m

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                           FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

                                  1900 MHz Body Liquid Validation

   frequency                   e'           e''
1850000000.0000             52.1468      13.6437
1852000000.0000             52.1572      13.6648
1854000000.0000             52.1404      13.6777
1856000000.0000             52.1374      13.6946
1858000000.0000             52.1406      13.7104
1860000000.0000             52.1364      13.7291
1862000000.0000             52.1241      13.7202
1864000000.0000             52.1155      13.7492
1866000000.0000             52.0865      13.7449
1868000000.0000             52.0553      13.7280
1870000000.0000             52.0167      13.7495
1872000000.0000             52.0522      13.7543
1874000000.0000             52.0130      13.7809
1876000000.0000             52.0270      13.8169
1878000000.0000             51.9991      13.8076
1880000000.0000             52.0893      13.8634
1882000000.0000             52.0865      13.9203
1884000000.0000             52.0957      13.9281
1886000000.0000             52.0656      13.9142
1888000000.0000             52.0415      13.8284
1890000000.0000             51.9844      13.8228
1892000000.0000             52.0032      13.8720
1894000000.0000             51.9703      13.9021
1896000000.0000             51.9867      13.9035
1898000000.0000             51.9922      13.8894
1900000000.0000             51.9767      13.8825
1902000000.0000             51.9744      13.9275
1904000000.0000             51.9664      13.9094
1906000000.0000             51.9574      13.8932
1908000000.0000             51.9710      13.9030
1910000000.0000             51.8978      13.8863
1912000000.0000             51.9312      13.8985
1914000000.0000             51.9099      13.8847
1916000000.0000             51.9188      13.8857
1918000000.0000             51.9093      13.8903
1920000000.0000             51.8846      13.8339
1922000000.0000             51.9188      13.8890
1924000000.0000             51.8914      13.9003
1926000000.0000             51.9257      13.8753
1928000000.0000             51.9374      13.8804
1930000000.0000             51.9030      13.8947
1932000000.0000             51.8919      13.8739
1934000000.0000             51.9343      13.8806
1936000000.0000             51.9352      13.9181
1938000000.0000             51.8916      13.8943
1940000000.0000             51.8903      13.9512
1942000000.0000             51.9290      13.9234
1944000000.0000             51.9165      13.9252
1946000000.0000             51.8855      13.9148
1948000000.0000             51.8781      13.9250
1950000000.0000             51.8755      13.9279

σ = ω εo ε” = 2 π f εo ε”=1.467
where f = 1900 x 106
      εo = 8.854 x 10-12
     ε” = 13.8825

Report #R0307183S.doc                     Page 11 of 77               SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                           FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

                                  1900 MHz Body Liquid Validation
   frequency                   e'          e''
1850000000.0000             38.8104      12.8589
1852000000.0000             38.7583      12.9187
1854000000.0000             38.7270      12.9153
1856000000.0000             38.6882      12.8912
1858000000.0000             38.6821      12.8543
1860000000.0000             38.7305      12.8899
1862000000.0000             38.6926      12.9372
1864000000.0000             38.7076      12.9144
1866000000.0000             38.7300      12.9486
1868000000.0000             38.7189      12.9855
1870000000.0000             38.7372      13.0484
1872000000.0000             38.6829      13.0802
1874000000.0000             38.6939      13.0831
1876000000.0000             38.6851      13.1097
1878000000.0000             38.6265      13.1761
1880000000.0000             38.6714      13.2342
1882000000.0000             38.6560      13.2169
1884000000.0000             38.6511      13.2901
1886000000.0000             38.6513      13.3141
1888000000.0000             38.6119      13.3188
1890000000.0000             38.6226      13.3721
1892000000.0000             38.5885      13.3887
1894000000.0000             38.6009      13.4740
1896000000.0000             38.5915      13.5236
1898000000.0000             38.5980      13.5476
1900000000.0000             38.6114      13.5487
1902000000.0000             38.6190      13.5494
1904000000.0000             38.5309      13.5490
1906000000.0000             38.5578      13.5765
1908000000.0000             38.5197      13.5638
1910000000.0000             38.5209      13.5815
1912000000.0000             38.5089      13.5727
1914000000.0000             38.5153      13.6080
1916000000.0000             38.5495      13.6010
1918000000.0000             38.5053      13.5663
1920000000.0000             38.5108      13.5552
1922000000.0000             38.4933      13.5433
1924000000.0000             38.4975      13.5278
1926000000.0000             38.5159      13.5187
1928000000.0000             38.4763      13.4830
1930000000.0000             38.4852      13.4604
1932000000.0000             38.4735      13.4072
1934000000.0000             38.4600      13.4084
1936000000.0000             38.4633      13.3800
1938000000.0000             38.4674      13.3260
1940000000.0000             38.4688      13.3106
1942000000.0000             38.4685      13.3022
1944000000.0000             38.4671      13.2396
1946000000.0000             38.4722      13.2428
1948000000.0000             38.4448      13.1882
1950000000.0000             38.4557      13.1915

