Test Report Part II


Test Report

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                            FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

9.1 Standard Applicable

According to §15.247 (a)(1)(i), the average time of occupancy on any channel shall not be greater than 0.4
seconds within a 10 second period.

9.2 Measurement Procedure

1. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument using either an internal calibrator or a known signal
   from an external generator.
2. Position the EUT was set without connection to measurement instrument. Turn on the EUT and
   connect its antenna terminal to measurement instrument via a low loss cable. Then set it to any one
   measured frequency within its operating range, and make sure the instrument is operated in its linear
3. Adjust the center frequency of SA on any frequency be measured and set SA to zero span mode. And
   then, set RBW and VBW of spectrum analyzer to proper value.
4. Measure the time duration of one transmission on the measured frequency. And then plot the result
   with time difference of this time duration.
5. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured were complete.

9.3 Test Equipment

         Manufacturer          Model No.          Description              Calibration Due Date
           Agilent              8564E          Spectrum Analyzer                2004-08-01

9.4 Measurement Results

Low Channel: 7 x 2.983 (ms) x [(79x0.4) / 2 (s)] = 0.32 (s) < 0.4 (s)
Middle Channel: 7 x 3.017 (ms) x [(79x0.4) / 2 (s)] = 0.33 (s) < 0.4 (s)
High Channel: 7 x 3.017 (ms) x [(79x0.4) / 2 (s)] = 0.33 (s) < 0.4 (s)

9.5 Plots of Dwell Time

Please refer the following plots.

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                   Page 24 of 48                          FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

ATTEN 2008                                                AMKA —.33d48
AL 10 .0d48m                                    10d48B,/  2.s83ms
[      1  |  |                                    |~——T——Hre [svibe     |                                 1
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 cENTER                     2.402000000GHz                                    sPAN            OHz
xABW              1 . OMHz                     vVBW       1 . OMHz               xSWP             10.0ms

     ATTEN                 2008                                           AMKA           2.0008

     AL       10 .00483m                         1048,/                   3.017ms

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     |_                              mt           l         |             BT           rpj on |____]

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                                 2.441000000GHz                                 sPAN          OHz
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High Tech Computer, Corp.                     FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc    Page 26 of 48   FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                     FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc    Page 27 of 48   FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                         FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

10.1 Standard Applicable

According to §15.209 (f) and §15.33(a), in some cases the emissions from an intentional radiator must be
measured to beyond the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency designed to be emitted by
the intentional radiator because of the incorporation f a digital device. If measurements above the tenth
harmonic are so required, the radiated emissions above the tenth harmonic shall comply with the general
radiated emission limits applicable to the incorporated digital device, as shown in §15.109 and as based on
the frequency of the emission being measured, or, except for emissions contained in the restricted
frequency bands shown in §15.205, the limit on spurious emissions specified for the intentional radiator,
whichever is the higher limit.

10.2 Measurement Procedure

            1. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument (SA) using either an internal calibrator
               or a known signal from an external generator.
            2. Position the EUT on a bench without connection to measurement instrument. Turn on the
               EUT and connect its antenna terminal to measurement instrument via a low loss cable.
               Then set it to any one measured frequency within its operating range, and make sure the
               instrument is operated in its linear range.
            3. Set the SA on Max-Hold Mode, and then keep the EUT in transmitting mode. Record all
               the signals from each channel until each one has been recorded.
            4. Set the SA on View mode and then plot the result on SA screen.
            5. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured were complete.

10.3 Test Equipment

         Manufacturer            Model No.          Description           Calibration Due Date
           Agilent                8564E          Spectrum Analyzer             2004-08-01
         Com-Power                AL-100        Log Periodic Antenna           2004-05-01
         Com-Power                AB-100         Biconical Antenna             2004-05-01
         Com-Power                AB-900        Log Periodic Antenna           2004-05-01
         A.H. System            SAS-200/571        Horn Antenna                2004-05-31

10.4 Measurement Results

Please refer to the following plots.

