SAR report Part I


RF Exposure Info

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                  SAR EVALUATION REPORT


                      High Tech Computer, Corp.
                                  23, Hsin-Hua Rd.,
                                 Taoyuan, 330 Taiwan

                                FCC ID: NM8TP


   This Report Concerns:                     Equipment Type:
       Original Report                       GPRS/GSM1900 MHz Bluetooth

     Test Engineer:      Daniel Deng /

        Report No.:      R0404262S

          Test Date:     2004-05-02

      Reviewed By:       Hans Mellberg /

     Prepared By:        Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Corporation (BACL)
                         230 Commercial Street
                         Sunnyvale, CA 94085
                         Tel: (408) 732-9162
                         Fax: (408) 732 9164

Note: This test report is specially limited to the above client company and the product model
      only. It may not be duplicated without prior written consent of Bay Area Compliance
      Laboratory Corporation. This report must not be used by the client to claim product
      endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.

High Tech Computer, Corp                                                                                                                    FCC ID: NM8TP
1 - REFERENCE ...........................................................................................................................................................5
2 - TESTING EQUIPMENT.........................................................................................................................................6
   2.1 EQUIPMENTS LIST & CALIBRATION INFO ...............................................................................................................6
   2.2 EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE ...............................................................................................................6
3 - EUT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................................34
4 - SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION...................................................................................................................35
   4.1 JUSTIFICATION .....................................................................................................................................................35
   4.2 EUT EXERCISE PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................35
   4.3 EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................................................35
5 – CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER MEASUREMENTS ...................................................................................36
   5.1 PROVISION APPLICABLE .......................................................................................................................................36
   5.2 TEST PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................36
   5.3 TEST EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................................36
   5.4 TEST RESULTS .....................................................................................................................................................36
6 - DOSIMETRIC ASSESSMENT SETUP...............................................................................................................38
   6.1 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM DIAGRAM .....................................................................................................................39
   6.2. SYSTEM COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................................................40
   6.3 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................................................................44
7 - EVALUATION PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................45
   7.1 SAR EVALUATION PROCEDURE ...........................................................................................................................45
   7.2 EXPOSURE LIMITS ................................................................................................................................................46
   7.3 SIMULATED TISSUE LIQUID PARAMETER CONFIRMATION ...................................................................................46
   7.4 SAR MEASUREMENT ...........................................................................................................................................46
   7.5 SYSTEM ACCURACY VERIFICATION .....................................................................................................................47
   7.6 LIQUID MEASUREMENT RESULT ..........................................................................................................................48
8 - SAR TEST RESULTS............................................................................................................................................51
   8.1 SAR BODY AND HEAD WORST-CASE TEST DATA ...............................................................................................51
   8.2 PLOTS OF TEST RESULT .......................................................................................................................................51
EXHIBIT A - SAR SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS .........................................................................................................62
  GSM, BODY WORN, FACE TOUCHING FLAT PHANTOM WITH ACCESSORY (HEADSET)..............................................64
  GSM, LEFT HEAD, CHEEK .........................................................................................................................................65
  GSM, LEFT HEAD, TILTED ........................................................................................................................................65
EXHIBIT B – EUT PHOTOGRAPHS ......................................................................................................................67
  EUT TOP VIEW I........................................................................................................................................................67
  EUT TOP VIEW II ......................................................................................................................................................67
  EUT REAR VIEW I .....................................................................................................................................................68
  EUT REAR VIEW II....................................................................................................................................................68
  BATTERY VIEW ..........................................................................................................................................................69
  EUT FRONT COVER OFF VIEW I ................................................................................................................................69
  EUT FRONT COVER OFF VIEW II...............................................................................................................................70
  EUT BACK COVER OFF VIEW....................................................................................................................................70
  EUT BATTERY OFF VIEW ..........................................................................................................................................71
  EUT COMPONENT VIEW WITH SHIELDING .................................................................................................................71
  EUT COMPONENT VIEW WITHOUT SHIELDING ...........................................................................................................72
  EUT SOLDER VIEW WITH SHIELDING .........................................................................................................................72
  EUT SOLDER VIEW WITHOUT SHIELDING ..................................................................................................................73
  KEYPAD VIEW I .........................................................................................................................................................73
  KEYPAD VIEW II ........................................................................................................................................................74
Report #R0404262S                                                       Page 2 of 77                                                   SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp                                                                                                                     FCC ID: NM8TP
  EARPHONE .................................................................................................................................................................74
  USB CABLE ...............................................................................................................................................................75
  MINI SD CARD ..........................................................................................................................................................75
  AC ADAPTER .............................................................................................................................................................76
EXHIBIT C – Z-AXIS.................................................................................................................................................77