σ = ω εo ε” = 2 π f εo ε”=1.432
where f = 1900x 106
      εo = 8.854 x 10-12
     ε” = 13.5487

Report #R0307183S.doc                     Page 12 of 77               SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

                                 1900 MHz Head Liquid Validation
   frequency                   e'          e''
1850000000.0000             38.7533     13.7830
1852000000.0000             38.7817     14.1419
1854000000.0000             38.7702     14.1426
1856000000.0000             38.7305     13.8557
1858000000.0000             38.7235     13.6678
1860000000.0000             38.7211     13.7936
1862000000.0000             38.8595     13.9468
1864000000.0000             38.8657     13.7959
1866000000.0000             38.7849     13.8686
1868000000.0000             39.0506     14.5152
1870000000.0000             38.8236     13.9253
1872000000.0000             38.7233     13.8415
1874000000.0000             38.6573     14.0059
1876000000.0000             38.4289     13.6667
1878000000.0000             38.3921     13.6830
1880000000.0000             38.5533     13.8604
1882000000.0000             38.4394     13.8507
1884000000.0000             38.4484     13.8060
1886000000.0000             38.4041     13.8597
1888000000.0000             38.6090     14.1384
1890000000.0000             38.2964     13.8141
1892000000.0000             38.1283     13.6520
1894000000.0000             38.2242     13.7749
1896000000.0000             38.2858     13.8966
1898000000.0000             38.1384     13.8307
1900000000.0000             38.0198     13.7174
1902000000.0000             37.9049     13.6559
1904000000.0000             37.8718     13.6128
1906000000.0000             37.8999     13.6552
1908000000.0000             37.9586     13.7134
1910000000.0000             38.0083     13.7198
1912000000.0000             37.9212     13.7370
1914000000.0000             37.8890     13.7365
1916000000.0000             37.7829     13.6788
1918000000.0000             37.6958     13.6475
1920000000.0000             37.6238     13.6000
1922000000.0000             37.6972     13.6767
1924000000.0000             37.8117     13.6889
1926000000.0000             37.8324     13.7166
1928000000.0000             37.8069     13.6672
1930000000.0000             37.7959     13.6452
1932000000.0000             37.6971     13.5689
1934000000.0000             37.6934     13.5753
1936000000.0000             37.5994     13.5248
1938000000.0000             37.7002     13.5511
1940000000.0000             37.8210     13.6429
1942000000.0000             37.8510     13.6508
1944000000.0000             37.8802     13.6051
1946000000.0000             37.9021     13.6855
1948000000.0000             37.8700     13.6207
1950000000.0000             37.8399     13.5868

σ = ω εo ε” = 2 π f εo ε”=1.45
where f = 1900x 106
      εo = 8.854 x 10-12
     ε” = 13.7174

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3.1 EUT Description

   Applicant:                 High Tech Computer, Corp.
   Product Description:       SmartPhone
   Product Model Number:      SV10A/SV10B
   FCC ID:                    NM8VOYAGER
   Serial Number:             None
   Maximum RF Output Power:   29.6 dBm
   RF Exposure environment:   General Population/Uncontrolled
   Applicable Standard        FCC CFR 47, Part 15C & 24
   Application Type:          Certification

