Test Report Part II


Test Report

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                        FCC ID: NM8TP


     FCC RULE                            DESCRIPTIONOFTEST                      RESULT
      § 2.1047                      Modulation Characteristics                 Compliant
      § 2.1053                 Field Strength of Spurious Radiation            Compliant
      §2.1093                          RF Exposure (SAR)                       Compliant
     § 2.1046,
                                        RF Output Power                        Compliant
      § 24.232
     § 2.1046,
                                    Conducted Output Power                     Compliant
      § 24.232
      § 2.1049
                            Out of Band Emission, Occupied Bandwidth           Compliant
      § 24.238
     § 2.1051,
                             Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals           Compliant
    § 24.238(a)
    § 2.1055 (a)
                                Frequency stability vs. temperature
    § 2.1055 (d)                                                               Compliant
                                  Frequency stability vs. voltage
      § 24.235
                                            Band Edge                          Compliant

Report # R0404262Rpt                    Page 39 of 59                  FCC Type Approval Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                      FCC ID: NM8TP

Applicable Standard

Requirement: FCC § 2.1047.

Test Procedure

GSM digital mode is used by EUT.

Test Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer          Description             Model         Serial Number           Cal. Date
             HP           Spectrum Analyzer        HP8564E          3943A01781           2003-08-01
             HP                 Plotter            HP7470A          2541A49659          Not Required

    * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the
    NVLAP requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:             23° C
   Relative Humidity:       35%
   ATM Pressure:            1019 mbar

The testing was performed by Ling Zhang on 2004-05-05.

Test Results

Please refer to the hereinafter plots.

Report # R0404262Rpt                          Page 40 of 59                         FCC Type Approval Report

atten 4048               ankn —.17zce

 centem 1.esozccen=          span 1. ccomHz
wmaw a .oz    vew a.oH=        swe ssome

atten 4008              amkn    .e7gs

                  t   t
 L__ ,rnz.vH __1__}__
 centen 1.eec0006n=          span. 1. 0comHz
«naw a.ocH=     vaw a.okH=      swp ssome

atten 4048              amkn —1.0048
Au   se.Scem    i0a8/    soskHz   _
 p      —       T o=1    —Hre |stspA

                                   |    —      i

           C1 fod dy
          . sossoocHz        sman 1. 0comHz
                vew s.omH=     swp esome

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                      FCC ID: NM8TP

Applicable Standard

Requirements: CFR 47, § 2.1053.

Test Procedure

The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a non-radiating load which
was also placed on the turntable.

The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna
height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of
emissions from the EUT. The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.
The frequency range up to tenth harmonic of the fundamental frequency was investigated.

Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the
substitution antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured
by the substitution.

Spurious emissions in dB = 10 lg (TXpwr in Watts/0.001) – the absolute level

Spurious attenuation limit in dB = 43 + 10 Log10 (power out in Watts)

Test Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer          Description             Model         Serial Number           Cal. Date
             HP          Spectrum Analyzer           8568B          2601A02165           2003-07-03
             HP               Amplifier              8447E          2944A10187           2003-09-23
             HP          Quasi-Peak Adapter         85650A          3019A05393           2003-06-13
           EMCO          Biconical Antenna           3110B           9309-1165           2003-10-11
                            Log Periodic
           EMCO                                      3146               2101             2003-10-11
         AH System          Horn Antenna         SAS-200/511            261              2003-08-02

    * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the
    NVLAP requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:             23° C
   Relative Humidity:       35%
   ATM Pressure:            1019 mbar

The testing was performed by Ling Zhang on 2004-05-05.

Report # R0404262Rpt                          Page 42 of 59                         FCC Type Approval Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                       FCC ID: NM8TP

Test Result

FCC Part 24: GSM1900

Low Frequency: -28.7 dBm at 5550.6 MHz
Middle Frequency: -29.0 dBm at 5640 MHz
High Frequency: -28.3 dBm at 5729.4 MHz

     Test Data for GSM1900

                   EUT                                              Generator             Standard

    Indicated       Table   Test Antenna    Substitution    Antenna Cable Absolute FCC          FCC