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                  Page 28 of 48                        FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

        ATTEN         2008                         MKR     —65. 834Bm
        AL      10 . OdBm            100B,         576. 4MHz
                    ~—4         I    O|C           HTc     |svios        |
                   8                10 ll 0st                  cow| cH

                        _L___L__      1     L___L__

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         sTaART       30. OMHz                   sTOP      i.0000GHz
       xRBW       100kHz            vew   100kHz           xsWP    10 .0sec
                                                                   La—   7

        ATTEN 2008                                AMKAR —57.8308
        AL 10 .048m                               227MHz
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AL 10 .048m              1048       s.277GHz
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ATTEN 2008                           mkA —Ss8.1748m
AL 10 .048m               1008,/     24 .ssGHz
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sTART       10.00GHz                sTtoP     25.00GHz
«ABW   100kHz            vBW   100kHz         xsSwWP       10.0sec

     ATTEN 2008                             mkKR —s5 . 174Bm
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     ATTEN      2008                        AmkA —60.5008
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ATTEN 2008             mkA —63.0048m
AL 10 .048m   1008,/   7.1isseH=
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ATTEN         2008                       MKR   —S9.3348m
        0 .0dBm                          13.60GHz
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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                                   FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

11.1 Measurement Uncertainty

All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, especially in field of EMC. The factors
contributing to uncertainties are spectrum analyzer, cable loss, antenna factor calibration, antenna
directivity, antenna factor variation with height, antenna phase center variation, antenna factor frequency
interpolation, measurement distance variation, site imperfections, mismatch (average), and system

Based on NIS 81, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the best estimate of the
uncertainty of a radiation emissions measurement at BACL is +4.0 dB.

11.2 Test Setup
The radiated emission tests were performed in the open area 3-meter test site, using the setup in
accordance with the ANSI C63.4-1992. The specification used was the FCC 15 Subpart C limits.

The spacing between the peripherals was 10 centimeters.

External I/O cables were draped along the edge of the test table and bundle when necessary.

The EUT was connected with 120Vac/60Hz power source.

11.3 Spectrum Analyzer Setup

According to FCC Rules, 47 CFR §15.33 (a) (1), the system was tested to 10000 MHz.

During the radiated emission test, the spectrum analyzer was set with the following configurations:

                     Start Frequency ........................................................... 30 MHz
                     Stop Frequency ........................................................... 10000 MHz
                     Sweep Speed ............................................................... Auto
                     IF Bandwidth .............................................................. 1 MHz
                     Video Bandwidth ........................................................ 1 MHz
                     Quasi-Peak Adapter Bandwidth.................................. 120 kHz
                     Quasi-Peak Adapter Mode .......................................... Normal
                     Resolution Bandwidth................................................. 1MHz

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                          Page 35 of 48                                       FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                         FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

11.4 Test Procedure
For the radiated emissions test, both the laptop and all peripheral power cords were connected to the AC
floor outlet since the power supply used in the laptop did not provide an accessory power outlet.
Maximizing procedure was performed on the six (6) highest emissions to ensure EUT compliance is with
all installation combinations.
All data was recorded in the peak detection mode. Quasi-peak readings was performed only when an
emission was found to be marginal (within -4 dBµV of specification limits), and are distinguished with a
"Qp" in the data table.

11.5 Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation

The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the Amplitude reading. The basic equation is as follows:

        Corr. Ampl. = Indicated Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Factor - Amplifier Gain

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable
limit. For example, a margin of -7dBµV means the emission is 7dBµV below the maximum limit for
Class B. The equation for margin calculation is as follows:

        Margin = Corr. Ampl. - Class B Limit

11.6 Test Equipment

         Manufacturer           Model No.            Description        Calibration Due Date
           Agilent               8564E            Spectrum Analyzer          2004-08-01

11.7 Summary of Test Results
According to the data in section 11.8, the EUT complied with the FCC Title 47, Part 15, Subpart C, section
15.205, 15.207, and 15.247, and had the worst margin of:
For Model: SV10B
      -10.3 dB at 7206.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, Low Channel.
       -9.6 dB at 7323.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, Middle Channel.
       -9.8 dB at 7440.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, High Channel.
       -12.2 dB at 110.76 MHz in the Horizontal polarization, Unintentional Emission

For Model: SV10A
      -11.4 dB at 7206.00 MHz in the Horizontal polarization, Low Channel.
       -11.3 dB at 7323.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, Middle Channel.
       -11.5 dB at 7440.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, High Channel.
       -13.0 dB at 576.12 MHz in the Vertical polarization, Unintentional Emission

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                         FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