3.2 Accessories Information

           Manufacturer         Description                Model
               HTC              USB Cradle                 SV15
               HTC             RS-232 Cradle               SV15
             Eacetech            Earphone                  TS168
               HTC              USB Cable                  N/A
               HTC             RS-232 Cable                N/A
               HTC                 Pouch                   N/A
             DELTA              AC Adapter             ADP-10SB
            PHIHONG             AC Adapter            PSC05R-050

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4.1 Justification
The system was configured for testing in a typical fashion (as normally used by a typical user).

4.2 EUT Exercise Procedure
The EUT exercising program used during SAR testing was designed to exercise the various system
components in a manner similar to a typical use.

4.3 Equipment Modifications
No modification(s) were made by BACL to ensure that the EUT complies with the applicable limits.

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5.1 Provision Applicable
According to §15.247(b) (3), for systems using digital modulation, the maximum peak output power of
the intentional radiator shall not exceed 1 Watt.
According to FCC §22.913 (a), the ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test transmitters must not
exceed 7 watts.

5.2 Test Procedure
The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient

5.3 Test equipment
Hewlett Packard HP8564E Spectrum Analyzer, Calibration Due Date: 2004-08-01.
Hewlett Packard HP 7470A Plotter, Calibration not required.
A.H. Systems SAS200 Horn Antenna, Calibration Due Date: 2004-05-31
Com-Power AB-100 Dipole Antenna, Calibration Due Date: 2003-09-05

5.4 Test Results
      Model No.          Channel       Output Power in dBm     Output Power in W         Limit (W)
                          Low                 29.60                  0.912                  7
        SV10A            Middle               29.27                  0.845                  7
                          High                28.93                  0.782                  7
                          Low                 29.60                  0.912                  7
        SV10B            Middle               29.27                  0.845                  7
                          High                28.83                  0.764                  7

Please refer to the following plots.

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These measurements were performed with the automated near-field scanning system DASY3 from
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG). The system is based on a high precision robot (working
range greater than 0.9m) which positions the probes with a positional repeatability of better than
±0.02mm. Special E- and H-field probes have been developed for measurements close to material
discontinuity, the sensors of which are directly loaded with a Schottky diode and connected via highly
resistive lines to the data acquisition unit. The system is described in detail in [3].

The SAR measurements were conducted with the dosimetric probe ET3DV6 SN: 1577 (manufactured by
SPEAG), designed in the classical triangular configuration [3] and optimized for dosimetric evaluation.
The probe has been calibrated according to the procedure described in [7] with accuracy of better than
±10%. The spherical isotropy was evaluated with the procedure described in [8] and found to be better
than ±0.25dB.

The phantom used was the \Generic Twin Phantom” described in [4]. The ear was simulated as a spacer
of 4 mm thickness between the earpiece of the phone and the tissue simulating liquid. The Tissue
simulation liquid used for each test is in according with the FCC OET65 supplement C as listed below.

   Ingredients                                                  Frequency (MHz)
  (% by weight)               450                  835                  915                  1900                 2450
   Tissue Type        Head          Body    Head     Body       Head          Body    Head      Body       Head      Body
      Water           38.56         51.16   41.45        52.4   41.05         56.0    54.9          40.4    62.7         73.2
    Salt (Nacl)       3.95          1.49    1.45         1.4    1.35          0.76    0.18          0.5     0.5          0.04
      Sugar           56.32         46.78   56.0         45.0   56.5          41.76    0.0          58.0    0.0          0.0
       HEC            0.98          0.52     1.0         1.0     1.0          1.21     0.0          1.0     0.0          0.0
   Bactericide        0.19          0.05     0.1         0.1     0.1          0.27     0.0          0.1     0.0          0.0
   Triton x-100         0.0          0.0     0.0         0.0     0.0           0.0     0.0          0.0     36.8         0.0
      DGBE              0.0          0.0     0.0         0.0     0.0           0.0    44.92         0.0     0.0          26.7
Dielectric Constant   43.42         58.0    42.54        56.1   42.0          56.8    39.9          54.0    39.8         52.5
Conductivity (s/m)    0.85          0.83    0.91         0.95    1.0          1.07    1.42          1.45    1.88         1.78