Frequency Ampl.    Angle    Height Polar Frequency Level      Gain      Loss    Level   Limit   Margin
  MHz dBuV/m       Degree   Meter H/V      MHz     dBm      Corrected   dBm      dB     dBm     DBm
                                           LOW CHANNEL
 1850.2   124.83    60       1.6    V    1850.2  17.3   8.3             1.2     24.4
 1850.2   128.83    120      1.6    H    1850.2  21.6   8.3             1.2      28.7
 5550.6   51.83     200      1.5    H    5550.6 -49.5  10.6             2.8     -41.7   -13     -28.7
 5550.6   51.17     180      1.0    V    5550.6 -50.3  10.6             2.8     -42.5   -13     -29.5
 3700.4   49.33     150      1.6    H    3700.4 -52.4  10.3             2.0     -44.1   -13     -31.1
 3700.4   48.00     180      1.0    V    3700.4 -54.2  10.3             2.0     -45.9   -13     -32.9
                                        MIDDLE CHANNEL
  1880    125.5      300     1.5    V     1880   17.8   8.3             1.2      24.9
  1880    128.5       0      1.5    H     1880   21.3   8.3             1.2      28.4
  5640    51.17      150     1.5    H     5640  -49.8  10.6             2.8     -42.0   -13     -29.0
  5640    50.67      300     1.5    V     5640   -51   10.6             2.8     -43.2   -13     -30.2
  3760    48.83      330     1.6    H     3760  -52.7  10.3             2.0     -44.4   -13     -31.4
  3760    47.17      330     1.4    V     3760  -54.8  10.3             2.0     -46.5   -13     -33.5
                                         HIGH CHANNEL
 1909.8   125.00     30      1.2    V    1909.8  17.4   8.3             1.2     24.5
 1909.8   128.83     100     1.6    H    1909.8  21.5   8.3             1.2     28.6
 5729.4   52.00      90      1.0    H    5729.4 -49.1  10.6             2.8     -41.3   -13     -28.3
 5729.4   51.83      180     1.1    V    5729.4 -50.2  10.6             2.8     -42.4   -13     -29.4
 3819.6   49.83      100     1.8    H    3819.6 -52.1  10.3             2.0     -43.8   -13     -30.8
 3819.6   48.67      180     1.6    V    3819.6 -53.4  10.3             2.0     -45.1   -13     -32.1

Note: No pre-amplifier for harmonic test.

Report # R0404262Rpt                        Page 43 of 59                           FCC Type Approval Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                   FCC ID: NM8TP

§2.1046 & §24.232 - RF POWER OUTPUT
Applicable Standard

According to FCC §2.1046 and §24.232 (1), mobile/portable stations are limited to 2 watts EIRP.

Test Procedure

    1. On a test site, the EUT shall be placed at 1.5m height on a turn table, and in the position closest to
       normal use as declared by the applicant.

    2. The test antenna shall be oriented initially for vertical polarization located 3m from EUT to
       correspond to the frequency of the transmitter.

    3. The output of the test antenna shall be connected to the measuring receiver and the quasi-peak
       detector is used for the measurement.

    4. The transmitter shall be switched on, if possible, without modulation and the measuring receiver
       shall be tuned to the frequency of the transmitter under test.

    5. The test antenna shall be raised and lowered through the specified range of height until a
       maximum signal level is detected by the measuring receiver.

   6. The transmitter shall then the rotated through 360° in the horizontal plane, until the maximum
      signal level is detected by the measuring receiver.

   7. The test antenna shall be raised and lowered again through the specified range of height until a
      maximum signal level is detected by the measuring receiver.

   8. The maximum signal level detected by the measuring receiver shall be noted.

   9. The transmitter shall be replaced by a horn (substitution antenna).

   10. The substitution antenna shall be orientated for vertical polarization and the length of the
       substitution antenna shall be adjusted to correspond to the frequency of the transmitter.

   11. The substitution antenna shall be connected to a calibrated signal generator.

   12. In necessary, the input attenuator setting of the measuring receiver shall be adjusted in order to
       increase the sensitivity of the measuring receiver.

   13. The test antenna shall be raised and lowered through the specified range of height to ensure that
       the maximum signal is received.