Report #R0404262S                                                       Page 3 of 77                                                     SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp                                                                  FCC ID: NM8TP

The US Federal Communications Commission has released the report and order “Guidelines for
Evaluating the Environmental Effects of RF Radiation", ET Docket No. 93-62 in August 1996 [1].

The order requires routine SAR evaluation prior to equipment authorization of portable transmitter
devices, including portable telephones. For consumer products, the applicable limit is 1.6 mW/g as
recommended by the ANSI/IEEE standard C95.1-1992 [6] for an uncontrolled environment (Paragraph
65). According to the Supplement C of OET Bulletin 65 “Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guide-lines
for Human Exposure to Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields", released on Jun 29, 2001 by the FCC,
the device should be evaluated at maximum output power (radiated from the antenna) under “worst-case”
conditions for normal or intended use, incorporating normal antenna operating positions, device peak
performance frequencies and positions for maximum RF energy coupling.

This report describes the methodology and results of experiments performed on wireless data terminal.
The objective was to determine if there is RF radiation and if radiation is found, what is the extent of
radiation with respect to safety limits. SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is the measure of RF exposure
determined by the amount of RF energy absorbed by human body (or its parts) – to determine how the RF
energy couples to the body or head which is a primary health concern for body worn devices. The limit
below which the exposure to RF is considered safe by regulatory bodies in North America is 1.6 mW/g
average over 1 gram of tissue mass.

The test configurations were laid out on a specially designed test fixture to ensure the reproducibility of
measurements. Each configuration was scanned for SAR. Analysis of each scan was carried out to
characterize the above effects in the device.

There was no SAR of any concern measured on the device for any of the investigated configurations.

Report #R0404262S                             Page 4 of 77                             SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp                                                                       FCC ID: NM8TP

[1] Federal Communications Commission, \Report and order: Guidelines for evaluating the environmental effects of
radiofrequency radiation", Tech. Rep. FCC 96-326, FCC, Washington, D.C. 20554, 1996.

[2] David L. Means Kwok Chan, Robert F. Cleveland, \Evaluating compliance with FCC guidelines for human
exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields", Tech. Rep., Federal Communication Commission, O_ce of
Engineering & Technology, Washington, DC, 1997.

[3] Thomas Schmid, Oliver Egger, and Niels Kuster, \Automated E-_eld scanning system for dosimetric
assessments", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 44, pp. 105{113, Jan. 1996.

[4] Niels Kuster, Ralph K.astle, and Thomas Schmid, \Dosimetric evaluation of mobile communications
equipment with known precision", IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E80-B, no. 5, pp. 645{652, May

[5] CENELEC, \Considerations for evaluating of human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from mobile
telecommunication equipment (MTE) in the frequency range 30MHz - 6GHz", Tech. Rep., CENELEC, European
Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, Brussels, 1997.

[6] ANSI, ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992: IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio
Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,
New York, NY 10017, 1992.

[7] Katja Pokovic, Thomas Schmid, and Niels Kuster, \Robust setup for precise calibration of E-field probes in
tissue simulating liquids at mobile communications frequencies", in ICECOM _ 97, Dubrovnik, October 15{17,
1997, pp. 120-24.