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6.1 Measurement System Diagram

The DASY3 system for performing compliance tests consist of the following items:

   1. A standard high precision 6-axis robot (Stäubli RX family) with controller and software.
   2. An arm extension for accommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE).
   3. A dosimetric probe, i.e., an isotropic E-field probe optimized and calibrated for usage in tissue
       simulating liquid. The probe is equipped with an optical surface detector system.
   4. A data acquisition electronic (DAE), which performs the signal amplification, signal
       multiplexing, AD-conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision
       detection, etc. The unit is battery powered with standard or rechargeable batteries. The signal is
       optically transmitted to the EOC.
   5. A unit to operate the optical surface detector, which is connected to the EOC. The Electro-optical
       coupler (EOC) performs the conversion from the optical into a digital electric signal of the DAE.
       The EOC is connected to the PC plug-in card. The functions of the PC plug-in card based on a
       DSP is to perform the time critical task such as signal filtering, surveillance of the robot operation
       fast movement interrupts.
   6. A computer operating Windows 95 or larger
   7. DASY3 software
   8. Remote control with teaches pendant and additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning
       lamps, etc.
   9. The generic twin phantom enabling testing left-hand and right-hand usage.
   10. The device holder for handheld EUT.
   11. Tissue simulating liquid mixed according to the given recipes (see Application Note).
   12. System validation dipoles to validate the proper functioning of the system.

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6.2. System Components

ET3DV6 Probe Specification
Construction Symmetrical design with triangular core
Built-in optical fiber for surface detection System
Built-in shielding against static charges
Calibration In air from 10 MHz to 2.5 GHz
In brain and muscle simulating tissue at
Frequencies of 450 MHz, 900 MHz and
1.8 GHz (accuracy ± 8%)
Frequency 10 MHz to > 6 GHz; Linearity: ± 0.2 dB
(30 MHz to 3 GHz)
Directivity ± 0.2 dB in brain tissue (rotation around
probe axis)
± 0.4 dB in brain tissue (rotation normal probe axis)
Dynamic 5 mW/g to > 100 mW/g;
Range Linearity: ± 0.2 dB
Surface ± 0.2 mm repeatability in air and clear liquids                   Photograph of the probe
Detection over diffuse reflecting surfaces.
Dimensions Overall length: 330 mm
Tip length: 16 mm
Body diameter: 12 mm
Tip diameter: 6.8 mm
Distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 2.7 mm
Application General dosimetric up to 3 GHz
Compliance tests of mobile phones
Fast automatic scanning in arbitrary phantoms

The SAR measurements were conducted with the dosimetric probe
ET3DV6 designed in the classical triangular configuration and
optimized for dosimetric evaluation. The probe is constructed using
the thick film technique; with printed resistive lines on ceramic
substrates. The probe is equipped with an optical multi-fiber line
ending at the front of the probe tip. It is connected to the EOC box on
the robot arm and provides an automatic detection of the phantom
surface. Half of the fibers are connected to a pulsed infrared
transmitter, the other half to a synchronized receiver. As the probe
approaches the surface, the reflection from the surface produces a
coupling from the transmitting to the receiving fibers. This reflection
increases first during the approach, reaches maximum and then
decreases. If the probe is flatly touching the surface, the coupling is
zero. The distance of the coupling maximum to the surface is
independent of the surface reflectivity and largely independent of the
surface to probe angle. The DASY3 software reads the reflection
during a software approach and looks for the maximum using a 2 nd               Inside view of
order fitting. The approach is stopped when reaching the maximum.         ET3DV6 E-field Probe

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E-Field Probe Calibration Process

Each probe is calibrated according to a dosimetric assessment procedure described in [6] with accuracy
better than +/- 10%. The spherical isotropy was evaluated with the procedure described in [7] and found
to be better than +/-0.25dB. The sensitivity parameters (NormX, NormY, NormZ), the diode compression
parameter (DCP) and the conversion factor (ConvF) of the probe are tested.