   14. The input signal to the substitution antenna shall be adjusted to the level that produces a level
       detected by the measuring received, which is equal to the level noted while the transmitter radiated
       power was measured, corrected for the change of input attenuator setting of the measuring

   15. The input level to the substitution antenna shall be recorded as power level in dBm, corrected for
       any change of input attenuator setting of the measuring receiver.

   16. The measurement shall be repeated with the test antenna and the substitution antenna orientated
       for horizontal polarization.

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                            FCC ID: NM8TP
    17. The measure of the effective radiated power is the large of the two levels recorded, at the input to
        the substitution antenna, corrected for gain of the substitution antenna if necessary.

Test Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer             Description                Model           Serial Number         Cal. Date
             HP             Spectrum Analyzer             8568B               2601A02165        2003-07-03
             HP                     Amplifier             8447E               2944A10187        2003-09-23
             HP             Quasi-Peak Adapter            85650A              3019A05393        2003-06-13
           EMCO             Biconical Antenna             3110B               9309-1165         2003-10-11
                               Log Periodic
           EMCO                                            3146                  2101           2003-10-11
         AH System             Horn Antenna             SAS-200/511              261            2003-08-02

    * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the
    NVLAP requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:                23° C
   Relative Humidity:          35%
   ATM Pressure:               1019 mbar

The testing was performed by Ling Zhang on 2004-05-05.

Test Results

     Test Data for GSM1900

                        Frequency         Substitution Reading      Gain          Loss       EIRP
                          MHz                     dBm             Corrected        dB        dBm
                         1850.2                  17.3               8.3           1.2         24.4
                         1850.2                  21.6               8.3           1.2         28.7
                          1880                   17.8               8.3           1.2         24.9
                          1880                   21.3               8.3           1.2         28.4
                         1909.8                  17.4               8.3           1.2         24.5
                         1909.8                  21.5               8.3           1.2         28.6

Sample calculation:

Absolute level = substitution reading + antenna gain - cable loss

For example:

17.3 + 8.3 – 1.2 = 24.4

Report # R0404262Rpt                              Page 45 of 59                            FCC Type Approval Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                      FCC ID: NM8TP

§2.1046 & §24.232 – CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER
Applicable Standard

According to FCC §24.232 (b), mobile / portable stations are limited to 2 watts e.i.r.p peak power and the
equipment must employ means to limit the power to the minimum necessary for successful

Test Procedure

The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient

Test Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer           Description             Model        Serial Number           Cal. Date
             HP            Spectrum Analyzer        HP8564E         3943A01781           2003-08-01
             HP                 Plotter             HP7470A         2541A49659           Not Required
       A.H. Systems          Horn Antenna            SAS200             261              2003-05-31
            ETS           Logperiodic Antenna         3148           0004-1155           2003-10-11
           EMCO            Biconical Antenna          3110B          9603-2315           2003-10-11

    * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the
    NVLAP requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:              23° C
   Relative Humidity:        35%
   ATM Pressure:             1019 mbar

The testing was performed by Ling Zhang on 2004-05-05.

Test Results


     Channel            Frequency (MHz)     Output Power in dBm      Output Power in W           Limit in W
      LOW                    1850.2                29.50                   0.891                     2
     MIDDLE                  1880.0                30.17                   1.040                     2
      HIGH                   1909.8                30.17                   1.040                     2

Report # R0404262Rpt                           Page 46 of 59                        FCC Type Approval Report

                      atten 4008                       mkn as.socem
                      mc se.scem                       1. esozecnH=
                                                       Hre [sts6a

                       centem 1. esosceH=                 span. 10 combz
                      ~mow a ome@    vaw a. omHz             swp so.ome

                       atten 4008                      m km 30. 170Bm
                       Au_s8. 549Bm                    a . ezssech=
                                                       Hre    |st2oA
                                                       demisoo mto cH |


                       centem 1.esc0cen=                  span— 10. comHz
                                    vaw 3. omrz              swp so.oms

                                                       mkn 30. 170Bm
                                            10487      1. sosescHa=
                                                       Hre     |srepa   T    C
                                                    s__gsm1s00 [nxen o5
                                                        |   /A/(       |4


                       L_]            |     __L                          1
                       centen 1.sosec6nz                     sman. 10 . comHz
                      »now 2. omnz  vaw 3. omz                  swp so.omse

wopai n nrmrrevengs                       k uen e ue                        k0 ns opsimesspuns

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                      FCC ID: NM8TP

§2.1049 & §24.238 - OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH
Applicable Standard

Requirements: CFR 47, Section 2.1049 and Section 24.238.