[8] Katja Pokovic, Thomas Schmid, and Niels Kuster, \E-field probe with improved isotropy in brain simulating
liquids", in Proceedings of the ELMAR, Zadar, Croatia, 23{25 June, 1996, pp. 172-175.

[9] Volker Hombach, Klaus Meier, Michael Burkhardt, Eberhard K. uhn, and Niels Kuster, \The depen-dence of EM
energy absorption upon human head modeling at 900 MHz", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 1865-1873, Oct. 1996.

[10] Klaus Meier, Ralf Kastle, Volker Hombach, Roger Tay, and Niels Kuster, \The dependence of EM energy
absorption upon human head modeling at 1800 MHz", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Oct. 1997, in press.

[11] W. Gander, Computermathematik, Birkhaeuser, Basel, 1992.

[12] W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky,W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, Numerical Recepies in C, The Art of
Scientific Computing, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1992.Dosimetric Evaluation of Sample device,
month 1998 9

[13] NIS81 NAMAS, \The treatment of uncertainity in EMC measurement", Tech. Rep., NAMAS Executive,
National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, England, 1994.

[14] Barry N. Taylor and Christ E. Kuyatt, \Guidelines for evaluating and expressing the uncertainty of NIST
measurement results", Tech. Rep., National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1994. Dosimetric Evaluation of
Sample device, month 1998 10

Report #R0404262S                                Page 5 of 77                               SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp                                                 FCC ID: NM8TP


2.1 Equipments List & Calibration Info

                      Type / Model                     Cal. Date            S/N:
 DASY3 Professional Dosimetric System            N/A               N/A
 Robot RX60L                                     N/A               F00/5H31A1/A/01
 Robot Controller                                N/A               F01/5J72A1/A/01
 Dell Computer Optiplex GX110                    N/A               N/A
 Pentium III, Windows NT                         N/A               N/A
 SPEAG EDC3                                      N/A               N/A
 SPEAG DAE3                                      2003-06           456
 SPEAG E-Field Probe ES3DV2                      2004-04-12        3019
 SPEAG Generic Twin Phantom                      N/A               N/A
 SPEAG Light Alignment Sensor                    N/A               278
 Aprel Validation Dipole D-1800-S-2              2003-03-06        BCL-049
 Brain Equivalent Matter (1900MHz)               Each Use          N/A
 Muscle Equivalent Matter (1900MHz)              Each Use          N/A
 Robot Table                                     Each Use          N/A
 Phone Holder                                    Each Use          N/A
 Phantom Cover                                   Each Use          N/A
 HP Spectrum Analyzer HP8566A                    N/A               2240A01930
 Microwave Amp. 8349A                            N/A               2644A02662
 Power Meter HP436A                              2004-04-02        2709A29209
 Power Sensor HP8482A                            2004-04-02        2349A08568
 Network Analyzer HP-8752C                       2004-07-30        820079
 Dielectric Probe Kit HP85070A                   Each Use          US99360201

2.2 Equipment Calibration Certificate
Please see the attached file.

Report #R0404262S                       Page 6 of 77                   SAR Evaluation Report

Canoraton canoratory or
Scinid & Partrer
  Engineetng AG

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Pefomgern Rhrmcmmzen

              Probe ES3DV2

                              SN: 3019
                    Manufactured          December 5, 2002
                     Last calioration:    July 12, 2003