The free space E-field from amplified probe outputs is determined in a test chamber. This is performed in
a TEM cell for frequencies bellow 1 GHz, and in a waveguide above 1 GHz for free space. For the free
space calibration, the probe is placed in the volumetric center of the cavity and at the proper orientation
with the field. The probe is then rotated 360 degrees.

E-field temperature correlation calibration is performed in a flat phantom filled with the appropriate
simulated brain tissue. The measured free space E-field in the medium correlates to temperature rise in
dielectric medium. For temperature correlation calibration a RF transparent thermistor-based temperature
probe is used in conjunction with the E-field probe.

Data Evaluation

The DASY3 software automatically executes the following procedures to calculate the field units from
the microvolt readings at the probe connector. The parameters used in the evaluation are stored in the
configuration modules of the software:

Probe Parameter:         -Sensitivity                       Normi, ai0, ai1, ai2
                         -Conversion Factor                 ConvFi
                         -Diode compression point           Dcpi
Device parameter:        -Frequency                         f
                         -Crest Factor                      cf
Media parameter:         -Conductivity                      σ
                         -Density                           ρ

These parameters must be set correctly in the software. They can either be found in the component
documents or be imported into the software from the configuration files issued for the DASY3
components. In the direct measuring mode of the multi-meter option, the parameters of the actual system
setup are used. In the scan visualization and export modes, the parameters stored in the corresponding
document files are used.

The first step of the evaluation is a linearization of the filtered input signal to account for the compression
characteristics of the detector diode. The compensation depends on the input signal, the diode type and
the DC-transmission factor from the diode to the evaluation electronics. If the exciting field is pulsed, the
crest factor of the signal must be known to correctly compensate for peak power. The formula for each
channel can be given as:

                                           Vi = Ui + (Ui)2 cf / dcpi

With Vi    = compensated signal of channel i (i =x, y, z)
     Ui    = input signal of channel i (i =x, y, z)
     cf    = crest factor of exciting field (DASY parameter)
    dcpi   = diode compression point (DASY parameter)

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From the compensated input signals the primary field data for each channel can be evaluated:

With   Vi    = compensated signal of channel i (i =x, y, z)
       Normi = sensor sensitivity of channel i (i =x, y, z)
             µV/ (V/m)2 for E-field probes
       ConF = sensitivity enhancement in solution
       aij   = sensor sensitivity factors for H-field probes
        f    = carrier frequency [GHz]
       Ei    = electric field strenggy of channel i in V/m
       Hi    = diode compression point (DASY parameter)

The RSS value of the field components gives the total field strength (Hermitian magnitude):

                                  Etot = Square Root [(Ex)2 + (Ey)2+ (Ez)2]

The primary field data are used to calculate the derived field units.

                                         SAR = (Etot) 2 ·σ /(ρ ·1000)

With    SAR = local specific absorption rate in mW/g
        Etot = total field strength in V/m
        σ    = conductivity in [mho/m] or [Siemens/m]
        ρ    = equivalent tissue density in g/cm3

Note that the density is normally set to 1 (or 1.06), to account for actual brain density rather than the
density of the simulation liquid.

The power flow density is calculated assuming the excitation field as a free space field.

                                 Ppwe = (Etot)2 / 3770 or Ppwe = (Htot)2 · 37.7

With    Ppwe = equivalent power density of a plane wave in mW/cm3
        Etot = total electric filed strength in V/m
        Htot = total magnetic filed strength in V/m