Test Procedure

The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient

The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 30 KHz and the 26 dB bandwidth was

Test Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer          Description             Model         Serial Number           Cal. Date
             HP          Spectrum Analyzer        HP8564E           3943A01781           2003-08-01
             HP                Plotter            HP7470A           2541A49659          Not Required

    * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the
    NVLAP requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:             23° C
   Relative Humidity:       35%
   ATM Pressure:            1019 mbar

The testing was performed by Ling Zhang on 2004-05-05.

Test Results

Please refer to the following plots.

Plots of Occupied Bandwidth and 99% Bandwidth for GSM1900, Part24:

Report # R0404262Rpt                         Page 48 of 59                          FCC Type Approval Report

    atten 4000          ankn —.17zce

 centen 1.esozccsn=        span 1.ccomHz
»mew a.ocn=   vew a.oH=      swe ssome

    atten 4008         amkn —4.0008

         preo sw
    |Roce s9.00__
    eas.I ons|   0|

          £O_ d _ fd db _
 centem 1.esozaccen=       span 1.0co0m—z
~new a. ommz    vew s.ocH=   swo sgome

atten 4000               amkn .ezce
mc _s8.508m
   sm.Seom _             ai0kHz

 L___L__ .Lr _ 1j_J0__
 centen 1.ee00000H=            span 1. 0comHz
«nsw s.omHz   vaw a.omHz         swp 2some

atten 4008               amkn —1.eses
mu_ss.sc0m       i0am/   esokHz
 TT    T       1OoT>     Hre


  i               J__
 L1        L     |__1_
 centen 1. ss00000Hz           span 1. 000m—=
«naw s.okna    vew s.oh=         swp seome

atten 4008                 amkn   —1.0008
an se.sasm____
    T          ioae/
               m     _somkhe
                  y—Hre       _ _. 1 _ 7
         I ::fiwL\\\+\\\muw%om‘Htmmatmu
              _| _

 centen 1. soseccenz          span 1. ocomHz
«asw 3. okHz   vaew 3. oz       swp asoms

 atten 4000                awika —2.s049
 nL se .s4Bm         a8/   asokHz
                     \jmihmflm rw TCO

 Loh ooo—G
  ccurreo ow
    ce _s9. 00|
  250). oHz

 centen   sosscoon=           span. 1. ocomHz
»maw a.ocH=   vaw s.oHaz         swp sgome

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                      FCC ID: NM8TP

Applicable Standard

Requirements: CFR 47, § 2.1051 & §24.238(a).

The spectrum was to be investigated to the tenth harmonics of the highest fundamental frequency as
specified in § 2.1057.

Test Procedure

The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a spectrum analyzer through appropriate attenuation.
The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 100 kHz. Sufficient scans were taken to
show any out of band emissions up to 10th harmonic.

Test Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer          Description             Model         Serial Number           Cal. Date
             HP           Spectrum Analyzer        HP8564E          3943A01781           2003-08-01
             HP                 Plotter            HP7470A          2541A49659          Not Required

    * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the
    NVLAP requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:             23° C
   Relative Humidity:       35%
   ATM Pressure:            1019 mbar

The testing was performed by Ling Zhang on 2004-05-05.

Test Results

Please refer to the hereinafter plots.

Plots of Spurious Emission for GSM1900, Part24

Report # R0404262Rpt                          Page 52 of 59                         FCC Type Approval Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                             FCC ID: NM8TP

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                             FCC ID: NM8TP

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High Tech Computer, Corp.                             FCC ID: NM8TP

Report # R0404262Rpt        Page 55 of 59   FCC Type Approval Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                     FCC ID: NM8TP

§2.1055 (a), §2.1055 (d) & §24.235 - FREQUENCY STABILITY
Applicable Standard

Requirements: FCC § 2.1055 (a), § 2.1055 (d) & following:

According to §22.355, the carrier frequency of each transmitter in the Public Mobile Services must be
maintained within the tolerances given in Table C-1 of this section.
  Table C-1_Frequency Tolerance for Transmitters in the Public Mobile
                              Base, fixed [SU][le][/ Mobile
     Frequency range (MHz)                  (ppm)     SU]3 watts [le]3 watts
                                        (ppm)       (ppm)
25 to 50.........................     20.0      20.0       50.0
50 to 450........................      5.0       5.0       50.0
450 to 512.......................       2.5      5.0        5.0
821 to 896.......................       1.5      2.5        2.5
928 to 929.......................       5.0      n/a        n/a
929 to 960.......................       1.5      n/a        n/a
2110 to 2220.....................        10.0       n/a       n/a

According to §24.235, The frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that the fundamental emission
stays within the authorized frequency block.

Test Procedure

Frequency Stability vs. Temperature: The equipment under test was connected to an external DC power
supply and the RF output was connected to a frequency counter via feed-through attenuators. The EUT
was placed inside the temperature chamber. The DC leads and RF output cable exited the chamber
through an opening made for the purpose.
After the temperature stabilized for approximately 20 minutes, the frequency output was recorded from the
Frequency Stability vs. Voltage: An external variable DC power supply was connected to the battery
terminals of the equipment under test. The voltage was set to 115% of the nominal value and was then
decreased until the transmitter light no longer illuminated; i.e., the battery end point. The output frequency
was recorded for each battery voltage.

Test Equipment List and Details

   Manufacturer                   Description                  Model      Serial Number         Cal. Date
          HP                   Spectrum Analyzer               HP8564E         3943A01781       2003-08-01
          HP                         Plotter                   HP7470A         2541A49659      Not Required
                             Temperature Chamber
        Tenney                                                  Versa          12.222-193       2003-04-23
                                -50° to + 100°

Report # R0404262Rpt                           Page 56 of 59                        FCC Type Approval Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                      FCC ID: NM8TP

    * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the
    NVLAP requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:             23° C
   Relative Humidity:       35%
   ATM Pressure:            1035 mbar

The testing was performed by Ling Zhang on 2004-05-05.

Test Results

Test Result for GSM1900

Frequency Stability Versus Temperature

                                  Reference Frequency: 1880 MHz, Limit: 2.5ppm
    Environment Temperature          Power Supplied            Frequency Measure with Time Elapsed
             (°C)                         (Vdc)              MHz                     PPM Error
                 50                        3.7               1880.000048                     0.026
                 40                        3.7               1880.000046                     0.024
                 30                        3.7               1880.000039                     0.021
                 20                        3.7               1880.000037                     0.020
                 10                        3.7               1880.000049                     0.026
                 0                         3.7               1880.000044                     0.023
                -10                        3.7               1880.000043                     0.023
                -20                        3.7               1880.000050                     0.027
                -30                        3.7               1880.000055                     0.029

Battery normal voltage: 3.7v

Frequency Stability Versus Battery Voltage

                         Reference Frequency: 1880MHz, Limit: 2.5ppm
     Power                                          MHz
                  Environment Temperature
    Supplied                                                                      ppm
       3.6                   20                     1880.000047                  0.025

Battery end point: 3.6v

Report # R0404262Rpt                         Page 57 of 59                          FCC Type Approval Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                                                                      FCC ID: NM8TP

§24.238 – BAND EDGE
Applicable Standard

According to §24.238, the power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges
must be attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.

Test Procedure

The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient
The center of the spectrum analyzer was set to block edge frequency, RBW set to 30KHz.

Test Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer          Description             Model         Serial Number           Cal. Date
             HP          Spectrum Analyzer        HP8564E           3943A01781           2003-08-01
             HP                Plotter            HP7470A           2541A49659          Not Required

    * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the
    NVLAP requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:             23° C
   Relative Humidity:       35%
   ATM Pressure:            1019 mbar

The testing was performed by Ling Zhang on 2004-05-05.

Test Results

Please refer to the following plots.

Plots of Band Edge for GSM1900, Part 24

Report # R0404262Rpt                         Page 58 of 59                          FCC Type Approval Report

High Tech Computer, Corp.                             FCC ID: NM8TP

Report # R0404262Rpt        Page 59 of 59   FCC Type Approval Report

Document Created: 2004-07-19 11:12:23
Document Modified: 2004-07-19 11:12:23

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