11.8 Radiated Emission Test Data

    11.8.1 Test Data for model: SV10B

               Indicated               Table          Antenna            Correction Factor                  FCC 15 Subpart C
                                                                   Cable                  Corr.
   Frequency      Ampl.    Direction   Height   Polar     Antenna             Amp.                  Limit   Margin         Mode
                                                                    Loss                 Ampl.
                                                                   dBµV/                            dBµV/
     MHz        dBµV/m     Degree      Meter    H/V       dBµV/m               dB       dBµV/m                dB
                                                                     m                                m
                                                              Low Channel
   2402.00        83.2       150        1.6      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      79.4                         FUND/PEAK
   2402.00        80.7       300        1.8      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      76.9                         FUND/PEAK
   2402.00        51.8       150        1.6      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      48.1                         FUND/AVE
   2402.00        50.2       300        1.8      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      46.5                         FUND/AVE
   7206.00        36.5       180        1.5      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      43.7        54      -10.3       AVE
   7206.00        36.5       250        1.3      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      43.7        54      -10.3       AVE
   4804.00        33.8       120        1.5      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      38.2        54      -15.8       AVE
   4804.00        33.7        15        1.6      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      38.1        54      -15.9       AVE
   7206.00        50.2       180        1.5      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      57.4        74      -16.6      PEAK
   7206.00        49.5       250        1.3      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      56.7        74      -17.3      PEAK
   4804.00        46.2       120        1.5      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      50.6        74      -23.4      PEAK
   4804.00        45.7        15        1.6      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      50.1        74      -23.9      PEAK
                                                             Middle Channel
   2441.00        81.0         0        1.0      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      77.3                         FUND/PEAK
   2441.00        78.8       200        1.4      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      75.1                         FUND/PEAK
   2441.00        50.8         0        1.0      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      47.1                         FUND/AVE
   2441.00        49.3       200        1.4      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      45.6                         FUND/AVE
   7323.00        37.2        90        1.3      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      44.4        54       -9.6       AVE
   7323.00        37.0        60        1.2      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      44.2        54       -9.8       AVE
   4882.00        34.0        30        1.2      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      38.4        54      -15.6       AVE
   4882.00        33.8       270        1.4      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      38.2        54      -15.8       AVE
   7323.00        49.7        60        1.2      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      56.9        74      -17.1      PEAK
   7323.00        49.5        90        1.3      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      56.7        74      -17.3      PEAK
   4882.00        46.3        30        1.2      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      50.7        74      -23.3      PEAK
   4882.00        46.0       270        1.4      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      50.4        74      -23.6      PEAK
                                                                High Channel
   2480.00        80.2       180        1.5      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      76.4                         FUND/PEAK
   2480.00        77.7       180        1.8      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      73.9                         FUND/PEAK
   2480.00        50.2       180        1.5      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      46.5                         FUND/AVE
   2480.00        49.0       180        1.8      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      45.3                         FUND/AVE
   7440.00        37.0        30        1.6      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      44.2        54       -9.8       AVE
   7440.00        36.8       330        1.5      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      44.0        54      -10.0       AVE
   4960.00        33.8         0        1.4      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      38.2        54      -15.8       AVE
   4960.00        33.7       150        1.4      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      38.1        54      -15.9       AVE
   7440.00        49.8        30        1.6      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      57.1        74      -16.9      PEAK
   7440.00        49.7       330        1.5      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      56.9        74      -17.1      PEAK
   4960.00        45.8         0        1.4      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      50.2        74      -23.8      PEAK
   4960.00        45.5       150        1.4      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      49.9        74      -24.1      PEAK

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                         FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

Unintentional Emission

               Indicated               Table          Antenna              Correction Factor         FCC 15 Subpart B
                                                                     Cable                   Corr.
   Frequency     Ampl.     Direction   Height   Polar     Antenna               Amp.                  Limit    Margin
                                                                     Loss                    Ampl.
     MHz        dBµV/m     Degree      Meter    H/V       dBµV/m    dBµV/m        dB       dBµV/m    dBµV/m      dB
    110.76       43.5        150        1.5      H         11.3       1.5       25.0       31.3       43.5     -12.2
    572.40       36.5          0        1.6      V         19.3       3.0       25.0       33.8        46      -12.2
    228.00       42.3        180        1.5      V         11.8       2.2       25.0       31.3        46      -14.7
    357.92       38.5         60        1.3      V         15.5       2.3       25.0       31.3        46      -14.7
    328.50       38.2        330        1.2      V         15.5       2.3       25.0       31.0        46      -15.0
    167.13       39.8         90        1.8      H         13.0       1.8       25.0       29.6        46      -16.4

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                         FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