                        Callorated for DASY Systems
                         ts renconcuiie 0481z snn

                                Pam ree

esaove on a0re                                           Jut t2, zons
DASY — Parameters of Probe: ES3DV2 SN: 3019
Senstivty in Free Space              Diede Compression
       Nomx        o witim?                 ncex     ow
       Nomy        t tm‘                    scrv     an
       Nomz        as0 witim‘               Eoo      )
Sensitviy in Tissue Simulating Uavid
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  aatoiss eu wtssm Sevaues esreonego n ePemse
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       cmey         64 soos ten          wne      ons
       ccez         64 sns ton           ten      in
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vatemm abi isam usTo Smss ns ce on eresenc
      cmex       s0 sass        dani ates
      cmey       50 sesscen     Auve     oa
      cez        50 sasscen     twe      an
Boundary Effect
e            se      nperingndint t pernm
       Pate Tovtaedy                    tm               zmm
       $A vinss Cormtcnageim            as               12
       S vincomainaizim                 so               o
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       Proe ti trniay                  tom               imm
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Sensor Ofset
        Pote o o wae con             a             m


essoua swsor0   Jury 12. 2oo

essoue snsore                    Juy   moos
       reoummone   |[—   ramweworee

essovest   ore                                    Juy to,zo0s

                 Frequency Response of E—Field
                     (rewotantto, waveques Raa)


essovesicaos                               Jur t2, z0s

               Dynamic Range f(SARsw)

               ~+—mareems        eermans


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                CGonversion Factor Assessment

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   cez so rsswien           san        am


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                 CGonversion Factor Assessment

       1+ seoo wwo ntt foaan       _ rss moon

  4e                                   y
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                Conversion Factor Assessment

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                Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                       Eor(9 ) t= 00 ie


knorenmmm sons corn omorme
Frow vet 2 tracen i msarre
notnouon Muimmarmescom

              Probe ES3DV2
                     Additional Conversion Factors

                   Manufactured:            December 5, 2002
                   Last calibration:        July 12, 2003
                   Add. calibration:        October 9, 2003

                      Calibrated for DASY Systems
                       (notw: nonconpatt uin DASZ eaien)

                               Page t oo

DASY — Parameters of Probe: ES3DV2 SN:3019
Sensitivly in Free Space                   Diode Compression
        Nomx         106 w¥ltim?                  borx        se
       Nom\          td tm                        pcpy        se
       Nemz          ose wvivim?                  nope        se

Sensor Offsat
       Proe To to Serao Cerie              an            mm


                          Conversion Factor Assessment

sarpmunentw        t sas uit G R hend)              = 1900Mz WG Ra2 hoad)


              os            s

              se iook            0k         o

Hea            aos ue        wxasemm    «= 0808 8% mom
Yar tteresart iese ad en itrin Loecering ten eonescu0x
        Conex         a5 samm cen          Goantayatec
        Comey         as sosm (on          Auna        oas
        Comnz         as sosm con          Drem        das

Hoad        soo mtc         «n on m     on 1408 8k moim
vatt rtetose hi u9 on Yaasn Sctog ncccorng o trtoos, ieasor
        conx        47 sas% (on            Soontar otec
        conv        a7 soss cen            Apre         oze
        Comnz       47 sask (on)           dn           sas


                   Convers ion Factor Assessment



    | Gerraea)                                  (aane hss
    neey        aas uie        on ssansn «> 087% 8% moin
    YattotersareitB nstmuitng Lt acurtng o ORTts Burnt C
           Cone x       e sosm              Beandar tect
           Comey        6t «oo              Aots         oas
           Conn:        6t soss ten         dran         200

    Bowy        oo mee        o snanem    o« 1522 8% mtom
    on tototsooo t utoys SinuiatngL secortng o ORT 6 Surn C
            Comr x     48 x0s% ten)          Roundar etect
            comey      a8 soss en            Aota          o2«
            conre      a8 «oo                dran          204


               Conversion Factor Assessment

      1= s00 mns, wo n(body                      i+ 1000 ms,wa ze (bod)


nooy            soowite        «« ssoasn        ros $% mhom
vastor rase es tevit Doin imintng o sesertng s GBT 6 trot 0
         cone x         a1 sosmcen             Boundayatec
         coney          a sosm                 Aota         oar
         conez          6 zoo(on               dn           182

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        Cone x      a7 «oss cen)       Boinday eect
        cone y      a7 soscen          Arra         oas
        Conez       47 sosm ten        Doan         200