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Generic Twin Phantom

The Generic Twin Phantom is constructed of a fiberglass
shell integrated in a wooden table. The shape of the shell
is based on data from an anatomical study designed to
determine the maximum exposure in at least 90% of all
users [9][10]. It enables the dosimetric evaluation of left
and right hand phone usage as well as body mounted
usage at the flat phantom region. A cover prevents the
evaporation of the liquid. Reference markings on the
Phantom allows the complete setup of all predefined
phantom positions and measurement grids by manually
teaching three points in the robot.
Shell Thickness 2 ± 0.1 mm
Filling Volume Approx. 20 liters
Dimensions 810 x 1000 x 500 mm (H x L x W)
                                                                Generic Twin Phantom

Device Holder

In combination with the Generic Twin Phantom V3.0, the
Mounting Device enables the rotation of the mounted
transmitter in spherical coordinates whereby the rotation
points is the ear opening. The devices can be easily,
accurately, and repeatedly positioned according to the FCC
and CENELEC specifications. The device holder can be
locked at different phantom locations (left head, right head,
flat phantom).

* Note: A simulating human hand is not used due to the
complex anatomical and geometrical structure of the hand
that may produced infinite number of configurations [10].
To produce the worst-case condition (the hand absorbs
antenna output power), the hand is omitted during the tests.    Device Holder

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6.3 Measurement Uncertainty
The uncertainty budget has been determined for the DASY3 measurement system according to the
NIS81 [13] and the NIST1297 [14] documents and is given in the following Table.

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7.1 SAR Evaluation Procedure
The evaluation was performed with the following procedure:

Step 1: Measurement of the SAR value at a fixed location above the ear point or central position was
used as a reference value for assessing the power drop.

Step 2: The SAR distribution at the exposed side of the head was measured at a distance of 3.9 mm from
the inner surface of the shell. The area covered the entire dimension of the head or EUT and the
horizontal grid spacing was 20 mm x 20 mm. Based on these data, the area of the maximum absorption
was determined by spline interpolation.

Step 3: Around this point, a volume of 32 mm x 32 mm x 34 mm was assessed by measuring 5 x 5 x 7
points. On the basis of this data set, the spatial peak SAR value was evaluated under the following

    1. The data at the surface were extrapolated, since the center of the dipoles is 2.7 mm away from the
       tip of the probe and the distance between the surface and the lowest measuring point is 1.2 mm.
       The extrapolation was based on a least square algorithm [11]. A polynomial of the fourth order
       was calculated through the points in z-axes. This polynomial was then used to evaluate the points
       between the surface and the probe tip.

    2. The maximum interpolated value was searched with a straightforward algorithm. Around this
       maximum the SAR values averaged over the spatial volumes (1 g or 10 g) were computed by the
       3D-Spline interpolation algorithm. The 3D-Spline is composed of three onedimensional splines
       with the “Not a knot"-condition (in x, y and z-directions) [11], [12]. The volume was integrated
       with the trapezoidal-algorithm. One thousand points (10 x 10 x 10) were interpolated to calculate
       the average.

    3. All neighboring volumes were evaluated until no neighboring volume with a higher average
       value was found.

Step 4: Re-measurement of the SAR value at the same location as in Step 1. If the value changed by more
than 5%, the evaluation was repeated.

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7.2 Exposure Limits
Table 1: Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (W/kg)

             Whole-Body                       Partial-Body              Hands. Wrists. Feet and Ankles
                 0.4                              8.0                                 20.0

Table 2: Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (W/kg)

             Whole-Body                       Partial-Body              Hands. Wrists. Feet and Ankles
                 0.08                             1.6                                 4.0

     Note: Whole-body SAR is averaged over the entire body, partial-body SAR is averaged over any 1 gram
       of tissue defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube SAR for hands, writs, feet and ankles is
             averaged over any 10 grams of tissue defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube.

Population/Uncontrolled Environments are defined as locations where there is the exposure of individual
who have no knowledge or control of their exposure.

Occupational/Controlled Environments are defined as locations where there is exposure that may be
incurred by people who are aware of the potential for exposure (i.e. as a result of employment or

Population/uncontrolled environments Partial-body limit 1.6W/kg applied to the EUT.