    11.8.2 Test Data for model: SV10A

               Indicated               Table          Antenna            Correction Factor                  FCC 15 Subpart C
                                                                   Cable                  Corr.
   Frequency      Ampl.    Direction   Height   Polar     Antenna             Amp.                  Limit   Margin         Mode
                                                                    Loss                 Ampl.
                                                                   dBµV/                            dBµV/
     MHz        dBµV/m     Degree      Meter    H/V       dBµV/m               dB       dBµV/m                dB
                                                                     m                                m
                                                              Low Channel
   2402.00        82.8         0        1.6      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      79.1                         FUND/PEAK
   2402.00        78.0        30        1.5      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      74.3                         FUND/PEAK
   2402.00        51.0         0        1.6      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      47.3                         FUND/AVE
   2402.00        49.3        30        1.5      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      45.6                         FUND/AVE
   7206.00        35.3        45        1.4      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      42.6        54      -11.4       AVE
   7206.00        35.2       220        1.5      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      42.4        54      -11.6       AVE
   4804.00        31.8        60        1.2      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      36.2        54      -17.8       AVE
   4804.00        31.5       180        1.0      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      35.9        54      -18.1       AVE
   7206.00        46.5       220        1.5      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      53.7        74      -20.3      PEAK
   7206.00        46.0        45        1.4      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      53.2        74      -20.8      PEAK
   4804.00        44.0        60        1.2      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      48.4        74      -25.6      PEAK
   4804.00        43.2       180        1.0      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      47.6        74      -26.4      PEAK
                                                             Middle Channel
   2441.00        81.5       180        1.4      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      77.8                         FUND/PEAK
   2441.00        79.3        30        1.4      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      75.6                         FUND/PEAK
   2441.00        50.5       180        1.4      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      46.8                         FUND/AVE
   2441.00        49.3        30        1.4      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      45.6                         FUND/AVE
   7323.00        35.5       180        1.5      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      42.7        54      -11.3       AVE
   7323.00        35.3       330        1.4      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      42.5        54      -11.5       AVE
   4882.00        31.7       150        1.6      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      36.1        54      -17.9       AVE
   4882.00        31.6        0         1.3      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      36.0        54      -18.0       AVE
   7323.00        46.8       180        1.5      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      54.0        74      -20.0      PEAK
   7323.00        46.0       330        1.4      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      53.2        74      -20.8      PEAK
   4882.00        44.5       150        1.6      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      48.9        74      -25.1      PEAK
   4882.00        43.8        0         1.3      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      48.2        74      -25.8      PEAK
                                                                High Channel
   2480.00        81.5       330        1.4      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      77.8                         FUND/PEAK
   2480.00        76.0         0        1.2      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      72.3                         FUND/PEAK
   2480.00        49.8       330        1.4      V         28.1        3.4     35.2      46.1                         FUND/AVE
   2480.00        47.5         0        1.2      H         28.1        3.4     35.2      43.8                         FUND/AVE
   7440.00        35.3         0        1.4      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      42.5        54      -11.5       AVE
   7440.00        35.1        45        1.0      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      42.3        54      -11.7       AVE
   4960.00        31.5        30        1.5      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      35.9        54      -18.1       AVE
   4960.00        31.2       180        1.6      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      35.6        54      -18.4       AVE
   7440.00        46.3         0        1.4      V         35.1        5.6     33.5      53.5        74      -20.5      PEAK
   7440.00        45.7        45        1.0      H         35.1        5.6     33.5      52.9        74      -21.1      PEAK
   4960.00        44.2        30        1.5      V         32.5        4.9     33.0      48.6        74      -25.4      PEAK
   4960.00        43.5       180        1.6      H         32.5        4.9     33.0      47.9        74      -26.1      PEAK

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                         Page 39 of 48                                  FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                         FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

Unintentional Emission

               Indicated               Table          Antenna              Correction Factor         FCC 15 Subpart B
                                                                     Cable                   Corr.
   Frequency     Ampl.     Direction   Height   Polar     Antenna               Amp.                  Limit    Margin
                                                                     Loss                    Ampl.
     MHz        dBµV/m     Degree      Meter    H/V       dBµV/m    dBµV/m        dB       dBµV/m    dBµV/m      dB
    576.12       35.7         30        1.8      V         19.3       3.0       25.0       33.0        46      -13.0
    110.50       41.8        150        1.5      H         11.3       1.5       25.0       29.7       43.5     -13.8
    170.17       39.0         90        1.8      H         13.0       1.9       25.0       28.9       43.5     -14.6
    328.07       37.8        180        1.3      V         15.5       2.3       25.0       30.7        46      -15.3
    228.31       40.8         30        1.2      V         11.8       2.2       25.0       29.8        46      -16.2
    357.69       35.0          0        1.5      V         15.5       2.3       25.0       27.8        46      -18.2

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                        Page 40 of 48                                FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                                       FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

12.1 Measurement Uncertainty

All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, especially in field of EMC. The factors
contributing to uncertainties are spectrum analyzer, cable loss, and LISN.
Based on NIS 81, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the best estimate of the
uncertainty of any conducted emissions measurement at BACL is +2.4 dB.