                          Conversion Factor Assessment

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              wo                                           mo
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              se                                           se
                           se                                         xm
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       corx         45 «ast (on          Geandayotecs
       comry        as soss (en          Are          oao
       conrz        as «omm ten          tm           182

noey     maso        w serasm o 1962 86 main
     conr x   42 xost (on       Beundayotect
     conry    a2 s05% (on       Aota         ose
     conez    42 xoss con       Daon         18


dnapvaremeon sevmied
maw c meore
Medrrmce      n on aiore

                Additional Conversion Factors
                              for DostmeticE—Hidd Prove


           Serial Number

           Place of Assessment

           Date of Assessment                 October 13, 2003

           Probe Catibration Date:             October9, 2003

    Schinid & Parter Enginering AG berbycevife ht canversion ictor@)ofhis
    prob have been ealuated on the dindcate above, Theassessment was perormed
    using he FDTD numericl cade SEMCAD ofSchmid & Parter Engineeing AG. Since
    the evnlutiois couped with measured convermion ictos, itha o berecalculted
    year, i. fillowing the re—calloatonschedule ofhe probe. The unceraintofhe
    numerieal sssseentisb ased  on thextrapolafo flom  measored valueat 900 Ntz or
    ac 1800 mtte

           Assessed by:

rsspvasnaoe                                                        Octaber 13, 200

tnsrnaname 0. 00000 remmve
rraw en idwe     cvaivinn
nediemon   iennssmion

Dosimetric E—Field Probe ES3DV2 SN:3019
Comersion fict(stndard deviaon)

asomie          car       sraie       eas                 |
                                       a=876=5% moin
asomine         Car       ssass           as

asomime         Can       css            rmases
                                         a= 0758 mom
                                  (tentine) _
asomie          Conr      razss             sresm
                                            45425% miom

rsspvacsnans                                     Otobert3,2008

           Certificate of Calibration Verification

Descrgtion of EUT                     Tuned Dipole Antenna
EUT Model Number                      D—1800—5—1
EUT Seral Number                      BCL—049
Center Frequency                      1800 MHz
                       Callbration Date: 12 Aprit 2004

                        Testing conditions:
per P 162001 22003
Ambient Temperature(18.25 °C)                     ao
Ambient Humdiy                                    ©%

Liquid Temperatre at star of measurements (<2°C) 21 °C
Liquid temperature at end of measurements        20
Date and time at begining of est            200804—09—16.20 PST
Date and time at begining of test           200%—04—09—1940 PST

            Equipment used for measurements
Network Anabyzer          ho       ersze               1 Nov 2002
Inpedance adapter         aciient asoota              31 oet2002
Short Reference           hp       estar—esan         31 0ct2003
Open Reference            hp       enter—esate        31 0ct2003
Load Reference            hp       esiar—asa01        31 0at2003
Snal Generator            hp       eassos             20 reb 2004
Calibxation Cable: SA Ulfex, 305 meter cable S/N 9961200 (Number 8)
Phantom Modet                                   san
Lquit                                           1800 Mfi Head Liquid
Liquid Valtaton Date                            12 Aont 2004
Cuantty of Lquit in Phantom:                    198 Liew
                    Measurement Procedure
In accordance wit IEEE PIS2001 22003,834 8 2 3 tough 8 24

