TCB Q and A


Cover Letter(s)

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  Mike Kuo

  Sent:       August27日2004年Friday 6:07 AM
  To:         Mike Kuo
  Cc:         CCS- Application (E-mail);; Mike Kuo; Scott Wang
  Subject: 回信: RE: 回信: RE: High Tech Computer Corp., FCC ID: NM8TP, Assessment NO.: AN04T4111, Notice#1-

                             收件人:          lucy_tsai/ccsemc@ccsemc
                             主旨:        FW: High Tech Computer Corp., FCC ID: NM8TP, ?Assessment NO.: AN0 ? ? ? ?4T4111, Notice#1
  2004/08/27 11:45 AM

Best regards,
----- 轉呈者 ting/ccsemc 於 2004/08/27 11:39 AM -----
  Mike Kuo
  <>                     收件人:          "CCS- Application (E-mail)" <>

                                        主旨:         FW: High Tech Computer Corp., FCC ID: NM8TP, ?Assessment NO.: AN0 ? ? ? ?4T4111, Notice#1
  2004/08/20 11:15 AM

-----Original Message-----
From: Compliance Certification Services []
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:55 PM
Subject: High Tech Computer Corp., FCC ID: NM8TP, Assessment NO.: AN04T4111,

Question #1: This smartphone is equipped with 800/1900 and Bluetooth radio
in one device. Based upon FCC authorization procedures, such device needs
to be filed as composite device. Only one TCB application is filed with
combined licensed radio and unlicensed radio. Please submit another TCB
application for Bluetooth portion of information.
Ans: Noted and will be followed in the future. Besides, we have filed BT portion with the
assessment no. AN04T4157.

Bluetooth Portion :

Question #2: In the Part 15                  test report, this product description and model
name do not agree with Part                  22 portion of test report. Two model names are
used, ST20A and ST20B. Two                   product description are indicated, one is
1900GSM / Bluetooth and the                  other one is 800/1900/Bluetooth. Please


harmonize the information through out the test reports.
Ans.: Actually, ST20B is the product name, and model SMT5600; so reports have been revised as
attached files.
Question #3: As indicated in page 30 of 77 of test report, the output power
was measured with low loss cable and spectrum analyzer. In the spectrum
plots, there is no information on the cable loss. Please provide cable loss
information and submit the correct output power reading after the
Ans.: Test report has been revised and please refer to the attached revised test report for

Question #4: Please provide radiated restricted band edge test data with
Bluetooth tune to highest channel and report the field strength at
Ans. Please refer to test report for details.

FCC Part 24 portion:

Question #5: Please inform the cable loss during RF conducted power tests.
Ans. Please refer to the revised FCC Part 24 test report for details.

Question #6: Page 43 of test report section 2.1053, please provide
instrument setting used during radiated spurious emission tests.
Ans. Please refer to the revised FCC Part 24 test report for details.

Question #7: Page 46 of test report, please provide instrument setting used
during Fundamental EIRP tests.
Ans. Please refer to the revised FCC Part 24 test report for details.

Question #8 : In accordance with Part 24 SAR test report, this device is
GPRS Class 10 phone. However, there is no EIRP measurement with GPRS Class
10 mode. Please provide additional test data.
Ans. Test has been re-do and please refer to the revised FCC Part 24 test report for details.

Question #9 : Based upon Part 24 , section 24.238 unwanted emission outside
the frequency block shall be attenuated below 43 + 10log (P) based upon 1MHz
RBW. However, 100kHz RBW was used. Please redo the tests and submit the
test data.
Ans. Test has been re-do and please refer to the revised FCC Part 24 test report for details.

SAR Part 24

Question #9 : The network analyzer used for dipole calibration and liquid
validation is out of calibration ( page 26 of 77 ). Please provide
justification to valid the test result.
Ans. SAR test has been re-do and please refer to SAR test report for details.

Question #10 : Page 43 of 77 of SAR test report, the phantom is described
as Generic Twin Phantom which is different than the phantom showed in the
SAR test setup photo. The generic twin phantom is not longer allowed by FCC
and only SAM phantom can be used. Please explain the differences and
confirm that phantom used during SAR measurement complied with SAM phantom
Ans. SAR test has been re-do and please refer to SAR test report for details.

Question #11: Per P1528 Annex E and OET 65 Supplement C, the measurement
uncertainty is based expanded uncertainty not extended uncertainty. Please
revisit section 6.3 of SAR test report.
Ans.: Report has been revised and please refer to SAR test report for details.


Question #12 : Plot #4 with multiple peak, per OET 65 Supp C, all peak
within 2 dB of the highest peak shall be evaluated and reported. Please
provide second peak value.
Ans. SAR test has been re-do and please refer to SAR test report for details.

Question #13: Please provide photo to show the pouch used during body worn
Ans. SAR test has been re-do and please refer to SAR test report for details.

Question #14: Please provide SAR Vs Z and confirm the liquid depth during
the tests.
Ans. SAR test has been re-do and please refer to SAR test report for details.

Part 22 portion:

Question #15: Section 3.4 of test report listed 15.205 requirement which is
not applicable to this Part 22 test report. Please make necessary changes.
Ans. Report has been revised and please refer to revised test report for details.

Question #16: Table of contents contains Part 24 which is not applicable to
this part 22 device.
Ans. Report has been revised and please refer to revised test report for details.

Question #17:Please provide test data to address FCC section 22.917(f)
Ans. The total attenuation we added for testing is -25.8dBm, including -5.8dBm cable loss and -
20dBm attenuation.

Administrative :

Question #18 : Is this phone a Class A , Class B or Class C phone ?
Ans. It's Class B.

Question #19 : In the user manual , regulatory notice section, there are a
lots of repeated RF exposure information. Please review the regulatory
statement in this section and provide revised user manual.
Ans. Have inform client about this issue but they remain to keep those information.

Best Regards

Mike Kuo

The items indicated above must be submitted before processing can continue
on the above referenced application. Failure to provide the requested
information within 30 days of the original e-mail date may result in
application dismissal and forfeiture of the filing fee. Also, please note
that partial responses increase processing time and should not be submitted.
Any questions about the content of this correspondence should be directed to
the e-mail address listed below the name of the sender.


Document Created: 2004-08-27 17:05:17
Document Modified: 2004-08-27 17:05:17

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