7.3 Simulated Tissue Liquid Parameter Confirmation

The dielectric parameters were checked prior to assessment using the HP85070A dielectric probe kit. The
dielectric parameters measured are reported in each correspondent section:

7.4 SAR Measurement

The SAR measurement was performed with the E-field probe in mechanical detection mode only. The
setup and determination of the forward power into the dipole was performed using the following

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First, the power meter PM1 (including attenuator Att1) is connected to the cable to measure the forward
power at the location of the dipole connector (X). The signal generator is adjusted for the desired forward
power at he dipole connector (taking into account the attenuation of Att1) as read by power meter PM2.
after connecting the cable to the dipole, the signal generator is readjusted for the same reading at power
meter PM2. If the signal generator does not allow adjustment in 0.01dB steps, the remaining difference at
PM 2 must be taken into consideration. PM3 records the reflected power from the dipole to ensure that
the value is not changed form the previous value. The reflected power should be 20dB below the forward

The SAR measurements were performed in order to achieve repeatability and to establish an average
target value.

7.5 System Accuracy Verification

Prior to the assessment, the system validation kit was used to test whether the system was operating
within its specifications of ±10%. The validation results are tabulated below. And also the corresponding
SAR plot is attached as well in the SAR plots files.

IEEE P1528 recommended reference value for head

 Frequency                                      Local SAR at surface           Local SAR at surface
                 1 g SAR         10 g SAR
   (MHz)                                         (above feed point)        (v=2cm offset from feed point)
     300            3.0             2.0                  4.4                            2.1
     450            4.9             3.3                  7.2                            3.2
     835            9.5             6.2                 14.1                            4.9
     900           10.8             6.9                 16.4                            5.4
    1450           29.0            16.0                 50.2                            6.5
    1800           38.1            19.8                 69.5                            6.8
    1900           39.7            20.5                 72.1                            6.6
    2000           41.1            21.1                 74.6                            6.5
    2450           52.4            24.0                104.2                            7.7
    3000           63.8            25.7                140.2                            9.5

Validation Dipole SAR Reference Test Result for Body (1900 MHz)

               SAR @ 0.126W         SAR @ 1W          SAR @ 0.126W         SAR @ 1W
                Input averaged     Input averaged      Input averaged     Input averaged
                   over 1g            over 1g             over 10g           over 10g
   Test 1             3.1              24.61                1.42              11.27
   Test 2             3.1              24.61                1.41              11.20
   Test 3             3.2              25.41                1.43              11.35
   Test 4             3.2              25.41                1.42              11.27
   Test 5             3.1              24.61                1.42              11.27
   Test 6             3.2              25.61                1.41              11.20
   Test 7             3.2              25.61                1.43              11.35
   Test 8             3.1              24.61                1.42              11.27
   Test 9             3.1              24.61                1.42              11.27
  Test 10             3.1              24.61                1.43              11.35
  Average            3.14              24.97               1.421              11.28

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7.6 Liquid Measurement Result
                                               Liquid           Target   Measured                  Limits
 Simulant     Freq [MHz]      Parameters                                             Deviation
                                              Temp [ºC]         Value     Value                     [%]
                                   εr           21.0             39.9     38.6         -3.26         ±5
  Head           1900              σ            21.0             1.42     1.43         0.70          ±5
                                1g SAR          21.0             39.7     41.04         3.38        ±10
                                   εr           22.0             54.0     52.0          -3.7         ±5
  Body           1900              σ            22.0             1.45     1.47         1.38          ±5
                                1g SAR          22.0            24.97     24.82         -0.6        ±10
                                   εr           21.0             39.9     38.0         -4.76         ±5
  Head           1900              σ            21.0             1.42     1.45         2.11          ±5
                                1g SAR          21.0             39.7     35.84        -9.72        ±10

εr = relative permittivity, σ = conductivity and ρ=1000kg/m3

1900 MHz Head Liquid Forward Power = 21.2 dBm = 131.83 mW
1900 MHz Body Liquid Forward Power = 21.85 dBm = 153.11 mW
1900 MHz Head Liquid Forward Power = 20.3 dBm = 107.15 mW

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Document Created: 2003-11-10 11:20:11
Document Modified: 2003-11-10 11:20:11

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