High Tech Computer, Corp                                  FCC ID: NM8TP


Report #R0404262S          Page 27 of 77                SAR Evaluation Report

1800 MFiz Head Lovnidaton            oue caprosn;
AntientTenp «23 C                    use Tero
Frequeey          e
resooosoc00000      sz       mz
ressoons0000        sarmse   rane
ressosss0000        ssm      Bie
iissoosonon         s        nabs
ressooscc0000       sssier   nan
iescoasonooon       ssare    mase
reescon0000         ssatie   mnane
e                            nB
iesecosnooon        sazese   wass
ressooccc0000       sa7eer   roae
rereosso0000        sezace   zue
rerzsoon0000        ss       nae
rericasonoons       inss     es
reresoos0000        sazir    nas
rersasonn000        saris    nire
en                           Biss
ressoossc0000       ss7oss   mz
resaasonn00         sarit    1200
resecocsn0000       simim    nase
iessssco000         sszose   warm
ressocssc0000       sscesr   ie
reszooson000        marn     w30
ressoosoo000        smerm    Basr
resscocs0000        ssaurt   19200
iesscmn000          sseim    sae
feacooonon0..       w55      es
e                            wass
reoscossco000       sssies   se
rsosmocsco000       sauuee   Base
rerccosssn000       sssiee   wsorm
rerzsossco000       maart    mogsr
rerecocnsn000       sssres   19309
reresoo0000         marm     o
rersasonn           ssm      moss
ressoosss0000       ssson    es
                    wam      mose
reescono0..         ssime    m
imssanno0..         se       nxe
e                            wore
rescoosso000        sssar    nose
omcs                mm       mase
resecosno00         sarm     mose
reesssonnonn        morm     Sae
ressooscco000       ssseer   ns
rersso000           misn     nen
rezoosssn000        snstoe   Sss
resscocs00000       mazsr    mss
resessonon0..       maiis    Sam
resssoo000          mat      mss
ressoosomon         seaiee   Sss

           Syven Takditonfr 1900 Mt ieLagud (Anbent Terp 50 lapuiTen rc
           WWinmchefmas   =20.0
                          mAz   im 400000
                                    fows vies
           ins           tnCmm

                                                                an, se


hopoumurnsranee                     iss                             unicrmmnnipnce

Inserion Loss Plot

   onun is ie        s m mr sn c

High Tech Computer, Corp                                    FCC ID: NM8TP

1900 MHZ Head Liquid Validation
Ambient Temp=23 Deg C , Liquid Temp=22 Deg C , 5/2/2004
   frequency                  e'        e''
1850000000.0000            39.9077   12.9328
1852000000.0000            39.8886   12.9841
1854000000.0000            39.9141   12.9541
1856000000.0000            39.9347   12.9726
1858000000.0000            39.9526   13.0005
1860000000.0000            39.9972   13.0501
1862000000.0000            39.0355   13.0398
1864000000.0000            39.0242   13.0778
1866000000.0000            39.0255   13.0612
1868000000.0000            39.0521   13.0772
1870000000.0000            39.0829   13.1050
1872000000.0000            39.0781   13.1254
1874000000.0000            39.0693   13.0893
1876000000.0000            39.0736   13.0827
1878000000.0000            39.0821   13.1326
1880000000.0000            39.1153   13.1184
1882000000.0000            39.0877   13.1219
1884000000.0000            39.0982   13.1104
1886000000.0000            39.0992   13.1090
1888000000.0000            39.0684   13.1176
1890000000.0000            39.0903   13.0922
1892000000.0000            39.0510   13.1026
1894000000.0000            39.0507   13.0773
1896000000.0000            39.0327   13.0735
1898000000.0000            39.0058   13.0742
1900000000.0000            38.9908   13.0334
1902000000.0000            38.9821   13.0225
1904000000.0000            38.9535   13.0396
1906000000.0000            38.9374   13.0319
1908000000.0000            38.9077   12.9882
1910000000.0000            38.8571   12.9834
1912000000.0000            38.8438   13.0009
1914000000.0000            38.7996   12.9418
1916000000.0000            38.7663   12.9556
1918000000.0000            38.7190   12.9484
1920000000.0000            38.7139   12.9325
1922000000.0000            38.6670   12.9351
1924000000.0000            38.6155   12.9193
1926000000.0000            38.5783   12.9215
1928000000.0000            38.5281   12.9195
1930000000.0000            38.5097   12.9267
1932000000.0000            38.4625   12.9469
1934000000.0000            38.4384   12.9098
1936000000.0000            38.4148   12.9164
1938000000.0000            38.4089   12.9577
1940000000.0000            38.3885   12.9374
1942000000.0000            38.3428   12.9713
1944000000.0000            38.3110   12.9795
1946000000.0000            38.2952   13.0141
1948000000.0000            38.3023   13.0160
1950000000.0000            38.3229   13.0656