12.2 Test Setup
The measurement was performed at shield room, using the same setup per ANSI C63.4 – 1992
measurement procedure. The specification used was FCC Class B limits.

External I/O cables were draped along the edge of the test table and bundle when necessary.

The EUT was connected with 120Vac/60Hz power source.

12.3 Spectrum Analyzer Setup

The spectrum analyzer was set with the following configurations during the conduction test:
     Start Frequency............................................................................... 150 kHz
     Stop Frequency............................................................................... 30 MHz
     Sweep Speed................................................................................... Auto
     IF Bandwidth .................................................................................. 10 kHz
     Video Bandwidth............................................................................ 10 kHz
     Quasi-Peak Adapter Bandwidth ..................................................... 9 kHz
     Quasi-Peak Adapter Mode.............................................................. Normal

12.4 Test Procedure

During the conducted emission test, the power cord of the host system was connected to the auxiliary
outlet of the first LISN.

Maximizing procedure was performed on the six (6) highest emissions of each modes tested to ensure EUT
is compliant with all installation combination.

All data was recorded in the peak detection mode. Quasi-peak readings were only performed when an
emission was found to be marginal (within -4 dBµV of specification limits). Quasi-peak readings are
distinguished with a "Qp".

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                                     Page 41 of 48                                    FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

12.5 Summary of Test Results

According to the data in section 12.6, the EUT complied with the FCC Conducted margin for a Class B
device, with the worst margin reading of:

                   -0.6 dBµV at 0.520 MHz in the Neutral mode, with PHIHONG AC Adapter

                     -9.6 dBµV at 0.375 MHz in the Neutral mode, with DELTA AC Adapter

12.6 Conducted Emissions Test Data

                        LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS                               FCC CLASS B
       Frequency      Amplitude     Detector                 Phase          Limit       Margin
          MHz          dBµV        Qp/Ave/Peak            Line/Neutral      dBµV          dB
         0.520          45.4            AVG                Neutral            46             -0.6
         0.520          51.4             QP                Neutral            56             -4.6
         2.200          36.2            AVG                Neutral            46             -9.8
         0.555          35.6            AVG                 Line              46            -10.4
         0.905          35.1            AVG                Neutral            46            -10.9
         2.200          45.0             QP                Neutral            56            -11.0
         0.905          44.4             QP                Neutral            56            -11.6
         0.555          40.5             QP                 Line              56            -15.5
         1.040          19.0            AVG                 Line              46            -27.0
         1.640          17.5            AVG                 Line              46            -28.5
         1.040          26.1             QP                 Line              56            -29.9
         1.640          25.5             QP                 Line              56            -30.5

DELTA AC Adapter:
                        LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS                               FCC CLASS B
       Frequency      Amplitude     Detector                 Phase          Limit       Margin
          MHz          dBµV        Qp/Ave/Peak            Line/Neutral      dBµV          dB
         0.375          36.4            AVG                Neutral            46             -9.6
         0.450          38.3            AVG                 Line              48             -9.7
         0.185          42.2            AVG                Neutral            52             -9.8
         0.195          41.1            AVG                 Line              54            -12.9
         0.375          42.1             QP                Neutral            56            -13.9
         0.450          44.0             QP                 Line              58            -14.0
         0.945          39.0             QP                Neutral            56            -17.0
         0.185          44.9             QP                Neutral            62            -17.1
         1.600          28.9            AVG                 Line              46            -17.1
         0.195          45.0             QP                 Line              64            -19.0
         0.945          26.9            AVG                Neutral            46            -19.1
         1.600          36.1             QP                 Line              56            -19.9

12.7 Plot of Conducted Emissions Test Data

Plot(s) of Conducted Emissions Test Data is presented in the following page as reference.
Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                  Page 42 of 48                       FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Corp                              o4. Aug 0n 40: 47
Class B
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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

According to § 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.

And according to § 15.247 (1), if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi are used the
power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi.

The gain of the integrated antenna used for transmitting is –1.2 dBi and is complied with 15.203. Please
see EUT photo for details.

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                   Page 47 of 48                        FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                          FCC ID: NM8VOYAGER

According to the TCB Exclusions List, the limit for general population of portable transmitters that are
used less than 2.5 cm from a person’s body is:

Low threshold :(60/fGHZ) mW, d < 2.5 cm => (60/2.4) mW = 25mW
The maximum output power for the device is 0.0012 W (1.2 mW) which is less than the limit listed in the
TCB exclusions lists (25mW). Therefore, SAR test is not required for the Part15 portion of this device.

Report # R0307183Rpt.doc                   Page 48 of 48                        FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Document Created: 2003-11-10 10:51:37
Document Modified: 2003-11-10 10:51:37

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