σ = ω εo ε” = 2 π f εo ε”=1.3776
where f = 1900x 106
      εo = 8.854 x 10-12
     ε” = 13.0334

Report #R0404262S                     Page 32 of 77       SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp                                    FCC ID: NM8TP

1900 MHZ Body Liquid Validation
Ambient Temp=23 Deg C , Liquid Temp=22 Deg C , 5/2/2004
   frequency                  e'        e''
1850000000.0000            52.6758   14.0658
1852000000.0000            52.6432   14.0811
1854000000.0000            52.6004   14.1031
1856000000.0000            52.5791   14.1262
1858000000.0000            52.5396   14.1558
1860000000.0000            52.5090   14.1804
1862000000.0000            52.4328   14.2231
1864000000.0000            52.4344   14.2810
1866000000.0000            52.4170   14.2870
1868000000.0000            52.3694   14.3050
1870000000.0000            52.3389   14.3459
1872000000.0000            52.2824   14.4044
1874000000.0000            52.2735   14.4463
1876000000.0000            52.2449   14.4690
1878000000.0000            52.2375   14.5089
1880000000.0000            52.2227   14.5079
1882000000.0000            52.2338   14.5136
1884000000.0000            52.1920   14.5598
1886000000.0000            52.1936   14.6029
1888000000.0000            52.1650   14.6223
1890000000.0000            52.1926   14.6281
1892000000.0000            52.1788   14.6383
1894000000.0000            52.1778   14.6379
1896000000.0000            52.2162   14.6480
1898000000.0000            52.2107   14.6664
1900000000.0000            52.2411   14.6681
1902000000.0000            52.2587   14.6446
1904000000.0000            52.2374   14.6301
1906000000.0000            52.2843   14.6317
1908000000.0000            52.3124   14.6288
1910000000.0000            52.2944   14.5973
1912000000.0000            52.3225   14.6104
1914000000.0000            52.3663   14.5961
1916000000.0000            52.3815   14.5435
1918000000.0000            52.4123   14.5364
1920000000.0000            52.4573   14.5118
1922000000.0000            52.4543   14.4821
1924000000.0000            52.4845   14.5122
1926000000.0000            52.5024   14.4587
1928000000.0000            52.5305   14.4063
1930000000.0000            52.5134   14.4184
1932000000.0000            52.5159   14.4003
1934000000.0000            52.5277   14.3642
1936000000.0000            52.5498   14.3614
1938000000.0000            52.5444   14.3515
1940000000.0000            52.5873   14.3248
1942000000.0000            52.5400   14.3303
1944000000.0000            52.5559   14.3286
1946000000.0000            52.5396   14.3274
1948000000.0000            52.5163   14.3535
1950000000.0000            52.4946   14.3114

σ = ω εo ε” = 2 π f εo ε”=1.5504
where f = 1900 x 106
      εo = 8.854 x 10-12
     ε” = 14.6681

Report #R0404262S                     Page 33 of 77       SAR Evaluation Report

High Tech Computer, Corp                                                 FCC ID: NM8TP


   Applicant:                 High Tech Computer, Corp
   Product Description:       GSM/GPRS 1900 MHz Bluetooth Smartphone
   Product Model Number:      ST20A
   FCC ID:                    NM8TP
   Serial Number:             HT416DB00046
   Maximum RF Output Power:   30.33 dBm
   RF Exposure environment:   General Population/Uncontrolled
   Applicable Standard        FCC CFR 47, Part 24
   Application Type:          Certification

Report #R0404262S                      Page 34 of 77                   SAR Evaluation Report

Document Created: 2004-10-11 16:58:41
Document Modified: 2004-10-11 16:58:41

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